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a The diagrams below give information about the manufacture of frozen fish pi ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. The diagram illustrates the process of how fish pies are manufactured. Overall, what stands out from the chart is that the production contains two main lines - potato and fish preparation. It is also apparent that potatoes, peas, and salmon are the main ingredients in making fish pie. The first manufacturing line shows how the potatoes are being processed. They are delivered and to be stored up to one month prior to the cleaning process. Afterwards, washed potatoes are peeled and cut into straight thin slices. After being boiled and chilled, the potatoes are stored in packages, waiting to be put into the final product together with other ingredients. The second food processing line highlights the preparation of fish, in this case, salmon, whose delivery must arrive at the factory within 12 hours to ensure its quality. In the first stage, the fresh salmon is seasoned with lemon juice and salt. Then, after it is steamed in an oven, the salmon is being deboned and skinned by workers, prior to the inspection of an expert. At this stage, prepared peas and sauces are put into the cooked salmon containers. Finally, with the prepared potato slices, the pies are ready to be assembled into microwavable containers. They will be frozen and then stored or immediately delivered to retailers such as supermarkets or convenience stores. SS fe |S | RE EE OE SET The diagram below gives the information about the Hawaiian island chain in the centre of the Pacific Ocean. I Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information ion shown. of hers wit parca emphas The given diagram illustrates how horses have evolved in the last 40 mega-annums with closed details on the changes of their feet structure. Vt Overall, the horse evidently has evolved to be much larger and its — digits have formed into a singular hoof over the investigated period. 40 million years ago, the horse’s ancestor, termed Eohippus, was somewhat dog-sized and it possessed small feet with four phalanges. After 25 million years, it grew slightly in size and became a tridactyl fd called Merychippus. The foot had three digits with the middle phalange being bulkier as well as moderately longer. — It then developed to Mesohippus in the next 15 mega-annums, the three digits grew equally sizewise which then formed into one singular hoof like the horses of today. What could explain these drastic changes in horses would be that horses have been domesticated and fs carefully nurtured compared to their ancestors. Modern horses also have many distinguishable features such as their long ponytail and t— mane. illo oe oe eee oe se one ee eee ee [| [| | || The table below shows the numbers of visitors to Ashdown Museum during the year before and the year after it was refurbished. The charts show the result of surveys asking visitors who satisfied they were with their visit, during the same two periods. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Total number of visitors to Ashdown Museum ‘uring te yea belo etsbshent 74000 ace ~ 22.600 caerrenaree| Results of surveys of visitor satistaction ‘Year before refurbishment Cy states The given table illustrates the quantity of the holidaymakers to Ashdown Museum between the period before and the period after the repair whilst the pie charts give the information about the changes in the tourists’ satisfactory level during the same period. Overall, it is obviously seen that Ashdown Museum attracted a greater number of visitors after the refurbishment. It is also apparent that while the major reaction to the museum before the renovation was negative, it mostly turned to significantly higher satisfaction after the makeover. As it is depicted/shown, before the museum was refurbished, the visiting figure was 74000 visitors. The tourists’ negative/dissatisfied feeling made up half of the collected survey, 40% of which was dissatisfaction. The satisfied reaction was ranked second at 30%, followed by 15% of the people feeling extremely satisfied, Surveys with no response came last which accounted for 5% of the total survey. After the renovation, the number of holidaymakers was 18000 higher than that before the refurbishment. In this case, three-fourth of the visitors’ responses were positive, particularly, visitors who were satisfied constituted the largest proportion at 40%. The percentage of dissatisfied tourists was halved compared to the previous figure with 15%. Only 5% of the travellers felt very disappointed about this museum after the renovation. The no-response surveys remained constant throughout the 2 periods at 5% The diagram below gives the information about the Hawaiian island chain in the centre of the Pacific Ocean. i Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information om shown. Oldest volcano dates The major lands / back 80 m years Havraitan island chain ‘Youngest volcoano develops, a built up by numerous eruptions Magma spume “Wot spot’ spume remains static | Eruption process begins here, | plate (7-9 cm per year) inating 2883 lem down The given diagram illustrates information related to the creation of (the) Hawaiian island chain in the central parts of the Pacific Ocean. Overall, the creation of the major islands consists of 4 main phases, from the eruption of the magma to the full creation of the island chain. a The process begins with the magma inside the plate made out of rocks that are solid and dense, located 2883 km below sea level. Firstly, the “hot spot” spume, where the magma shows the strongest sign of eruption, remains relatively static. Then, the magma travels upwards, } turning into a magma spume. Eventually, it builds up due to numerous eruptions, and after a long period of time, it develops into young i volcanoes. This type of volcano is not fully formed because of a north-west shift happening in the Pacific tectonic plate, at the speed of 7-9 cm annually. After millions of years, there have been many creations of od volcanoes that had been pushed aside for newer ones to form, the oldest one is estimated to be around 80 million years old. This event 1 led to the creation of the major islands including Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Kahoolawe, and lastly, Hawaii. fey fe eae) oe oe oe oe ef oe oo oo i a

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