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Summative Assessment

Tic Tac Toe

Creativity Empathy Connection
Design your own animal with adaptations Create a conversation. Create a Carroll Diagram

Imagine animal A has shifted to animal B's place. Create a

conversation between them about the habitat, adaptation, adjustment,
Choose a habitat, design a creature that can thrive in your habitat
food etc.
.Illustrate your unique animal and label the its body adaptations (You can present the conversation using a comic strip, PowerPoint or Compare the features of any two habitats and two animal adaptation of
(Animal should be one that has NEVER before been discovered) any other visual presentation) your choice .Present the connection between habitats and animal
adaptation using a Carroll diagram

Knowledgeable Appreciation Tolerance

Mono act
Plot the migration route across the world Create a poem or a song

Plot the annual migration route of an bird/animal of your choice in

Create a poem or a song to express the feelings or beauty of an animal
a world map. in its habitat.
Imagine yourself as an animal/bird showcase a mono act expressing the
You can use the following websites for research care, concern and struggle the animal undergo to survive in its due to
Be creative with your words and include figurative global warming and other human activities. You should also include the
(Acrostic poem, Shape poem) specific adaptation the animal poses to survive in its habitat
Use color legends to show different months

Form Curiosity Thinker

Diorama Making Research Experiment/Investigation

Create an effective sculpture diorama that represents a Work through the scientific method to complete your Research - Find a
strange plant or animal that is unusual to you. Research its biome and Model various bird beak adaptations to different objects or manipulatives
particular habitat or biome. Appropriately include a camouflaged
adaptation. that we find around us.
animal that would be found in the habitat or biome depicted. Contact your teacher for the supporting documents to conduct experiment
Contact your teacher for the supporting documents to collect and
organize your research data ,tabulate your observation and inference

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