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What are the challenges of digital

10 major challenges for digital marketers are:
1: learning abour your customers.
2: generating qualified leads.
3: Managing cash flow.
4: Creating engaging content.
5: complying with privacy and data-sharing regulations.
6: Making websites accessible.
7: strategizing mobile-first.
8: Establishing an omnichannel marketing strategy.
9: Maintaining brand consistency and authority.
10: Staying current with google's alogrithms.

Digital marketing matters!

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Company: Tiki E-commerce

Business Objectives
 Be nationally recognized as one of the largest online retailers in Vietnam, achieve
in sales and get profitability as well
as improving consumer shopping experience. 

Marketing Objectives

 Develop product awareness

 Engage with consumers
 Encourage consumers to visit the website
 Ensure repeated purchase

Digital Marketing Objectives 

 Expand online presence by creating a 100% digital strategy to apply and

reach the target market.
 Become a known online option for your business’ publicity objectives. 

Achieving digital marketing objectives

Communication tools recommended to achieve the goals

 Google ads and SEO
 TVC & PR Ads
 Social networking sites
 KOL & Celebrities
 Social Media Ads

Your firm’s digital marketing activities

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Company Background
ETAG is the umbrella organisation for the tourism sector in Edinburgh. They are a
virtual organisation, with no staff or office space. Their activities are primarily
funded and supported by Scottish Enterprise, which provides staff resource and
project funding.  
ETAG’s activity focuses on 3 main areas: Market Intelligence, Business
Development, Networking
Their aim is to create a strong tourism community that works together to deliver
sustainable growth for your business, a great experience for the visitor and
economic benefits for the city and Scotland as a whole.

Digital Marketing Activities

When it comes to digital marketing activities, the Edinburgh-based firm employs

content marketing, social media marketing, email marketing, and digital events
 ETAG creates relevant contents on their website and shares them through social
media marketing (another digital marketing activity). They provide news, articles,
and blogs on their online platforms (website etc.) to boost traffic and retain
audience interest. Another form of digital marketing activity that ETAG engages on
is through social media marketing. They engage with their audience on platforms
such as Twitter and LinkedIn to keep the target market up to date and to show that
their business is open to communicate. 
ETAG also provides an option for readers to sign up for their mailing list. Once
details have been provided, ETAG will send content and updates through the
user’s email regularly. 
ETAG runs a series of technology and digital events, called ETAG events, to help
their audience determine which tech solutions suit their businesses. This is in line
with their business development activity wherein they provide digital consultancy for

Threats & Solutions

1. Negative Reviews – Since ETAG utilizes Social Media Marketing, they must
watch out for reviews or comments on their sites. They’ll need to respond to
each comment and address the issue appropriately as to not affect their goal
– which is to create a strong tourism community. Taking responsibility for the
said reviews could turn from being a negative review, to a positive one. 
2. Cyber insecurity - Organizations email accounts could be used by hackers to
distribute spam messages that carry viruses thereby causing sites to be
blocked by the system of the organizations concerned for the security of
other websites on their server. Persistent appearance of this threat can make
these sites to be blacklisted, blocked and the email advertising/promotion
stopped. The solution to this is to employ strict cyber security and regular
monitoring of their system.
3. Uncertainty and Misrepresentation – ETAG would have to be careful with
their content and be aware of trending issues to make sensitive articles that
would not be misrepresented. There is much uncertainty as to how your
content will be received and perceived so ETAG would need to be clear on
what they want to convey and how they’d want to appear to their audience. 

Products in the real world

Core product: The Google Home app helps you set up and control Google Nest or
Home speakers and displays, and Chromecast.

Extended value:

 Notifications – Choose which app notifications you want to receive.

 Digital Wellbeing – Manage your Digital Wellbeing settings.
 Routines – Create and manage routines for your device.
 Nest Wifi – Manage your Nest Wifi, Google Wifi, or OnHub network name,
password, and settings.
 Nest Aware – Manage subscription and features.
 Digital value: 
 You can control all  the devices digitally.

Firm-generated content vs user-

generated content
Information is a basis for content marketing. Content marketing is an
important element of any digital marketing strategy. It is defined as a process
which involves planning, creating, publishing and disseminating content aimed
at stimulating target consumers’ interest in a firm and its offering.
For digital marketers, content is important because it adds value to products
offered. It is suitable to all firms regardless of their size or the sector in which
they operate. It is a powerful brand-building tool, which can set enterprise

There are two main different types of content:

o Firm-generated content (FGC), which is content created and

disseminated by a firm (e.g. product description)
o User-generated content (UGC), which is content created and
disseminated by consumers (e.g. online product review)

Both FGC and UGC can take form of text-based content and graphical/video

Text-based content includes all textual information. For example text

information provided on a company’s webpage or social media, blog post,
interview, etc.

Graphical content on the other hand is information displayed in a visual way.

Your infographics and posters developed in previous activities are examples
of graphical content. Videos and photos are other examples of graphical
content used by firms.

Good content characteristics

What are the characteristics of good content?

Content is one of the most important elements of digital marketing strategy.

Successful marketers know how to develop engaging content which will
capture their consumers’ attention and which will add value to firm’s offering.

Good content
is clever, current, innovative, inspiring, daring, surprising, reactive, usef
ul and/or helpful as well as being visually beautiful!

SEO =getting into natural listings

Tip: Be the best answer

PPS= paying to be in the ads

Tip: Know what a sale is worth to you and measure
(Dùng google analytics)

User experience (UX)

Technology is changing rapidly. This signifies not only technological
advancements but also a drive to improve user experience (UX). Online user
experience refers to the quality of user interaction in an online environment.

Digital marketers should strive to provide users with positive and rewarding
user experience. UX consists of a number of elements, which are depicted in
the UX Honeycomb diagram presented below.

Digital Strategy for Scotland

In summary, the Scottish Government digital strategy is aimed at:

o offering digital support for businesses to help them become

internationally competitive
o supporting digital transformation by delivering public services that meet
the needs of the public
o making sure we are well positioned to support change and innovation
through the effective use of data
o developing a robust, secure and trustworthy digital identity mechanism
so that an individual can demonstrate their identity online
o developing standards and assurances that will help others meet digital
best practice standards
o improving and extending our broadband and mobile networks to benefit
communities and businesses across Scotland
o increasing digital participation by helping communities develop digital
skills and confidence
o making sure Scotland is a world leader in cyber resilience, with a global
reputation for being a secure place to work, learn and do business
o introducing the Digital, Data and Technology profession in the Scottish
Government and striving to attract, recruit and retain diverse talent in our
digital workforce
o using data linkage to realise the value of existing data.

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