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Page One

Dear Diary,

Being a level 200 student at the University of Ghana is just one of a hell, you are greeted with all kinds of
temptations you can ever think of, but I see myself fighting through this temptaions, especially as a Law

Fafa is my name,I am a student of UG,and a resident of Limann Hall, I am much of a reserved girl on
campus, I might be seen in the company of my course mates or Shanty or maybe my roomie….No New
friends please!!!,I am a perfect definition for Introvert.

I am a very pretty girl, and I don’t need a guy to flatter me with those flattering words, I own this sharp
face with brightly colored teeth to match my lit eyes…Thanks to my Dad, “Am really the chip of the old

Dating is never in my daily routine, I see guys and men as a total distraction, so far as am still in school,

I was always glued to my books back at Wesley Girls….A bookworm they called me, I was never ready to
accept defeat from any of my class mates, being a science student was the best thing that ever
happened to me, All this my idea of guys and my bookish lifestyle led me to the University of Ghana to
pursue my dream course..Law!!!

Am fortunate to share a room with this nerd, Adiya, believe you me, she rarely opens her mouth to say
something!!...Adiya only speaks to her boyfriend and maybe me…..

The next person I am close to is my “University Best Friend”, Shanty…This girl is only nice when you
become friends, but until then, you wouldn’t like to piss her off.

I had to swallow a bitter pill before we became friends on campus, since then we have been that close
on campus.

Shanty is in a relationship with this IPS guy, Aluta or whatever his name is, not soo cute, but rich and
welcoming, He is the son of an MP here in Ghana…..Like I care!

So in other words, I am the only girl in my friends cycle that has no guy in my life, I am sooo worried, am
I ready for a relationship??...Lord gives me a sign….

Dear Diary, You know, I met this guy when we closed from lectures, He was sooo Cute, I wish He
were an apple fruit, I wouldn’t think twice before taking a bite, the guy was soo cute, Yea, am the one
talking about a guy….But seriously speaking, I think I misplaced my phone, and this guy did well by
returning it to me….How good he is, I pray he really is good.

I met up with him after I called my contact number using Shanty’s phone, we met at the entrance of the
Balm Library where He returned the phone to its missing owner, and when our eyes, met…Hallelujah!!
It had to take the usual back slap from Shanty to bring me back to my sane mind, I thanked him and left
without caring to ask for his name or even take his contact, Shanty queried me for that, But I was so lost
in my own dilemma, I don’t know how to do that wai Shanty, I remember telling her that,

Oh really? Then you will marry your uncle! That was her reply…

Am I in love already? Or this is what they called crush? Well whatever that was, I pray I don’t relate..

Am not falling for that guy...No, No guys Pleeease….

So, Dear Diary, That was how my day unfolded itself today…That Guy tho’….So cute!!!

Yours Faithful

Dearest Me


Page Two will be opened this evening…..6:30pm

Stay Close

Danny Biitka



Page Two

Dear Diary,

Today looks very promising and I can’t wait to make the best out of it, lectures starts at 8:30Am and
after 12:00, am so free like a bird, I don’t even know what I will be doing during that period...Sleep? Ah

Adiya is home sick and wouldn’t be coming back to the room after lectures, she is going home...I wish
she really is going home, I had a strong feeling the girl is staying over at her boyfriend’s room, Ah well!!
Shanty has lectures the whole of today, there is no breathing space for her at all, so in other words, am
going to be so lonely today…soo so lonely!

I entered the lecture hall and it seem I was the last to come in, thanks the lecturer hadn’t yet come, I
warmed myself near this British guy who suffers from this hearing imperment,and uses this hearing aid
and He can actually know exactly what you are saying by just reading your lips..I wonder how that
works, He likes me a lot, He likes to be called Shark, Yes Shark, the one you are thinking about…

He has a big problem with shutting up and minding his business, He could pose thousands of questions
to one lecturer, He pisses them off everytime, I heard He is related to Jon Benjamin, Ghana’s High
Commissioner to Ghana…

I was outside minded throughout the whole period of lecturing, I don’t actually remember what I was
thinking about, when I came back to my senses, the lecturer was standing right in front of me with this
weird look, He seem to have been monitoring me the whole time, I quickly apologized and faked a
headache which He believed…He knows am always attentive in class tho’.

Shark looked at my face some way bi, He knew I was lying, but I don’t really care, I just wanted lectures
to come to an end, I wanted to catch some air outside and free my mind.

The lecturer left before 12:00Am, He had a meeting to attend, Shark quickly spoke in his British accent
accusing me of lying to a Lecturer, and what followed next was a whole lot of reasons why we shouldn’t
lie, I know that already…I told him…

He invited me to have lunch with him, I was so hungry that I agreed without thinking , We matched to
this small restaurant where he bought Fruit salad for himself(He is a Veg),and I asked for a plate of Jollof
Rice with grilled chicken, that was served with Alvaro which we enjoyed, Shark was a good guy, He was
being good, or He liked me or I don’t know…But I thanked him for the treat and matched straight to the
Balm library to catch some reading, Shark went to his hall with this annoying Japanese girl He usually
walks with…

The Library was quiet as usual, I made myself comfortable in a corner and quickly brought out my phone
to read my messages, after that, I flipped it to silence and tossed it back into my handbag, I retrieved my
handouts and engaged my mind into a serious “chew and pour” activity…That is how we learn as Law
students…I didn’t raise my head for about two hours of intensive studies until I noticed someone sitting
opposite me, I slowly raised my head and who I saw nearly made my shout, I wonder how long He has
been staring at me, That was the cute guy I told you about yesterday, He was still cute, but more cuter
today, I slowly lifted my head when I heard him say hi,and was good enough to reply him, He spoke in
this American accent I liked, He mentioned his name as Bryan.. the name kraa is cute…Born and bred in
Oklahoma in the US, but parents are Ghanains, so he is here to stay…..

Oh cool, Am Fanica Fallu,aka Fafa, Am a Ghanaian, I quickly replied him, I was being nice to a guy for the
first time in my wretched life,yes,but call me Fafa,that is the name I most respond to, He smile revealing
a complete set of this snowy with teeth which I became jealous of, I felt mine was just a darker shade of
white when I saw his, ah well, He was born in US,I was born at Ablekuma,the difference.

After that, we spoke for a very long time,life,lectures and etc,The guy was good, He didn’t even ask to
know whether I was dating or crushing on someone or not, I would have crushed his head if he did..

He asked for my number, I lied by telling him I don’t have my number in memory and also, my phone is
on low battery, He wrote his number on a piece of paper and gave it to me, He told me to call when am
free, I said ok, Liar liar pants on fire, I just thanked my stars Shark was not here to sing this nursery
rhyme to me again.
He asked permission to take leave, I said goodbye after he reminded me to call him, I waved and saw
him vanish among the book shelves of the library, after this, I heaved a big sigh to congratulate myself
on a successful “tete a tet” with a guy, A complete strange guy, A cute one.

I packed my books and went out to meet Shanty who had just closed from lectures, It was getting dark
so we went outside the school campus to get some food, I was quiet the whole time and she knew
something was wrong or right, I was smiling to myself, she asked if a banana has fallen on me or I had
eaten some food I picked from the ground, I burst out laughing and begged her to spare me those jokes,
she okayed and we kept walking towards the basketball court, then suddenly I heard my name,Fafa!!,my
neck refused to turn, I stayed put and tried hard to decode the bearer of that voice, Shanty kept looking
at me and told me he needs some explanation, It was Bryan, He was a basketball player and if I had
known, we would have taken a different route to the hall, I came over and said hi,Shanty did the rest of
the talking and I was spicing it up with smiles and slight laughter, He again reminded me to call and run
back to the court, Shanty quickly turned and looked at my face as if I was the one who killed
Jesus,Diary,Lemme get my phone, I have a call…….I will get back to you tomorrow morning, Shanty is
about grilling me ……

Yours Faithful

Dearest Me


Page Three will be opened tomorrow…..8:30Am

Stay Close

Danny Biitka


Page Three

Dear Diary,

Am back, It was Adiya, she just called to remind me she wouldn’t be coming to the room
tonight,hmmm,I have a strong feeling this girl will definitely be laid tonight..Yes!

Aha, as I said early on, Shanty looked at me direct in the eye and I didn’t need to be a psychic to know
what she wanted from me, Ok am sorry I didn’t tell you about him, I went to the library and then he
suddenly appeared and we started having a convo, and nothing else, I stammered those words to her
and she kept looking me in the face with her bulged eyes like that…

Am not asking for explanation Fafa,I really want to believe that guy engaged you in a convo,and you
didn’t excuse yourself as usual?, I can’t really think far, the last time I checked you were supposed to be
an androphobia,how come, did he use some kind of magic, and what were you guys discussing?, Shanty
said,…I tried convincing her but she still demanded for whatever discussion that went on, I narrated
everything I could remember, word to word, line by line….She sighed a relieve and we resumed walking,
she smiled to herself and I wish I knew what she was thinking, I dared not ask her because she would say

Shanty is a girl I can always be proud of, we are both age mates, but she is very smart and really knows
how to deal with every situation, she’s more of my mother, look like their minds have been synced in a
strange way, Ah well..

I parted ways with Shanty but she promised to come to my room soon, I picked up my room key and
went to my room, I threw myself on my bed to take a quick nap, but something was not right in the
room, I could smell something funny, I started looking around the round and the first thing I noticed was
that,Adiya’s bed wasn’t dressed as usual, her bed sheet was more messed up like someone has been
sleeping on it, I again noticed two disposable cups, I checked closely and realized that, one cup had
lipstick stained on its edges, and that lipstick is that of Adiya…Seriously, this girl is just a she-devil, I
thought she was sick, I checked the fridge and my Don Simon was gone…I prayed myself to a cooled
temper and walked to the washroom to free myself, and guess what I saw in the WC,A stubborn
condom that refused to take part in their sins by refusing to go down the drain after being flashed, I did
well by making sure it flashed, I knew this girl was just some kind of bed hopper, how can you come here
with a guy, satisfy yourself and leave the dirt for me to clean up, what nonsense?, She would come back
and meet me here.

My attention was stolen when I heard someone trying to open my locked door, I knew immediately it
was Shanty, I don’t remember the last time she knocked before entering this room..
She looked and me and asked what was wrong, is she a psychic or what?, she seem to know my feelings
by just looking at my face, I explained what I just witnessed and she didn’t look surprise

Look, Fafa, you think Virginity is dignity, or fun or whatever you want to term it...wait till your cherry is
popped, and you wouldn’t really know the essence of being a virgin, She said.

But what was that supposed to mean Shanty, I asked her,

Hey, am not here to give you lectures on virginity or whatever, sit and let’s call Bryan now…

Whaaat?, Are you crazy, call who? Bryan?, what am I going to discuss with him for Christ’s sake?
I asked.

She had taken my handbag and was scoping out my books to look for the said paper that bears Bryans
contact…where is the paper Fafa?,she asked.

I don’t really know, I replied

But my answer was soon falsified when the paper magically flew out of my bag and landed right in front
of us, she took my phone and dialed the number, and before I could say jack, I heard “Hi hello Bryan

She gave me a sign to reply, I quickly hanged up the call after I’d taken the phone from her…

Shanty, what do you expect me to tell her?..I asked

No, He will start the convo,He asked you to call, so has must find something you guys can talk about,
after all He is the guy, she relax and play nice….Am here with you Fafa…Shanty said

But you can just pick up the call and pretend to be me, so that I will play along…

Nope, look, He is calling back….

Me: Hello Bryan

Bryan: Ya, please may I know whom I speaking to?, no wait, are you Fafa?

Me: Yes

Bryan: Oh Thank God, I thought you wouldn’t call

Me:Oh no, I just charged my phone……”Shanty said something I didn’t hear know that was an insult”..

Bryan: I just wanted that tell you how beautiful you are, I couldn’t tell you that in your face, am a bit

Me: Thank you Bryan….

Bryan: Am doing some assignment now, can we meet tomorrow, after lectures?

Me:Urrmm, Yes……That was Shanty replying on my behalf…I didn’t want to...I eyed her like a pregnant

Bryan: Good, I will give you a call tomorrow


Bryan: See you later, Goodnight

Me: Goodnight

The 3 minutes call to me was like an hour, I turned immediately to look at Shanty, who just gave me an
impromptu date with Bryan.

Listen Fafa; just give him a chance, he not telling you to marry him, is He?

Just give him a chance, at least you can be friends, who knows, something meaningful might happen…
She said.

I know, but you should have allowed make the choice myself, I would have said yes anyway,…

Shanty teased me and we went back to grilling Adiya, my roomie who used our room as a breeder

Listen Fafa, she has the right to bring her boyfriend here ok; the only mistake she did was taking your
Don Simon without telling you.

Ah, you think, what about the condom? I asked..

She didn’t hang that on your bed did she, it was in the WC,or do you drink from the there, spare me
those Virgin Gospels wai,Shanty said, she was making sense here, and I knew I had no reason to attack
Adiya when she returns.

It was deeper in the night, I begged Shanty to sleep over

She said she would if only I agree to sleep on Adiya’s bed...

No, am not sleeping on that, it’s soaked with sweats from Adiya and her boyfriend…

And before I knew, Shanty had opened the door and shouted a goodnight; I locked the door, entered
the washroom and took a shower.

I stepped out of the bath tub and viewed myself in the mirror, I saw my naked self and Shanty’s
statement hit me like something I couldn’t explain…”What is the essence of being a Virgin”...
I thought over this as I walked to my bed, said a prayer and forced myself into sleep whiles smiling, But
what the hell was that smile about tho’?

Dear Diary, I have a date tomorrow, lets chat later, bye…

Yours Faithful

Dearest Me


Page Four will be opened today…..6:30Pm

Stay Close

Danny Biitka


Page Four

Dear Diary,

I couldn’t feel my back, it ached, look likes my house witches rode on my back to Ouagadougou and
back…..I was just tired from lectures and all school activities….

I went to the washroom and did all things needed there and opened my wardrobe to prepare myself
some breakfast, then I remembered I was out of sugar…oh c’mon...

I quickly opened Adiya’s wardrobe and took a reasonable quantity, after all she took my Don Simon, so
no big deal…

I finished breakfast and was about leaving when I heard Shanty call my name whiles opening the door;
she looked at me and burst out laughing…

Ah, what’s wrong, why are you laughing like that?....I asked...

For Christ’s sake you have a date, your first ever date, please wear something nicer than this Dashiki,
and ah…Be sexy for once in your life…

Shanty, but what is wrong with this Dashiki?, its cool and I less wear it on campus, it was carefully
selected wai, I protested.

Is not wrong wearing a dashiki ok, but wear something; everyone wears dashiki…but not to a date, just
open your wardrobe and let’s get you something to wear…Shanty requested...

I opened my wardrobe and she started throwing my things out one by one until she saw this black
dress I don’t remember the last time I wore that, I looked at her as she did a thumb up sign showing that
dress was ok…I just took it ironed it before going to the washroom to change.

Wow, look at you, you look like Cinderella with a glass shoe, she teased…

Now wear that shoe and let me retouch your hair, after that, you will wear an invisible make up….Shanty

Whaat, that shoe?, Make up?....Why am I going to a royal wedding at the Buckingham Palace or what?

Please, let me just wear this dress for today, am not even comfortable in it, it shows my knees…Ah!..I

After fifteen minutes, Shanty looked at me in the eye and told me how beautiful I was, and the
necessity of making myself appear beautiful, I looked into the mirror and I felt a bit confident..

Thank you Shanty, I said whiles smiling….

Be gone now, you have lectures in fifteen minutes, Shanty said...

Yea, what about you, ain’t you going for lectures?, I asked..

Nope, I don’t have lectures on Thursdays, so I’ll be here on your bed…

Ok, I’ll call you immediately am ready to meet him,

Call me?, for what?

Oh, so that we can go together, or what do you say…

Fafa, you don’t seize to amaze me, look, it’s your date ok, you need some privacy, and this is the time
you need to talk to a guy without me being around you ok…

Ok Shanty, I’m gone, but don’t mess up my room...

Aluta is coming here, and I’ll be hosting him in this room, on your bed, so call me when you are

Whaat, on my bed? What’s wrong with you guys, this room is not a hotel oooo...I cried out loud...

Madam, if the lecturer enters the hall before you, you know the consequence...

I started leaving before she could complete her sentence…

I stepped into the lecture hall and all eyes were on me, the guys, the ladies, the lesbians and even the
homosexuals were looking at me as if I were some kind of alien, I made my way to my seat near Shark
who had his eyes glued to my shoes…

WTF! Fafa, you look so gorgeous, where are you going?, Beauty contest, photoshoot,or you finally got
your senses back?

Shark, can you please shut up, you making everyone look at me, please...I pleaded...

Ok, so tell me, what are you up too Fafa…? You know you have to tell me before I do my own
investigation, Shark said...

Ok, am going to meet this guy….

Wait!!,guy?, I knew it, I knew you two were up to something, I just wanted time to confirm it,yes,I knew
it…Shark said..

Hey c’mon, you knew what? What two are you talking about, tell me but try to keep your voice low…

“Shark couldn’t keep his voice low because of his hearing disability; his voice is always too loud or too

I saw you with this guy yesterday at the library, Is He that guy?

Shark! Have you been trailing me? You were supposed to be in your room at that time, so how come
you were at the library…?..I asked him looking surprised…
I wasn’t trailing you ok, I escorted Hun Ying to return a book she borrowed from the librarian…So you
see, I wasn’t trailing you, I just chanced on you…

“Hun Ying is that annoying Japanese girl I told you about yesterday”…

Ok Shark, Yes, that’s the guy, ok...But promise to keep your mouth shut about this…

Ok, I promise….Shank said...

So, why are you guys meeting? Shark asked…

You know, Queen Elizabeth II is 91years old, do you know why? I asked...

No I don’t, Shark replied with this weird look…

Because she has been minding her business…I said teasingly…lol.

You can choose not to tell me ok, I’ll know it anyway…No big deal…Shark said

By the way, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is 93years, and he cannot mind his business...What about
that? Shark asked…

I don’t care, I said silently, because the lecturer just ended and started writing some something bi on
the board, I am not ready for any quiz this morning, I have a date and wouldn’t like to be

The quiz lasted for two hours, I was so bored that I felt like vanishing out if the lecture hall, I signed a
big relieve when He finally asked us to stop work and present our papers, I did that immediately and
started leaving with Shark asking me to wait for him, I pretended I didn’t hear him and continued
walking whiles trying take my phone out of my handbag.

Whaat?,7 missed calls from Bryan?...OMG!,I quickly called his number but it didn’t go through because
I had no airtime, I had to borrow Shark’s phone who heckled me for refusing to wait for her, He gave it
out anyway…

I again called, but the phone was switched off, I tried again and again, but same result, I returned the
phone to Shark and promised to see him in the evening whiles going towards the library.

I was going to check whether I will find him there since He has been visiting the place, I searched
everywhere and the guy was nowhere to be found…Oh God!!

I made my way out and started walking towards me resident hall, I bought some airtime and kept trying
to reach him, I had to give up tho’…

When I reached my room, I tried opening the door but it was locked from inside...

Fafa is that you?...That was Shanty asking…

Yea it’s me, c’mon open the door…I said...

Please, hung out somewhere, I’ll call you when He’s gone ok, She banged the door afterwards…
Oh God, where am I going now, wait! Shanty was not wearing her bra, Oh Lawd; someone is defiling my
bed….Ah…What is all this sickness about...

I called Shark and told him I was coming to his room, at least I will get some latest Hollywood movies to
watch…..He said ok...

I reached his room and opened the door forgetting to knock, and guess what I saw!!....

Shark was seriously locking lips with Hun Ying……They quickly separated when they saw me…

Fafa, don’t you know how to knock, “I think Shanty infected me with her sickness”…I told myself…

I apologized whiles looking at his face…

We will talk about this later ok, He said...

You better, I replied….

Diary, My day is just somewhat bad luck today, I will tell you the rest later, but for now, I have to watch
Game of Thrones with Shark and that Hun Ying or whatever…Winter is indeed coming

Yours Faithfully

Dearest Me


NB: Dear Reader, Do you think Shanty is influencing Fafa negatively?

Your feedback is humbly required…

Page Four will be opened tomorrow…..8:30Am

Stay Close

Danny Biitka


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