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Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

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Target fuels for plutonium and minor actinide transmutation in

pressurized water reactors
J. Washington a, J. King a,⇑, Z. Shayer b
Nuclear Science and Engineering Program, Colorado School of Mines, 1500 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401, USA
Department of Physics, Colorado School of Mines, 1500 Illinois St., Golden, CO 80401, USA

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 We evaluate transmutation fuels for

plutonium and minor actinide
destruction in LWRs.
 We model a modified AP1000 fuel
assembly in SCALE6.1.
 We evaluate spectral shift absorber
coatings to improve transmutation

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The average nuclear power plant produces twenty metric tons of used nuclear fuel per year, containing
Received 7 May 2016 approximately 95 wt% uranium, 1 wt% plutonium, and 4 wt% fission products and transuranic elements.
Received in revised form 23 November 2016 Fast reactors are a preferred option for the transmutation of plutonium and minor actinides; however, an
Accepted 28 November 2016
optimistic deployment time of at least 20 years indicates a need for a nearer-term solution. This study
Available online 18 December 2016
considers a method for plutonium and minor actinide transmutation in existing light water reactors
and evaluates a variety of transmutation fuels to provide a common basis for comparison and to deter-
mine if any single target fuel provides superior transmutation properties. A model developed using the
NEWT module in the SCALE 6.1 code package provided performance data for the burnup of the target fuel
rods in the present study. The target fuels (MOX, PuO2, Pu3Si2, PuN, PuUZrH, PuZrH, PuZrHTh, and PuZrO2)
are evaluated over a 1400 Effective Full Power Days (EFPD) interval to ensure each assembly remained
critical over the entire burnup period. The MOX (5 wt% PuO2), Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th1.08, and PuZrO2MgO (8 wt
% Pu) fuels result in the highest rate of plutonium transmutation with the lowest rate of curium-244 pro-
duction. This study selected eleven different burnable absorbers (B4C, CdO, Dy2O3, Er2O3, Eu2O3, Gd2O3,
HfO2, In2O3, Lu2O3, Sm2O3, and TaC) for evaluation as spectral shift absorber coatings on the outside of
the fuel pellets to determine if an absorber coating can improve the transmutation properties of the tar-
get fuels. The PuZrO2MgO (8 wt% Pu) target fuel with a coating of Lu2O3 resulted in the highest rate of
plutonium transmutation with the greatest reduction in curium-244 production.
Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The average nuclear power plant produces twenty metric tons

of used nuclear fuel per year, containing approximately 95 wt%
⇑ Corresponding author.
uranium, 1 wt% plutonium, and 4 wt% fission products and
E-mail addresses: (J. Washington),
(J. King), (Z. Shayer).
transuranic elements (Bruno and Ewing, 2006). The transuranic
0029-5493/Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
54 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

elements contained within this used fuel produce 33% of the total a mixture of minor actinides that would be present in reprocessed
activity remaining after 20 years of cooling (Department of Energy, used fuel rods. For the purposes of this study, the minor actinides
2002). Since 90–100% of the residual heat produced by used fuel consist of neptunium, americium, and curium.
after the first sixty years originates from the radioactive decay of The three target fuels with the most significant plutonium and
the actinides (specifically plutonium and americium), the design minor actinide transmutation rates are also evaluated with a spec-
basis lifetime of storage or disposal facilities could be greatly tral shift coating. A spectral shift coating is a material which
reduced if the actinide components of used fuel did not require absorbs neutrons of a specific energy window, thereby adjusting
storage or disposal (Wigeland et al., 2006). the overall neutron energy spectrum seen by the underlying mate-
Radiotoxicity is a measure of a radioactive substance’s ability to rial, in this case, a target fuel. Spectral shift absorbers may be used
do damage to a person through radiation emitted inside of a body to shift the effective neutron energy spectrum of a reactor core by
(International Standard, 1999). Radiotoxicity is calculated as the increasing the absorption of neutrons in a certain energy range, at
mass sum of a set of radionuclides each multiplied by a dose con- the penalty of decreasing the overall flux (Duderstadt and
version factor, and is one of the factors which is considered during Hamilton, 1976). A spectral shift absorber with a high cross-
the storage and disposal of radioactive materials (Piet, 2013). One section in a specific energy range will tend to remove neutrons
of the ways to reduce the requirements for a storage or disposal of that energy from the system (Duderstadt and Hamilton, 1976;
facility is to recycle and fission the plutonium from used LWR fuel, Trellue, 2006; Tsvetkov et al., 2008). The removal of these neutrons
which can reduce the radiotoxicity of the fuel by a factor of up to from the energy spectrum results in a ‘‘shift” towards the energy
ten (Salvatores, 2004). The removal or fission of the minor acti- ranges which are less affected by the burnable absorber
nides from used fuel can further reduce the radiotoxicity of the (Duderstadt and Hamilton, 1976; Trellue, 2006; Tsvetkov et al.,
residual used fuel by up to a factor of one hundred (Salvatores, 2008). Fuel choice may also be used to shift the neutron energy
2004). The fission of these actinide products can be accomplished spectrum, as transuranic fueled systems tend to exhibit a spectral
in nuclear reactors, in particle accelerators, or by simply letting shift towards a harder neutron spectrum compared to uranium
radioactive decay occur. fueled systems (Trellue, 2006; Tsvetkov et al., 2008). Spectral shift
The potential for plutonium refinement from used fuel causes absorbers are used in this study to provide a method to increase
concern from a nuclear weapons proliferation standpoint the relative amount of fast flux seen by the target fuels in an
(Peryoga et al., 2005). Although plutonium may be used for nuclear attempt to mimic a fast reactor environment. Eleven different
weapons, it is also a potential source of fissile fuel for nuclear reac- spectral shift coatings are evaluated to determine if the application
tors, resulting in a more efficient neutron economy than uranium of these materials on the target fuels will increase the rate of acti-
or thorium in a reactor environment (Duderstadt and Hamilton, nide transmutation.
1976). The combined separation of plutonium and minor actinides
(americium, curium, and neptunium) from the uranium and fission
products in used fuel improves proliferation resistance compared 2. Background
to the extraction of plutonium alone, as the combination of minor
actinides and plutonium requires additional refinement before the Previous studies have considered these fuels for either pluto-
plutonium can be used for a fissile nuclear weapon (Chang, 2009; nium transmutation alone or a combination of plutonium and
Sahin et al., 2009). The combination of plutonium and minor acti- minor actinide transmutation. A brief overview of the AP1000
nides can be fabricated into a transmutation fuel with reduced pro- Robust Fuel Assembly is included as it serves as the basis for the
liferation risks compared to pure plutonium fuel (Chang, 2009). models used in the present study.
Fast reactors are generally a preferred option for the transmuta- The use of plutonium fuel in light water reactors may be consid-
tion of plutonium and minor actinides; however, an optimistic ered as a partial solution for used nuclear fuel disposition, and as
deployment time of at least 20 years indicates a need for a an alternative to vitrification and disposal (Galperin, 1995). Pluto-
nearer-term solution (Salvatores and Palmiotti, 2011). As an nium may be retrieved from used nuclear fuel through a standard
interim solution to the nuclear waste problem, this study assesses PUREX reprocessing method which can separate uranium and plu-
the feasibility of incorporating plutonium and minor actinide bear- tonium from used fuel and provides the source material for recy-
ing target fuel rods into existing Pressurized light Water Reactor cled or transmutation fuel (Özdemir et al., 2011). Though
(PWR) fuel elements, in order to reduce the stockpile of these reprocessing used nuclear fuel for the purposes of plutonium
materials. To determine if it is reasonable to use current or extraction poses a proliferation risk, the ratio of even numbered
advanced LWR technology to transmute actinides, various fuel plutonium isotopes to odd numbered isotopes in the used fuel
types and configurations are evaluated with respect to their trans- can mitigate this risk (Peryoga et al., 2005; Sagara et al., 2005). A
mutation properties. The evaluation is performed using the West- quantity of plutonium-238 is especially useful as a large source
inghouse AP1000 17  17 XL Robust Fuel Assembly design of thermal energy which makes handling the fuel more difficult
(described in Section 3), which is representative of the numerous (Chang, 2009; Peryoga et al., 2005; Sagara et al., 2005). Studies
operating PWRs in the United States. This evaluation considers pri- have shown that an addition of plutonium-238 which is 5 wt% of
marily the transmutation of plutonium and secondarily the trans- the total mass of plutonium can prevent the use of a bare pluto-
mutation of minor actinides in a twice-through fuel cycle. The nium sphere for explosives development (Peryoga et al., 2005).
objective of this study is to reduce the quantity of plutonium while The IAEA considers any plutonium which contains 80 wt% or more
minimizing the production of minor actinides to improve reposi- of plutonium-238 to be exempt from proliferation concerns
tory performance (Kessler, 2002). (Peryoga et al., 2005). The inclusion of minor actinides in pluto-
This paper provides an overview of sixteen fuels, with and with- nium fuel also increases the proliferation resistance of the repro-
out initial minor actinides, as potential transmutation target fuels. cessed fuels by diluting the plutonium as well as providing
The fuels evaluated in this study represent the spectrum of fuels additional heat generation from americium-241 (Chang, 2009;
used in other studies for transmutation purposes. These target Peryoga et al., 2005; Ronen et al., 2010; Sagara et al., 2005).
fuels are placed in the central instrumentation channel of an Currently, Mixed OXide (MOX) fuel is the only transmutation
AP1000 Robust Fuel Assembly to provide similar simulation condi- fuel commonly used in LWRs (Galperin, 1995). Though MOX fuel
tions for each fuel. The target fuels with initial minor actinides are may be useful in existing PWR reactors in the United States, it is
simulated by replacing a portion of the plutonium in the fuel with only routinely used in reactors in other countries (Trellue, 2006).
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 55

While MOX is the only transmutation fuel currently used in exist- hydride fuels resulted in correspondingly higher fractions of trans-
ing nuclear reactors, a variety of other transmutation fuels have uranic transmutation (Ganda, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009). A
been evaluated in nuclear reactor simulations by an equal variety thorium-free plutonium zirconium hydride fuel achieved a trans-
of authors. Many of the previous studies contrast the transmuta- uranic destruction of nearly 64 wt% and the zirconium-free, pluto-
tion fuels with MOX as a comparison to a real world transmutation nium thorium hydride fuel transmuted nearly 36 wt% of its initial
fuel. The following sub-sections discuss these other transmutation transuranic content (Ganda, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009).
fuels. Plutonium zirconium hydride (PuZrH) was evaluated with a
neptunium hydride fraction replacing the fertile thorium hydride
2.1. Candidate fuels component contrasting the effectiveness of the fuel with and with-
out thorium hydride (Ganda, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009). This
Various configurations of MOX fuel have been evaluated for use fuel type provides higher transuranic destruction ratios compared
in LWRs (Galperin, 1995; Kessler, G., 2002). MOX usually has a plu- to PUZH or thorium plutonium zirconium hydride fuel (Ganda,
tonium content of less than 12 wt%, typically 5–8 wt% (Trellue, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009). In comparison with MOX fuel, at
2006). The plutonium ratios in MOX fuel vary depending on the comparable conditions, PuZrH results in a lower quantity of fissile
initial uranium enrichment, reactor type, and the fuel’s discharge plutonium isotopes, 22 wt% for PuZrH compared to 25 wt% for
burnup (Bairiot et al., 1991; Fridman and Kliem, 2011; Özdemir MOX (Ganda, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009). The uranium-free
et al., 2011). Although MOX fuel is the only transmutation fuel cur- hydride allows for multiple recycles of plutonium in PWRs
rently used in nuclear reactors, it is not the only fuel undergoing (Ganda, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009). As a recyclable fuel, PuZrH
research nor is it without potential problems. One problem with results in a plutonium transmutation rate of 64 wt% for the first
MOX fuel is the production of additional plutonium from the ura- recycle, which reaches an equilibrium rate of 20 wt% after multiple
nium portion of the fuel during irradiation (Fetterman, 2009; recycles (Ganda, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009).
Fridman and Kliem, 2011). Replacing the uranium oxide portion Another method for the transmutation of plutonium makes use
of MOX fuel with thorium oxide eliminates the generation of addi- of inert matrix oxide fuels, such as PuO2-ThO2-Al2O3-MgO and
tional plutonium (Fridman and Kliem, 2011). The use of thorium PuO2-ZrO2(Y,Gd)-Al2O3-MgO, rather than uranium oxide contain-
MOX fuels would require a higher initial fissile loading when com- ing fuels (Akie et al., 1995). A uranium-free inert matrix fuel can
pared to uranium MOX fuels but would result in a higher pluto- result in up to 2.5 times the destruction of plutonium when com-
nium transmutation rate (Fridman and Kliem, 2011; Galperin, pared with MOX fuel, primarily due to the lack of plutonium gen-
1995). An evaluation of thorium MOX fuel in a conventional West- eration (Lombardi et al., 2008). A two-dimensional core calculation
inghouse PWR, compared to both standard uranium oxide and predicted the transmutation of 83 wt% of the total plutonium in a
MOX fuels, indicated transuranic transmutation rates which were plutonium inert matrix fuel, PuO2-ZrO2(Y,Gd)-Al2O3-MgO, during a
a factor of 1.5 higher than a standard MOX core (Fridman and 1400 day irradiation period (Akie et al., 1995).
Kliem, 2011). The thorium MOX fuel produced a significant quan- Each of the fuel types mentioned in this section was evaluated
tity of uranium-233, but resulted in the destruction of nearly sixty under different simulation conditions. A detailed comparison
percent of the initial plutonium in the fuel (Fridman and Kliem, requires these fuels to be simulated under similar conditions. The
2011). fuel assembly for the AP1000 PWR was selected as a representative
A plutonium uranium zirconium hydride fuel (PUZH) was com- system for this comparison because it is a modern fuel design for
pared to MOX fuels in an AP1000 PWR core (Ganda, 2008; Ganda current generation pressurized water reactors.
and Greenspan, 2009; Greenspan et al., 2009). Varying the pitch
to diameter ratio of these two fuels produced a maximum burnup 2.2. Robust fuel assembly
of 75 GWd/tHM for MOX and 125 GWd/tHM for PUZH (Ganda,
2008; Ganda and Greenspan, 2009; Greenspan et al., 2009). The The Westinghouse Advanced Passive PWR (AP1000) is an itera-
optimum pitch to diameter ratio was smaller for the PUZH fuel tive design based on the AP600 (Westinghouse, 2003). The AP1000
than for the MOX fuel, 1.5–1.7 compared to 1.7–1.9, respectively, design operates at 3400 MWth and contains 157 XL Robust fuel
due to the increased quantity of hydrogen and the lower inventory assemblies (Westinghouse, 2011). The XL Robust fuel assembly
of initial heavy metals in the PUZH fuel (Ganda, 2008; Ganda and design evolved from the Robust fuel assembly and from the VAN-
Greenspan, 2009; Greenspan et al., 2009). The PUZH fuel produced TAGE+, VANTAGE 5, and VANTAGE 5 HYBRID designs
a quantity of neptunium-237, americium-243, and curium-245 (Westinghouse, 2011). The AP1000 XL Robust fuel assemblies have
which was 39 wt% smaller than that produced by the MOX fuel an active fuel length of 4.27 m but also employ four of the interme-
while transmuting approximately 53 wt% of the initial plutonium diate flow mixing grids found in the Robust fuel assembly
(Ganda, 2008; Ganda and Greenspan, 2009; Greenspan et al., (Westinghouse, 2011). The XL Robust fuel assembly is arranged
2009). The highest rate of plutonium transmutation, 57.7 wt%, in a 17 by 17 grid with 264 fuel rod positions, 24 guide thimbles
was achieved with PUZH fuel with a pitch to diameter ratio of for control rods, and one central guide thimble for core instrumen-
1.7 (Ganda, 2008; Ganda and Greenspan, 2009; Greenspan et al., tation (see Fig. 2.1) (Westinghouse, 2011). The fuel rods are filled
2009). The optimized configuration of the theoretical PWR core with uranium oxide fuel pellets at 95.5% of theoretical density with
fueled with PUZH produced approximately twice the plutonium 2.35, 3.40, or 4.45 wt% enrichment depending on the location of
transmutation of MOX in a similar configuration (115 GWd/tHM the assembly within the core (Westinghouse, 2011). The UO2 fuel
vs 55 GWd/tHM) (Ganda, 2008; Ganda and Greenspan, 2009; pellets are 0.98 cm (0.387 in.) in length with a diameter of
Greenspan et al., 2009). 0.82 cm (0.3225 in.) (Westinghouse, 2011). The gap between the
Plutonium thorium hydride fuels were evaluated with respect fuel pellet and cladding is 0.02 cm (0.0065 in.) in length. The clad-
to their performance as transmutation fuels with a range of tho- ding is composed of ZIRLOTM and has a thickness of 0.06 cm
rium hydride fractions (Ganda, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009). Tho- (0.0225 in.) (Westinghouse, 2011). The fuel rods are pitched at
rium hydride replaced various fractions of the zirconium hydride, 1.26 cm (0.496 in.) and a full reactor core contains 41448 fuel rods
from zero to one hundred percent, to determine if the addition of for a UO2 weight of 95.97 metric tons. The design control docu-
thorium hydride improved the plutonium transmutation rates in ment for the AP1000 provided the parameters to develop the
the fuel (Ganda, 2008; Greenspan et al., 2009). The higher volume model of the Westinghouse robust fuel assembly use in the present
fractions of thorium hydride in the plutonium thorium zirconium study (Westinghouse, 2011).
56 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

Fig. 2.1. AP1000 robust fuel assembly layout.

3. Model simulated at very high initial plutonium concentrations for the

purpose of determining trends. Table 3.3 presents the isotopic con-
A model developed using the NEWT module of the SCALE 6.1 centrations of the plutonium used in the present study; Table 3.4
reactor analysis package provided performance data for the burnup presents the target fuel compositions with minor actinides at
of the target fuel rods in the present study (Chadwick et al., 2006; BOL. The fuel types selected for evaluation cover a spectrum of
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2011). The NEWT model is a two- the fuel types discussed in Section 2.1.
dimensional, discrete-ordinate, reflected model using 16th order A fraction of the plutonium in the minor actinide bearing fuels
symmetric quadrature. The model included each ZIRLOTM clad tar- is replaced by the minor actinides (americium, curium, and neptu-
get fuel rod in the central channel of an AP1000 17  17 XL Robust nium), based on isotope ratios determined for an average PWR fuel
Fuel Assembly. The remaining fuel rods each contain 3 wt% (wt%) assembly with a burnup of 41200 MWd/MTHM at 3.75 wt% enrich-
enriched uranium dioxide fuel (Schulz, 2006; Westinghouse ment after 23 years of decay (Department of Energy, 2002).
Electric Corp et al., 1992). The model uses the prepackaged Table 3.5 shows the isotopic ratios, as weight percent, used to
ENDF/B-VII.0 cross-section libraries for all simulations. determine the composition of the minor actinide containing target
Table 3.1. lists the dimensions of the fuel assembly and compo- fuels. Comparing these transmutation fuels with each other will
nents included in the model shown in Fig. 3.1. The radius of the reveal if any one fuel type has inherent properties which would
fuel pellets is 0.410 cm with a gap thickness of 0.017 cm, a ZIRLOTM make it a superior transmutation fuel. A comprehensive evaluation
cladding thickness of 0.057 cm, and fuel rod pitch of 1.260 cm of the potential transmutation fuels using a common methodology
(Schulz, 2006). A standard 17  17 XL Robust Fuel Assembly is will also provide a basis for cross-comparison. The current quantity
21.417 cm on a side and contains 264 fuel rods with 24 control of plutonium and minor actinides added to the assembly is not
rod channels and one central instrumentation channel (Schulz, expected to have a significant impact on the neutronic perfor-
2006). The simulations were performed at 293.5 K for all materials. mance of the assembly.
The water moderator did not contain chemical shim. In this study, The NEWT sequence employed the prepackaged 238 group
the target fuel rod replaces the central instrumentation channel. ENDF/B-VII.0 cross-section library with a 34 by 34 global grid
Table 3.2 presents the target fuel compositions without minor and a 20 by 20 local grid over the target fuel rod. The model
actinides at Beginning of Life (BOL). Several target fuels were employed a reflective assembly boundary condition. The burnup

Table 3.1
AP1000 Robust fuel assembly parameters used in the present study (Schulz, 2006).

Component Parameter Composition Density

Fuel pellet 0.410 cm radius 3 wt% enriched uranium oxide 10.96 g/cm3
Gap thickness 0.017 cm radius Vacuum 0 g/cm3
Clad thickness 0.057 cm radius 1.25 wt% Nb, 1.1 wt% Sn, 0.105 wt% Fe, 0.055 wt% Ni, 0.055 wt% Cr, 6.56 g/cm3
0.00022 wt% C, 97.43 wt% Zr
Fuel rod pitch 1.260 cm
Assembly pitch 21.417 cm
Assembly thermal power 21.66 MW
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 57

Fig. 3.1. SCALE 6.1 AP1000 assembly model with a central transmutation fuel rod.

Table 3.2
Target fuel composition without minor actinides at beginning of lifetime.

Fuel Constituents (wt%)

Th U Pud O Zr H Y/Mg
MOX (5% PuO2) 0.00 83.72 4.43 11.86 0.00 0.00 0.00
MOX (7% PuO2)a,c 0.00 81.93 6.21 11.86 0.00 0.00 0.00
MOX (10% PuO2)a,c 0.00 79.27 8.86 11.87 0.00 0.00 0.00
MOX (12% PuO2)a,c 0.00 77.50 10.63 11.87 0.00 0.00 0.00
PuO2 0.00 0.00 88.23 11.77 0.00 0.00 0.00
PuN 0.00 0.00 94.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pu3Si2 0.00 0.00 92.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PuUZrHc 0.00 43.05 8.59 0.00 47.43 0.91 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6b 0.00 0.00 44.47 0.00 54.54 0.96 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.48b 39.98 0.00 26.68 0.00 32.74 0.58 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.72b 49.99 0.00 22.24 0.00 27.27 0.48 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th1.08b 59.97 0.00 17.79 0.00 21.83 0.39 0.00
PuZrO2Y2O3 (8%) 0.00 0.00 8.08 23.62 64.30 0.00 3.98
PuZrO2Y2O3 (15%) 0.00 0.00 15.00 21.75 57.90 0.00 5.35
PuZrO2MgO (8%) 0.00 0.00 7.99 28.93 40.87 0.00 22.19
PuZrO2MgO (15%) 0.00 0.00 15.00 26.74 37.76 0.00 20.50
MOX compositions are from Trellue, 2006.
Zirconium hydride compositions are from Olander et al., 2009.
Uranium is natural uranium.
Plutonium isotopic concentrations are shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.3 2006). Each target fuel case contains only a single target fuel rod
Plutonium isotopic concentrations used in the present in the center of the fuel assembly with the remaining fuel rods
modeled as 3 wt% enriched UO2 fuel. The target fuels are evaluated
Isotope Weight percent over a 1400 EFPD interval to verify that each would remain critical
Plutonium-238 2.37 over the entire burnup period. The normalized masses demon-
Plutonium-239 61.38 strate the relative effectiveness of each fuel for the transmutation
Plutonium-240 25.97 of a particular actinide.
Plutonium-241 4.81
Eleven different burnable absorbers, shown in Table 3.6, were
Plutonium-242 5.47
selected for evaluation as spectral shift absorber coatings in this
study. The eleven different potential spectral shift absorbers
model simulated 1400 Effective Full Power Days (EFPD), assuming were evaluated as burnable absorbers in previous work to
a total assembly power of 21.66 MWth, based on 3400 MWth evenly reduce initial excess reactivity in a very high temperature reac-
distributed across the 157 fuel assemblies of an AP1000 (Schulz, tor by incorporating the absorbers as a layer in modified TRISO
58 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

Table 3.4
Target fuel composition with minor actinides at beginning of lifetime.

Fuel Constituents (wt%)

Th U Pud 241
Am 243
Am 244
Cm 237
Np O Zr H Y/Mg
MOX (5% PuO2) 0.00 83.72 3.73 0.37 0.06 0.01 0.27 11.86 0.00 0.00 0.00
MOX (7% PuO2)a,c 0.00 81.93 5.23 0.52 0.08 0.01 0.37 11.86 0.00 0.00 0.00
MOX (10% PuO2)a,c 0.00 79.27 7.46 0.74 0.11 0.02 0.53 11.87 0.00 0.00 0.00
MOX (12% PuO2)a,c 0.00 77.50 8.95 0.88 0.13 0.02 0.64 11.87 0.00 0.00 0.00
PuO2 0.00 0.00 74.37 7.33 1.11 0.17 5.28 11.77 0.00 0.00 0.00
PuN 0.00 0.00 79.57 3.83 7.84 0.19 5.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Pu3Si2 0.00 0.00 78.12 7.70 1.17 0.18 5.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
PuUZrHc 0.00 43.05 7.24 0.71 0.11 0.02 0.51 0.00 47.43 0.91 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6b 0.00 0.00 37.08 3.66 0.55 0.09 2.63 0.00 54.54 0.96 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.48b 39.98 0.00 22.47 2.22 0.34 0.05 1.60 0.00 32.74 0.58 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.72b 49.99 0.00 18.73 1.85 0.28 0.04 1.33 0.00 27.27 0.48 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th1.08b 59.97 0.00 14.98 1.48 0.22 0.04 1.06 0.00 21.83 0.39 0.00
PuZrO2Y2O3 (8%) 0.00 0.00 6.73 0.66 0.10 0.02 0.48 23.62 64.30 0.00 3.98
PuZrO2Y2O3 (15%) 0.00 0.00 12.63 1.25 0.19 0.03 0.90 21.75 57.89 0.00 5.35
PuZrO2MgO (8%) 0.00 0.00 6.73 0.66 0.10 0.02 0.48 28.93 40.87 0.00 22.19
PuZrO2MgO (15%) 0.00 0.00 12.90 1.25 0.19 0.03 0.90 26.74 37.76 0.00 20.50
MOX compositions are from Trellue, 2006.
Zirconium hydride compositions are from Olander et al., 2009.
Uranium is natural uranium.
Plutonium isotopic concentrations are shown in Table 3.3.

Table 3.5 4. Uncoated transmutation fuel pin results

Composition of higher actinides in LWR fuel at 41200 MWd/MTHM burnup and
23 years of decay. This study evaluated sixteen potential target fuel compositions
Isotope Weight percent Isotope Weight percent (see Table 4.1) with and without initial concentrations of minor
238 243 actinides. The candidate fuels were evaluated with respect to the
Pu 1.99 Am 1.26
Pu 541.69 237
Np 5.98 relative quantity of plutonium transmutation over the fuel operat-
Pu 21.87 242
Cm 4.96E 5 ing cycle as well as the relative change in the quantity of the minor
241 243
Pu 4.05 Cm 3.42E 3 actinides over the same period. The ideal target fuel should reach
242 244
Pu 4.60 Cm 1.98E 1 the end of an operating cycle with no plutonium, americium, nep-
241 245
Am 8.30 Cm 2.19E 2
Am 1.87E 2 246
Cm 2.78E 3
tunium, or curium remaining in the target fuel. As described in Sec-
tion 3, the target fuel rod for this study is positioned in the central
instrumentation channel of the AP1000 robust fuel assembly. The
composition of this single, centered target fuel pin is varied to pro-
fuel particles (Washington et al., 2014). Though the materials vide a baseline of data for comparison purposes.
were evaluated in a different reactor environment, the require- This study evaluated plutonium oxide, plutonium silicide, and
ments for melting temperature, stability, natural abundance of plutonium nitride as plutonium-only target fuels. The Mixed Oxide
absorbing isotope, and extended decay time still apply to this (MOX) target fuels had a variety of plutonium oxide weight frac-
study. The spectral shift absorbers are applied as a coating of tions (5, 7, 10, 12 wt%). The two versions of hydride target fuels
either 4.25 lm or 144.25 lm thickness around the target fuel were plutonium zirconium hydride and plutonium zirconium
pellets. The 4.25 lm thickness was selected by rounding to the hydride with thorium (40, 50, and 60 wt% thorium). The plutonium
nearest hundredths decimal place on the outer diameter of the oxide target fuel was selected as a uranium-free comparison fuel
fuel pellet. The 144.25 lm thickness was selected from the lar- because is more commonly found in research than the other two
gest coating thickness evaluated in preliminary feasibility simu- plutonium-only fuels (Kloosterman, 2003; Peryoga et al., 2005;
lations performed for this study. The gap between the fuel pellet Sagara et al., 2005). The MOX fuels were selected for their preva-
and cladding is reduced to make space for the spectral shift lence in plutonium transmutation studies and to serve as a com-
absorber coating. mon denominator (Fetterman, 2009). The plutonium zirconium

Table 3.6
Spectral shift absorbers evaluated in the present study.

Absorber Density (g/cm3) @ 1200 K Melting point (K) Isotope of interest Absorption cross-section ra (barns) Resonance integral (barns)
B4C 2.49 2623a 10
B 3837b 1722b
CdO 8.07 1773a 113
Cd 20,600b 390b
Dy2O3 7.75 2501a 164
Dy 2650b 340b
Er2O3 8.57 2617a 167
Er 659b 2970b
Eu2O3 7.35 2564a 151
Eu 9200b 3300b
Gd2O3 7.35 2612a 157
Gd 254,000b 700b
HfO2 9.62 3073a 177
Hf 380b 7173b
In2O3 7.12 2185a 115
In 215b 3300b
Lu2O3 9.34 2700a 176
Lu 2090b 1087b
Sm2O3 7.54 2542a 149
Sm 40,140b 3390b
TaC 14.21 4153a 181
Ta 21b 660b
Lide (2009).
Dunford and Kinsey (1998).
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 59

Table 4.1 results in the buildup of plutonium-238 which does not occur in
Target fuels in this study and their designations. the minor actinide-free 5 wt% MOX fuel. The addition of the initial
Fuel Designation Designation with minor actinides minor actinides to a 5 wt% MOX target fuel rod resulted in an over-
PuO2 PuO [Pu + ma]O all decrease in the quantity of minor actinides, by 36% of their ini-
PuN PuN [Pu + ma]N tial mass, for the irradiation period used in this study.
Pu3Si2 PuSi [Pu + ma]Si Fig. 4.3 shows the transmutation of the combined minor acti-
MOX (5% PuO2) MOX (5%) [MOX + ma] (5%) nides (neptunium, americium, and curium) as a function of time
MOX (7% PuO2) MOX (7%) [MOX + ma] (7%)
MOX (10% PuO2) MOX (10%) [MOX + ma] (10%)
for each of the MOX with minor actinide target fuels evaluated in
MOX (12% PuO2) MOX (12%) [MOX + ma] (12%) this study. The quantity of plutonium oxide in these fuels varied
Pu0.31ZrH1.6 PuZrH [Pu + ma]ZrH between 5, 7, 10, and 12 wt% of the MOX fuel. The minor actinide
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.48 PuZrHTh (40%) [Pu + ma]ZrHTh (40%) net mass in these MOX target fuels increased with the percentage
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.72 PuZrHTh (50%) [Pu + ma]ZrHTh (50%)
of plutonium oxide in the initial fuel. The final transmutation ratio
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th1.08 PuZrHTh (60%) [Pu + ma]ZrHTh (60%)
PuZrO2Y2O3 (8%) Pu(Zr,Y)O (8%) [Pu + ma](Zr,Y)O (8%) for the 7 wt% target fuel rod was essentially equal to that of the
PuZrO2Y2O3 (15%) Pu(Zr,Y)O (15%) [Pu + ma](Zr,Y)O (15%) 5 wt% target fuel rod (29.2 wt% and 30.4 wt%, respectively). The
PuZrO2MgO (8%) Pu(Zr,Mg)O (8%) [Pu + ma](Zr,Mg)O (8%) 10 and 12 wt% MOX target fuels had slightly worse transmutation
PuZrO2MgO (15%) Pu(Zr,Mg)O (15%) [Pu + ma](Zr,Mg)O (15%) ratios (27.1 wt% and 25.7 wt%, respectively) than the 5 wt% fuel.
PuUZrH PuUZrH [Pu + ma]UZrH

4.2. Plutonium target fuels

hydride fuels are a variation of the plutonium uranium zirconium Three ‘‘purely” plutonium target fuels, plutonium dioxide, plu-
hydride fuels (PUZH) which have been previously evaluated for use tonium silicide, and plutonium nitride, were evaluated in this
in PWRs (Ganda and Greenspan, 2009). Previous studies on pluto- study. Though the initial concentration of plutonium in each of
nium hydride and uranium zirconium hydride fuels determined these fuels had a wide range, 74–94.5 wt% of the fuel mass, they
the compositions of the Pu0.31ZrH1.6 fuels (Ganda and Greenspan, are the least complex of the target fuels evaluated in this study
2009; Olander et al., 2009; Simnad, 1981). and result in similar reductions in both plutonium and minor acti-
nide content. The plutonium oxide target fuel yielded a depletion
4.1. Mixed oxide target fuels of 13 wt% of its initial plutonium-238 and 25 wt% of its initial
plutonium-239 but otherwise resulted in an increase of all other
Fig. 4.1 displays the plutonium and minor actinide normalized plutonium and minor actinide isotopes over the 1400 Effective Full
masses (M/M0) as a function of time, at 21.66 MWth, for a MOX fuel Power Days (EFPD) irradiation time (Fig. 4.4). This irradiation per-
containing 5 wt% plutonium oxide. As a MOX fuel without initial iod is not long enough for any of the minor actinides to reach equi-
minor actinides, this fuel serves as an initial point for further com- librium, in which the rate of their generation equals the rate of
parison with the other potential fuels. In Fig. 4.1, all the isotopes their transmutation. Similar trends are seen with the plutonium
except plutonium are represented on the secondary axis. The only nitride and plutonium silicide target fuels. Over the 1400 EFPD
isotopes of plutonium which had a net depletion during the simu- irradiation period, 12 wt% of the initial plutonium-238 and 20 wt
lation are plutonium-238, plutonium-239, and plutonium-240. % of the plutonium-239 were transmuted in the plutonium nitride
From a non-proliferation perspective, the decrease of the fuel. Irradiation of the plutonium silicide target fuel resulted in a
plutonium-238 content of the fuel to 63% of its initial mass is less reduction in the quantity of plutonium-238 and plutonium-239
optimal than an increase (Chang, 2009; Peryoga et al., 2005; Sagara by 13 wt% and 25 wt% of their initial value. The quantity of
et al., 2005). plutonium-242, Fig. 4.5, remained nearly constant during the irra-
The quantity of plutonium-240 in the 5 wt% MOX fuel remains diation period in the plutonium nitride fuel and increased slightly
relatively stable, reaching 97% of its initial mass by the end of the in the plutonium oxide and plutonium silicide fuels. The nearly
irradiation period. A significant number of the actinides in this fuel steady state behavior of the plutonium-242 in the plutonium
trend towards an equilibrium state by the end of the evaluation nitride fuel is unusual, as all other target fuel types resulted in
period (1400 EFPD); but, plutonium-242 and curium-245 show an increasing quantity of this isotope. The smallest increase in
an increasing trend as a function of time. The increase of these plutonium-242 occurred in the plutonium oxide and plutonium
long-lived isotopes is not ideal from the perspective of long term silicide fuels (increasing approximately 1 wt% over its initial
storage and disposal (Alajo and Tsvetkov, 2011; Bunn et al., 2003). value). The remaining isotopes of plutonium and the minor acti-
Fig. 4.2 shows the development of the selected actinides as a nides all increased in concentration during the irradiation period
function of time for 5 wt% plutonium oxide MOX fuel containing for the plutonium nitride fuel. Irradiation of the plutonium silicide
minor actinides. Irradiation of this target fuel results in the net fuel also results in an increase in the other plutonium isotopes and
destruction of neptunium-237, americium-241, plutonium-239, the minor actinides all increased in quantity over this irradiation
and plutonium-240. The over twofold increase in the quantity of period.
plutonium-238 and the relatively stable quantity of plutonium- Irradiation of the three plutonium-only target fuels, with initial
240, ending at 97 wt% of its initial mass, increases the proliferation minor actinides, results in a decrease in the total quantity of minor
resistance of the target fuel rod. Although the majority of the minor actinides over the 1400 EFPD irradiation period. The irradiation of
actinides are not depleted during the irradiation period, the total the plutonium oxide target fuel with initial minor actinides
quantity of minor actinides does decrease by 30 percent of its ini- (Fig. 4.6) resulted in an increase in the quantity of plutonium-
tial mass as a result of the transmutation of neptunium-237 and 238 by 88 wt% compared to its initial value while still transmuting
americium-241. 26 wt% of the initial plutonium-239. The remaining isotopes of plu-
During irradiation, the MOX target fuel with 5 wt% PuO2 tonium also increased during the irradiation period though at a sig-
resulted with a net increase in the quantity of americium-241 nificantly reduced rate compared to the target fuel containing only
and neptunium-237. For the same irradiation period, the MOX plutonium. Compared to the plutonium-only oxide target fuel, the
with 5 wt% PuO2 and minor actinide target fuel resulted in a net plutonium plus minor actinide oxide fuel resulted in the transmu-
decrease in the quantity of americium-241 and neptunium-237. tation of minor actinides and a net decrease in the quantity of
The irradiation of the 5 wt% MOX with minor actinide fuel also minor actinides at the end of the 1400 EFPD irradiation period.
60 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

Fig. 4.1. MOX (5% PuO2) isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.

Fig. 4.2. MOX (5% [Pu + ma]O2) isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly including minor actinides.

The irradiation of the plutonium plus minor actinide target fuel neptunium-237. Irradiation of all three of the plutonium with
resulted in an 18 wt% decrease in the quantity of americium-241 minor actinide target fuels resulted in an increase in the quantity
and a 17 wt% decrease in the quantity of neptunium-237. The of curium in the fuel. In each of the three minor actinide cases,
remainder of the minor actinides increased during this irradiation the total quantity of minor actinides decreased during the irradia-
period; however, the large quantity of americium-241 and tion period; however, the inclusion of initial minor actinides in
neptunium-237 transmuted resulted in a net decrease in the total each of these three target fuels increased the quantity of minor
quantity of minor actinides. actinides produced, with the exception of americium-241 and
Irradiation of the plutonium and minor actinide nitride target neptunium-237, compared to the plutonium-only target fuels.
fuel also resulted in an 87 wt% increase in the quantity of In each of the minor actinide cases, the plutonium-only fuels
plutonium-238. This target fuel transmuted 26 wt% of the produced less americium-243, and less curium than the 5 wt%
plutonium-239 with the remaining isotopes of plutonium increas- MOX fuel with initial minor actinides. Irradiation of the three plu-
ing in quantity during the irradiation period. Reduction of the tonium and minor actinide target fuels transmuted a greater quan-
minor actinides only occurred with respect to americium-241 tity of plutonium-238, plutonium-241, and plutonium-242 than
and neptunium-237, with a decrease of 18 wt% and 27 wt% from the target MOX fuel rod. The three plutonium and minor actinide
their initial values, respectively. Irradiation of the plutonium sili- target fuel rods did not result in a superior transmutation ratio
cide with initial minor actinide target fuel resulted in an increase for neptunium-237, americium-241, plutonium-239, and
in the quantity of plutonium-238 by 86 wt%, a decrease in the plutonium-240 compared to the 5 wt% MOX fuel rod. Though tar-
quantity of plutonium-239 by 25 wt%, as well as a decrease in get fuels composed of mostly plutonium are simple, they are unli-
americium-241 by 18 wt%, and a decrease of 16 wt% in kely to be used in a reactor environment without some form of
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 61

Fig. 4.3. Minor actinide content in the MOX target fuels with minor actinides as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.

Fig. 4.4. PuO2 isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.

dilution. The dilution of the plutonium serves to increase the pro- Fig. 4.8 shows the isotopic data for the plutonium uranium zir-
liferation resistance of the fuel, to reduce power peaking, hot spots, conium hydride with minor actinide target fuel as a function of
and reactivity swing, and to produce a more stable reactor environ- irradiation time. Irradiation of the PuUZrH target fuel rod with ini-
ment (Peryoga et al., 2005; Pistner et al., 2006; Sagara et al., 2005). tial minor actinides resulted in the transmutation of 45% of the
total plutonium in the target fuel rod, again including the pluto-
4.3. Plutonium-uranium zirconium hydride target fuels nium generated from the uranium component of the fuel. The
decrease in total plutonium concentration results from the trans-
A target fuel rod composed of plutonium uranium zirconium mutation of 83 wt% of the plutonium-239 and 27 wt% of the
hydride transmuted of 54 wt% of the total plutonium in the fuel plutonium-240 in the target fuel rod. The remainder of the pluto-
rod, including any additional plutonium generated by the uranium nium isotopes increased in quantity over the irradiation period,
in the mix. Fig. 4.7 shows the normalized masses of plutonium and including an increase in the plutonium-238 concentration by a fac-
minor actinides in the PuUZrH target fuel as a function of time at tor of 2.7. The total quantity of minor actinides was reduced by
21.66 MWth per assembly. Irradiation of this target fuel achieved 37 wt% during the irradiation period. During irradiation, the quan-
the transmutation of 46 wt% of the plutonium-238, 85 wt% of the tity of americium-241 in the target fuel rod decreased by 77 wt%,
plutonium-239, and 27 wt% of the plutonium-240. Additionally, the quantity of curium-244 decreased by 35 wt%, and the quantity
70 wt% of the uranium-235 was depleted during the course of of neptunium-237 decreased by 45 wt% with the remainder of the
the irradiation. The isotopes of plutonium-241 and plutonium- minor actinides increasing. Similar to the PuUZrH target fuel with-
242 increased in quantity during the irradiation of this target fuel, out initial minor actinide, the quantity of uranium-235 decreased
by 70 wt% and 52 wt%, respectively. by 70 wt% during irradiation.
62 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

Fig. 4.5. Normalized mass of plutonium-242 as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly for the plutonium target fuels.

Fig. 4.6. [Pu + ma]O2 isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.

Fig. 4.7. PuUZrH isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 63

Fig. 4.8. [Pu + ma]UZrH isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.

Contrasting the PuUZrH target fuel with the 5 wt% MOX fuel, Plutonium-241 and plutonium-242 were produced at a continuous
both with initial minor actinide, reveals the PuUZrH fuel to be a rate over the course of the irradiation and reached 57 wt% and
slightly superior transmutation fuel. The PuUZrH target fuel 24 wt%, respectively, over their initial values by the end of the irra-
resulted in an average 3% higher net destruction rate, considering diation. This target fuel type did not result in the net transmutation
all of the plutonium and minor actinide isotopes. The majority of of any of the minor actinides.
the increased transmutation came from the 40% increase in The plutonium zirconium hydride target fuel with initial minor
plutonium-239 destruction and the 7% increase in americium- actinide (Fig. 4.10) achieved the transmutation of 25 wt% of the ini-
243, curium-244, and plutonium-241 transmutation. tial plutonium within the target fuel rod as well as the transmuta-
tion of 20 wt% of the minor actinides. During the irradiation period,
4.4. Plutonium zirconium hydride target fuels the quantity of plutonium-238 increased to 250 wt% of its initial
value while the quantity of plutonium-239 decreased to 46 wt%
Irradiation of the plutonium zirconium hydride target fuel of its initial value. The plutonium-240 concentration reached a
(Fig. 4.9) resulted in an end-of-life transmutation of 29 wt% of peak value at around 1100 days and then declined to only 2 wt%
the initial plutonium in the target fuel rod. The transmutation above its initial value by the end of the simulation. The masses
included 22 wt% of the plutonium-238, and 52 wt% of the of plutonium-241 and plutonium-242 also increased during this
plutonium-239. Though production of plutonium-240 occurred simulation to a peak of 57 wt% and 25 wt%, respectively, above
during the majority of the irradiation time, the final 200-day time their initial values. The irradiation of this target fuel resulted in
step resulted in a decrease in the total quantity of this isotope. the transmutation of 40 wt% of the americium-241 and 28 wt% of

Fig. 4.9. PuZrH isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.
64 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

Fig. 4.10. [Pu + ma]ZrH isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.

the neptunium-237 contained and generated in the target fuel. The the fuel considered had 40, 50, or 60 wt% of the total plutonium
remainder of the minor actinides all increased in quantity during zirconium hydride replaced with thorium hydride. Fig. 4.11 shows
irradiation. the isotopic data as a function of irradiation time for the plutonium
Contrasting the plutonium zirconium hydride fuel with the zirconium hydride target fuel with 50 wt% of thorium hydride. The
5 wt% MOX fuel, both with initial minor actinide, reveals pluto- total plutonium transmutation for each of these fuels, which did
nium zirconium hydride to be a good curium transmutation fuel not contain initial minor actinides, was 35 wt%, 39 wt%, and
but a net generator of plutonium-238. Though the fuel transmutes 43 wt% for the fuels containing 40 wt%, 50 wt%, and 60 wt% of tho-
40% less plutonium-239 than the MOX target fuel, it produces 21% rium hydride, respectively. In the 40 wt% thorium hydride target
less curium-242, 36% less curium-243, 48% less curium-244, and fuel, 25 wt% of the plutonium-238 and 62 wt% of the plutonium-
36% less americium-243. Though the PuZrH fuel is effective in 239 were transmuted during the irradiation. The plutonium-240
reducing the quantity of curium, its average performance is 15% isotope ended at the initial mass and the quantity of isotopes of
worse than the 5 wt% MOX target fuel with the majority of the plutonium-241 and plutonium-242 increased by 63 wt% and
isotopic difference resulting from smaller reductions of 18 wt% respectively. The transmutation of plutonium in the
americium-241, plutonium-239, and neptunium-237 and slight 50 wt% thorium hydride version of the fuel comes from the trans-
increases in plutonium-240 and plutonium-243. mutation of 28 wt% of plutonium-238, 68 wt% of plutonium-239,
and 2 wt% of plutonium-240. By the end of the irradiation period,
4.5. Plutonium zirconium hydride with thorium hydride target fuels the isotopes of plutonium-241 and plutonium-242 increased by
66 wt% and 23 wt% over their initial values, respectively. Irradia-
This study also considered plutonium zirconium hydride fuel tion of the third version of the plutonium zirconium hydride fuel,
containing a fraction of thorium hydride. The three versions of containing 60 wt% thorium hydride, resulted in the transmutation

Fig. 4.11. PuZrHTh (50%) isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 65

of 32 wt%, 74 wt%, and 5 wt% of the plutonium-238, plutonium- Compared to the 5 wt% MOX fuel, the plutonium zirconium tho-
239, and plutonium-240, respectively. Irradiation of the 60 wt% rium hydride fuels with initial minor actinide are superior for the
thorium hydride fuel resulted in the quantity of plutonium-241 transmutation of curium; however, these three fuels performed
and plutonium-242 increasing over the irradiation period and worse on average than the MOX target fuel in terms of plutonium
reached a maximum of 69 and 30 wt% over their initial values at and minor actinide transmutation. The plutonium thorium hydride
the end of the irradiation period. fuels produced 23%, 20%, and 14% less curium than the 5 wt% MOX
The three versions of the plutonium zirconium hydride with target fuel. The plutonium thorium fuels also produced, on average,
thorium hydride fuel were also tested with initial minor actinide a third less americium-243 than the MOX target fuels but approx-
within the plutonium portion of the target fuel. Fig. 4.12 shows imately double the quantity of americium-241.
the isotopic data for the plutonium with minor actinide zirconium
hydride target fuel with 50 wt% of thorium hydride. The irradiation 4.6. Plutonium zirconium oxide target fuels
of these fuels resulted in the transmutation of 30 wt%, 33 wt%, and
39 wt%, respectively, of the total plutonium for each of the three Inert matrix fuels that did not contain initial minor actinide
fuel types (40, 50, and 60 wt% thorium hydride). The total quantity resulted in a net reduction in plutonium with the greatest deple-
of minor actinides also decreased by 24, 27, and 31 wt% of their tion achieved from the magnesium oxide stabilized zirconia fuel
total values for each of the three fuel types (40, 50, and 60 wt% tho- with 8 wt% of initial plutonium. Each of the minor actinide bearing
rium hydride) respectively. In the 40 wt% thorium version of these target fuels also resulted in a reduction of total plutonium concen-
target fuels with minor actinide, the net plutonium destruction tration though at a reduced amount when contrasted with the pure
resulted from the depletion of 63 wt% of the plutonium-239. The target fuel. The minor actinide containing target fuels all resulted
quantity of plutonium-240 remained relatively constant over the in a net decrease in minor actinide concentrations (from 7% in a
course of the simulation, reaching a maximum at 800 days and plutonium oxide fuel compared to 33% with the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO
then depleting back to its original value by the end of the simula- target fuel). When the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO target fuel contains initial
tion. Plutonium-238, plutonium-241, and plutonium-242 minor actinides, it still results in the highest plutonium depletion,
increased in concentration over the course of the irradiation by 44 wt% of the initial plutonium mass, as well as resulting in the
163 wt%, 66 wt%, and 33 wt% over their initial values, respectively. greatest reduction in total minor actinide concentration, transmut-
Minor actinide depletion in the 40 wt% thorium plutonium zirco- ing approximately one third of the initial minor actinide inventory.
nium hydride target fuel occurred for americium-241 and Fig. 4.13 shows the specific isotopic data as a function of time
neptunium-237, which were depleted by 48 wt% and 31 wt%, for the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO target fuel without initial minor acti-
respectively. Similar results are seen in the 50 wt% and 60 wt% ver- nides. Similar to the 5 wt% MOX fuel shown in Fig. 4.1, the
sions of the fuel where the destruction of the plutonium-239 iso- plutonium-238, plutonium-239, and plutonium-240 isotopes are
tope was 62 wt% and 76 wt%, respectively. The quantity of the only ones that show depletion over the evaluated time period.
plutonium-240, at the end of the irradiation period, decreased in Compared to the 5 wt% MOX target fuel, the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO
both of these cases by 2 wt% and 6 wt%, respectively, for the target fuel has a greater swing in the normalized mass of
50 wt% and 60 wt% thorium hydride fuels. plutonium-240 over the same irradiation period but still retains
The 50 wt% thorium hydride target fuel achieved 53 wt% and 84% of its initial mass at the end of the irradiation. The concentra-
33 wt% transmutation of americium-241 and neptunium-237, tion of plutonium-241 reaches a maximum around 760 EFPD, at
respectively. Irradiation of the 60 wt% thorium hydride target fuel approximately 1.8 times its initial concentration, and begins to
resulted in the transmutation of 60 wt% of the americium-241 and be depleted near the end of the evaluation period. The rate of
37 wt% of the neptunium-237. The 50 wt% and 60 wt% thorium plutonium-242 accumulation in the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO fuel rod is
hydride target fuels produced additional quantities of the remain- similar to that in the 5 wt% MOX target fuel rod ending at nearly
ing plutonium and minor actinide isotopes. 1.5 times the initial concentration. None of the minor actinide

Fig. 4.12. [Pu + ma]ZrHTh (50%) isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.
66 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

Fig. 4.13. PuZrO2MgO 8% isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.

isotopes in the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO fuel rod reach equilibrium over addition of minor actinides to the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO target fuel
the evaluated depletion period, nor are they depleted. results in the net destruction of americium-241 and neptunium-
The isotopic data as a function of irradiation time for the 8 wt% 237. The rates of minor actinide transmutation for the 8 wt%
PuZrO2MgO target fuel with initial minor actinide are presented in PuZrO2MgO target fuel are slightly higher compared to the rate
Fig. 4.14. As with the 5 wt% minor actinide containing MOX target in the 5 wt% MOX target fuel, 33 wt% and 30 wt%, respectively.
fuel, plutonium-243 and curium-242 are produced in the target The inert matrix fuels performed better than the 5 wt% MOX
fuel and the americium-242 mass again reaches a maximum target fuel both on average and considering the individual isotopes.
around 300 EFPD and then begins to decrease. Only plutonium- The 8 wt% inert matrix fuels transmuted 10% more of the pluto-
239, plutonium-240, americium-241, and neptunium-237 show a nium and minor actinides than the MOX fuel where the 15 wt%
net depletion during this simulation, and 83% of the plutonium- inert matrix fuels only achieved a 3–4% increase over the MOX fuel.
239 is transmuted by the end of the irradiation period. Compared The inert matrix with minor actinide fuels worked especially well
to the 5 wt% MOX fuel containing minor actinides, the rate of for the transmutation of plutonium-239 achieving nearly double
depletion for plutonium-239 (76 wt% depletion vs 95 wt% for the the ratio of plutonium-239 transmuted than the 5 wt% MOX with
inert matrix fuel) and plutonium-240 (19 wt% vs 41 wt%) is greater minor actinide target fuel. The 15 wt% inert matrix with minor
in the inert matrix fuel. The 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO fuel with minor actinide target fuels transmuted less americium-241 than the
actinides also produces curium-243 at a higher rate, 12 wt% more MOX target fuel, 74 wt% and 78 wt%, respectively.
by the end of cycle, than the MOX fuel.
The addition of minor actinides to the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO target 4.7. Target fuel observations
fuel reduces the overall destruction of plutonium by 12 wt% but
results in the transmutation of a third of the initial minor actinides. Fig. 4.15 provides a summary of the normalized masses of the
Similar to the 5 wt% MOX target fuel with minor actinide, the minor actinide as a function of time for sixteen of the minor

Fig. 4.14. [Pu + ma]ZrO2MgO 8% isotopic data as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly with minor actinides.
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 67

actinide containing target fuels evaluated in this study. Table 4.2 Table 4.2
lists the change in weight percent of plutonium and minor acti- Change in weight percent of plutonium and minor actinides from BOL to EOL for each
target fuel.
nides from BOL to EOL for each target fuel evaluated in this study.
Table 4.3 provides the end-of-life data for the target fuels evalu- Fuel Without minor actinides With minor actinides
ated in this study without initial concentrations of minor actinides DPu DMA DPu
and Table 4.4 provides the end-of-life data for the target fuels with MOX (5% PuO2) 34.95 30.36 26.37
initial concentrations of minor actinides. In terms of minor actinide MOX (7% PuO2) 34.80 29.18 27.39
transmutation rates, the zirconium oxide fuels with 8 wt% initial MOX (10% PuO2) 32.85 27.05 26.57
plutonium are the superior fuels for the depletion period used in MOX (12% PuO2) 31.26 25.65 25.54
PuO2 9.84 7.23 8.14
this study. Interestingly, the target fuels in Fig. 4.15 are graded
PuN 8.21 7.19 8.10
with respect to initial plutonium loading. The rate of transmuta- Pu3Si2 9.59 7.05 7.91
tion of plutonium and minor actinides in each of these target fuels PuUZrH 40.88 30.65 34.29
is inversely proportional to their initial concentration. This rela- PuZrH 20.05 15.24 17.11
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.48 24.39 18.24 21.05
tionship allows for the selection of a target fuel for a particular irra-
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.72 27.11 20.06 23.47
diation period. Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th1.08 30.57 23.17 27.71
Fig. 4.16 shows the relative change in minor actinide contents PuZrO2Y2O3 (8%) 48.49 32.72 42.34
as a function of the initial plutonium concentration. Fig. 4.16 PuZrO2Y2O3 (15%) 39.36 28.01 34.29
shows a higher minor actinide transmutation rate over 1400 EFPD PuZrO2MgO (8%) 50.02 33.29 43.73
PuZrO2MgO (15%) 41.31 29.09 36.03
for those fuels that have the lower initial loading of plutonium. The
relationship between these target fuels and their concentrations of
plutonium is roughly logarithmic and relatively independent of the
type of target fuel. This indicates a potential for tuning of the rate Three of the evaluated fuels, 5 wt% MOX, plutonium 60 wt%
of minor actinide transmutation by adjusting the initial fuel com- thorium zirconium hydride, and 8 wt% plutonium magnesium
position. Tuning the quantity of plutonium in the target fuel for oxide inert matrix, were selected for evaluation with a spectral
the cycle length of the fuel assembly could maximize the quantity shift absorber coating to determine if the fuel’s transmutation per-
of minor actinides transmuted. formance could be further improved. The 5 wt% MOX with minor
Fig. 4.17 shows the activity of one target fuel for each of the actinide was selected for the purposes of comparison as well as
matrix types as well as the activity of a uranium oxide fuel pin its transmutation performance. The 60 wt% thorium hydride fuel
as a function of time in the central coolant channel of the simu- with minor actinide achieved the greatest quantity of transmuta-
lated AP1000. The small quantities of minor actinides contained tion of the thorium hydride fuels and was also selected to broaden
in the target fuels do not result in an irradiated material that is the variety of fuels evaluated. The 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO fuel with
more active than the same fuels without minor actinides. Only minor actinide was selected because it achieved the greatest quan-
the PuZrO2MgO target fuels produced an activity that was less than tity of plutonium and minor actinide transmutation of the fuels
that of a uranium oxide fuel pin irradiated in the same position. evaluated in this study.
The end of life activity for the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO with minor acti-
nide target fuel was 1.04  104 TBq compared to 1.73  104 TBq for 5. Spectral shift absorber coated transmutation fuel pin results
a uranium oxide target fuel rod. Though the PuZrO2MgO target
fuels started their cycle with a higher activity than a uranium oxide The three target fuels, 5 wt% MOX, 60 wt% thorium plutonium
fuel pin, they were sufficiently depleted after approximately 440 zirconium hydride, and 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO, with an initial concen-
EFPD that they had an overall lower activity from that time tration of minor actinides, were simulated with the spectral shift
onward. absorber coatings shown in Table 3.6. The coatings were placed

Fig. 4.15. Target fuel minor actinide concentration as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.
68 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

Table 4.3
End-of-life composition of the target fuels without minor actinides.

Fuel Constituents (wt%)

232 235 238 238 239 240 241 242 241 243 244 237
Th U U Pu Pu Pu Pu Pu Am Am Cm Np
MOX (5% PuO2) 0.00 0.27 82.07 0.07 0.94 1.11 0.42 0.35 0.03 0.05 0.01 0.01
MOX (7% PuO2) 0.00 0.29 80.36 0.10 1.33 1.60 0.56 0.46 0.04 0.07 0.02 0.01
MOX (10% PuO2) 0.00 0.31 77.77 0.15 2.07 2.35 0.76 0.62 0.05 0.08 0.02 0.01
MOX (12% PuO2) 0.00 0.32 76.03 0.18 2.67 2.86 0.89 0.71 0.07 0.09 0.02 0.01
PuO2 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.89 44.90 23.42 4.56 4.84 0.52 0.22 0.03 0.00
PuN 0.00 0.01 0.00 2.04 49.96 24.96 4.63 5.16 0.55 0.21 0.02 0.00
Pu3Si2 0.00 0.01 0.00 1.99 47.47 24.60 4.74 5.09 0.54 0.23 0.03 0.00
PuUZrH 0.00 0.15 42.06 0.13 1.45 2.05 0.79 0.66 0.05 0.09 0.03 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6b 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.88 16.96 11.79 3.07 2.52 0.28 0.23 0.04 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.48b 39.51 0.00 0.00 0.51 8.94 7.17 1.98 1.58 0.17 0.16 0.03 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.72b 49.42 0.00 0.00 0.42 6.78 5.96 1.70 1.35 0.14 0.14 0.03 0.00
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th1.08b 59.31 0.00 0.00 0.32 4.77 4.74 1.41 1.12 0.11 0.13 0.03 0.00
PuZrO2Y2O3 (8%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.87 1.81 0.69 0.63 0.05 0.09 0.03 0.00
PuZrO2Y2O3 (15%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 2.46 3.78 1.25 1.07 0.09 0.14 0.04 0.00
PuZrO2MgO (8%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.80 1.75 0.69 0.65 0.05 0.10 0.03 0.00
PuZrO2MgO (15%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.24 2.71 3.85 1.24 1.04 0.09 0.13 0.03 0.00
Zirconium hydride compositions are from Olander et al. (2009).

Table 4.4
End-of-life composition of the target fuels with minor actinides.

Fuel Constituents (wt%)

232 235 238 238 239 240 241 242 241 243 244 237
Th U U Pu Pu Pu Pu Pu Am Am Cm Np
MOX (5% PuO2) 0.00 0.27 82.07 0.23 0.88 0.94 0.37 0.33 0.13 0.09 0.04 0.18
MOX (7% PuO2) 0.00 0.29 80.36 0.32 1.20 1.35 0.49 0.44 0.21 0.11 0.05 0.26
MOX (10% PuO2) 0.00 0.31 77.77 0.45 1.81 1.98 0.66 0.59 0.34 0.15 0.07 0.38
MOX (12% PuO2) 0.00 0.32 76.03 0.53 2.29 2.41 0.77 0.68 0.43 0.17 0.08 0.46
PuO2 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.80 37.53 19.90 3.82 4.28 6.42 1.13 0.33 4.68
PuN 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.99 40.20 21.29 4.08 4.57 6.87 1.21 0.35 5.01
Pu3Si2 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.92 39.68 20.88 3.97 4.49 6.78 1.18 0.34 4.93
PuUZrH 0.00 0.15 42.06 0.45 1.28 1.71 0.68 0.63 0.27 0.16 0.08 0.35
Pu0.31ZrH1.6a 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.82 14.02 9.99 2.60 2.32 2.60 0.62 0.24 2.13
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.48a 39.50 0.00 0.00 1.17 7.35 6.06 1.68 1.47 1.44 0.39 0.16 1.25
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th0.72a 49.41 0.00 0.00 1.01 5.57 5.03 1.45 1.26 1.13 0.33 0.14 1.02
Pu0.31ZrH1.6Th1.08a 59.26 0.00 0.00 0.84 3.73 3.98 1.21 1.07 0.81 0.28 0.12 0.79
PuZrO2Y2O3 (8%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.77 1.50 0.59 0.60 0.23 0.15 0.07 0.31
PuZrO2Y2O3 (15%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.76 2.07 3.15 1.08 1.02 0.53 0.26 0.12 0.62
PuZrO2MgO (8%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.71 1.44 0.60 0.62 0.22 0.16 0.08 0.31
PuZrO2MgO (15%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.75 2.27 3.22 1.06 1.00 0.56 0.25 0.12 0.63
Zirconium hydride compositions are from Olander et al. (2009).

Fig. 4.16. Initial plutonium wt% as a function of change in minor actinide wt%.
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 69

Fig. 4.17. Activity of selected target fuel rods as a function of time at 21.66 MWth per assembly.

between the fuel rod cladding and on the outside of the fuel pellet in plutonium-239 destruction. A coating of europium oxide
with two different thicknesses, 4.25 lm and 144.25 lm. The two achieved nearly the same curium-244 reduction as the dysprosium
thicknesses are used to allow for extrapolation of transmutation oxide coating but at a higher cost to the rate of plutonium-239
rates for intermediate thicknesses of the spectral shift absorbers. transmutation, 34%. The final significant improvement in curium-
The relative transmutation rates, or percent difference between 244 production was a 12% reduction with a boron carbide coating
coated and uncoated target fuels, were calculated as the difference but also with a significant penalty, 37%, to the plutonium transmu-
in mass of each isotope in the coated fuel and the uncoated fuel tation fraction. The hafnium oxide coating was the only coating
divided by the mass of the isotope in the uncoated fuel at end- which resulted in the net production of curium-244.
of-life. Tables 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 present the percent difference in A 4.25 lm coating thickness had minor impacts on the rates of
the transmutation rates between the coated and uncoated target plutonium and curium transmutation with the 5 wt% MOX fuel
fuels with minor actinide for each of the spectral shift absorbers (see Table 5.1). The most significant difference between the fuel
considered in this study. The two thicknesses of the spectral shift with a 4.25 lm coating thickness and the uncoated fuel is a
absorber coating are shown with respect to the effects the coating 2.62% increase in curium-244 destruction with the In2O3 coating.
had on plutonium-239 transmutation and curium-244 production. The 4.25 lm In2O3 coating decreased the plutonium-239 transmu-
In these tables, negative values indicate the spectral shift absorber tation by 0.22%. Of the thin coatings, this is the most significant
coating improved the transmutation performance of the target reduction in curium production. The remainder of the coatings,
fuel. The ideal coating would result in a value of 100% for both aside from HfO2, reduced the production of curium-244 by less
the curium-244 and plutonium-239. than 1%. Interestingly, the thin HfO2 coating resulted in the MOX
The highest rates of plutonium-239 and curium-244 transmuta- fuel producing curium-244 at a higher rate than the thicker coat-
tion in the 5 wt% MOX fuel occurred with a 144.25 lm coating ing, a 1.03% increase, but also transmuted plutonium-239 at a
thickness (see Table 5.1). Four of the eleven coatings (B4C, Dy2O3, higher rate than the thicker coating.
Eu2O3, and In2O3) applied to the MOX target fuel significantly The 144.25 lm coating thickness on the 60 wt% thorium pluto-
increased the curium-244 transmutation rate. The best perfor- nium zirconium hydride resulted in greater rates of transmutation
mance was achieved with a coating of indium oxide, which than the thin coating (see Table 5.2). The greatest difference in the
reduced the production of curium by 39% with a 13% decrease in coated and uncoated version of the fuel resulted from the In2O3
the rate of destruction of plutonium-239, compared to the coating. The 144.25 lm In2O3 coating resulted in a 30% reduction
uncoated 5 wt% MOX fuel. The dysprosium oxide coating resulted in curium-244 production as well as a 17% reduction in the rate
in a 17% reduction in curium-244 production with a 27% reduction of plutonium-239 transmutation. The second greatest reduction

Table 5.1
5 wt% MOX target fuel coating results (percent difference from uncoated target fuel).

SSA Cm-244 (4.25 lm) Pu-239 (4.25 lm) Cm-244 (144.25 lm) Pu-239 (144.25 lm)
B4C 0.28% 0.69% 12.45% 37.26%
CdO 0.04% 0.14% 2.58% 9.33%
Dy2O3 0.71% 0.72% 17.25% 26.56%
Er2O3 0.08% 0.18% 2.89% 7.60%
Eu2O3 0.48% 0.62% 15.90% 34.01%
Gd2O3 0.08% 0.18% 6.90% 19.07%
HfO2 1.03% 0.22% 0.32% 3.11%
In2O3 2.62% 0.22% 39.06% 13.21%
Lu2O3 0.28% 0.14% 8.01% 4.59%
Sm2O3 0.52% 0.04% 0.83% 9.48%
TaC 0.16% 0.00% 2.42% 2.32%
70 J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72

Table 5.2
60 wt% thorium plutonium zirconium hydride target fuel coating results (percent difference from uncoated target fuel).

SSA Cm-244 (4.25 lm) Pu-239 (4.25 lm) Cm-244 (144.25 lm) Pu-239 (144.25 lm)
B4C 0.23% 1.36% 9.03% 54.35%
CdO 0.05% 0.35% 1.41% 16.74%
Dy2O3 0.64% 1.22% 13.76% 36.96%
Er2O3 0.08% 0.35% 2.32% 12.39%
Eu2O3 0.40% 1.27% 11.65% 48.91%
Gd2O3 0.62% 4.58% 4.03% 32.07%
HfO2 0.53% 0.48% 0.87% 9.24%
In2O3 2.56% 0.51% 30.10% 16.96%
Lu2O3 0.25% 0.33% 6.03% 8.67%
Sm2O3 0.31% 0.46% 1.24% 20.33%
TaC 0.19% 0.22% 3.38% 5.67%

Table 5.3
8 wt% PuZrO2MgO target fuel coating results (percent difference from uncoated target fuel).

SSA Cm-244 (4.25 lm) Pu-239 (4.25 lm) Cm-244 (144.25 lm) Pu-239 (144.25 lm)
B4C 0.32% 1.67% 12.49% 94.42%
CdO 0.04% 0.37% 2.63% 23.93%
Dy2O3 0.75% 1.70% 17.57% 65.21%
Er2O3 0.07% 0.43% 2.95% 17.15%
Eu2O3 0.50% 1.69% 16.15% 89.68%
Gd2O3 0.18% 1.08% 6.83% 49.38%
HfO2 0.78% 0.67% 0.57% 14.33%
In2O3 2.45% 0.63% 37.14% 28.93%
Lu2O3 0.28% 0.39% 7.86% 11.52%
Sm2O3 0.50% 0.51% 1.39% 31.12%
TaC 0.18% 0.24% 2.60% 6.61%

in curium-244 production, 14%, resulted from a Dy2O3 coating, but coating resulted in the greatest reduction in curium-244 produc-
this coating also reduced the plutonium-239 transmutation rate by tion, 2.45%, with a 0.63% decrease in the plutonium-239 transmu-
37% compared to an uncoated fuel. A 144.25 lm coating of Eu2O3 tation rate. The Gd2O3 coating resulted in an increase in the rate of
reduced the production of curium-244 by 12% but resulted in a 49% plutonium-239 transmutation by approximately 1% with a mini-
reduction in the rate of plutonium-239 transmutation. In contrast mal increase in curium-244 production, 0.18%. The HfO2 coating
to the coating on the 5 wt% MOX fuel, the HfO2 coating did not resulted in an increase in the rate of production of curium by less
result in an increase in the rate of curium-244 production. than 1%.
A thin (4.25 lm) coating on the 60 wt% thorium plutonium Of the eleven spectral shift absorbers evaluated in this study,
zirconium hydride fuel resulted in small changes in the transmuta- the In2O3 coating resulted in the largest average decrease in cur-
tion rates similar to the 5 wt% MOX fuel, with a few interesting ium production with the smallest average loss in plutonium trans-
exceptions (see Table 5.2). The In2O3 coating resulted in the mutation. Although the Dy2O3 and Eu2O3 coatings resulted in the
greatest reduction in curium-244 production, 2.56%, with a small second and third highest average reduction in curium production,
decrease in plutonium-239 transmutation, 0.51%. Both the Gd2O3 the loss of plutonium transmutation prevents them from being
and HfO2 coatings resulted in an increase in the rate of production ideal spectral shift absorber coatings for the purposes of this study.
of curium-244, 0.62%, and 0.53%, respectively. While the HfO2 Though the thicker coatings of Gd2O3 tended to heavily shield the
coating continued to reduce the rate of plutonium-239 fuel, the thinner coatings resulted in an increase in plutonium
transmutation by 0.48%, the Gd2O3 coating actually increased the transmutation, and, thus Gd2O3 is the second choice for a spectral
rate of plutonium transmutation by 4.58% compared to the shift absorber coating on the evaluated transmutation fuels.
uncoated fuel.
The 144.25 lm coating thickness on the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO fuel
resulted in patterns similar to the other two fuel types evaluated in 6. Summary and conclusions
this portion of the study (see Table 5.3). The In2O3, Dy2O3, and
Eu2O3 coatings resulted in the highest reduction in curium-244 This paper evaluated sixteen different fuel compositions, with
production. A coating of In2O3 reduced the rate of curium-244 pro- and without minor actinide (neptunium, americium, and curium)
duction by 37% with a decrease in the rate of plutonium-239 trans- additions, for the transmutation of plutonium and minor actinides
mutation by 29%. The Dy2O3 and Eu2O3 coatings resulted in similar in a modified AP1000 17  17 Robust Fuel Assembly as a near-term
reductions in the rate of curium-244 production, 18% and 16%, solution to the disposition of plutonium and minor actinides. The
respectively, with significant differences in the rate of fuels evaluated in this study consist of MOX, PuO2, Pu3Si2, PuN,
plutonium-239 transmutation, 65% and 90%, respectively. The high PuUZrH, PuZrH, PuZrHTh, and PuZrO2. The target fuel rods were
reduction in plutonium-239 transmutation with the Dy2O3 and evaluated with and without minor actinides to determine an opti-
Eu2O3 coatings indicates that the spectral shift absorbers pre- mal fuel type for actinide transmutation. The ratio of minor acti-
vented the majority of the neutrons from reaching the underlying nides added to each fuel type was proportional to the ratio of
fuel. americium, neptunium, and curium found in an average PWR fuel
The 4.25 lm coating thickness on the 8 wt% PuZrO2MgO fuel assembly with a burnup of 41200 MWd/MTHM at 3.75 wt% enrich-
resulted in changes similar to that of the coated 60 wt% thorium ment after 23 years of decay. A fuel rod of each fuel type was
plutonium zirconium hydride fuel (see Table 5.3). The In2O3 placed in the central instrumentation channel of the AP1000 fuel
J. Washington et al. / Nuclear Engineering and Design 313 (2017) 53–72 71

assembly. The fuel compositions were evaluated for the depletion Acknowledgements
of fissile plutonium and minor actinides, as well as for the produc-
tion of plutonium-240 and plutonium-242 which increase prolifer- Jeremy Washington was supported by a Colorado School of
ation resistance. The evaluation considered 1400 effective full Mines Nuclear Science and Engineering Fellowship with funding
power days of energy production at 21.66 MWth per assembly in provided by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission under grant
order to compare each fuel on a similar basis. number NRC-38-10-952.
The addition of minor actinides to the target fuels results in a
decrease in the rate of plutonium destruction by an average of
16 wt%. Various minor actinides react differently to different levels
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