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Your question:

Subject: Business - Other

Course: Add


This question was created from marketing case study.docx

Answer from your tutor:

EarlSpider2209 Answered 4 hours ago

Question 1

It is important to measure marketing effectiveness in order to ensure that marketing

campaigns are achieving their desired objectives and are providing a positive return on
investment (ROI). By measuring marketing effectiveness, businesses can fine-tune their
marketing strategies and tactics to improve results. Additionally, measuring marketing
effectiveness can help businesses to allocate their marketing budgets more effectively.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the success of apparently intuitive marketers
such as Richard Branson. One factor is that they have a deep understanding of their
customers and what they want and need. Additionally, they are able to tap into trends and
understand how to market to their target audience. Additionally, they are able to take risks
and be creative in their marketing campaigns.

Another factor that contributes to the success of apparently intuitive marketers is that they are
able to learn from their mistakes. They are not afraid to experiment and try new things.
Additionally, they are always looking for ways to improve their marketing campaigns.
Additionally, they are able to adapt quickly to changes in the marketplace.

Question 2

Marketing efficiency is a measure of how well a company's marketing resources are being
used. Marketing effectiveness is a measure of how well the company's marketing is working.

Marketing efficiency is concerned with how well a company uses its marketing resources,
while marketing effectiveness is concerned with how well the company's marketing actually
works. Marketing effectiveness looks at the results of marketing campaigns and activities,
while marketing efficiency looks at how well those campaigns and activities are planned and

In general, a company wants to be both efficient and effective in its marketing. However,
there may be times when a company needs to focus more on one than the other. For example,
a company may need to increase its marketing efficiency if it is not getting the most out of its
marketing budget. Alternatively, a company may need to increase its marketing effectiveness
if its marketing campaigns are not achieving the desired results.

Question 3
Brand equity is the value of a brand that is created through marketing activities. It is difficult
to measure because it is based on consumers' perceptions, which can be difficult to quantify.
Additionally, there are many factors that can affect brand equity, such as the quality of the
product, the strength of the marketing campaign, and the overall reputation of the company.

Question 4

The elements of the marketing environment are:

1) The macro-environment: This includes factors such as economic conditions, political

factors, social trends, and technological developments.

2) The micro-environment: This includes factors such as the company's competitors,

suppliers, distributors, and customers.

3) The internal environment: This includes factors such as the company's resources,
capabilities, and culture.

4) The marketing mix: This includes the company's marketing strategy, product mix, pricing
strategy, and promotion strategy.

5) The external environment: This includes factors such as the macro-environment and the

Question 5

Marketing scanning is required for the organization in order to identify opportunities and
threats in the environment, and to develop marketing strategies that will exploit opportunities
and counter threats. Marketing scanning also helps the organization to keep abreast of
changes in the environment and to adapt its marketing strategies accordingly.


1. Helps identify opportunities and threats in the environment

2. Helps develop marketing strategies to exploit opportunities and counter threats

3. Helps keep abreast of changes in the environment

4. Helps adapt marketing strategies in response to changes in the environment

5. Helps assess the impact of environmental changes on the organization.


Question 1

There are a number of ways to measure marketing effectiveness. One common method is to
track changes in brand awareness or brand preference before and after a marketing campaign.
Other methods include measuring changes in sales volume or web traffic, or tracking
customer surveys or customer feedback. Additionally, businesses can use marketing mix
modeling to analyze the impact of marketing campaigns on key business metrics.

When measuring marketing effectiveness, it is important to choose the right metrics to track.
The metrics should be aligned with the objectives of the marketing campaign. Additionally,
businesses should establish a baseline for measurement and track progress over time.

Measuring marketing effectiveness can be a complex task, but it is important to do in order to

ensure that marketing campaigns are achieving their desired objectives. By tracking the right
metrics, businesses can fine-tune their marketing strategies and tactics to improve results.

There are a number of factors that contribute to the success of apparently intuitive marketers
such as Richard Branson. One factor is that they have a deep understanding of their
customers and what they want and need. Additionally, they are able to tap into trends and
understand how to market to their target audience. Additionally, they are able to take risks
and be creative in their marketing campaigns.

Another factor that contributes to the success of apparently intuitive marketers is that they are
able to learn from their mistakes. They are not afraid to experiment and try new things.
Additionally, they are always looking for ways to improve their marketing campaigns.
Additionally, they are able to adapt quickly to changes in the marketplace.

Question 2

Marketing efficiency is a measure of how well a company's marketing resources are being
used. Marketing effectiveness is a measure of how well the company's marketing is working.
Marketing scanning is required for the organization in order to identify opportunities and
threats in the environment, and to develop marketing strategies that will exploit opportunities
and counter threats. Marketing scanning also helps the organization to keep abreast of
changes in the environment and to adapt its marketing strategies accordingly.

Marketing efficiency is concerned with how well a company uses its marketing resources,
while marketing effectiveness is concerned with how well the company's marketing actually
works. Marketing effectiveness looks at the results of marketing campaigns and activities,
while marketing efficiency looks at how well those campaigns and activities are planned and

In general, a company wants to be both efficient and effective in its marketing. However,
there may be times when a company needs to focus more on one than the other. For example,
a company may need to increase its marketing efficiency if it is not getting the most out of its
marketing budget. Alternatively, a company may need to increase its marketing effectiveness
if its marketing campaigns are not achieving the desired results.

Question 3

Brand equity is the value of a brand that is created through marketing activities. It is difficult
to measure because it is based on consumers' perceptions, which can be difficult to quantify.
Additionally, there are many factors that can affect brand equity, such as the quality of the
product, the strength of the marketing campaign, and the overall reputation of the company.

Question 4

The elements of the marketing environment are:

1) The macro-environment: This includes factors such as economic conditions, political

factors, social trends, and technological developments.

2) The micro-environment: This includes factors such as the company's competitors,

suppliers, distributors, and customers.

3) The internal environment: This includes factors such as the company's resources,
capabilities, and culture.

4) The marketing mix: This includes the company's marketing strategy, product mix, pricing
strategy, and promotion strategy.

5) The external environment: This includes factors such as the macro-environment and the

The macro-environment refers to the larger forces at work in the economy that can impact a
company's performance. The micro-environment consists of the company's immediate
surroundings, such as its competitors, suppliers, distributors, and customers. The internal
environment is made up of the company's resources, capabilities, and culture. The marketing
mix is the combination of the company's marketing strategy, product mix, pricing strategy,
and promotion strategy. The external environment includes both the macro-environment and
the micro-environment. 

Question 5

Marketing scanning is required for the organization in order to identify opportunities and
threats in the environment, and to develop marketing strategies that will exploit opportunities
and counter threats. Marketing scanning also helps the organization to keep abreast of
changes in the environment and to adapt its marketing strategies accordingly.

1. Helps identify opportunities and threats in the environment: Marketing scanning helps
identify opportunities and threats in the environment so that the organization can develop
marketing strategies to exploit opportunities and counter threats.

2. Helps develop marketing strategies to exploit opportunities and counter threats: Marketing
scanning helps develop marketing strategies to exploit opportunities and counter threats.

3. Helps keep abreast of changes in the environment: Marketing scanning helps keep abreast
of changes in the environment so that the organization can adapt its marketing strategies in
response to changes in the environment.

4. Helps adapt marketing strategies in response to changes in the environment: Marketing

scanning helps adapt marketing strategies in response to changes in the environment.

5. Helps assess the impact of environmental changes on the organization: Marketing scanning
helps assess the impact of environmental changes on the organization so that the organization
can adapt its marketing strategies in response to changes in the environment.

6. Helps monitor the performance of marketing strategies: Marketing scanning helps monitor
the performance of marketing strategies so that the organization can assess the effectiveness
of its marketing strategies.

7. Helps identify new trends and developments in the environment: Marketing scanning helps
identify new trends and developments in the environment so that the organization can adapt
its marketing strategies in response to changes in the environment.

8. Helps assess the potential of new products and services: Marketing scanning helps assess
the potential of new products and services so that the organization can introduce new
products and services that are likely to be successful in the market.

9. Helps monitor the competition: Marketing scanning helps monitor the competition so that
the organization can develop marketing strategies to counter the competition.

10. Helps assess the effectiveness of marketing campaigns: Marketing scanning helps assess
the effectiveness of marketing campaigns so that the organization can improve the
effectiveness of its marketing campaigns.

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