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The world’s most unusual houses

The giant shell house or Nautilus house is in the city of Naucalpan de Juares, Mexico. The
house was designed by the architect Javier Senosiain with a model of aquatic architecture. This
work was inspired by the sea and the Nautilus Pompilus snail, it was built for a couple and their
two children.

The house was built in 2007, it is located in the back of the land, surrounded by a garden, with
pedestrian and vehicular access to the front. It was built with natural materials such as wood,
stone and earth. Its structure was created with steel frames which gives it the shape of
rounded curves.

Entering from the outside, you climb a ladder and enter the Nautilus, passing a large stained
glass window. This house gives you a spatial experience, where you can perceive the dynamics
of the third dimension. The floor is a stone path surrounded by abundant vegetation that leads
to rooms in the house.

The house lacks divisions; the ground floor, bedrooms, bathroom and kitchen are part of an
open space. The room has a garden and a spiral staircase. The rooms have hollows in the
ceiling through which natural light passes; Likewise, the bathroom is bright and recreates the
depths of the sea with sand walls, blue tiles and round windows.

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