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Ethan Bryce C. Zerna

The rapid increase in numbers of human population, attributed to an

accelerating birthrate, a decrease in infant mortality, and an increase in life
expectancy. Our population is growing, but our world is not. We’re running out of
space to put people. I wouldn’t be surprised if we had to start building on water,
because our land area isn’t getting any bigger.

Deforestation is the removal of a forest or stand of trees where the land is

thereafter converted to a non-forest use.   Deforestation causes extinction, changes
to climatic conditions and desertification. Governments will see trees as a way to
expand the economy; they don’t think about the effects it will have on animals and
rural populations. They do not take care of their forests because they need all the
resources they can get to try to make an impact on the world. Consequently, lots
and lots of people and animals are adversely affected by Governments’ poor

Glaciers and ice sheets in western Antarctica are melting, there's nothing we
can do to stop it, and the result will be a 10-foot rise in sea level within the next
century or two. We know we're losing glaciers, but what does that mean for marine
life, fisheries, and things downstream that we care about? There's a whole host of
issues besides the water issue. The thing people have to think about is what this
means for Earth.

The consumption of a resource faster than it can be replenished is a Global

Issue. Resources are commonly divided between renewable resources and non-
renewable resources. We should start to use lesser and lesser non-renewable
resources as time pass until we extinguished using those said resources.

It is this increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the oceans that is

causing ocean acidification. Overall, there is much to be gained and very low risk in
pursuing multiple parts of a portfolio of carbon dioxide removal strategies that
demonstrate practical solutions over the short term and develop more cost-effective,
regional-scale and larger solutions for the long term.

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