Influencity Success Case:: Retail Sector

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Influencity success case:

retail sector

Influencity success case: retail sector

1. Introduction: global vision of sector and its relationship

with influencers 3

2. Campaigns launched 5

Campaign 1 5
- Starting point 5
- Objectives 5
- Development 6
- Results 7

Campaign 2 8

- Starting point 8
- Objectives 8
- Development 9
- Results 11

3. Results from working with influencers in the

retail sector 12

Benefits of working with influencers in the retail sector 12

4. Why Influencity? 14

1. Introduction: global
vision of sector and its
relationship with influencers
What is the purpose of this e-book? To share the experiences of two compa-
nies from the retail sector, two beer brands to be specific, who turned to In-
fluencity to launch their own influencer marketing campaigns in a controlled,
measured and successful way!

What were these companies’ needs?

The principal need of these companies was to carry out a successful in-
fluencer marketing campaign in a quick and secure way. The distinctive
feature of the campaigns was that they collaborated with many influencers at
the same time and, for that reason, the brands needed to work with a secure
monitoring tool such as ours, which would ensure that their campaigns could
go ahead.

Both campaigns, as we’ll now see, achieved their principal goals and mo-
bilised their target audience, complying with the initial proposed time con-
straints and metrics.

Why did these brands decide to launch an Influencer
Marketing campaign and not a different type of campaign?
Their objective was to carry out a “call-to-action” and Influencer Marketing
does just that; it motivates users to execute a specific action. An influencer’s
followers are constantly showing them gratitude for what they do, but how is
that gratitude communicated? By carrying out certain actions, such as liking
an influencer’s podcast, leaving them a positive comment, going to a shop
they’ve recommended or attending a book signing, etc.

An influencer’s audience isn’t immobile; in fact, quite the opposite. For that
reason, when a campaign’s objective is to mobilise people, Influencer
Marketing is very useful. It also comes in handy for campaigns with which
brands wish to start a trend, as this is something that influencers are con-
stantly doing.

The relationship between Influencer

Marketing, the retail sector and beer
Influencer Marketing is well accepted in the retail sector. In these cases in
particular, it should be noted that alcoholic drinks, including beer, are more
limited than other companies in terms of the type of media they can use, as
per that indicated in the General Law of Audiovisual Communication and the
General Advertising Law. Thanks to Influencer Marketing, however, these
products have been given a big opportunity to expand their reach.

Want to know more about how these

campaigns were developed? Keep reading!

2. Campaigns launched

Campaign 1

Starting point

A world-renowned Andalusian beer company with a trajectory of over 125

years and which forms part of a pioneering brewery group in Spain, decided
to carry out an Influencer Marketing campaign on Instagram, with the help
of Influencity.

The campaign, directed at Spanish women and men over the age of 18
with a passion for beer, had a duration of three months. During this period,
nearly 70 influencers shared content about the brand with a friendly, natural
and fun tone.

The main objective of this Influencer Marketing campaign was to improve
visibility and brand positioning, as well as transmit a natural, funny and fa-
miliar image of the brand amongst the target audience; all those aged over
18 and with an interest in beer.

To achieve these objectives, the campaign was launched with Influencity’s

premium service which includes the following services:

ƒƒ Assignment of an internal specialist

ƒƒ Creation of Ad hoc campaign

ƒƒ Selection and contact with influencers

ƒƒ Campaign adaptation

ƒƒ Campaign programming

ƒƒ Reports and access to real-time metrics from Influencity’s software

During the three month duration of the campaign, the following actions were

ƒƒ Search and selection of influencers: profiles from different cities and

of different ages, foodies and local tour guides, all of whom have a com-
munity of followers on Instagram between 1,000 and 60k.

ƒƒ The chosen influencers carried out the following actions:

- Posting an image on their Instagram profile in which they appeared

drinking a beer by the brand in a specific bar or a picture of the beer
with said bar in the background.

- All of the publications included the campaign hashtag and men-

tioned the brand.


Potencial reach: Engagement:

757,2K users 5,08%

Interactions: Posts:
38,5K 72

The Influencer Marketing campaign executed with this notable beer com-
pany achieved a daily potential reach of 15.700 people and a total reach of
756,216 by the end of the campaign.

The content posted generated an engagement rate of 5.08%, reflected in
over 38,500 interactions from the audience with a total of 27 posts.

The campaign had the biggest impact on users aged between 25 and 34,
females (a total of 51.7%) and in the city of Madrid.

Campaign 2

Starting point
A representative company from the beer sector, whose mission is to rein-
force the presence and prestige of the Spanish beer market both nationally
and internationally, launched an Influencer Marketing campaign on Insta-
gram with the help of Influencity and their advertising agency.

The campaign, directed at Spanish women and men aged between 18 and
25 years old, had a duration of thirty days. During this period, ten influencers
shared content in the form of videos about the correct use of beer.

The main objective of this Influencer Marketing campaign was to bring to
light the correct use of this product amongst the target audience and im-
prove brand visibility.

To achieve these objectives, the campaign was launched with Influencity’s

premium service which includes the following services, as well as full sup-
port when using the software:

ƒƒ Assignment of an internal specialist

ƒƒ Creation of Ad hoc campaign

ƒƒ Selection and contact with influencers

ƒƒ Campaign adaptation

ƒƒ Programming and timing of actions

ƒƒ Tracking and monitoring of online actions

ƒƒ Predicted metrics and campaign resumen

During the thirty day duration of the campaign, the following actions were

ƒƒ Search and selection of influencers: profiles with a key audience: the

product’s target audience. Communities with a good engagement rate.
Between 30k and 50k followers.

ƒƒ The ten chosen followers carried out the following actions:

- Posting a representation of one of the ten most frequently made

errors when drinking beer.

- This message was transmitted through short 30 second videos with

a humoristic tone.

The messages transmitted through this campaign were the following:

ƒƒ How to drink beer

ƒƒ The benefits of beer


Potential reach: Engagement:

1,7M de usuarios 99%

Interactions: Posts:
1,7M 10

In this campaign, the branding objective was successfully achieved, thanks

to a reach of more than 1.7M people. Thanks to these 1.7M interactions,
the brand could see how the audience interacted with the campaign content
and that it was of interest to them.

The earned media was $325,000. The biggest impact was seen in Spain, in the
city of Madrid, on people aged between 18 and 24, with an equal distribution
of men and women, therefore fully reaching the established target audience.

EARNED MEDIA WAS $325,105.21

The campaign had a daily potential reach of over 42,000 people and a total
reach of 1,734,912 M people by the end of the campaign.

The content generated a spectacular 99% engagement rate, which means

that nearly the entirety of the influencers’ potential audience interacted with
the content. With more than 1.5M video views and 1,500 comments, it’s safe
to say that the campaign had a great response from the audience, meaning
it achieved a high conversion rate.

Find out firsthand how

influencity’s software works.


3. Results from working with
influencers in the retail sector

As we’ve seen in this e-book, working with influencers in the retail sector is
an excellent option for brands, as they can clearly see how their brand im-
age is reinforced amongst their desired target audience, as well as increase
visibility in their sector and achieve a higher engagement rate, all thanks to
these influential people.

Both clients were able to achieve their objectives and impact their public
in a natural and non-intrusive way, inspiring confidence amongst their target
audience and obtaining good results:

Social Network Reach Interactions Engagement Posts

Client 1 Instagram 757,2K 38,5K 5,08% 72

Client 2 Instagram 1,7M 1,7M 99% 10

Benefits of working with influencers in the retail sector

The advantages and benefits of carrying out Influencer Marketing campaigns
in the retail sector, as well as in other sectors, are numerous, but can be sum-
marised as the following:

ƒƒ Visibility: Influencers have thousands of followers, for whom they often

become role models. If an influencer is a brand ambassador, this means
that said brand is going to be seen by many of their followers, who will
therefore have more opportunities to feel identified with the brand.

ƒƒ Native advertising: Influencer Marketing is an opportunity to impact

your target audience with natural content and non-invasive advertising.

ƒƒ Brand positioning: when an influencer speaks well of a brand, not only are
they validating the quality of a product or service, but they’re also allowing
the brand to get closer to their followers and therefore generate loyalty.

ƒƒ Great return on investment: As Puro Marketing magazine points out,

and in agreement with Dedicated Media, buyers’ purchase intention is
36% higher with native advertising, something that is maximised with
Influencer Marketing.

ƒƒ Better SEO: Campaigns with influencers are constantly being com-

mented on, mentioned and shared by users online, which has a positive
effect on SEO positioning and website traffic.

ƒƒ Followers and engagement on social networks: one of the direct ben-

efits of these types of campaigns is that user reactions are much greater
than with other types of social campaigns.

ƒƒ Reputation: if a brand collaborates with an influencer with a good repu-

tation, part of their good reputation is bound to rub off on the brand. Not
only does this reinforce brand image, but it also supports a brand’s strat-
egy and helps increase their community, as well as reaching new niches.

Want to reap the benefits of influencer

Get in touch and we’ll help you create your own


4. Why Influencity?

Just like with any other marketing campaign, if an influencer marketing

campaign isn’t analysed correctly, the campaign can’t be improved and
its performance can’t be evaluated. For that reason, it’s important to know
what can be analysed in Influencer Marketing. As well as providing final met-
rics, Influencity’s software allows you to analyse the campaign in real-time,
giving brands the opportunity to react and make adjustments, such as col-
laborating with more influencers, using paid media or reinforcing the brand’s
social media accounts.

Influencity’s software provides users with a control panel which gives them
access to campaign information at any given moment:

ƒƒ The first step is to select the correct influencers. The network is fun-
damental for this, as it allows brands to see what audience the influ-
encer has an impact on and decide whether or not to contract them for
the campaign, as well as negotiating the price of the collaboration.

ƒƒ Once this has been decided and the campaign launched, it’s time to
measure the campaign actions and having all of this information in
one place is convenient and useful.

In addition, Influencity is not just an “all-in-one” software for managing
influencer marketing campaigns. It also helps its clients carry out the fol-
lowing campaign actions from start to finish:

ƒƒ Creation of campaign briefs

ƒƒ Selecting the right influencers to participate in the campaign based on


ƒƒ Influencers start posting content

ƒƒ Real-time tracking of publications

ƒƒ Once the campaign is finished, Influencity provides the final metrics

and the conclusions are analysed

Now that you know how we help our clients and the results you can achieve
with Influencity, why not try our software out yourself? How? It’s simple!

Request a free demo.

Do you want to launch

a successful Influencer
Marketing campaign?
Get in touch and we’ll help you reach your goals!


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