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O'zMU xabarlari Вестник НУУз ACTA NUUz

Article · July 2022


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Ortiqov Elyor
Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences


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O‘zMU xabarlari Вестник НУУз ACTA NUUz BIOLOGIYA 3/1/1 2022
XABARLARI, 2022, [3/1/1]
ISSN 2181-7324 Natural sciences

UDK 58.006:502.75
Hushbaht HOSHIMOV,
Namangan State University
Base doctoral student of the Department of biology.
Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan
Base doctoral student

The reviews were written by Tagayev I.U, Candidate of Biological Sciences

This article defines the current status of the species of I. rodionenkoi, I. orchioides, I. narynensis, I. austrotschatkalica, I.
halophila, I. kolpakowskiana and I. songarica, distributed on the northern slopes of the Fergana Valley. Based on the conducted
field studies, collected herbarium specimens and scientific analysis conducted to date, a brief synopsis and geographical
distribution of species of the genus are reflected on geographical maps.
Key words: Iris, endemic, Ungor tepa, Western Tien Shan, Ferghana Valley.


В данной статье определен реальный статус на сегодняшний день видов I. rodionenkoi, I. orchioides, I. narynensis, I.
austrotschatkalica, I. halophila, I. kolpakowskiana и I. songarica, распространенных на северных склонах Ферганской
долины. На основе проведенных полевых исследований, собранных гербарных образцов и научного анализа,
проведенного до настоящего времени, краткий конспект и географическое распространение видов рода отражены на
географических картах.
Ключевые слова: Iris, эндемик, Унгортепа, Западный Тянь-Шань, Ферганская долина.


Ushbu maqolada, Farg’ona vodiysi shimoli adirlarida tarqalgan I. rodionenkoi, I. orchioides, I. narynensis, I. austrotschatkalica, I.
halophila, I. kolpakowskiana va I. songarica turlarining bugungi kundagi real holati aniqlandi. Olib borilgan dala tadqiqotlari,
yig’ilgan gerbariy namunalari hamda shu kungacha olib borilgan ilmiy tahlillarga asoslangan holda turkum turlarining qisqacha
konspekti va geografik tarqalishini GAT xaritalarda aks etirildi.
Kalit so’zlar: Iris, endem,O’ng’ortepa Gʼarbiy Tiyonshon,Farg’ona vodiysi.

Introduction. There are more than 300 members of the Iris L. family worldwide, which are currently distributed in
temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, mainly in Eurasia, North America and Africa. 54 species of the genus are
distibuted in Central Asia. As a result of scientific research, a number of new species such as I.rudolphii, I.victoris [4],
I.rodionenkoi [7], I.petri, I.khassanovii [5], I. austrotschatkalica [10,11] and Iris chrysopetala [9] were discovered. Currently,
there are 47 species in the flora of Uzbekistan [3].
Based on external morphological features and information by Lawrence (1953) and Rodionenko (1961), Matthew (1989)
created a classification of species of the Iris genus. At present, irises are mainly classified according to the following
morphological features. In particular, depending on the type of existing underground (geophyte) organs, aryls (folds) on the
surface of the seed, the hairs on the outer petals, they are are grouped into certain subgenera [11]. Currently, the Iris family is
subdivided into Iris, Limniris (Tausch) Spach, Nepalensis (Dykes), G.H.M. Lawr, Xiphium (Mill.) Spach, Scorpiris Spach, and
Hermodactyloides (Spach) subgenera.
Due to their popularity as ornamental plants, species of the genus are considered to be of great economic importance.
Some species have also been important objects in the study of traditional medicine, plant evolution, and introgressive hybrid
The species of the genus were studied by Baker (1892), Daykes (1912), Lawrence (1953), Matthew (1989), Wilson
(2017), including Villalba (2012), Crespo et al. (2015) [12,15] worldwide, and Vvedensky (1923, 1935a , 1935b, 1941,1963,
1971) Rodionenko (1961, 2005, 2007, 2009), Mavrodiev (2010), Khassanov et al. (2014), Sennikov et al. (2016), Tojibayev et al.
(2015), Tojibaev et al. (2018), Boltenkov et al. (2016, 2021) [1,5,8,10,11] in Central Asia. Extensive systematic work has been
done on taxonomy of the genus by Dykes (1913), Lawrence (1953), Rodionenko (1984), and Mathew (1989). The latest
classification of Iris species has been developed by Mathew and all scientific research is now based on this systematics.
Currently, the genus Iris is divided into 6 sub-generations, 16 series into 12 sections[14]. One of the urgent tasks is to study the
geographical distribution areas and ecology of species of the genus Iris.

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Research Methodology. To determine the GPS locations of the species, we used the database of the Global Biodiversity
Information Service (www.//, herbariums stored in the TASH fund, virtual herbarium samples of Moscow
( (MW) and the database of Plantarium-online plant identifier (
Geographical coordinates of growth points in herbarium specimens were obtained using Google Earth Pro 7.1
( and combined with collected samples during field research in the Fergana Valley (Central Asia)
in 2020-2022 years.
Analysis аnd results. The results of field research in 2020-2022 to study the flora of the northern hills of the Fergana
Valley, the study of samples stored in large collections and the analysis of data from the available literature revealed that 8
species of Iris meet.
All over the world, we can see that among the researches conducted on multi-species over the last 10 years, there are
relatively many studies dedicated to the study of new species, chemical composition, morphology, ontogeny of species. But there
is a little less research on the geography of the species, their natural resources and their current state.
A brief synopsis, picture and distribution maps of the Iris family species in the flora of the northern hills of the Fergana
Valley are given.
Iris austrotschatkalica Tojibaev, F.Karim. & Turgunov, Turczaninowia 17(4): 12 (2014) (fig. 1D; fig 2).
≡ Juno austrotschatkalica (Tojibaev, F.Karimov & Turgunov) M.B.Crespo, March.-Azorín & Mavrodiev, Phytotaxa
376(5): 187 (2018).
The species also was described from this IPA site (Southern Chatkal ridge, Ungortepa) in 2014 (10,11). I.
austrotschatkalica with a narrow range of edaphic tolerance, i.e. stenobiont, grows only on dry, well-warmed stony soils. The
vertical interval is also very narrow, which is covered 1200–1300 m only. Despite the careful study of adjacent territories, the
species remains known only from the locus classicus in Uzbekistan.
Endemism status. Endemic Southern Chatkal ridge.
Existing conservation threats. farmlands, overgrazing.
General distribution. Uzbekistan.
Distribution in Fergana Valley. Endemic. Low mountains of Chatkal Range (Ungortepa).
Iris narynensis O.Fedtsch., Izv. Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 5: 159 (1905) (fig. 1C; fig 2).
≡ Juno narynensis (O.Fedtsch.) Vved., Fl. Uzbekistan. 1: 515 (1941).
Iris narynensis is endemic to the low mountains of the Fergana Valley (both in Tien Shan and Pamir-Alay parts). The
species with flowers vaguely reminiscent of I. kuschakewiczii and its allies [2]. The species can belong to the group of rare Juno
Iris species of Central Asia. In the Tien Shan part is known from the Ungortepa (Kyrgyzstan), the surroundings of Arbagish
(Uzbekistan) and BuzbuToo (Kyrgyzstan).
Endemism status. Endemic Southern Chatkal ridge.
Existing Conservation Threats. farmlands, overgrazing.
General distribution. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, .
Distribution in Fergana Valley. Foothills and low mountains of Fergana Valley.
Iris orchioides Carriere In: Rev. Hort. (Paris) 52: 337. (1880) (fig. 1B; fig 2).
≡ Juno orchioides (Carriére) Vved., Fl. Uzbekistan. 1: 519 (1941).
Iris orchioides is an endemic species of the Tien Shan Mountains. This species is found in the Kurama Mountains in the
western part of the Fergana Valley. The species belongs to the subgenus Scorpiris of the Central Asian species. It is found in the
foothills of the western part of the Fergana Valley on clayey, rocky slopes up to 2000 m high.
Endemism status. Endemic (ridge. Chatkal, Karatau, Kurama, Kyrgyz, Talas, Transili).
Existing nature protection threats. Habitat fragmentation, agricultural land, overgrazing.
General distribution. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tadzhikistan
Distribution in Fergana Valley. Kurama foothills (Sarvaksay).
Iris rodionenkoi Lazkov et Naumenko., In: T.Hall. In: Brit. Iris Soc. Newslett. 2014: 12. (2014). (fig. 1A; fig 2).
≡ Juno rodionenkoi Lazkov & Naumenko, Turczaninowia 17: 33 (2014).
Iris rodionenkoi is found in the Kyrgyz part of the Western Tien Shan, in the northwestern foothills of the Fergana
Range, between the Uuru-Say and Sari-Bel rivers. The color of the flower is similar to that of I. narbutii (O. Fedtsch.) Vved, but
distinguished from it by the structure of the inner perianth segments - a shorter, elongated apex or 3-toothed end [6,7]. It is found
in the hills of the northwestern part of the Fergana Valley on clayey slopes up to 700 m high.
Endemism status. Endemic (ridge. Chatkal, Fergana, Kurama).
General distribution. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan
Distribution in Fergana Valley. Northern foothills of Fergana Valley.
Iris songarica Schrenk O.Fedtsch., F.E.L.von Fischer & C.A.von Meyer. In: Enum. Pl. Nov. 1: 3. (1841) (fig. 1G; fig 3).
Iris songarica is mainly found in the plains and foothills of Central Asia. The species belongs to the subgenus of Limnris
species of Central Asia. The species is distributed in the foothills region of the northwestern part of the Fergana Valley.
General distribution. Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Mongolia, Pakistan, Tadzhikistan,
Turkmenistan, Xinjiang.
Distribution in Fergana Valley. Chust foothills.
Iris halophila Pall. Reise Russ. Reich. 2: 733 (1776). (fig. 1E; fig 3).
= Iris sogdiana Bunge, Index Seminum (TU, Dorpatensis) 1850: [3] (1850).
≡ Iris halophila var. sogdiana (Bunge) Skeels, Bull. Bur. Pl. Industr. U.S.D.A. 223: 61 (1911).
≡ Chamaeiris sogdiana (Bunge) M.B.Crespo, Flora Montiber. 49: 68 (2011).
≡ Iris spuria subsp. sogdiana (Bunge) B.Mathew, Iris: 118 (1981).
≡ Xyridion sogdianum (Bunge) Nevski, Trudy Bot. Inst. Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R., Ser. 1, Fl. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 4: 331

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Iris halophila is a common species in Central Asia. This species is found in the Tien Shan mountains in the Fergana
Valley. The species belongs to the subgenus of Limnris species of Central Asia. It is found in Uzbek part of the Tien Shan
Mountains, on the Nanay hills, and in the foothills of neighboring Kyrgyzstan.
General distribution. Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tadzhikistan, Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan,
Mongolia, China North-Central, Xinjiang, West Himalaya.
Distribution in foothills and low mountains of Fergana Valley.
Iris alberti Regel. In: Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 5: 260. (1877). (fig. 1H; fig 3).
The Iris alberti is an endemic species of the Tien Shan Mountains. This species is found in the Tien Shan mountains in
the Fergana Valley. The species belongs to the subgenus of Iris species of Central Asia. It is found in the Uzbek part of the Tien
Shan Mountains, on the Nanay and Gova hills, and in the foothills of neighboring Kyrgyzstan.
Endemism status. Endemic (ridge. Chatkal, Chu-Ili, Fergana, Susamyr, Transili, Uzun-Akhmat).
Existing nature protection threats. Agricultural land, overgrazing.
General distribution. Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
Distribution in Fergana Valley. The Southern Chatkalsky Ridge (Nanay, Gova hills).
Iris kolpakowskiana Regel., Trudy Imp. S.-Peterburgsk. Bot. Sada 5: 263 (1877). (fig.1F; fig 3).
= Iridodictyum kolpakowskianum (Regel) Rodion., Rod Iris: 202 (1961).
Ornamental and early flowering species with a reducing area. The area of distribution includes piedmont plains, foothills
and low-mountains (up to 1500 m) in Western and Northern Tien Shan. The species populates silty-soil, loess and stony slopes.
Usually in Fergana Valley such as landscapes. Usually, in the Fergana Valley, such habitats are places of intensive human
activity. Because of this reason number in nature is limited and decreasing. The species is included in the Red Book of
Kyrgyzstan (2006).
Existing conservation threats. Habitat fragmentation, dry-farming, overgrazing in early spring.
General distribution. West and North Tien Shan (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan).
Distribution in Fergana Valley. The Southern Chatkalsky Ridge (Nanay and Mountain Bosbu-Too).

Figure 1. Iris rodionenkoi (A); Iris orchioides (B); Iris narynensis (C) Iris austrotschatkalica (D); Iris halophila (E); Iris
kolpakowskiana (F); Iris songarica (G); Iris alberti (H); (photos by Hoshimov H)

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Figure 2. Distribution of Iris orchioides, Iris narynensis, Iris austrotschatkalica, Iris rodionenkoi.

Figure 3. Distribution of I. kolpakowskiana, I. alberti, I. halophila, I. songarica.

Conclusion/Recommendations. At present, it is of scientific importance to carry out such activities as the conservation
of biodiversity, the identification and sustainable use of natural resources of certain species, the creation of maps that reflect the
geographical distribution. Determining the distribution of the species in the flora of the Northern Hills of the Fergana Valley will
serve for future research and a new edition of the flora of Uzbekistan. In addition, information on rare and endangered species
will be used in future editions of local red books.


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