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Acceptance for Value

A bill from a corporation is not a bill, but a check that you can turn into a money order per HJR 192 of
June 5, 1933

Every debt obligation shall be discharged

US bankrupt since 1933 and there is no more gold or silver to back up money supply

Consumers are creditor; therefore consumers can turn any debt instrument into a credit instrument
with which we can pay our debts with our SIGNATURE

FRN (Federal Reserve Notes) are debt instruments and you cannot pay a debt with more debt

We create money with our SIGNATURE

We generate funds that create money at the Federal Reserve (non federal) by our energy

We can discharge all debt with our “credit-sign” (signature) backed by the future commercial energy
that we will produce.

Consumers have buying power but we fail from the lack of buying because of we fail to use our God
given national credit to drive the economy

Note a presentment (traffic ticket, bill, or summons) can be discharged the presented the charge

Turn a bill into a check? How? Accepted for Value the presentment, and turn into a money order
—endorse it on back as you would deposit a check and return it to the presenter or send to the IRS

Bankruptcy of our country in 1933 brought about the credit expansion

Private banks have power to destroy or create money at will through their technique of fractional
reserve banking

April 5, 1933 President asked all persons are to turn in their Gold coins, Gold Bullion, and Gold
certificates to the Non Federal Reserve System

HJR -192 superseded Public Law

This eliminated our ability to pay our debts, allowing only for their discharge

Using commercial paper we pass the unpaid debt attached to the paper on other, by way of our
purchases and transactions

US Govt created a commercial bond by pledging the property, labor, life and body of its citizen as
payment for the debt (bankruptcy)

Humans are collateral through BC without knowledge or consent

BC are registered securities

1 mill value

Circulated around the world as collateral for loans, entries on the asset side of ledgers

Problem--- we didn’t authorize

US Govt is a foreign corporation with respect to a state

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