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The starting of a new generation.

LONG AGO, the world was filled with sword users. It was
adventurous and exciting, and that defence helped a lot of
people. It wasn’t easy to master but because of the need for
it, everyone had to learn it. Everyone loved it and mastered
it but something happened that changed all of that.
There was a particular tribe of warriors who were too
aggressive to learn how to use the swords. Day by day
passed, and the found another way to solve their problems.
The head of the tribe whose name was Julius Jonas; Made a
law\quote that says “If we can’t learn how to use the
swords then no one can”.
Immediately, he sent his people to kill anyone that could
use a sword in the other tribe. This was a tragic happening,
everyone that used the sword were afraid to touch it and
others that refused were killed by Julius’s tribe because of
how strong they were.
Some years passed and everyone that owned swords never
touched them again, instead used them for unnecessary
things like cutting wood or meat.
The world had changed a lot and just because of one tribe.

I woke up from the sound of my alarm clock, staring at the
It’s my birthday today and nothing can ruin this day for me.
I run down the stairs for breakfast.
“Good morning mum” I watch my mum prepare breakfast
for the baby.
“Good morning dear, where’s your brother?” She turns to
the staircase waiting for his arrival.
“I don’t think he wants to go to school today mum, as
usual” I smirk to her as I pour cereal into my bowl.
“Jaden!” my mum calls as he rushes down the stairs with
his hair as scattered as ever.
“Sup?” He replies acting all cool.
“Hurry up and get ready for school” She points out.
“Yeah sure thing mum” He comes over to my direction
dipping his hand into my bowl of cereal with a wide smile
on his face.
“What is wrong with you?”
He avoids the question while rushing upstairs. “Yum!”
“Not today brother” I aim my spoon to his back.
“Ouch” He reacts.
Wow, I didn’t even think it was going to work.
As I ate my food, I didn’t notice my mum staring at me
with a surprised look on her face.
“Good luck at school dear” She planted a kiss on my
“Thanks mum, bye” I rush out to catch the bus.
I walk over to my locker, picking up my required books
when suddenly someone taps me at my shoulder.
“Hey sis” It was my dumb brother, Jaden.
“What do you want now?”
“Come on sis, why do you feel that I want something from
you. Cant a guy talk to his little sis again” He puts on an
innocent smile.
“You never meet me in school unless you need something”
I cross my arms on my chest.
“Ok, I need you to take my place tonight to watch over
Jennie” He pleads seriously.
“Ok…But why can’t you do it?”
“Because I have to go over to Tyler’s house for a boys’
night out” He feels himself while talking.
My brother is friends with Tyler Jonas. A famous football
player. Son of a famous leader that we don’t know much
about though but his family is cool except from his sister
Tina Jonas, she the most popular girl in school but she’s too
much of queen bee.
As I was thinking and walking, I bumped into miss queen
“Like watch where you’re going loser” She sighs and
pushes me aside as her minions follow her.
Well, school was something.
I came back home welcomed by my little sister.
“Hey Jennie, how are you?”
“Fine, happy birthday sister” She manages to say out.
“Aww thanks so much” I smile at her.
Just as I enter the house I get surprised by my family.
“Happy birthday” Everyone cheered from different places.

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