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The compiling of this material (newspapers articles) in a book on its own is

solely to pour and contribute to the benefit of the society service. The articles
appear in Sudan vision; the only daily paper that is written in English language
in the Sudan. Hopefully, this contribution is sure to help in feeding the
community in many different aspects, hence the nature of the topics in this
honorable work is in line with what runs in the community at large; thus, it
treats directly and indirectly the negative habits wisely so that they are
avoided in the future; this is in the one hand, on the other hand, they are
arranged in an amusing string that culminates in a complete sort of
entertainment that enjoys the sick in his /her convalescence period. A lot many
people were ringing me during the writing of these articles expressing their
total appreciation to these funny episodes that well treat the folk , and went
further, to entreat me the continuity in that same line ,to pour the remedy to
heal that thick sick tradition which plague that nation inheritably from one
generation to another . The collection then is an ointment that serves a pain-
killer to the shortcomings in this society, in the hope that people may react
positively as each story directs them. The bottom line then, this is not a mere
talk of newspapers, it’s a reality that faces the country. This is in my opinion!

…To my parents, wife, son &daughters, in-laws, and Ahmed &Ludan !

I’d like to express my warmest gratitude to every guy whose
encouragement fuel me to scratch these letters, hopefully that the society may
benefit a lot from. I am in great debt to the avid readers who inflamed my
enthusiasm to put these articles into a tangible work ,my gratitude is also set
to Ustaz Taha Hussein of KIPS who edited , designed , and finalized the layout
of this work. My thanks are also due to Colonel: Mohammed Saeed Ahmed for
his continuous encouragement to culminate this work into an adored
masterpiece. My gratitude is also meant to the many guys who kept reading
me all through in a non - stop. My thanks are also directed to Dr. Muhmood Ali
Ahmed, of Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST), without whose
help, this collection couldn’t reach where it has reached. Last but not least, my
gratitude is set to the staff of the Open University of the Sudan (OUS) for their
great help in keeping recommending me to collect these articles into a work
that worth words.

Table of contents

No Statement Page
1 Foreword I.
2 Dedication II.
3 Acknowledgements III.
4 Table of contents IV.
5 1000 Cases of Cancers a Month! 1
6 A Commentary of the Commentary on Sexual Harassment 2
A Hot Debate that is carried at Garden City University about the 4
Factors of Successful Communication, and the Miraculous
7 Interview of Sofia
8 A lot of cut off of the power 6
9 A Lot of Road Accidents! Were the Drivers off their Heads? 7
10 A Recipe for Sudanese Certificate Examinees 8
11 A Suggestion for the Ministry of Education to Pay Well Teachers ! 10
12 Al-Knooze Youth’s Association Celebrates Teachers Pensioners 11
13 Alas! The Skeleton is out of the Cupboard! 12
14 April fool’s Day of May! 13
15 Attention! These Spot Needs to be invested 14
16 Attention! These Spots Needs to be invested 15
17 Bad customs We Brought up With :( 1-3) 16
Before Clearing out the Rubbish, We Should Change the Citizen’s 17
18 Behavior!
19 Better Ways to Celebrate the Prophet’s Birthday 18
20 Butane Gas is Sold like Gold 19
21 Celebrating Tree’s Eid! 20
22 Certificate Examinations Horrors 21
23 Most Communicators Disturb the People in Public Transport. 22
24 Conductors Behavior in Public Transportation 23
25 A Paradox in Two Newspapers Headlines! 24
26 Do not be that Extravagant and Greedy! 25
27 Do You Need a Ram? 26
28 Doctors are Late, and Patients are Sick Albeit! 27
29 Electron icing everything is Risky! 28
30 Electronic zing All Things! 30
31 Expatriates Say: East or West Home is best! 31
32 Getting Back to Intermediate School is O.K 32
33 Good News! We are Gonna Buy Butane Gas by Kilo. 33
34 Good News! Dollar Started its Journey Back. 34
35 Grave Diggers wish many People Would Die! 35
36 Habits That We Have to Kick Away: (2-3) 37
37 Hit the Iron while it is Hot! 38
38 I Wish I Had a Farm of Scorpions! 39
39 If Shakespeare is back again, he would not get 280 40
40 If you are Lucky, you have to have a Safe Watermelon 41
41 Increasing Rate of Divorce Cases: Reasons and Solutions! 42
42 Is it! As you sow you would breed? 44
43 It is a Piece of Cake! 45
44 It is noticeably seen, that Malaria is going to be Part of History 46
45 It is Only me and the Driver Who are not Involved in that Game 47
46 It Says: Learn English in Seven Days! 48
47 Plastic Bags Banning Decision! 49
48 Kids Soft Dismissal off Home! 50
49 Let Us Minimize Our Contribution to Global Warming. 51
50 Limiting Higher Education Teaching Staff Immigration 52
51 Losing and Gaining Weight Bills 53
52 ( Meddni and Rabak ) A Tale of Two Cities 54
53 Mosques aren’t built for that! 56
54 Mother’s Day should be Celebrated Everyday! 57
55 Mum is Gone! 58
56 My Son is buying us the Ram! 59
57 Negative Habits That We Can’t Give Up .(1-3) 60
58 New Habits That Start to Replace The Old Ones :( 1 – 5) 61
59 Nothing Travels Faster than Rumours ! 62
Open University of the Sudan has torn the Traditional and Turned 63
60 to be fully an Electronic!
61 Open University of the Sudan is a Window that Never Closes. 65
62 Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire! 67
Public Transportations and the Double Fare for a Short Cut 68
63 Journey
64 Punctuality at Holding Meetings, Dates, and Appointments 69
65 Ramadan is Sweeter in the Sudan! 70
66 Ramadan Groups! 71
67 Ramadan Kareem 72
68 School is a few Days a Head! 73
Scratching Names and Commemorations on Walls (A new bad 75
69 habit (3-5))
70 She is too Young; she is only thirteen! 76
71 Sitting at Tea Sellers would not Increase Production! 77
72 Smart Shoes 78
73 Taking Meals at Offices is Aggravating! 79
74 Terrific! The Electronic Blood Bank is founded! 80
75 That Who Rape Children should be hanged in Public! 81
76 The Banknote Pound 82
77 The 5th African Conference for Distance Education 83
78 The Ambulance Serine 84
79 The Avid Readers of WhasApp Generations! 85
80 The Bin Car is coming and the people are running! 86
81 The Bride – Groom Breakfast A New Bad Habit ( 2 – 5 ) 88
82 The Congested Stations! 89
83 The Countdown of School Tournament is started! 90
84 The Critical Stations! 92
85 The Decree of Polygamy 93
86 The Dreams and Hopes of El Eid 95
87 The Electrification of White Nile Villages 96
88 The Exaggerated Generosity of White Nile State 97
89 The Examinations Phobia ! 98

90 The freezing of the Sudanese Football Union 99
91 The Guests of Khartoum State Governor! 100
The Institute of Arabic Language for Non- native Speakers at 101
92 Open University of the Sudan is a Blinking Spot.
93 The Kettle Called the Pot Black 102
94 The Last Match Stick for the 15th Candle! 103
95 The Latest World Ranking of University Neglects the Sudan! 105
96 The Life of a Teacher! 107
97 The Modesty of the Minister of Human Resources 109
98 The Outbreak of Cancers! 110
The Perfection of English Language is Totally Associated with 111
99 Comboni College
100 Preparation for the New Academic School Year . 112
101 The Price of Drinking Water Bottle is the same in and out! 113
The Rate of Whiting Face and Adding Weight are in a Good 114
102 Increase!
103 The Scapegoat! 116
104 The School That We Want: (1-4) 117
105 The School that We Want: (2-4) 118
106 The school that we want: (3- 4) 120
107 The School That We Want: (4 – 4) 121
108 The Scratches of Sudani , MTN ,and Zain Need to be very clear 122
109 The Season of Mosquitoes to Khartoum. 124
110 The Season of the Bitter – Sweet 125
111 The Season of the Expatriates to the Sudan! 127
112 The Shift of Flies Replaces that of the Mosquito! 128
113 The Stories of my Home Country Towns and Cities 129
114 The Sudan Imports Pipes 131
115 The Third Missed Side of the Triangle 132
The unjustifiable Shooting up of Prices, although what we Used to 134
116 Eat, we Still Eat!
117 The Unstudied Decisions of making another wife! 136
118 The WhatsApp Groups 137
119 The White Nile Watery Diarrhea! 138
120 The White Nile State Hosts the 26th Schools’ Tournament 139
121 The White Nile State is the State of the whites! 141
122 The World Toilet Day, What a Day! 142
123 The Youth of Today! 143
124 There should be a High Minaret of a Mosque! 144
They Come as They Go! Out of the Beautification centre, into the 146
125 Cosmetics
126 Half of Ramadan is Away! 147
127 Throwing Rubbish in Public Streets; isn’t a nice thing! 149
128 Too much Cosmetics is Bad for Your Health 150
129 Unpunctuality at Civil Service 151
130 Beating Doctors at Hospitals isn’t a civilized sign 152
131 Warning! Don’t Trust the WhatsApp Rumours ! 153
132 We are a Nation that Lives by Imitation! 154

133 We are Behind the Rapid Spread of Cancers 155
134 We Should Boycott Every Smelly Commodity! 156
135 What a Day! 157
136 What if We Changed Our System of Working into Two Shifts 159
137 Why Charging the Public Gardens? 160
138 Why do Most Guys Now Talk about Drugs Abuse? 161
Why is it a condition that you must attain Proficiency in English to 162
139 get a Job?
140 Why is the Profession of Teaching Becomes a Mockery Game? 164
141 Why Moving Away with the National Dialogue! 166
142 Why not reducing the Months to be Equal to February! 167
143 Why not to Increase the Annual Leave! 169
144 Why Warring Against Tea Selling? 170
145 Why, Women Rights, and No Men Rights? 171
146 Women Rights and No Men Rights! 172
Wow! The Standard of English Language is discussed at the 173
147 National Assembly
148 You Cannot Avoid Colliding with the pedestrians 175
A Palm leaf – Basket is promoted at the Expense of the Retired 176
149 Plastic Bag!
150 Child Abuse courts! 178
151 700 Doctors Protest Salary Raises 179
152 How many Hours does every Guy Spend in Telephoning? 180
153 A Funeral for Fuel! 181
154 ATMs should be changed to Stalls of Perfume! 182
155 Having not to own a Car is also a Blessing! 183
156 No Liquidity! Why? 185
157 OUS, Now Stretching its Hands in All Directions! 186
Physicians Claim that They Could Determine the Date of 187
158 Doomsday!
159 Really! 300 Fake Doctors in Khartoum! Are you serious? 189
160 The Double Blessings of the Internet! 190
161 The Greatest Sport you can ever do, is Walking! 191
162 The Kingdom of the Ants! 193
163 Transmitting the Culture of Independence! 195
A Heart Specialist is at the Heart of the Ministry of Higher 196
164 Education!
165 The Advantages of the E-Examinations! 197
166 Boycotting Cuts in the Meat! 199
167 The ‘Electronic Examinations’ is now a Reality! 200
168 The Most Fortunate Journalist! 201
169 The Voluntary Return should be for all! 203

1000 Cases of Cancers a Month!

This is definitely alarming! It is scaring to hear like such a piece of news; a declaration
saying that cancer is spreading at an alarming rate; in an uncontrollable manner. One really
feels afraid of this disastrous epidemic.

Some days ago, the vast majority of our daily papers came ornamented in their mainsheet
headlines that, the Minister of health of Khartoum state Prof. Mammon Humayida - the first
defense line for the disease – declared in A newspaper statement that the triangular capital
monthly witnesses a complete thousand cases of cancers. Wow! Believe it or not, this rate
means that there are daily 34 cases of this fatal disease. It is really true that we are running
a real risk; our lives are in real danger. Where shall we go? Shall we quit the whole country
until it is free of this disease? It is polluted all around us; the air is not pollution – free, the
vegetables, drinking water, altogether are contaminated. The grilled and fried are done in
second hand boiled oil. Chicken and all white meats are harmonized …nothing … nothing
around us is purely seen as cancer-free. There is no hope to have it with non-carcinogenic
ingredients. Alas! Cancer corners us from all directions; everything, everywhere is
carcinogenic. You either take it or die of hunger.

Why is this huge number of cases? What are the direct causes of this syndrome? Is it a sort
of punishment by God? Or is it our behavior? I am stunned; so puzzled, to have 34 cases of
cancers a day; 3 case an hour.Well, this is terribly alarming; everybody has to feel afraid,
since the causes of this fatal disease surround us typically as a ring in a finger. That is very
horrifying to have 3 patients an hour.

Lucky are the other animals; they do not get this horrible disease; elephants, cows, horses,
camels, goats, sheep, lucky they, they do not have it , even donkeys , dogs , cats , bats ,rats
,hens, all in unbroken line they do not have it . I will not say this miraculous, but I will say
this God fate.

If it is true as the newspapers declare in the tongue of Prof. Mammon, and this figure is
really true, we may entreat the Prof. to declare a state of

Emergency to combat this killer, and also he should appear on TV to tell the people the Dos
and Don’ts of this fatal enemy. He should also tell us some precautionary steps that we
should follow to avoid the risks of this disease. This is in my opinion.

A Commentary of the Commentary on Sexual Harassment

Usually every society feels that it has dignity and identity when it sees that its
customs, traditions, values and ideals are strictly followed according to the norms. Since
almost always the society consists of guys of all walks, then we shouldn’t expect every guy
to behave like everybody else in this society ; some, most often behave themselves ; they
behave wisely , and luckily , those are the vast majority , particularly those who are
educated and highly educated , but this is not always a rule of thumb ; some guys who are
absolutely illiterate behave themselves , therefore , there are other factors push those
hooligans to behave indecently towards the fair sex.
Ms. El –Zahra Ibrahim, I would like to greet you – and those who are like you – for being so
courageous and daring to touch upon a real aching problem that our society suffers a lot
from, but any way, it does not happen from all guys, luckily it happens only from a few guys,
who on their turn can be given lessons to quit, like those guys have their own dark world
that they are compelled to live in; but believe me they can be easily drawn from that world
if we try to light a torch for them to quit this foggy world; to free themselves from these
bandages of being enslaved to their instincts.
Instinctive motives usually push those who behave irrationally to the circles of animalism;
you turn to be blind, and hence you could not easily control yourself.
In only some few cases like these twisted acts are not seriously meant; they are done as
provocative actions to tease the one who is being harassed, and at some other situations as
imitative incidents, any way, here I am not justifying for these twisted acts to revive into
something that we altogether do not want to see or even to hear about it in this pure
But Hay sister! Could I stop you a little? Please, may I entreat you to tell the fair – sorry, the
fair & lovely – sex to follow this recipe of mine. In case they intend to a void like such
inhumanly harassments:
(1)Wear that type of clothes which make you a 100% Sudanese.
(2) Talk in low voice in public transportations, and stop answering phones during these trips.
(3) Stop using these shouting cosmetics and perfumes.
(4) Do not allow those youth from the opposite sex to befriend you.
(5) Befriend a girl like you who is usually a place of your trust.
(6) Unfold you secrets to anybody except you, yourself.
(7) Do not ask impolite guys any help. A rabbit never asks a wolf a favor.
(8) Do not laugh idly , not to stir the devil.
(9) Hold a rosary and count, like those guys usually ever never think of this type
(10) Fly directly home the moment that you finish you work. In
Case of going shopping, have a good company.
Thank you sister very much for allowing me a chance to ink something that could be
accepted by ALLAH, and hence HE will forgive my sins. Aaaamin !

A Grey Day!
A sea over me
Yet, no near sea
Crystal clear laden sky
Cloudy, with fewer clouds by
A grey day of beauty
Needs free lance duty
Sunless all around
Describing that compound
Flowers gaily smile
Eyes hence agile
Red, white, yellow screen
All around furnished green
I see! Why non-believers worship
In absence it voyaged in ship

A Hot Debate that is carried at Garden City University
about the Factors of Successful Communication, and the
Miraculous Interview of Sofia

Language, of course, is one of human traits. To speak a language you are a person,
and to communicate you are human. Languages, in fact, are one of the greatest gifts that
God has given to His greatest creation. No other creature that is capable of uttering a
language apart from human beings, only parrots go parroting a near to language bubbling, if
and only if, they are dictated that certain language, they seem to repetitively chorus it after
that guy. A mere echo it seems all of it, but they cannot speak a language on their own,
whereas man can do!
The debate that is held, enumerates many factors that are closely needed to communicate
successfully in the language. Charisma is, of course, spearheaded the string of these things,
next comes vocabulary, body language, appearance, fluency, pronunciation, and the
grammar of the language. All these factors, do not, of course, seem convincing, to the vast
majority, to enable every Tom and Dick to communicate the target language as its native
speakers do. One may say that Charisma has nothing to do with expressing your thoughts
with that fluency and accuracy. Likewise, appearance might not be seen as playing any role
in making even shorter communications; holding on the proverb that says:” appearance
cannot tell “, but anyway, justifications are found by the debaters. To convince and be
convinced is broadly seen a language of debating.
Turning back to logic, do these factors really qualify the communicator to balloon his cheeks
in communication? And turn him/her to an orator who expresses themselves in a non-stop.
It seems funny, that facial expressions turn a guy a good speaker. To detect this, think of the
deaf, cleverly they decipher the so called body language. Mutes, in fact, deadly fought to
defend his group’s opinion, they faced all attacking arrows that were shot at them. He
cleverly rejected the idea of that programmed iron lady. Typically like the tones of mobile
phone technology. Nothing at all is new to him in that imitative game .Thus, he firmly holds
on that set of communication tools.
The other side of the equation doesn’t seem an easy game. Ali, on his turn, defended the
doll to the bones. His debating group made of Sofia a real woman of
Flesh and blood. They have this impression when Sofia, the robot, dictated them the
harmonious body language and the matching facial expressions. The eye-contacts she uses,
typically goes in harmony with what she really utters. It is miraculous to the vast majority,
particularly to those who have seen it for the first time.
Now, in the world of modernization, simulation puts us at the threshold of the next –to-
reality. Virtual and real conversation, are now blended in one string, this blended thread
puts us in a wonderful world of simulation, that makes it easy to learn on our own. Via
virtual classes you can do a beautiful self-learning. You can only meet your virtual class

mates just at the examination halls. Thanks for this technology that makes it possible for us
to challenge our creativity. This is in my opinion.

A lot of cut off of the power

These days and every seasonal start of summer we usually face a lot of cuts in the
power (electricity), followed immediately by a severe shortage of its twin sister; the water,
the water supply.
The weather, then not to deny it; is absolutely baking, and every Tom and Dick wants to
relax under the gushing and rushing cool current of his Newly erected central heating; yes,
the spilt, and after a good slumber, he goes towards the bathroom for a refreshing shower.
This is all I swear is in reality, not in a chain of dreams.
Waking up, he will find himself dripping down to toes in sweat, stretching himself, reaches
for his towel to wipe himself clean. It is Black then, everywhere, the market and what is
around, also there is no water, not a drop to drink.
Electricity services, together with that of water, now belong to a company which is suppose
to care highly and meticulously for its customers And consumers, citizens pay and prepay for
these services, day and night,so They should receive what makes them happy. Do as you
would be done by.
The citizens should also use these two services wisely; they shouldn’t put on their plugs
when they are suppose to be off, and likewise the water Pipes, they shouldn’t be let in the
on position all the day long.
The excuse we usually receive for our queries about the cutoff of these services, is always
the same; the silt. Yes, the silt, what is that silt You are talking about? Isn’t this silt the same
that silt in winter? Why no more cuts in winter?
Let me then suggest something, hopefully that it is accepted by the meant authorities; the
suggestion is: If either of these services repetitively cuts more than three times per month,
then its price should be lowered by three-thirds in every transaction . Did I say three –
thirds? What a fool of me ! I am not good at figuring things out! I mean two-thirds! Is that
right? Help me! I can’t see in the dark, and I am thirsty, because I am fasting.

A Lot of Road Accidents! Were the Drivers off their Heads?

It is noticeably these days that road crashes are exaggeratedly increased. Every birth
of a new day witnesses a fresh car crash or a complete damage of a two – collided vehicles
of any sort. Complex road accidents become a normal story of everyday talk among the folk;
you never quit a day without telling a story of those traffic accidents.
One usually asks: What exactly causes these terrible disastrous road accidents? Does it the
behavior of the drivers? Or is it the late who should shoulder all the blame of this terrible
road crash. At times, these accidents take place in a clear plain area, even the driver himself
finds himself astonished, as why these accidents happened. Really it is unjustifiable to find a
cause to this dilemma.
In highways there are circumstances that one gets astonished to ; driving , for example in
full speed , and all of a sudden you find yourself face to face with a blunt donkey , it just
appeared from nowhere ; as if a devil pushes it in front of that madly rushing car , then they
all turn over , and a halt to see the losses . Usually the late is mistaken!
However, the question still boils in my head, and I believe in many others. They almost
always exaggerate and balloon the case. They tell stories about this problem in question.
They, for example, can fabricate a story about the driver that says he mentioned to his folk:
He will stop driving after this trip. Others say: he drank tea with them and told them that he
might not come back; many more stories of this sort can be told that this driver has seen his
fate when he arranged for this particular errand.
The query still echoes in my head and heart; why more crashes usually take place? It is a
phenomenon that needs close study and researching. Yes, researching! We need to know
the direct causes behind those terrible catastrophes. What state of minds do those drivers
are? Are they tired? Why shouldn’t they take slumber or a nap? And then start a fresh to
continue the rest of their journey. Do those drivers take something to keep them awake all
through their trip, for example, do they take strong coffee? Or a tasty black tea ? Or at least
green one? They should.
The newspapers at the end of the line then exaggerate the scene. You find in their
mainsheets that; 30 passengers were killed and injured in an accident of an express bus and
vehicle, but when you really read between the lines you find that, only two were killed and
twenty – eight were injured, but two of them were seriously injured that they were taken to
the intensive care unit.
Please! May I kindly entreat you! Still I can’t find a convincing answer to my queries as to
what makes those drivers make and commit these unintentionally white crimes. Were they
off their heads? Do traffic police warn them of not to do these little crimes? The police
should confiscate their licenses and ask them a big fine, so that they cannot commit like
such things. This is in my opinion.

A Recipe for Sudanese Certificate Examinees

The academic year is hurriedly turning its wheels, rapping the nine months of sweat
on both students and teachers sides. The teachers play their utmost effort to cultivate their
success which qualifies them for much fame and flame. The students on their part sweat for
a percentage that make them throw a dice to win among the many favourites of their most
beloved and preferred colleges.
Parents, taking the referees’ seat, watching the game pass smoothly. They usually put their
sons and daughters in whatever tools they have to collect data from them. This is not bad in
itself, to put them in queries, a sort of following –up. It is really good to check yourself how
your sons and daughters make progress, to see in which subjects they perform well, and
where they are exactly lagging behind.
Teachers, on their turn, should put themselves in the parents’ shoes; they should take the
parents’ role, and fatherly lead their profession to that end and extent. They should not
exaggerate in robbing all students’ time in stuffing their heads with loads and loads of
patterns of questions that are set as carbon copy of the certificate examinations. Turning
their students into human beings – parrots, they repeat things but unfortunately they
cannot try questions that test the upper faculties of thinking. In doing their comprehension
questions, the students just locate where the wording of the question area and then they
just cut to paste their answers to where they feel they are right.
Students, the vast majority of them if not all, miss the golden rule that says: Think before
you ink. It was then a motto hanged in the neck of all Bakhet –Er- Ruda dwellers. The
students should regulate themselves and be adapted to a regular schedule that shapes the
triangle which its sides are: Rest, feed, and read. This is really what makes that success.
So, the whole three bodies- the parents, the teachers, and the students- aim for one and
only one thing, which is the great success of those juveniles. The future of this nation;
whatever is that nation, its future is really swinging on the shoulders of those young kids,
that unit of the future generations. For the success of those guys, a recipe should be set,
and it must be blindly followed. They should memorize their lessons day by day , that is to
say, they have to study their classes first time , and not to delay or put off , what is suppose
to do today for tomorrow . They should take food that is rich in vitamins, fats, starch,
vegetables, sweet stuffs, and fruit. They should take full rest, at least the eight
recommended hours of the day. They should not exceed the doses of those private tuitions,
the pre-exam camps, the spotting that is prepared on some sheets of papers that are sold in
the market. They should not think in, any way, of cheating; whatever the style of cheating,
they should not think of that, since it is time consuming and it is a waste of time, and it is
dishonest game that diverts those students aside from the educational aims, objectives, and
goals. The parents on their part, should not hasten their kids success, they should let them
feel confident themselves, and not to push them to hell. They – the parents- should always
remember the saying that says: The darkest hour is always before dawn! They should feel

patient to make their sons and daughters feel patient and not to be patients. Now the
exams are a few days ahead, could we all cool down, and let things be cooked in low heat.
This is in my opinion.

A Suggestion for the Ministry of Education to Pay Well
Teachers !

Teachers, worldwide play a pioneering role in imparting knowledge and catering for
the kids and the grown-ups. Not only are their roles restricted to these activities, but they
care for the norms that govern the bring up of both kids and the grown -ups ; the
educational sides . But, do you think that teachers are well paid? As we consider the
different activities they carry out all the day long. They plan their lessons , prepare the most
suitable visual aids that they can see perfectly satisfy the needs of his classes , even if at
their own expenses ,they conduct the lesson planned , device the learners exercises and
assigned them some homework , marking these exercises and homework . A killing job;
tiring; a job that worth thousands of millions .
Me, myself, and I, suggest for the ministry of education to find a new method to pay
teachers sufficiently well, whatever the number of the teachers the country wide; they
should be treated like the communication companies. Yes, like Zain , MTN ,and Sudani ; i.e.
their prices are counted per minute or second without inclusion of taxes . then it will be fair
for those guys to be paid in this way ; they will then get substantial and sizable salaries .They
will also increase and accelerate their talkative mood and speed , particularly after the
additional five years ; they will be over – talkative , since they will be approaching senility (
being senile ) . They should also be given an allowance of excessive talking. Yes, they will talk
in a non – stop; like a Sonny trade mark radio with new batteries. By the way, is teaching a
craft or a profession? When is the pension age in 25 years time? To participate in this
competition: You have to send answers to the following e-mail: teach.65.gom

Al-Knooze Youth’s Association Celebrates Teachers

Teachers all over the world are the far most respected guys, they are almost always
honored everywhere; in rural or urban areas, they are usually the kind of guys who usually
tie and untie the unsolvable matters, they are always engaged into the most complicated
problematic hard things , in that , they represent the judges , orators , preachers , leaders
,and commissioners ; in short they are all in all .
It is the turn of life that people usually tend to retire or have compulsory and non –
compulsory pension, this is all attributed to age and the long excellent service, since they
find themselves unable to carry out their jobs and duties appropriately and efficiently. Yes,
age is beginning to tell on them. Alas! Senility is a stone throw. Those guys by now are going
to talk off their heads, they are not to be accepted as witnesses; Yah, they are on a long
Thus working powerfully is bounded by a certain age. It used to be 60 years of age; this is
almost nearly all the worldwide, but luckily they have exceeded the dose; it turns to be 65.
Hopefully, with that next expected increase in our salaries is to be subsidized with pension
age increase, to reach a full 70. Yes, seventy plus, and let what happens, happens. Who
knows, our grandchildren might be treated of 75 if not 80. Back a bit to our issue of Al-
Knooze .
Al-Knooze is a quiet beautiful nice small town that lies on the eastern bank of the White
Nile; the moon lit nights usually reflects on it a kind of brightness that highly resembles the
sweet smile of an innocent baby that found his mother after an interval of absence; gaily
meets the visitors.
Its location makes the gentle breeze gushes towards it from all corners of the globe, then it
acts as a magnet; it draws whatever that is precious.
The people are so elegant, smart, handsome, and beautifully generous, they befriend
cordially whoever comes to call on them, intentionally or unintentionally, and thus make
you live this cordial atmosphere.
This town over all has an active and effective Youth Association, which usually think forward
to bring their town to the lofty. Their starting kick off targeted the old teachers who are
driven to the pension of 60. Anyway, the Association has well celebrated those nice aging
guys ; only to name a few, Ustaz Mohammed Al- Zain Hassan Al- Tom , Al- Saied Merggani ,
Gahfar Abd- Al –Malik , Kamal Mohammed Ihamir , and me myself and I are among the
honored .Hopefully , like such occasions must be continued . Alright?

Alas! The Skeleton is out of the Cupboard!

Proverbs are witty rhymed economized words that when they are unfolded they
result in very wide range of meaning. It is very rhetoric and eloquent to express yourself in
that economical way. Incidentally; the saying: The skeleton is out of the cupboard. It means
that hidden thing is now in open and it is at large that everybody now can see it very clearly.
This unfolded thing that we mean here , is sure to be that luxurious wedding of White Nile
State. Yes, this unprecedented occasion, the 26 school tournament ,the gathering that has
made a harmonious mixture of all edges of this beloved Sudan. Yes, the country of El-
Mehadi , El-Azhari , Aboud , Nimari , El- Mergani , El-Sadg ,Suwar El- Dahab , and El-Bashier.
Yes, all those nice leaders, they are all nice in unbroken line, simply because they are
Sudanese, so we love them by instinct since we love the Sudan, and the opposite is also
true, we love the Sudan then we have to love them, those who are with us and those who
are absented by death – we supplicate the God to forgive them-.
Yes, this unforgotten incident in my State. Where all Sudanese are expected to be present in
the land of the WHITES; Kennana , sugar,milk and eggs, Rabak, cement ,Ed-Duiem ,cheese,
Tendelti ,sandy hills, Aba-Island ,ferry and boats, Asslayia ,sugar, and Kosti ,the white
conscience and heart of its people.
This is one big aim behind this tournament; this lovely gathering, where the people of the
north, the descendants of Ali Abd -Elatif, embrace those of the south, the dependants of El-
Mehadi , those of the east, the sons of Othman Diggna,embrace those of Al- Sultan ALI
dinnar. Oh! Lovely, if we really love the Sudan, we have to love every inch in it. So, do I need
to entreat you to love White Nile? This land of yours, in this new geographical south . Let us
enjoy the moments of the tournament. Let us know each other very well. Let us love each
other that much, to let the blood of the national dialogue runs in our veins. Let us unite then
nobody can defeat us.
Have a nice time there in that land of the whites. Please, may I entreat you to leave your
heart here with us, we need it a lot, yes, and we need it badly, because we are going to give
you ours besides the cups that you are going to score. Yes, take all the cups, but leave us
your heart, we need to learn to love. Alas! Only some minutes are left, and then the
Skeleton will be out of the cupboard .This is in my opinion.
By air, by sea, and on land
Love we need to understand
Passionately, for this or that
Heart we need a tit for tat
Do stamp a lovely impression
At all moments, no exception
Come again! You lovely guy
Don’t please! Say bye-bye

April fool’s Day of May!

Rumours are always around, they are smelt at every passed minute, they handle true
or false anecdotes; some are characterized as being white lies. In contrast, do we meet at all
black lies?
Helps a lot in this situation is the creation of the mobile phone, like a whirl –pool it transfers
the bits of news that used to travel in a fortnight; just a touch or a click could finish the
matter in a fraction of a second.
These lies and rumours are almost always heard everywhere, they do not have certain
places that incubate them. Here in the Sudan we usually exaggerate this universal
phenomenon; April fool’s day, we are contrary to other nations has it only in April, but it is
almost always the talk of every month. Yes, we have it monthly, typically like salaries and
wages. We have an April fool’s day in January. You can simply hear it goes like saying: That
the people of the graves are now up, then most of the guys believe the story and each one
add to it in its arrival, they balloon it one by one to the extent that it can be filmed or staged
in a public theatre.
Likewise in February, it may go like telling the whole public about the sudden unexpected
coming of doomsday next week, and most probably it is expected on Tuesday! As such, we
have unbelievable April fool’s days, although April fool’s is not to be trusted, but ours is
even more shouting in its foggy dim atmosphere, it is always hilarious!
That of March comes with a miraculous story, a story that you hardly ever think of its
incidents happen to a human being. It may tell that a recent buried guy is seen walks in the
streets of the village or a certain town, and visited his family many times and asked for his
possessions, and even that his family has given him a glass of milk which he is unfortunately
rejects innumerable times, which reflects to the folk his ghost nature. Since ghosts refuse
taking milk.
All April fool’s days in the Sudan this year appear apparently in May. They come clothed in
the gigantic winds of May, they came together with the cold drops of the first showers of
pre –autumn rains, and the gentle breeze embraces them in the bosom of the mild drops of
the early morning rain that foretells a good day. They are two of them; the first says that: An
urgent meeting of the council of ministers is held to increase the tariff of the power
(electricity) which is very soon falsified as a mere fallacy. The second is really is a big one of
its kind, it goes like saying that the previous first vice president Ali Osman Mohammed Taha
has died of acute leukemia , then he immediately emerges on the crystal screen to refute
and falsify April fool’s day of this May . Thank God the guy is alive! But who can guess, what
is April fool’s day of June is gonna to be about!
Smart phones now made a fertile ground for all these rumours , where rumours-mongers
distribute them via their whatsApp groups , or face book shared fiends , their distribution is
very easy , it cost nothing but a few typing and a press of a key for sending . This is in my
opinion !

Attention! These Spots Needs to be invested

Thank God! We are living in a spacious country. Yes, the Sudan by far is considered
one among the top largest countries in Africa, the Islamic world, the Arabian countries, and
might probably be of the world. It’s surrounded by many countries which indicates the
vastness that our country has. You can never find around the countries of the world, that a
house 500 meters square is won by one guy , that is why they depend solely on building high
vertical buildings ; houses many stories high . Thank God ,we have it wide , spacious
These spacious areas are particularly needed in big cities and towns. They are needed for
public gatherings, like the green yard , it is so spacious to accommodate almost half of the
inhabitants of Khartoum State , it is really wide enough to hold thousands of millions at a
time. The green yard, of course, is singled for such public and social occasions.
A host of other similar places need to be invested for the public rights. A among these
places those are won by individuals and private sectors. Let us for example, focus on that
sacred piece of land that immediately neighboring Omdurman Teaching Hospital towards
the South that which is usually invested seasonally for the prophet’s birthday sweets. For a
couple of days, this yard is found densely populated, you can hardly crack your way in
entering or exiting this honorable place in that season. This piece of land was not and is not
invested at all, for a couple of years it looks bare, no life at all in it; It is suppose to be
invested for the welfare of the whole citizens. What does it mean to keep a land for a
hundred of years without benefitting at all from this piece of land?
This land that I am talking about, is just bordering that hospital that I mentioned before , it
should be invested in innumerable ways ; hotels five stars are suppose to be established ,
reputable restaurants , greater parking-lots for the doctors and the patients , well designed
gardens , antic shops ,sweets and bakeries places . This is all for the welfare of the patients
who are to be hospitalized and those who accompanied them. I don’t mean, of course, this
piece of land to be confiscated. No, on the contrary, it is never to be confiscated at all; don’t
misunderstand me. It should be invested for the benefit of its owners, they have all the right
to invest in whatever scheme or whatever project they like, but the public should benefit
from its services.
The Hyde Park, that very famous natural park in Britain, is made publicly open to every Tom
and Dick. It was and is for very guy to take full rest and leave, no guy is to be forbidden from
entrance or to make use of it. It is high time that we think of the benefit that we get in hiring
the service that we get from that particular piece of land, and the actual benefit must go to
its right owner. Yes, the exact landlord, the tenant. This is in my opinion.

Back in a Bit of a Good Mood!

That is life; it does not always accept one killing depressing routine; it very often
needs a bit of change, almost always in everything, even in food, you can not relish one kind
of it all through without feeling sick of it.
It is the law of life then; you have to have a change. Change, in whatever Meaning and sense
that this word carries.
In the big Eid – this last one –to implement this law, every guy arranged and packed his
bags, to evacuate the triangular capital and collectively move in troops for the season of
emigration to the states, seeking comfort , natural life , true friends , honest chatting ,
sinless gossip, and a real bit of change in mood and almost in everything .
Although short it is; Al- Eid vacation absolutely worked on those who travelled leisurely to
rub the burden and the fatigue they have had during their wrestling in winning their bread,
those days were unrepeatable for their joyous incidents, laughable and dirty jokes,
legendary chatting, rich social occasions, families and relatives cooperative matters, the
anecdotes of great grandmas; innumerable incidents are to be covered within these few
The vast majority of guys buried their sorrows and sadness there, in that heaps and hills of
that virgin sand, where the environment is pollution free ,and the sources of life are non-
contaminated ; pure life to the bone , Where you inhale fresh air to store in that deflated
We are back again in a new mood ,well fueled and activated , we left that laziness and
aching fatigue far farther behind in the pages of oblivion, to start a new page as we plan in
our day dreams while on that short vacation to execute when we resume work again. By the
way, when is the nearest Eid ? How many days are the holidays? Who is going to wed? Hey !
Wake up! Its morning tea time . Do not be late!

Bad customs We Brought up With :( 1-3)

When someone visits you, you welcomed him warmly, and you happened to situate
a good cup of hand-made natural juice, and it happens that you skipped the room for a
while, in returning back, sure you will ask like such a question: You didn’t the juice, are you?
A pretention! With your complete mental power and widely opened eyes, and full sense and
You ask like such a question! This is terrible! What answer could you expect? Do You feel
satisfied if he answers you? We needn’t go asking like such questions, lest some guys
accused us of mental retardation, they usually rate this as sort of rudeness and unpolished
behavior, and that guy who asks like such questions is an idiot.
Why should we ask questions that can be answered with the eyes completely eclipsed with
a dark cloud of foolishness? No effort is to be exerted in making the answers.
Frankly if I ask you this set of questions, how will you answer? How do you view like such
questions? Do you feel happy if you are shelled with such silly questions? Do you answer
them in anger? Do you skip and escape answering them? Tell me I need an exit . Thank God,
some guys are in the silent, which is good compared with what has gone before .
I am not that talkative or the who asks killing type of questions, enough then!

Before Clearing out the Rubbish, We Should Change the
Citizen’s Behavior!

Turning left you can see endless piles of rubbish , turning right you see sizeable
heaps of rubbish , turning forward you see the same thing in doubles , backwards you can
see immense pools of that rubbish . Rubbish, rubbish everywhere but not a spot to clear.
What on earth! Who is behind the idea of scattering the waste in the whole of the triangular
capital; all streets are exhausted with disposal materials, the remains that the users and
consumers find no storing places to hide. They then scatter all around then whatever they
think that its internal validity is finished, they thus throw it to end in the hands of another
generation to recycle it for a time in spite of its interim contamination.
We all do it, whether educated or uneducated , young or old , fair sex or the ugly one .In
short , all guys are involved in the game except only for a few of those who can be counted
in the fingers of a hand . People are very careless in such matters, they throw in where they
think that is suitable for their rubbish; the silly things that they usually throw in our pitches,
streets, lanes, and roads.
Now, the capital is highly exhausted with these hills of filth, everywhere you could see a
gigantic heap of rubbish around which troops of house fly celebrating this big feast. Not only
this but they establish a gynecology unit for easy safe delivering, and thus they grantee
securing their coming generations.
The issue of house flies is a very alarming one. A house fly is in fact behind every disastrous
matter. Hey! Did you hear of that Watery Diarrhea? Yea, many people believe that this
house fly is the main factor in its transmission, but the question that rises here is that: What
is the direct reason behind this multiplication and doubling of those house flies! The mere
single answer is of course, the accumulation of that heaps of rubbish
and the rotten remains that are left by the extravagant well off, those who love the rashly
spending – spree which ends in huge piles of rubbish.
Now, Khartoum State government has taken very serious steps to clear out and sweep these
piles of rubbish, but what about the behavior of the citizens. The citizens should be lectured
times and times again not to spoil their lives with these uncivilized habits. Their behavior
should be changed. They should not throw their nasty things in the wherever they like. If it
is their right to throw everywhere, it is also the right of the some other guys to find it clean
and pure.
So, the bottom line I believe is that: We should teach the people first to behave as
concerning the issue in question. We have to tell our kids the right ways in dealing with their
wastes, thus the coming generations will learn the lesson. To keep our environment clean,
first, we have to clean our inner mood, so the outside could automatically turn clean. This is
in my opinion.

Better Ways to Celebrate the Prophet’s Birthday

Congratulations! Yes, it worth million congratulations on this happy occasion. The

birth of the greatest ever man known in the globe; the prophet Mohammed ibn Abd – Allahi
peace be upon him.
These days of Rabia 1 of the year 1439 witness His birthday (pbuh) celebration, usually after
sunset people gather to celebrate the occasion, each on his own way, not individually, but in
groups and categories. All these categories, of course, lie under the umbrella of mysticism.
Unfortunately, this celebration may mean to most guys a means of entertainment. They
normally come as sight-seers; they hear the elegy, the sweet beats of the drums, and most
often the breaches of some orators. To some, it is a big seasonal market where the different
styles of sweet occupy the everywhere of the scene.
Since this occasion differs from that other celebrated ones, people should consider this well,
and hence care for whatever step they have to take. They must have started from their
home; they should wear what suits the occasion, of course, from head to toe. Particularly
women and youth should consider this step; they should also avoid jamming junctions.
All guys should avoid roaming purposelessly; this will stir the dust in this celebrating area,
lest the energetic and the asthmatic not to be affected with this hanging dust. The
organizers and the authoritative guys should spray the areas with water-tanks at least to
support the fine dust.
The celebration itself shouldn’t in anyway continue after ten o’clock, so that the celebrating
people could get good rest and not to miss their dawn prayers. Typically, as the proverb
goes: Don’t splash your mug of water in seeing that mirage. So, the celebrators mustn’t skip
their prayers to enjoy that soft dancing.
Pick-pocketing shouldn’t in anyway be practiced in such an occasion; in fact, many times we
heard of such games are practiced. It is not only money that is hunted in this anniversary;
shoes, sticks, yews – don’t laugh they were once
reported among the thefts -, and the other many belongings that those guys find a chance
to snatch or pick.
Celebrating the birthday of the prophet should be a mysticism behavior, people should live
the occasion in themselves, they should delicately deal with whatever confronts them, and
they should wisely treat the matters that face them. This is in my opinion.

Butane Gas is Sold like Gold

All miners believe that gold is the still in vogue precious metal in this universe, it
doesn’t decay, it never gets rusty, it blinks and winks, in short it has all that makes it on the
top of purchasing bill.
All the rest of the commodities, whether metallic or non-metallic creep
And shoot up to be the match of gold, each tries to raise its status in the far above, sky itself
to the lofty , to the far out of reach of all, then it equalizes itself with gold. All these things ,
without exemption of course: Cooking oil, onions , charcoal, zain scratches cards,
dates,(traffic)jams, vegetables , fruit , almost everything is skating and rocketing , just if you
turn your head left or right , then things will move up , and never come down again . Butane
gas of course is not an exemption, it has all the right to fly; nothing in this universe wants to
be low value, or at least wants its price to be next to nothing or for free.
Butane gas which is diminutively known as cooking gas, starts shooting up before it is price
libration, to an extent that people start queuing. This queuing, and the shipping of the
cylinder, the petrol of the commutation, sure will cost more than 100 Sudanese Pounds
(with the new). This flying of the butane gas is reasonable, since it’s at the height of 75 kilos
per minute (k.p.m).
All guys now suggest this commodity is to be transferred from the common market to the
gold market, since it started to be sold in grams, and kilos. Yes, in the gold market, side by
side with gold and silver.
I myself I support this decision, and I can beautifully justify myself. Simply, we can return to
our starting square. Yes, square one. Let us use
wood .Yes, wood for our all house operations ; from cooking to jogging , day and night , in
this case we are not going to lose too much in that spending spree of butane gas. In this way
we will pull down the price of butane gas, and to pull it still further , we have to use more
additional alternatives, like : Charcoal , cow’s dung , sorghum straw ,heaters, and kerosene
tools or at least , if possible, solar energy.
If we turn to these similar alternatives then the butane gas will feel modest and then it will
lower itself a bit, and if we neglect it even more then it will reach its father. The Petroleum,
it is now down to earth. So, please leave this cooking gas on its own , and time will tell you!
Do not see me in the cat proverb; when it does not reach the milk, it says: ‘the milk is rotten
‘. This is in my opinion.

Celebrating Tree’s Eid!

Just a few days ago, all mass media pinpointed the demarcation and the foundation
stone of the tree Eid. That is good, to celebrate inanimate things ,however ,trees by all
means, without the slightest doubt are living things ; they have feelings , since some studies
showed that trees and some other kinds of plants can dance to music ; just imagine ! Like
the youth of the second millennium, they dance beautifully and elegantly to every bit of
music; they most often clutch on their walkman with the receivers firmly inserted inside
their ears, and they walk roaming the streets dancing the latest pop stars’ dances. These
trees of today do the same actions, they dance happily in the open without covering their
beards, and they may also be in a position of being ululating, but nobody yet has reported to
confirm the incident; who knows! It might be reported one day that trees ululate, and hence
they worth this announced celebration.
This seems all true, that, this celebration is really a reality it is not a mere fallacy , since all
trees without exception wore dark green type of clothing , and embracing lovely bunches of
white flowers and red roses ; that of banana appears today in a lovely yellow neck – tie with
highly smooth black spots. All trees of course appeared on this occasion in the latest
fashions. Some stretched their clothes down a bit to drape their big trunks’, some even
pulled theirs loner to the feet. Others appeared in nice glittering ear – rings, like that of the
Acacia. Oak trees also appeared in a long black silk dress, with a nice smooth Nylon scarf,
which is in Zienab greenish color, some even wear bangles and highly styled wigs.
Poor is the Harraz tree, she stood bare of cloth, as if she is mourning
Some dear guy , who is recently passed away . Always Harraz trees are not in good terms
with the fall season, they are bare during autumn, and green and leafy during the hot
burning summer. Miraculous! You see!

Certificate Examinations Horrors

Almost always examinations in the Sudan are ballooned-sized, they are highly taken
with exaggeration, and they are never passing without that tension which put the whole
family dripping with sweat all from the forehead to the toes. After every exam the family
gathers round the victim to fuel them with some words of enthusiasm, to active his brains
and muscles for the unknown. The father being the source of the financial matters, usually
quieting the situations if the boat happens to lose its course of a journey.
Examinations fever, well, is something natural, but the treatment is what almost often
needs wisdom to extinguish its inflammable heat. What usually causes that hot atmosphere
is a cloud that comes from the very sky of the family, the mother, the sisters, the brothers,
the step brothers the step sisters, the step mother, -if there is -, grandpas , grandmas ,and
of course the neighbors , and that neighbors beyond. All they have to poke their nose . Alas!
It looks like doomsday. Everybody says me!
Everybody is taken short during these two weeks of Hell. Every passer-by looks the victim
straight away in the eyes, they will sure feel afraid, as if they are committed a serious crime;
an unforgiving crime. They almost always buy it themselves. If they err in one single
question, and answer it wrongly, then they will be shelled from all directions, without mercy
all in the family mouth themselves in the matter; why! They are experts, each wades from
their own corner of life, and those who lose logic, spatters words of anger, such as: You are
not free. We lost our money in nothing, God compensate us!
The family atmosphere is what usually creates that cloud of tension; they instead should
have created a calming weather for this guy to put him in a quiet situation for tomorrow’s
battle or those days after. In fact they shouldn’t have asked him , instead they prepare him
what that puts him in calmness ; a cold cup of juice that extinguish all that heat of March ,
stimulants , painkillers , even a spray of perfume could make that guy feel relaxed or a
shower that puts that victim into a slumber .
The family in hurrying that great success of their kids, they lead the victim unintentionally
into that darkness of failure, and they never learn the lesson, they do the same thing times
and times again. Time is greatly changed; it is no longer the time of: “Take the flesh and
leave us the bones”. Treating examinees nowadays needs great wisdom. You needn’t ask
him directly about his performance, but instead read his facial expressions, illicit from him
the right feedback you want, put him at ease, and prepare him for what comes rather than
chasing the mirage that faded away. The parents always hasten things, they usually ‘count
their chickens before they hatch’ and they do not learn the lesson that says: Haste makes
waste! Man is a bundle of wants the more he gets the more he wants. This is in my opinion!

Most Communicators Disturb the People in Public

The vast majority of the folks nowadays possess these mobile phones. Every guy, not
to exaggerate has at least two pieces on him, one is specialized for his whatSapps and
texting; whereas the other is said to be for his private calls, but it is not like that, it is not at
all in most cases for calling and contacting others; it is a piece or a tool for disturbing rather
than connecting a guy with his relatives and his acquaintances.
Almost always these days public transports start their journeys quietly , it seems that a
heavy rain is pouring cats and dogs on their heads ; a complete silence , you can hear a pin if
it falls .This is to a vast extent attributed to the highly degree of indulgence in the WhatSapp
texting . Nobody is alone these days, some smile all of a sudden, and until one thinks they
are crazy, the others nod their heads as a reaction to their whatSapp partners, sometimes
use laughable facial expressions.
Most pick-pocketing cases are due to this addiction of whatSapping , if bitten by a scorpion ,
not a single guy can react or respond to a stimulus . Alas! Complete addiction, indulgence in
texting of whatSapp , calling on someone will not divert him from his game, or at least react
positively to the caller ,why ? He is fully engaged in his set, operations.
In this chaotic situation, suddenly a voice breaks out, actually it erupts shouts and shouts; in
a non – stop, you could only predict the words of the other guy at the other end of the line
from the broken words in these severe shouts. Shouting your head off in public transports
almost always irritates the commuters;turn them as nervous as a cat . To cool down, some
of these passengers take a quid of snuff to relax, others try smoking, and some wipe their
mustaches to deny the action.
Before that finishes, another guy starts, making promises and vows;
With the God, the prophet, his Sheikh, and to crown all, he swears with divorce. A lot of
disturbance, to the extent that one arrives hone with a severe acute headache, a complete
strip of Panadol could not relief and kill the pain, or at least cool it down.
Telecommunication Companies should play a positive role in solving like such problems,
simply by inserting a leaflet carrying some sorts of warning prohibiting talking aloud in
public places, particularly in public transportations. They can also tell in their leaflet, it is not
at all civilized to shout on the phone whatever the case. This is in my opinion!

Conductors Behavior in Public Transportation

You cannot miss a quarrel at the public transportation; usually one part of the
quarrel is the conductor, who usually faces his customers with a “face “ , he doesn’t care
whether his Opponent is young or ageing, a male or a female. He usually mouthed his insults
to whomever Interfere for peace or reconciliation or at least for quieting the situation.
The first show usually starts when the conductor whistle for the kick off of the trip, the
driver Then starts with gear (5) . The bus start jerking until the commuter nearly falls to his
face, with Luck, the commuters generally have a grip on the nearby seat to “save his day “ .
Then the Second episode immediately starts when the conductor clicks his fingers to collect
his fare; this Collecting of fares never passes without insults and grimacing of the face. The
collection of the Fares is almost always the main reason behind these troubles which might
in most cases escalate to boxing and wrestling , all this no wonder takes place inside the
vehicle , it’s Always the “change “that the commuters want, hopefully not to forget it , then
their budgets Not to be disturbed, or to declare their bankruptcy. It’s the change that really
the commuters Sweat for, and it’s the same thing that the conductors insist upon until the
end of the trip.
The unnecessary stoppage of the bus or the vehicle, in its turn, represents a big problem for
The commuters, since they usually dream of an early arrival, so as to clock in time, and get
The director‘s acceptance. It seems that those conductors are not content with this
profession And just take obliged as a step job until they find a better one (as they think), till
that time, They can make good experience, dream of getting a certificate of good “conduct “
. Then with These certificates they will have the priority in recruiting. Drivers are not less in
wading into these troubles as their conductors, they do shout at some commuters and also
in most cases At colleagues (the other drivers) when they try to overtake them, and nearly
collide with them, So all journeys are far from witnessing a problem of any sort, even if it’s
with a word of a mouth, quitting this trouble one has to make his own car, so a family of
seven members has To buy seven cars, this is ,I believe is all possible , but the new problem
that we shall face ; is Where to find streets for all this huge number of cars? And where do
these conductors go? We should find them a spare job before they are sacked, it should be
a satisfactory and highly powered job .Then we could silence the problems of that sort!

A Paradox in Two Newspapers Headlines!

Yesterday in our daily newspapers, two of the sisterly papers by name – Al – Sahafa
& Al- tayar- handled an exaggerated bombastic hyperbole; two thud balloons by hanging
two issues concern our schooling environment. They deliver the two pieces of news as
follows: Al-Sahafa stated that secondary schools directorate decided to replace the syllabi
textbooks by taps or ipads , by doing so the educational operation will turn into a paperless
environment. That is great, I agree it is a brilliant idea, but it doesn’t go without raising a lot
of question, some of which: Are all the teachers well trained to pull their learners on the
track? Could the learners afford buying such a thing? Could the Federal Ministry of
Education tap its chest to buy the tap? Is the net available all through? Is charging these
tools always an easy matter and at hand?
Me, not so pessimistic, but to succeed in such matters, we should not be over optimistic
.Like such things should not pass without many drawbacks, such decisions need close
studies to the variables of the matter in question, and we have to weigh its pros against its
cons, and then we have to judge this matter ourselves, to see which outweigh the other,
then we can take our decision as to go or stop the matter and think it over and over till we
come to the right point after experimenting a lot.
Anyway, I am not to be a discouraging guy, the idea is great, but the application cannot go
without great effort to be exerted, or else we victimize ourselves to complications. I t needs
a couple of years to get used to it, particularly those at the rural areas and town skirts. I
expect they will face troubles of running these tools and also they may lack the power to
avail them.
How is the system –not the trouser- of assessment going to be, is it as well, going to be in
electronic uniform? This is lovely, but what is going to happen if the power is off at that
moment of the examination. Again the idea is great, but it is somehow risky, since our
infrastructures are not
solidly based in most of our institutions. Only by trial and error, we can go a head.
What is really laughable is that piece of news that is headlined in Al-Tayar daily newspaper.
It is really astonishing to hear of 215 schools that have no toilets. Yes, no W.Cs, no loo, no
restroom, no place for a call of nature! That is terrible. Where do the teachers and the
pupils go? Do they keep their things until their journey back? What if that watery diarrhea
attacks that institution? Sure, they will be taken short!
Comparing this headline with that of Al-Sahafa , it looks typically like the one who capped
his head whereas the rest of his body is totally remained unclothed; yep ! He is naked from
nose to toe. Every son’s of Adam, who has common sense, would say: that we should first
avail toilets for the kids, and then buy them the taps. This is in my opinion.

Do not be that Extravagant and Greedy!

Are you a sort of guy who uses both hands in eating? Do many people get astonished
of your eating style? Is your eating behavior, one of your points of strength or on the
contrary? In fact, we as human beings are theorists in many situations; we usually say a lot
many things that we cannot do ourselves. Yes, we normally preach what we really cannot
practice ourselves.
This shower of stones that I threw here, is to hit the target of the coming days; the days of
the big Eid . Of course, the vast majority of us have roped at their houses their escape goats;
their rams, victims, the real victims. Together with their animals, they prepared the whole
weapons needed for the battle, even the chilly is heaped, both in green and red. No matter
what color it is, but the taste should be strong both ways if it is a number one, one.
The gatherings of these days, is actually what makes the sweetie moments of the occasion.
Although the ram is the center of every one’s attention, but it is the gathering that what
makes the Eid. The animal is a subsidiary agent, no more or less. Nevertheless, it serves
some social aspects; women take it a gossiping issue, and a surveying matter to check on
people’s activities and income. The children on their turn take it a nice playing game of
comparison in both colours and sizes; of course, their animals are centralized in the game.
Now guys! It is easy to purchase what you need for this Eid , but the problem is that :How
are we going to behave to the occasion ? Are we going to devour whatever is place in front
of us? And we take it roasted and raw? Usually, we are a sympathizing nation; we never
ever reject or give our excuses even if we are regulating ourselves for a disease or body-size.
Our host, on his part, is never to accept whatever excuse that you set to free yourself from
that trap. His compulsive vows fished you in to take the
most forbidden thing that you are not suppose to take, even you take it in great heaps to
face your smart films when you go home.
Be rational in regulating yourself these days. Do not take what disagrees with you, and even
what that agrees with you, you have to take it in proportional quantities that you feel it
satisfies you. Hey! Are the doctors working during the Eid holidays? Being greedy and
extravagant in such matters will do more harm than good. This is in my opinion.

Do You Need a Ram?

At first sight, everyone takes the answer to this question for grantee, is meant for
the RAM of the computer. The Random Access Memory, which is unmistakably found in
every computer, whatever its shape or size. The question then is very ambiguous to carry in
its many folds so many meanings, and then the situation and time could tell which meaning
is referred to at the moment of the talk.
It is possibly this question to be understood as that, this same guy who is investigated as
being having an urgent need for a RAM, might be taken as a forgetful and an oblivious
person who needs some sort of help in shaking his memory to make it wide awake to cope
with this status of being a sieve. This guy is definitely in need of something that helps him to
store in the long term memory; a sort of aid that about to challenge his restoring and
activating his memory. Such a guy needs a -two-gaga of memory.
As we previously said, time and situation decide the meaning, or which one is meant.
Talking about rams these days makes it closely means something different .Yes, a ram the
animal; the he sheep; the male sheep, the escape goat. Nowadays, even the kid’s talks are
only for one thing, the ram and nothing else.
The big Eid is usually the season that everybody is waiting for. Usually children and women
are joyous celebrating figures within the family circles , they tell tales to their bosom friends
about their rams ; as how big and fat they are , then they draw a quick and rough
comparison between their scapegoats . Yes, the ram; the animal.
The very stepping in of the ram is not free from celebration , the first symptoms of its arrival
all in the family stand to check on its characteristics ; its color , the kind of wool that drapes
it , whether it has horns or not , the length of its ears , the tail , and of course its size and
weight .
The second step is the hiring of the slaughter; the champion of the season. He is, of course,
to be nominated at least two weeks beforehand, since his timetable is very tight during
these days. His knife is all through sharpened during these three or four days. He is really
the boss of these days.
When you buy a ram you should always ask the seller some questions about the victim ; as
to what kind of fodder does it take, when should it drink , if it stands on the heat , will it
affects it , and the like . You should be clear about this from the very beginning, lest you lose
your scapegoat, and be the victim yourself.
Hey! How much is your ram; the animal, not of course, that of the computer, and how many
gaga. Sorry! How many kilos does it weigh? Is yours of this kind? Which is sold by kilos? Or is
it the one that is sold in a wholesome fashion? How about the leather? Did you make any
sort of investment in it? Did you exchange it for something? I think it buys you a number of
small things that you need. This is in my opinion.

Doctors are Late, and Patients are Sick Albeit!

Visiting a private dispensary you will see the patients waiting ‘patiently ‘ in The hope
of getting thorough diagnosis, complete check up, and full treatment.
They all race for booking an early ticket , so that they can see their doctor very Early and
then return home early , too . This trip takes them hours and hours, Since the doctors in
most cases come late , to find to their surprise a long queue Waiting, in which every patient
clutching firmly on his ticket , expecting his turn To come very soon , so as to enroll in the
other ‘ operations ‘ that follow seeing The doctor; from the checking up of the different
kinds of samples, X-rays, Ultrasounds, to the other diagnostic checkups prescribed by the
doctors. These ‘operations ‘ all in All take a lot of time to do perfectly, efficiently, and
Some patients, are really so seriously ill , they don’t forbear any delay for their state to be
Not checked up in time. E.G a severe malaria needs checking up on time unless in time.
You may say, this all none of our business to wade into such issues, but it is “the Injunction
to recommend good and denounce evil “ .
I just want the ‘patient ‘to be ‘Patient ‘ . The moment the doctor steps in ,the patients feel
their “ souls return to them “, Then the long queue starts dragging itself very slowly since
some patients tell ‘ tales’ ; They starts their history traced from “ credible to grave “ . Poor
doctors, they listen to All those waiting guys to tell their stories and the queue drag in the
doctor’s office, There, they are given a list of things to check up at the lab , which on its turn
has a queue Of its own, again the journey of dragging oneself starts until the row is finished,
it resumes Again in coiling and queuing at doctor’s door, but this time is just to hand in your
check up results , If you are lucky your check up is to read negative all through. The problem
comes if you are asked to recheck a sample, then the dawn prayers Muazzen will call. Wait!
We revisit.

Electronicing everything is Risky!

We are now largely enjoying the aches of modernization. Everything around us is

highly polished with this high tech means and tools; everything is highly touched with this
paint of civilization. Life almost seems impossible without this ultimate change of
technological innovations .It does not now seem miraculous to send someone a whatsApp
message at the far end of the globe in a fraction of a second, and instantly you will be
answered back.
The world is now looks like a small toy ball, it is highly connected with endless wireless nets;
WANs and LANs. Alas! We are electron iced, everything in our life is likely to be turned an
electronic operation .Yes, to access the net; the Internet, not that of the mosquito or that of
catching fish; that electronic field or domain which turn our life very smooth and turned us
to be very creative in a world that avails and automates almost everything.
Alas! Everything in our life is started to start with –E. Yes, this capital –E- which denotes and
connotes electronic something. The first thing appeared in this scope is the usage of the net
itself. The Internet is excessively used, almost always in every field, at banks, universities,
labs, libraries, almost at every corner you can find it.
Electron zing services now become a mere fact. Universities e-application is now turned
from a mere fable to a concrete fact, that even our grandmas can apply for their
grandchildren and they can enjoy the operation to the bones. E- Pilgrimage is now an easy
game for all to compete for heads or tails. It is only fair to have like such thing electron iced,
since the computer cannot and can never intercede or shows baiety , so either black or
white there is no shaded area in between .
We hear a lot of the electronic government which means that everything is going to be
electronics. Today the president has launched the electronic money. Me myself and I cannot
imagine this e-money that every Tom and Dick talks about. The same sense came to me
when many guys started talking about the famous e-cigarette. So, this (e) is going to initiate
every word and incident in our life. If for example you have an e-headache you have to take
an e-panadol or an e-asprin or an e- something .Alas ! Everything is to be preceded by
capital –e.
Earlier we have the electronic wallet; the ATM cash card. This card at first most guys does
not trust it fully, when they draw some money they count and count till they make the two
ends meet, and then they check again for final revision, but finally it turned to be a close
friend to every member in the family each hold his card and checking his own accounts, of
course their individual accounts.
It is high time that we have our things automated and electron iced , actually we have
almost already half-way in doing this , in addition to what we have mentioned above , we
have e-books , e-commerce , e-money . Incidentally, how can we make a change for an e-
five –pound note? It is laughable, isn’t it? We also have an e-cigarette, but I don’t believe we
have e- snuff, have we?

It is my own believe that indulging into that electron icing of thing is very risky. You might
ask me, why? Then I will answer you on the spot. Because the hinges of this matter might be
controlled by a body that one day might turn against the world and makes it doom to
failure. I said might, I am not sure, but I said might. Hopefully that we may enjoy this e-life,
with every e-something , in every e- everywhere. Alas! Is our coming salary is going to be in
cash or an e-money. I am eager to have it in the later, at least to know how to count your
pounds before they fly. This is in my opinion.

Electronic zing All Things!

It is a big hit to electronicize things; everything is to be computerized; done

electronically just in front of your eyes, to be seen with the naked eye; to put it another
way, everything is to be done with a mouse click, and everything is done openly in front of
your eyes, and you see it clearly like Ramadan crescent . All this with one click . Did I say
click? Yes, the click of the mouse not that luxurious car, I am not now talking of cars. Cars
are not to be moved and run electronically , are they ? Nay! Let us come back to our own
issue. The electronic things! What a thing! Alas! We have started steps of heading towards
the electronic zing things, the snuff, the tobacco, smoking in open, both smoking cigarettes
and smoking at home. These are one set of what enter the circle of electronic world.
Electronic services usually saves times and grantees the execution of the operations, besides
being the so late civilized way of carrying out things in a so fantastic manner, and stepping
gently towards the so – called, the paperless office.
Luckily, we have already started the thing. So far we apply for universities admission
electronically. It saves students time and money to apply in this manner , and it gives them a
sure roadmap for this same application. ATMs, now organize money activities; drawing,
savings, and all banking transactions are considered electronic services . The electronic
application for pilgrimage is largely practiced ; from your own desk at home you can apply ,
so you save your money , effort , and time . The fourth hit appears in the electronic
passport; it comes nice in the blue; Hilal . Frankly, I myself and me, cannot enumerate the
pros of the new passport over the old one, except only for the colors, in this sense l like both
colors, but not the red and the yellow.
Recently I heard a lot about the electronic government. What is that? Are they going to
make an electronic NCP, an electronic PCP, an electronic? DUP, an electronic NUP, or what?
Tell me, please! Hay, have you tried the electronic cigarette? Poor you if you do not! I am
longing for an electronic snuff , I need it badly . It is non – carcinogenic, is it?

Expatriates Say: East or West Home is best!

Proverbs almost always carry within their folds, bombastic meanings, unfolding this
meaning can yield very immense meanings behind the bars of that very economical wording
of that intelligent saying.
To believe heartily in that running proverb, then you are absolutely a wise guy , even if you
are chased by the police , you have to surrender and hand yourself to that police to be
pulled back to your home land . Bitter still; you should convince the Interpol to accompany
you to your beloved country.
The proverb is very straight forward; is that, no country in the whole globe or universe is to
match yours. Yes, really there is no place like home; east or west home is best. Most of the
people who work outside their countries deny this mere fact. They are much influenced by
the ache of modernization, and they have gone stray, forgetting the lost memories of their
beloved country, instead they indulged into an absent-minded mood to be half – way
oblivious. They pushed themselves into some grey areas, in which they can hardly think
things over, absolutely next to the stage of oblivion.
The last wave that stirs the eruption of this active volcano is the latest decision of Saudi
Arabia that organizes immigration to their country, raising a motto that says: “A nation
without infringed “. Yes, without law breakers. This, obliged many , many of the expatriates
to start reading their book afresh ,open a new page , set their lists of priorities in front of
them, lest not to forget something that might let them miss what is suppose to be their
turning point . To be or not to be that is immigration!
Now, expatriates in correcting their circumstances, they made no more alternatives in front
of them, but to pack their bags back; a voluntary home return. Yes, the reverse immigration,
the home coming!
Some, only some, see this home coming journey a sort of disappointment, because they
have actually got surprised by these new disciplines which leave no ample room for them to
think; only there is room for them to look back in anger, and they might not have a road
map that is already set, to meet the ups and downs of the sudden gigantic storms of living
Those who are not ready for the compulsory return journey beforehand really will face a lot
of difficulties to arrange well enough to the matter. The sudden unexpected retracting; the
lighting that stealthily struck the trunk of their – the used to be – ever green tree , and left it
dry , where no watering can bring it back to life , but luckily some escaped the shelling of
this same thunder , survived , tackling a new programmed life , yes ! from the scratch ;
coming back to the A,B,C of life , a new virgin life, life of pure and humidity – free air , close
relatives , distant relatives ,welcoming guys , acquaintances of all types , friends and bosom
friends . A real life, where every guy meets you protruding his chest for hugging, yes! That
complete hug. Not a fake one. This is in my opinion.

Getting Back to Intermediate School is O.K

Since independence we experienced a number of academic ladders. The time when

we were students- during the mid- sixties- primary schools, the academic ladder was four in
all , i.e. the primary school was four years ; intermediate school was also four , and likewise
the high secondary school .
The syllabuses at that time were perfect and strong, they were designed in a way that
motivates the learners, they chant these subjects day and night, indoors, and out of doors.
these syllabi are well back and subsidized by out of class activities , such as , football , basket
ball , volley ball , this is only to name a few . But, believe it or not, a match between two
teams of that school might be better than first class teams of today.
The number of the pupils and students was restricted; no class by far to exceed fort pupils,
the transferring was very difficult at that time, the distribution of students was then non-
geographical. They were very brilliant, they were responsible, and care too much about
themselves and what was around them. The then assigned them hard duties and activities.
The honest competition among student was always heat.
The teachers were highly picked and selected. Passing the two years of experience and
check, they will be sent to their major training course. In that course they will be specialized
in at least two school subjects and at least one activity. The teachers were so respected. You
cannot face them at parties, if you meet him in the street, you have to change your
direction, and all these are sign of respect. The teachers also respect themselves that much.
Rarely can you see them in the streets or public places. They were so brilliant, and care too
much about their lesson planning. They did not at all do into private tuitions or classes, and
they never asked their students additional school fees.
The intermediate school is by far considered, a hinge that links the two stages that come
before and after it. It is an important stage in our academic ladder. Breaking this ladder into
these three stages, will not turn it monotonous on the part of the students . It is tiring and
boring for the basic pupils to go repetitively to one same place for nine years, so breaking
this level into two will make a sort of change, and hence, gives them motivation. We have to
welcome this step .Yes, the step of getting back to intermediate schools, but this needs
retraining of the teachers, since each stage has its own characteristics and objectives. I think
the decision of the Ministry of Education , to get back to the intermediate stage, is a
successful one. This is in my opinion

Good News! We are Gonna Buy Butane Gas by Kilo.

We are so lucky that the wind blow in our direction, ever when it is getting hot, then
the gentle breeze comes rushing towards our very direction. First thing then, we shall
brimful fill our lungs with fresh air, to get rid of the hot air that used to balloon our stomach
and intestines. The moment that we are deflated, we regain our activity a bit.
Normally, at times of hardness, an unexpected answer may suddenly come to release the
tension that is created by the crisis that leads to this dilemma. Fishing in your pocket in the
morning, you might by luck, place the tip of your first finger on a forgotten pound. This
pound, is most probably gone to the laundry, washed and ironed out, and then came back
to be arrested in its journey back. Sure, this time its owner will get rid of it in a one - way
journey. This is all if its health is in a good condition, because some of these washed pounds
will come very weak, as if they have gone into kidneys dialysis. Alas! Like such a paper turns
pale, and will be good for nothing.
Why have I gone as far as that? I am just telling you the happy news of this cheap marketing
of this essential commodity, the mini - butane gas. Did I say commodity? Well, I am not sure
whether it is to be called a commodity or not. Anyway, let us be serious! What is your own
point of view about this suggestion that says: Butane Gas is gonna be sold by kilo. Did you
hear me? Yes, a rumour that is circulating these days; says that: This thing will be available
in kilo size. What do you think? I myself, I like this idea.
As it always goes, that “a guy must stretch his legs according to his bedding”, in the same
token, one must buy that butane gas according to what is in his pocket .Simply, you can
purchase a kilo of gas to cook your kilo of chicken, and then bake your kilo of flour, and if
there is something still left, then you can enjoy a hot cup of tea with your sweet heart; your
spouse; the wife, not the mid.
Please, is your liking the same as mine? I am so economical by nature, are you so? How
many days will that kilo suffice you? By the way, is there a family-size kilo of that butane
gas? O.k.! Why should I cause myself a headache! I’ll
decide to turn a vegetarian in using butane gas. Alas! I’d do without it. I’ll use cows’ dung;
the local biogas –as some of our folk call it - , but I’ll consider cutting on the luxuries to spare
one kilo a month to be set aside. Yes, to be in use only for urgent cases, if a bosom friend
popped up suddenly, and he is in a hurry, then we boil him a quick cup of hot drink, and
then we tightly turn the valve back in a clock-wise direction. This kilo will be under my own
control, with of course, a warning sticker gummed at its side, written on it: “It’s not
permissible unless the undersigned says O.K? Hey! Stop here! There is a question that boils
in my head that needs to be answered. Is that brand new gas inflammable or
uninflammable? One should be aware of such things, lest not to be in fires. This is in my

Good News! Dollar Started its Journey Back.

Now days, a rumour is in every tongue. Wherever you sit with whomever, you get a
good lesson for free .They will tell fairy tales that are styled after Al-Bussira Um –Hamad .
These rumours grow in amoebic style; they rapidly grow, and in swift division.
You could hear unbelievable stories, the type of that of graves inhibited guys. You could
hear at broad day light their getting up to ask for their belongings before they died. A lot
fresh rumours these days circulate in a non-stop , even one cannot be able to store them
altogether , he needs around two gaga of memory to hold this huge amount of rumours .
By the way, not all these rumours are absolutely harmful. Well, some; only some of these
false bits of erroneous news are harmless. Telling your kids that you will take them away for
a meal at the PIZZA restaurant if you save up some coins of your salary, this of course, will
do no harm, but it may cost you a bundle of excuses if you weren’t meet your date.
Although, the vast majority of rumours are very destructive, some of these false shots may
cause wars among family circles; they may lead directly to an unreturned divorce.
Hey! What rumours at large these days, apart from the grave residents? A lot many rumours
of course. Dollar stories, of course, take the lion share. Every pregnant woman can hear her
fetus repetitively echoing this miraculous banknote. Yes, they make use of the empirical-
cord that connects it to their mum; this will put it on the line with its mom. No son’s of
Adam is to deny that their linking hopes are closely tied to this mysterious thing. Every Tom
and Dick shouts their mouth –full might, with this dollar.
A lot many guys dream of this so –called dollar, both at night and at day-dream. They dream
of changing their life style in clutching on this ‘this’. Just imagine! I forgot it. By the way,
what colour is a dollar? I am serious. O.k. don’t bother! Let me guys follow the thread of my
thought. I am targeting this dollar.
Alright! The fresh rumour that still echoes in my ears is that: Please, hold on! Hear me well!
Now “the skeleton is out of the cupboard”. Yes, the dollar is now rapidly dropping down. It
is strongly pulled by the earth gravity, and that good guy of the bank of the Sudan promises
of still rapid falling. Good news! We are really dreaming of swift diving to the earth. Hey!
When is February salary? Is it on the 28 or before? I need to change some of it. O.K? Is it
beyond 29 now? Sure, tomorrow it will be equal to February. This is in my opinion.

Grave Diggers wish many People Would Die!

All the population of the world , like it to be a peaceful kind of life, they don’t like it
to be a miserable life that is full of worries; they wish it a quite quiet kind of life that
everybody leads , they would like everyone to have it an easy game . Yes, they want it a
piece of cake.
This is true for the vast majority of all human beings, of course, everywhere, the world wide.
Irrespective of the religion they adhered, they wish all the good and the welfare to their
own folk, regardless of their racism or complexion preference. They really like the welfare of
every guy who breathes that pure fresh oxygen in this globe.
Thus, nobody in this planet wishes bad happenings to whomever guy, irrespective of what
he or she has done you a filthy game of any sort. He or she might weave you a mutiny in the
dark, or plan you a sort of an evil act, he or she might set you a trap to lose your position, or
at least to lose your job; this is all of envious motive, but this guy won’t in any way wishes
you death. Yes, death with the literal meaning of the word.
Alas! I found the lost piece of bead. Just imagine! In asking a guy, what he hopes most to do
these days, and then he answers, I wish all people would die. Your hair will stand on end,
you remain motionless; in fact you will be chilly frozen. You can hardly retrieve your own-
self consciousness after a while of the occurrence of this verbal bullet. I would like people to
die! Are you serious, you guy?
This is in fact happened to me a couple of weeks ago. A guy booked a seat just neighboring
me in the public transportation. I don’t actually govern people by their appearance, so,
being shabby or dandy is not to affect emotionally in my inner categorizing schema. That
guy is a little bit shabby; some rags about the shoulders reflect the tedious kind of life he
leads; the heavy shovel, and the old cow’s leather shoes ,made me think of the craft that
guy is running. I put, being a mason on the top of my head, but my guess, is defeated by a
nod of a head when I asked.
This made me even eager to hunt the craft. In a deep dialogue I indulged myself to get the
thing out of him. A direct question made me scared a bit. What do you do for a living? ‘I
asked quietly ‘. He stretched his hands lazily with a yawn that tells how he is fatigue. His
hands were torn in red strains, some bloody spots; hill the vast majority of his tired dusty
hands. He then, after that full stretch, turned back the sleeves of his work-garment, put his
turban in the flying order, then he turned to me and announced his profession very quietly ,
fearing the other neighbors might get his answer that he feared to be imparted in public.
Well. Like a barber, he wishes all the passerby would be with thick hair, it is typically the
same film, only they differ in the hero. This guy –our hero- , then murmurs, to my second
question, as to what are you hanging your hopes on? Believe it or not! He murmurs..., I wish
a lot of people would die, and then I could make money out of this chaotic situation. – This
is what I interpreted first time - , but in a crystal clear way, he repeated it, typically like what
I have just guessed. Just imagine! It is like what we usually say: A hungry dreamer, always in

his mind’s eye is bread. By the way, is this guy committing sins by saying so? Tell me! I am
still in two minds. This is in my opinion.

Habits That We Have to Kick Away: (2-3)

Talking loudly in places that usually need people talk quietly and softly; like say in a
public library or a university library, some guys speak loudly in a voice that nearly crack the
walls just behind you; they seem that they are talking to a deaf one at the other end of the
line. They don’t care for those poor guys who sit in a relaxed manner enjoying the moment.
This thunder voice make them shuddered. Not only at libraries, but at nearly all public
places; take for example, public transportations most communicators shout loudly that they
nearly kill themselves with a stroke, take a panadol to kill the pain and wipe out the
headache attributed to this shouting.
In most cases the point(s) discussed doesn’t (don’t) worth this throaty roaring or at least to
go off like a bomb ; really what is usually discussed in the calls doesn’t equalize a mosquito-
wing, it’s a pea-nut, actually vacuum to the least extent.
People should talk quietly in public places, lest we cannot afford buying aspirin as a
painkiller. It is usually considered uncivilized to go rattling in that harsh voice, civilized guys
whispery deliver their messages, you can’t catch a word in edge ways. Why can’t we make a
compromise? Not to exceed the dose, and speak quietly and in soft restful voices, and not in
distorting noises. Even teachers are advised not to talk in harsh formidable voices, so that
their learners not feel embarrassed or tense, or at least turn ice cold.
Talkative people are usually categorized with thunder voice guys, but the talkative are a
little bit thick blooded, they don’t consider their victims emotion; they work like a radio with
new batteries, they work in a non-stop, in most cases they do more harm than good. If you
ask your way downtown, you feel sorry for that, he will tell you tales, with many turns and
bends, he speaks typically like a radio, he needs switching off.
Why God has created us with two ears and one mouth, if we answer mathematically or
philosophically, we say: Simply we have to listen double than we talk! I am coming with my
last shot in this issue, and then wait till that time.

Hit the Iron while it is Hot!

This is actually a proverb, and particularly it tells the wisdom of shaping and
reshaping things; all things, no matter whether it is solid or liquidized, small or big , anyway
it is a matter of shaping or changing . A piece of iron that is too red by heating and hitting
can be shaped into a nice tool , that it is meant to be like that .
This proverb is not only confined to iron, it is of course applicable to almost everything that
is needed to be shaped or reshaped.
A few days ago the daily papers came in their mainsheets with astonishing headline which
says: No corporal punishment for schoolboys; Yes. No lashing, whatever the case; lashing is
prohibited in all cases, teachers should not do that.
Alas! The vast majority of the guys are going to stop working, since the profession has no
money in it, and they have been prohibited from practicing their most beloved hobby, and
they are no longer to beat, or at least to take the whip or cane, threatening the future guys.
Then how should the teachers treat the pupils’ faults and misbehavior?
In the remote past, our parents founded an unprecedented law, or let it be a slogan, which
says : Take the flesh and leave us the bones … this slogan worked for almost half a century ,
and now they want to terminate it .
Corporal punishment in fact, shaped a lot of guys from the common folk who are now
scattered in this planet. They now take top positions. They have reached these positions
with that whip. They were reshaped in their childhood, and now they have cultivated the
fruit of their being punished , they actually climbed the ladder with that kind of education,
and they have shown great success in all domains , both in behavior and in knowledge . I
think, this decision needs more consideration before taking final say on it .
Nearly all the theories of learning are done on animals before they are finally shifted to
man, simply to press and force these animals to carry out the experiments successfully as
the experts want them to be done.
They then practice all sorts of pressure to make their experiments successful. Why not then
to punish the pupils to correct their faulty steps? Should the corporal punishment also be
prohibited at home? Should we sue the parents if they try to punish us? Do we have all the
right to bring the parents to the law if they commit such a crime? Things become very
bewildering! I am a teacher. Tell me, what should I do? Should I hit or leave? Hit the iron
while it is hot! Stitch in time saves nine!

I Wish I Had a Farm of Scorpions!

This world is magnificently created. Atoms are not even created good for nothing.
God purposely created these atoms to function harmoniously with the other creations.
Apart from atoms, insects are considered a wonderful creation. A world of its own . They are
nations like us. God created these insects with their different colours and sizes on purpose.
They beautifully help in balancing the whole universe.
All these different insects are not created good for nothing. A mosquito is not only created
to sting, and suck human blood , it is not solely created for this kind of job , or to buy pif-
pafs and other pesticides, or even to turn our night to a day , or to sew mosquito-nets , of
course, they do more good than bad , but we the sons of Adams , we usually look at the
empty part of the cup . Yes, we see via wrong checked glasses and spectacles.
Insects are nations like us, typically as the Quran described them. The locusts, ants, mantis,
mosquitoes, bees, butterflies, bedbugs, and white- ants . All these are nations like us; the
sons of Adam, but we usually belittle and trivialize them, the moment we see an ant we
usually hurry to crush it ; just with a foot print we turn it flat , motionless black powder
under our feet . Seeing a butterfly we quickly trap it to pull out the nicest decoration about
its wings. In short, whatever we see we need to take prepaid revenge, we kill before being
stung or nipped.
Not all insects, of course, are harmful; some are prescribed as man’s friends. They give more
than they take. Bees, for example, provide us with pure sweet delicious honey which cures
many diseases as well as supplying us with a sweet stuff that even we use it metaphorically
for nice sweet guys that we love so much. They also supply us with the wax stuff that
women use for their hair, particularly for plaiting which is now part of history. Those girls of
today can hardly plait. Butterflies are also considered a batch of our friends; the schools of
bats which feed on stinging insects are among our friends.
Luckily, recently among all these troops of insects, scorpions turned to be doing more good
than harm. It is no loner to be seen as poisonous as it used to; that terrible sting is started to
have value. It is to be exchanged for a dollar. The astonishing wonderful sting of a scorpion
is to be valued with a dollar. Hey! Haven’t you heard the news? The Sudanese customs
seized some smugglers of scorpions who have packed loads of them and about to leave
Khartoum airport. These scorpions are to be used in medications, particularly the antibiotics
types. This is something, good that we use scorpions in medicines and drugs, but what
should we do or take as medication if we are stung by a scorpion itself? Like the verse of a
poem that goes: “Treat me with what that used to the disease “. Incidentally, talking about
those smugglers and their doings, do they affect our economics? And if so, do they affect
positively or negatively? Please! If you find a scorpion do not kill it. I need it badly. I wish I
had a farm of scorpions. I am dreaming of that profitable scheme or project. Who wants to
share me, since I have a limited capital to run the business all alone? To get money out of
scorpions! That is something fantastic! This is in my opinion.

If Shakespeare is back again, he would not get 280

Almost everything around us is dipped in the shallow lake of inflation; all things in
unbroken line are rocketing very rapidly to rest at the highest point in the ceiling of racing
peak of increases and shooting up.
Nothing remains in its natural state. Change is then the law of nature; everything changes.
Time is always the main factor that its finger touch causes this magic change. Even man by
the time gets his white hoard, his bones crooked and weak. His mental abilities are dragged
and reduced to a state similar to that of a child. The change is there if one accepts or
Some changes are not always justifiable; to get a new wife, because your old spouse is gone
tired. This is absolutely unjustifiable, it stands on no logic. This is time change. Did you marry
her as old as she is now, absolutely this is time change; we have to admit it, and confess it.
Why do you want to shift, haven’t you had this automatic change. This is of course is not the
only thing to measure against the norm of justification.
Schooling and all its processes are usually to think of in the scope of logic, we do not need to
exaggerate it stages and its different operations. Examinations should be devised and set
according to certain norms and criteria that exams setters are capable and aware of. Exams
are usually set with a lot many characteristics to distribute and discriminate between the
learners, to just justly measure their abilities.
What is unjustifiable at all, is to get the full mark in each subject , it never happened in our
time ; the fifties generations , not even the most genius among us could get the full mark all
through , let me just exemplify by our colleague Ali Mohammdein ( he is now a specialist
doctor ). I doubt that he could not score full mark all through, which usually results in
getting the full total mark.
Today’s kids are an exemption. They almost always get the full mark in all their subjects
which results in scoring the full mark in the total. Yes, they get 280 out of 280. At some
states the number of the students who scored the full mark reached ninety something.
Fantastic! How genius are our kids! Unbelievable to get the full mark on all your subjects .
Don’t they have composition questions both in Arabic and English? Don’t they have
comprehension passages? Do not they have comprehension checking question to check
their thinking abilities? Who set like such easy exams? Are they set really to check the
standard of the students? How are they marked? A lot of whys, hows , and whats
can be asked about these exams and their scoring . They might be well set, and also well
marked, who knows! But to score the full total mark isn’t it hilarious? I can’t believe it!
I’ll swear it if Shakespeare were now up again, he wouldn’t get the full mark. A part from
Shakespeare, if Muhagoub Obied were up, he would not get the full mark. Frankly speaking,
if my son gets the full total mark, I will ask his papers to be revised. This is in my opinion.

If you are Lucky, you have to have a Safe Watermelon

Every crop has a right season, these days watermelon is really next to nothing in
price, because it is at every corner. The production actually exceeds the consumption; a
mere surplus, this meets the economics equation that yields the lowering of prices. In all
directions you can find a good heap of this kind of fruit , of course , with one cut open to
reflect its freshness and to give a sense of simulated appetite to the customers just to hook
him/her to buy ; in fact to attract the buyers . So many times I asked myself, if I can buy that
opened one. Simply, because my luck is bad at watermelons; it is usually white, although I
am a great fan of Hillal , but I don’t like it white in this case. White is my favorite except in
watermelons and salt.
Incidentally, talking about watermelons, did you hear of that deal that is caught at the
airport? Yes,a great deal of watermelons with hard currency stored inside on its way abroad
.Usually we get like these surprises at the airport; we didn’t overcome the shock of the
scorpions to find ourselves face to face with this shocking dilemma.
This incident reflects that the responsible authorized bodies are alert and wide awake,
because nobody can imagine such a game to happen. Hard currency to be inside
watermelon! Not even the cleverest can imagine that inside the belly of those watermelons
there is a lot of hard currency. Yes, it is sandwiched with American Dollars, Saudi Riyals,
French Franc, and Japanese yen. How clever are those smugglers!
How luckily if it turns that you find a safe watermelon! That is sandwiched with the different
kinds of valuable hard currency, such as the dollar and its sisters. The coins are also to
replace the seeds of the watermelon, even the peel of the watermelon is to be fused with
some sort of hard currency, then this watermelon is to be useful %120; it is eatable from
head to toe, in fact, in and out.
The questions that still echo in every Tom and Dick’s head are these: Why did those
smugglers chose this type of fruit to be their smuggling camouflage; does a watermelon act
the role of a chameleon, to change color in every situation. What really attracts the police to
discover this far hidden unreachable crime? It is only by the help of a police dog like such a
crime to be detected.
So, what is expected to come next on the list of the smugglers? Now they cram out their
minds to find a suitable kind of fruit for their business. A blind guess could list all the
different types of fruit and vegetables for the game ; pumpkin will top the list in that
domain, it can take all the papers of the stock market ; the dollars , the sterling , the franc ,
the yen , the riyal ,and of course the pound . Lemon and lime will be at the bottom of the
list, since they can take and accommodate only few coins in place of the seeds that stand on
the way. This is in my opinion.

Increasing Rate of Divorce Cases: Reasons and Solutions!

A lot of reports assured that there is an awful increase in divorce ratios recently.
Many more fresh cases occur soon after the first carried out reports. Men of course, started
to stay more hours away off their home for the fear that they may fell on the trap, they just
come when every member of the family made their bed, and they actually fear getting in
touch with a creature that may drive him into a game that may lead to the penalty kick area.
The wise ladies, in their turn, engaged their mouths with whatever they think that passes
the ball safely to the other players. This is the philosophy that women why chew chewing –
gum more that their sugar daddies. They chew to keep the rhythm and harmony within the
house hold, and to lessen the many chances of talking, so the gum helps them to practice
the zero – talk .Women are talkative creatures by nature, they are biologically prepared to
be talkative persons. Their center of concentration is divided within their hemispheres of
the brain, the left and the right one. This, of course, helps them catch and differentiate the
speech of the many persons who talk simultaneously, they are capable of sorting out any
speech that is set to them, but men have only one center for concentration that is why they
hush every side talks when one is speaking.
Women, of course, represent the CPU of the house, every bit and pieces should come via
them, who are actually the right guys, to accept or refuse in matters of preference. In many
cases the final word is left for them, particularly if they happen to henpeck her husband.
Although, this is their right, to order what they really want, since they represent the first
party in this social contract.
Oh, no! It seems that age is beginning to tell on me. Senility, I am discussing divorce cases,
what makes me delve to pull these complicated threads, but, no! Women usually initiate
this dirty game; they usually set the spark that causes that great fire. Women in fact, are
bundles of wants, the more they get, the more they want; the vast majority of them usually
want to have what their eyes lie on, this makes them more often to buy unnecessary things.
This generally puts them in a habit of spending -spree. Women are generally- ‘Oliverists’ –
ask for more.
Woman, is sarcastically, known as the minister of finance in her house. She avails, organizes,
and runs the house affairs .The vast majourity of men hand over their salaries to their
money controllers, and get out of it altogether. The wife then, is to sail the boat safely in its
course to the other side of the river. Most women have the charisma that makes them lead
this responsibility. Fatima Obied, is a good example of these women who are supposed to
be followed in running beautifully a house – hold, she successfully takes both roles when her
bull is away.
What women really lack in most cases, is flexibility. If they hang on having something, then
they won’t easily surrender. They haven’t even shown patience to wait until her husband
collects his salary, or even to postpone the matter till a few days to come. For them, now
means now and only now. This of course, a one –way mentality trait, this is what usually

makes the matter worse. In most cases like such hot debates might turn to the point of
ignition, then it ends to a dead lock. Finally, one word from the king will ruin the whole
kingdom. Divorce! That is it. This word is very destructive within the family circles, it
destroys families, it affects all in the family. Therefore, the gentlemen should have shown
tolerance and patience, and should try as far as possible to avoid the D-word. They should
both hold on Muawya’s hair as far as possible, if one partner sees their other cleft heating
up, and then they should cool down, and vice versa.
The figure that is reported in the daily papers is dreadful, absolutely fearful, one can’t
imagine that, this phenomenon rises to some thousands cases per month; this turns to
sound like thirty something per day. Wow! What a shame! Hey! Gentlemen and ladies, you
have to zip your mouths, for the fear that you make a fertile environment to the D-word,
then things will fall apart, and the center cannot hold. This is in my opinion.

Is it! As you sow you would breed?

The basic schools scoring this year, is not without surprises. The scoring is always
away from the norm; it is at the extremes this year. It is either shifted towards the top mark
direction, or else it shoots towards the failure tertiary.
We, of course, are not in any way, against that great success, or at least we ridiculing the
scoring of the full mark in dozens. Loads and loads of pupils scored the full mark in the eyes
of all guys the country-wide, and the difference between the top – I mean the first – and the
hundredth, might be like, say: three marks. Yes, the 100th can simply get 277 without
sweating for all this success.
No doubt the whole country is rejoicing the great harvest of their clever kids. The family, of
course, started to short list some of the most famous and reputable secondary schools for
their intelligent kids, so as to continue and proceed with that same brilliant mood and
enthusiasm into their next stage. At least they can (the kids) make exercise to the tertiary
level seats.
A paradox to all this great success came in the daily papers early morning. Believe it or not!
That there are complete schools in Gezira state are considered failure. Yes, they scored
nothing. Absolutely failures! None is succeed! How come! Unbelievable! Where is the first
of this class? How many marks did he score in his progress exams? Didn’t he sit for an
experimental test? A lot more questions and queries could, of course, be asked in this
Are the pupils in these schools really blunt to that extent? Did they receive any kind of
teaching? Are the teachers professional teachers? Are they contracted and recruited like
those foreign football players; Yes, like Wargo and his mates? One cannot really believe like
such a fallacy. Oh! Do those teachers come from another planet? Who on earth have
marked their exam papers? Why did some pupils score the full mark whereas the others
failed that same or similar exam? The equation seems unbalanced. A lot of Why, How, and
what- questions are still queuing on the way. I think like such matters should be
investigated, to get a good feedback that could be beneficial for the recovery of the
educational system. It is really true that as you sow you will breed! This is in my opinion.

It is a Piece of Cake!

Idiomatic language makes a language sounds sweet. It typically functions the same
way spices do in stew. It turns the language into eloquent pattern, puts it into beautiful
chunks that one can not feel tired in reading them times and times again. All types of
metaphor do so in shaping a language, and giving it its full shape, and its sweet melodious
Idiomatic language can be literal or non-literal; it thus, can be explicit or implicit. Implicit
language usually enjoys the reader in giving him or her chance of working out the hidden
meaning that the writer is intended to serve.
The above stated title of this very topic is itself an idiom, it means that the thing in question
is fantastic, delicious, terrific, smart, tasty, sweet, and all the rest of the best set of dozens
of synonyms that match with these adjectives.
What makes me here pull the threads of this expression longer is the intelligent statement
of the President of the Republic, Field Marshal, Omer Hassan. He expressed the current
political situation, and particularly about the National Government. He went saying: ‘The
piece of cake is small, and the hands are many ‘. It is very witty of him to express it as such ,
as if he is saying , the ninety-nine parties and factions are not going to yield ninety – nine full
ministers and governors ; these are actually too many for a country . Those are sure to
exhaust the budget of the country if they are all appointed. Let us just say: if each one earns
one thousand Sudanese pounds per month. See! How much they are going to get.
The witty saying then, as if is to tell politely that ‘let us bring in the most qualified guys in
this national government’, and forget about having your lion share of that piece of cake. It is
really going to be a piece of cake if only the most qualified people are given the big slices of
that small piece of cake , then it would be a piece of cake ! This is in my opinion.

It is noticeably seen, that Malaria is going to be Part of

A lot of diseases have come to know the link between the right season and the
occurrence of the illness. In winter, for example, all kinds of flues find their right
atmosphere to incubate the first stages of the disease, and then it grows and grows until it
reaches its peak and flourished in a devastating cold. Actually the chilly climate serves the
microbe to grow and revive .
Not a single season is seen as free of diseases .The baking heat of the summer causes the
meningitis family of diseases. During that season the authorities prohibit any kinds of
gathering lest they could not catch the disease which finds its suitable habitat in crowded
places. A lot of headaches are also possible during this hot season, when you find yourself
drowned into a pool of sweat; you wipe your forehead to see what is in front of you like the
drivers of the car on a rainy day.
Autumn , the fall , is the master of all these seasons , it is magnificent when we think of its
fantastic spectacular scenes , the green mats the spread themselves endlessly , decorated in
most places with wonderful nice flowers of all kinds, sizes , and colors , of course , with that
sweetest gentle odor and perfume , but actually there is no sweet and honey with being
paid back . All this beauty is spoiled by the severe stings of the mosquito; the main
transmitter of Malaria microbe, particularly the female Anopheles, as we were taught at the
intermediate schools in the early 70s.
Incidentally, talking about mosquitoes makes one thinks of Malaria, the seasonal outbreak
of this disease, particularly in September of the past few years. When the lady of the
Anopheles does its work on the ragged bodies of the folk, it sucks pure blood that is gained
with hard sweat, but this silly insect contaminates it in a fraction of a second with the
microbe of the disease. Sorry, I don’t mean the entire tribe o the mosquito, since I am taking
it gender- wise, then I mean the female or Mrs. Anopheles.
The doctors usually when it comes to the issue of Malaria bombard you with long lectures
that are severe than the symptoms of Malaria itself ; they tell you about the insect , its life
expectancy and life cycle , its color , the angle with which it lands on the victims , its size ,
the difference between the male and the female . At that time the patient nearly ties his
head of that terrible severe headache, and his temperature shoots up.
It is clearly noticeable that this severe Malaria started to disappear, actually it started to be
very rare, but the question that needs to be asked here is that: What are the real reasons
behind the disappearance of Malaria? Is it our behavior? Some years ago, we heard of
resistant Malaria. Is the circle now reversed? And we became resistant to Malaria? Does
lady Anopheles become extinct? And only the male ones left to suck our blood? There is no
clear cut reason that is seen after the combating of Malaria, but you see! Alas! Malaria is
disappearing; it is travelling away, it is now waving goodbye, it is nearly becoming part of
history. This is in my opinion.

It is Only me and the Driver Who are not Involved in that

The mini bus started in rough roars that are greater than that of a hungry lion in a
thick wood which rarely keeps wildlife. The commuters carefully prisoned themselves in
their beltless seats, almost every guy pulls up his pants to avoid nail tearing incidents which
are common in these public transportations.
The fume that is emitted from this engine is sufficient to pollute the whole of Khartoum
state and some of the boarder neighboring states. The bus in fact is very filthy; since people
do not care to throw their rubbish just around them which is supposed to be thrown in
empty barrels that are specially located for this very purpose.
The condition of the bus is not that what plagued me a lot; it is the commuters who shelled
me with that severe headaches. It was not the disturbance that they were making; on the
contrary, they were as if in the Mathematics class, a fallen pin was heard as the beats of a
loud drum, there was deafening silence. Each guy was firmly gripping his touch mobile and
was probing the universe. Receiving fresh news , from all corners of the globe; north, east,
west, and the south. Yes, the four directions.
It is crystal clear that those passengers are attached to innumerable groups; they are multi-
group- whatsAppers . They usually bring news from the farthest extremes of the world.
Some of them smile. Yes, they pull their mouths like a catapult; they usually smile in
response to those at the other end of the net. Sometimes they giggle childishly.
All the mini-bus in its long journey indulged into that game, they typically like mad people ,
smile and talk to themselves. They might really enjoy their games, who know! The vast
majorities leave their stations far behind them, and when they came to themselves they
bang madly on the bus to stop for them. A lot of insults are naturally heard in those
The driver, of course, is the only exempted guy of this dirty game. I myself was indirectly
compelled to be involved in the game. I was in fact
caught in, like a fish caught in a fishing line. I was terribly hooked in. I did my utmost effort
to interpret the smiles and the facial expressions of the guys. Do you think I succeeded in
doing so? The world of technology and modernization turn us crazy in behavior and acts,
even a chap not to lose a minute without dialing his phone, can be seen crossing a heavy
traffic road while pressing the buttons of his smart phone. This is in my opinion.

It Says: Learn English in Seven Days!

We, in most cases, exaggerate things; balloon them till they nearly burst. This is
almost always. On being asked: Where are you now? You only suffice yourself by just
uttering: I am just stone throw. This stone throw might take a couple of hours, since the guy
exactly might be near Saabie Dalieb, just not to exaggerate! Far away from that location .
Sorry me here, I exaggerated this point.
Most of the folk I do believe say this from the tip of their tongues, purposely to relieve his
partner‘s tension , to cool down his frequencies of irritation , and be a little bit patient , so
this word is almost said light – heartedly and not meant for its own sake.
What directs my attention to all this story, is that poor book which is laid among those
ground - sold books, its face is dusty, the finger – prints touched it cannot be easily
determined, huge, more than can be measured, it tells that every passerby raise its position
a little, lift it for a while and his facial expression could be interpreted from his eyebrows of
surprise. Every hitch – hiker gives it its value, sways it a little, and gazes amazingly at its
shouting title: Learn English in Seven Days. Alas! Most of our troubles are solved. We can sit
for hours and hours googling and fishing for fresh information. We can talk to whoever
native speakers without the intervention of an interpreter , we can research very easily
without committing fatal mistakes or errors , we can simply stop that spending spree on
both day and evening schooling , or hiring a private tutor , we can only hire him for one
certain responsibility , to set a spotting . Yes, to spot on certain areas that are %99.9 are
gonna to be in that exam in question.
Lucky we! Just in seven days we comprehend a whole book from cover to cover, and listen
attentively to the BBC and watch closely the CNN, and then we can interpret to our
grandmas and grandpas and even our grand 2.
We are lucky, since we will be IELTS – free and TOFL –free. We will no longer be in need of a
translator or an interpreter.
Just imagine! From Saturday to Saturday, and you will turn to be a near native speaker. A
Nightingale! Wonderful; terrific; fantastic . I wish I had bought that book, and then all my
troubles would be solved. I regretted that moment that I wasn’t having any money on me,
then I should have own it and all my miseries and troubles could be solved in a wink of an
Alas! The solution is just under your feet. Buy that book: learn English in seven days, and do
it on self – basis. Yes, a DIY, and all your complaints will die out, will be solved in a fraction
of a second, or let us say: Be gone with the wind! Alas! Bye bye private schooling, bye bye
private teachers. This is in my opinion. Since English is to be learnt in a whole week, of
course, the formal holidays are not counted. You see!

Plastic Bags Banning Decision!

Pollution is now at every corner; it is a stone throw from you and me, over and under
our beds, wide awake or fast asleep is not an exemption Of being exposed to polluting
substances or at least be in touch of a contaminated thing around you.
Incidentally, yesterday I came across a bit of news or better say, a warning. It reads as
follows: “Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Do not freeze your plastic
bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from plastic.”
Alas! Then it becomes clear that any plastic container, whatever shape it may take will be at
the expense of our health and thus it represents a severe health hazard. These plastic
containers; whether it is a plastic bag or a bottle sure to emit dioxin which is shown as a
risky substance, and a dangerous health hazard. This is from a scientific point of view.
Only recently, Dr. Edward Fujimot ! Of Wellness Program Manger at Castle Hospital, was on
a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are
for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic
containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat.
Then the matter is really dangerous ; it is there , everywhere around us, we are so cornered
, above and beneath , left and right ; almost always in every millimeter there is a plastic
material on the way . That means, cancer is at large, since everything around us is
carcinogenic. Yes, we will be victims of a sort of cancer, any cancer, no matter what it is;
that of throat, spine, lungs, ear, blood, up to the end of the queue.
Kasha , the good warrior , has set war against this fatal disease , by uprooting the cause .
Yes, the main cause ; the plastic containers , he set a hard and fast rule which prohibits the
circulation of plastic bags in White Nile State ; yes , the whole state , from Joda to Jebal
Awlia , no one to be caught having a plastic bag on him by any way .He will be fined; yes,
there is a fine for this terrible crime .
We waited long for such decisions to eradicate those fatal cancers, to get it clean, pure, non-
polluted, uncontaminated, cancer –free environment. This decision also opens doors for
other trades to revive, such, as cement papers envelopes, newspapers jackets, some new
kinds of baskets.
May I entreat you the people of White Nile State to put this decision in the position of
execution! Are we? I am not a spin doctor. I am just preaching to avoid such a fatal disease.
This is my ultimate goal. O.K ?

Kids Soft Dismissal off Home!

In Europe, and particularly in Britain, grownups, have to face it after 18 or so. They
are most likely to shoulder their own burden themselves. They are driven away to be
prepared for a new life or to face it. This act, raises innumerable questions; a lot of whys and
a handful of whats , questions from all corners of the globe will be raised in denying this
dirty game.
Those kicked away juveniles crack their ways to the youth hostels which are government run
bodies; the government support them A to Z .So, the care for those guys is just shifted from
the families to governmental care, worse still, this early free life is a double sided weapon;
for good or bad, but is so to speak, the early care of the family and its bringing up might be
of help to this new shift of life.
Such an early dismissal of kids, now is started to be exported to countries that their culture
and values do not match, and admit such a game or a little bit harmonize with them .This
imported game seems it doesn’t work in these decent countries, simply because it comes
with the folk protest and is seen as pejorative in their society.
Africa, the Dark Continent- thanks God! It is dark rather than being polluted with that ache
of modernism that turns it as stale as white - is free off this dirty game. Families stay
bundled together forever and nothing to disperse them except death. They live
harmoniously in that sweet sense of that beautiful umbrella that is situated in the shadow
of that smart sense of that togetherness. Yes, we like this continent to be black from
outside, but with bright white light from within. Quite opposite to a water melon; all green
appearance, but dark red from the inner inside of it.
The Sudan is inseparable from the other countries of Africa, still preserves and cares for its
customs, traditions, and values .Families holds and connections are highly preserved,
catered, and cared for. Families continue with that sense of togetherness until they become
extended families living in one united place, with firm holds that pull the ropes of the
tent to give cool shadow for the welfare of the whole family under this welcoming gathering
.They breathe and inhale each other fags, they carry the whole burden in that togetherness
which sugar coated them in one binding to resist the big storms for the fear of being
dispersed and vanished in the nothingness of the unknown. Even the most responsible
grownups, Still wait for more doses of their elders, lest to avoid the foggy weathers that
might distort and lead them to nowhere.
The ties that connect our families aren’t artificial bonds of mirage sense that is everlasting in
chases, but it is a one only sucked simultaneously with that drawn in fresh milk which is
processed into a type of nostalgia which in its turn rotates to keep the balance in these
family circles that cares for its members, though breast feeding is easy, weaning is that
difficult! This is in my opinion.

Let Us Minimize Our Contribution to Global Warming.

All mass media channels, global newspapers, smart tools of technology, the Internet
, and almost all the pieces that about the current hot urgent news ; all these things in
unbroken line bring in their mainsheets , directly or in directly something about global
warming . What is that global warming that everybody these days is taking about? What
causes it? What are its harmful effects? All these and many more questions still need to be
answered, are still hanging in the long queue, just for the mere simplest logic; to avoid its
Global warming is said to be the excessive shooting up and emission of the degree of
weather temperature, or the extra excessive amount of heating, it actually reaches, in most
cases, uncontrollable situation, leaving inerasable drawbacks that most probably result in
severe complications that contaminate and pollute all that what is around, with no
Global heating is solely attributed to the excessive emission of the amounts of Carbon –
dioxide which accumulate in great quantities on the surface of the ground and the sphere
just above it, which on its turn is due to man practices and activities. These activities might
be some natural daily activities, but their drawbacks may cause terrible effects.
Just imagine! Perfume sprays, are usually taken as a sign of modernization and clinging on
the ropes of being so late and fashionable. We everyday rain excessively ourselves with
these sprays , without looking back to the risks that are lurking to us as a result of this rashly
use of this perfume . This is one example of these ill practices by man.
Air-conditioning and the central – heating that turns it cooler and cooler for us particularly
when it is baking hot , we think of it as a friendly tool that protect us from the baking sun
and that excessive heat of May , but hay ! No honey without a sting. It has a good
contribution to the so –called
global warming. Since it emits what is globally known as – CFCs. It is a combination of gases
that cause this phenomenon; global heating.
Many more of that human activities are meant for good, to cultivate their pros, but
unfortunately we reap the cons, take for example the perfume we have just mentioned, is
actually meant for a source of refreshment, to shake up the mood, and to smell nice among
colleagues, particularly the bachelors to market themselves in that long queue of
competitors, but this perfume is one day to turn things anti-clock wise! This in my opinion .

Limiting Higher Education Teaching Staff Immigration

This issue is revealed some couple of days ago in Sudan Vision daily paper; Vol. 13
Issue No 3625. What usually comes to one’s head, is that the ministry is going to release a
decree to those guys from going abroad, but hay! Do not look at things in a bird’s eye , and
understand it in a superficial way , because some guys kick quickly at things and move , they
do not have that patience to read it closely , dig deep to see behind the lines ,and then
come up with something clear in their mind about the whole story .
This piece of news looks typically like a water melon; it’s totally green from the outside part
which usually tastes stale and bitter, but from the inner side it is absolutely sweet, delicious,
and quenching the thirst.
This typically what is to be interpreted from the article being mentioned. The title gives
impression that university staffs are going to be prohibited from practicing their lovely
game; hide and seek . On the contrary, what is mentioned inside the paper makes one feels
optimistic, since the paper frankly says something that one can smell, we have to wait for
more, because we have just given a pay rise ; both in term of money and age .
Yes, in age. Haven’t we recently pushed to the pension of 65, then let us wait for more pay
rise in our salaries and wages , and more additional five years to pension ; it is suitable to
have our pension at 70 , isn’t it ? By then we get senile; yes, reaching senility could help us
to talk our heads off, we make imaginative anecdotes, we talk frankly, and then nobody is
going to count something against us , yes , we return like babies again , we talk innocently ,
sinless speech , then we forget all our rights .
That last increase in the salaries is not bad at all, since it plugs some holes in the budget of
the family. Did I say budget? Frankly speaking, in most cases we aren’t a planning nation; we
almost always indulge into a habit of spending spree, we rashly by unnecessary things.
Since my field of specialization is English, I usually teach literature.
Particularly, that story of Oliver. Do you remember this hero? What is he famous for? If you
do not know the answer, then think of immigration, though immigration is not always a
solution or an advantage, because you usually lose and gain. Hay! Are you dreaming of a
house many storey’s high and a luxurious car? If your answer is yes, then keep waiting till I
tell next time what to do .O.K? Then wait!

Losing and Gaining Weight Bills

Genetic engineering has made great headway in all domains. In cloning Dolly, the
sheep, people put their chins in their elbows, and made an eye-brow, thinking over this
miraculous invention. Then there comes the famous cloning of the 22 mice. A good number
of crops witnessed this genetic engineering revolution. The size of these crops is really
exaggerated; a pea -nut seed is three times its normal size. Yes, it turns to be family size.
The vast majority of what is sold in the market nowadays ,is in fact exaggerated ; the
chicken , seems to be large , calculating its size against its age ; it is all hormones that drives
it to this immense size . The vegetables are three times their natural size by the effect of
fertilizers. A piece of tomato is the same size as that of a Brazilian football, the carrot is not
its known size, the cucumber, the cress, aborigines, pumpkin. In unbroken line, they are
forged to a size that is ballooned and mushroomed.
Everything around us is exaggerated to a degree, even the bread that we take day and night
is enlarged with the potassium bromide ; that magic powder which usually multiple by three
or four , it has the ability to turn one piece of loaf into a size of a cushion , but usually very
insipid ; it has no taste or flavor . It is a sort of what can be named a ‘cancer’. This, parasitic
Taking in account all what we have mentioned above, the body everyday adds on flesh, it
makes legendary growth, immensely in gigantic figures, very hilly and mountainous in
shape. That is why cancer found a good environment and atmosphere to grow as well.
This is not the end of the game! Genetic engineering and research promotion have gone far
to detect and discover bills that work both sides; they can make you slim or, on the
contrary, they make you grow fat. You can control your weight to the size that you ‘love’.
Almost in a week you can change everything, even your clothes are to be changed. What is
so miraculous, you can have medications for some parts of the body that you need them to
grow apart from the other parts of the body, you can make your arms a little bit larger than
some other parts of that same body.
A complete change in God’s creation! Being absent for a week can make the difference. I
vow, you can hardly know your neighbors if they are regular takers of this medication, either
you find them grow fat – like capital ‘O’, or they can make skeletons of themselves.
In both cases, whether you grow fat or slim, one suffers at the public transportations, here
in this tri-angular capital, if you are weak like a skeleton, you cannot fight for a seat, and if
you are that fat then you cannot find a suitable entrance. What shall we do? Growing fat
isn’t recommended, it is connected with some heart diseases, and making slim isn’t without
its complications as well. So, we have to wait until the camel gets into, through the needles
hole. Hey! How many kilos do you weigh? No answer? I am not bewitching you. This is in my

( Meddni and Rabak ) A Tale of Two Cities

When we were at the intermediate schools, we were exposed to many loads and
tons of literature books. We are the generation of the fifties; we entered intermediate stage
just in the late sixties, specifically in 1969. A few months after Nimari’s Revolution, so we are
the generation of May.
Back to our point; we were saturated with reading too much literature, we had read many
more books than the doses prescribed for us at that time. Simply, because the academic
ladder was changed upon our heads, but fortunately, the change came on our own side.
Though, we were angry at first, but later we had cultivated the fruit of that exerted effort.
We had given two extra years, in which we had devastated the green and the hay.
In these two years, we had finished more than what we were expected to read , among the
many books that we had read was a book entitled “ A Tale of Two Cities “ ; London and Paris
. It gives me pleasure here to borrow this title to write about two of our so famous beloved
cities that recently witnessed a rapid beautification surgery , and a complete use of
cosmetics which turned them into lovely brides in their bright white gowns ; Meddni and
Rabak .
Meddni, the used to be capital of the Sudan, during the colonial era, since it’s that divorce
wasn’t put on new clothes, tarnish its boots, manicure its nails ,and drape itself in vogue
latest styled fashions. It stood bare embracing the warm breast of the Blue Nile that used to
draw some beautiful eye-lining on the eye- brows and the eye-lids of this young cheeky
town. The streets were torn, nothing to stitch its rags, its hair completely stood on end; in
need of a close hair cut, an urgent plastic surgery, and to be styled after modern civilization
Now, the doctor is present, to treat these severe chronic prescribed diseases with the right
prescription; the right doses. It is now fully recovered, started to stand steadily on its
shaking feet, enjoying a sweet period of convalesce.
Rabak ,this lovely sister, on its turn , stood with that grace on the eastern bank of that long
creeping artery that lined the whole of the Sudan into two similar clefts , on its eastern and
western banks , which is called the White Nile , sucking from its maiden bosom fresh
liquidized and solid food . This sister is now treated with that same prescription of
medication. The doctor here also stood alert, set a plan of wide rehabilitation; the one
tarmac street which resembles the neck – tie of a well off businessman, is now crossed
vertically many times with new more young brothers. Cyclers now find it a new game to
roam with their bikes to and fro; racing in legendry trips without any obstacles of that some
ups and downs that used to be. Plastic bags are hardly seen, they are now part of history,
but it is nicely replaced with a plastic surgery that covered so many innumerable bodies in
the state. A good number of hospitals that facilitate hospitalizing emergency cases are
opened. a bed for each patient, a doctor for each two patients. Much more breaking news is
on the way. A trip to Kosti , now takes a fraction of a second , a trip to Khartoum might take

around twenty minutes after the construction of the suggested international air-port of
White Nile State , we can go in regular trips to Saudi Arabia at the weekend holidays , and
catch up our work the next day. Lucky we! Aren’t we? This is the recent tale of these two
cities that I am telling you about – Meddni & Rabak - which are now draped in new
fashionable article of clothing of the so late fashion of modernization, and not being
affected with the aches of modernism. This is in my opinion.

Mosques aren’t built for that!

My congratulations! To the whole country wide on the occasion of Ramadan – The

generous month – hopefully that it may return many, Many times and we lead a luxurious
happy life.
Sudan, of course, is one of the hottest countries that lie in the tropical Climate which is
categorized by heavy rains and baking heat, particularly during summer and autumn. This
makes the sun pours and emits heat as if it is vertically located in the Sudan which is in the
heart of the globe.
This hot weather drives too great many people to the mosque during Ramadan. Yes, the
mosque; first of all to pray and then to refuge inside the mosque where it is cooler ,and the
air-condition is to the full, .They lie at almost every millimeter, and since those guys come
from all walks, it is naturally then that they behave differently; some lies, others leaf
through their newspapers, a third team goes whatsapping, whereas the rest snore their
heads off , let alone those who are recluse and relaxed , and those who are indulged in a
chain of dreams in a non-stop wait for the Muezzin to call , hopefully that they continue
their dreams after Asr prayers , these dreams are of different sorts, some dream of Al-Eid
necessities; from sweets to clothing , others dream of buying their needs , some of buying
their vegetables , others dream of milking their cows, another team dream of how last night
they lost a game of cards in their block club, whereas the other guys put buying cigarettes
and snuff top priority on the list, and only a few of this densely populated area, recite Quran
This group is on the righteous way; first they are in the mosque, and then it is the month of
the Quran, so, they worth the proverb that says: Practice what you preach. Broadly
speaking; every place in this globe has an activity that is supposed to be carried in. A club for
cards, a school for learning ,a stadium for matches, the barbers for styling hair, a
supermarket for purchasing things, a university for mixing .
Mosques of course for prayers and religious forums; that is all and no more. Repent and
pray, don’t go astray!

Mother’s Day should be Celebrated Everyday!

The kind of nostalgia the every mother sets for her kids cannot be measured by
whatever tool that is singled for that immeasurable sphere. Mother is the only creature that
carries its offspring nine month and ten more extra days without abusing this heavy carriage
a single day. This is not of course the end of the story; she follows this with two more years
of babysitting, cleans and wipes talks and plays, sings and lullabies. Does all this entire thing
to satisfy the undeclared needs and wants of her baby . She interprets the babbling of that
creature, and turns it to a lovely kind of sign language that helps enriching the bilateral
relation between the mother and the kid.
Mother , of course ,is the most reachable tool for her kids , that is why comes its repetition
in the prophet’s saying three times whereas the father only once. The reference to the
native language as a mother tongue does not come from a vacuum; simply, because the
mother is available all through their childhood days, then she represents the unstoppable
source of language acquisition to the newly born, up to their schooldays. They, then learn
together with their pre-classes, the wisdom and love.
Mother should not by all means be celebrated on one single fixed day; – the 21th of March
–this day instead should be every sunrise. When the sun comes up we should make of our
mother’s face a mirror that well reflects our faces. We look them deep in the eyes, to satisfy
our unlimited lust of love, that creepy love which penetrates our veins and arteries, and
lurks immortally in the bottom of our hearts, and not to shake it the strong winds of hatred.
Mother is not just any woman. Not just to function as a family cook or chef or to do the
washing and the washing up, she should be placed in a lofty position rather than that she is
actually where, of course, only a few, even very few who could not respects their mums.
Just imagine, they abuse them, and even some dare to punish them severely; yes, without
any mercy. How come! Isn’t she the beginning of your story? Isn’t she directly or indirectly
behind your fame and name?
Mother of course, worth a 366 - day mother’s day. Yes, all the year round should be a
mother’s day, who else worth this honor? She only deserves that. But the big question that
poses itself is that: Why is it only mother’s day? And there is no father’s day? Why is this
gender biased? Alas! I found the answer: Because the father pays the financial matters all
alone every day. pocket money, school fees , car running cost ,daily expenses of life , the
barber , the carpenter , the milkman , the list is exhaustive and long, this is only to name .
God keeps us our parents healthy and wealthy , and on our turn care for them , and repay
them the debt they have already paid for us , and care for them in particular we they grow
old, we should forbear them even when they reach the age of senility , we should and must
tolerate them . Alas! This is in my opinion.

Mum is Gone!

Nostalgia is quitting
To the unknown getting
Squeezes the mood bad
Turn me to that sad
Illness alone never kills
Nor remedy then by bills
Each is a pre- dated day
Man in that has no say
It comes when it comes
Suddenly then it dumps
Sold for money, we do
Fate is signed a grief ago
We accept and no when
But it comes only then
That love used to cover us
Suddenly travels in no bus
Distances itself far away
No room for us in to stay
Alas! Not to come?
May I turn to rum?
Nay! That I don’t do
Ah! But to say adieu
Sad to that spot
Ah! Tell why not
All are so grief
Dying in non-relief
Hey! No return?
Ah! Not tell again?
So, quick quit
Gone that exit
Oh! Love comes again!
Nothing else to gain
Every soul be insane

My Son is buying us the Ram!

Words with double meanings at most cases are misleading and cause terrible
misunderstanding at times. It makes people pull at each edge , each group takes its side is
the right , and then, seek the many evidences to support them , and thus they insist upon
their interpretation , then misinterpretation , and thus erroneous responds shell the way to
each group .
A lot of guys took, grey tapes, for, great apes. These, actually sound absolutely similar, one
can not differentiate them unless they check closely their contexts. Contexts in fact,
pinpoint the intended meaning on the spot, but if the neighboring words are still to connote
similar meanings, then a cloud will fog the weather of the meaning until the writer gives
clues as what flashes he intended to display.
What made me dice with this very passage is the laughing practical joke that my son made.
It happen that, with the rushing approach of the big Eid , I entreated my own son to spare us
some coins , hopefully that we can change them for a ram ; the escape goat. Yes, the ram,
the animal.
The big Eid is a highly rejoiced occasion in the Sudan. People compete in showing
exaggeration in buying a gigantic ram. Women try their utmost effort to show their
roundness in being so proud about their victim. They make their escape goat a something,
by telling the spouse of every Tom and Dick about their animal. Yes, the real animal; the
I negotiate the issue with my son. He is an expatriate .He checked his budget, and luckily
that he announced the good news by telling us about his approval to allot money aside to
meet the Eid expenses, and in asking: What do you need all this money for? We answered,
is that we need to buy a ram, as I sometimes go code –switching, I inserted the word ram.
appropriately in its right place in that Arabic phrase. A ram! He then interrupted. How much
does it cost in the Sudan? He received an answer like, it costs three millions. Three million
for a ram! Well, do not buy it; He repeated the words with an echo. Then, he goes on to say
that: Do not buy the ram, I’ll send you one. It is very cheap here. He surely promised to send
us the ram. We kept waiting the arrival of his friend .All in the family kicks his imagination as
to how our imported ram is going to be .Some went with their imagination into the hefty –
The countdown of his friend arrival, is now a stone throw. Alas! The skeleton is out of the
cupboard! He unboxed what he has brought for us. To our amazement, the expat brought a
ram for our PC. Yes, a ram for our Personal Computer. It is all a pun that we received, he has
confused my word ram; the escape goat for his ram; the Random Access Memory, and this
is in my opinion!

Negative Habits That We Can’t Give Up .(1-3)

Every nation in this wide globe is characterized by some unique distinguished

characteristics that set it apart from other nations.
These characteristics usually become part of that nation, for the good or the bad. These
include almost always the negative and the positive.
One of the negative and passive habits that we have ever had, that the vast majority of us
cannot fulfill their appointment fixed timing; we usually have ill timing ,in saying to one of
your bosom friends: I will call on you at 3 o’clock; you only occasionally come in time or at
least hardly on time, and then you try to pour a rain of excuses, you try to find as many as
possible of these invented
tales to whiten your face and justify your scandal; to solidify your situation you may need a
divorce swearing ,who knows ? It depends on the victim situation !
This will never be the bottom line or the end of the story, it will be repeated times and times
again. People usually make use of such stories, and mockery they device timing for
Sudanese by saying : in Sudanese time or British time? We are suppose, by definition, to be
exact and just in our timing; both in clocking in and out, and not to put off what we are
suppose to carry in time. Even at the airport we most often we practice these ill timing
Funnily at Saudi Arabia, Sudanese are characterized as being lazy people, because of all
these dozens of anecdotes of false appointments timing , even though we repeat valuable
mottos about keeping time.
Such as: Time is gold. Stitch in time saves nine. Being civilized is being punctual, and many
more mottos and proverbs are said on favor of keeping time.
Do we really need a dating agency to keep us fixed exact punctual accurate Just timing?
Wait for more negative habits in the coming articles!

New Habits That Start to Replace The Old Ones :( 1 – 5)

What usually characterizes nations and people are their customs and traditions,
generally these habits are born with that certain nation; i.e. All generations pass them to the
succeeding ones.
We in the Sudan are not an exemption and free from the bonds of these customs and
traditions; old and new. The new acquired habits then start Circulation till they are fully
generalized and started to find room together with their previous ones, then they effectively
serve that nation for a time until they expired and then soon are to be changed with new
born ones, and then their cycle starts and races to the end.
Nowadays, some new traditions started to find room in this large country , in our society
,until they situated themselves within the family circles , and became part of their norm . It
is actually considered a must that everybody has to do with them , by hook or crook; like the
daily meals; take them or die. You should stick to these traditions or else you will be
considered an idiot, believe me!
The first of these tradition that people now stick to, is the celebration of a kindergarten
graduate. Of course, there is no harm in celebrating such a class of kids , but the protest
comes when such a celebration is being too much exaggerated , sometimes it exceeds an
expatriate ‘s dowry . In which the parents practice that legendry spending spree , and
almost always feel proud for that . Since the early morning of that day, everybody who lives
in the neighborhood appears in his / her latest fashion , from top to bottom , from head to
shoes .
The little bride groom, is fully draped in a nice full suit that eats the whole budget of the
family, and some other extended families, poor that family , this young guy exhausted it to
the bones. He needs all that the bride groom wants; clothing, high quality shoes, yes! Shoes,
eye – liner, a neck – tie , sweet perfume , all kinds of candies and sweets , a nice mobile
phone to match with the occasion , birds milk , crocodile tongue , and whatever the family
thinks of as so luxurious is to be brought . Are you married? Yes. Have you kids? Where do
they study? How much is the course? Do they have any commutation? What about the
uniform? Who is to pay for it, us or you? Poor the parents if they have to answer all this set
of questions . We are lucky; we did not attend this time. Thank God! But luckily the kids will
see the singer for the first time in person in the party. Of course , they will remember this
when they get married .

Nothing Travels Faster than Rumours !

Mobile phones services obliged letters to withdraw and give way to other means of
communications, although SMS still in function, but they bring a kind of wording that is
uneasy to decipher. ASAP is a good example of this language of globalization which stands
consecutively for ‘as soon as possible’. These mobile phones do not only help in replacing
written communication messages, but they help in transmitting the news.
Communication groups now find it a fertile land and a clear leveled airport for their rumours
to take off. A piece of news can travel the country-wide in a fraction of a second. They fly
faster than the speed of a jet plane. Everybody who is around at that moment of rumour
releasing, could talk to you about that rumour he has just received.
Not only that rumours travel fast, but usually people add to it a little bit, and bit by bit it will
grow fatter and fatter until it reaches the stage of being swollen. Via whatsApp , groups now
exchange these things every minute. They tell the stories of the people of the graves. They
tell about a guy who is recently berried, is now up, and walks all the streets, and even he
visits his relatives asking for his old belongings.
The news of the public holidays, for example, might be in circulation some months ahead,
before they actually happen, so you can arrange and regulate for that some months to
come. Almost the whole year holidays are programmed for you by the groups’ dwellers.
They send you all your expected holidays in free of charge messages, actually in your own
place. This rumour will not by all means stop and halt in this place. You yourself will turn to
be a rumour circulator in imparting it to many more guys who are thirsty waiting for such
things, thus these half false truths travel faster than the air.
In most cases, you do not need to listen to the news on the radio, all you need is to lend
your years to the passers-by, they will tell you everything within your municipality, and they
will tell you something about
yourself that you do not absolutely know it yourself. A secret of your own- self could be in
circulation without your permission.
By the way, if a rumour is falsified, a justification for it as being a white lie is usually made
.They say it is a mere white lie. Incidentally, is there a black lie? Or at least, is there a grey
one? Things seem foggy; one cannot distinguish between the white rumours or the white
lies. We usually turn to believe in both till the skeleton is out of the cupboard. This is in my

Open University of the Sudan has torn the Traditional and
Turned to be fully an Electronic!

In the few past decades, the whole world at large, knows only one type of education;
that traditional kind of education , the planned one in which the triangle of students ,
lecture room , and the lecturer represents the complete whole and coalition of these three
strands in a one unified hold.
It is undeniable, it is the age of the outbreak of knowledge, to the extent that you can find
an institution stationed at every corner, opening its doors and windows to embrace the
hatched batches. The competition is heated to the possible highest degree. Every university
throws its lines to get a profitable catch.
What distinguishes an institution, is not its name; absolutely not. It is the service that the
university serves , the tools and equipments it uses to meet the learners needs , the
handling of the educational operation , the mechanism of utilizing its sources and resources
, the newness and innovative methods and approaches that it uses to tackle its material ,
and how that institution measures and assesses its students .
We are now legendarily living the era of the outbreak of technology; computer is now
something normal than it was two decades back. Grandmas can use it efficiently, and she
can avoid its complications if she is caught stumbling in an operation. Computer adherence
reverses us back illiterate, to start the million distance road a fresh.
But, luckily the sterile ways of the past, bridged its gap by giving us a new system of
education that treats the shortcomings of, traveling, the running cost, and even the
presence of the candidates. All these factors are no longer obstacles to stand on the way for
learning. A new type of education is founded to treat these matters on the spot. Open
education actually came as an urgent solution to that catastrophe. It is a wide open door to
accommodate those who have pressing need to continue their education, since a number of
reasons detained them back to race with their mates. This open education really puts
matters under control and management; it facilitates in removing sideways what stands in
the way for the students to carry on and continue their education.
Open University of the Sudan has taken the lead and lead of this sort of education since
2003, just a few years back, but being a new born with its teeth, it starts to play a pioneering
role. Every sunrise witnesses a delivery of a fetus, a promising fetus that will shape itself into
a promising lad, and then in turn turns into a complete whole of a co-operative, well
educated guy.
This institution –O.U.S- possesses a well ever known infrastructure that enables it to move
into the hefty- lofty , hover over to kick the sky, a real hi-flier , to make a big hit in
transferring knowledge , to distinguish its graduate ,not just at the country-wide , but to the
whole globe. Recently, this university has launched a number of its e-things; the electronic
of everything, even the air that passes through, is going to be an e-air. Alas! It has thrown
the traditional weapons into the dust bin. In fact, and is so to speak, this institution is going

to regain its fame and name, and not only this, I bet, it will be in every one’s tongue in a
couple of days. This is in my opinion!

Open University of the Sudan is a Window that Never

Among the many governmental higher education institutions is Open University of

the Sudan, which is founded in 2003 under the umbrella of higher education revolution, to
admit and take students on the basis of open education.
Open Education is a collective term to describe institutional practices and
programmatic initiatives that broaden access to the learning and training that traditionally
offered through formal education systems.
Like such a philosophy; the philosophy of open education is sure to be met with a sort of
surprise and astonishment, like that once faced the prohibition of wine at the beginning of
the Islamic era. People, who are not acquainted and aware of this philosophy, usually think
that the certificate awarded by this system of education is easily gained; on the contrary, it
is Absolutely hard gained, but you cannot imagine this fact unless you wade in this
experience yourself, it is not at all an easy earned or awarded certificate; you have to sweat
and dip yourself in that lake of your sweat, and then get out of that pool and towel yourself
dry; then you will get the thing.
Yes, then you will deserve the certificate! After that exerted effort you will get it, with all its
three grades.
OUS – Open University of the Sudan in short – actually paved the way smoothly right away
to all that enrolled students and even some students from some other institutions by
making the availability of its invaluable materials , whether in hard or software ; these
materials are within reach, all the country wide.
OUS stretches itself to that extent that it appears typically like a spider web, to serve its
targeted groups, wherever and whenever. Just to reduce their learning fees and the
additional costs of over spending and spending spree in accommodation and in some other
living matters, these are some of the unbeatable advantages of this highly reputable
institution. Incidentally, mentioning the advantages of these institutions; here is enclosed
some bits Of information about this institution, this could be listed below:
(1) It is a governmental university.
(2) It has a widely watched and seen TV (the frequency is 10810 Arab sat).
(3) It has a center in almost everywhere in the vast country of the Sudan.
(4) Its motto is “Education for All “.
(5) It takes nominal fees from students compared with its sister’s universities.
(6) It has a widely shared e-library.
(7) It has a source of e-books.
(8) It usually holds workshops and short training courses targeting the society.
(9) It breaks the barriers of attending classes and leaving your job, so you can do these
simultaneously without losing one at the expense of the other.

(10) Students who know the nature and philosophy of open education are usually graduated
with highly efficient grades.
(11) Innumerable students now enroll for both M.A and PhD degrees in all domains.

The list is long and exhaustive, this is only to name a few, this is a part from the
infrastructure that qualifies it to design and produce innovative and unique product
features. It even starts its projects that target paperless offices and online examinations.
One mere fact; that, this university never closes at all, it opens all through! Simply, because
it is OUS. This is in my opinion.

Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire!

The expenses of life are rocketing very fast every morning, you can never trust the
consistency of every commodity; they are always on the move. Today is something,
tomorrow is another thing. You take a good sum to buy something, and then to your
surprise you find a new unreachable price, then you put off to buy it later if the price is
within reach.
On occasions, you have to budget yourself to avoid the crises and the dilemmas of being
bankruptcy, you need to cut on the luxuries, and organize and regulate your spending, just
to balance your budget to meet your income. Your wife, who usually plays the treasurer’s
role in the family, is always behind the imbalances in the family budget, if she is in the habit
of buying unnecessary things; seeing plastic bangles she quickly hurries to buy them, trash!
Thus, she loses her money before her mind. Incidentally, talking about occasions and times
of hardship, when is Ramadan? And consequently, is there a gap between Ramadan and El -
Eid ? And when are the schools? Really unanswerable questions .Can you?
In Ramadan, usually the thermometer of spending is very high to the ceiling, we almost buy
in unbroken line whatever our eyes catch; we think of after breakfast lust and hunger, thus
we turn to be very greedy to buy whatever we come across. We think rashly at those
Our motives drive us towards that behavior; this spending spree in buying such unnecessary
things, so in Ramadan we spend twice than in other ordinary times, but God suffice us with
more patience , we never miss a high table everyday at breakfast hour , either we are
invited or we invite others , thus the days pass with some good memories .
Having El-Eid , you have tightly to pull your strap . A family of eight guys needs at least 4000
Sudanese pounds to buy them clothes. Poor is the head of the family, he is not included in
this roughly done budget, not a penny for him. He usually serves as an ATM for the family;
they draw his money without any care. He has just to pay for what they say: The milk ,
vegetables , spices, ice , bread , clothes , oil , scratches , butane gas , sugar , salt , pepper ,
soap , blue, and many more things , but for himself , he can afford to buy a handkerchief to
wipe his sweat . Hey! When are the schools? They are directly after El- Eid . What? What did
you say? One has to ask his sons and daughters to freeze this year. Yes, to quit this leap
year. Is weeping a solution? Three occasions that come consecutively and need much
spending. Yes, it is really like what we say: Out of the frying pan into the fire. Allah Kareem !
This is in my opinion.

Public Transportations and the Double Fare for a Short Cut

Means of public transportations are of different kinds and sorts. The big and the
small, the old and the new, the out of date and the still brand new.
Nobody can exactly tells you the exact number of the moving vehicles of transportation that
trod the venues and streets of this triangular capital , but definitely they are many loads of
tons of these pieces , of course in all ages and models.
In spite of these loads of moving tools of transportations, still commuters suffer a lot to find
comfortable seating in this big game of ‘finding a seat’, this is for both journeys, to and fro.
What is in vogue these days are the short cut journeys of these transportation tools; they
hardly ever complete their journey line in one trip. Alas! They are used to cut it short, they
do halfway, of course for the whole complete fare; not a piaster to be refunded. Yes, they
take their full ticket for only half journey.
The commuters then slip down, partially convinced with what they have done, but what
urgently boils in their heads is the other half .Yes, the remained sweet half of the journey,
the moment the passengers evacuate the vehicle, then the conductor on the top of his voice
announces his second journey – No, sorry, I mean the second half of the journey, to begin
again a new complete fresh fare for the remaining distance. The fare of course is equal to
the first one in quantity and value, not even to trim a penny. If you have to cut some
piastres , the conductor will lecture you all through the journey , this is in addition to the
faces that he makes for you every now and then. I myself , I hate making a face to me , I
can’t tolerate this . So, I usually make myself ready to pay my fares on the spot; not to
exceed or reduce; just the right amount at the right time for the right guy, then you could be
on the safe side.
Doubling the fare now becomes something normal, everyone does it, paying no care to
what may comes. Commuters on their turn, couldn’t believe it when they easy find a transit
in another vehicle, they forget about that fare, they grip on their fresh hot seats and start
fishing for a coin in one of their multi-pockets trousers, with luck, if they have to find some
rattling coins lurk in the corners of their dry pockets. – Hay! Conductor, is this the last
station? – Yes, the journey finishes here. Then, he shouts his new destination loudly.
Popular Market! Popular Market! The commuters then think of only one thing, to go home
for a slumber, to be ready for tomorrow hunt. This is in my opinion.

Punctuality at Holding Meetings, Dates, and Appointments

Life is usually based on mutual interaction between people, they need to meet and
gather on occasions, and in that gathering they need to negotiate their matters and
businesses alongside these habitual meetings.
But in most cases people turn to be unpunctual in their timing, this is almost always in all
occasions. This including the official meetings that are held regularly to think over their
matters, as they are targeting progress for the company or the institution.
Most probably, the intended meetings start sometimes an hour later
than its planned fixed time , and then it starts in a playfully manner , it may starts with some
relaxing jokes , then the juice follows , simultaneously
accompanied by the two sisters ; coffee and tea ; at other times dates and groundnuts are
served as well ,and bottled water standby like the rows of soldiers ready to attack , of
course , there are sweeteners for the diabetic.
The meeting then starts, and in a hurry the agenda and the minutes will be recited or
screened, the conferees then begin to negotiate, they touch upon things only in a superficial
way, most often they restrict the chances to the minimum, and they are not for every Tom
and Dick, not every guy of course, is to be given a chance. Those who are always negotiate
with logic are given the chances; those who have gold teeth, but again they are pressed to
finish their talk in some determined minutes; timing is not left Open – ended. A voice
usually calls; just one minute for every chance, followed by directions; like, please! Do not
exceed! We do not need more talk, we will discuss this issue in our coming meetings, lest
the guys catch up their commutation buses.
Usually the meetings go like that, from AtoZ , without ,of course , in most cases arriving at
some fruitful results , and what is so laughable there might be something ! Yes. Some
incentives, graded according to the scales. Yes, group one a big envelope; a fluffy one, as big
as a billow, they then , make an agreement as when they hold the next meeting . This is in
my opinion.

Ramadan is Sweeter in the Sudan!

Everywhere in Muslim areas, Ramadan is met with active pre-preparations. People

usually set aside a considerable budget to meet the spending –spree of those Muslim guys.
They go buying whatever catches their attention, they do not care for being bankrupted or
so, they just rashly use their money, and this is of course the vast majority of the fasters.
In the Sudan, people actually, one month ahead of Ramadan start to prepare for this holy
month. They bring their necessities and luxuries in quotas; sugar, lentils, powder milk,
tomato paste, spices, flour, flowers, floor, usually very exhaustive list of unnecessary things
is set.
In spite of this extravagance, Ramadan is one of the loveliest times in our country; we have
unique and unequal habits that put us on the lofty, in fact, put us top on the list of these
countries that usually fast. We have the collaborative sense of the togetherness to form
random collective gatherings in the open spacious streets to smell and inhale the perfume
of the togetherness of the neighborhood. Each seven neighbor constitute a kingdom of their
own to practice their daily activities, from fasting to breakfasting.
They usually bring their trays just a few minutes before the evening muezzin, they then, sit
attentively waiting the evening prayers caller. At these waiting moments, those guys
practice lovely spontaneous fresh jokes. The nature of these jokes will not depart far from
the issue of the breakfast.
These gathering groups usually in a generous way taste each other food, to show practically
the highest meaning of collaboration, the rich and the poor, the old and the young, the
hosts and the guests, in the greatest meanings of generosity they innocently feed together.
In the country, particularly during this season, every house in the village is yours, every
woman is your mother, and of course every father is yours, a
complete sense of togetherness, collaborative effort. Like a bee’s hive, is never without
collaborative effort and industrious work.
These beautiful habits usually beautify breakfasting moments that is exactly what makes
Ramadan so sweet in the Sudan. It is not that much consumption of sugar that makes it
sweeter. Ramadan is itself sweeter in the Sudan. This is in my opinion.

Ramadan Groups!

Hearing the word groups, the vast majority think of whatsApp groups, and even they
go far to think of the different groups that one connects himself and share.
The referent of group here is of both particular sense and taste, usually because the word
group has the connotation of the sameness, sameness in number, age, level, standard, and
sameness of everything. Stands on one common ground, they might share one
characteristics, say for example they do the same job, study at the same college or any
institution, but Ramadan groups means something unique and sacred in our beloved
country ; The Sudan.
No doubt, we as Sudanese have customs and traditions that single us in a lofty height
among the nations of the whole globe; these are many, but the one that we are targeting
now, is this very grouping and gathering during the month of Ramadan , a harmonious
group work , to carry out their homework collectively , it’s not only the food that they target
, they check the absentees, thus they build a strong social rapport, and friendly family ties.
The spiritual mood that drapes the souls of the fasters links them and strengthens the bonds
between those non-brothers into brothers-like society; that co-operative mood that leaves a
sweet smile drawn on the thirsty lips of those bosom guys, in these groups they exchange
the greetings before they distribute their drinks and food, they feel all hang over when
indulge in this cup of generosity, they feel totally an amalgamated soul in one sacred body.
Not a single nation in the world imitate us in such habits, to get out in the open, and look for
the late guests to join brotherly in that modest evening breakfast table ; we are the only
single nation that come out, face to face, in out of doors game.
Joining these brotherly groups is behind that driving madly, just a couple of minutes before
breakfast. Don’t try to cross immediately before looking carefully left or right, yes right!
Since some people reverse the road. Anyway, look before you leap! Really those who drive
just a few minutes before breakfast, their cars nearly to take off if they find an airport just in
front of them. Please, drive slowly to arrive early! You, pedestrians, watch out! Don’t cross
for the fear to be crossed! Haste makes waste.
These whatsApp – free groups are considered memorial moments for many years to come,
and the non-whatsAppers keep these humorous stories , and they usually enjoy telling these
tales outside the circles of these groups. Now the Muezzin is calling! Have a nice breakfast!

Ramadan Kareem

All Muslim nations worldwide are now awaiting the coming of the holy month;
Ramadan. A night before Ramadan the vast majority stay attentively at their radios or TVs,
hearing the announcement of the generous month, they decide in their inner mood that
they are going to fast the whole of the month of Ramadan in that reverence and solemnity
to seek expiation for what has gone before of sins, because fasting will extinguish the sins,
the same way water extinguishes fire.
What is so good about the Sudanese, is that, all the members of the family fast in unbroken
line, even a seven-year- child has to try Fridays; particularly the last Friday, since the believe
goes like that: The one who he fasts the last Friday as if he fasts the whole life long, so we
are a nation that takes fasting for the sake of it, but is so to speak, we spend rashly during
this generous month.
We usually take one month before to prepare for this month, we then buy things in
quantities and heaps, a sack of dates ,because date plays a pioneering role in balancing the
table , we most often make our kick start with dates , we take a date and follow it with a sip
to wash it down , that is why the price of dates usually increases in this season .Next comes
the sun dried meat and the porridge ; the main dish in every table , wherever you go you
find it there ; usually situated in the heart of the tray , ready for the attack of the fasters.
One of the good habits that distinguishes us as Sudanese, is the generosity that usually
compel us to bring this meal out in the open, lucky we then to find guests to share us the
meal, we beautifully line ourselves in rows, face to face, to supplicate our first supplication
among each others, to get the goodness of this and the hereafter.
Thinking carefully of the wisdom behind this sacred month , one shouldn’t go in that
spending spree habit, buying unnecessary things , being that greedy to excess amounts of
food that might go bad if its badly stored , or left for a couple of days unused . It’s a month
of truthfulness, religious ceremonies, monolatry , hygeiolatry , supplicating for intercessor ,
we carry a number of prayers ; dawn prayer , midday prayer ,mid-afternoon prayer ,sunset
prayer ,evening prayer, penitential prayer , congregational prayer , last-night prayer ,
forenoon prayer , and many more of them till Lesser Bairam .
Fasting, without any doubt, is the great month of worshipping, people comes to the peak of
spiritual state almost always at this month, the get the wisdom behind mankind creation.
They learn the meaning of patience practically. They regularly recite Quran, stop telling lies
and teasing. The great lesson is always in front of them: God sees you wherever you go, and
if someone insults you, Always say I am fasting.
I wish you all the best in Ramadan, also before and after, but please, take it a true month of
worshipping, usually remember your God in every action you want to perform. This is in my

School is a few Days a Head!

The bell is shortly going to ring declaring the beginning of a new academic school
year. The students then will soon be back after enjoying a good summer vocation, each on
his favorite domain; some enjoyed their lovely games of marble, others tried chess, a third
team dominoes, some the ache of modernism ; the whatsApp , the fashion of this age .
Some of course spent it abroad, just for a bit of change, as a refresher break, so that they
can sweat for ‘A’ level and score highly at their exams when school is open. They then can
shape their future in what they want to be; some are hi-fliers always dream of being
doctors, some engineers, others academicians, teachers, technicians, etc. Of course, luck
will turn to some of them, whereas it seems to be day dreams to others. Shaping one’s
future usually starts earlier than that, I am not going to say it starts at kindergarten, but sure
it starts earlier. Parents usually play a pioneering role in the coinage of this sensitive period.
They can drive them peacefully to fulfill their dreams.
Parents care doesn’t only mean paying for their expenses; the school fees, their daily pocket
money, buying their clothes and shoes. No, these are nothing besides treating them as
thinking beings. The findings of some studies reveal that kids are but Nightingales , they are
great thinkers , they are very witty, therefore we (the parents) have to invest in them , we
have to help them shape themselves ,and not to shape them . Like iron, people shape it
after being heated; we needn’t shape our kids in that manner. Don’t put them under fire.
Isn’t an ice-cream tastes sweet? Doesn’t fire make you sweat? Then, pick and choose. The
two roads are in front of you, they are just a step ahead for you to take either.
Yah, school is just a stone throw. The countdown has already begun, then schedule for that,
draw a long term plan and a short one as well , because you and your kids , will reap what
you sow ; you will not reap something different .You can be serious with them , but fatherly
. You can be humorous, but don’t exceed the dose, because too much of everything is bad.
You can be friendly and paternally stroke their heads. This turns the father to be a father,
and a kid a kid. The time of “take the flesh and leave us the bone” does no longer exist; it is
part of history now. Befriend your family and love them, then your boat will cross safely to
the other shore without feeling the burden of the journey.
Tomorrow the bell will ring! We have to correct our old mistakes before they grow big.
Washing the kitchen utensils while they are wet, takes no time, but after a time it makes a
difference. So, treat things first time, and at the same time do not balloon things, they may
burst. Feel normal at times of hardness; you are not to fight fate. Never! So, cool down,
then sure you will think properly and appropriately than when you think rashly.
Coming home from school, kids need juice and sweet stuff, rather than waiting for them
with a whip in the hand, and the harsh warning: Why are you late? They need your care, and
not your threat. Be a father and not a dictator. A mother not a sharpener, home and not

Success means parents ‘nostalgia and love and not legendary spending to the extent of
spoiling. This is in my opinion.

Scratching Names and Commemorations on Walls (A new
bad habit (3-5))

Usually, besides the daily papers and the loads of literary books, we sometimes read
some instant shots in terms of written flashes, jotted down and engraved on walls of some
inhibited and non-inhibited dwellings. Normally like such scenes are seen in highly densely
populated cities. Cities in which every Tom and Dick roam the streets, thinking of nothing
except himself and nobody else.
In these huge cities and especially in those remote areas, most often these scratches are
clearly seen during the broad day light. Usually in that nasty, filthy, dirty, and very smelly
places . Just imagine! Where you piss, you draw a kiss. Which is terrible?
They are really very telling words that were cut to commemorate the targeted occasion on
which those guys decide to cut their figures and fingers just directly on the nearest wall that
their eyes could fall.
These words are to reflect different moods and cultures. Some attach it as a caption to a
simple figure stick drawings, such as drawing a heart pierced with an arrow, and captioned
beautifully with words like : Remember me darling ! The reply might come very soon;
bearing a of an eye dripping thick tears, and decorated with a fantastically chosen Piece of
language; such as: we cried all our sorrows out; we are looking Forward to seeing you love.
Of course, varieties of language are tried on these walls, but they did not break nor did they
fall. I usually ask myself dozens of question to see why those guys make like such messes ;
they really mutilate these walls from head to toe ; they do not leave an inch free from such
words of love and commemoration . They usually weep their emotions in their words that
they take the burden of cutting them beautifully on some guys’ wall , by the way, no guy is
to write at all on his wall , but for the others they fall . Did you want to build your house?
O.K, what color are you going to paint?
The white is nice for writing. Yes, the white house is good for writing. Enough! Hay! What
are you taking in your right hand? A piece of coal ?
What do you want to do with it? Just I want to write to this landlord, that I have come and I
did not find him. How is that? I will just cut it on the door. Well I thought you want to iron a
shirt; but you are still better than those who Write on the walls of the W.Cs; words like: I
love you! I want to marry you. Do you think a W.C is a right place for betrothal? Tell me I
want to wed.

She is too Young; she is only thirteen!

The elegance with which she is born is highly admired and appreciated by the folk.
Her beautiful face usually serves as a mirror that reflects for every guy his beautiful features.
The grace that wipes the whole body serves as a sand paper that helps removing what
usually covers the surface of that smart complexion. She appeals to every guy who consults
her. Natural beauty in all aspects of her body, no cosmetics at all to be noticed for the
making – up which usually contribute to making artificial beautification.
Being a youth is to be characterized by the vitality that shakes the one to react with that
energetic mode, to reflect the vividness that is needed in coping with the current incidents
of the hour. Creativity is usually the head spear in every activity she happens to carry out.
She is as creative as a bee. She gives honey to every man who sticks to her, of course, of
both sex, young and old; she does not believe in gender segregation, she is for all. That is
why she gained all the folk respect. She is a lot different from her other mates. What makes
her unique is the variation of dialects and accents that she usually uses to display her
speech, forums, and symposiums; she speaks pure practical English all through, very refined
language. A language that is highly picked and sieved out for purity . She never turns to
Arabic unless she is obliged to. This is what usually singles her in her only horizon, not a
single one to compete with her, or to be even her near match in anyway.
She is really one of her kind; unequal, and unique. Twitters in sphere of its own, imparting
very refined kind of English to all who needs its service , both foreign and citizen benefit a
lot from her services , tells them the different kinds of news , shows them the notices ,
makes them laugh to the most funniest cartoons and caricatures , all in all she legendry
serves the society , community , and the nation at large . She never feels tired, neither
stretches her hands idly, nor react in a lazy way to those who contradict her in one way or
another. On the contrary, she always stretches both hands for all those seek her help. She
never surrenders or bends her head to the rough minds and storms that stand in her way.
She always struggles to crack her way to help in imparting useful educational doses in
English language.
All are infatuated by this whole fat grace and beauty of that creative creation. She is almost
always loved by all those who are taken by her charming smartness and prettiness. The
brilliant elegance with which she always appears, matches greatly with her dear sisters, both
at home and abroad. She is really sweet to the bone; she is highly relished by all those who
come to know her perfectly well.
Every Tom and Dick, in unbroken line, wants to possess her. They always release queries as
to have come to know her and her name. The answer then lately came, that she is called
Sudan Vision! Yes, the young lady of the thirteen. Hopefully, that she may blow out the
hundredth candle of her birthday. Please, may I entreat you! Do love her. Buy her to dust
out and better your English, make archive out of that heaps and accumulation of you
purchasing, O.K? This is in my opinion.

Sitting at Tea Sellers would not Increase Production!

Production, production, and only production could safe our economics from being
lame; broken; stagnant; and down to earth. Production could actually be considered the
backbone of every nation’s economics, without Production we remain stuck to the ground;
we terribly suffer from the consequences of severe inflation and rapid shooting up and
repetitively rocketing of prices.
Last month, the word of the minister of finance pointed to this problem , the guy has frankly
mentioned the bitter truth ; that we are a consuming nation , he has all the right to
characterize his nation as consumers , we are categorized as lazy people by all Gulf
Countries , they always say it in front of our eyes, and we could not deny it ,we only nod our
heads in acceptance or rejection.
To prove it, let me tell you one of the many stories that show we are so showy guys, we talk
more than we can do – much cry little work-. It is really true as that guy puts it. We consume
more than we can produce. Did you happen to see those customers of these tea sellers ,
they stay all the daylong , they take everything during this long sittings ; they take black tea ,
then they have black coffee , and then , these two things with milk , for a change they take
mint , and they repeat the whole story again and again , particularly with the arrival of new
comers , then they invite and be invited ; yes, a tit for tat .
What on earth! Do all those guys do in these sittings? I just really want to know what goes in
there during these sessions. Do they take only these two things? Simply, because they stay
for many long hours. May be they want their tea to be a little bit cold. Yes, their tea is too
hot to drink, so they have all the right to stay some many hours for their tea to cool down.
Doctors recommend that people should not take too hot drinks in their stomachs, it is
harmful, and that is why those tea purchasers wait for their tea and coffee to take them
solemnly and peacefully in tranquility.
But, those who do not mind their own business usually ask questions as concerning those
tea addicted guys. They should leave them their own way, they should not interfere in their
own private business, and ask questions such as: How many cups do those tea-takers drink
during their long sittings? How many days a week do they visit those tea sellers? Do they
come regularly on time or in time? Do they really pay for their tea? Do they take other
things beside their tea? All these and many more questions need answering, but to take any
single answer for grantee, it seems a problem, because those purchasers stay all the daylong
for this commodity without feeling tired or fed up. On the contrary, they are very active;
actually one is that active to wrestle. Incidentally, is tea making a trade or a trade behind a
trade? This is one of many stories, which tells that we do not care that much for our timing
and time management. This is in my opinion!

Smart Shoes

A French company made use of a film to develop a smart shoe. The film was called
“Back to the Future “. It is issued in 1989 AD. The idea of this smart shoe is to get worn
automatically without inserting your first finger at the back to fit it in. The French company
now is about to market this clever business Kareem , the manager who founded the
company is now marketing the thing in modern technology fairs , he has been quoted as
saying : I have decided to produce the shoe on that fixed date, which is the 21th of October
2015 , and it happened that the shoe now is common in the market .
Really it is in the market. It is not at all kidding! But one stands puzzled; with some queries
cyclone in his head, among them the big question: What are the particulars of this shoe?
The answer is fortunately, tailor-made with the shoe itself. Yes, it is get worn automatically,
self – warming, it counts and measures the distances.
Such shoes are badly needed in the Sudan, but it should be a little bit innovated to meet
climate and weather changes, so that it meets our needs and necessities. We need it highly
sensitive to tribal detection, it can detect the other members of the tribe when it is worn by
one member who belongs to that tribe, then it detect the geneses of the tribe; e.g. a shoe
worn by a member of Shiggia tribe could then detect the others who belong to the same
tribe, so that they can talk things together and chat during their journey, and negotiate
matters and particularities of their folk.
This is just an example, I am not bias to Shiggia , I have registered to this tribe only recently ,
just a couple of days ago , I am a new blood in this category ; I am in my A B C … Of this
sector , but I am proud of that .
I am so surprised, what pulled me so in tribal affairs! Then, let us be back to our issue; yes,
the magic shoes. Again we need such shoes to be solid, actually of the sort that breaks the
skull, so that not to be pierced with thorns, since our country is rich in this commodity,
particularly in the country where it is highly needed by the grey guys, the thorns might turn
it blunt, who knows!
Me , myself , and I , Dream of such a kind of shoe , but a little bit amended and improved to
shake up our thinking faculties when we get confused and bewildered , then we challenge
our thinking abilities , squeeze our mental abilities , so that we think things over on the spot
. Our kids then can use them to cream their heads off in exams and tests.
The new fashion shoes are to be prohibited to thieves, smugglers, and hijackers, lest they
might help those guys with some witty tricks that might facilitate their jobs. This is in my

Taking Meals at Offices is Aggravating!

To tidy up your lodgings is part of leading a happy and enjoyable life; even, it is part of yourself.
Keeping your surroundings tidy usually brings a kind of rest that one feels absolutely in his inner
mood. It is what distinguishes civilized and none civilized. Keeping clean is part of faith.
In public institutions and corporations as well as private ones, hire cleaning companies to the job of
cleaning and tidying up for these organizations , whenever they got messy and littered, then
cleaners pick up the rubbish instantly , and tidy up the place , lest some visitors might come and find
the place messy and smelly . These cleaning companies in most cases take nominal wages compared
with what they do for the company.
At offices now the vast majority of workers start to bring their meals with them.
Whenever time comes for the meal they bring out their things and start the lovely game, they
devour their meal morsel by morsel; they bite more than they can chew. In most cases they bring
very strong smelly type of stew which saturates the place with that lovely odor, you smell it from the
seventh door. Yes, they can smell a rat .They then immediately follow this by making of both tea and
coffee .Alas! The office is turned to a high kitchen ; whatever you need is there , in unbroken line;
tea , coffee , karkade , green tea , cacao , cake ,and all in all whatever you wish to take before or
after your meals .
Those guys in bringing these eatable stuffs, sure they will leave some remains and some broken bits
and pieces of loaves, sometimes they split the different kinds of stew. These collectively attract
insects of different kinds and sizes, ants, white ants, kocaroges, and worms.
Reptiles are also present, gecko, lizards, mice of different colors and sizes, snakes, and scorpions.
House fly is the pioneering guy of all these troops , her presence is not to be denied , she is always
there; to poke her nose , functioning as the common factor , of course , she knows every guy in that
office , because she pokes her nose everywhere , and those guys provided her with the right habitat,
and the suitable environment .
Some guys may vomit when they smell the perfume of the eaten food, particularly the gentle ladies
who are in their early stages of pregnancy, when they suffer and develop some symptoms of
morning sickness, they vomit their bellies out, and they nearly vomit their fetus.
Wiping and removing the remains is a new problem is itself, it causes a lot of troubles to the
workers, and it might cause their coming late the next days or at least the following day. If it is left
like that, then it will incubate harmful Bacteria that might cause a lot of troubles to the other
workers, this is a part from turning the place to a very smelly place after a time. This is in my

Terrific! The Electronic Blood Bank is founded!

It actually becomes a reality that the e-everything is a must; everything around us is

totally dyed electronic. The electronic bell was once a legend. It is now part of history, when
it first appeared every Tom and Dick thought of it as one of the Seven Wonders of the
World. It was really thought of as something miraculous; even unequal, unusual, and unique
What really marks this age of technology is that: every sun rise comes with a new totally
different new born of e-something. A birth that differ enormously from its predecessor both
quantitatively and qualitatively, a difference that is always characterized by an e-something
addition; electronic application to university intake, e-pilgrimage, e-learning, and of course
the e-government that everybody is now talking about.
Alas! The e-something is now a fashion. The letter - e- becomes very important in addition
to it’s that great importance. It started to take the role of a hat in a head; it has to cap many
words to form that new fashion compound e-words.
At Open University of the Sudan, a number of workshops are held to activate their e-exams,
the main course of this most reputable university in this scope. This university is actually a
pioneering institution among all these institutions that practices this art of electronic
examinations, and of course the whole units and sections of the university are rapidly
heading towards electronic operations in all directions using in that the MOOCs and
MOODLE system.
Every sun rise carries within its folds a new e-inventive creation. Laughably, I caught by
chance a couple who were discussing the issue of e-meat. What on earth is that, I asked
myself .In the end I came to know that their discussion was centered in cloned meat which
is now sold side by side with that normal meat. Yes, this cloned meat is referred to as e-
meat .
Funny still, is what we have read recently in our daily papers, in their mainsheet: An e-blood
bank is founded. Very interesting! How does this bank handle its job? How does blood
transfusion happen? Are the donators like those normal donators or are they e-donators?
What about the blood type and sample! Is it also to be categorized as e-type and e- sample?
Alas! We are living in the era of the e-word, the e- of everything. Oh my God! This gives me
a severe headache. Have you an e- painkiller on you by chance! My head is killing me. This is
in my opinion.

That Who Rape Children should be hanged in Public!

Crimes are now at doors; they are all around, everywhere in the world you hear of a
new crime that the criminal uses in it all his wits and appear so wily and cunning to deceive
and blind his victims. They are of different sorts , crimes of stealing ,breaking into houses ,
robbing banks , seducing , assassinating , killing , pick – pocketing , and many more of them.
So puzzling are always the reasons behind these crimes, the motives that carry this bad guy
to execute his crime. Some voices go on guessing that those criminals do these crimes as
reaction to make revenge for a certain incident that happens to the so called – criminal ; let
us imagine that this guy is not got paid his old depts. which he goes asking for a long period
of time, but unfortunately he usually gets empty promises . This eventually drives this guy to
commit a crime, any sort of crime that jumps to his head. Did I say head? Yes, I mean his evil
mood that carries him to commit such a crime, yes, he didn’t make up his mind, and he just
stirred his emotion.
These are always the rumors that the folk usually say in justifying such crimes. This is true;
there is no fire without smoke. They bring this wisdom in their justifications; this logic makes
the whole community believe the story. Yes, they say: It is a tit for tat, if those guys aren’t in
trouble, they will not turn to such a terrible crime, but do all criminals have what drives
them to commit their dirty games? I not at all for that liquidized justification, you see!
Of course, crimes are varied, though a crime is a crime, but sometimes you find excuses to
its occurrence, you feel it a little bit normal, not because it is a simple kind of crime, but
when measured against those big brutal crimes, it is nothing ; a peanut. E.g. to handcuff
someone in public isn’t considered a crime as compared with breaking into a house.
These days the crime that is in vogue is the crime of seduction, children raping, and sexual
assaults. Why? Are they crazy? Are they gone mad? What turns them wild wolves, to this
silly mischief? Don’t they have common sense? What on earth compels them to do so?
Terrible! Disgusting! Like those criminals should be brutally interrogated, and confessing the
incident they should be hanged in public. Yes, in public to be a lesson for the others. This
crime I believe differs a lot than the other crimes, it ruins the victim spiritually as well as
psychologically if she or he to escape death. In most cases the young victims are usually
killed after the game is up .This is in my opinion.

The Banknote Pound

Nowadays the paper note pound becomes scarce, you hardly see one in circulation,
it’s dominated by its step brother; the metallic one; the coin, but nevertheless, if it happens
that you are obliged to hand one of these Paper pound to a dealer, he will reject the deal by
saying that: It doesn’t work. It’s devalued. Why? It still buys so many types of commodities;
such as : Tissues , chewing gums, a cup of karkade juice, a box of matches, and a long queue
of things among them the fare of most destinations in public transportation. Still then it has
great value since it represents the nucleolus for change in most everyday life activities of
buying and selling.
The English saying says: Keep the pennies, then the pounds will keep themselves . A pound
is then a unit of fortune that needn’t be met with Less prudence or at least to divert
attention away from .
Why do those dealers accept the metallic sister; the coin? Isn’t the value the same? Can’t
they buy these same things each on its own? That paper pound has many advantages over
the metallic one, they can be folded in the front pocket of a garment, it doesn’t rattle like its
counterpart. Conductors purposely rattle these coins to declare their misson of collecting
their fares, particularly when they find their customers indulged in whatsapp services or
that of SMS. The paper pound note is not heavy to carry, but taking ten pounds in term of
coins could make a load. The paper one never gets rusty or at least people use it in heads or
tails. So, it has many advantages over that one . Thus dealers shouldn’t reject its exchange
and circulation, and say it doesn’t work.
The only responsible figure to prohibit its circulation the Central Bank of the Sudan.

The 5 African Conference for Distance Education

The continent of Africa having a protruding upper part that resembles more often
the chest of grandmas who embrace the members of that family with that great nostalgia ,
hugging them heartily in the heart , adoring all those stepping generations who
chronologically descends, leaving that fresh love to those who are behind them.
It is, nowadays, a typical picture of this exemplification of what runs in front of our eyes at
Open University of the Sudan which hosts the above mentioned conference , together with
her sister; El-Nilain University.
O.U.S, now, wears all different ornamental colours , beautified by the smile of the brethrens
who came to their second country to join in the big gathering that is planned jointly to
renew and innovate , and exchange ideas that could modernize their OERs . Yes, the OERs
which is considered a fertile land, and hence an infrastructure for capacity building.
All are melted in one pot, matching their experiences with each other, asking their
counterparts their dos and don’ts as concerning their life of chalk in open and distance
learning, particularly in the era of digital information and in the world of modernization.
Each guy came laden with that huge fresh knowledge to impart it in that high table , so all
can relish that and digest it , then this knowledge can travel fast all across our continent via
some smart tools to reach every guy at home in this digital era.
So, jointly we can make a hill of something, but in ones we cannot make a piece of stone;
collectively we can make something huge, individually we can just feed ourselves for one
Hello brothers from across Africa, you are so warmly welcomed in your second country, the
Sudan , so feel at home and give us your invaluable experience ,and then , take ours . This in
my opinion.

The Ambulance Serine

You can never skip a day without hearing an ambulance cracks the universe with that
disturbing melodious whistle, the pedestrians then cover their own ears to protect their
inner ears, drivers give way to let thing move peacefully through to its intended destination.
What it usually leaves behind is that most horrible kind of pollution; noise pollution, which is
more dangerous than that other pollutions; air pollution, water contamination, and food
Just imagine two vehicles like these start roaming one of the streets in opposite directions,
and each one plays its horn to the full, leaving passers – by gaze madly to the source of the
sweet melodious whistle that saturate the scene. The sound system of course is so high that
you cannot hear your companion , only sign language is to be used ,or whispering a murmur
in your friend ‘s ear to deliver your message . In answer, of course, you should nod your
head positively or negatively, as you decide for your answer to be, since the situation is that
foggy for conversing and conversation.
The big question that usually poses itself is: Do all these things really carry emergency
cases? Why can’t we hear like these ambulances in some other countries when we fly
abroad? If all this serine is done to drive the cars out of the way, or actually to clear the way
for them . Then, if it is that, what are they hurrying for? Don’t they fear road accidents and
crashes? Do not they get the lesson? To fear road accidents like the in question, to see those
road victims, those road stricken, for no absolute reason except that wrong overtaking
which harvested the souls of some hundred thousand and still do. This serine should echo in
our ears the turns of fate. We should slow down a little bit to arrive early, we should look
attentively , not to avoid the unavoidable fate , but at least to make an easy simple one ,
without or with very little loss in souls or injuries .Hay , listen ! What is noise over there?
What has happened? A road accident it seems. This is in my opinion.

The Avid Readers of WhatsApp Generations!

The 1950s generations is generally characterized in unbroken line, by being ranked

as avid readers. They apply the slogan that goes: Cairo authors, Lebanon publishers, and
Khartoum readers. That never used to come a day without taking a library book and prisons
yourself in a remote corner to practice your favorite hobby, to read. Yes to read, in the
sense of the word. Indulging into a kind of reading that makes you forget your meals, to
read the whole day long without feeling bored or hungry.
Particularly during the summer vacations, we used to race in finishing a good number of
these things, in case of unavailability we complete the job with highly picked magazines that
really worth reading , both in content and in educational ethics . We stay for long hours in
discussing the plots of all these fictions , each compete in making the greatest heap of these
exhausted books , the lowest is usually is the centre of laughter among his mates , so
nothing weighs more than making a dozen of library books .
Gradation in these books is also to be questioned , it makes a difference whether your
readings lie in the simplified or bridge series , the latter , of course, was for the high leveled ,
the top of their classes , they enjoy this series to the bone , no creature what so ever its kind
can compete with them . Those with lower experience enjoy their senior’s tales; charge
their batteries of motivation hoping only to reach eagerly this stage, to take their turn in
these digested books to belch them to other generations to come.
This is absolutely what characterizes our summer vacations; to hunt as many books as you
can, we borrow, we buy, we go to certain libraries, and we even ask expatriates to buy us
unavailable ones, and then we spend all the holidays long in intensive and extensive
Sorry for today’s generations, they do not care much for this matter. Their library books are
not resourceful as that of our generations. They hardly have hard copies; they even at some
cases can’t leaf through these books to find their piece of information. They do not know
how to scan a passage, or they do not know how to skim it; good for nothing. They are
whatsAppers !
Just I cannot imagine life without a book. This is, of course, the first thing that is mentioned
in the Quran: Read, read in the name of Allah… So why do we lose much time without being
indulged in those lakes of knowledge; in these oases of light. It’s to be hunted from cradle to
grave, in a non-stop, you just take a rest from reading to resume reading, make it a 24 hours
a day business , never surrender , never feel fed – up, and you will cultivate this exerted
effort one day. This is in my opinion.

The Bin Car is coming and the people are running!

Hey! What is that long whistle which is typically as that of an express train that
approaches a main stop? Tell me please, do me a favor! I am just completely got confused
and bewildered as to differentiate between that train whistle and that ofa bin car which
beautifully collects the filthy heaps of rubbish early morning these days. This vehicle usually
roams the streets in non-stop trips, collecting the waste and rubbish of the big families who
extravagantly bury their hard gained money in those gentle heaps of waste.
Most of the citizens, the country-wide, play this dirty game. They actually do not care about
where to throw their remains, so when the bin car comes they drag their sacks and bags to
get rid of the inside waste, and they seem they do not care about the outside, and to be
precise, they actually consider the outside rubbish is a little bit away of the orbit of their
responsibility, they are absolutely care – free of this nasty responsibility.
In fact, the visit of the bin car leaves a very smelly situation, this is most probably is
attributed to the shoveling of the many heaps of filth that decorate the many main streets
in the vast majority of our cities. These heaps get rotten due to the accumulative habit of
the citizens that is why they smell nasty, particularly in the triangular capital. The moment
the car clears the piles of filth there comes a silly odor that compels a ghost to hold its nose.
It is really a dirty game.
Runs after the bin car , is a guy who collects the fees of the dirt , he or she collects the
money equally from the poor and the well off , he sees no difference , dirt is dirt , whether
rich or poor . Anyway you have to pay, by hook or crook you have to pay! But it is really
peanuts; it is not that big money to put it in your head, it is an exact price of that rubbish.
The bin car driver and his crew should be compensated, and even they should be highly
paid. They usually take the burden of holding their noses wherever they approach the game,
and because they poke their nose in everything they stop at. They really face very critical
situation. The money that they earn is really of their forehead sweat, and they worth
doubling in whatever they want.
Be quick! The car is coming, make haste! Bring in the rubbish, bring the waste! Bring the
dirt, the filth, the remains, and the trash, all to be dragged and cleared towards the bin car.
What a crime we all commit all the time! I was once in Manchester lit a match stick to
smoke, the moment I threw the stick, I received some gentle taps on the shoulder warning
me of a fine. See! How many sticks we throw a day! Many, many of them . This is in my
Be quick! The car is coming
Make haste! Fly is humming
Hey! make haste
Bring the waste!
Divorce the trash
Don’t make a dash

Our behavior needs to improve
All we scattered must remove
Be wise and clean
Hey! Do you mean?
Keep away the filth
Or even let the fifth

The Bride – Groom Breakfast A New Bad Habit ( 2 – 5 )

What is that convoy? What is it taking? Ahhhhhhh ! They said: A bride – groom
breakfast. Is all that a breakfast for one guy? Why? Is he Hungary to that extent? You are an
idiot. You are uncultured. If you are cultured, then You could have been wearing a system.
Yes, a system for this guy party. Hay! Is the breakfast is not included in the invitation?
It is really hilarious! Yes, one of the most aching and plaguing habits that appeared only
recently in our society, is the heresy of the bride – groom breakfast. It is actually a big
mobile feast for one guy, it includes all the a to z varieties of food; chicken ,eggs, Liverpool,
kidneys wash etc.
Usually the bride’s parents do their utmost effort to make the two edges of the equation
meet; they then exaggerate the matter to that end, they get into a habit of spending spree
to the bones; losing and consuming every penny that their eyes lie on ( sorry piastre ) , all
that extravagance to appear in a showy fantastic scene in front of their new in-laws , to
show that they themselves worth the deal , and hence they will be rated with the same class
; the same shoulder as concerning the social status . Yes, for show , we turn to be very
showy in matters that they actually do not worth all this cry . Indeed very trivial. It does not
equal a fly’s wing. What does it mean to carry such a quantity of cooked food from one
village or a town to a neighboring one ? Is it just for one man show? Just imagine!
Who on earth, is to pay the expenses of this one man meal. Is it really a breakfast or
breakfasts ? How long will it take the bride – groom to finish this big feast? Who is to help
him finishing this before he starts his journey to the moon? He is really an honey man, to eat
all this stuff of food including the dessert; honey and jam.
Poor this guy! all these processions are creeping towards the HALL .Yes , the hall , what is
bad in that ? The HALL in block letters, because the is hall really that spacious; it worth these
upper case blocks. What really puzzles me a lot these days, is who is going to pay for this
large hall which accommodates all these creeping processions. Wow! I have come to know
one of the reasons of the shooting up of the rates of divorce . Did I say divorce? Wait for
more! Bye.

The Congested Stations!

Highly densely populated city usually suffer in all services. It reaches at times
necessities of life; food, for example, might need good hunt to get it at the right moment it
is needed and at the right quantities that are needed. This is, in fact, one mere example, and
of course, many examples could be cited in this scope.
Take Khartoum, an example, for this simple survey, and in particular the problem of the
public transportation which these days represents a toothache, one can easily say: It is a
chronic dilemma that was inherited since the time of independence. The fifties generations
now telling us that they are now approaching sixty , and they have sworn with their full
mouths that they were born with this trouble .
Yes, it is since Adam and Eve .We born to face it, we take it always a heavy burden on our
shoulders. Buses, Caravans, Haices , Taxies , Amgads ,and Rukshaes. All these in unbroken
line will not satisfy the lust of the commuters. These vessels carry those passengers all the
day long without getting a bit tired, and they continue doing so some hours continuously in
the night. They actually work around 18 consecutive hours a day.
The coaches, of course, are many, but I guess the people who are in a rapid increase. A
study shows that there are some fifty families inhibit Khartoum daily. If we roughly multiply
those fifty families by five , we will get 250 peoples per day ; 1750 persons per week ; 7500
guys per month ; 1575oo annually .See , how many loaves of bread do they eat a day ?
Wow, what a figure! How is it in ten years time? I am not good at Mathematics; help me
please figuring out this puzzle! Oh, sorry this is not our point; we are discussing the issue of
transportation, and the population inflation. This rocketing increase in the population of the
triangular capital is sure to affect in all aspects, let alone the transportation. Did I say
It is not at all a problem of transportation, we call it so, but it isn’t as such. It is the problem
of the people who take this public transportation. They are always in that hurried rush , and
in an unjustified increase , and their timing could be
programmed , if for example , you get some minutes before your usual time then you might
avoid that jamming periods and moments of congestions .
University students, all of them, in unbroken line, come rashly in twos and threes to dwell in
all the station of that certain line. More of the same usually come to join in those
gatherings; they make clouds of these jammed populations. Some of those stationed guys
after a couple hours will take a decision to go footing, hopefully , to go to bed early , lest not
to miss their dawn prayers.
The problem is then not to be hanged round the neck of the transportation. It is the
problem of the commuters; the guys who take these transportation means. Both in behavior
and number those commuters represent a heavy burden on the transportation means. This
is in my opinion .

The Countdown of School Tournament is started!

The days started to diminish. You can easily miss the date, since the days run in a
hurry to bring about that big gathering which the whole population of the state and the
country-wide are eagerly waiting for. Each guy now is making ready to meet this big
unrepeatable anniversary. Yes, unrepeatable since it shifts to another worthy state after it
holds the torch of the expected coming one when this wedding is over.
School competitions should not be viewed as winners and losers, of course, not. In fact, it
has greater meanings than those views. It is a collection that draws all the total tribes of this
beloved country in one, almost always, reputable place. The students then find a gold
chance to match their local tribal traditions and customs with their mates from the other
states; they then happily exchange their ideas and cultures. Thus, the school tournament
cultivates the behavioral educational objectives for which this gathering is actually made
and meant. We can distinguish the gifted and then cater for them.
The White Nile State preparations for this great occasion really started earlier. All
institutions are painted white, tarmac streets are repaired, and new ones are built. The main
towns are beautified to compete with the loveliest brides; they are highly decorated to
match with those sweetest butterflies. The government of the State has done what all is
suppose to be done for this big Eid ; the theartes , schools , stadiums , hostels ,
accommodations . All streets are crystal clear lit, day and night, you clearly a needle if it falls
at mid-night.
Now, the talk of the State is nothing, but the tournament. The youth, of course, are eagerly
awaiting this game. They want to see in their own theartres how others’ traditions and
customs are displayed, and they also want to pass time that they usually find very
monotonous. The elders, are not an exemption, on their turn they want to see new games
rather than that of their ancient times, they can recall their anecdotes and fairy tales.
Anyway, every guy is going to learn a new lesson from this long -waited for- occasion.
All the State , in unbroken line , should be a standby state, the government ; the governor ,
the ministers , the commissioners , the general directors , schools head teachers , the
teachers , the pupils , the students , and the citizens. It is clear, that the ministry of
education is the head spear of this occasion. Therefore, it should play a pioneering role,
both culturally and socially. The minister of education; Mr. Hamid Omer Hamid , is going to
be the father of all this big gathering , and not at all to be bias to one State at the expense of
another . Since all in the gathering are his guests, every boy is his son, and every girl is his
daughter. Oh! It is a great responsibility.
Now, this tournament is a few days ahead. Alas! The countdown has already begun. We
should all turn back our sleeves, pull our trousers a little bit up, fasten the belts tightly, and
be alert for this reputable occasion. Don’t leave the big guy all alone to face and shoulder

great responsibility which needs the sweat of all the State in unbroken line , old and young,
youth and elders , crawling and walking . This is in my opinion!
Hey! Be awake!
Bring that ‘n’ take
To show your contribution
By cleaning your institution
Wake up! Don’t sleep!
Donate the soul cheap
To hug our guests
Strongly by chests
We love the White Nile
With white teeth smile
To praise the tournament
All, people ‘n’ government

The Critical Stations!

Towards Ramadan and the baking sun of June, people used to commute and travel a
lot, each to his decided destination, many more pedestrians are also roaming the sidewalks
of the streets on their way to the stations, coming and going, to and fro, each towards his
certain mission.
those individual guys end their walks in very critical stations; yes critical! Because the
stations are that crowded and densely populated, a citizen per millimeter , and not to
exaggerate sometimes two , but still they accepts new comers from both sex . They cover
their heads with the burning sun , and the glazing earth heats them from underneath , they
are sandwiched in these situations , sweat runs in rivers , but luckily tissues are everywhere
to wipe.
People gather in clouds, loads and loads waiting their turns in that game of seats, if you are
aged or overages then you are lucky, your turn will come very soon, since some of the youth
are devoted to the seating of those guys, but anyway theold guys have to pay their fares
themselves, to be fair they have to pay their fares.
In these critical stations, some guys invest these moments in befriending some more new
friends to be added to their old exhausted lists, to be frank , the vast majority of these
befriending cases turned to be of strong bonds; yes, a bond of friendship had been forged
between them.
A friend in need is a friend indeed, but some guys are really opportunists, they just scrape
these acquaintances purposely, to gain more than to lose.
Why do people gather in these stations and there are loads of Caravans, Vehicles, Taxes,
Buses, Haices, Amjads , Rakshas , tuk-tuks.All these gatherings chase every piece of iron that
halts in the station , they hunt for a seat, to gain or lose, some prefer to stand in the isle or
the passage , but they have also to pay their fares . Those who stand in the isle usually enjoy
the Randok language and the melodious whistles of the conductor , you can amuse yourself
up to the end of the journey.
You reach home them that fatigue, tired, and exhausted.
You throw this torn out body of yours in bed, of course, in that same clothes asleep; passing
through the dreams of the return journey back to work. Are you?

The Decree of Polygamy

It is fantastic and wonderful to have like such a decision. It is now at large circulating
among the huge groups of the whatsApp , that a decree is issued, which says : That after
forty , those who are single or semi-single (those who have only one wife ) are gonna to be
pressed on to marry a second .That is funny ; does it need pressing on . Who doesn’t want
to marry a second or a third or even a fourth if all conditions are right? Did I say conditions?
Why? I have thrown myself in a dilemma. I shouldn’t wade into such topics; they might lead
to dark tunnels.
Such a decree, solves loads of hanging troubles, but creates still more. It solves problems of
spinsterhood, increasing mankind, enriching sport teams with very good young players, and
many, many, many innumerable problems that can be solved when putting this decree into
practice on the ground. Is this decree really true? Is it in that same wording as it is circulated
in that social communication groups? I cannot believe it.
To have it as easy as that, just to find it in front of us without exerting any sweat, to have
another sweat heart without having a heart; without troubling ourselves so much, we find it
very cool; as cold as cucumber. To have two families at least at a time; this is wonderful.
This means, to have three meals times two; six all in all, that is fine. Oh, sorry that is nice,
because (fine) is now a trademark of tissues.
This decree might create as well a lot of troubles. An undeclared war between the ancient
kingdom and the new one, but don’t bother that much, because you are not going to be
involved in such troubles, but only very often you can be involved as an arbitrator for
demarcation errands, just to draw a boundary for each state, and then you return folding
your hands to sit on an uncomfortable arm-chair, to watch out the scene from the far. This
situation luckily will make you the focal point of the setting, each side of this equation tries
her utmost effort to win the game, then each may compete to prepare you something
sweeter than that partner; a nice cup of cold juice, or a nice cup of coffee, or at least a hot
cup of black tea.
This is one of many troubles that might raise their ears, such as that of housing, children’s
pocket money, clothing problems. Just imagine a family of four wives, each has seven kids.
Sorry I am not good at mathematics, but how can you multiply their needs? How many
loaves of bread do they purchase per day? How much do you pay for the meat? Sure they
will eat your meat. The real problem comes if you rent a house.
Could I suggest a solution to cope with this decree? Yes, the second suggested wife or wives
should pay their dowries themselves, they should support their bridegrooms
materialistically from marriage to grave, they should pay all their expenses; both old and
new, they should insert every now and then some pocket money, as a social allowance, to
their guys.
The guys on their turn should take a microfinance loan to invest it in a profitable scheme, to
pay his shares in that 50/50 life of sharing. Hay, stop chattering! Hush! My first spouse is

approaching, keep silent or change the topic. Please, do tell her about the decree, O.K?
Could you? This is in my opinion.

The Dreams and Hopes of El Eid

Dhul – Hijja , a name that derived from a holy annual occasion that everybody longs
for , and wishes if he had had ;pilgrimage, then he would wash down all the sins if at all they
were there . The days starts to diminish; only fraction of hours could pinpoint this happy
occasion, which a number await eagerly to reconcile with those he or she felt some sorts of
It’s a good occasion in which one could revise well himself/ herself ; thinks twice of what he
/she did or didn’t , to repent or at least reprimand his / her bad deeds and doings , to start a
fresh , to come clean , a slate or page if it is not to be darkened in that succeeding days. The
big turning point ; although one Promises not to commit such sins again even in the
hereafter; a true repentance, but usually the devil stirS these lurked matters, and compel
you to fall into the circles of what is forbidden.
What truly characterizes these days is the joyous mood that is distributed to every guy,
particularly the new comers, from both inner emigration and that immigration; they usually
bring with them a sort of life sparks .Yes, sparks that ignite the family atmosphere into a
well lighted and lit world.
They usually bring with them a kind of nostalgia that annually mitigate the pains of being
away from home, everybody look them directly in the face, to satisfy their lust and
Alas! The country; the states; the rural areas, satisfies its lust, a couple of joyous hours. Yes,
it seems only hours, that is true they are the loveliest ever seen days ,that is why they seem
hours. The guys enjoy the moments, talking and walking … Talking to grandmas whose
anecdotes drive them to sleep soundly … Laughable chatting … recalling the old good days …
no resentment all , from sunrise everyday up to sunset , every house is yours, you chat and
take whatever they take , without any restrictions you wade in their closest matters as if you
are a member of a family .
Your aunts, uncles, cousins, nephews, nieces, neighbors from all directions , neighbors of
neighbors and their extension up to the seventh in unbroken line are your closest relatives ,
you never differentiate between who is near and that is far . They are all the same …
relatives in the end. That is why life is so sweet these days … the days of the big Eid .
Hopefully it may repeat itself many times .

The Electrification of White Nile Villages

By now I could leisurely swear that the vast majority of the White Nile villages are
electrified; Yes, saying a sweet goodbye to the dark eras; the black days. Now, the moon
could hardly be seen, even the stars that used to beautify the pretty skies of these sweet
nice villages , particularly when one lies after a cup of tea with milk , and starts reviewing
and screening his days events , a look at the sky then balances the equations . What is in?
What is out?
These villages have shoveled the dust that blanketed their corpses for ages , they are now
fully crystal cleared after an eclipse of burial that made their dark ages ; when electricity is a
dream for all , even the blind . It is their right to dream, lest to compensate what they have
really lost during the old good days. Highly ventilated lounges, constant and turning fans,
mixed fruit juice; a lot many things that we need to get them back- dated to meet our
The villages now are in a new fashion; they are electrified; electricity is surely to be seen and
touched. A new piece of civilization is implanted in almost every house; whatever it is , there
is a piece of technology item if not there are many , even at the extent of a mobile phone
charger , a piece , whatever shape it takes . TVs are at large; the Arabic, Turkish, and Indian
series are in vogue. You can hardly see a son of Adam at these unique hours roaming the
streets. They are right away taking their seats in front of the crystal screen attentively
following the incidents and events of the episode to memorize it to his mate in the after –
series chatting and rehearsal.
Nearly everything is now turned by this vital power of life; fruit mixers, ventilation tools,
fans, computers, fridges, and deep-freezers are almost now working by a button press.
White Nile villages are now in the light; if a needle or a pin falls you can easily find it out. In
spite of all this one feels sorry for the huge night games that the children used to play.
They are on loner to be played again in these villages. Alas! Folklore is going to be buried in
the places of those ghost villages, when they were used to be buried in the dark. Hey! Have
you an electric razor? I need a close shave and a styling hair cut, because I am going
shopping tonight, and buying an electric iron is on the top of my shopping list. I am also
planning to buy a hair drier. Wow! I am becoming a fashionable guy. You see!
Among these villages, the three sisterly, Hassan Aloub , Al-Knooze , and Abu – Shatien.
These three villages are usually nice competitors, particularly in football matches. Now with
the coming of electricity they started thinking of building a stadium. Goodbye the dark era
.Hey! Give me a glass of ice cold water, I am so hot. Please, wait! Are they calling an
auction? Yes, I have a gasoline lamp in a good condition for sale, besides, I have a number of
non-electric tools also for sale, and we no longer need them. You see!

The Exaggerated Generosity of White Nile State

The whole of my beloved country is acutely accused of boundary less generosity. The
most distinguished miser could in some situation donate his both eyes if need arises. This is,
of course, in the whole of my country –wide, in unbroken line, but really, and is so to speak,
there are some places within this country, that are apparently famous for these kinds of
games . Yes, these tales of generosity. A true kind of generosity which is usually seen as
clear as mid-day sun, a kind of generosity that an eye cannot easily deny or err.
Really like such generosity needs some occasions or gatherings to be tested. An ever-lasting
guest might be an expert in this scope. He closely, and in most occasions feels his host
attitudes towards the many questions and queries that are released by this honorable
humble guy. The facial expressions usually and in most cases travel than actions, but you
could really diagnose your host by hook or crook; you could see his inner mood depicted in
his very face; the real face. Yes, not that of his face book.
What really pushed me so heavily to wade and indulge in narrating like that, is not a stream
of unconsciousness . No, absolutely not that. It is a real story that runs in every white Niler’s
tongue these days. Yes, the story of their lovely visitors who visit in the broad day light.
Their approach actually add to the beauty of the flowers more colors and odors, they have a
touch of a chameleon, they change color wherever they go; they color behind them the
many places they go to. Marvelous! They beautify the wherever they go to.
We, the populations of White Nile State, have actually learned an invaluable good lesson.
Yes, we learned that school tournaments, are not just set for winning or losing. In fact, there
are lovely meaningful goals drawn behind that, apart from what is actually set at the surface
of this big game. Really it is not mere winning or losing. The losers are even considered great
winners; they win the ethics of the tournament itself, they win friends, the art of how to
behave in all circumstances, the art of how to be patient, and how to tackle things in a
civilized way, the art of working in a harmonious collaborative team.
White Nile State met the participants in this tournament in a way that made them feel at
home. Those who came from the north, are met at Al-Gitana and El-Kawa with high beats of
the drums , those of Sinnar , are met with the citizens of Rabak who were queuing
themselves in a snaky shape all along the railway lines , those of Kordofan and the west , are
met at Tendalti with that heated clapping hands.
Reaching their accommodations, the participants turned to be the citizens, and the actual
citizens became the guests. Almost always you cannot draw a boundary line that divides the
new comers from the inhabitants, they both amalgamated in one pot. They both take their
morning tea with those fat spongy dumplings together , or at least with that nice light
biscuits , anyway they became one body , only the uniform differentiate between them , but
nothing else differentiate these souls that whiten the white to the degree of being whiter,
from what is originally white. This year school tournament, taught us three in one;
unification, civilization, and amalgamation. This is in my opinion.

The Examinations Phobia !

Alas! The bell tolls to declare the countdown for the final examinations which are
almost at the very doors. All the guys, the country wide are affected by this scaring
phenomenon. All on their toes, they count in their fingers .The old and the young are taking
the burden on their shoulders, they sleep with that burden, and they wake up with it in the
early mornings.
The victims-the pupils- are filled like empty boxes, both at homes and school; they have to
consider the threats of their elders who think differently than their sons. The pupils are well
thought of as black slates to be filled and wiped; typically like a tape recorder, to record on
it, and to wipe if needs arise.
However, pupils are thinking beings, if left alone on their own, they would think properly,
and thus they will begin to form their characters without any intervention from anybody.
They can decide for themselves what is of benefit for them and what none is.
The parents, as if they are being examined themselves, they are irritated all through,
worried to the bones, nervous, fatigue from head to toe. Rarely can they eat their three
meals readily with that relished appetite. They usually feel aggravated than their kids. They
sleep badly all through the examinations period , they usually stay all the night long thinking
of the possible spotting that is likely to be in this year’s examinations , they usually tell their
sons the moment they coin their spotting . They even vow that this spotting is sure to be in
this year’s exam.
The empires- the teachers-, who almost always, take it a life of chalk, fill the whole planet
with their handouts. They hold inescapable camps that to be matched with the most
reputable dispensaries of those famous doctors. They hunt every penny that is spared for
the closing of the year. The teachers in fact, consider these days the season of immigration
to the examinations, they prepare well for that, they do not lose a single minute without
having a spotting class. They prepare themselves well for this occasion, typically like those
who prepare for the coming of the prophet’s birthday. They turn it a marketable
commodity. They hire big tents to accommodate the most allowed number possible in these
tents, they hire a conductor to collect them the hard gained money. They drip in sweat, take
teas and coffees for refreshment, and to keep wide awake to carry on their job properly on
the spot.
The pupils, as they are usually named after the pupil of an eye, are supposed to be cared
for. They should be the focal point these days. They should be treated like glass cups which
are supposed to be handled with care. The pupils should be seen as the bridegroom during
these days. They should be in the pupils of every one‘s eye. They should be given whatever
they ask for, lest they forget the examinations’ phobia. This is in my opinion.

The freezing of the Sudanese Football Union

Hey! Do you support Real Madrid or Barcelona? Actually these are the two options
for the vast majority of the Sudanese who are really considered enthusiastic fans of football.
Most Sudanese stopped supporting their loveliest local teams forever and started
supporting some international or regional teams such as the ones mentioned above.
This, of course, can reflect one thing. Yes, one thing and no more which is the stagnant
condition of our sport in general. But why is our sport situation is stagnant? This will of
course stir a good number of unanswerable questions. These types of questions are only for
contemplation; you have to think over them and think even more to find answers for this
yourself to satisfy your need for the answers.
An answer to a question, like: When did we start playing football? It may need good search
in a good encyclopedia to get a satisfying answer. We , of course taught a lot of nations how
is a football kick is to be done , we taught them all the arts of football , but what is so
puzzling is that : Now , we are some hundred miles lagging behind . We are still at the ABC
of football, although we have two football unions, a Cardinal, and Jamal el-Walli .
In fact, and is so to speak, our football activity needs to be revised, we should forget about
blindly supporting a team and forget about our country, this can be seen clearly when the
national team plays, no one stands beside this team, even the players who are selected for
the national team play differently than when playing to their clubs. This is a national denial
attitude. Those players in most cases apologize to play for the national, creating reasons out
of their own imagination. No nationalism! This is one story from a sizeable book of stories.
How is then the progress that we are waiting for?
Hey! A rumor in WhatsApp says that the FIFA is going to freeze our sports activities. Is that
true? Or is it just speech of newspapers? Are there any tangible reasons for this freezing?
What about our match against AL-Nugm AL- Alsahili ? Are we going to hear the referee’s
whistle? I do not mean that dirty referee of last time, of that dirty game, we hope so. This is
in my opinion.

The Guests of Khartoum State Governor!

In a study that is carried out here recently in Khartoum ; reveals that this afore said
state daily receives a hundred family every sunrise to stay here for good. If this is absolutely
true, then we have to do some figuring out just to equalize and balance the equation.
Let us say that the average family of these hundred families has only five members in each,
then the total number of the new inhabitants or dwellers of Khartoum State is
approximately reaching around 500 guys everyday, this figure times 30 gives 15000 peoples
who monthly introduce themselves as constant guests to the governor of Khartoum State.
You can easily calculate the number of those visitors per year.
Poor the governor of Khartoum State, he has to supply all those guys With daily necessities
– from roof to loaf-; he has to supply his guests with Bread, tea, sugar and coffee to make
their heads; he has to connect them With water pipe – lines to drink pure fresh water, and
above all he is to serve them with the power lines, to satisfy their Internet lust and go
googling to compensate what they have lost in their dead history.
They can refresh their memories of computer games. They should also start their TV series
episodes in non-stop. They moved from the darkness to the light , but poor the governor he
has to shoulder all this responsibility in this mushrooming state, it nearly reaches the
villages from where this population comes ; if the rest of the populations stay where they
are, then within a few years Khartoum will come to them; yes Khartoum will not be out of
reach of the children. Those guests will never return back to where they came from, they
find better life here ; too cold water, fresh fat chicken, ice that is snow white, milk that
comes daily fresh from rich dairies, the services in general are considered honey on fat. The
guests then every now and then get adaptive to this life of modernization; they absolutely
change their life style ; their hair cut , hair styling, the latest fashion of clothing, fizzy drinks,
and many modernizations .The big question that poses itself is : Do the other governors
receive guests, too?

The Institute of Arabic Language for Non- native Speakers
at Open University of the Sudan is a Blinking Spot.

All higher education institutions in unbroken line now provides their targeted groups
with legendry amount of knowledge , a simple evidence for this myth is the great need for
hiring loads of young graduates of Sudanese nationality . This is true, up to the moment of
the writing of this article, a Sudanese graduate is a preference of all those who need his/her
Open University of the Sudan is one of these torches that light the dark passage for those
graduates – both at under-graduate and post graduate – levels, to complete their
educational programs as required. This is for all programs, particularly, the Institute of
Arabic for Non-native Speakers.
This institute provides services for, diplomats, ambassadors, tourists, and those who come
to the Sudan to do their different degrees in higher education, then it provides them with
high quality supplies, those highly picked guys find this spot a real oasis in that far extended
desert of this immense globe, they find what they are long longing for, what really satisfies
their needs, both academically and spiritually.
This institute, ever never closes, almost always works continuously to connect the day with
the night , without of course , feeling a bit tired by the team of guys who shouldered this
tight responsibly . A typical example of a bee hive , they work in a harmonious team work ,
following and setting the example of their queen , each has a prescribed job which is not
suppose to be put off till tomorrow ; it must be done instantly , without being pressed on . A
real bee hive, everything is in harmony, the sense of team work is what usually characterizes
this spot. The only place that ever satisfies its guys needs, whether students or working
staff, they all laugh joyously to their molars, each happy with the satisfaction they find in
this resort. Yes, this blinking spot which is now a parking lot for all who want to fuel their
tanks in Arabic language , and charge their flat batteries in the rhetoric of this international
language .
What represents the queen in its hive, is Dr. Suaad Abd-El –Raheem , who ever never
complains , a guy who usually works 25 hours a day, without of course , feeling a bit tired ,
or shows symptoms of dizziness , or feel like having a slumber . A few days ago, this institute
celebrated the Independence Day and the birth of the prophet Mohammed (pbuh). It was
actually a wonderful day, really an unforgotten day. Congratulations! Dr. Suaad . We are still
waiting for more. This is in my opinion.

The Kettle Called the Pot Black

During the few past days, butane gas depicted itself as a great guy that has a
majestic and lofty looks, it possesses one of these two extremes; either it is completely not
found or if it is found, it sells and buys at legendry unreachable price.
Most guys nearly fall back to their ancestor’s habits and customs of burning wood in their
cooking. Burning wood has so many functions; one Of the most useful function is to drive
away mosquito troops and some of The wild animals, and sometimes during the day to
dismiss houseflies.
In these magic days of the butane gas, coal started to show greatness and a beautiful face. It
raised its dowry to a legendry extent, it reaches unaffordable price to most of the common
Thank God this crisis of the gas is not extended for long; it is soon suppressed and the rapid
shooting down in its price together with its surplus stops the coming new ghost – charcoal -.
The shooting up in the prices of coal is nearly to transfer it from the common markets to
that of the duty free shops, and then it will be common currency and a favourite commodity
to expats , and businessmen who travel abroad.
It’s really as the saying goes: The kettle called the pot black, which usually matches with the
Sudanese proverb that says: He who has a tooth sarcastically laughs at that of the two teeth
.The charcoal which is not needed except in only rare occasions, started to show up a smart
face and value against butane gas, typically like the other currencies against the balded one
– the dollar-. This rocketing in the prices of butane gas cylinders is paralleled by an equalized
shooting up of prices in charcoal, which is an unjustified increase; it reaches at some
instances 15 pounds per plastic bag. If that absence of gas continues the price of coal will
rise to the equalizing of a kilo of lamb or a fleshy fresh fat chicken, but thank God they are
both lulled down. I hope that it should’t be the lull before the storm.
Charcoal is just reduced down to the extent that it is captured as a prisoner in the iron. It
released itself and started ballooning its reputation at the expense of butane gas. Poor
people; they are not going to write any More on the doors of the people they visit: We
came, and we didn’t find you. So, we are going to write on a strip of paper and gum it on the
door, but who will grantee that the price of the glue will not jump up! God knows!

The Last Match Stick for the 15 Candle!

They reside peacefully by a far remote oasis. The few patches of the greenness are
ballooned into an immense green area, since there are no lawns in that wide stretched
desert. This lonely family suffers a compulsory isolation, because not a single guy dwells
beside their neighborhood. It is only unique and unequal, since it stays on its own.
This state of neighbor lessness obliged their visitors to be exposed to detailed gossip of their
unusual life, a life of avid readers, of imaginative creativity that drive them into intellectual
people; yes, people of letters, both in writing and reading. There is no other absolute option
ahead, but to read, read, read and write.
Their daily routine is divided among these two activities, that of reading and writing. They
start their day with the daily papers, in both languages; Arabic and English, but that of
English language is their highly preference choice, their taste pretty well meets the Sudan
vision. Although they dwell in a far remote isolated place, but they are well connected to the
Internet, they have their papers in software, in fact they enjoy reading these papers, word
by word, sentence by sentence, an article for an article, in short, they leave not an untaken
road for a single word, since they depend a lot on these daily papers for the news, which is
the news from all corners of the globe ; north , east ,west , and south , to which the initials
NEWS stand .
This gaily routine does not turn them off that rejoicing life, on the contrary, they hold
concerts that remain the talk of the folk who attend. Celebrating their kids’ birthdays is a
must; they do it exactly on the fixed date on the spot. The coming days will mark one of
these occasions; their youngest daughter’s fifteenth birthday which its countdown already
has begun. They started their preparations and arrangements so early since their youngest
daughter is dear to them. Being so, she is sort of a spoilt girl. They make lists after lists
provided that they may miss something that might spoil the whole thing , of course, living in
that isolated world of their own necessitates that early preparations , lest they forget
something .
They have prepared waxes, the large piece of cake, forks, utensils -etc, in short, the many
things that their lists include. Alas! The date is hurriedly approaching. Yah! A stone throw,
but only at the last moments they have discovered that they do not have a box of matches
to light the waxes. It is terrible; the whole family indulges into the hunt for a stick of
matches. Their hunt ends in finding the hidden treasure, they have found, actually, one stick
of matches lurks in a far remote corner of a far thrown old box of matches. Alas! Their
tension is released, but their headache throbs again, provided that the last shot may not
work. Who knows? To their good luck, the last shot on the spot hit its target, and they have
beautifully rejoiced the occasion. One of the attendants broke the silence; asking: what is
the name of this youngest daughter? One of the sisters quickly answered: Her name is Suzan
Villan . The father then crossed by saying, this girl is lisp; her name is Sudan Vision, who is
now blowing the 15 candle. Do many of you, by chance, happen to know her? Please, may I

entreat you to contact her at Sudanvisiondaily@gmail . Com, or else, telephone her at
+249183571702. Bye, bye!

The Latest World Ranking of University Neglects the

At first sight, we think that the regulations that govern the ranking of higher
education institutions are a little bit against our measures of ranking. These regulations are
not clear to many of us . Most of the guys think it is a turn of luck which ranks a certain
institution in that reputable or that modest one .Now the big question that poses itself here
, is that : Upon what grounds does this ranking is based , who makes the figuring out and
calculate the totaling for these mathematical operations.
Hearing the result of the ranking, one always recalls the total number of the institutions of
higher education that are included in the ranking; simply to see where we are at the
moment of ranking, so as to push forward in case of lower ranking, just for the purpose of
perfection one exerts effort to push up to get top ranking.
Our universities, this year, in unbroken line, came last. They booked back seats in this
annual anniversary. Not a single university dares to take a front seat. Unbelievable! Why!
We have a considerable number of universities that could compete with whatever
We have more than hundred universities and colleges, old and new, big and small,
specialized and non-specialized, central and in the states. They match with the number of
our newspapers, and the Express Traveling Buses. They are many more of them, inside
Khartoum State and outside. The vast majority of these institutions are beautifully designed,
particularly from the outside, sometimes they cannot be match with any smart building, and
whatever it is shape or height.
Yes, these universities are nicely designed and beautifully situated in the most reputable
spots of my country. All of them, whether private or governmental are densely populated of
both first intake and the private one, even the doubling of intake make these universities
like swarms in their big hives. You will turn deaf from the buzzing and humming sounds of
the students, of both sexes, talking about their daily life incidents, and only few discuss what
they are assigned to do in their coming classes. Really, too many students you can find in
one institution, but they do not care that much for their classes than their own affairs. They
are usually in couples, and rarely can they sit in proof-reader groups to revise their lectures
or assignments. They care too much for their appearance, although they know that
appearance cannot tell. They care much about matters such as hair styling, the so late
fashions, and the like.
But really and frankly what affects the ranking of these universities, is the immigration of
the academic staffs. Yes, in what is globally known as brain drain. Really we are left without
brains .Most, if not all, of our experts left for good , and the remaining some are queuing to
fly abroad to embrace the dollar and its sisters , this is all to buy a nice car and spacious
house when they come back home .

This active brain drainage activity, in my view, I think is what, is directly affected negatively
scientific research activities, and hence the low ranking of our universities. This is in my

The Life of a Teacher!

A teacher is someone who never stops learning. Teaching is a profession as old as

mankind. Every teacher, whoever and whatever he may be, must keep this simple but
meaningful truth in mind. A teacher must be consciously aware of the fact that teaching is
not merely one profession among many, and that it is not primarily a lucrative occupation. It
is a calling to help developing consciously the highest and best qualities in man to their
fullest capacity.
The life of a teacher may be divided into three parts. First, his relations with his students;
second, his relations with his colleagues and his seniors, and lastly, his relation with himself .
A truly good teacher must be good not only in words and deeds; he must also be good at
heart. His good relations with students are not mere matters of strategy or technique to
“win friends and influence people,” but true reflections of goodness of heart. He regards
every student as his own brother. He is vitally concerned with (not merely interested in) the
welfare of every student.
The present and future well being of every single student is deeply ingrained in his heart;
yet he is by no means an easy – going teacher who passes every student indulgently. On the
contrary, he is friendly but firm, approachable but dignified, reasonable but resolute.
He is enthusiastic but calm, eager to explain but ready to listen, and emphasizes by giving
examples of the importance of propriety in words, conduct, and appearance. He is also very
patient. He respects his student and in return they respect him. He believes the greatest
thing life is love. With diligent but slow students he is most patient and considerate, but
with those who are able but lazy, and particularly with those are irresponsible, he is
resolutely strict.
He also gives timely warning or encouragement to students. He is not in the least concerned
with what others think of him as long as he knows in his heart he is doing the right thing.
A true teacher – that is: One who is true to himself as well as to others – must necessarily is
a good teacher, for what is false cannot be good. In other words, a good teacher must be
true to himself. All relations of a teacher spring from his truthfulness to himself. A true
teacher exercises self-disciplines and engages in self – examination daily. He rises early and
meditates in solitude.
He knows his occupation is a calling of the greatest responsibility, and he therefore must live
each everyday as if it were the only day he has. To him, everyday is vital, every hour is
precious, and each moment lost is irrecoverable! He has a daily personal schedule for
himself, covering the time of his rising in the morning to every minute of his retirement in
the evening.
He has formulated immediate projects of one kind or another to be completed, and he
never loses sight of the long – range goal for which he has dedicated his entire life. He loves
working and finds peace and joy in it. For a true teacher all these demands are self –
imposed, irrespective of anything else, a true teacher must be true to himself. This is the life

of a teacher. The well being of every nation is then hanging on the neck of this unique
figure, so we have to willingly situate him right away in a suitable rank that matches well
with his invaluable services. This is in my opinion.

The Modesty of the Minister of Human Resources

Education , without any doubt , is suppose to change the behavior of the educated
towards the positive direction , but this is not absolutely correct all through ; of course there
are times that even the highly educated behaves ill , and even the surrounding illiterates
could condemn his misbehavior . Those illiterates even could not feel repentance of being
illiterates. They think that if educated guys behave in that manner then they could not deny
their illiteracy.
But education generally , and for the vast majority of those who are educated , functions
typically like what a sand paper can do to a rusty bar of iron ; it eats up completely the rust ,
and erase it out of the surface of that tool. This is what exactly education can do to human
behavior; it wipes it clean, remove the decayed parts, add natural beautification cosmetics,
to add touches of smartness to the external appearance to dye the internal with that same
smartness and elegance.
This prolonged introduction is just to clear the way to situate for the modesty of a guy who
has actually brought up in a decent house , in fact no two guys can deny this mere fact or
truth , and that is something natural , a son is to resemble his father as the English saying
says : like son like father . This means a son usually and in most case is a carbon copy of his
father. Who denies the Mehadists !
I met this guy; the Minister of Human Resources. Yes, Dr. El-Sadig El-Hadi El- Mehadi ; the
young one, that chap who throbs with vitality and cleverness , at a house of a condolence of
one of our acquaintances . He is actually besides being a doctor of medicine, he is really a
cultured guy, and he touched upon some topics that revealed his cultural background. He
has great background of the geography of the White Nile State, the home land of his
ancestors, since he mentioned and enumerated some names of villages that I have ever
never heard of, and I might not hear of again, and even I could not imagine them to be in
the Sudan.
A guy in his position might appear as lofty as a peacock, he might turn his face completely
from the gatherings that face him, or at least he may turn a deaf ear to them, and he might
seem that he is living in an ivory world of his own, but thank God that he was modestly
sitting among the folk, listen attentively to their nice sweet talks and tales, he politely then
exchange with them the talks that reflect his deep cultural roots, without showing any sign
of arrogance. Nothing distinguishes him from the common folk, except when a new comer
points his finger towards his direction, telling the rest: This is his Majesty, the Minster of
Human Resources. Really, as I have interpreted, he is not a type of guy who likes praising, or
to be situated in a position of being lofty or arrogant. Narrating all this, I am not a spin
doctor; I am just telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. This is in my

The Outbreak of Cancers!

Cancers are now round the corner. Yes, they are at hands, one can daily hear of a
guy, either he had kicked the bucket, or at least he has recently developed the illness. It is
really a fatal disease, and now it turns to be common, it is in fact becomes like a stereotype.
The daily newspapers bring in every morning astonishing figures of those who freshly caught
that fatal plague of the 21th century, in fact, every day the number of the victims is seen as
rocketing to skyscrapers height. This is terrible of course, since the number of the fresh
patients is on a legendary move.
The matter is really serious, to have daily a number as big as 1000 victims of this curse of the
age. Every morning when we get up, we think of the reasons behind the rapid multiplication
of the numbers of those unlucky guys.
I am not an expert in such matters ; I am only an academician who read for other guys who
usually mouthed in this matter , enumerating dozens of exaggerated reasons behind this
real dilemma , but me and my other mate readers , enjoy the literary quality of the readings
, and sometimes store some bits of the subject matter for cultural dispute .
Since writers are to be read, we retrieve some of their readings, and in some cases we turn
to take the role of the medical doctors, we tell the reasons and symptoms of the disease;
even, we nearly write our prescription to our patients. Did I say our patients? OK, we
ourselves are patients to others .The matter is nearly a chicken – egg problem; we really
cannot decide who treats who, and what hurts what. Everybody turns to be doctor of any
sort; some are really well skilled, efficient, and capable of doing the job. On the other hand,
many herbalists emerged on the scene, and they claim that they heal and treat every guy on
the spot. The vast majority of those guys turn to be AL-Bassira Um – Hamad who cut the
head of the bull, and broke the water pot.
It is the medical guys who usually emit like such news about cancers , but I suppose , instead
of telling us these scary figures , they should hold forums on the some dos and don’ts of
cancer , and what steps we should take for prevention , like such steps will serve as
precautionary steps to help in avoiding such terrible diseases . We all need to know what to
do, and not what to do to avoid getting cancers which are now threatening the whole
populations of the world. This is in my opinion.

The Perfection of English Language is Totally Associated
with Comboni College

Almost always we tie and link some certain things to where they gbelong , produced,
and made. Cement, usually makes us travel with our imagination to Atabra or Rabak .
Dehydration of onion always stamps Kassala in one’s memory, and in fact the many things in
this country are associated with their reputable places.
In the scope of English, usually people associate this foreign language to Comboni College.
This reputable college that is beautifully situated in the heart of Khartoum to impart
knowledge to all its students like all higher institutions it caters for its students. It cares for
almost all its subjects, not only English language that finds fertile land to grow to that
height, but all the subjects that it incubates. Computer sciences are cared for, the tutors and
lecturers more often make a close follow –up for the purpose of this same perfection.
The administrative bodies, in unbroken line , care that much for this perfection, even they
raise it a motto to have good quality output, they usually insist upon the highest standard.
They never believe in the English saying that says: If fifty will do why fifty-one. No, they need
it a piece of cake; they need it as sweet as honey, they never feel in despair, they need the
whole complete thing. Yes, perfection and nothing but perfection. They totally believe in the
proverb that goes: If you die, die of a lion. Thus they raise many mottos for perfection.
Not only that, they even for the staff, to keep them on the track, the administration
encourages scientific research which is the backbone to all this success of perfection. The
administration pays that complete expenses for any scientific paper or research. This is all to
encourage people to cope with the most recent innovations which usually pour in the field
of perfection which leads to a better outcome in its graduates This gained reputation made
people recently direct their way and attention towards Comboni College , this fortress that
never closes doors , but cares and caters for full tuitions to its students . This highly
reputable effort is suppose to culminate into a well reputable university that carries the
same name hence it usually associated with the perfection of English and the other subjects
taught there.
Really and is so to speak, the first two batches that are graduated have shown wonderful
standard, one cannot really believe that these are the first two batches! This is in my
opinion. Congratulations! Forward! Forward! I wish you all the best.

Preparation for the New Academic School Year

These days the common talk of the folk in the triangular capital is not to miss in
anyway school needs; to put it steadily the costly preparations for School and kindergarten,
which are supposed to start very soon.
Poor the house masters who are going to pay all the expenses.
They Have to indulge in a spending spree state, from school fees and coming down to the
shoes, let alone the pens, pencils, pencil-case, a rubber, copybooks, a ruler, triangles, a
protractor, a bag, a uniform, and many many uncountable nouns.
The expenses of school preparations could easily be matched with an expatriate’s dowry;
the only difference is that the expat decorates his bag with luxurious soaps and perfumes,
but anyway the two expenses look similar. We should cut down on the luxuries from now on
to meet the coming school year expenses without running into debt.
Hay parents! Did you make any account to the daily pocket money? This is really a problem;
I mean it is a problem simply because we can not Afford to find change for the kids every
morning, and if we give them a big Paper note money they will forget the change with the
conductors or at least the staff may find it a chance and make them prepay electricity cost
together with the additional classes’ fares, then if we make a roughly estimation to all these
expenses both the running ones and the constant, The amount then will rise to the price of
a brand new Camry. Those who do not firmly believe in education could say : Why should I
disperse my fortune in such spending spree ; what am I gonna to get at the end of the day, I
should have invested my fortune in something beneficial that has a return in it, and invest
that return with the capital in a new investment, then I will get a profitable catch. Well, I
would bring my sons to Ustaz Ramadan he is really a nice guy, he will care for them.

The Price of Drinking Water Bottle is the same in and out!

Commodities prices are always on a move, they shoot up after every increase in the
salaries and wages, they are actually flying. The excuse is always the same: The price of the
dollar is rising. It is laughable that a tea –maker justified the same justification for raising the
price of her coffee to four pounds. This is funny, in that same line every buyer will say the
dollar; snuff buyers, lemon buyers, cigarettes buyers, and fortune – tellers, up to the end of
the line.
This equation of prices is mostly adjusted by the scales of production and consumption,
these almost always balance the equation, the more production we have the more
adequate consumption we have. There will be surplus in the production and the guys will be
sufficient in their consumption, then the equation will be balanced, and the prices will be
down to earth, therefore life will be easy. This is for all commodities, but what about the
services that are being sold.
The shooting up of the prices of services is at all unjustifiable. There is nothing to lose if you
buy it in constant price for a long time, simply because you have no running cost for this
service. Being a barber needs no fuel to turn your engine , an announcer loses nothing in
reading the news , the muezzin calls for the whole day prayers in fifteen minutes , the
football announcer enjoys himself before all else , and all services doers .
Strangely enough to hear that a service dealer raising his service three times its first price,
although he doesn’t have expenses to his service. In this scope let me tell you a very funny
incident that happened to me, myself and I : I was roaming a street on a sunny day , the
temperature was almost forty something , at its peak. All hitch – hikers clutched firmly on
bottles of drinking water. They sip every now and then. I am a sort of guy that usually feel
taken short when drink lots of cold water. That most often make me look for a toilet to pass
the silly thing out, to deflate myself, the rest room is always made for this purpose. Yes, to
Just imagine! What had happened? The guard, yes, the casher asked me to pay two pounds
for the errand. Yah, two pounds the same price of the drinking water itself, so it is the same
in and out. Hey guys do not drink too much water near the public toilets! The queues are
too long and the price is not encouraging! This is in my opinion.

The Rate of Whiting Face and Adding Weight are in a Good

How dangerous to change God’s creation! Starting in that exclamatory way reflects
my great surprise to what we actually see around us. We face it every day, just in front of
our faces we see different faces from what we saw a grief ago.
People are mad about those powders and cosmetics that they think beautify their limbs and
facial looks. Hair is not to be exempted; it has its own market of dyes; Paige, purple, red,
pink, and yellowish .This is only to name a few.
However, making it gray or white is to be received free of charge, every Tom and Dick will
have it sooner or later. Although white and gray reflect the color of silver but nobody wants
it that soon, and if it happens that one receives it very soon , he or she will dye it black , at
least to show that he or she is a bit younger .
The hair and the nails, of course, receive innumerable colouring materials. Manicure is of
course something natural of these additives, it is not like cosmetics or those make -ups. Now
they are at every corner as concerning their excessive availability. These additives are very
expensive, they actually need fortune to avail them; one color for the checks, the eyebrows,
the eye-lids, the forehead, and the ears. The lips, of course, have their own treatment. Their
coloring in most cases is a degree of a dark red. I don’t why! But it matches.
People are turned to be chameleons, everyday they are in different colors, to the extent
that you meet your acquaintances and you don’t greet them, till the blame comes to you
through your wife who will be dictated at the other end of the line by the lady that you
happened to meet, but unfortunately you missed her for the sudden change that she had
had. Hey! By the way, how is your spouse of this chaotic change?
Not only cosmetics make up that change; fattening bills could contribute to this world of
modernization. Every day you can have a new shape and size. Weight size bills make
possible designing to your body in whatever style and size that suits you, you can get slim or
fat, it isn’t difficult, you just decide. The result is a complete change of God‘s creation.
Both medications; whether cosmetics or body styling tablets are silent killers; they are not
less dangerous than diabetes or high blood pressure. These beautification things in the long
run may cause many kinds of cancers, especially skin one.
Surveying the streets you can see both categories , a lot of white faces in somehow darker
bodies , and on the other scale of the equation , you see family size people , who are the
size of a ten – metre – crocodile , those guys swallowed weight additive bills , then they add
on flesh , and hence grew fatter and fatter . This state of ballooning has it is terrible
consequences ; it compels you to change all your belongings ; your bed , all articles of
clothing , shoes , particularly the slippers ; if you’re so economical those slippers will last for
a week , since heavy weight means great pressure to these poor shoes .
Natural, then be
Else he and she

Why turn white?
So, that fat fight
Leave those bills
Fat, in heart kills
Cosmetics ‘a’ bad
If you‘ve a hand

The Scapegoat!

Alas! The countdown has started; one, two, three, etc. It becomes like the drops that
come at the bottom of a new water pot; it drips water, a drop after another , these drops of
course made a melodious sound when they drip in the bucket which is firmly situated under
the pot .
Every Tom and Dick these days ask purposely or unpurposely as to how many days are left
for the big Eid . Of course, every son of Adam starts packing his bags, putting Al-Eid prayers
garment and turban at the bottom of his bag , beside the gifts for his closest relatives and of
course the family members ; who are eagerly waiting for this important return of their son
at this juncture of time . Yes, at this critical period of time . They need him badly to share in
buying the ram ; the scapegoat or in good circumstances to take all the burden to tap his
chest and buy it all alone . Yes , a complete thousand and half for that creature , just to do it
on one day ! Every guy has to scape his sons with that ram , following the act of Siedna
Ibrahim .
These days are usually the ever loveliest days in the country ; the days of meat to eat , and
chat and cheat ! .. Many marital occasions , enumerable engagements, many, many
weddings , a lot of of everything .
Every morning witnesses a new incident that creates a big gathering, in which every guy has
to participate in giving and taking.
The ram ; the scapegoat , is of the same importance of the bridegroom on his wedding day .
The goat , the camel , whatever is to be slaughtered is of course , the focal point during
these days ; this is to the vast majority in unbroken line , that is why everybody intentionally
or mechanically asks: Is your ram fat or lean? How much is it? What kind is it? What does it
eat? although it will be eaten very soon. Ahhhhhhh ! Coal roasted meat, hot soup , Al –
Marrarah , what and what .
By the way , who is the scapegoat ? Is it the one who buys the ram or the ram itself ? or Al –
Marrikh when it meets ( meats ) Mazimbi ? Wow!
Mazimbi is going to slaughter for the big Eid .

The school that we want: (1- 4)

An anecdote goes like that; it was once that some of the Greek philosophers were
asked to create an institution that caters for bringing up the kids; mainly to impart the most
needed values in the society. They then came up with the word “school “; an acronym that
stands consecutively for : ( s ) social , ( c ) co-operative , ( h ) honest , ( o ) obedient , ( o )
original ,and ( l ) loyal . This was coined for
school , these all are values . Those philosophers meant these values to be imparted in the
pupils ,then the role that every school is suppose to adopt is impart these valuable values in
the kids , thus if and only if , the kids are brought up with these values in mind , then our
grown will be highly prepared to fit in their society , since these five values are the most
needed in every society irrespective of its religion , social norms , traditions, customs , and
behavior .
Our schools in unbroken line care too much for the academic sides; they competitive race
for a top seat among the troops of schools that have the spirit of competition, they all then
forget the main stream for which school was and is created for , they care highly for
academics and no more ; this in both governmental and private schools. In private schools,
even applying These values can be questioned, since the students or the pupils are given
Free hands to do whatever they want, so as to grantee their continuity in The school for the
coming years; in that they are making these kinds of schools a plain trade; yes, in most cases
they are commercially run. It makes no difference whether a basic school or a secondary
one. Book early Your copy of SUDAN VISION, and wait for us revealing more about this same

The School That We Want: (2 – 4)

Any school whatever level it is, should stand on three basic sides, typically like a
three – sided triangle ; these three sides of school are : the teacher , students or pupils , and
the SCHOOL as a building or an environment .
The teacher , of course , is considered by far , the head spear of all the operations done
inside this institution ; he is to school like the central processing unit (CPU) to the computer
; he directs all the minute and the great matters at school , from establishing the buildings
to the close follow up of the students , he tiredly sweats for the success of his pupils, he
wipes away his fatigue with solving his students problems . A teacher then must be highly
trained to meet and face these challenges and many more others; to answer anticipated
problems that lurk for him to corner him to remain idle.
This kind of advanced training helps him to find solutions to whatever problem that stands
firmly as an obstacle in front of him to conduct his message faithfully and peacefully. The
teacher then is a king and the school is his kingdom, he is supposed to rule it wisely. A good
teacher then must have some characteristics that help him conduct his message smoothly.
He is suppose to be punctual , both in getting inside and outside school , he should prepare
his classes beforehand to meet answering his pupils’ queries , he must be industrious and a
workaholic , he is suppose to care fatherly for all his students without looking back to things
such as ethnic discrimination and the like, he should be just and fair; and also (fair & lovely) .
A teacher should be and must be honored by the government - now he is given more five
years with hard work -, the ministry of education, the council of fathers, and all the society
at large, irrespective of their colour, taste , or smell; since he brings up generations after
generations, and makes them climb the ladder to the peak though he remains at the bottom
of the ladder; on the ground , modestly down to earth . Me on behave of SUDAN VISION,
will kindly honour him with these modest words:
Who is the teacher?
A teacher is …
A path, to help one avoids to fall
An ear, to listen when others call
A teacher is …
A voice, with which to talk and sing
A hinge on which the future swings
A teacher is …
An arm, to lift hearts from the deep
A light, to awaken those who sleep
A teacher is …
A boat, for all then safe to sail

A school, for all when rings the bell.

To all those ignored warriors I dedicate these few line, hence in my believe like such lines
help in charging those teachers positively. Wait for some surprises in our coming articles ,
since we are handling the other two sides ; school and the pupils !

The School That We Want: (3-4)

School or the school is the third line in that specified triangle of the educational
operation. The word school is an elastic one which gives many more different concepts,
school without (the) means something like study or a studying student or pupil, but with the
article (the) it means the exact buildings or the studying environment . All of that is is
needed in this context, a school should be that nice to invite and encourage pupils to study
in a safe and well secure learning environment, using in that the most effective teaching
techniques to ensure that the pupil feels happy and shows progress in class . The syllabi
should be specifically designed , and tailor-cut according to the pupils needs; to match and
meet their behavioral objectives and aims . Fun stories, games and creative activities build a
strong academic foundation , develop the learner skills in many aspects . School should
prepare the pupils to talk confidently and give him early advantage in many different scopes
to prepare him for life . The school should give them steps forward , help them make the
most of technology and the Internet, and ultimately give them a head start into the right
university .
School environment should be challenging and inviting; a sort of environment that makes
the pupil enthusiastic, and not to feel at all desperate or desolate. It should be nicely
ornamented and decorated, highly furnished and tidy , neatly flowered , and beautifully
school is usually loved if the pupil only wants to go too willingly, but if he turns reluctant,
then the school turns to be HELL, and he will never show any indication for success.
A school should be highly selective in choosing and picking up its staff. The
teachers must be selected according to qualifications and not on other unseen
considerations and interceding. An ideal school should be as follows:
Social set of values for all kids to be built in
Co-operative effort from making a hill and pin
Honesty to set up globally where in
Obediently we do the thick ‘n’ thin
Originality is needed but without bending chin
Loyalty for the country both outside ‘n’ within
Expect the last bullet very soon, to uncover the competition that is usually raced between
state schools and private school, and in all that they left behind them the essentials norms
that they are founded for . Wait then!

The School that We Want: (4-4)

The school that we are longing for, is a complete whole of what we have mentioned
earlier in the previous four articles. The harmonious ties and links that connect the three
sides of the educational operations, and the cement matters that gum and glue the three
sides firmly from the furthest extreme edges , so that they hold strongly enough to bring the
educational operation to where it heads in its academic ladder properly and appropriately
without any staggering steps, to empower and fuel the future generations with the values
most needed in our society; the values that are considered as the main purpose of this
institution (school) is established for i.e to bring up a pupil who is social ,co-operative
,honest ,obedient ,original , and loyal, in fulfilling this, school will achieve the targeted
objectives that it is set for , but not school as a building alone , the other completing parts
are inseparable from the connected net of the educational operation , which depends solely
on a chain of a complete whole of so many things that have to work in collaboration ;
honestly speaking, if one episode falls apart, then the other episodes will doom to failure ,
which results in negative learning .
Casting a look at both governmental (state) and private school, we could pinpoint the
differences between these two institutions ; which one follows the right track , and which
one loses the way in satisfying the learners needs , both educationally and academically ?
And if you take a deep breath , and ask yourself questions ; specifically like what follows:
1. Is private schooling a necessity or luxury?
2. Does every private school concern with the main aims and objectives that school is Set
3. Does the commercial attitude of private school be at the expense of achieving the
educational objectives?
4. Which school (state or private) that its students usually score inflated marks in spite Of
their low standard and weak performance ?
5. Do inspection tours affect positively both students and teachers performance?
6. Do private schools hire educational supervisors to do the job of inspection?
Like these and many more other questions and queries will find keys to these locked doors,
and hence the gateways will allow us to get in for more change and challenge in the field of
and we make clear atmosphere, plain grounds for school to do its job properly meticulously
. Above all we should consider the following motto ( punctuality is an important aspect of
etiquette ).
Losing this everything will drop. To this extent, enough!

The Scratches of Sudani , MTN ,and Zain Need to be very

In this globalization, we find it easy to connect ourselves with whoever we want to

be connected. Just in a wink of an eye we can connect ourselves to our friends and relatives
at the other end of the globe. Distance is never to be considered an obstacle in this world of
communication technology; you can chat, whenever, wherever with whomever you want to.
Laying in your bed you can probe the globe from that extreme to that extreme without
being an extremist, of course, in very nice trips of whatsApp. Communication technology
then made it easier for us to contact each other and hence, made life easier.
A few years ago, communication is a little bit difficult than it is now; to inform your relative
about a certain incident, your letter take about a couple of weeks to reach the person to
whom it is sent, of course, with agreed upon norms; if for example, the envelope is open,
then it is a letter of bad omen, but a gummed one is O.K. and carries some smell of
optimistic news.
Alas! All these traditional means are dying out, they are nearly now part of history, and they
are currently replaced by these quick techno-tools. Smart phones even made the game
easier, you can chat all the day long, you can skip some of your lectures and classes to make
these chats, and even you can scrape new acquaintances through these smart tools. Many
guys made bosom friendships via these magic plastic pieces; they mirror their photos, and
hence they become friends, to the extent that they can exchange visits. All this, and even
deeper things through cell –phones contacts, but the jar is not always full of pure honey!
The shortcomings are still there!
These good services supplied by these elegant companies are not free of some sharp thorns
that scatter along the road, you cannot pass there safely without being pricked .At times,
guys curse the moment that this wonderful creation is created, and they nearly crash it to
pieces. This is when they were doing a serious job or at least they were taking full rest, when
a sharp ring works in their bones, and they do not want to be disturbed in any way.
What even is considered bothering more! The digits in the scratches; they set in most cases
in an illegible ways; not every Tom and Dick could be able to read these highly artistically set
digits, they are written in a way that even professors pull out their spectacles once and once
again to distinguish these smart digits, of course, they narrow their eyes a little bit to make
more focus on these charming figures. Please! Could help those victims not to lose what
remained of their sight?
The question that poses itself here, should be: What about the illiterates? Or at least, those
who are not familiar with foreign languages, and not to lose their game and money. If
someone of those missed a number or erred in one, then he will lose his fortune just in a
wrong click. Please! May I entreat you? Could you make these digits crystal clear for us? At
least not to take the burden of paying in advanced and then ( zain ) lose in a fraction of a
second . Paying for scratches plagues us; it is a severe whip in our naked backs. We cannot

afford to pay and lose. Life is not easy to disperse our money for vacuum speech . This is in
my opinion.

The Season of Mosquitoes to Khartoum.

We couldn’t believe it when the gentle breeze of autumn started gushing heavily to
bring us the sudden coming of the fall. This hastily approach isn’t free from being draped
with some terrific and sweet interval of smooth showering. It’s really started showering
here and there to declare the presence of autumn. As Emily Bronte puts it : The early
morning rain foretells a good day. It’s really turned nice.
Thank God these small showers extinguished that terrible heat of May. The heat of those
few past days, I believe what is referred to as the Global heating . Anyway it’s gone with the
With these first rains, the alarm rang to declare the arrival of the first ever troop of the
newly hatched winged mosquito, they are of different species; black and white, young and
old, large and small, male and female, ahybrid.
Incidentally, the female, and specifically that of the Anopheles type what carries all that
enmity to human beings.
This troop landed peacefully in these showered areas, but hasn’t started its duty yet, since
it’s only at the first stages of building its infrastructure, and sharpening its tools for the job.
Poor man he/she has to tolerate all these weapons and tools of this friendly foe. Those
enemies are accused of sucking our blood, but why not falsify this wisdom, and say : We
donate them this pure blood of us, but they are also kind creatures they give and take. They
give us the ring stage, the fever of May. They move the stagnant situation of the economic
status, since the marketing of mosquito nets becomes so profitable ,together with mosquito
Now the game is nearly to start since the alarm is set. These days the buzzing is at large,
nobody has been bricked yet, but we have to be alert, our seasonal turn is coming. By the
way, did those rains fill the pools? Is it also the mating season of those creatures ? Then
there is multiplication to this great number; hundreds, thousands, millions etc. Thus we will
walk on the white blood ! Who knows ?

The Season of the Bitter – Sweet

These days the talk of the folks , without any doubt , is about the preparation for the
generous guest ; Yes , the holy month- Ramadan-, which is just at the doors ; only a couple
of days away . It is countdown has already started, now people started to count in their
fingers the coming of this holy month.
The winds of this month started whistling and bring with them that sweet odor and perfume
that is none of a Sudanese nose could deny. It usually smells wherever it is made. The
combination and mixture of the spices used in this creative inventory, is behind all this
strong smell that is smelt by every guy, it has a great flavor and taste when it is dipped in
water. A few seconds, then you can enjoy that sweet flavor if you have patience.
The making of bitter-sweet is costly , it needs a list of things to be prepared, such as :
Cinnamon , Cloves , Coconut , Coriander , Corn meal , Cumin ,Dates , Allspice , Anise , Black
Pepper , Black Seed , Fenugreek ,Fig ,Ginger ,Liquorices , Thyme , Turmeric , and of course ,
whole meal flour ; all this mixture needs a quality protein engineering and some plant
hormone, then all this brown cream is to be yeasted in a sizeable large container to be ready
for the next step of the whole process . That entire unexhausted list needs a good budget;
really it needs money. Particularly if the folk think highly of the coming incident .The
countdown of the opening of the new academic schools year .
Incidents do not usually come in single; an incident comes firmly fused in another, together
with the third, them the fourth, and the rest in unbroken line. Each incident, of course,
needs a single budget to be singled for it, at least to make the ends meet. A carton of bitter-
sweet at the market may cost a little bit than that of the home made, but the difference
comes when you think of the gathering and the talk of the women when they were doing
this thing. This talk and chat will never to be easily forgotten, it might be the talk of village
for a long period of time, and usually these women recall this incident when a remembrance
of the occasion comes.
Women usually handover some of their product to their neighbors and some of their
relatives to judge their make, and also to appear a little bit showy and proud of their
manufacturing. They usually ask like these unique questions: Hey! How is it? Does it appeal
to you? And soon they follow with setting a remark that might sound like: I have done it in a
These showy women in most cases do not look back at the expenses of each stage and
phase of this product, although it is nice in Ramadan and as well suits the weather of my
beloved country, but its making is really expensive, it might cut from the budget of the
schools which cuts on its turn from the budget of Ramadan’s Eied , which is sure to cut from
the budget of the ram ( the scapegoat ) of the big Eied . This is without looking back at the
shooting up of the price of the bolded one; the dollar. Hey! Don’t lend your product! It
spoils your financial matters, and you won’t be able to iron out your debts, don’t be

extravagant and that much spending – spree, usually take a medium road to be safe. This is
in my opinion.

The Season of the Expatriates to the Sudan!

Every village, town, and city in the Sudan these days witnesses the landing of a plane
of an expatriate who intends to these spots. The schools being closed at the Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia, then every family collects its members, packed its fat fluffy bags and booked
for the journey back. The vast majority book as well their return tickets, too. The remaining
minority just suffice themselves with a one way ticket .They cancelled their visas to enjoy
some fresh Oxygen in their lovely homeland. It is really true as it goes, that: “There is no
place like home “or “East or West home is best “.
Yes, they come for a couple of days to renew and refresh a little bit, to wipe away the
fatigue and sadness of being away in an optional exile. Yes, optional in being their own
personal choice. It is a journey for money, then every guy is to single himself for this sole
purpose. Buying a calculator for this goal, at least to see what is in and what is out, and
above all to see his target swinging in front of his eyes , to cultivate his aims ,objectives, and
goals . To see his plan attained, his roadmap is achieved. Looking ahead to fulfill and satisfy
the reasons of this sweaty journey.
The stock market is then a little bit regains its strength and activity, there is great movement
in this market, the expatriates exchange their hard currency to meet their dreams everyone
carefully cares for his pennies , actually each one hovers to place each piastre in its right
place , since it’s a hard gained piastre .
The hosting families here change their daily routine bit to meet the demands and the liking
of those new comers; yes, the seasonal guests. The change should include almost all aspects
of life, even the ventilation is to find some sort of renewal; new fans, the lighting, air-
conditioning, both quality and quantity of meals, and some other matters. The expatriates
on their part contribute with their precious presents, the different articles of clothing, sweet
perfumes, and lovely luxurious kinds of soap, the family size toothpastes; this is not to
mention the pocket money that they insert to their VIPs when they call on.
The days usually pass very quickly to those guys, they couldn’t believe it when the days turn
on, and the countdown to their journey back to the kingdom, almost the countdown
includes both the time and the money, like mercury in a thermometer when it is placed in a
cold position, then it retracts, comes back, and shrinks. Yes, like a new cotton shirt that is
washed for the first time.
The journey back for them is not an easy one. These sweet and joyous moments are to be
ultimately erased with that cloud of sorrow, grief, and sadness. Yes, sadness; there is no
honey without a sting. Getting a good salary and a well paid job is something good, but
being away from is always unbearable. Expatriates usually in such circumstances and in
these moments , vow that they will not return in their coming holidays , but man is
oblivious, a sieve , when he gets there he forgets everything and repeats and winds the tape
again many times . This is in my opinion.

The Shift of Flies Replaces that of the Mosquito!

We have lovely seasons here in our country, of course the four of them are lovely,
and all of them are non -insect-free. In winter, the season of flowering of all trees, we have
peaceful insects, such as those lovely beautified butterflies, and the magnificent swarm of
bees. They usually come in troops to kiss that pretty laughing roses and flowers; they take
with them that fine perfume and odor which saturate the newly born buds of those
fantastic lovely plants. These two species are categorized as peaceful ambassadors among
the rest of those insects.
Summer is, of course, the Hell for these terrible creatures .It is usually considered as a dead
season for these insects, or that of the total absence for these things, except for a few of
them which more often display themselves at night, especially when it is too hot, they come
in a dance mood to circle round the bulbs that shine brightly in imitation of the moon. They
finish their dance and disappear, clearing the way to some bigger other ones which take the
shift for a couple of minutes.
The one – day – season i.e. spring, is like its sisters. It is not at all free of these insects. The
whole kingdom of bees is present. They come in troops and groups, headed of course, by
their honorable queen, the body guards, and the rest of the troops. They come to build their
barracks, and start right away to make their hives in which they usually leave the most ever
known sweetest nectar. Yes, that nectar which is called honey. Honey the best medicine to
cure whatever disease that is ever known. Bees are lovely! But to get the honey, you should
be stung.
The fall! What is that? Why? It is autumn; the rainy season, where the big rains usually hit
this planet. From the very scratches it brings with it that red insect which we usually call the
“daughter of the rain “. This season, of course, represents the big Eid for all the insects in
unbroken line, both creeping and flying ones, they make a good gathering, but the two
leading bodies are house flies and mosquitoes, they have great numbers particularly in this
season, they usually take it in turns. Yes, shifts! During the day you cannot sleep and leave
your mouth open in any way, the moment you yawn, you receive something, and at night
you have to take an early supper, and then prison yourself compulsory in your net. Yes,
enter the net to safe yourself from the bitter stings of these creatures, or wipe your limbs
with that anti – mosquito ointment.
These two terrible insects, I think, got resistant to some pesticides, such as pif pafs . They
consider it as perfume to them, so they enjoy it and it does not cause them any harm. They
usually take it day and night, they take it in turns, and they do not feel tired. They usually
land on our bodies; they make an airport for landing and taking off. Poor we! We are usually
victims to severe dysentery and acute malaria because of these two little nasty things.
Thank God! That spray of planes started to combat these two enemies and absolutely
cleared the way out of them. This is in my opinion.

The Stories of my Home Country Towns and Cities

It is really funny to hear people answering you in a journey that by chance dropped
you in a town, say by name, Kosti, and it happened that you asked a pedestrian the name of
this very city, as why it called so, and got astonished, that the name started to echo into
your ears as the afore said name; Kosti . What on earth is that name derived from? He says:
Kosti . And it happened that you found a one-minute-chance to chase that guy with that
mostly expected question: Why is it called Kosti ? Then eagerly you await the curious
answer , then you match it against your presupposed set answer , you turn your logic to do
the matching between what you presumably set beforehand as to logically be the right
assumption ,and what is actually turn to be the right answer . This is only in the light of the
mental image that you have drawn as to what is supposed to be the ideal answer.
Yes! Kosti , after an English man named Kosta ; so , Kosti is simply derived from that guy’s
name . This is lovely, and then you find it a lovely game. Yes, a lovely game to discover the
stories of your home country towns and cities, why are they called so. It becomes a job and
a hobby, yes! To kill two scorpions with one stone . You then, start a journey of this
discovery making of yourself a new Columbus.
Oumdorman , tells story of an Indian woman whose son was called Dorman . That boy
usually at the evenings used to sit by the Nile site to enjoy the sights there; the boats in
their journeys away and home, and just before sunset usually his mother used to come to
collect him. Then the boatmen started shouting, saying: That was Dorman mother coming!
Thus, Oumdorman derived its name from this simple story.
Khartoum is said to have derived its name from the mapping of the natural lining of the Blue
Nile in hugging warmly its brother the White one when they met after a long departure. Yes,
that meeting was mapped in the conjunction in a beautiful elephant’s tube –like nose.
Medani , is clearly after a famous religious man whose name was Mohammed Wad Medani ,
it is as simple as that !
El-Obeid is funnily after a white donkey that use to graze in the green open lands of that
lovely spot of the Sudan where oak trees serve as natural umbrellas to shade the passers-by
of the baking heat of the Summer in that sandy areas.
Halafa is after a plant. El- Kawa is after certain kind of trees called El-Kaw. El- Suki derived its
name from the Arabic word which means the ‘market’.
Ed-Duiem is from a Dame, but Bukhet –Er-Ruda is named after a woman who was exiled by
the inhibitants of Ed-Duiem to that remote area in which now lies that world -famous
institute. At the time of colonization the English educational men came to the spot of the
now there is Bukhet Er-Ruda ,they found that lonely woman in that spot in which she is said
to be preparing and selling local liquor. Yes, local wine. In fact she was compensated, and
she moved a fresh to Ed-Duiem in a soul of a repentant guy , and in answer to the questions
of the folk , as to from where did she get this fortune , she kept telling then , it is the fortune

of those who accept. Then, Bukhet –Er-Ruda is derived from the meaning of acceptance.
Since that woman accepted her fate in which she was compensated.
El-Fashir is taken from a name of a bull which usually used to come to drink from a lake of
water that is centered in El-Fashir . Ad-Dumazzien , is called so , after the name of a rat
which is called Amazieeng in the local language of the citizens there and it moved to be in
the derivation of the current name. Oh! This made me yawning! What pushed me to do so!
It is very interesting, isn’t it? This is in my opinion, but anyway, wait for me to tell you the
whole stories of the remaining places .O. K? Don’t worry! Stay awake !

The Sudan Imports Pipes

We are of course one of the countries that started sport very early, approximately
we started this thing in the fifties of the past century; earlier than most countries in the
During all this rich history, we didn’t score a single cup, or at least we reached the finals ;
this all in football . The most favorite and popular kind of sport that the vast majority of
Sudanese – if not all of them- are mad about .
During all this rich history, as concerning football, two teams from that chain nearly almost
always humped the lead. Hilal and Marriekh , those are considered by far the pioneering
teams in the country, the cups of the two tornaments are usually scored by either , but Hilal
is almost always the winer of the premier cup , whereas Mars is a usual customer of the
Sudan cup .
The Star and the Crescent , are always in the sky , the Star , of course , shines all through ,
but the crescent comes every fortnight once , but emerges for a couple of days , enlightens
the whole universe , consecutively in appearance , but usually the brightest hour of the
crescent is the fourteenth night.
A number of good local players registered for either of the teams and retired leaving a
brighter history for these clubs ; for Hilal : Gukssa , Siddig Munzzol , Wad Al – Ashwal , Amin
Zukki , Al – Dihaish , Gagreen , Hythem Mustafa , Shwateen , Al – Awnni , Kundora , Subhi ,
many many hundreds Of them , this is only to name a few . Players of the old good days . Al
– Marriekh had also then brighter players, the last of them is Abrahowma . Frankly speaking,
those players that I have just enumerated played well than those imported footballers. The
fans usually call them very fantastic names , the most famous one is a pipe . They haven’t
the slightest idea of football playing, and what is so surprising, is that : At the moment of
their registration, they are received with drumming demonstrations and anthem . They turn
to be a dog in a manger. They are paid in dollars but they play like those of the league! The
earliest bird catches the worm.
Graduates usually say if you find nothing be a teacher, now if you find nothing play football.
There is money in it.

The Third Missed Side of the Triangle

Factories and firms are really a kind of blessing that drives their owners into great
thankful prayers. The products and the outputs of these industrial places bring about getting
into self-sufficiency, and turn a serious look at the surplus as being the nucleus of legendary
exporting revenue.
All our towns, in unbroken line, have innumerable factories. These factories usually move
from success to success, reflect gigantic businesses the turn their owners well off guys, who
distill money like the sweat that runs in rivers on their foreheads. They collect and collect,
and invest what they recently collected into a new profitable investment, thus they move
from growth to growth, leaving not a penny circulating outside the orbit of their investment.
To win or to lose, that is a problem! – Sorry! I have gone stray and confused; being obsessed
with Hamlet, I repetitively say it like that. Yes, those factories get many profits than one can
imagine , their losses are really seen in very narrow scopes, very trivial or almost next to
nothing , but they actually pay out too much money to gain , and in the end they gain more
than they lose.
One side of the triangle of marketing, are the many kinds of advertisements that shell the
everywhere of this planet; wherever you go you see your face projected in that mirror of
that bombastic advertisement of the product, usually with very inviting photos and very
attractive beautiful colours ; a simulation of a virtual world that touches the thresholds of
that imaginative reality , actually it is next to the very reality of this real exact world . Then
advertising and marketing are near synonyms in the world of businesses. Companies, firms,
and corporations pay a lot of expenses to wait for the profitable catch; the real exaggerated
The second side of the triangle in this world of business is the amount of money that the
business pays out in terms of taxes and alms. the taxes, of course, directly go to the
government to meet the services that the company receives, whereas the alms that is paid
on their own wish, is considered as a lovely portion of money that is saved for the hereafter
benefits; it has a sizeable weight in that world, and by far it is suppose to be considered the
real profit that one waits for.
The most important side of this triangle which is completely neglected , is that , those
companies , factories , and corporations have to do , is to set a portion of money aside to
meet and treat the expenses of combating the effects and the side-effects of the exhaustion
of their factories . Yes , the fumes that polluted the skies of the whole world where those
clouds of fumes and bundles of exhaustion blanket the whole universe around you , one
really cannot find his way out without taking his lion share of that chaotic filthy world of
pollution . This money set aside for this corrective purpose is not of less importance than
those two paid for the sides of this same triangle.
Yes, those businessmen should pay their last penny to treat the environmental hazards that
they contributed negatively in it. They should help in purifying the atmosphere for those

innocent guys who in waking up for the dawn prayers find it polluted all around them, and
in fact they have no hand in all what is that happening. They are but dying in the crime of
the others. They need to be compensated, but who pays them off? Those businessmen .Yes,
those factories owners have to pay them out. This is in my opinion.

The unjustifiable Shooting up of Prices, although what we
Used to Eat, we Still Eat!

Philosophers set a sort of self-denial in protesting the excessive need for food in
comparison to befriending a ‘book’. They raised a memorable unique motto that echoes in a
sounding way. It generally goes as:”Not only with food, can that man survive“. In this
linguistic equation; a book is beneficially equal to a quantity of food. Though, a book is not
directly feed in the body, but it challenges the cognitive abilities of man to feed. Since, ‘a
sound mind in a sound body’.
This indirect simile that draws the resemblance between a book and food reflects the great
rapport between the brain and the body. This is itself reflects that, these two parts are
complementary parts; they harmoniously drag each other to its destination, their
completion roles can be detected from the sources of feeding in either of each. The brain is
fed through accumulation of knowledge, whereas the body is solely fed on that normal food
that is mainly attained by making up our minds. The proverb that says: ‘a sound mind in a
sound body ’, reflects entwinement relation between these two inseparable parts. Did I say
food a few minutes ago? Yes, food. I mean food.
People these days, mix up a number of things with ‘food ‘. The shooting up of prices in
perfumes in general, people attribute it, without any hesitation, to lack of food. The
unjustified rocketing of the dollar is interpreted in the lack of food. Every Tom and Dick cries
in a loud voice; the dollar, bread, sugar, oil, etc. This is now is the talk of every guy,
everywhere, the country wide. Every gathering of three guys, makes two at least, negotiate
this game excessively, of course, adding to the plot of the story, a number of climaxes and
anti-climaxes. In fact, as a matter of exaggeration, they create a new kind of genre and
drama that result in what they think as humorous jokes.
All guys now say that this rocketing of prices is unjustifiable. Can I find an answer to why the
increase of prices is unjustifiable? Yes, I absolutely agree that this dilemma is unjustifiable,
because what governs prices in general is the variable of surplus. Surplus in a certain
commodity lowers its prices down to earth, whereas scarcity as another variable heats up
the market and makes prices fly.
What is so puzzling is that, no one, during or after this hurricane of prices, missed a meal or
had it in small quantity. They take it regularly, in that same quality and quantity, and in cash,
not in debt; I believe it is so. I am not a spin doctor, but is so to speak.
This, in fact, proves one and only one thing: That, what we really gain is not prepared in the
ground, it only comes from Heavens! Since our creation, it was cited for us, we have just to
wait, and then have it in a thankful supplication in both humble request or prayers .Our
gaining, in facts, waits for us, then wherever we turn, we find it, it comes directly in front of
us, but the moment we pick it up, we forget a gratitude prostration to the creator, who
feeds a worm between to rocks. Why not us! This is in my opinion.
Let the God thy gain

Don’t moan thy pain
Source of bread a grain
Can’t reap without rain
Do you avail, or God
Nay! Then head nod
Only we, God serve
Then, why a curve!
Pray! And supplicate!
Forget that duplicate!

The Unstudied Decisions of making another wife!

Life, of course, is based on going coupling. Not a single creature that leads a single
life of an isolated animate, simply it might extinct; die without letting what represents it in
this miraculous world. Where are Dinosaurs? They extinct simply, because they go in less
mating courses . Therefore, they have no existence now and of course forever.
It is permissible for man to pick and choose for four chances. He has to choose them
collectively or individually, but not to exceed the dose; just four at a time. If he is obliged to
marry for the fifth time he has to release one and then contracted the fifth. This is according
to the Islamic laws.
The question that poses itself is: Do men second trials of marriages based on reasons? Do
they decide to marry because they find a beautiful face? Simply, what drives them to marry?
Of course , man could marry up to what he is allowed to take at a time , but each time he
gets married should be based on reason , because if we every now and then get married ,
and for no clear reason , then he wouldn’t respect this marriage , he will treat that woman
badly since he has no strong motive to that marriage , he might divorce her for mere simple
reasons .
On the contrary, if that guy second marriage is based on reason, let us say, his first spouse is
sterile; she gets him no children, then he is permissible to get the second, the third and the
fourth. I usually get astonished to those who say that they want marry because their wives
couldn’t in anyway respect their family , or to put it another way ; she could not respect her
in-laws , mainly her father in-law and her mother in-law , even her sisters in-law and the
brothers as well . This is actually the man faults , he should treat her with wisdom to make
her voluntary accepts his clan , to love them to the bone , care for them in his absence and
presence , to respect them for nothing , except that they are the relatives of her second
cleft ; her partner .
Those who rashly take a decision of lashing their wife with her sister , I think , they are going
to sink , they will lose more than they are going to gain. Simply, they can be described as
bringing in a new trouble in the family circles; wars! On one side, with the bridegroom, on
the other side, with the expired one, and third, with the other members of the family .
First wife is, of course, life, but the second is a sharp knife. Most people say like that, but
still we hear of loads of marriages that take place every now and then, for reasons or no
reasons, they wed and divorce, thus the cycle of life turns. They more often get sons and
daughters out of these broken marriages, those kids struggle to fight the obstacles that
stand on their ways, they build their own egoes which help them lead their own right life.
When we were at Bakhet –Er- Ruda we were told that: Think before you ink; this means that
we have to wait, think, and rethink, just to avoid repentance. Yes, not to feel sorry for
behaving so rashly. Forgive your wife for that single mistake and remember the life when
you were single. She did a lot more than this mere single mistake; yes, a mistake and not an
error. Forgive her. Please, do! This is in my own opinion.

The WhatsApp Groups

A number of innumerable groups are composed to commonly share this intelligent

service which is used nowadays the countrywide by whatsAppers, of course, of all ages;
even octogenarians are among those who are in this lovely game.
Every Tom and Dick is carrying a Smartphone and disperses his shots at large, whatever its
content, to whoever it might travel, wherever he or she stays. They do not care. Raising the
slogan “let what happens to happen “ Women in fact, are not exempted of the game, they
also work day and night, but particularly during the night hours they exceed the doses to the
extent of addiction. The famous story that tells of women addiction is now on whatsAp .It
goes like that: An addicted woman left her cooking in the stove and forgot it there for a
couple of hours when she turned to it, she found both the stew and the pot turned to her
amazement into black ashes. The guy then came home dreaming of a full fat dinner, but the
wife is too shy to tell him the story face to face; she then took her Smartphone and started
noting him the whole story in suitable doses, making beautiful intervals, of course to cool
him down, because she is afraid of the d-word. The last words that make an echo in his
gecko are: I left the stew in the fire and it burntApp. To the husband surprise that all the
whatsApp group members noted their condolences on the incident.
What is so funny that some of the members in the same group suggested for him to hit her
with her sister ( ahahah; her sister in law ), others ,but not frankly, told him to give her the d
– word (divorce !).A lot of guys say this is the penalty she deserves, but hay! Did you forget
violence against woman? The stories in this domain are countless; this is only one of many.
Now, we are living in an age that does not believe in the saying that says: If a woman is an
axe she does not break the skull. The axe is now an electronic one so a woman can easily
break even the neck. Don’t you read the Daily sister Al –Dar, a lot of women has been sued
as killing their guys. We men should also protest to have the right of ‘violence against man.
This is all attributed to whatsApp.
Incidentally, what is the role of the group leader ? Is he/she to take the role of the mayor to
take a back seat and relax? Is he/she to shell his/her group with some dos and don’ts?
Group leaders should play active roles in prohibiting family matters to be at large or to be a
subject for noting. This is in my opinion.

The White Nile Watery Diarrhea!

The plague of the second Millennium could be a good referral name to the infectious
outbreak of the famous diarrhea that struck the White Nile State recently. It started all of a
sudden like a whirlpool that swiftly circles to wrap whatever lies in its facing direction. It
actually spreads in a speed that is faster than that of a jet plane. It knocked the door of
almost all houses in every village or town the State wide, it did not differentiate between
kids and elders , and of course , between the fair sex and the guys. It infects both sexes
alike, and with the same proportions.
This syndrome left people in a scary situation. They started to make full preventive
precautions. They care much for their selling and buying behavior, particularly at the
vegetable markets. They nearly or totally boycott take-away meals, and even going out to
restaurants became part of history.
It is really a killing fatal disease. It is symptoms look typical to that of resistant malaria. It has
continuous vomiting and diarrhea, but usually not that normal diarrhea; it is a kind of
watery diarrhea. Its high frequency very soon dehydrates the patient and hence causes him
rapid death.
What is so puzzling, even to medical staffs, is what is behind this dilemma; Yes, this
catastrophe; the new swift cancer of the age. It never allows the patient long period to
struggle or survive the disease. It usually very fast drags the patient to a state of
deterioration, and hence to his final resting place.
The vast majority, of course, attribute this syndrome to the contaminated water. Yes, they
say it in the broad day light. It is the contaminated water that is behind all this new cancer.
But the question that poses itself here is that: Why is the water contaminated? Who is
behind this crime? Yes, it is a crime that worth hanging in public, so that the others should
One could also protest, why do people call it the White Nile Acute Watery Diarrhea? Well, it
is a plague that struck many states. It is not only the White Nile that is affected with this
terrible diarrhea, a lot many places are infected as well. Khartoum State is now at its peak in
this new fashion. Hopefully that Allah may ultimately cure it. Some people usually like to fish
in dirty waters; they then politicize and personalize the matters. They attribute this
syndrome to plots woven of their own imagination. This is in my opinion.

The White Nile State Hosts the 26 Schools’ Tournament

The days started to diminish, declaring the countdown of the most waited for
incident in this state. Yes, the long waited anniversary; the wedding of the White Nile bride,
who is now the talk of every city and village within the territory of this lovely beautiful state.
Within the circles of the responsible guys of the state, since the decision is taken for hosting
this activity, they have made a bee-hive- like emergency room which usually holds
successful meetings that usually yield ripe fruit. A branched committee is every now and
then composed for a unique responsibility or a certain duty. A committee for the general
disciplines , another for meeting and receiving the delegations, caring for their
accommodations, organizing and regulating their meals, another for establishing an
emergency room that caters for emergency cases, and proposes a concrete road map that
eases the situations and states of difficulties.
The honorable Minster of Education said “The White Nile is happy and lucky to have hosted
this important annual meeting that seeks to concretize White Nile ambition to improve
people’s lives by the competitive innovations coming from the other sisterly states.
Alas! Every Tom and Dick is on his toes; alert, tidying up his personal responsibilities to be
ready for this slow coming big game. At the family circles every guy starts to drape
themselves in what is in vogue; the so late fashions. To meet people from all the states of
the Sudan is really worth one‘s being so dandy. Yes, this big gathering worth dressing to the
nines. These days are typically as those of either of El-Eid .
Luckily for the infrastructures, they are absolutely changed or renewed. The hands of
maintenance reached and tuoched the wherever, the stadiums of all the main cities are
designed and styled after international criteria of football pitch. Ed- Duiem , Rabak , and
Kosti. Cristiano Rolando, the winner of the golden ball can now be invited for the
inauguration of all these stadiums.
We, the White Nile citizens, we do not want to win any cup of this honest competition;
hence we have already won the hearts of the whole different schools’ delegations. Yes, we
won that in unbroken line, before actually the tournament began, we won the generosity of
meeting all these beautiful delegations, of the many states of my beloved country. They
have awarded us additional culture, traditions, customs, and that honey-coated behavior.
We won a highly cared for and ever -lasting infrastructure, we won the rehabilitation of
what is already broken and destroyed. We won, we won, we won, and we won. This in my
opinion .
Forward, Forward
Never backward
Build ‘n’ rehabilitate
To make our state
Motto! our generously
To build our capacity

High! Schools compete
Jealousy we delete
Welcome all guests
Need to be the best

The White Nile State is the State of the whites!

Colors are so miraculous; you could not come to this fact unless you think deeply
about the blind concepts of colors. Colors are physically discovered When the white light is
dispersed through a lens or a glass triangle , it sets at the other end in a nice rainbow or
spectrum ; a bunch of colors ; red , green , yellow , blue , pink , brown , in short all the
different colors that we could see with our naked eyes , but the origin is white . Yes, the
Luckily, we, without being biased, we love it always white except in watermelons. White is
so beautiful, terrific, wonderful, fantastic, and so nice. White Nile State is surely named after
the “White Nile “river, but in fact the name connotes loads of many innumerable whites.
First this state , embraces in its chest three sugar factories which produce a crystal clear
white sugar , moreover, it’s the richest among the other states in term of cattle , sheep ,
goats , camels , and the other life stock . All these animals supply us and the country at large
with white wool products and milk products, such as white cheese, white butter, and white
Incidentally, mentioning the word cheese one cannot move a long without saying something
about AD – Duiem cheese, which is snow white; it is distinguished among all these cheeses;
it is the whitest and the tastiest.
This State is really the land of the whites; sugar, milk, and cheese. This is of course is not the
end of the list; the lime factories, produce white pure lime, that is why the big towns in this
state use white cosmetics to their buildings. The cement factory produces a sort of grey
cement out of a clear white lime stone.
In my opinion, the name – white – is derived from a lurked word that is deeply situated in
the inner depth of the bottom of the hearts of its people; yes , its people ; who are always
kind , have white and light hearts , they are manly men; they never retreat in cooperative
matters , they collectively hold tightly the edges of the problem seriously and never release
until the matter is totally solved .
Then, may I entreat you all the people of White Nile State to cooperate and help those
gentlemen who shouldered the responsibility to build and rehabilitate what has already
fallen down. Yes, help Dr. Kasha and Dr. Abu – Obieda Al – Oragi to build a good white
state. Am I right? They turned up their sleeves to build and plan ; they have decided never
to sleep ,and continue their day with the night to build a state that we all dream of , so you
have to share this responsibility by participating , donating ,giving wonderful ideas and
opinions ; anyway, do not stay passive and idle , try to do something for your state . Please,
do! O.K ?

The World Toilet Day, What a Day!

Yesterday afternoon I was leafing through Sudan Vision newspaper, where suddenly
my eyes caught a mainsheet that reads like what is actually stated above. Yes, unmistakably,
like the very title of this article; the toilet day. Does it sound natural, it is supposed to.
Toilets used to be called rest rooms .See, what does this name connotes; it implies that one
would take full rest in that very spot. Then, they were named loo, WC, and finally they are
given the name toilet, which is still in wide use now.
The mentioning of these words usually makes one feel disgusting, they receive them with a
grimaced face, as if that he smells a rat, and he, at times, will about to hold his nose in an
aggravating manner, and of course, he will spit in nausea like state. It really nauseates some
people the very mentioning of the word.
Now, celebrating such a day may raise many questions. Why in particular this smallest room
that can be found in almost all houses? Why not the dining room, or else the kitchen? Me ,
myself , and I , I find objection in resisting the celebration of this day , why one should
protest celebrating it , but on the other side , I couldn’t find a good justification that meets
any logic behind that.
Sometimes one might experience a situation that he may even agree to celebrate the
dirtiest thing, when you are taken short, for example, and look all the whereabouts for a
W.C to be deflated; once you release your thing, and wipe the sweat of your forehead, and
then you come to know the importance of that little room.
We can’t say that, like such a place doesn’t deserve being celebrated. On the contrary, it
does worth dozen times to be celebrated. It is undeniably one of the most important places
to be visited in all conditions.
The world toilet day is dated the 19 of November. It was celebrated two days ago, now we
are still enjoying the holidays of this sacred occasion, and we will continue rejoicing it the
coming years if the God will. This is in my opinion.

The Youth of Today!

Life actually continues through generations shifts. This comes, that goes.
Each generation handles its activities to the succeeding one, and that simply hands to the
one just following it; just in a harmonious manner.
Thus life enrolls, keeps the rhythm of traditions and customs, just with a little bit variations
here and there , but normally we inherit our ancestors.
We should lament the old good days, life is now a bit changed. Today’s generations are
enormously different than us – I am not that old , I just say it for sympathy -, they are
different in almost everything , to the extent that you think they are indifferent . Their sense
of relative’s ties and rapports are very week and next to nothing, and sometimes there isn’t
any. They usually seem that they are uninterested in everything that they can do, they stay
out of home almost all their waking hours, they pretend that they are revising their classes
or lectures in groups at their friends , but this is all kidding .
Those guys are almost always unique in everything, they have their own worlds , which is
different in every aspects of life ; their clothing , hair styling , manner of walking , way of
talking , usually chasing fashions . To buy a shirt, he will lose double price to find that, he
roams the whole market asking; I need this shirt medium size in blue, but without collar, in
this manner he visits all the markets until he finds his treasure, and never hesitate to buy,
whatever the price, his sole aim is to be fashionable , and on more . Their taste in choosing
their articles of clothing is very odd, that is why you can find the different tastes in the
market; patterned ones, striped, plain, multicolored, just they have to pick and choose what
suits their tastes. Their trousers are weirdly cut, a system with many pockets, I am not sure
what is he going to do with them, but I believe one of them is for his pocket money , but
please , do not ask me how did I know ?
What really makes the difference is not a single item of what has gone before, but their
general behavior. Yes, their behavior in general. This is really what differentiates them from
their predecessors. Their manner of talking to the elders is different; they most probably
frown for the simplest reason, they do not likely incline to join in family matters, and do not
care that much for social occasions, even they do not show any co-operative effort towards
these social occasions .Alas! They live their own life, in their own separate world. This is in
my opinion.

There should be a High Minaret of a Mosque!

Sudan is a beautiful country among the whole countries of the globe, its beauty is
derived from the natural scenes that almost always creates and characterizes this lovely
nation of all the nations around us. The vastness of the open plain lands, the spacious land
escapes, the natural parks together with their wonderful wildlife. The number of rivers that
lined themselves across the country wide, they rule the country in two symmetrical parts
that usually set the remembrance of that life is built on entwinement. The White Nile
dissects from the south to meet the blue that lines beautifully from the east, and then they
join in a complete hug at the junction.
In that, they create a marvelous portrait. It is usually the revelation of poets and artists in
making their sonnets and masterpieces. These scenes therefore, trigger in those figures
what lurks in their inner mood , they splashes these kept volcanoes to the surface in terms
of poems , songs , anecdotes , land escapes , and highly terrific paintings .
The triangular capital usually takes the lion share of these entertainment spots; the public
parks, theatres, clubs. All in all, all nice places of entertainments are accumulated there.
Coming from Khartoum North via Muk Neminr bridge, you really enjoy yourself to the
bones; just gazing at the banks of the Blue Nile, you will eye line your eyes with magnificent
spectaculars, the whole different kinds of flowers and roses that are kissed most often by
beautified nice butterflies that draped themselves in the latest fashions, all colours of the
rainbow and that of the spectrum can be seen. The sailing boats add vivid movement to the
still quiet river, the reflection of these boats compels the fish to leave their sleeping resorts
to join in that lively life. They come up in their different shapes and sizes; the big and the
small, the tall and the short, the coloured and the black and white; all sea life joined in that
Towards the summit of the bridge , you see both to your left and right sides magnificent
spectaculars scenes; ships , domes , theatres , and crystal clear transparent water that
extends miles away on both sides , the sea life can be seen as citizens roaming their natural
markets ; buying and selling , they are on a move , a lovely picture drawn by nature.
At the very end of the bridge to your left, lies in that distinguished spot a church. Yes, a
church, in that very beautiful part of the city. It is surrounded with green plantations from
all sides, like a bracelet that encircles the wrist of a young beautiful nineteen aged lady, or
as that of a gold ring in a fiancé delicate finger. Anyway, it is situated in a strategic position.
Every passerby wishes if it was his, so that he meet his dreams .
The other side of the equation is the spacious yard of the ministry of Foreign Affairs which
extends opposite to that church. The place of this ministry is also beautiful, smart,
wonderful, and nice to that extent, but for symmetrical reasons at that side which faces the
church there should be a tall minaret of a bombastic mosque. Yes, a mosque to balance the
equation ; when the bell rings there , here the muezzin calls , then the people come pushing
collectively and individually for their congregation prayers , and supplicate for the goodness

of this country , to bring peace , luxurious life , success in every scope , and the welfare of
the nation . It is every necessary to establish a mosque in this particular spot , in this
beautified area which emerges at these charming magnificent places , the bank of the Blue
Nile , the side of the new bridge , the gardens and the farms that eye-lined the western bank
of the Blue Nile . It is green everywhere around this spot. The weather is even seems
European; sunless, because of the thick and green trees that embrace themselves in a
complete hug. Shall we do it? This is in my opinion.

They Come as They Go! Out of the Beautification centre,
into the Cosmetics

Among the most visited and revisited common places, the beautification centers.
They are never free of customers, of course, of all ages, not to exaggerate, some grandmas
do. They are so much for their attention, that is why they change color every now and then,
but in fact, they do not know that the shortest way to the man’s heart is through his
stomach, so then, they have strained their faces good for nothing.
Yah! Beautification centers are the most visited common places after bakeries and doctors’
dispensaries, but what draws every one attention is the name itself; beautification. Yes,
beautification, from beautify, beautiful, and beautifully. Incidentally, do they make a change
in their customers’ faces, to put it another way, do they make a face?
The question that usually echoes in every son of Eve’s head is: What are beautification
centers for? The most probably expected answer to this very question is that they transform
the uglier face into a pretty smart one, so you can change yours whenever you want. Now
this game is mostly available and common for both sexes to make themselves a Mona Liza
and a Joseph of their time, but you should not step over the line.
So, do not make it in your head if you are that ugly, you can easily beautify your ugliness
wherever and whenever you want, but you have to budget carefully for that. Incidentally,
moving from Ramadan, down to the Eid , then the preparation to the academic school year ,
and then the big Eid which is right away at doors . This cannot allow men to budget exactly
to visit those centers of smartness, but women come and go, they make stokfels for that
purpose. It is the season of the women to the beautification centers.
Those who cannot afford to legendary pay for this drama can beautify themselves at home.
They can simply bring in the right make-up for themselves, to get even smarter, it is
preferably that you take with them weight – control bills, that of plus and minus power, so
that you can get slim to travel comfortably in the public transportations, or else you can get
fat to be the right size for your new latest fashion trousers, you can cut on your body the
ideal size that you dream of. Alas! There is no ugly guy is going to be among us, bye, bye
ugliness. Then, you can hear a lot of fairy tales, and we can compete in the Miss World
contest every soon.
Within the family circles, this game enters the family budget; it becomes inseparable part of
women rights and needs. So, they have to set some money aside for that urgent target.
Puritan guys must put themselves in the shoes of a girl, they should not prohibit them from
those beautification visits, so they have to allow the fair sex to go in the game, but they
have to apply the fair play rules, so that things may turn fair and lovely. This is in my

Half of Ramadan is Away!

How fast it comes, and how quickly it passes away , only a few days ago we count in
our fingers that Ramadan is approaching ; yes, the countdown is started ; one month, three
weeks. Hey ! Did you prepare your Bitter-Sweet? Only two weeks are left. Alas! It comes.
The coming is very soon, as well comes the departure.
We can’t believe it that halfway of it has passed. Time really passes so quickly that we err
and mix up the dates and days; it’s normally that you ask your colleague whether today is
th th
Sunday or Monday ; is it the 14 or the 15 ; this is because the days turn very swiftly, with
them the months pass, and hence the years, thus time steals and robs. Now Ramadan of
yesterday is saying goodbye, stretching its hand to hand the torch to the coming one which
is just some months to come, to be exact it’s on the 25 of May, 2017. This will be the
hottest one in this decade. I don’t know why, but it may be because of the heat of May.
The question that stirs in my head , is that : Why do people easily quarrel for the simplest
and trivial reason in Ramadan, if you ask some to clear the way for you , then he will give
you a lesson ; a private lesson , but for free . He insults, frowns, and makes vows that he will
kill you. Not only like such a guy who he makes troubles , those who drive , nine out of ten
of then cannot end their journeys without getting involved in a trouble of any sort ,
sometimes they get nervous to the extent that they collide and crash into other cars . This is
almost happens during Ramadan. We should actually suppose to behave contrary to this
behavior. Ramadan is for noble and good intentions; we should be more polite in Ramadan.
We should develop the true manners of Ramadan, we should think thoughtfully of the
wisdom behind it; one should be patient enough, and to say: I am fasting if someone insults
or abuses him, but what amuses us a lot the bright sides that characterize us during this holy
We, the Sudanese, a part from the nations of the globe, we exemplify a sort of generosity
that is unmatched; very unique, of course unequal . We inherit from our ancestors the habit
of conquering the streets to fish for the passersby to break their fast. Those who lodge near
the highways find it a season, by force they get on the way for the passengers coaches. They
hunt that bus and seize them for a while until they quench their thirst, take their coffees
and teas, and then they set them free to resume their journeys. They then, happily chat for
the rest of their trip. The common issue is sure to be about their hosts, their generosity, and
the simple life they led.
Please, may I entreat you! Do not should! If you feel that angry , then make ablution , and
say I am fasting , then soon , your anger will extinguish , as water to fire , then you feel at
rest , and in the hereafter you will find that full rest , it is not only for here that we work ,
but we sow to reap and cultivate the fruit in the hereafter. Before Ramadan, we say that the
devil set the trouble to them. Now the devil is completely chained during this month, so it is
you who set the trouble. Alas! Don’t quarrel! Don’t shout! Be yourself! Think of the God‘s

saying: Ramadan is mine and I reward for it. Don’t worry then! Very soon you will break the
fast, then you will drink both water and juice, you will eat all that delicious food. Hey! If you
are a chain smoker or an addict snuffer, then take your things! Though, Ramadan isn’t for
that .This is in my opinion and in everyone else’s opinion.

Throwing Rubbish in Public Streets; isn’t a nice thing!

Walking in the evening for sports purposes, you will never walk in straight lines, you
have to bend and twist your route, simply, because of the heaps of rubbish scatters and
thrown by, in the plain acres in front of you by the main road sides, of course, left and right;
rubbish, rubbish everywhere but not a piece to take.
This accumulation of rubbish results from a non-civilized habit that the vast majority
accustomed to, inherited from far ancient generations and still it’s kept.
We buy a soft or fizzy drink, or at least a bottle of water, but the first thing we think of after
finishing that bottle or can, is where about to throw It, we throw it whenever, wherever we
want to –Sorry for Zain motto-. Every Tom and Dick rashly throws till the matter culminates
in heaps of rubbish of disposal things. Nobody cares, they throw and drop carelessly
whatever they finish with. Sometimes, this thrown rubbish is picked by some passers-by,
when they satisfy their needs, they throw it on their turn either to be picked again or to lie
for ever with its sisters things .
Now, all the streets are messy and smelly, you cannot miss colliding with a heap of that non-
civilized habit. These heaps usually become a nice lodging to some major species of friendly
insects; friendly because they simply live with us at the same house, actually we share it, a
fifty-fifty sharing, during the day it’s the house flies shift, and at night it’s the mosquitoes’.
The question needs to be asked here is: Who dwelled the house first , the man or these
diseases – borne insects? . The dwelling of these insects is an output of the uncivilized habit
of throwing rubbish rashly near inhibited areas.
We should implant barrels in the public streets, but most important than putting these
barrels, is to use these barrels efficiently; yes, efficiently by putting the rubbish into the
barrel and not to throw it beside the barrel. No use for the barrel if we have to throw the
rubbish outside it!

Too much Cosmetics is Bad for Your Health

The English proverb that runs: “Too much of everything is bad“, reflects that
excessive use of everything might return or count negatively on its own user. Eating more
than the body needs leads to a dilemma. Causes a lot of fatal diseases, some of which:
Uncontrollable fatness, hypertension, diabetes, and many more others.
Funnily, the above stated proverb is distorted here; it needs some sort of plastic surgery or
at least some kind of that reputable prescribed make-up. The later, in fact causes too much
harm than good. It is absolutely true that cosmetics add shouting beauty to the face. Yes,
the face, because this is the only place that most often takes the lion’s share of the whole
total of these medicines which turn it into a beautiful moony face look ; very clean as if it is
smoothed by a sandpaper and leveled smoothly and nicely by a plane .
The question that is usually asked by the folk is that: How many kinds do we need to take to
change our complexion to be near to English – native like complexion. This question is not of
course remains to stand all alone, a number of sub-questions forked themselves, some of
which: Do we need to wipe our faces day and night in a non-stop? How much does every
cream cost? Is there any place that buys these make-ups cheaper? If it happens that I
stopped using these things for a while, does my face change 180 degree? No, I do not want
a change for the sake of a change. These cosmetics burn the face white, it changes God
creation, it turns the face to whatever color you want; typically like a chameleon, changes
color wherever it is situated. Yes, the face is white; fair and lovely, whereas the rest of the
body is at full rest, young and green.
This medication which whitens the face, but not the face book, also blackens other areas in
the sick body. The body usually absorbs these chemicals which are most often stored
somewhere around the fat that surrounds the kidneys; they accumulate there making a big
kingdom of that huge heaps of chemicals which end its journey in some health hazards.
These chemicals are carcinogenic; they cause horrible cancers since they cannot find their
ways out in execration. They stay there then for good, until they result in cancers which
blacken the parts that are stricken by this horrible fatal disease. So, cosmetics do not only
whiten the face, they also blacken as well.
Nowadays, every Tom and Dick uses these things, of course from both sex, they want to be
as white as snow, but believe it or not, it is all over poison in the dark. So, make up your
mind instead of making – up your face. Hey! A great idea, I see some people use orange skin
for that face beautification; this is fair and lovely, why not to try it, please do! This is in my

Unpunctuality at Civil Service

Most people at work - I said most and not all – pull the hours’ hand back, that is to
say they come late to work , even if for some few minutes ;they detached away the clothes
of punctuality, and come on their own fixed decided time which is read in their own
watches, not necessarily that is in their wrists , those that are set in their mobiles . Anyway
they have the time , by hook or crook , or by all means .
Their excuse is almost always the same. No commutation! No transportations! Even those
owners of private cars, they have the habit. Their cars became a dilemma; they turned them
lazier. They usually stretch the blanket over them for some few minutes dreams, and then
when they get up they can compensate their journeys by exceeding the dose; they can over
speed, whatever might happen; to kick or crash it is all the same; they have a new brand
insurance- yes she can - .
Stepping into the office , the first thing to think of, is either to leaf through the newspapers
or to browse them on the net , to see what is on, and what is in ; the general news, both
home and away, sport news, salaries increase , and pay rise … etc . He probes in all spheres,
globe-wide, smells what is there.
The clock struck ten then, half – past ten a mizzen usually calls for breakfast; it is called the
breakfast hour. There are 180 minutes in this hour, the biggest hour ever known, not even
the Big Ben. In this hour, they break the fast; take their tea, immediately followed by a hot
cup Of coffee, and then either of the two: a cigarette or a quid. Luxurious!
Isn’t it? Then they resume work just a few minutes before calling for the afternoon prayers.
The poor costumers are a stone cold; yes, stone dead. Hungry enough to eat a gecho , sit
still , they don’t move even for their top pressing necessities, even for a call of nature . Of
course, waiting their fate; to gain or lose. Failure in their target, means a new stereotype
day, a carbon copy of that day; a deadly routine!
After prayers, a new period of new means of refreshment; teas, coffees, biscuits, chewing
gums, sweets, candies, sweets, sugar daddy, sugar mummy. Anyway a period of sweetness .
This period is the lull before The storm; just few some minutes and all will be out for good.
Receivers in ears , smart phones in hands , fashionable things.
Alas! The working day is finished, before they finish their work. Don’t put off till tomorrow
what you can do today! Punctuality is a sign of being civilized . Let us electronicize all jobs,
posts, and professions! But who is to control these electronic devices? Or for a remedial
solution, let us bring all those Who are working abroad; they are just and punctual. Shall we
replace them? Just to be trained in timing management. Believe me! We don’t need the
Yes. Now I have come to know , why people say : In Sudanese time or British time when
making a date ? Because our clock is always slow. Isn’t it?

Beating Doctors at Hospitals isn’t a civilized sign

The measure for civilization is usually tested by the way one behaves ; conversing
quietly and solemnly depicted the guy as being highly educated , this is usually applies for
the vast majority of people , since some educated guies behave in ill ways ; in fact they
behave rashly.
Normally we should control ourselves, since the incidents of life are in ups and downs, life
doesn’t usually move smoothly. Sometimes a guy finds himself in situations that he is tightly
cornered, he just looks for an exit of this drastic situation ; in this case this guy hardly can
control himself and his behavior ; he then rashly kicks what lies around him , vows madly
,and cursing whoever comes in front of him , for a reason or no reason at all.
Behaving in that way isn’t a good thing, it prescribes its doer as next to ignorant, if he is not
really a total ignorant .Ignorant hardly ever could control themselves in matters of folly,
they turn totally mad in such situations. Unlike the educated, who controls themselves in
such situation , for fear of being accused of ill- understanding. They usually think of what
other guys think of them if they do so and so. Thereby they cool down bit by bit till they
extinguish the firry mood that inflames all their bodies. Some go in ablution to extinguish
that inflaming mood, to scale down their anger, and hence feel quiet.
Incidentally, did you hear of this new story that started to enter our folklore? This is
something incredible; no one can believe it, to set war against doctors; that is really
something unacceptable, nobody can admit it at all. Beating doctors! Who believe it to
reach that stage? Doctors as far as I know, stay all the daylong to follow up their patients,
and that night shifts stay all the night wide awake to cater and care for whoever steps in for
Why that barbaric behavior towards those messengers of humanity. Don’t they heal our
bleeding wounds? Don’t they stitch and tie those severely injured people without looking
back to their tribal background or roots; in fact they care for every Tom and Dick. Doctors
actually need the whole country large respect. Even, we should set them all the means that
put them to rest, since their job by nature, is very stressful. Aren’t they human beings to
face dying people in front of their very eyes? Not just once, it might be his day long, to see
like such scenes.
I believe that all Sudanese are full of mercy; they do not usually tend to hurt each other, but
I think this is something new in our society. Is it by chance to happen in more than one
hospital? Actually it becomes a fashion; it turns to be a means of entertainment. It is really
like taking a fishing- line and goes fishing to amuse oneself.
Really behaving in that way is something aggravating, unwise, non-humanistic, unpolished,
uncivilized, unrespectable, actually unaccepted by all the country wide. May I entreat you?
Please, don’t even shout at those doctors, they are shouldering a great burden.

Warning! Don’t Trust the WhatsApp Rumours !

I believe that we are the greatest nation in using these sophisticated tools of today;
smart phones, the Internet and that other latest tools. In one family, we might hear of a
dozen of new generations of mobile phones; Samsung, Nokia, and some other new make.
In short, every Tom and Dick possesses at least two sets of phones; one for his business
calls, his personal calls, and that of the common folks and the other is for his whatsAPP
contacts. News now is at large; the news of a burial of a guy can easily be received from
Saudi Arabia or else where. This is of course something good, but if it is only based on truth.
A guy shots you with a piece of news together with its photos, and you believe it is true, and
then from another group comes the falsifying news which turns it a rumour.
Most guys turn 180 degree to solely believe in this whatsApp news; they can trust these
shots unless they are dead sure that what they have just heard is a type of rumour . They
decorate these fools with very fantastic drapes, they sugar coat it with tasty stuffs and
materials that add flavor. This all, to make that rumour tastes true.
On the other side of the equation, appears the opposing reply that refutes the plain kidding.
This leaves whatsAPP sharers in a complete surprise. Some of course take it as true, and
they believe in it while the rest are left in two minds, they believe it at times and reject it
completely many times.
One of the fresh rumours that appeared only recently is the beginning of application to
universities and that the guide book is now circulating among the students which mean this
guide book is in the market. The thing which the ministry of Higher Education many times
warns the students to avoid like such things and to rely solely on the electronic one, but still
the vast majority of them do.
This latest rumour doesn’t stay for long since the newspapers of the following day come
carrying in their mainsheets that the application will start on the 17 of July and end on
the 30 of the same month. Alas! This is a clear cut.
The question that echoes in the mind is that: Why do those guys emit like such rumours ?
Why do they market for such things? Are rumours sold for money? Are they turned to be
jokes? What do those guys benefit from circulating these false stories? Please, Do you know
that a rumour can kill like a bullet? This is in my opinion.

We are a Nation that Lives by Imitation!

It is undeniable that God has created us for a sacred purpose; to worship Him, and to
carry out our work; yes, to do our jobs on the spot. These jobs are of different nature, some
are constant whereas others are temporary, some are well paid whereas others are of low
salaries and wages, and anyway jobs differ enormously from one another.
Really we nearly always do different kinds of jobs, so as to serve each other, a sort of
completion parts. I do the craft of carpentry or barberry whereas another guy takes it a life
of chalk, and so on and so forth; people take different careers to survive and help each
other in doing them the service that they do not have sharp tools and skills to perform well.
In the Sudan, this beloved country, we almost always imitate each other in the kinds of jobs
that we do. Being a fisherman, then in no time all the folk will have their nets. Of course, not
the Internet; nor the net for their mobiles; I mean the net that catches fish. Choosing to be a
tailor, tomorrow you will find all the verandas of the market are crowded with sewing-
machines. Whatever you choose for a living people around you will avail it in no time for the
folk. In spite of this the prices will never come down; falsifying the economical law that says:
surplus pulls down prices.
We could frankly say that nothing is bad in imitation, since it produces surplus, it makes
things in abundance, at every turn, wherever you go you find the thing just in front of you,
ready for you to buy and put in your plastic bag. The price then comes next to nothing; you
can nearly take it for free, since every Tom and Dick is serving as barter, selling his
commodities for the lowest prices for no good reason except to talk to the other guys about
his business. At the adherence of the calling cabinet almost all people start dreaming of
possessing that miraculous creation to make people talk out of their heads; they talk via
wireless tools which at first people do not fully trust to carry their massage through long
distances. The vast majority of people then really happened to possess their own within just
a few years, until it is at every corner, and then it becomes part of history. Mobile creation
replaces it, just typically like the replacing of the TV to the cinema.
A lot many services and jobs were taken by imitation until they completely drown the
market and then finished themselves by themselves. The so late, sea food restaurants, to
put it right on the tract; the fish halls, they are now at every corner, if you do not very often
have a cold, you will smell them. They are really very smelly at times. Typically like Hillat
Kuku. Hey! I want to make a big business in selling and buying snuff, don’t go in that same
line as mine. Please, mind your own business! You can choose tobacco trading, it is much
profitable than mine. I am also booking butane gas selling for my brother, an expatriate,
who is coming soon from abroad. Please, don’t imitate us, we usually like being unique.
Don’t you hear what the singer says: “The origin cannot be duplication”? So, be you, not just
a mere imitation .This is in my opinion.

We are Behind the Rapid Spread of Cancers

Is it one cancer or many cancers? Yes, there are many cancers .That of lungs, throat,
stomach, nose, tongue, blood, and spine. Yes, the spine.
Ahhhhh , not the syllabus , SPINE. Sudan Practical Integrated National English. On the
contrary, I mean the spine which is composed of a number of vertebrates . This is not our
issue. It is the cancers that we have done ourselves; absolutely with our own hands. Yes, we,
ourselves and us.
Our behavior leads us directly to deal with carcinogenic things. We make bread very sizable
by adding and mixing Potassium Bromide; we get really family size kind of bread , very large
, like a pillow . Two loaves could suffice a moderate family for one meal , and they may leave
some remains for their pets . Have you heard of Falafel? The step sister of dumplings , they
are usually boiled in repetitively used ( burnt ) oil for innumerable times , until their taste is
changed or at least become insipid .
The sprays that we use, such as pesticides or Pif – Pafs , these are erotic substances that
work against the Ozone Layer , causes irretrievable damage ; a large hole that allows
Ultraviolet rays to come down to earth.
These rays are absolutely carcinogenic; they cause skin cancers and many others .
The fertilizers that we use in all farming activities to increase production , make it a tit for
tat . They really give and take, turn to be a disastrous thing, in addition to cancers they
contribute in kidneys failure and some other fatal diseases . Where shall we go? It seems
that nowhere is safer; it is polluted wherever you go. We have to wait our fate, either to
miss or get.
It seems that wherever we go or whatever we do puts us a step next to cancer; the fumes
from cars, that of factories; the perfumes and sprays; butane gas ; canned food ; junk food
and takeaways ; the preservatives .
Almost all around us is not a cancer – free substance; even drinking water might be treated
with some other materials that in the long run may cause negative health hazards among
them this C – disease . By the way, is Oxygen cancer – free? Hay! If you name three things
that are cancer – free, you will win the competition. Of course, snuff is not to be counted,
because it is not found free in the air , is it ? The winner will be given a ticket to and fro, to
Petroleum Production Areas .O.K?

We Should Boycott Every Smelly Commodity!

We, the Sudanese, usually consider Egypt a completion part of our beloved country;
you can hardly mention either of these two clefts, without a return to the other part. Kabli ,
the famous legend Sudanese singer , goes in one of his famous songs , as saying : Oh Egypt !
The dearest sister of my country. These words are really modified into a melodious tune in
the larynx of this legendary singer. It sounds beautifully in the inner inside of the one who
enjoys the lyric; yes, the song. Abd El-Kareem Al – Kabli , notation and intonation give the
words their real value to easily shape the meaning of those scattered words.
Egypt, in complete denial, threw everything in the dirty dustbin. She forgot her other cleft,
the south of the valley .Yes, the Sudan. This peace love country that deals usually with
honesty with whichever country that seeks a beautiful, nice, and honest bilateral relation.
The Egyptians who come to the Sudan usually find a secure resident wherever they go in
roaming every inch in their second home land. They tease and joke with their brothers in
the south the country wide. They really feel at home when they come to the Sudan. We also
feel the same feeling when we fly there, we find it more than our home country, and we
really feel at home.
But, the winds will not always blow to the liking of ships. Egypt now kicked the brotherly
bunch of flowers into a patch of desert with high baking heat; in fact, there is 180 degree
change in that relation. She made us a grimaced face.
Egypt found it a good game to sell us dirty contaminated products; all types of fruit that she
sells are injected with hepatitis and some other infectious diseases. All this, is done on no
logical justification or suitable reasoning that justifies the bad deeds that the sister of my
country intended to do. It is really a dirty game that Egypt started to play.
This actually made us misinterpret whatever Egypt does. Hey! Did you watch the matches
that were played with our champions recently? Yes, the Sudanese clubs, and did you see the
referees, particularly that Egyptian. What a man! Is he a man? He turned it into a boxing
match. His whistle is in complete enmity to our club, in fact, he has shown clear bias to the
other side, but thanks Allah, we drawn in the end, and won a point from a lion’s jaws. All
this intention of this country is suppose to be met with the same poison, and in the same
token. This is in everyone‘s opinion.

What a Day!

He dragged his ragged body slowly, being all the daylong working in his farm which
lies in the remote distance that separates him from his modest dwellings. He is a great
farmer since he used to follow his ancestors in doing this same simple primitive business
which usually suffice his, and the family needs.
His arrival most often marks moments of respect that usually expressed in a delicate silence;
a sort of sweet whisper that everyone who is around enjoys that much. His wife ; Sufia ,
usually represents the connecting circle or the direct contact boy between him and the
other members of this small kingdom , this is almost always, but today she is repetitively
seen to come and go , the countenances of her face tell many stories , but the father being
that fatigue , could not want to wade in some marginal disputes , but still, he could not
exactly interpret her tales . Yes, sure she is telling tales!
A large aluminum tray is firmly planted in front of him, directly on a small wooden table that
stands on only three legs; the fourth is being burnt halfway in the wedding of Habiba , a
distance niece of him. He started devouring that high table hungrily , a morsel after another
, licking his fingers every now and then ; every time he starts with the thumb , then rolls to
the index finger , the middle one, the ring finger , and the pinky .Still the mother comes and
goes , keeping her paces in regular trips of today . He talked to himself. She must be telling
me something. What on earth is she telling me! He started guessing. Is it my elder daughter
who is expecting a baby, or is it my son, the expatriate. A number of images screen in a
string of thoughts in his boiling head, but he could not manage to focus mainly on one thing
of all these. He drifts here and there with his thoughts.
The spouse finally thought that time is not on her side, since it passes very fast, and there is
no way out but to tell him. She took a deep breath and after a number of exhaling and
inhaling operations she then burst telling him: You see! That the kids are in great need to
some money that may suffice their urgent needs for the day of independence. The day of
what! He shouted. Tell me! The day of what! She begged him to cool down a little bit. Of
course, she blamed herself a little bit since she did not choose the right time and the right
moment to tell that old guy.
At this same moment a clap is heard at their front entrance .Sufia wore her scarf and quickly
went towards the direction of the visitor. It’s an expatriate who directly from the airport
came to their house. He has brought them the Independence Day presents from their son,
Othman, who is being abroad for a couple of years. He sent everyone one his portion
money. The kids hurried away to by their fire sticks, the others their needs, but the father
being torn out with fatigue fell asleep, snoring loudly like a bull. At dawn, the tired skinny
body woke up, disturbed by the explosions of the fire sticks. What has gone wrong! He
scared woke up. One of his closest daughters informed him, it is the Independence Day
today. Othman sent us some money yesterday, and we are now celebrating, your portion of
money is with mum. You are having the lion share dad, she said : He then, started wiping his

eyes with a long yawning game, curtailing the edges of his moustache with his decayed
teeth of the 61 of age ; since he was born in 1956, the same year of the Sudan
Independence , he then said: What a day! This is in my opinion.

What if We Changed Our System of Working into Two

Working hours really represent headache to the vast majority of us. In fact not a
single guy whatever his position that can carry out continuously in a non-stop his work; of
course, he is to be diverted with whatever a kind of distortion.
An old school mate in visiting you at work may poison the whole place, he stops you of
work, and his chattering might of course, disturbs the rest of the working colleges. This
friend , may go far to scrape acquaintances of those guys , even he can start using their
personal tools and sets , such as their mobile phones , ipads , spectacles , calculators , and
whatever that lies in their eyes.
Almost always we have a problem of over-staffing; an occupation is sometimes runs by
three guys, and in fact, it can be done by a mouse click. Even at teaching, many schools are
crowded by teachers before it is being crowded by the students, but luckily, some schools
are evening schools; they usually open doors after three o’clock, so it has two shifts by
All Arabian countries around us, in unbroken line, have two shifts. They divide their working
staffs equally into two shifts; a morning shift and an evening one. By making this, they
almost always avoid the congestion that may happen during the working hours. They then,
get rid of that chaotic disturbance caused by that idle gathering of the out-of-duty workers
of an institution, a company, or an organization. They are good for nothing. They daily come
and go without knowing their presence.
Why shouldn’t we make it a –two-shift job. The first shift to take it a seven to one job,
whereas the second to be a one to seven job . In this way we will get rid of that monotonous
boring life that is followed at work, we will also, make everybody responsible for one single
part of a job , and then he will be obliged to carry it out with that perfection . Just in silence
without making that roaring row. Those troops of uncountable workers are supposed to be
divided in two teams. The priority of the shifts choosing should be given to the fair sex. Yes,
the ladies of fair and lovely; since they have some home work waiting for them to do after
their morning shift. The rough sex, I mean the men, should be left for night shift, it suits
them well, and they forbear and tolerate it.
Is there any who seconds this suggestion? Really, no one to second this suggestion ? I think
for the welfare of the public, you have to support this suggestion. Believe it or not, if we
make it two shifts there will be great production in every sector. The public transportation
would not be like what it is now; crowded and need to be hunted. The idea of the two shifts
is still fresh in your heads. But, when it is put into practice you will see its ripe fruit. This is in
my opinion.

Why Charging the Public Gardens?

Usually the nicest places that you resort to, in times of crises, are the public gardens,
simply because they are everybody’s right to make use of them ; every guy has his share in
that , he should enjoy the greenness , the colourful dyes of the different kinds of flowers
and roses , the gentle breeze that breathes odder and perfume , to refresh the visitors , and
to brush away what lurks in their inner mood . Really public gardens deflates its visitors .
These public gardens should be highly cared for; people shouldn’t throw their rubbish there;
smokers usually carelessly through the ends of their cigarettes in where their eyes could see
, the empty disposal tea cups , empty water bottles , cans of fizzy drinks , tissues are
everywhere, the empty boxes of matches in heaps . One wonder: Why do people use these
loads of matches ? What do they do with such a quantity of matches?
Do they want to burn an elephant? Yes, I have got the answer; they burn the waxes of their
birthdays. This is fantastic! But why do they make it dirty for the others ? Now people get in
the habit of celebrating such an occasion; they have all the right to do whatever they want
to do, but the other guys , the visitors , also have the right to get them clean. Aren’t they?
People in visiting these wonderful magic places, they usually use stimulants , such as coffee ,
tea , green tea ,red cigarettes , and snuff , to refresh themselves and feel relax. That is their
right to use it or not to use it , but the most important thing is not to misuse this very
garden, and charge it with tons of trash , better you charge your mobile and your other
things . Don’t you want to come tomorrow, alone or with your family? Then you need it
clean, don’t you? Who will take that rubbish of us?
These public parks should be highly cared for, since it is everybody’s right to enjoy that
magic moments in a nice wonderful terrific place, so don’t mess around , don’t throw your
chickens before they hatch ; don’t misplace your trash carelessly in the whole whereabouts
of the garden , you might one day trip on your own rubbish yourself . He who digs someone
‘s a whole ,in it , he himself fall .
Put everything in its right place, and then the place will be alright! Right?
Then don’t throw left and right! Alright ? Ultimately you will turn it dirty and smelly , then it
will be the right habitat for all sort of insects ; sugar ants , black ants , scorpions , lice , bugs ,
bed bugs , but not butterflies , since Butterflies love it clean, with nicely open lilies, roses,
and flowers. Behave Like that , please!

Why do Most Guys Now Talk about Drugs Abuse?

Drugs abuse is the most disquieting dilemma of our times, since the number of
young people who have turned to drugs is rapidly growing, in spite of the forums and the
symposiums that are held to warn the youth of the fatal consequences of this dirty game.
Drug abuse is a problem that will only be solved in human terms. The family remains the
best bulwark against drugs. But parents can’t go it alone – communities will have to provide
parents the means to meet the needs of their drug-troubled young, but parents should take
matter easy not to double their dilemma, because making drug use a crime is itself a crime ,
and hence drugs users are criminals .
As far as I have read on this issue a drug dealer can be spotted by certain symptoms , like
having dry lips , being worried all the time , likely inclined to take most often much drinking
water an many others.
The peer group plays a pioneering role when it comes to like such issues. If the peer group is
destructive, parents must move fast – and ruthlessly, if necessary.
Young children accept drugs as magic because everything is rather magical to them. If
parents seem to regard drugs the same way, then the kids will build on this magical notion
and develop their own fantasies about drugs, about the wonderful things that drugs can do
for them.
A druggist never hesitates to steal or commit a crime to satisfy his motives. He must set
money aside to buy what suffice him of those drugs. This will drive him into an addict in the
long run. Addiction usually means to him committing more serious crimes .Being an
absolute member of a gang, to steal and rob and breaking into houses, doing terrible
Not only crimes are considered as the mere complications of using drugs, but also organic
troubles are announced as consequences of drugs complications. Liver cancer is the most
likely to be a drugged – caused disease, this is together with innumerable others.
Usually one gets puzzled; why should I buy a disease for my money? Why should I practice
slow death? What at all should I benefit from taking drugs? I use this lost money in drugs in
something beneficial couldn’t be wise? Even, if you give it to the poor or the needy won’t it
be a good save for you in the hereafter? Many more questions need to be asked in this
scope, but who will lend an ear? Hey! Throw that fag, spit that snuff, they might drag you to
something else. This is in my opinion.

Why is it a condition that you must attain Proficiency in
English to get a Job?

A lot many jobs that are announced put it an on- top- condition, so as to have a job ,
you have to be efficient in English ; both , spoken and written. They go! Mastering both
languages, Arabic and English, is a must. This puts in every interviewee’s mind innumerable
queries. Among those who could ask, say: we’ve known Arabic, but what philosophy that
brings English in? Many guys stand puzzled to this miraculous condition ,that most often
stand in the way to those who thought of themselves being efficient in their domain, and
they are capable of getting the job advertised, except only their modest experience of
English that stands an obstacle to get the job.
It wasn’t a piece of cake to pass an interview that has structured items set before hand , and
it is very difficult to trespass , or to set a successful spotting in English that meets both the
interviewers and the interviewees needs alike , particularly if the interviewees background
of English is not that good .
People couldn’t believe the many justifications that are set to them. They often protest the
addition of this miraculous condition , they just interpret it as an indirect rejection to their
qualifications , and their high scoring in both the written and the verbal exams , plus the
interview which part of it includes this tough language. I mean the English language that is
inserted in the larynx of the interviewee.
Equating the advantages of this language, you wouldn’t hesitate to admit it to be a number
one on the list of the requirements of a job. Really the pros will highly outweigh the cons, so
seeing the advantages; one can stand for this condition to be constant in every interview, in
spite of, the job that one applies to.
First of all, English is the main language of computing worldwide, and 8o% of all information
stored in computers is in English. Now, illiteracy is characterized by inability of running
computers. Many activities in real life do highly need computer services, the smart
government that every Tom and Dick is talking about, but needs efficient mastering of this
magic machine application. Of course, all or the vast majority of computer activities needs
mastering of English language.
A lot of the world’s most famous literature has been written in English. So, to recycle your
vocabulary stock you have to have at least the minimally required command of English that
makes the operation possible.
English is widely spoken in the field of international tourism. In hotels all over the world
there is usually at least one member of staff who speaks English. Even in non-English
speaking countries, menus in restaurants often have an English translation. So, don’t be
angry to make people hungry.
Two out of every three scientists write their scientific papers in English, so if you intend to
follow a career in any branch of science, including medicine, English is essential. This in
addition, English is the first or second language in over 60 countries and thousands of

people are learning it at schools and universities. At airports, English is the main medium of
instruction, the announcement of flights , the seating , the tickets , the boarding cards , all
these and many other operations are carried in English .
Thus, English is essential in all fields and domains, that is why it is need in all jobs, and it
started to be one of the considerable requirements for a job, whatever it is. This is in my

Why is the Profession of Teaching Becomes a Mockery

Teaching is a profession as old as mankind. Among the brilliant ever known teachers,
was the prophet – Mohammed (Peace be Upon Him) , since His dialogue with the God
almighty , in which He came out of a beneficial TOT lesson , knowing in it the effective tools
and visual aids , among then , the pen ; that magic wand. Every teacher, whoever and
wherever he may be, must keep this simple but meaningful truth in mind.
A teacher must be consciously aware of the fact that teaching is not merely one profession
among many, and that it is not primarily a lucrative occupation. It is a calling to help
developing consciously the highest and best qualities in man to their fullest capacity.
A truly good teacher must be good not only in words and deeds; he must also be good at
heart. His good relations with students are not mere matters of strategy or technique to
“win friends and influence people “, but true reflections of goodness of heart. He regards
every student as his own son .He is vitally concerned with the welfare of every son of Adam.
A teacher must in all situations takes the role of a hinge, to tie and connect his students on
one side, on the other side he has firmly to link the whole society at large. In doing that , he
has to be friendly , but firm , approachable, but dignified , reasonable ,but resolute ,
enthusiastic , but calm , eager to explain , but ready to listen , above all he must , by all
means , be patient.
Teachers in fact, used to live an era that was pretty unique, unmatched or unequal in any
way. They used to be a highly expressive song in those tongues of those old good days of a
teacher. He used to be a chant that goes: Oh! Thou visitor of Paris, bring me a bride-groom,
on condition that he dresses to the nines). Oh, my God! This genuine true profession of the
apostles is now a laughable game for every Tom and Dick. Some put it as a motto: If you find
nothing be a teacher. This is very pejorative and degrading to this truly honest craft. They
really pull it down to earth.
In the past few years, the teacher is really, by far, considered an advisable leader in his
society, he is a referral guy in all societal affairs; he was the muezzin, the referee, and the
head of every committee. He is never noticed to be roaming the streets for private tuitions,
or to play those common out of doors games of today’s ,or puke their noses in affairs that
are not of their concern , or at least ,bosomy befriending their students. That is what turned
them respected.
Alas! Let us face it. We, the teachers, contributed a lot to what circulated negatively about
this honorable profession; we degraded it with our own hands, we changed it from a life of
chalk to the life of mere gossip and talk, but may I entreat you to contemplate my rhyme of
a teacher! This is what an ideal teacher is suppose to be , and if s/he keeps clinging to this ,
then nobody will elongate to abuse them .This is in my opinion.

Who is a teacher?
A teacher is ……
a path, to help avoid a fall
An ear, listen when others call
A teacher is ……
a voice, with which to talk ‘n’ sing
a hinge, on which the future swings
A teacher is …..
a shield , for stopping Stan’s darts
a hand , to touch a lonely heart.
A teacher is ……
an arm, to lift hearts from the deep
a light, to awaken those who sleep
A teacher is …….
an eye, to bring up generations
a brain , to drive all to the stations
A teacher is …….
a father, who cares but for all
a referee , who is fair at football
A teacher is …….
a boat, for all safe to sail
a school when rings the bell

Why Moving Away with the National Dialogue!

By nature, I usually do not wade into political matters, simply because God has
created me so. God usually create people of all folks, to be people of different walks; some
keenly support sport – me one of them -, others Business matters; yes, they are of all walks.
Today, may I entreat you to poke my nose in politics , because this issue burns me in and
out ; which is : Some voices start calling that the “ National Dialogue “ is to be carried
outside the country . This makes me puke! This hilarious! Really it is. How it comes! A
national dialogue to be taken abroad!
What is the meaning of national? The very name suggests that it should be done from A to
Z, inside this beloved country. Why fathers? Haven’t you taught us the wisdom that says :
me and my brother against my cousin , and me and my cousin against the total stranger ?
What is the philosophy behind all this fuss? For a change ? Aren’t we gonna buy the poison;
this foreign ground that we are going to, is not going to sell this effort of yours to another
opposing factions, and thus it will continue doing so till doomsday; therefore, we carry sea
water in a new sieve, or better still we say, we bargain to sell gold for poison!
All proverbs pour in your basket; East or West home is best. No place like home. Why then
to quit our country to another in the hope that we make a frank – based- brotherly dialogue
. Think highly of these words: frank … brotherly… Should we export these very words? Or
should we reconcile with then in the very heart of this most beloved country , in which
everything is permissible ; you have all the right to say what you want to say , without any
hesitation , just and only just for the benefit of the country at large ; yes , the Sudan . The
birth place of Al – Azhari , Aboud , Nimari , Suwar Al – Duhab , Al – Sadig , Al – Murrgani , Al
– Turrabi , Omer Al – Bashier and his successors !I told you , I am poor at politics , ain’t I ?
Let us be together like a bundle, or else like the teeth of the new comb, like the fingers of
the one hand, held firmly in one palm. Let us quench our thirst together from these three
long Niles that run our country long, let us eat the wheat that is watered from these same
rivers, thank God they have sweet pure water, not like the Red sea or the Mediterranean.
Let us then drink from these pure rivers and wash our sins of repentance, and live kings in
our own kingdom , instead of enslaving ourselves to others .
Could we? I hope so !

Why not reducing the Months to be Equal to February!

Alas! This month’s salary is at hand, just only a few days, and then we shall collect
February’s salary; yes, I mean the salary that we usually get in the second month of the year.
I wish that all the days of the months were typically as that of this lovely month. I swear that
I can see the bottom of this month, since it has some countable days, just a few days. Yes, I
can easily penetrate the calendar, and see the 28 which symbolizes a lurked treasury of
treasure to the vast majority of the populations of my beloved country.
Now, just a few days ahead then you can fulfill your promises in ironing out, all or some of
your debts, loans, and borrowings, then you can turn a new page for your new small
businesses. Being in debts isn’t that bad, since it makes you famous, and above all a king of
micro-loans. All guys could hear of your stories, and how you could cleverly get out of the
critical hurricanes that usually chase you when your debts a little bit grow fatter and fatter,
and then you practice the swerved tricks, and take the slimy roads to avoid the ‘ white
Isn’t being in debt, is itself a prison? Yes, it is. It is even sometimes bitter than prison itself,
but anyway, let’s term it ‘a white prison ‘, since it leaves you enjoy the gentle breeze outside
a smelly jail, in a temporary freedom of conscience, but most often, it will force you to
change your direction if it happens that to spot the hero of the film facing you from the
opposite direction.
Hearing anecdotes that narrate debts stories, may qualify a guy to be a citizen in Hollywood,
where film/movie industry is based. Being in debt for a while could be a great lesson to the
wise, if s/he is that sensitive, they will consider it in the ‘once bitten, twice shy’ proverb.
Paradoxically, me, myself, and I can’t see any shame in being in debt, or even if you turn to
be debt addicted, since people are for people; most people actually have needs that compel
them to get themselves in the traps of debt.
To keep alive, is before all else, if you are sick in Ramadan, it is permissible that you break
the fast. So, what is bad in borrowing money to take your food to keep alive. So what to be
in debt!
Have I gone stray with the issue of debt? Sorry, I am targeting February, this modest month,
the month that never accepts inflation in its days, or even hyper inflation like December,
and its successor, January which bundle 31 days each.
Now, a few days and we can collect our salaries. Wow! By the way, is word salary
countable? I am not that sure, but I have courageously given it an “s”. Couldn’t it be an
awful idea to propose that there must be a cut on the days of the months instead of cutting
taxes on the salaries? I absolutely agree with this suggestion of mine, and at the same time I
seconded it. Have I gone far? This is in my opinion.
Thirty days in November
April, June ‘n’ September
A the rest have thirty-one

Except February alone
That has got twenty-eight
Once in four years albeit

Why not to Increase the Annual Leave!

Everything around us witnesses rapid increase, both horizontally and vertically; every
sun rise declares in something shooting up. I am not talking about Particular something or
something in particular; I am talking about the increases generally in all directions, take the
butane gas for example, it is scarcity Makes it is price rockets to a legendary extent, and
accordingly, the dirty black charcoal raised its ears like a fierce animal that has seen a fat
prey amid a thick forest ; on its turn coal does not want to appear among its sisters very
cheap , it raised its dowry to the highest possible height ; it is now matches and equalizes an
ounce of gold.
This increase, in unbroken line in everything, except in life expectancy; age, it decreases
every morning, so this is the only thing that runs in the minus, till death. Yes! D E A T H….
Now, to get your pension, you have to wait in a long queue to get it.
This is if you happen to catch up the 65 years. Yes, the 60 plus the 5 increase – again, you
mention this terrible word – so the pension zone is Increased , who is to grantee that the
guys will count these 65s safely, and who will grantee that our pension will not end by the
end of the burial ? Alas! Our pension age is more watered down, it is increased to reached
the age of senility. An addition of five years , who knows one might turn a millionaire in
these five years, just imagine if his salary is one million a month ; see ! How much is he going
to earn in these five extra years?
A real millionaire!
To be at rest, and to live to reach your pension, you have to regulate yourselves ; take your
meals regularly both in the right quantity and quality,
but above all you have to organize your leisure time ; yes, your free time; you have to feel
like relaxing all though , this is part of your life expectancy, then you have to measure things
against the time factor, you have to take full rest . Did I say rest? Incidentally, could I suggest
something? Listen, please!
May I entreat the authorized guys to increase the annual holidays , instead of 45 days a year
, let us say to be extended to 55 days or a bit more, just to rest ourselves to reach that age
of pension . Otherwise, the condolence will end by the end of the burial. This is in my

Why Warring Against Tea Selling?

When something does not reach one’s likes or taste, it’s usually expressed in this
idiom (It’s not my cup of tea). Me being one who belongs both flesh and blood to Shaiggia
tribe, I strongly object to this expression to be worded in words among them our favorite to
be in the heart- tea-.Tea. Yes,
tea. Tea to Shaiggia is like perfume to expatriates, to put it another way, it’s like coffee to
eastern tribes. Incidentally, why is that all fuss about tea selling in some of the sisterly daily
papers? A lot of fuss is raised, and of course it isn’t without a point of division; yes, some are
for whereas the rest against.
Why all this warring and fuss? A hurricane in a cup? Why, tea selling is only a small business
like all the other businesses. Only it differs in that it does not need any kind of microfinance,
it might need in some cases one over eight of a microfinance . The capital that could
completely suffice for this business, depends solely on the assets that the trader has,
whether a male or a female, by the way some tea -driven businesses are run by male tea
makers, in short (T-maker). Let us not release this issue of gender now; time and space
won’t allow to tackle the thing.
But, why tea in particular, a cup of tea could replace a painkiller; Even it can keep the doctor
away, it’s when a severe acute headache attacks you, so where do you turn your face? If you
can’t find tea selling in the nearby. Thank God, now tea selling is at hand, it is at every
corner of the globe, to your right, to your left. North, East, West, and South (NEWS).
Tea, tea, everywhere , but not a drop to sip. Ah! Tea , black and white. Incidentally, is tea
making a trade or a trade behind a trade? Tell me! I am Waiting.

Why, Women Rights, and No Men Rights?

It was once believed that; “ if a woman is an axe she will never ever beak – ‘ AL –
Raas ‘ – the head “ , but now this is part of history . An axe now is an electronic one, so a
woman can break The skull , damage the brain, and even she can “pull out the soul “.
Although the vast majority Of men believe that “women’s faults are many, but men have
only two ; everything they say, And everything they do “. Thus they believe that women are
still far from winning equality in Leadership, since three or four women with global clout .
“just few women at the top “ . therefore , the vast majority are downing . This is the opinion
of the primitive.
The issue of women rights is one of the controversial issues , it stirs unique questions
whenever This topic is negotiated .One big question that is usually asked is : Who has
robbed those gentle Women their “ hard gained “ rights . The answer is simple and clear ;
sure to be that selfish Creature which is called “ man “ . He is so selfish in the eyes of women
, hence he can possess Two , three , or complete four women at a time , but woman , on the
contrary , is obliged to Take one at her best , or else she can start the countdown and share
“ half “ , “ third “ or even A whole complete “quarter “ of a man . This absolute selfishness of
man. Man is who he robbed the fair sex their identity, and thereby their rights, this could be
clearly Noticed in puritan rural areas , whose guys most often enslaved their “ sweet hearts
“ , and never ever believe in gender equality . In urban societies the matter is far more
Woman started to stand the same ground as man, and they seem that they are shouldering
each other . Women are allowed to occupy high positions, and take leading and pioneering
Roles that enables her to be a decisive icon in both decision making and taking .
Now , woman reached her “ peak “ . She can even be given the title of a “ VIP “ . Lovely , but
. Alas ! We the gentle men from now on , have to share with both the washing and the
washing up , and the lullaby also if we could , since we wear the same trousers and T – Shirt

Women Rights and No Men Rights!

Just at the traffic lights, last week, when they turned red, and we were halted, And in
a bird‘s eye, I read something like a logo or a motto, written at the right side Of a car that
stopped just in front of us; it reads like that: “No Women No Cry “.
Immediately I started recalling the sarcasm with which this topic is handled in the previous
articles. Yes, the issue of women affairs. Yes. This same topic . In fact, I am A liberal minded
figure, but I usually like teasing people in such topics . Then I am one Of the voices that call
for women ‘independence ‘or at least, secession. Don’t Misunderstand me! I don’t mean
secession like that of separation. No, on the contrary, I mean it like that of the ‘South ‘, the
old ‘South ‘ a soft one .
Let’s return back some steps to our point; that phrase which is seen at the right side of the
traffic lights’ car. “No Women No Cry “ . Is it really true that weep emotionally in all
occasions? Does that phrase keep its expressive mood if we replace the ‘word ‘women?
with the ‘word ‘men? Why did the writer of this ‘wisdom ‘chose “women “rather than “Men
“ . Are women so emotive creatures? Why don’t men share them this characteristic of
shading tears ? a lot more whys concerning this issue , but any way ; there are situations
That seem women are permissible to weep their sadness out, when someone so passed
away Or in delivery cases, in such situations women are allowed to cry, and then the phrase
is theirs.
Gender equality now puts things ‘right ‘ on the side of women , now here in this beloved
country , they went so far as candidates for the presidency . This lovely, but who would
ululate for her if she won the elections. Does she ululate herself or another one of her ‘sex ‘.
I don’t imagine this country to be ruled by a woman, then she would dare to ban snuffing
and smoking in public , the thing which the vast majority of us don’t want to .
Last but not least let’s go back to the “motto “ . ( No Women No Cry ) . Why? Man can cry,
too. E.g When he cuts hot onions, in this ‘unique ‘situation he weeps with running noses.
Yes, he shouldn’t puke his nose. Now gender equality turned things up , it turned both sexes
to be Two faces for one coin, but one face with ‘cosmetics ‘whereas the other without.

Wow! The Standard of English Language is discussed at the
National Assembly

Till a few months ago, and might probably be the few coming weeks that Arabian
countries believe in Sudanese standard of English, They usually rate then as a number one
nation in expressing themselves in this foreign language. Since they twist their tongues in
vomiting the many quantities of dictions that they store in their brains . They can easily
recall these vocabulary items together, with that accurate structuring and the accuracy of
mental grammar that puts the intended meaning straight forward. Having all these, no
misunderstanding is expected .That is why they can easily be hired for a job.
The facilities of education are now better than they were; the seating of the pupils is more
comfortable and fantastic than it used to be; the number of tools that help in teaching and
consolidating the learning are now many; the many different kinds of computers, made it
easy for the learners to achieve the unachievable things. The type of clothing is not like
what as it was many ages ago. Life is radically changed than the life of the sixties; when we
were then pupils at the scratch level; I mean the primary schools. In those schools, we were
soon licensed to write in blue liquid ink letters to our friends, inviting them to visit us for a
couple of days. That was, in both languages, of course, without committing any kind of
mistakes. All mistakes were considered as silly mistakes; scandals. Not like now, only a
certain type of mistakes is considered silly. I do not know what the other half is called!
The comparison between those generations and these of today cannot be drawn. Although,
the facilities of life is better in availability than it used to be , but it seems that the equation
is unbalanced ; since the pupils of that time had shown brilliance and genius in being
meticulous and careful in handling and carrying out their liabilities and responsibilities
smoothly and beautifully , so they had shown that success . Actually in everything, let alone
Let us face it! What are the exact reasons of this drastic deterioration of the standard of
English in our general education that makes the National Assembly discuss it in open? The
answer to this question should ink enumerated pages .Here in this narrow space we will be
touching on these points slightly to clarify the reasons behind this falling of the standard of
Firstly, the number of classes per week is reduced to the minimum, and this, will not allow
pupils to practice their lessons in class, because at the home circles there is no practice to
this language, and we cannot deny the fact that says: Practice makes perfect. This in
addition to the fact that , learning a language means mastering the four skills – listening
,speaking , reading , and writing – in an integrating way .Thus , these number of periods is
not enough for mastering this thing .
Secondly, teacher training now isn’t in match with that. Although, now they get high
qualifications in training, compared with their counterparts, but in spite of that, old teachers

have shown expertise in teaching successfully this language. This is besides their well
planning for their classes, and they ever never think of private lesson outside the school
Thirdly, this modernized life of today, in which a smart phone is counted among the
necessities of life at the home circles; every guy must have his / her own telephone. Why! It
is not to be shared! It has its own privacy. Each guy has his own stories which they cut minus
on their homework and duties, and hence the standard of their academic subject, let alone
English! This is in my opinion.

You Cannot Avoid Colliding with the pedestrians

Walking in public streets is by far considered an art , not all that walks knows how
well to walk , the vast majority kick here and there , without knowing that they are doing so
. All those who are walking in the opposite directions , absolutely seem absent – minded ,
they block the way for you wherever you try to avoid their collision ; they come that side
you choose for your way , but all of a sudden they emerge in you very face again and times
again .
Lucky those who have their own cars . They are colliding – free guys, they are absolutely free
from such hazards. They do not have such creams of dust those pedestrians normally
clothed their own selves with. The cars save them the battles of road crashes that passers-
by face in every fraction of a second. It happens almost always that guys quarrel because of
these sudden collision incidents. It is a usual act to see that two guys tore their clothes in a
meaningless fight that is merely attributed to these unintentionally committed collisions.
Unwise guys! Do not they have eyes?
Even on Fridays and the public holidays these troops of people creep day and night Loads of
crowds here and there, this tells how this mushrooming triangular capital densely
populated. It is so, since every Tom and Dick collected his luggage and head towards this
rich spot. Fifty per cent of that hitch -hikers is university students, they trod these streets to
and fro almost every day, the vast majority of these use their smart phones while walking,
and they never make errors , except that they block the way to those who come on the
opposite directions , they hardly miss their stabs and collisions .
Many guys curse and abuse those hitch –hikers on doing so, although they do not mean it, it
happens only unintentionally, and it is only attributed to crowded streets. A huge crowd
comes another goes; they carry their luggage with them which also helps in filling the gaps
to make all the body of crowd as one unit. The streets seem stay still with this swarm all the
day long, since the rush hour in these streets last for 24 hours.
What causes this crowdedness, is the behavior of the walkers, they never walk without
getting their smart phones out of their pockets, and start telling their stories. They roam
these long distances in absent-minded dreams; they forget their whereabouts in these
chaotic streets,
they kick and remove out of their ways whoever meets them . The quiet walkers – those
who are so patient and wait till huge troops pass their ways out- , then wipe their foreheads
clean of the clouds of dust that hang on the skies just above everybody’s head .
Those who are allergic or developing Asthma, cough all the passage long, they cough bitterly
until they turn their stomach out, this is all attributed to the dust that fills the vacuum, and
the rows move slowly, each guy is clutching on their possessions firmly not to lose the whole
after all . Hey! Are you blind? You have stepped on me. Can’t you see! This is in my opinion.

A Palm leaf – Basket is promoted at the Expense of the
Retired Plastic Bag!

Life laws are usually on the move; they are capable of change, they never stay still for
long, except only a few of them are exempted, e.g. water usually boils at 100 c. We usually
hear of a lot many changes here and there, some of which in this world of modernization
come and go swiftly in a speed of lighting, without being aware of them, as their change
might be in a wink of an eye.
Such a change sounds like an anecdote to some of the folk, since time passes very
swiftly, and they weren’t up-dated themselves to cope with the so late innovative
modernized inventions. What usually in vogues would possibly wipe its predecessor.
Sometimes the change happens so smoothly that one couldn’t feel it, at other times you
feel it slow going, and thus, it ultimately causes boredom.
Now, most of the guys, haven’t yet felt conscious of the stun of the new hour change,
you can still hear the melodious query of; by the new timing or the old one when people
refer to that hour pull- back or delay, a complete 60 minutes detention . What now in
vogues is the hard and fast rule that banned the circulation of plastic bags in the triangular
capital. Yes, nobody at all to take that thing for whatever a reason. Alas! It is ever- lasting
forbidden, it’s gone without any return. It is now creeping towards the pages of history to
be registered as part of history. Khartoum is now to legendary compete in a turtle –hare
competition with White State that wrapped this trade some three years ago , to inhale fresh
pure gentle oxygen in the absence of this carcinogenic material .
This banning of plastic bags, instantly stopped the accumulation of those used ones
that used to pollute the environment and the surroundings. Wherever you turn you could
spot a flying object, either flying in your own skies or firmly trapped in the barbed wire of
your house, flagging and fanning freely with the effect of the stream of air that gently
gushes to propel those plastic bags.
All markets at both cities quickly thought of the right substitute that could properly fits
in the place of this commodity. They have tried utmost effort to meet their customers’
needs and taste, since using plastic bags would likely to expose its user to a terrible fine, but
the answer to all this dilemma seems a stone throw. Yes, it is really within reach. Handcraft
is really the coming solution. Yes, the so dear, the palm - leaf-basket. Yes, the Guffa . It used
to be a dear symbol and an awful representation to the living condition of the family.
Taking your palm-leaf-basket in the morning shows your readiness to meet the family
needs, all commodities, both necessities and luxuries. You can easily place all your shopping
in, even you can put all your eggs in one basket , let alone ; the flour , lentils , yeast , onions ,
sugar , coffee , tomato-paste , spices , okra , pepper , in short all your shopping can be
accommodated in this generous vessel , but nay ! Don’t place your bottle of oil with these
things! For the fear that it may get leaked and then make your oil gets out! Yes it may gush

out, and then leave you empty –handed. Then you might abuse the basket and your fate.
This is in my opinion.

Child Abuse courts!

All sons of Adam’s closely relate innocence to kids. Funnily, one writer is quoted as
saying ‘the child is the father of man’. A child in fact, is absolutely sin – free; it is saturated
with innocence from head to toe. This very certificate qualifies him to take the place of man
who might most often waded in sins to the bones. Thus, he is cleaner than man if we highly
consider that quotation.
Child abuse of course, is becoming a kind of entertainment to some human beasts.
They kill in those kids all the traits that man should carry; the courage, generosity, forgiving,
decision making and taking, manly man behavior, and the smartness of both heart and
mood. Those wolves kill all these traits that characterize man, and single him on the lofty to
other creations; the traits that put man on a scale that outweighs that of animals.
What presses on those creatures to satisfy their lust in that disgusting way! They
shouldn’t practice such dirty games. Like such incidents occupy the whole city talk. Women
enjoy their coffee gatherings in those same anecdotes. They, of course, add some spices to
the stew, they pull these stretches of stories into novels of great fiction. They create
beautiful plots and themes to these fairy tales.
One may ask: What is the motive of those tigers in killing those innocent lambs. Yes,
those blank slates. Not, of course, a single guy could justify for those criminals their bad
deeds, whatever the motive; one cannot justify the raping and harassment of those foxes.
What is on, nowadays, accommodates scaring tales of a wolf disguised in a sheep
cloth, whose trap has caught three brothers consecutively. What a pity! What a shame!
Could please suggest a kind of punishment to this ‘this’? If you don’t exaggerate your
banishment, could you suggest any punishment rather the being hanged in public?
Of course, some guys are quoted as justifying those wrong –doers activities. They
say: Those people are not to blame; they do all these films on revenge. They were once
done upon, and now it is their turn to act. They believe in the saying that says: “Do as you
would be done by “. It is their turn to take revenge, but even if it is so the case, why
shouldn’t they sue the actors instead of destroying innocent souls, all courts, of course, are
open for such matters. I myself, I completely reject like such stories, and I attribute it to a
kind of insanity, lunacy, and mad dogs behavior. Yes, absolute rabies, since a mad dog
behaves indifferently. It bites what it can chew.
Typically, it is the case of those hunters. They usually fish in impure waters. They set
traps for their victims in broad day light. It seems that they are dignity-free; their animalism
proportion outweighs their humanistic part, so their animal instinct pushes them swiftly to
mutilate their prey, in that they kill all the many humanistic traits in that destroyed scientist!
Luckily, for the child court that is established recently to defend, fine, and sentence
the guys who commit crimes against those kids, but, in my view, these courts must severely
punish those wrong doers, so the others could consider. This is my opinion.

700 Doctors Protest Salary Raises

Very provoking main sheet, isn’t it? Even it is shocking to some other guys. It is
shocking because nobody on earth is believed to reject an offer of money that is given to
him, whether in day dream or night dreams, never at all is to reject, on the contrary, almost
always people ask for more. It is habit that we had inherited since our Grandpa Oliver’s
Money is described by people in innumerable ways. They say “money is a good
servant, but it is a bad master “. They also go: “money talks and sometimes walks”. Money
of course can avail all necessities of life, even your wife who becomes after the legal
contract, a second party in your company; for the money you have to pay as your dowry.
Money, in fact, makes a rich man’s joke always laughable. Nobody in all the history of all
nations is absolutely caught in a situation that he rejected a sum of money that was given to
What makes this stagnant water moves, is what the 700 Canadian doctors protest in
raising their salaries, they say: ‘We don’t deserve this pay rise. Other workers in the field
deserve this increase ; the junior staff , nurses , medical assistants , and the common worker
are suppose to get this cash promotion, and not we . Wow! Can we say in the same token
It is really a great lesson in the history of humanity, to bury your all sense of selfishness
and reject undeserved pay rise, and to point to the figures that deserve this sum of money. I
believe this is itself generosity. Those guys are so generous to leave room for others to be
promoted and get extra money at their own expense. What a lesson! Don’t you like it!
Among all the nations, we are characterized as being generous guys, however, the
question that poses itself here should be like this: Could any one of us reject like such an
offer? Can we practice a sort of self –denial, and say sorry, not for us, others deserve more
than us. Can we leave room for others to be promoted to carry on their jobs with that
The story that is set by those Canadian doctors is actually a great lesson for all the
humanity the world-wide. It is hopefully that, we and the other nations learn the lesson. We
here in the Sudan actually, earn good salaries, in fact we don’t need any pay rise, but we
don’t know where our salary goes the moment that we collect it. We might be a spending –
spree nation or so, I am not that sure, just guessing. This is in my opinion.

How many Hours does every Guy Spend in Telephoning?

It is more civilized to phone a guy than to call him by a word of a mouth, or at least to
pop up all of a sudden, to that person without dating him in advanced. It saves time to ring
someone, and finish your business in a fraction of some seconds, instead of taking the entire
burden of coming to and fro, and spending a considerable sum of money. A press on the
button of your mobile will suffice you all that consumptions, but too much of everything is
It seems that every guy is exceeding the dose , they call and receive calls that almost
takes most of their waking hours , that is why , most often , when you ring someone , most
probably you find that the line is engaged . You are likely to hear words like: Sorry, this
phone is unreachable at the moment, try again later!
It is likely that the number of mobile pieces exceeds the number of the populations in
our country , since every person has double ones , they usually exchange their usage ; one
to be used at home ,and the other at work , or to vary their functions , they single one of
them to their whatsAPP posts , whereas the other is just for calling . Some guys even
possess three mobiles at the same time, and that third one is just set aside for the
Using mobile phones at work is really annoying, particularly if it is to be used playfully
for very long hours. Some guys call and ring people for no clear reasons, they just ring for
the sake of ringing; they don’t have any clear message that they want to deliver.
There should be some precautions that lessen the usage of these things at work, for
example, a sticker that bans talking excessively at working hours could be good if it
succeeded in stopping like such a phenomenon.
The vast majority of people engage themselves in innumerable kinds of
entertainments that are facilitated by mobile services, to have a lido game is now common
among youth everywhere, the country - wide, other games are also available in this plastic
pieces, but posting the public is now at large, every son of Adam, in fact, can connect
himself with whoever they like. People in fact invaded the world of communication with
that ease. Yes, the world of modernization and globalization. You can call all the day long,
this in condition that you have a service for this calling, lest not to consume a little bit much
money if you can’t afford that.
The questions that remain for a long time unanswered, are: Is having a mobile a necessity
or a luxury? Do many people use this tool wisely? Is it permissible to be used at the expense
of work? Can you imagine life without mobile phones? How do you begin and finish your
calls? What are these white lies people emit via mobiles? A mobile is a double blessing
(good and evil), which do you think outweigh the other? This is in my opinion .

A Funeral for Fuel!

During the American invasion to Iraqi, some modern terms were seen; food for oil
became a common everyday phrase that was widely used in those days. The invaders would
bring the food to a country that is lined and ruled by two long rivers. Those rivers divide
Iraqi into west and east clefts, both parts are rich in availing their food. It is the most ever
known fertile land in the world.
America , in invading this country , set some hard and fast rules to the country that it
colonized , among these rules , the pond of : Food for oil .Thus , America was supposed to
avail food to Iraqi people , and those guys on their turn to hand America their petrol . It was
a very nice accord; food for oil. This hilarious!
Similarly, in a situation that echoes that same story happened only recently here in
the Sudan. During the last crisis of oil, when people turned to queue a fresh to have their
quarter of petrol, at times, it is made impossible to get even a cup of Benzene . The vast
majority turned to the black, since they didn’t find it in the white.
It is really costly this thing these days; it is sold like gold nowadays. Believe it or not,
250 pound a gallon, I am not sure, but I guess so! A lot of anecdotes go like that. All stories
now tell the humorous situations that this crisis yield, but the ever funniest story that is
linked to oil stories, is that of the funeral.
A Hilux ; of the 80s model , approached a station , hopefully to fill his tank and tins of
petrol , at the back a group of young gentle-men circled a pretended to be a funeral . In a
bed that occupied the heart of the engine, covered by triple thick bed-sheets, the perfume
that one inhales, tells the fresh corpse of those guys. What is so strange is that this funeral
has no wailing women; no guy who had to weep this lovely guy.
Queues from all direction push towards that busy station, the workers drip their
sweat in fueling the demonstration of cars. One by one, litre by litre , gallon by gallon , even
they measure with double measures . They satisfy every guy. People here, are bundles of
wants, the more they have the more they want. Every guy is likely to be greedy, they hold
firmly on the proverb that says: “the sea refuses no river “. Thus, they fill with their tanks,
and whatever they have.
The lines tortuously move, but as it is one of the Sudanese traits to permit those who
are suppose to be permitted, they gave the funeral car a chance to fuel them to go with
their corpse. The car now in the very heart of the station, fueling its tank, but during this
operation the late; the dead guy, in smelling the petrol, it sneezed twice. The police, taken
by surprise, hurried then to uncover the dead, to his surprise that the dead man is fully
alive, he is still young and green, he breathes and smells. The police then, felt sorry for the
supplications that he supplicated to the supposed to be dead.
See! How people artistically turn to cheating, they even exaggerate their cheating to
get a peanut. It is not only in examinations that people do cheat. Cheating is everywhere, in
land, sea, and air. This is in my opinion.

ATMs should be changed to Stalls of Perfume!

Hey! Can you tell me of an ATM that allows me to draw some banknotes? Where is
that? Can you show me the way? How I can find my way to that? Of course, being
accustomed to milk your money from these machines turned us lazy, we don’t keep money
on us, since ATMs are availed. Yes, these electronic wallets are available. It is everybody’s
talk these days that drawing some banknotes from ATMs makes our pound more expensive
than that paper which is called ‘dollar’. Really you can hardly draw yourself some pounds to
consume, and then take your turn in the queue to renew the cycle.
Where has our money gone? It is completely under the ground. We draw, and we pull,
but we fish nothing, only peanuts. Where is our money? Can anybody tell me where? Of
course, we cannot sue that skimpy machine, and we cannot complain as well.
Our money is totally imprisoned in these metal cells. It is firmly ironed in these places.
Once in these days , I set out to hunt some coins from an ATM , I had fifty pounds ; one
paper , and I started my journey , I visited around thirteen ATMs , believe it or not , I spent
forty-five pounds in this hard journey , I was left with just five pounds, and I drew nothing
except 13 big zeros . I didn’t have my dinner, or at least a cup of tea.
I started my journey back , without any return ticket , sometimes I told myself , if it
happens to spot a new ATM , I’ll dice with this remained paper . Alas! In that far mirage,
very foggy I saw one. It is totally new. I tapped my body to inform him that, this is in really;
there is no room for illusion! It is a new erected ATM. I had to dice with that last shot. Only,
no heads or tails! Although , I have to keep the remains , I paid the conductor the last shot,
then set my sweaty body down , I felt the earth with my dirty feet , my slippers hardly stick
themselves between my toes , I dragged the body , heading towards the thing . It is actually
an ATM. Yes, it is an ATM, with capital letters .Only some sixteen guys are queuing. I
booked the 17th empty seat.
I wiped the dusty sweat from my forehead, and then I asked in a weak whisper: Is
there something in it? A nod of a head put me at rest. The snaky queue creeps towards the
target. I looked at every drawer as a so- fortunate guy, in a bird’s eye I peep at their money,
of course, involuntary; I count with them their money, wishing to have as their turn of luck.
Alas! After a couple of hours, I became a thousandaire. Taken by surprise, I inserted my card
in the other way round direction, but after two trials, I caught a sizeable catch. Five hundred
pounds! How lucky I am! I kept my money firmly, and I made my right hand a body guard to
my front pocket, because if it happens to lose this money then I will be nobody!
A good suggestion! These ATMs should be invested in perfumes; these are so
profitable, I myself I will buy from you with this money that I drew a minute ago. They are
the most visited places these days, and I believe in the coming Ramadan a lot of guys will
take a nap at them. Hey! May I entreat you to care for their air-conditioning? Please, do!
This is in my opinion.

Having not to own a Car is also a Blessing!

All people, in unbroken line, have ambitions that compel them to set targets and goals
to achieve. To decide upon a certain line of study is part of this highest scheme that you
plan to carry out. Finishing your study which is almost, a means to an end, then you begin to
sow for that big harvest.
Among your biggest dreams is that you sweat to have a spacious smart house, a very nice
pretty green garden, a luxurious bombastic car, and of course very sweet lovely guys in this
paradise of yours, together with your sweet heart. This is, of course, what every guy is
dreaming of. Every Tom and Dick dreams day and night to have these belongings, and
luxurious means of life.
Having a car, in fact, represents top priority on the list of our needs. Possessing a car is,
of course, a necessity rather than a luxury. Here, in this densely populated city, it is difficult
to fight for a seat in public transport, since they are usually overloaded and crowded; at
times you cannot find room for one foot, particularly if you are in a hurry and pressed on
time. So, having your own car will make you a master of yourself, release your tension, and
put you at ease.
Possessing a car, makes you avoid critical situations and stations; if someone in your
family suddenly has got sick, at a time that finding a car is very difficult. Then, your car will
just save and solve the problem. A part from this situation, your very old people, who need
your help in getting them in and out, they highly need your car to take them to their
errands, of course, to and fro.
I dream of having a luxurious car of my own, but it seems that the mercury of reaching
that is always shooting up; it is typically like mirage, when you creep towards it, it fades
away, and then the pursuit is in a non-stop. Thus, I am in a continuous postponing to hunt
that car, although the refreshing of the dreams in great renewal every now and then. A turn
of luck might put me in one bombastic brand new one; Allah is generous! One day you
might find me driving at speed of 120 mile per hour in one of Khartoum highway streets.
Who knows! Then, the guys; the public could ask me: When did you buy this luxurious car?
How come? How did you afford buying that? People usually wouldn’t let you alone with
such things. Curiosity, rather compel them distill their questions to investigate the matter to
that end until they get the fact of that new car of yours.
Hey! Alas! I’ve decided to give up dreaming of such a thing .Nay! Not in a rejection of a
cat-milk proverb, but in practicing a smooth logic; if I own a car, how could I run it? Of
course, I drive, but the running cost! Its fuel, the petrol, the oil, the what! These days we can
spot a lot of cars parked in the no - where. Cars, cars, everywhere but not a seat to take! It’s
all a result of petrol crisis.
Snaky lines of cars ,large vehicles, public transport carriages , together with investment
machines , all creep towards petrol-stations in tortoise paces; lucky for smart phones that
became tools of entertainment for them before all else, it seems that they spend at least 20
something hours a day ,breaking and parking for this black gold. Drivers scrape

acquaintances, they chat with their newly got neighbours, the front ones and the behind.
Thus, some of these customers held very strong relations with their new strange neighbours
; Yes, neighbours of luck. Some, by necessity, stay the whole night long at those stations.
They smoke, and puff their sadness in those clouds of smoke. The rest may be taking their
quid and getting some naps before they complete the round.
Alas! I decide to postpone buying a car, till the emergence of solar energy cars. I work
all the day long, how can I afford to dice with the night in hunting that thing? Hey! Stop that
horn of your car please; I am having a severe terrible headache. You will have your turn
anyway. This is in my opinion.

No Liquidity! Why?

Hey! Have you any money on you by chance? I am dying of hunger. Could you spare
me some coins to get a sandwich? All ATMs stuck stickers that say: “Sorry! This machine is
out of service at the moment”. Alas! Our money is kept behind the bars; a prisoner. Not a
single penny that you can draw. Total bankruptcy, although we have money at the banks,
but we couldn’t see much of it. What a dilemma! Now, being without money is a great bless.
All Jacks are the same, being legendary rich or poor to that end, is all the same, both kinds
of guys, sail in the same boat. Yes, they are all a like these days. All are run out of money.
Tarnishing your shoes, needs well budgeting, you have to have some coins that are
well saved beforehand for this service .All cry, no liquidity. You cannot get much money
from a bank these days. That is good, it a sort of compulsory saving. One can see his money
in the bank sits restfully in that air-conditioned place; it is really safe in the safe, but it is out
of reach at the moment. It is hilarious, that you can see your money in front of your very
eyes, but you cannot touch it. It looks typically like mirage, you can spot it in front of you,
but whenever you towards it, it moves still further distance backwards.
The bank doesn’t cost itself that much effort to convince its clients, they just suffice
themselves with this economical phrase, ‘no liquidity’. The ATMs on their turn make you
return empty - handed, you insert your card, and then you fish nothing ,but you highly
practice your English a little bit when a catchy phrase occupy your eyes ; ‘ THIS ATM IS OUT
OF SERVICE AT THE MOMENT ’. Very nice phrase, brilliant, terrific, wonderful, smart,
beautiful, splendid, nice, excellent, and fantastic, isn’t it? Just imagine, someone who has
got fatigue and fed –up when he failed to collect some from the bank, and turned to try his
luck in drawing some countable money via the ATM, then that very phrase eye –lined his
eyes. What a wonderful phrase!
Who on earth, has dictated these machines those negative vacuum expressions; ‘no
liquidity’ ‘this machine is out of service at the moment’, and that harsh ‘sorry ‘. Yes,
sometimes when you drag your torn out body in the queue , then you creep , and optimism
balloon your hopes that you get a chance of meeting the teller , but when your turn comes ,
then they meet you very toothy ; sorry ! Time is over. Come tomorrow! Then you shoulder
your misfortune and drag yourself back in slow motion, of course, thinking all the way in
your return journey. How come! I have to borrow; a lot is waiting for me. The daily school
pocket money, the daily fees of my wife, the public transportation change, and my nice
sandwich banknotes, my…his…their…. Alas! I don’t want to borrow much more than that,
lest I can’t fulfill paying it back. Hey! How much is the dollar today? I can’t believe it. You
said: Twenty- something? What a thing! Unbelievable! But, where is our money? A puzzle! It
becomes more expensive than a dollar, isn’t it? This is in my opinion.

OUS, Now Stretching its Hands in All Directions!

In this point of time, our country succeeded to avail seats for all those who want to
continue their education, of course, at all levels and in all possible domains. A number of
universities were established to meet the needs of students the country wide. Among these
institutions Open University of the Sudan which is founded mainly for this purpose, to be
specific, it is founded in 2003, to admit students on the basis of open and distant learning.
This is all to serve the society, holding on a motto that says: Education for all.
Open education is now in many countries , Britain and South Africa can prominently
singled as countries dealing with this type of education . The Sudan isn’t an isolated country
from the whole globe; it started practicing this blended type of education since the date
stated above, and since then, it scored big hits when it comes to the availing of chances of
OUS, is now stretching its hands longer, pointing its fingers in all directions; the ten, of
course. In every direction that it points it leaves a perfume that stays for a time. The people
then cling to this odor; fill their lungs to the full, asking the many whys of this new move
that changed the face of this institution. Alas! Things are no longer as they were. The winds
of change; a change from the very traditional to the mere fact of smartness, the Internet of
things, electronic examinations, the engineering of financial matters, electronic salaries and
wages, electronic of what and what! Yes, electronic of all things. In short, every sun rise
witnesses an event that worth mentioning.
The one who is that traditional could find it a scary dream in a very dark night. Hey!
Wake up, wipe your eyes, stretch your hands, don’t stay hand- folded, kick away that
laziness that handicapped you in these ice ages. Alas! It is time for work. All work and no
In fact, no one can deny that prof. Abd – Ar –Roaf has succeeded in stirring the stagnant
waters in that spot . Very energetic he heads towards his targets, he weighs matters times
and times again, and then he takes and makes decisions. He is a real strategic planner to the
bones. He looks and penetrates the barriers towards his targets.
Applying his strategic ideas into two semi- desert places and he happened to turn them
into nice spots of tourism. Many tourists headed to these universities attracted by the
spectacular scenery design that was mapped by this real engineer.
OUS is thus being promised to have some beautification surgical operations. No
cosmetics but, natural beautification make-up. All in a bee –hive, industriously sweating to
execute their duties that are spearhead by the electronic examinations. Yes, the electronic
exams in their first birthday. Hey! Are you tying your belt tight? We are ready for the
mission. This is in my opinion.

Physicians Claim that They Could Determine the Date of

Hey! Play away! One can simply tell those claimers. They are terribly deceived.
Kidding! Who told them? This is none of their business to claim that they can do. They
should, of course, read their book twice before they start to act. They should calculate their
sums beforehand, and before all else, they should think and rethink before they act.
What did they say? Are those guys serious? Are they really gonna tell when is
doomsday? It is here, in front of me, in one of the most widely spread daily papers .It says: A
recent study at Harvard University claims that it is expected that the World will end in that
same way it started; this is via the great explosion.
The theories that are connected with the way of the end of the Earth Planet went
as saying that, this is either to happen due to Nucleolus Wars that possibly to lead to a
catastrophic collision with a comet or the slow vanishing in the dark.
Only God is concerned with such matters; that of the last day, and some others, like
when and where a person dies, or knowing the sex of a new born and rainy condition. Such
matters are entirely God’s concern; no son’s of Adam is to think of such things.
Though the claim of those physicians does not seem reasonable, but a turn to the
signs of doomsday is now at large. Building so many stories high is possessed by every Tom
and Dick, the style of fashionable clothing is a competition in broad daylight. Yes, always
wear in naked fashion, of course, both sexes. The behavior and manners of the new
generations, isn’t that of their predecessors, the sort of crimes that people commit, both in
quantity and quality are not to match with those of the old generations.
When one contemplates what is on, or what is going around, they think that, this is
doomsday itself! Yes, you cannot avoid missing a sign that indicates doomsday in everyday
life, going to the market; you will hear and see the many sets of these. Honesty is sacrificed,
lying is just turned to a white one, we vow for just the simplest matter to show our ragged
cloth and broken threads of honesty. Life is totally changed ; the closeness and the sense of
the togetherness and family ties , is but a whatsApp posting ; we meet always in smart
phones , of course , for hours , and we neglect our duties towards the God and ourselves .
Alas! Life is diminishing, it’s torn, the shooting up of the unjustifiable prices, the crises
of both oil, and butane gas, caring for the ethics of the job, difficulties in using public
transport, accepting each other as one nation in one country. It is our own gain; we did it
with our hands .Is there among us a one who says: we love the Sudan, viva the Sudan? No.
Not the majority. This is in my opinion.
Do pray thy God!
Thy head, not! Nod
Deeds always, right
Do what you might

Doomsday; of, think
So, think; then ink
Don’t go as when
Or else count, ten
Let it, comes
When it comes
Be ready ‘for’ that
Or else, wear a hat!
The sun, then ahead
See, how you’re fed

Really! 300 Fake Doctors in Khartoum! Are you serious?

We’ve heard a lot of forged things; like gold, or banknotes, money, and the many
other forgeable things, but to leak the ceilings of other domains and penetrate into those
reputable positions is something that we hardly heard of. Why do some guys like to disguise
themselves into camouflages just to gain dirty money? How can one dare to erect himself a
boss with a fake stethoscope? What presses him to do so? He should have chosen a
profession that is near to his real field, if he has really a real field or domain.
Yesterday’s newspapers saturated the atmosphere, and perfumed the weather of this
country with this piece of news; ‘300 FAKE DOCTORS IN KHARTOUM’. How dare those guys
make themselves bosses to treat the sons of Adam? It’s unbelievable that one behaves as
so. It’s total insanity to act in this way. Don’t you fear your God! It is very annoying to take a
degree in the broad day light without really sweating for it. Where did you document your
certificates? How is the accreditation of your so- certificates satisfying your ambition?
It is very astonishing, that this number is growing every day. It is miraculous that some
of those gentlemen are carrying post –graduate degrees; yes, specialist in the many various
diseases. I.e. some are pediatricians; they treat children, the dearest guys to us; the fruit of
our hearts, and the most beloved fleshy innocence in society. Some are specialized in
women diseases. Each, of course, has chosen himself a disease to make it a source of living.
Why in particular do those guys have chosen this profession? It seems to me their
choice has been decided since this turns to be easy for them. They just match the symptoms
with medication; yes, they mix the poison with the fat. Like such guys, are very cultured.
They attentively listen to many diagnosed patients who excessively tell subconsciously their
history, just to carbon copy them, and then they apply their complaints to their victims.
What a catastrophe! Such a man will do more harm than good.
Sure, like such a guy will get very little money for his business and trade. A whole ticket
and medication may hardly reach fifty-something, and if he is a total vegetarian and
herbalist, his complete service might cost fractions of piastres .
How dare those creatures climb the ladder of medicine! It’s hilarious! Do they also
treat their relatives in that same way? Do they prescribe them, or just set them free after
their diagnosis? How do they react when their relatives step in for treatment, and see that
their doctor is only a wolf disguised in a sheep’s cloth?

The Double Blessings of the Internet!

The Internet is now, in every house, irrespective of its whereabouts. Even at the very
far remote places, you can find access to your search. Almost every aspect of life is typed
and printed in the World Wide Web, you can easy Google and probe the world in a fraction
of seconds, of course, in one click.
Collecting information isn’t a difficult thing in this world of modernization and
globalization, you just, have to dictate your search point and then Google it out. This kind of
search used to take people ages to find out their searching points, and most probably, he
might only collect peanuts of what he is seeking. Nowadays, everything is available, close at
hand; it only costs a little effort that could be done by the first finger .Yes, that one
neighbors your thumb. A right click, could broadly supply you with limitless kind of
knowledge and information that suffices you and unquestionably meets your queries.
The Internet in fact turns life easier than it used to be, it facilitates all aspects of life.
Doing shopping might be done in bed, lying at your back, you can get whatever you order,
and then it could be sent to you instantly from door to door. A part from reading or
searching a topic, you can indulge into entertainment games; cards, lido, chess, and many
Of course, as a natural law, everything has sets of advantages and disadvantages; pros
and cons. The Internet, in fact, is not an exception, it has.
It can be used for good or evil. Without enumerating either, one should consider the whys
of the Internet. Now, every Tom and Dick uses the Internet excessively for no clear and good
purpose, they just probe the world, and stop at some stations without concentration on
what they are actually accessing. The Internet is a double sided weapon, good and evil. Yes,
good or evil.
Looking at the limitations of this aspect of technology, we shouldn’t focus on things,
such as damaging the eye-sight, or robbing the family’s time. We have to penetrate the area
of the misusage of this hidden poison that is implanted in to convert people and change
their ideas of their traditions and customs. You can easily find a poison that is hidden in the
fat, very pejorative things are lurking here and there, a black treasure that is buried for you
to shovel out the dust, and to bring it to the surface. Many traps are set; you might trip,
trespass or pass.
Knowing how to manage and adjust your time is something of great importance , it is a
real investment if you use your time efficiently , make yourself agenda , and even set
priority lines to what you are taking at a time , one by one , following the motto “ first comes
, first served “. Not everything that is loaded in the net is of that great value.” A hen is not
altogether eaten with its feathers”. Sieve things out! This is the real challenge in the world
of the Internet. Pardon! If it doesn’t come to your liking, forgive me. This is in my opinion.

The Greatest Sport you can ever do, is Walking!

Hey! Are you an athlete? Since then, when do you practice this game? Does your
family know that? I beg your pardon, are you fast in waking? Oh! It seems that I am in a
habit of hallucination. What makes me wade as such in waking?
These dreaming questions, made me recall that long walk trip I experienced once. All on
a hot day, it was baking sun made the birds intentionally land on the heads of the
pedestrians. The birds in completely trusted the passersby, in seek of a shadowy refuge they
landed there. Not only the birds, but the other animals forgot their total hatred with the
guys and came closer to protect themselves of this heat of May.
I myself, I don’t drive, and then I am usually a known customer to the public transport.
I most often book seats that enable me leaf through my newspapers, because I always take
a tight time –table, it’s generally an 8 to 9 job. By then I consume all my fuel; energy less I
could describe myself. In the total absence of the public transport I usually find myself in an
indescribable situation. In most cases I don’t hesitate to fight my way to the end.
During this fuel crisis, public transportation is highly affected. Hardly you can find a
caravan to your cite. Much uninvested time is always lost waiting an unexpected gold
chance. It is in that sunny stations, many people hang hopes to be home before the last
prayers, to develop thinking of tomorrow’s hard dry trips.
Your hero-if you accept this of me- was once, experienced a hard footing journey. Not
in that far mirage a carriage is seen, the sound of an engine is but a dream, deafening
silence. A sunny seating condition, all in a densely populated patch, each inch was occupied
with guys; to fan yourself couldn’t be possible without fanning the neighbours . Long hours
are the waiting! Being a son of a cattle breeder, I could practice walking to the full, but the
recently led life of modernization robbed the energetic tissues out of the outer bag of me, I
am no longer that I, but still there is something of me that could fight for some considerable
Upon deciphering the self-fed query, I decided to walk the whole journey long. Turning
up my trousers , shouldering the strapped bag , fitting the walking shoes , then thought of
that the mile journey begins with a pace .Alas ! I became a total pedestrian. Yes, a hitch-
The starting point is the end of Obied Khatim Street towards the north, and the end is
the Smart University, approximately it takes two-hour walk. I , first , started very slowly ,
then I quicken the paces ,just not the right fit for me , but anyway , at my strongest, I took
over many guys most of who are youth . Yes, absolutely youth of today.
I passionately enrolled in that footing trip, first slowly, then I turned on and off the
gears, I felt like I had my passion. Walking is a kind of sport that every guy should practice.
One day you might be forced and cornered to do it, whether you accepted it or refused. I
am sure that someday you will have your own great story to tell! All in all, I have reached my
intended destination after that hard walk. Out of breath had I, then sat to puff out my
fatigue, relaxed a bit before that sweet shower I had had, then I saw that in walking there is

a kind of great sport. Thank God! For this lack of oil made me walk that route! This is in my

The Kingdom of the Ants!

Allah almighty created the universe with its all living and the non-living, this creation is
highly classed and categorized by the creator. The cat family includes even the king of the
forest which modestly accepts this classification, and it doesn’t deny its belonging to this
weak animal category. Thus, all creatures are classed in this manner.
Man, of course, particularly here in the Sudan, has classed himself into what we call
tribes,Shigia , Hadundwa , Gulien ,etc .Although ancient kingdoms were founded in the past
remote history of the Sudan. The kingdom of Noba , and that of Kosh , El- Fonj, but tribes
were also there . The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a unique example of this categorization.
Kings and princes are roaming their kingdom length and width. The ancient history of tribal
background extended back to many ages known in the KSA.
A part from the sons of Adam, insects established their kingdoms. In fact, the vast
majority of these insects are very meticulous in building their lodgings. Bees, for example,
organize their kingdom better than us; sons of Adam and Eve. The queen is highly held
within the kingdom, she is fantastically distinguished, and she runs her kingdom beautifully,
whereas the other members respectfully obey the rules set for the kingdom. They build
themselves barracks that accommodate all in the family without any exception.
A lot many insects have categorized their kingdoms. Ants, for example, carefully set the
foundation stone of their kingdom, they dig deep holes, and they build sizeable stores for
their strategic storage they are usually on the move, they smartly divide their duties among
them. In summer they collect their food and store it well, since they usually vacate in winter.
During their work, they beautifully move in rows and lines, in a workaholic manner that
rhythmically help them collect their stuff, very industriously they do their job without any
contradiction on their roles , they come and go harmoniously like a classical music , or else
like cars in highways at traffic jams . They take whatever suits them for feeding. Sorghum
and wheat are their top preference. But, generally speaking, they eat whatever their eyes
lay on; from a cockroach to gecko.
In the cold season, they sit idly doing nothing, but to consume what they have already
collected during the other seasons, this season, it might also be their mating season, in
which they plan for increasing their number so as to keep their kind.
Ants of course, on their turn, tribe themselves into many different kinds; the black ants,
white ants, sugar ants, and the many others. Sugar ants are always found in toilets, they
chase the diabetics. They usually find in their urine a delicious dish, though the name is
inviting, sugar ants have nothing to connect them directly with pure white sugar, it just a
name, on more.
The question that poses itself here is that: Do all species of ants consume sugar? Do they
hungrily devour sweet stuff such as sugar? If the answer is yes, how much sugar suffice
them? I mean, how many sacks do they consume per month? It is really hilarious! That ants
share us the consumption of sugar. Do they also take tea? Tell me please, if they take tea, so

that I can spare myself some tea, because I cannot do without tea. I am a Shaigi ;I can’t
imagine life without tea . Hey! Keep that sugar out of the way! The ants will eat it. This is in
my opinion.

Transmitting the Culture of Independence!

Hi guys! Let’s rejoice the national day of our country. Yes, the 1st of January. It really
makes a twofold of the strands that twist two great events that make us celebrate the 31
night of December continuously to meet with the creepy fingers of the dawn of the 1 st of
January. This marks sharply our independence day, together with the beginning of the New
This is what we get accustomed to, and inherited from our ancestors. They used to hang
their flags in the broad day light, they decorate the whole skies of these nice symbolic
colours . A nice bamboo makes that flag hover beautifully on the roofs of the vast majority
of the everywhere guys. They chant the anthem. Yes, the national songs, and recall the
memory back and back again.
Celebrating ‘Independence Day’ becomes like the big two other Eids; that of Ramadan
and the big Eid. People start to prepare for it like its predecessors, for example, they buy
flags to their kids, and prepare all the necessary things that they need in their picnics and
trips. A ram, of course, is the main character in this occasion, buying a ram becomes a must
in such an occasion. Alas! We have to avail two rams a year; this is apart from a ram of a
naming ceremony if you still give birth.
People only enjoy the holidays , but nobody at all take the chance to tell their youth
about the actual movements the really caused this respectable occasion , and it seems that
the young generations on their turn are not that interested to be lectured on such a story.
They take it in doses in their w-groups, but the whatsAPP will sometimes exaggerate the
matter, and it more waters down things, but in the end they will have it, true or false they
will have it.
Because people turn to have quick flashes of everything, and since it is time of quickness,
we have to inform them with some sandwiches and snacks of our independence. How did it
come? Who was actually behind it? Who wrote the national songs and the anthem? We
should tell all these things and others. In fact there should be videos and documented films
to recall the lurked memories of Dr. Ali Shumo generation, and simultaneously inform the
globalization generations , who are in much need to know about the independence of their
beloved country.This is in my opinion. Many returns! Hopefully that we may celebrate the
hundredth .

Heart Specialist is at the Heart of the Ministry of Higher

Miraculously, is that the position of the heart to human body, and even all living
things that they have the same place it is, in fact, the organ that throbs vitality all through
the body is the heart. If it stops gushing blood all through, then life would become
impossible. It is sure then, life to stop as well.
Operating machines have their engines, to what replaces the heart in human beings; a
computer has a CPU to act as a throbbing heart to operate it and keep it throbbing with that
vitality. Whatever on earth, it has this organ to operate it lively vividness.
The Ministry of Higher Education, is by far, considered a throbbing heart to the whole
country; whatever a country, its intellectuality is measured by its cadres and those who have
powerful calibers. Those of higher education are typically on top of the ladder of these
professions. The vast majourity of researchers are typically its cadres. Researchers, of
course, are pillars in the skeleton of the whole nation. Their researches what is considered
actually to push forward the wheels of the machine.
Melisa, has reached where it reaches now, only by the effort of its researchers. They
were budgeted with what was enough for them to go ahead with their job. They on their
turn “hit the nail upon the head”. They have turned the impossible into a possible; they set
their message clearly at the broad day light. They have their motto. Tell the truth, all the
truth, nothing but the truth. The state of researching which Melisa has chosen as road map
for renascence has turned to be a turning point in the history of this country.
Now, a guy who is highly qualified is nominated in the heart of this ministry, which he
well deserves it. Why not , and he is a direct descendant of a famous and reputable
historical house , not only that , it is a house that made us breathe that blessing of freedom
and liberty . The Mahadists , who had driven the invaders who robbed our country for
decades . The guy is a pure Mahadist , the son of Al-Imam El-Hadi ( God save his soul ),and
above all else he treats people’s hearts ; so, he will lead the ministry to the best . Dr. AL –
Saddig is too enthusiastic to hold the job, and to my great knowledge he will make great
success in this ministry, and he will complete what prof. Somaya ( the iron lady ) has
planned. We then, have to express our gratitude to both ministers; the present and the
predecessor, for shouldering the burden of working in this very important spot, hopefully
that our ministry may rocket in the lofty. Searching and researching the country wide. This is
in my opinion.

The Advantages of the E-Examinations!

Hey! Don’t scare me of this dreadful word. EXAMINATIONS! I usually hate being told
of. Even its remembrance makes me giddy, and at times, it causes me nausea. To be sitting
an exam is always, of a sense to me, that is typically like being sentenced to death; not that
big difference between the two penalties.
Examinations, in fact, are a kind of a hidden ghost. The mere thinking of it, gives one a
sort of fever, a rise in temperature, loss of appetite, nightmares, and bad sleep. Most of the
failures, I believe, fail their targets because they develop a sort of hysteria that stands
between them and their exams. Leave the victims in a great gap. They stand handicapped to
act positively with their examinations.
Many guys describe this phenomenon as the cancer of the age. It is a sweet sort of
punishment that examiners (examination - setters) imposed on the examinees, it seems that
they weren’t experienced this experience. They have to change this habit, since they were
once plagued with it. But, alas! The problem is likely to be solved. There in the far distance
appears the shadow of the electronic examinations. Yes, the e-exams for short. But, what is
that e-examination that everybody is talking about?
Alas! A nail is driven in the coffin of the paper- and - pencil exams. It is the modernization
of technology era. The vast majority of things are computerized, until the age of the Internet
of things comes a crystal clear fact. Now, we profoundly enjoy this new creation. Then, the
issue of examinations is not an exception. Exams, now, are no longer that great headache,
particularly after the adoption of the electronic exams, but what are these electronic
examinations that every Tom and Dick is talking about these days?
An electronic examination, in fact, is a medium to assess the learnt subjects,
electronically, of course. No pencil at all is to be used, except only as a pointer, also no
papers are to be seen, except for side calculations or figuring out some digits in some
mathematical sums. In fact , all what concerns the exam and its scoring is automated and
computerized ; it all depends solely on the input and the learners’ output .Thus , the
feedback will be gained in that ground .
Usually, the advantages of the electronic examinations outweigh the disadvantages.
This new styling of examinations, will highly saves the time in all its phases. Of course, the
time will be fixed and determined beforehand. The country- wide can start the exam
simultaneously at approximately the same hour. The computer then won’t allow the
examinees to access or exit apart from the time limit. It is a machine that works out of that
human emotive bias. It doesn’t differentiate between who and who. It just gives its results
in a wink of an eye. Yep! Just in a fraction of a second. The second advantage is that it
lessens the costs of the examinations; no papers, no answer books, marking pens, pencils,
blue pens, and the many thrifty annoying invigilators. Third, comes the instant scoring and
the result will be directly after collecting the last examination paper. Last but not least, like
such a kind of examinations, compels the student to sweat to highly pass the exams, it

presses on them, to closely and meticulously read their subjects if they have to trespass the
terrible curve of this sort of assessment.
OUS, in fact, has paved the way to the all other institutions. The university held its last
examinations electronically and of course, the country –wide. The university, in fact, has a
branch in every state. The vice – chancellor in that great compulsion, he is highly insisted on
having it electronically. At the end of the day, he has pretty well succeeded to crown his
sweat in that great success of these examinations in all the states, to take the honor of
being the first guy who executed this unique type of exams, in innumerable centers; for
more than 20,000 students, in real times of hardship, and luckily, on serious complains are
reported! We have nothing more to offer than engrave prof. Abd – Araof a word of
CONGRATULATIONS! For this big hit, and that courageous step he has taken. This is in my

Boycotting Cuts in the Meat!

In most services, when the service does not meet the liking of the folk, or it is not
availed, people almost always try to seek the many roads possible to find way out. They try
all possible ways. They tolerate and take more patience to pass the matter peacefully,
usually thinking of the drawbacks that might jump in case of taking a solid action, one may
prefer to zip his mouth and let things smoothly turn on.
A saying that goes: ‘Everything has a season’, isn’t really good for nothing. In fact, things
come and go. In the summer, you usually find what suits the hot season, in winter, when
people are cold they then chase the blankets as a refuge.
A chameleon orients itself to whatever a habitat; it changes colour to where it stays, it
lives in that harmonious new spectrum, enjoying whatever condition that it chooses; even if
it is black or white. Whereas man is a different thing, he most often rides the boat of his
moods; today it sails in different waters than it sailed yesterday, then it anchors at a port
different than that of the other days.
The anecdote that circulates these days is the boycotting of meat. It is a way of denying
the mal service of this business. All the people in this big city now decided to stop buying
this commodity, they turn on their sleeves, and made Bogart oath not to touch that a near-
to cloned - thing. In America, people buy two different kinds of meat; cloned or not cloned
one. This is what made me remember this stuff. Yes, how can we meet the meat? I don’t
think we can.
Alas! The game is done; people really and readily started boycotting buying meat, it
started a few days ago, now the film is on. People, in passing by, they gaze to the thing,
some guys may mime a kissing goodbye to those red tables. Those boycotters are telling
themselves that, this business is getting rotten. Yes, if they decide to leave it like that, it will
sure to get rotten. It will not even be safe for cats feeding. I am not here to belittle the cats,
but I am sure the situation will be very nasty and rotten. Meat to be unsold for a couple of
days; how is it gonna be? Sure it will get smelly, it smells like a released wind; isn’t it like
that? It is , in away.
The question that may remain boils in one’s head is that: Why just meat? What about
the other many things? Aren’t they shooting up as well? I see that the hurricane of the
escalating up of things must be treated in that same way. Let this meat to be a great lesson
to the folk, if it comes down, and then let’s try a new subject, then one more new thing, the
third, up to the end of the list. If we take it all like that, then we can pull all things down to
earth. Do you agree? Are you with us? Hey! Look, I smell roasted meat; very fresh, it comes
from this direction. Could you smell it, too Sabir ? This is in my opinion.

The ‘Electronic Examinations’ is now a Reality!

I most often hear my grandpa uttering words of wisdom. These words could equate
whole lessons. Once, I heard him murmured what I thought a tongue – twister; ‘nothing
succeed like success ‘! Yep! ‘When there is a will there is a way’.
Being always innovative is an indication of success; in fact, trespassing traditionalism is
placing on foot at least in the territory of success. To xemplify, that primitive way of making
fire via friction, is now part of history. Typing via traditional type-writers is now an anecdote.
Writing letters is now a fable. Man is a bundle of wants, the more he has, the more he
wants. Man is naturally innovative, he usually seeks modernization; he always likes it new.
Yesterday’s bread, in fact, is not usually his cup of tea.
Living in this era of rapid technological change, one watches that things are on a move.
Things never stay still in this world of sudden hurricanes. Every sun rise emerges with
something totally new than that of yesterdays. Look back for the past years! Was our
application for university admission, the same as it is today? Admission now is very easy
compared with what used to be, and is only fair to be via computational operations .Now,
staying at home, you can apply and safe your money, effort, and time.
Of course, the emergence of the Electronic Government will automate the vast
majority of things, electronic – passport, e- pilgrimage, e-banking operations, e – learning,
the e – of all things. By the way, what are the e-examinations that everybody is talking
about? Tell me please about these e-examinations!
A pioneering fortress for this kind of examinations is the Open University of the Sudan
(OUS). This university, which practices open kind of education, every sun rise comes with
new innovative mode of learning or a mode that facilitate the learning operation. Of course,
this institution makes it easy for those who want continue their higher education. What
makes it unique of all those universities we have, that it reaches the students wherever they
go; it avails them the necessary sufficient help needed, thereby it fully helps and serves the
OUS, is by far, considered a unique institution in executing the electronic
examinations, for the whole subjects, no exceptions at all to be look back at. This is itself a
credit to this university since it took a daring step towards modernization and innovation, to
culminate very soon into a sweet smart university.
This university is now rapidly rocketing towards the scope of smartness, targeting a
title of a Smart University which it highly deserves. E-examinations are now a reality to this
institution. A number of workshops were held. The process of establishing these exams is
fantastically finalized, now these exams turned a reality after seeing them in that far mirage.
Million thanks to the energetic vice-chancellor of this university, Prof Abdu- Roaf who never
rests unless a problem in question is utterly solved. A bundle of thanks is also presented to
the skillful team who set this work a holy target .Dr. Hitham , and the pieces of the beads
that decorate his neck. This is in my opinion.

The Most Fortunate Journalist!

Muawad was a brilliant student that brilliance was a result of accumulated

experience at all levels, but the peak was clearly seen at the secondary school, where he
was highly considered by both his school mates and his teachers alike. He was a subject of
nomination at all activities of his school. No guy was to miss him in what an activity, and not
just to be a member in that society, but either to be the head or a general secretary.
Anyway, he was in every tongue, of course, for good deeds and highly respected good
manners, a reputable guy to the bones.
Sitting for the Sudanese certificate , he scored highly , and successfully admitted at the
faculty of Information , then his faculties were flourished at this college , his previous
expertise put him directly into the right track to cultivate that ripen fruit of that exerted
effort . He was turned highly cultured, since he was an avid reader at his first steps of
schooling, this helped him to indulge into this habit later, and he couldn’t pass a day without
practicing this lovely hobby.
At home, he was a referent guy, all the people of his neighboring refer to him in unclear-
cut matters. He was full of wisdom to answer his folk.
Alas! This icon is graduated, awarded a certificate, excellent in the overall grade. All in
the family was happy for that graduation. Rams are slaughtered, dates are scattered, and
different kinds of sweets are introduced. The occasion was highly celebrated, although
casually, but it served the incident.
The game then began; the game of hunting a job. All people, of course, at the end of the
day, sweat to get a highly powered job that meets their needs. Muawad , of course , isn’t an
exception .
Muawad , in fact , applied to too many jobs advertised, but usually luck didn’t turn to
him , he even tried posts that were not in his domain , but it all seemed that he was not
lucky enough to get the job .What was so good in that guy he didn’t show signs of surrender
, he doesn’t give up easily , he usually applies to whatever is advertised , hopefully that he
might get a chance .
The turning point then in his life started to flash. An advertisement that is cited in most
of the daily newspapers, kindly asked, those who are required to apply for a post of a
journalist. He started to prepare himself for the interview. His previous interviews put him
into disbelieving state to interviews; he started to distrust interviews. He thought that
interviews are just good for nothing. Anyway, he started preparation to the so –called
interview. He prepared some cultural questions, these of sport, military ranks, names of
ambassadors, the whole governors of the States, some minister’s names, particularly those
of the Ministries of Culture and Information; Federal and States.
He depends solely on newspapers to get his answers to all these queries. All the daily
papers are daily checked for this purpose. To his great luck; he happened to pick up an
English Newspaper, it is the only Newspaper that is written in English. Just , the night before

the interview he focused on the headlines of this English newspaper , he then got to know
that this newspaper is called Sudan Vision , he also got acquainted to its celebration date ,
and when it was started publication , all these things and some others were collected . To
that guy surprise, all these points were asked in the interview. Lucky then, Muawad , was
top in the short list , and then he was appointed , recruited , and highly trusted in the
newspaper premises . Thanks for Sudan Vision that allowed him that gold chance, which
served a turning point in his life. This is in my opinion.

The Voluntary Return should be for all!

The density of Khartoum State populations, it isn’t a by chance coincidence. It mainly

attributes to the ever-lasting pour in journeys in this mushrooming triangular city. Surveys in
this scope reflected a non-stop rush of daily fresh trips to this sacred destination. Sons of
Adam and Eve, of course, of all ages, plan their strategies to hunt a legal or a shanty dwell,
or at least as a first step in, they have to hire a shadow for their families.
It is really very crowded here; 7 peoples per inch. I am exaggerating the phenomenon,
but the unintended gatherings are all through, everywhere; to the far extended eye-sight
you spot the guys queuing in rows, coming and going in endless missions. It is a twenty-four-
hour active missions, in shifts and non-shifts. Many purposelessly roam the streets;
aimlessly they plan to fish whatever is caught by their eyes.
We are really that big nation, some censuses rated us so, although some families made it
a hide and seek game, for the fear of being bewitched, and they intentionally hid some of
the kids, specially the big families. They might pay a sum per head lest not to be thoroughly
counted. Thus, the people that we spot couldn’t match with the censuses results.
This large crowdedness put this spot into a near to lack and short of services , they turn
everything to state of scarcity ; to exemplify , butane gas comes and goes .Oil, witnessed an
un-preceded hits . Sugar climbed up the ladder to put itself into the lofty. This is all because
of the unplanned emigrations of the gentle guys to these densely populated cities.
A study approximately figures out a 100+familes immigrate to this State. They come for
a one –way journey, they never at all to return, they come for good, and after taking lodging
they disperse themselves to hunt their morsel. They photo-copy their papers plus a recent
resume, and file them to be distributed to wherever, and whoever they are recommended
to go. They never give up hope that easily, or surrender. They repetitively visit to check their
luck. Yes, to see if the fish is firmly hooked in the fishing line or not.
Rural areas now suffer reversely from these random trips. Sometimes, a whole village
might be in need of a guy to kill a snake for them, although a woman there may act manly in
such situations, but men in fact are needed here to cultivate the land, to breed the cattle
and the herds of sheep, to grow the different kinds of vegetables, and to burn the logs of
wood into cooking coal. Anyway, they have to voluntary come back to their home land, to
be masters of themselves, produce whatever they like to produce, live a life of that much
comfort, and above all to be real icons in their local society.
Not only war torn areas are requested to practice the game of that ‘voluntary return’,
those who are bitten by the ache of modernism, those who are intended to leave their
home land to lead a somewhat risky life. They most often come without any prescribed job;
they just have it a head or tail, they dice with whatever for their luck. They have to return
home very soon. So, a voluntary return should be for every guy who has left his home town,
travelling to the world of the unknown. This is in my opinion.


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