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A Qualitative Analysis
of Vehicle Positioning
Requirements for
Connected Vehicle
Nigel Williams* and Matthew Barth
University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521.


Abstract—Many Connected Vehicle (CV) applications, including safety-critical ones such as collision
warning, require lane-level positioning accuracy to function correctly. However, differential GNSS, the
primary positioning method used by CVs in current deployments across the U.S., cannot always provide
this level of accuracy. This is particularly true in urban environments. Alternative positioning methods or
strategies must be developed to fill this gap. To determine what strategies are appropriate, we first identify
the positioning requirements of each CV application listed in the USDOT’s Connected Vehicle Reference
Implementation Architecture (CVRIA). These requirements include accuracy, integrity, update rate, and
type of positioning (relative or absolute). Based on our overall analysis, we recommend two general posi-
tioning strategies: 1) utilize other sources of positioning information whenever possible (particularly at
intersections), and 2) estimate the uncertainty of the positioning solution and use this uncertainty as an
input to CV applications themselves.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MITS.2019.2953521

Date of current version: 20 March 2020 *Corresponding author


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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

I. Introduction ­explained below). Given that a typical passenger car is

he U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) and 1.8 m wide, the position error must be less than 0.9 m.
other government agencies around the world are This way, the measured position will fall within the cor-
committed to using Connected Vehicle (CV) tech- rect lane, even if one side of the vehicle is on the lane
nology to improve the safety, mobility, and environ- edge. Submeter accuracy is also declared necessary for
mental impacts of transportation (see, e.g., [1], [2]). CV correct lane assignment in [37].
technology features the sharing of information between 4) Where-in-lane: Where-in-lane accuracy is important for
vehicles (V2V), between the vehicle and infrastructure automated driving functions such as stopping at a stop
(V2I/I2V), and among other related entities (V2X). Infor- bar and lane keeping. While 0.9 m accuracy may be suf-
mation is shared via different media, including wireless ficient for lane placement, it is not sufficient for these
communication such as Dedicated Short Range Communi- tasks. Therefore, we define 0.1 m as the required ac-
cations (DSRC) and cellular communications. curacy. This is also the required accuracy for collision
Many Connected Vehicle applications have already been avoidance applications in [38].
defined and developed around the world. A list of CV ap- Many Connected Vehicle (CV) applications, including
plications is maintained at the USDOT’s Connected Vehicle safety-critical ones such as collision warning, require
Reference Implementation Architecture (CVRIA) website lane-level positioning accuracy in order to function cor-
[3]. The list contains 88 applications as of March 2018. rectly. However, the GNSS receiver’s sky view cannot be
Each application is accompanied by a text description, sys- assumed clear in many environments where vehicles op-
tem architecture diagram, and further information. Some erate, such as in urban canyons common in many large
applications are rigorously defined, others are already be- cities [13]; therefore, lane-level accuracy cannot be guar-
ing implemented, and still others need significant develop- anteed. There are at least two ways to deal with insuf-
ment. A number of these applications are being tested in ficiently accurate position information: 1) monitor the
pilot deployments of CV technology across the U.S., such as integrity of the GNSS position [32] and if the position-
the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment [4]. ing accuracy does not meet the needs of the application,
Most CV applications require some level of knowledge then gracefully exit the application; and 2) use alterna-
about the vehicle’s position. In current deployments [4], ve- tive positioning method(s) in order to achieve consistent
hicle position is typically provided by a differential Global lane-level accuracy. Method 2, however, generally does
Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiver sometimes not provide the same information as GNSS. For example,
coupled with an Inertial Navigation System (INS). This vehicle-mounted radar can measure the position of one
method of positioning can provide consistent lane-level vehicle relative to another (relative position), but by itself
accuracy in open-sky regions [5]. However, if the GNSS re- cannot determine the vehicle’s position on the map (abso-
ceiver’s view of the sky is blocked (by objects such as build- lute position). Therefore, another objective of this paper is
ings, foliage, and terrain), the positional accuracy may be to identify what type of positioning—relative or absolute—
degraded. Errors of ten meters or more are not uncommon is required by each application.
in the so-called “urban canyons” of large cities (see, e.g., Different applications also require position updates (of
[6]), and are hard to predict. Such large errors are unac- sufficient accuracy) at different rates. Applications such as
ceptable for some applications (e.g., cooperative adaptive collision warning require the most frequent updates (on
cruise control). the order of 10 Hz), whereas an application like Eco-Speed
Therefore, the first objective of this paper is to qualita- Harmonization, which uses vehicle data to calculate the av-
tively identify the positioning requirements of CV applica- erage speed on a roadway section, may only need position
tions, namely the required accuracy, integrity, positioning updates every 10 seconds or so. Thus, another positioning
type (relative or absolute), and update rate. All of these are requirement we identify is the maximum allowable time
explained below. For the purposes of our analysis, we sepa- between position updates. For the purpose of our analysis,
rate accuracy into four levels, which are described below. we separate this value into three levels: tenths of seconds,
1) None: No positioning required. seconds, and tens of seconds.
2) Coarse (“Where-on-road”): Accuracy sufficient to de- To summarize, the first main objective of this paper is
termine which roadway segment the vehicle is traveling to identify the positioning requirements (in terms of ac-
on, and approximate location on it. Positioning accuracy curacy, integrity, type, and update rate) of the Connected
is typically 5-10 meters. If the position error exceeds 10 Vehicle applications listed in the CVRIA [3]. The second
meters, that location may be discarded (i.e., the accu- main objective is to identify positioning methods and/or
racy drops to “None”). strategies that could help CVs meet their application po-
3) Lane-level: Which lane the vehicle is in (the “absolute sitioning requirements, without substantially increasing
positioning” case, explained below) or the number of vehicle cost. In the Connected Vehicle Pilot Deployment,
lanes between vehicles (“relative positioning” case, only a subset of the CV applications are tested at each ­pilot


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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

site. Therefore, the contributions of this paper may help The drawback of DGNSS is that it requires a separate
­planners decide what CV applications and associated posi- “correction” signal, using a known set of local base sta-
tioning technology is required. tions. These corrections can be received by various means,
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section II including information on the Internet (e.g., NTRIP [8]),
reviews GNSS-based and other positioning methods which satellite signal (e.g., WAAS [9]), or a separate DSRC broad-
may be used for Connected Vehicles. Section III describes cast. Comparable accuracy to differential pseudorange
the methodology used to determine the positioning require- GNSS may be achieved without the need for a base station
ments of each application. Section IV provides the analysis by directly sharing pseudorange signals among vehicles
results. Given those and the expected operating conditions [10]–[12]. However, since there is no reference point with
for the applications, Section V discusses what positioning known coordinates, the improved accuracy applies only to
methods/strategies might be appropriate for improving CV relative positioning.
application performance without substantially increasing Unfortunately, all GNSS positioning methods are vul-
vehicle cost. The paper ends with concluding remarks and nerable to Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) error [13]. This can
suggestions for future work. occur when the receiver’s view of one or more satellites is
blocked by terrain, vegetation, buildings (the “urban can-
II. Background on Positioning Technologies yon” effect), or other objects. Furthermore, signals may be
reflected or even reach the receiver via two or more paths
A. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (multipath), resulting in an erroneous position estimate.
A GNSS receiver calculates its three-dimensional position NLOS errors on the order of ten meters are easily possible
based on the pseudoranges (measured ranges) to at least (see, e.g., [6]).
four satellites. Each pseudorange is derived from the (mea- Various methods have been developed to reduce the
sured) time for the satellite signal to travel from satellite to negative impact of NLOS error [46]. One type of method
receiver. Consumer-grade GNSS receiver accuracy is usu- uses three-dimensional (3D) building information togeth-
ally about 10 meters [19]. This level of accuracy is generally er with satellite ephemeris (orbit) data. For example, a 3D
sufficient to determine which road segment a vehicle is on, map may be used to calculate the number of satellites that
but not which lane it is in. Therefore, we say standalone should be visible at a particular time and place. This tech-
consumer-grade GNSS has “coarse” accuracy. nique has been used to improve GNSS-based services such
Differential GNSS (DGNSS) allows consistent meters- as navigation [47], [48], by routing road users through ar-
level accuracy. DGNSS may be differential pseudorange or eas with better satellite visibility. 3D building models may
differential phase, though it usually refers to differential also be used to calculate which GNSS signals should be
pseudorange. Differential pseudorange enables accuracy LOS, and which ones should not, at a particular time and
of 1 to 3 m, while differential phase improves it further to location. When using this technique to reduce the GNSS
a few centimeters (where-in-lane accuracy) [7], [44]. The position error, it is referred to as 3DMA (3D map-aided)
basic mechanism by which accuracy is improved in each GNSS [6], [13], [49].
case is explained below.
Differential pseudorange utilizes the fact that GNSS B. Complementary Positioning Methods to GNSS
receivers operating in close proximity experience similar Techniques to enhance the absolute positioning accuracy
“common mode” errors, such as ionospheric and tropo- of GNSS include: integration with sensors that measure ve-
spheric delay. A base station with known coordinates can hicle motion (“ego motion sensors”), and map-matching of
determine these time-varying errors and broadcast cor- the vehicle position. Ego motion sensors typically part of
rections to nearby Differential GNSS receivers. Differential Inertial Navigation Systems (see, e.g., [14], [15]) and Encod-
phase builds on the accuracy improvement of differential er Navigation Systems (these might use wheel speed sen-
pseudorange. Once the common mode errors are eliminat- sors and steering angle encoders [16], wheel turn sensors
ed, it is possible to use the carrier phase information of the [33], etc.). While these sensors can be used in conjunction
GNSS signal, yielding accuracy approximately 100 times with GNSS to provide long term stable accuracy, inertial
better than differential pseudorange [7]. This technique is navigation systems (e.g., dead reckoning) by themselves
commonly known as Real Time Kinematic (RTK). accumulate error over time and therefore are not depend-
Recent advances in RTK have improved its performance able during long periods of time without accurate position
and made it more affordable. In the past, it was typically in updates from other sources such as GNSS.
the domain of expensive dual frequency receivers. Single- Another technique used to improve positional accuracy
frequency receivers are less expensive, but require a lon- is map-matching with sufficiently accurate maps. Map-
ger time to obtain an RTK fixed-integers solution. However, matching (see, e.g., [17]) constrains the vehicle position to
this time is shorter if using multiple GNSS constellations, the roadway, eliminating or partially correcting erroneous
as compared to using a single constellation [45]. position estimates that appear to fall outside the roadway.


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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

However, this technique requires a map database, and can- level of vehicle automation, which may not be featured
not guarantee lane-level accuracy. on all Connected Vehicles.
Ranging sensors can be used for positioning indepen- ■■ Required type of positioning: Whether absolute or
dently of GNSS. Vehicle-based ranging sensors detect other relative positioning is needed. If both are required,
vehicles and measure their position and speed relative to “absolute” is indicated. This is because relative posi-
the sensor-equipped vehicle. Such sensors include camera, tion can be derived from absolute positions, but not
radar, and LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging); in order vice versa. Absolute positioning also requires map in-
of increasing cost and accuracy. These sensors are typical- formation of sufficient accuracy [19]. Note that the po-
ly capable of lane-level or higher accuracy within a range sitioning type may change at a higher accuracy level
of about 50 m [18]. than required.
Ranging sensors may also be used for absolute position- ■■ Update interval: The maximum time that may elapse
ing when combined with a feature-based map. LiDAR is between position updates of the required accuracy, in
probably the most prominent example [19], although ra- order for the application to function properly. We clas-
dar and vision may be used too. A vehicle equipped with sify this interval into three levels: tenths of seconds,
multiple radar sensors may traverse a route, building a seconds, and tens of seconds.
map of radar-detected features that can later be used for Table 1 connects each accuracy level to its accuracy
localization [20]. Computer vision may be used for absolute and integrity requirements. Key integrity parameters are
positioning by, for instance, determining distance and ori- “Alert Limit”, the error level above which an alarm should
entation to a landmark with known coordinates [21]. be raised, and “Time to Alert” (TTA), the maximum time
that can elapse between the occurrence of such a fault and
III. Analysis Methodology the corresponding alarm being raised. In accordance with
In the literature, the positioning requirements of vehicu- the “Highway User Requirements” table in the Federal Ra-
lar applications have been investigated both: 1) in general dionavigation Plan [38], we set the alert limit at 3 m for 1 m
for a wide range of applications ([19], [38]–[40]); and 2) in accuracy, and at 0.2 m for 0.1 m accuracy. We also set the
detail for a small number of applications (e.g., [37], [41]). In TTA at 5 seconds since it is generally the lowest TTA for the
[38]–[40], groups of applications were examined in terms of applications listed in [38] (including the “Collision avoid-
the Required Navigation Performance (RNP) parameters: ance” group). The reason for having such a short TTA even
accuracy, integrity, continuity, and availability. Farrell et for applications requiring only “coarse” accuracy is as fol-
al. [19] evaluated the accuracy requirement of individual lows. For example, the Eco-Approach and Departure appli-
CV applications, and showed how application functionality cation can provide misleading information if the position
changes with the level of position accuracy. We evaluate error exceeds 20 meters for over 5 seconds. Future work
accuracy in a similar manner, providing statistics on this could examine each application in detail and determine
and other positioning requirements: positioning type (rela- the appropriate time-to-alert for each application. Anoth-
tive or absolute), update rate, and RNP parameters. All of er RNP specification, availability, is typically set at 95%
these are explained below. or higher in the literature [38], [39]). However, it is more
The positioning attributes of each CV application listed complicated in the case of Connected Vehicles because the
in the CVRIA [3] were identified using the information ac- availability of position data depends on the penetration
companying the application (as described in Section I). rate of CV technology.
These positioning attributes are explained below: Table 2 shows the analysis results (positioning attri-
■■ Required accuracy: The minimum level of accuracy butes) for example Safety applications. A checkmark in-
required for basic functionality of the application. The dicates the required positioning accuracy. The required
four levels are described in Section I. In the literature, positioning type is absolute unless “relative” appears in
accuracy is often given in terms of two standard devia- parentheses. Text written under a higher level of accuracy
tions [39] or 2 drms (distance root-mean-squared) [38]. indicates significant benefits (additional knowledge/func-
This is equivalent to the 95th percentile (i.e., 95% of the tionality) gained at that level.
time), for the two-dimensional case [42].
■■ The “maximum benefit” accuracy: As noted by [19],
Table 1. Accuracy and integrity requirements at each accuracy level.
many applications gain significant benefits (additional
knowledge or functionality) at a higher-than-required Accuracy Accuracy (95th Alert Time
level of positioning accuracy. If so, the highest such Level Percentile) Limit to Alert
level is considered the “maximum benefit” accuracy, Coarse 10 m 20 m 5s
and the benefit(s) are listed under that level. Sometimes
Lane-level 1m 3m 5s
these benefits, such as “automatic vehicle reaction” for
Where-in-lane 0.1 m 0.2 m 5s
the Control Loss Warning application, require some


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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Table 2. Positioning attributes of sample safety applications.

No Coarse Where-in-Lane Max. Time Between

Positioning Positioning Lane-Level Positioning Positioning Position Updates (s)
Transit Transit pedestrian ü Pedestrian-bus collision warning More accurate collision 1
safety indication (relative) warning (relative)
Transit vehicle at ü Detection of transit vehicle pulling in 1
station/stop warnings or out
V2I Curve speed warning ü Additional warning if speed within curve 1
safety is likely to exceed recommendation
Oversize vehicle ü Accurate distance to low-clearance zone 1
V2V Blind spot warning + ü More accurate warning 0.1
safety lane change warning (relative) (relative)
Control loss warning ü Distance/direction to out-of-control 0.1
(relative) vehicle (relative)

Table 2 was generated as follows. According to the ap- of an upcoming curve in the road and provides a recom-
plication description in the CVRIA [3], the first application mended speed. To know whether the vehicle is nearing a
(Transit Pedestrian Indication) informs pedestrians at a curve, coarse, absolute positioning is needed. However, if
transit stop about the presence of a transit vehicle, and vice lane-level absolute positioning is available, the vehicle’s
versa. Since the information needed is whether the pedes- distance from the curve start may be used to determine
trian or transit vehicle is in the vicinity of a stop, coarse, whether the vehicle’s speed is unsafely high. For timely
absolute positioning is required. An update time of 1  s is warnings, the update interval should not exceed 1 s.
required, because 10 s may be too long of a delay. Increasing
the accuracy (in relative positioning, at least) to “lane-level” IV. Analysis Results
enables usage of vehicle/pedestrian trajectory data for col- This section presents statistics on the positioning attri-
lision warning. Increasing the accuracy further to “where- butes of the Connected Vehicle applications. Subsection A
in-lane” provides more accurate trajectories and hence provides an overview of all applications and examines the
more accurate collision warnings. Therefore, where-in- statistics for each application type (Safety, Mobility, and En-
lane accuracy is considered the “maximum benefit” level. vironmental). The following subsections, one for each appli-
The second application, “Transit vehicle at Station/Stop cation type, do a more detailed discussion of the application
Warnings” informs nearby vehicles about the presence of groups within that type. For the positioning attributes of all
a transit vehicle. Thus, its required level of positioning applications, please see the complete table in the Appendix.
accuracy is also “coarse”, and lane-level accuracy is the
“maximum benefit” level because this allows detection of A. All Applications
the transit vehicle pulling into or out of the stop. The third 82% of all applications require either no or “coarse” po-
application, “Curve Speed Warning”, warns the vehicle sitioning for basic functionality; the remainder require
lane-level positioning. Of the applications which require
positioning, about three-quarters require absolute posi-
40 tioning, and the rest need only relative positioning.
Number of Applications

35 Figures 1 and 2 break down these statistics by applica-

30 tion type. Regarding the position accuracy (Fig. 1), most of
25 the applications requiring lane-level accuracy are in Safe-
ty; 90% of the Mobility and Environmental applications
require either no or coarse positioning. Regarding the po-
5 sitioning type (Fig. 2), Safety contains most of the relative
0 positioning applications. When positioning is required by
Safety Mobility Environmental a Mobility or Environmental application, it is usually ab-
None Coarse Lane-Level Where-in-Lane
Despite the fact that lane-level accuracy enables near-
ly all applications, 15% of all applications benefit from
FIG 1 Required positioning accuracy (by application type). where-in-lane accuracy, and many more benefit from a


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on May 02,2020 at 17:14:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

higher level of accuracy than is required. The “maximum

benefit” accuracy is lane-level or higher for 80% of the ap- 40

Number of Applications
plications. Figure 3 shows the distribution of required vs. 35
“maximum benefit” accuracy. Notably, while about 10 of 30
the applications do not require positioning, nearly all ap- 25
plications benefit from some form of positioning.
Figure 4 examines the distribution of the “maximum 10
benefit” accuracy for each application type. It can be seen 5
that the “maximum benefit” accuracy is lane-level or high- 0
er for all Safety applications, and for over 60% of the Mobil- Safety Mobility Environmental
ity and Environmental applications.
None Relative Absolute

B. Safety Applications
The 30 Safety applications provide information that is in- FIG 2 Required positioning type (by application type).
tended to reduce the risk of an accident. The applications
address collisions with transit vehicles (Transit Safety),
location-based hazards (V2I, or vehicle-to-infrastructure, 70

Number of Applications
Safety), and collisions with other vehicles (V2V, or vehicle- 60
to-vehicle, Safety). Table 2 shows two applications from 50
each of these groups, along with their positioning attri- 40
butes. Table 2 was generated using the method described 30
in Section III. Transit Safety contains only three applica- 20
tions. Following is a discussion of the other two groups of 10
Safety applications, which are larger. 0
The 13 V2I Safety applications provide safety informa- None Coarse Lane-Level Where-in-Lane
tion based on vehicle location along the roadway. There-
fore, 12 of the 13 require absolute positioning. For those Required Maximum Benefit
applications which warn of something ahead (e.g., Curve
Speed Warning), coarse positioning is sufficient. Approxi- FIG 3 Required vs. “maximum benefit” accuracy.
mately two-thirds of the applications fall into this category.
The other one-third deal with collisions between vehicles
and therefore require lane-level positioning. However, all 100
applications in this group benefit from lane-level accuracy, 90
as can be seen in the Appendix. 80
Applications (%)

Updates every 0.1 s are necessary for some of the col- 60
lision prediction applications; an update interval on the 50
order of 1 s is sufficient for the rest of the V2I Safety appli- 40
cations, which display information inside the vehicle once 30
it reaches a certain area of the roadway. The positioning
requirements are summarized below: 0
■■ Type: Absolute (12), Relative (1) Safety Mobility Environmental
■■ Required Accuracy: Lane-level (4), Coarse (9)
None Coarse Lane-Level Where-in-Lane
■■ Update Interval: 0.1 s (3), 1 s (10)
The 14 V2V Safety applications are intended to prevent
vehicle-vehicle crashes. Hence, they nearly all require FIG 4 “maximum benefit” positioning accuracy by application type.
relative positioning. Similar to the V2I Safety applications,
only a portion of applications require lane-level accuracy, C. Mobility Applications
but all benefit from it. For most of these applications, the The 36 Mobility applications are intended to facilitate the
interval between accurate position updates must be on the movement of goods and vehicles. As such, they include
order of 0.1 s, because vehicle dynamics must be closely applications to improve emergency response, ease traffic
tracked (and warnings given) in a timely manner. congestion, facilitate ridesharing, etc. There are 11 groups
■■ Type: Absolute (1), Relative (12), None (1) of Mobility applications. Table  3 shows the positioning
■■ Required Accuracy: Lane-level (6), Coarse (7), None (1) attributes of sample applications from four of the larger
■■ Update Interval: 0.1 s (9), 1 s (4), 10 s (1) groups.


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on May 02,2020 at 17:14:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Table 3. Positioning attributes of sample Mobility applications.

No Coarse Max. Time Between

Positioning Positioning Lane-Level Positioning Where-in-Lane Positioning Position Updates (s)
Public Advanced automatic crash ü Lane of crashed vehicle 1
safety notification relay
Emergency communications ü 10
and evacuation
Traffic Cooperative adaptive cruise ü Tighter vehicle spacings and 0.1
network control (CACC) (relative) maneuvers possible (relative)
Queue warning ü (relative) Lane of queue (relative) 1
Traffic Emergency vehicle ü Can plan route through traffic 1
signals preemption and direct other vehicles to make
way (relative)
Freight signal priority ü Whether vehicle is in left-turn 1
bay (requiring left-turn green)
Transit Dynamic ridesharing ü High-occupancy lane usage data 10
Intermittent bus lanes ü Whether vehicle is in bus lane 1

While coarse positioning enables nearly all Mobility ap- road weather information (the Road Weather group). Ex-
plications (see Figure 1), the “maximum benefit” accuracy ample applications from each of these groups are shown
is generally lane-level. Figure 5 shows how the “maximum in Table 4.
benefit” accuracy varies from group to group. The first 6 The 16 AERIS/Sustainable Travel applications range
groups are mostly small (1-2 applications each), so they are from Eco-CACC and other applications involving partial
consolidated into the first bar. We see that lane-level ac- automation, to applications giving advice upon request
curacy is the dominant “maximum benefit” in every bar. (e.g., Dynamic Eco-Routing). In the former case, a short in-
Also, the Traffic Network and Traffic Signals groups ben- terval (about 0.1 s) between lane-level positioning updates
efit from higher accuracy levels than the Public Safety and is necessary, whereas in the latter case, a longer interval
Transit groups. (on the order of 10 s) between coarse positioning updates
can suffice. Therefore, the positioning requirements of
D. Environmental Applications this group are quite diverse. They are summarized below:
The 22 Environmental applications deal with the environ- ■■ Type: Absolute (11), Relative (1), None (4)
mental aspects of traffic: reducing energy use and emis- ■■ Required Accuracy: Lane-level (2), Coarse (10), None (4)
sions (the AERIS/Sustainable Travel group) and providing ■■ Update Interval: 0.1 s (1), 1 s (9), 10 s (5)

Table 4. Positioning attributes of sample Environmental applications.

No Coarse Lane-Level Where-in-Lane Max. Time Between

Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Position Updates (s)
AERIS/ Connected eco-driving ü Eco-driving advice Advice based on 10
sustainable based on local surrounding vehicle
travel traffic/road grade data (relative)
Dynamic eco-routing ü 10
Eco-approach and departure ü Length of queue at Automatically stop at 1
at signalized intersections intersection stop bar
Eco-cooperative adaptive ü Tighter spacings in 0.1
cruise control (relative) car-following and
maneuvers (relative)
Road Road weather information ü 1
weather and routing support for
emergency responders


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA SALESIANA. Downloaded on May 02,2020 at 17:14:43 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.

Approximately half of the AERIS/Sustainable Travel ap-

plications have a Mobility counterpart (for example, Speed 14

Number of Applications
Harmonization is the Mobility version of Eco-Speed Har- 12 None Coarse
monization), in which case the positioning requirements 10 Lane-Level Where-in-Lane
are almost identical. The difference between the applica- 8
tions arises from the objective: Environmental applications 6
primarily seek to reduce energy use and/or emissions, 4
while Mobility applications primarily aim to lower overall 2
travel time. 0
The Road Weather applications deal with weather con-

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along the roadway. All require coarse, absolute position-
ing and do not gain any obvious benefits at higher levels of
positioning accuracy. Though, to use probe vehicle data to FIG 5 “maximum benefit” positioning accuracy by group (Mobility
accurately determine which areas of the roadway are im-
pacted by weather conditions, position updates every sec- require or benefit from it. However, as mentioned earlier,
ond are preferable. the currently used positioning method of CVs (GNSS+INS)
cannot be relied on to provide this level of accuracy in
E. Summary environments where terrain or buildings significantly
Table 5 shows the dominant trends in the large (4 or more block the GNSS receiver’s view of the sky. While adding
applications) groups. While V2I and V2V Safety are the only positioning technology to the vehicle to achieve lane-level
groups in which a significant number of applications actu- accuracy in these environments may be cost-prohibitive,
ally require lane-level positioning, it can be seen that most application performance could still be improved at low cost
groups still benefit from lane-level positioning. The time by: 1) tracking the accuracy of the position solution and ad-
interval between accurate position updates must be on the justing the applications accordingly; and 2) using the in-
order of seconds for most application groups; V2V Safety’s frastructure to aid in the positioning task.
requirement is even stricter, 0.1 second. Finally, absolute
positioning is required by most groups. The exceptions are A. Integrity Monitoring and Application Adjustment
V2V Safety and some of the Traffic Network applications. Part (1) of this strategy—estimating the accuracy of the GNSS
position solution—is commonly referred to as “integrity
V. Improving Position Accuracy and Availability for CV monitoring” in the literature. Perhaps the most prominent
Applications example of this is Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor-
From the above analysis of CV application positioning re- ing (RAIM), which utilizes redundant (i.e., more than four,
quirements, it is clear that lane-level accuracy plays an the required number) satellite measurements to detect faults
important role in application performance: 80% of appli- [30]. However, such additional satellites may not be available
cations (including virtually all Safety applications) either in urban environments. Other integrity monitoring schemes

Table 5. Summary table of application groups.


Application No Coarse Lane-Level Where-in-Lane Max. Time Between Positioning

Type Group Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Position Updates (s) Type
Safety V2I safety ü ü+ 1 Abs
V2V safety ü ü+ + 0.1 Rel
Mobility Public safety ü + 1 Abs
Traffic network ü + 1 Rel/Abs
Traffic signals ü + 1 Abs
Transit ü + 10/1 Abs
Environmental Sustainable travel ü + 10/1 Abs
Road weather ü 1 Abs
ü required     + gains significant benefits.


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Table 6. Summary of positioning configurations.

Example Hardware
Symbol Configuration Name Infrastructure Side Vehicle Expected Benefits/Functionality
Ego-motion When GNSS error occurs:
sensors (EMS) • Detect GNSS error à adjust applications/communication
• Maintain accuracy temporarily via dead reckoning (DR)
I Infrastructure sensing Ranging sensors (e.g. Applications marked with “I”:
camera, radar) • More vehicles’ positions are available (especially when DSRC
penetration rate is low)
• Increased positional accuracy in urban areas
I+C Infrastructure sensing + Same as “I”, plus: DSRC Same as above, plus:
communication DSRC • More vehicles’ positions are available for the “I + C” applications
I + ID Infrastructure sensing + Same as “I + C”, DSRC RFID Same as above, plus:
communication + plus: (example) RFID reader (example) • Increased positional accuracy in urban areas for “I + C” applications
vehicle “identification” tags embedded in
Same as above, • Infrastructure position can be used to determine whether GNSS
of infra. position roadway
plus: EMS position is lane-level accurate (even if EMS have drifted)
• Use infrastructure-provided position as starting point for DR

use information furnished by GNSS receivers, such as dilu- infrastructure to aid in the positioning task. The infra-
tion of precision, a measure of satellite geometry which may structure may do so by sensing vehicles and possibly also
be used to infer approximate accuracy [25]; or non-GNSS broadcasting their positional data. Fixed ranging sensors
sources of position information, such as ego-motion sensors such as cameras (e.g., [26], [36]) or radar (e.g., [27]) may be
[23, 31] and maps [24]. Of the above options, ego-motion sen- used. In [27], vehicle positions measured by a roadside ra-
sors have the added benefit that they can be used to tempo- dar unit were shown to have less than 1-meter error in both
rarily take over the positioning task in case of GNSS error. the lateral and longitudinal directions (95% of the time),
Also, they may be relatively inexpensive: [23] uses wheel suggesting lane-level accuracy. Even if the accuracy of the
speed sensors which are built into the vehicle and an inex- infrastructure sensor is worse, it can be characterized by a
pensive MEMS gyroscope to detect when GNSS error occurs, similar test before it begins use.
and when the GNSS position solution is accurate again. Sensing, even without communication of vehicles’ po-
The next part of the strategy, application adjustment, is il- sitions, is useful for applications which require only the
lustrated by the following example. If a vehicle’s positioning infrastructure to know vehicles’ positions. An example is
accuracy drops below “lane-level”, the following measures the “Intelligent Traffic Signal System” application, which
are taken: 1) The applications which require lane-level ac- adjusts signal timing based on real-time counts of vehicles
curacy (e.g., Forward Collision Warning) are disabled, and approaching the intersection. This and other applications
those which do not (but were originally operating at a level which benefit from infrastructure sensing are marked with
which relies on lane-level accuracy) are “downgraded” to code “I” in the Appendix. An added benefit of infrastruc-
use a coarser position estimate as input. 2) The vehicle at- ture sensing is that even non DSRC-equipped vehicles may
taches its accuracy information to its broadcasted positions, be detected. This is especially useful in the early deploy-
so that other Connected entities (vehicles, pedestrians, in- ment phase of Connected Vehicles (when the percentage
frastructure) know how to use its position in their applica- of DSRC-equipped vehicles is low) since many applications
tions. For example, Connected Vehicles in the U.S. broadcast require a minimum vehicle detection rate of 10% or more
their position in the Basic Safety Message (BSM) specified in to show benefits [34].
the SAE J2735 standard [43]. Also included in the message is If the intersection is also capable of broadcasting vehi-
the vehicle’s estimated positional accuracy, in terms of one cle positions (e.g., [26], [28]), the benefits of infrastructure
standard deviation, along two axes. Using positional accu- sensing extend to a larger set of applications (applications
racy to adjust application and communication should reduce marked with code “I + C” in the Appendix). This is because
the usage of inaccurate position data and its consequences if a Connected Vehicle (the “host vehicle”) knows its posi-
(false positives/negatives and incorrect information). tion with lane-level accuracy, then it can determine which
of the lane-level, infrastructure-broadcasted positions is
B. Infrastructure Sensing and Broadcasting its own. Consequently, it can also use the infrastructure-
Another way to enhance CV application performance, at broadcasted positions of other vehicles in its applications.
low additional cost to the vehicle consumer, is to use the This increases the availability of position data for onboard


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applications near intersections. Since about 40 percent of applications onboard the vehicle and on other Connect-
crashes that occurred in the United States in 2008 were ed entities (by transmitting this accuracy information
intersection-related [35], augmenting the position infor- along with the vehicle’s position) to prevent the use of
mation this way is particularly useful for the V2V Safety inaccurate position data for CV applications; 2) the po-
applications. sitioning system could switch from using GNSS to us-
However, in urban areas, the host vehicle’s position ing ego-motion sensors, so that the positional accuracy
may only have coarse accuracy due to NLOS error in the does not degrade so quickly.
GNSS position. If this is insufficient to distinguish it from ■■ In current deployments of CV technology in the U.S.
its neighbors, how does it determine which infrastructure- [4], some intersections are outfitted with equipment
broadcasted position is its own? A possible solution is to use for communicating with vehicles. It is worth explor-
radio-frequency identification (RFID) to “synchronize” the ing the possibility of equipping these communication-
vehicle-estimated and infrastructure-estimated positions. capable intersections with systems for tracking vehicles
Two possible ways to accomplish this task are described in real-time (e.g., ranging sensors). This would greatly
below: 1) The vehicle is equipped with an on-board RFID increase the number of vehicles whose positions are
reader, which obtains its lane-level, absolute position when broadcasted, which is useful for all applications, notably
the vehicle passes over an RFID tag embedded in the road the collision warning applications.
[29]. The vehicle uses this position to determine which ■■ Providing a way for a vehicle to identify its infrastruc-
infrastructure-broadcasted position (each associated with ture-estimated position would allow vehicles to benefit
an ID) is its own, and then uses positions broadcasted with from the “I + C” (see Table 6) capability even in areas
that ID while within range of the infrastructure unit. 2) with poor GNSS reception. This identification would
The vehicle contains an RFID tag, which is read by an RFID also benefit CVs in the following ways: 1) the infra-
reader near the intersection. If the RFID tag contains a structure-provided position could be used to estimate
unique ID (which is known to the vehicle), the infrastruc- whether the GNSS position is lane-level accurate; 2) if
ture can attach this ID to messages that contain that ve- not, the infrastructure position could serve as a starting
hicle’s position. point for dead reckoning once the CV is out-of-range of
infrastructure positioning.
C. Summary and Recommendations
One question that naturally arises from the proposed in- VI. Conclusions and Future Work
tegrity monitoring scheme is: If a GNSS outage lasts long One objective of this paper was to characterize the posi-
enough for the ego motion sensors’ position estimate to tioning requirements of Connected Vehicle (CV) applica-
drift significantly, how does the vehicle determine when tions. In this study, we used the 88 applications listed in
the GNSS position is lane-level accurate again? This re- USDOT’s Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation
veals another benefit of infrastructure positioning com- Architecture (CVRIA). The positioning attributes exam-
bined with communication: it can be used to “anchor” a ined were the required positioning accuracy, integrity,
vehicle’s position estimate. The infrastructure-provided type, update rate, and the “maximum benefit” positioning
position, which presumably has lane-level accuracy, accuracy. It is hoped that this analysis can provide guid-
can be used to estimate whether the vehicle’s GNSS ance to fleet managers and transportation professionals
position is lane-level accurate as the vehicle leaves the who plan to deploy certain applications on their vehicles/
infrastructure’s sensing/communication range. If not, infrastructure and need to know the positioning attributes
the vehicle can use ego-motion sensors to perform dead of those applications (e.g., how functionality changes with
reckoning, using the last infrastructure-provided posi- accuracy level).
tion as a starting point. Two consecutive infrastructure A key finding of this paper is that 80% of the CV appli-
positions can be used to calculate heading, if the time cations (including all Safety applications) either require
interval between them is sufficiently small (e.g., 1 sec- or benefit from lane-level positioning accuracy. While the
ond). This may then be used as the initial heading for Differential GNSS that CVs currently use for positioning
dead reckoning. should be sufficient for this level of accuracy under open-
All of the strategies discussed in Section  V are summa- sky conditions, it is not dependable in areas where the
rized in Table 6 and the bulleted list below. Table 6 could be GNSS receiver’s view of the sky may be partially blocked.
considered a first step toward a cost-benefit analysis of the Therefore, another contribution of this paper was to
strategies. suggest various methods to improve application perfor-
■■ Ego-motion sensors onboard CVs could benefit CV ap- mance with respect to positioning (without adding expen-
plications in several ways. First, they can be used to sive equipment to the vehicle). In brief, there are two main
detect a drop in GNSS positional accuracy. At this point: suggestions. The first is to use other sources of positioning
1) this accuracy information could be used to adjust CV information (both on-board and infrastructure sensors)


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Appendix: Positioning Attributes of the Connected Vehicle Applications listed at the CVRIA

This appendix contains the positioning attributes for all of the Connected Vehicle applications listed at [3]. The applications are organized into three
tables, one each for Safety, Mobility, and Environmental applications.
In the tables below, a checkmark indicates the required positioning accuracy. The positioning type is absolute unless “relative” appears in parenthe-
ses. Text written under a higher level of accuracy indicates significant benefits (additional knowledge or functionality) gained at that level.
For more information on a given application, please see its description at [3].
Codes – These are used to indicate non-GNSS positioning methods that may be used for the application. Following is a guide:
•• “R” indicates that vehicle-mounted ranging sensors can fulfill application needs
•• “I” indicates applications for which infrastructure-based positioning could potentially fulfill application needs
•• “I+C” indicates that infrastructure positioning (with communication) could potentially fulfill application needs
•• A “(U)” following “I” or “I+C” indicates that the application does not operate only near intersections. Therefore, infrastructure positioning
(if only available at intersections) may not fulfill application needs all the time.

Safety Connected Vehicle Applications

Where-in- Max. Time

No Coarse Lane between Position
Positioning Positioning Lane-Level Positioning Positioning Updates (s) Codes
Safety Transit Transit pedestrian ü Pedestrian-bus proximity Pedestrian- 1
safety indication warning bus collision
(relative) warning
Transit vehicle at station/ ü Detection of transit vehicle 1
stop warnings pulling in or out
Vehicle turning right in ü 0.1 R
front of a transit vehicle (relative) I+C (U)
V2I Curve speed warning ü Whether speed within 1
safety curve is likely to exceed
In-vehicle signage ü More accurate “virtual 1
sign” location
Oversize vehicle warning ü Accurate distance to low- 1
clearance zone
Pedestrian in signalized ü Detection of vehicle/ 0.1 I+C
crosswalk warning pedestrian in crosswalk
Railroad crossing ü (relative) Better collision prediction 1
violation warning (relative)
Red light violation ü 1 I+C
Reduced speed zone ü Whether current lane will 1
warning / lane closure be closed ahead
Restricted lane warnings ü Whether vehicle is in 1
restricted lane
Spot weather impact ü Lane-specific weather 1
warning impacts (e.g., ice)
Stop sign gap assist ü 0.1 I+C
Stop sign violation ü 1 I+C
Warnings about hazards ü 0.1
in a work zone
Warnings about upcoming ü Whether current lane will 1
work zone be obstructed, etc.


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Safety Connected Vehicle Applications

Where-in- Max. Time

No Coarse Lane between Position
Positioning Positioning Lane-Level Positioning Positioning Updates (s) Codes
V2V Blind spot warning + lane ü More accurate 0.1 R
safety change warning (relative) warning I+C (U)

Control loss warning ü (relative) Distance/direction to out- Automatic 0.1

of-control vehicle vehicle
(relative) reaction

Do not pass warning ü 0.1


Emergency electronic ü (relative) Lane of braking vehicle 0.1

brake light (relative)

Emergency vehicle alert ü (relative) Lane of emergency vehicle 1


Forward collision warning ü Fewer false 0.1 R

(relative) positives/ I+C (U)

Intersection movement ü Improved 0.1 I+C

assist collision

Motorcycle approaching ü (relative) Lane of motorcycle Collision 1 I+C (U)

indication (relative) prediction

Pre-crash actions ü Improved 0.1 R

(relative) collision I+C (U)

Situational awareness ü (relative) Lane-specific warnings 1


Slow vehicle warning ü (relative) Lane of slow vehicle 1 I+C (U)


Stationary vehicle warning ü (relative) Lane of stationary vehicle 0.1 I+C (U)

Tailgating advisory ü Fewer false 0.1 R

(relative) positives/ I+C (U)

Vehicle emergency ü Approximate Lane of crash Diagnosis of 10 I+C (U)

response crash how accident
location happened

(Continued )


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Mobility Connected Vehicle Applications

Max. Time
Where-in- between
No Coarse Lane-Level Lane Position
Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Updates (s) Codes
Mobility Border Border management ü
Commercial Container security ü
vehicle fleet
Container/chassis ü Container
operating data locations
Electronic work ü Driving 10
diaries pattern and
other detailed
Intelligent access ü More detailed 10
program monitoring
Intelligent access ü More detailed 10
program – mass monitoring
Commercial Intelligent speed ü Speed may be 1
vehicle compliance derived from
roadside position
Smart roadside ü More accurate 1
initiative geofence
Electronic Electronic toll ü Required in the 1
payment collection absence of an RF
Road use charging ü 10
Freight Freight drayage ü 1
advanced optimization
Freight specific ü 1
dynamic travel
Planning and Performance ü Lane-level speed 10 I(U)
performance monitoring and and travel time
monitoring planning data
Public safety Advanced automatic ü Lane of crashed 1 I(U)
crash notification vehicle
Emergency ü 10
communications and
Incident scene ü Better 1 I(U)
pre-arrival information for
staging guidance staging of assets
for emergency
Incident scene work ü Lane information 1 I(U)
zone alerts for drivers for guidance
and workers around incident


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Mobility Connected Vehicle Applications

Max. Time
Where-in- between
No Coarse Lane-Level Lane Position
Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Updates (s) Codes
Traffic network Cooperative adaptive ü Smaller gaps 0.1
cruise control (relative) possible for
(CACC) car-following,
lane changes
Lane keeping
Queue warning ü Lane of queue 1
(relative) (relative)
Speed harmonization ü Can use lane- 1
level vehicle
to calculate
Vehicle data for traffic ü Better incident 1
operations detection
Traffic signals Emergency vehicle ü Can plan route 1
preemption through traffic
and direct other
vehicles to make
Freight signal priority ü Whether vehicle 1 I*
is in left-turn
bay (and hence
requires left-turn
Intelligent traffic ü Number of 1 I
signal system vehicles arriving
in each lane/
direction of travel
Pedestrian mobility ü 1 I
Transit signal priority ü Whether vehicle 1 I*
is in left-turn
bay (and hence
requires left-turn
Transit Dynamic ridesharing ü High-occupancy 10
lane usage data
Dynamic transit ü 10
Integrated multi- ü Required in the 1
modal electronic absence of RF
payment transponder
Intermittent bus lanes ü Whether vehicle 1
is in bus lane
Road id for the ü Location of 1
visually impaired appropriate bus

(Continued )


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Mobility Connected Vehicle Applications

Max. Time
Where-in- between
No Coarse Lane-Level Lane Position
Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Updates (s) Codes
Smart park and ride ü 10
Transit connection ü 10
Transit stop ü 1
Traveler Advanced traveler ü Allows use Lane-level data I(U)
information information systems of probe from probe
vehicles for vehicles
collection of
traffic and
other data
Traveler information- ü Location of
smart parking empty parking
*Also requires identification of vehicle as freight/transit vehicle.

Environmental Connected Vehicle Applications

Max. Time
No Coarse Lane-Level Where-in-Lane Position
Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Updates (s) Codes
Environmental AERIS/ Connected eco-driving ü Eco-driving Interactions 10
sustainable advice based with nearby
travel on road grade, vehicles
local traffic (relative)
Dynamic eco-routing ü 10
Eco-approach and ü Can stop Automatically 1
departure at signalized behind queue stop at stop
intersections at intersection bar
Eco-cooperative ü Smaller gaps 0.1
adaptive cruise control (relative) possible for
lane changes
Lane keeping
Eco-freight signal ü Whether 1 I*
priority vehicle is in
left-turn lane
(requires left-
turn green)
Eco-integrated corridor ü Link-level 10
management decision emissions
support system data
Eco-lanes management ü Whether 10
vehicle is in


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Environmental Connected Vehicle Applications

Max. Time
No Coarse Lane-Level Where-in-Lane Position
Positioning Positioning Positioning Positioning Updates (s) Codes
Environmental AERIS/ Eco-multimodal ü Allows use of Lane-level data 10 I(U)
sustainable real-time traveler probe vehicles from probe
travel information for collection of vehicles
traffic and other
Eco-ramp metering ü 1
Eco-smart parking ü Parking space 1
Eco-speed ü Lane-level 1
harmonization recommended
Eco-traffic signal ü Number of 1 I
timing vehicles in
each lane/
direction of
Eco-transit signal ü Whether 1 I*
priority vehicle is in
left-turn lane
(requires left-
turn green)
Electric charging ü Wireless
stations management charging at
parking space

Low emissions zone ü Whether 1

management vehicle is
crossing zone
Roadside lighting ü 1
Road Enhanced maintenance ü 1
weather decision support
Road weather ü 1
information and routing
support for emergency
Road weather ü 1
information for freight
Road weather ü 1
information for
maintenance and fleet
management systems
Road weather motorist ü 1
alert and warning
Variable speed limits ü 1
for weather-responsive
traffic management
*Also requires identification of vehicle as freight/transit vehicle.


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whenever possible, especially at intersections. The second References

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Sensing and Control.


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