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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the machine-displayed intelligence that simulates human behavior or

thinking and can be trained to solve specific problemsArtificial Intelligence is revolutionizing the
industries with its applications and helping solve complex problems. Artificial Intelligence has various
applications in today's society. It is becoming essential for today's time because it can solve complex
problems with an efficient way in multiple industries.AI is making our daily life more comfortable and
fast.Following are some sectors which have the application of Artificial Intelligence:

This article will help you learn the top artificial intelligence applications in the real world.

1. AI in E-commerce

AI is providing a competitive edge to the e-commerce industry, and it is becoming more demanding in
the e-commerce business. AI is helping shoppers to discover associated products with recommended
size, color, or even brand.

2. AI in Healthcare

In the last, five to ten years, AI becoming more advantageous for the healthcare industry and going to
have a significant impact on this industry.

Healthcare Industries are applying AI to make a better and faster diagnosis than humans. AI can help
doctors with diagnoses and can inform when patients are worsening so that medical help can reach to
the patient before hospitalization.

3. AI in education:

AI can automate grading so that the tutor can have more time to teach. AI chatbot can communicate
with students as a teaching assistant.

AI in the future can be work as a personal virtual tutor for students, which will be accessible easily at any
time and any place.

4. AI in Finance

AI and finance industries are the best matches for each other. The finance industry is implementing
automation, chatbot, adaptive intelligence, algorithm trading, and machine learning into financial

5. AI in Data Security

The security of data is crucial for every company and cyber-attacks are growing very rapidly in the digital
world. AI can be used to make your data more safe and secure. Some examples such as AEG bot, AI2
Platform,are used to determine software bug and cyber-attacks in a better way.

6. AI in Social Media
Social Media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat contain billions of user profiles, which need
to be stored and managed in a very efficient way. AI can organize and manage massive amounts of data.
AI can analyze lots of data to identify the latest trends, hashtag, and requirement of different users.

8. AI in Automotive Industry

Some Automotive industries are using AI to provide virtual assistant to their user for better
performance. Such as Tesla has introduced TeslaBot, an intelligent virtual assistant.

Various Industries are currently working for developing self-driven cars which can make your journey
more safe and secure.

9. AI in Robotics:

Artificial Intelligence has a remarkable role in Robotics. Usually, general robots are programmed such
that they can perform some repetitive task, but with the help of AI, we can create intelligent robots
which can perform tasks with their own experiences without pre-programmed. TYPES OF ROBOTS:
the humanoid is a good example of AI in robotics.Humanoid Robots are best examples for AI in robotics,
recently the intelligent Humanoid robot named as Erica and Sophia has been developed which can talk
and behave like humans.

10. AI in Entertainment

We are currently using some AI based applications in our daily life with some entertainment services
such as Netflix or Amazon. With the help of ML/AI algorithms, these services show the
recommendations for programs or shows.

11. AI in Agriculture

Agriculture is an area which requires various resources, labor, money, and time for best result. Now a
day's agriculture is becoming digital, and AI is emerging in this field. Agriculture is applying AI as
agriculture robotics, solid and crop monitoring, predictive analysis. AI in agriculture can be very helpful
for farmers.

12. AI in Gaming

AI can be used for gaming purpose. The AI machines can play strategic games like chess, where the
machine needs to think of a large number of possible places.
Artificial Intelligence Applications

1. Healthcare

One of the foremost deep-lying impacts which AI has created is within the Healthcare space.

A device, as common as a Fitbit or an iWatch, collects a lot of data like the sleep patterns of the
individual, the calories burnt by him, heart rate and a lot more which can help with early detection,
personalization, even disease diagnosis.

This device, when powered with AI can easily monitor and notify abnormal trends. This can
evenschedule a visit to the closest Doctor by itself and therefore, it’s also of great help to the doctors
who can get help in making decisions and research with AI.

t has been used to predict ICU transfers, improve clinical workflows and even pinpoint a patient’s risk of
hospital-acquired infections.

2. Automobile

At this stage where automobiles changing from an engine with a chassis around it to a software-
controlled intelligent machine, the role of AI cannot be underestimated.

The goal of self-driving cars, during which Autopilot by Tesla has been the frontrunner, takes up data
from all the Tesla’s running on the road and uses it in machine learning algorithms. The assessment of
both chips is later matched by the system and followed if the input from both is the same.

AI are often witnesses working its magic through robots producing the initial nuts and bolts of a vehicle
or in an autonomous car using machine learning and vision to securely make its way through traffic.

3. Banking and Finance

One of the early adopter of Artificial Intelligence is the Banking and Finance Industry.

From Chatbots offered by banks, for instance , SIA by depository financial institution of India, to
intelligent robo-traders by Aidya and Nomura Securities for autonomous, high-frequency trading, the
uses are innumerable.Features like AI bots, digital payment advisers and biometric fraud detection
mechanisms cause higher quality of services to a wider customer base.The adoption of AI in banking is
constant to rework companies within the industry, provide greater levels useful and more personalized
experiences to their customers, reduce risks as well as increase opportunities involving financial engines
of our modern economy.

5. Social Media

All of us love Social Media, don’t we?Social Media is not just a platform for networking and expressing
oneself. It subconsciously shapes our choices, ideologies, and temperament.
All this due to the synthetic Intelligence tools which work silently within the background, showing us
posts that we “might” like and advertising products that “might” be useful based on our search and
browsing history.For example, recently Instagram revealed how it’s been using AI to customize content
for the Explore Tab.This helps with social media advertising because of it’s unprecedented ability to run
paid ads to platform users based on highly granular demographic and behavioral targeting.Did you
know, we also have AI tools that will actually write Facebook and Instagram ads for us. Another huge
benefit of AI in social media is that it allows marketers to analyze and track every step that they take.

6. Entertainment

The show business , with the arrival of online streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, relies
heavily on the info collected by the users.This helps with recommendations based upon the previously
viewed content. This is done not only to deliver accurate suggestions but also to create content that
would be liked by a majority of the viewers.With new contents being created every minute , it is very
difficult to classify them and making them easier to search.AI tools analyze the contents of videos frame
by frame and identify objects to feature appropriate tags. AI is additionally helping media companies to
form strategic decisions.

7. Education

In the education sector also, there are a number of problems which will be solved by the
implementation of AI .A few of them being automated marking software, content retention techniques
and suggesting improvements that are required.This can help the teachers monitor not just the
academic but also the psychological, mental and physical well being of the students but also their all-
round development. This would also help in extending the reach of education to areas where quality
educators can’t be present physically.

For Example, Case-based simulations offered by Harvard graduate school is one such use.

8. Space Exploration

AI systems are being developed to scale back the danger of human life that venture into the vast realms
of the undiscovered and unraveled universe which is a very risky task that the astronauts need to take
up.As a result, unmanned space exploration missions just like the Mars Rover are possible due to the
utilization of AI.It has helped us discover numerous exoplanets, stars, galaxies, and more recently, two
new planets in our very own system.

NASA is also working with AI applications for space exploration to automate image analysis and to
develop autonomous spacecraft that would avoid space debris without human intervention, create
communication networks more efficient and distortion-free by using an AI-based device.

10. Robotics
Different departments of E-commerce including logistics, predicting demand, intelligent marketing,
better personalization, use of chatbots, etc. are being disrupted by AI.

The E-Commerce industry, a prominent player being Amazon is one among the primary industries to
embrace AI. This may experience a good use of AI with time.

E-commerce retailers are increasingly turning towards chatbots or digital assistants to supply 24×7
support to their online buyers. Built using AI technologies, chatbots are becoming more intuitive and are
enabling a far better customer experience

Hiring and Recruitment

There is a lot of competition for employment and everyday, hundreds of candidates are applying for a
single position in a company. As a result, it becomes quite a tedious task for the Human Resources team
of the company to go through every single resume in order to shortlist the perfect candidate.

To make things easier, companies use Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing (NLP), to
filter through the resumes and shortlist the candidates who meet their requirements closely. This is
done by analyzing different attributes like location, skills, education etc. It also recommends other job
positions for the candidates, if they are eligible.

This way, not only the candidates are selected in a practical and unbiased way, but also it saves time and
manual labour of the HR team.

(Also read: Top 10 AI applications)


The Internet has made storage and management very convenient in any business. But with it comes risk
of breaching and leakage of data. Every business requires security online since all the important
databases of their company including financial data, strategies, private information etc are stored
online. Cybersecurity is a necessity for all companies and hence, is one of the most important
applications of AI.

With the help of Artificial Intelligence the cyber experts can understand and remove unwanted noise or
data that they might detect. It helps them to be aware of any abnormal activities or malware and be
prepared for any attack. It also analyzes big amounts of data and develops the system accordingly, in
order to reduce cyber threats.

Market prediction

Stock markets are one of the most popular and unpredictable markets due to its dynamic nature. Many
people invest in Stock markets as they have also proved to be very profitable.
But Artificial Intelligence has made it easier as well. With technologies like Support Vector Machines
(SVM) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) which are types of Machine learning, the patterns are
learned and predicted. This technical analysis is very important in predicting financial markets and
providing successful outcomes.

Three algorithms are used in this prediction, namely evenberg-Marquardt, Scaled Conjugate Gradient
and Bayesian Regularization. Together they provide around 99% accuracy using tick data.

Customer Analysis

Businesses run for their customers and customers can make or break any brand. So it is extremely
important for companies to analyse their customer base and strategize for more engagement and
improvement in any other field . Earlier, it was very hard for companies to get insights of their
performance as most of the exchanges occurred in person and the feedback was predicted manually
through sales or emotional aspects.

Today, Artificial Intelligence enables the company to perform surveys that could provide customer
feedback that run deeper than just historical data analysis. It provides accurate data and helps to
perform strategies for better engagement and for facilitating sales by providing better customer
experience. Hence AI helps in making the business more customer-centric, ultimately benefiting the
Billing and Invoice

With all the businesses come financial responsibilities. It can be imagined that companies might often
have bills, payment checks and invoices exchanged with others. These accounting and financial
processes could turn out to be very burdensome, if handled manually.

Also, there might be calculation mistakes that could lead to terrible losses. Artificial Intelligence has
made financial management very easy and accurate by automating the process.

There are many softwares available in the market for accounting and invoices. For manual paper-based
invoices, these softwares provide features like invoice data extraction and segregation which can extract
data from paper invoices once scanned and uploaded, and store them.

Electronic invoices are easier to handle as they are analysed and stored automatically. AI powered
accounting tools are very accurate and organised and it makes financial management a very easy task.

(Suggested read: AI applications in finance services)

Proposal review

Artificial Intelligence has proved itself quite beneficial when it comes to proposal review. Proposals are
often exchanged in the world of business and if not checked and analysed properly, it might lead the
company towards wrong clients.

Now, AI can easily analyze any proposal given to the company with the help of machine learning. The
company can automatically get a hold of the scope, pricing and track any history of the source of

AI proposal management softwares is very efficient in qualifying opportunities. It goes through the
proposal and determines the best outcome. This is both time saving and often provides correct
predictions. Proposal Management softwares also offer strategic planning to the company with which
they can grow.

Virtual Assistants and Conversational Interfaces

Every business has their own set of services that need to be explained to the masses in order to expand
their customer base and facilitate their sales. It is not possible for the owners to personally explain and
clear the doubts of every individual.
With the help of Artificial Intelligence, businesses are inculcating virtual assistants and chatbots in their
websites and applications, that can answer any queries that the user might have about the company and
provide 24/7 customer service.

Usually chatbots have pre-programmed answering systems and they follow specific patterns while
answering questions. These are advancing more and more with the improvement of neural networks
and deep learning.

Targeted Marketing

All the businesses nowadays are taking advantage of the internet to gain more and more popularity.
Targeted marketing or Targeted Advertising is a method of online advertising done with the help of NLP
and AI that shows ads to only specific audiences.

The audience is determined by their online activities and if they have recently searched for any similar
product/service online, they start seeing the advertisements.

This is a very efficient and beneficial way of marketing as it saves a lot of money for the business. This is
done through keyword matching.
Predicting Vulnerability Exploitation

The number of vulnerabilities disclosed in the past few years has been very high. The amount of
cooperation shown with machines has been very low, as compared to cooperation that is shown with
humans. That exposes AI to be exploited by humans and runs the risk of ruining any business.

This problem is solved by Artificial Intelligence itself. Through AI, companies can predict any sort of
malpractices that might risk the system to be exploited and hence saving the business. AI can also help
in identifying credit fraud and insurance claim fraud in real time. This saves the company from scams
and big losses.

Social Media Insights

Social Media has become one of the strongest platforms for brands to promote their business. It gives
them a variance of users to showcase their services. If any company can use their social media platform
accurately, they can easily gain a massive amount of customers.
Since there are many users, it is not possible for any business to attain their customer feedback
manually. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, brands can know their position in the market and get
insights of their customer base.

This will help the brand to strategise and improve and build their social media game!

(Recommended blog: Is Artificial Intelligence (AI) Hype or Reality?)


A lot of emerging businesses are seeing fast growth and success with proper strategies and plans.
Artificial Intelligence takes the biggest credit for that. As compared to earlier days, things have become
more convenient since we have machines doing most of our work, using AI.

As scientists are researching and learning, the fields of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Neural
Networking etc are advancing at a fast pace and many softwares are being developed that takes care of
all the attributes of any business.

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