Custom Quick Builds

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2 / u “Hound”

Vigilant Tracker / 5

After a friendly small ship in your p gains a


deplete or strain token, if you have no tokens of that 2

q 2 type, you may transfer that token to yourself. Y Seventh Fleet Gunner
Fire Convergence: While a friendly ship performs a non- While another friendly ship
^1 p attack, if the defender is in your p, you may spend 1 performs a primary attack, if the g1
g. If you do, the attacker rerolls up to 2 attack dice. defender is in your firing arc, you
&8 may spend 1 g. If you do, the attacker rolls
1 additional die, to a maximum of 4. During
*2 the System Phase, you may gain 1 disarm
token to recover 1 g.
g 2`
Y Agile Gunner
h 0(2)` During the End Phase, you may rotate
your p indicator.

= o W u Yoda
After another friendly ship at
range 0-2 fully executes a purple o
maneuver or performs a purple
f i l R action, you may spend 1 h. If you +2h`
do, that ship recovers 1 h.

4 / u Mace Windu
Harsh Traditionalist \ 4

After you fully execute a red maneuver, recover


1 h. 2
{2 Fine-tuned Controls: After you fully execute a maneuver,
you may spend 1 h to perform a b or r action.
nm While
Calibrated Laser Targeting
you perform a primary attack,
if the defender is in your }, add 1 f
*1 result.

h 3` A u R4-P17
After you fully execute a red
maneuver, you may spend 1 g to g2
perform an action, even while

b F Heightened Perception
At the start of the Engagement Phase,
you may spend 1 h. If you do, engage at
f e l r initiative 7 instead of your standard initiative
value this phase.
5 / u Obi-Wan Kenobi
Guardian of the Republic \ 5


After a friendly ship at range 0-2 spends a

focus token, you may spend 1 h. If you do, that ship 2
{2 gains 1 focus token.
Fine-tuned Controls: After you fully execute a maneuver,
^3 you may spend 1 h to perform a b or r action.
* 1(2) m Shield Upgrade
h 3`
nm While
Calibrated Laser Targeting
you perform a primary attack,
if the defender is in your }, add 1 f
E Predator
While you perform a primary attack, if
f e l r the defender is in your }, you may reroll 1
attack die.

6 / u Anakin Skywalker
Hero of the Republic : 6


After you fully execute a maneuver, if there is an

enemy ship in your { at range 0-1 or in your }, you 3
{2 may spend 1 h to remove 1 stress token. P Proton Torpedoes
Attack (l): Spend 1 g.
^1 Plated Hull: While you defend, if you are not critically Change 1 d result to a c { 4

damaged, change 1 c result to a d result.

result. ? 2-3
&5 g2
*3 U Dorsal Turret
h 3` p 2

A Decrease theR4difficulty
of your speed 1-2
basic maneuvers (4, 7, 8, 9, 6). R
R Y u Clone Commander Cody F Shattering Shot
After you perform an attack that While you perform an attack, if the
missed, if 1 or more d/c results were attack is obstructed by an obstacle or the
f l r = neutralized, the defender gains 1 strain defender is at range 0 of an obstacle, you
token. may spend 1 h to add 1 f result.

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