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SNATCHED (Valentine passed me by)

I was doing the dishes the next day, 13th Valentine when most phone started ringing, I cleaned
my hands, the number was a strange one, and I barely pick up strange calls, not because I don’t
want to pick them, But I want to first confirm identity of person through True Caller, and maybe
I’d return the call immediately or later… So I waited for the call to end, twice as the person has
called, I run the number through True Caller, and a name popped up… “Nick Bediako”. I went
on to Facebook to check out the name, but unfortunately for me I got nothing.

Me: What did you say the name of the guy was, the one you gave my number to
Wendy: I told you I forgot to ask for his name, I wasn’t lying
Me: Ayoo
Wendy: Why, did he call?
Me: No, he didn’t.
Wendy: Okay ooo, but why do you care for his name, I thought you didn’t want him to have
your number talk less of calling you
Me: Yes, I said that, but I didn’t say I wasn’t expecting his call, you gave him m y number so I
should be expecting him to reach me one way or the other
Wendy: Be there errrn…

I know I don’t like the guy already, even though I’m yet to hear from him or even see him, but
who keeps a lady waiting after cowardly taking her number from another person?
I didn’t care to call back, I just swinged the phone back to where I had picked it from and
resumed washing.
I was past noon when I was walking to get some food, then my phone rang again, same
number, this time I picked up
Caller: Hi Hello
Me: Hi
Caller: Sorry am reaching out to you this way, but that was the fastest way I could have gotten
your contact from your roomie
Me: Sorry, but if I may ask who is this please, my roomie doesn’t mention names of those she’s
given my number out to
Caller: Oh sorry, I’m Nick.
Me: Okay
Caller: And I’m actually walking right behind, you can turn now
Have you tailing me or what? And which of you two is Nick? I asked the three guys jaywalking
behind me

“I am”, the average heighted amongst them responded, and immediately he did that, the other
two walked past us, and continued walking
Me: And why are your friends leaving you
Nick: Well, they are supposed to keep walking
Me: According to who?
Nick: It’s a boys thing, we call it the boys code you know
Me: That boys code thingy pisses me off
Nick: Well, you’ve got to accept it and live with it.

Nick wasn’t all bad, he was cool talking to and I found myself talking and laughing hysterically at
some of his funny comments, me that was fighting Wendy for giving my number to him, Lol.
Me: Yes, you look like a playboy, you don’t have to ask me, I don’t know how playboys look like
but I know one when I see one.
Nick: And yet you have been talking to me and laughing at my jokes for the past hour or more
Me: Well, I can’t help it, I have my own reasons why, but I’m not being judgy about that.
Nick: Okay, where are you going to be tomorrow, you know tomorrow is Valentine
Me: Everyone knows that, and I going to be in my bed sleeping.

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