RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - Interpretation and Report

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Dr Wellars B. (PhD)
After collecting and analyzing the data, the
researcher has to accomplish the task of
drawing inferences followed by report writing.

Meaning of Interpretation
Interpretation refers to the task of drawing
inferences from the collected facts after an
analytical and/or experimental study.

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

The task of interpretation has two major aspects:
• The effort to establish continuity in research
through linking the results of a given study with
those of another,
• The establishment of some explanatory

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

• Why interpretation?
interpretation is essential for the simple reason that the
usefulness and utility of research findings lie in proper
- It is trough interpretation that the researcher can well
understand the abstract principle that works beneath his
- Interpretation leads to the establishment of explanatory
concepts that can serve as a guide for future research
studies; it opens new avenues of intellectual adventure
and stimulates the quest for more knowledge

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

• Researcher can better appreciate only through
interpretation why his findings are what they are
and can make others to understand the real
significance of his research findings
• Researcher must give reasonable explanations of
the relations which he has found and he must
interpret the lines of relationship in terms of the
underlying processes and must try to find out the
thread of uniformity that lies under the surface
layer of his diversified research findings

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

• extraneous information, if collected during the
study, must be considered while interpreting
the final result
• Researcher must accomplish the task of
interpretation only after considering all relevant
factors affecting the problem to avoid false

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

Report writing
Writing a report is the last step in a research study and
requires a set of skills somewhat differ from those called
for in respect of the earlier stages of research
• Logical analysis of the subject matter
• Preparation of the final outline
• Preparation of the rough draft
• Rewriting and polishing of the rough draft
• Preparation of the final bibliography
• Writing the final draft

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

Remark: the entries in bibliography should be made
adopting the following order:
1. For books and pamphlets
• Name of the author, last name first
• Title, underline to indicate italics
• Place, publisher, and date of publication
• Number of volume ( if any)
Kothari, C.R., Quantitative techniques, New Delhi,
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., 1978

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

1. for magazines and newspapers
• Name of the author, last name First
• Title of article, in quotation marks
• Name of periodical, underlined to indicate italics
• The volume or volume and number
• The date of the issue
• The pagination
Robert V. Roosa, “coping with short-term International Money
Flows”, The Banker, London, September, 2012. pp 545-558

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

Layout of the research report
(A) Preliminary pages
• Cover page carrying the title, author and date
• Acknowledgement (Preface or Foreword)
• Table of contents
• List of tables and illustrations
(B) Main text
• Introduction
• Statements of findings and recommendations
• The results
• The implications drawn from the results
• The summary
UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology
(C) End matter
at the end of the report, appendices should be
enlisted in respect of all technical data such as
questionnaires, sample information,
mathematical derivations and like ones

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

Types of reports

Research reports vary greatly in length and type. In each

individual case, both the length and the form are largely
dictated by the problems at hand; business firms reports in
the letter form just one or two pages in length. Banks ,
insurance organizations and financial institutions are
generally fond of the short balance-sheet type of tabulation
for their annual reports.
Dissertations, theses and memoires are also a form of report-
writing, usually completed by students in academic
institutions. These can be classified into technical and popular

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

(A)Technical Report
• Summary of results
• Nature of the study
• Methods employed
• Data
• Analysis of data and presentation of findings
• Conclusions
• Bibliography
• Technical appendices
NB this order is not imperative it may vary in different reports

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

(B) Popular Report
• The findings and their implications
• Recommendations for action
• Objective of the study
• Methods employed
• Results
• Technical appendices

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

Layout of research Proposal
- Problem definition (background and problem statement,
questions research and hypothesis if any)
- Literature review (basic concepts and previous findings
- Research design including sample design (sample size, area
of study, period of time the study will cover, …)
- Method of collection data
- Method of analysis of data
- Significance of the study
- Limitation or scope
- Time frame and budget if possible

UR- MAT DPT- Reserch Methodology

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