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Seminar Naional │ ISBN …..

Pembelajaran Kolaborasi


Tapa Sudiarto1, Bambang Sumardjoko2, Sutama3
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Jl. A. Yani Pabelan Kartasura Sukoharjo


Lesson study termasuk salah satu cara untuk melakukan peningkatan secara
Lesson study is one way to continuously improve the quality of learning carried
out by lecturers at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. The purpose of
writing this manuscript is to analyze the contribution of cooperative learning and
lesson studies to the participation of students at the Muhammadiyah University of
Surakarta, either partially or simultaneously. This research as a whole uses a
quantitative research approach. Quantitative research is a process to examine
causality in the variables studied. The population in this study were students of the
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UMS with categories as activists and
non-activists at the undergraduate level. The time of the study was carried out in
semester 1 of the 2020 academic year. The population was 36,000, the sample in
this study was 345 students before the data analysis was carried out, first the
validity and reliability tests were carried out. After the data has been collected
valid and reliable, then the assumption test is carried out, all of which are normal
and avoid disturbances of homogeneity, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity.
Data analysis used SPSS for Windows V 24. The results showed that: 1)
Cooperative Learning had a significant effect on student participation. 2) Lesson
Study significantly influences student participation. 3) Cooperative Learning and
Lesson Study have an effect on student participation simultaneously.
Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Lesson Study and Student Participation

Student satisfaction is still relevant to be discussed. Changes in the community
environment spur educational institutions to always be sensitive to changes and respond
wisely. Especially in the implementation of education after the Covid-19 pandemic, many
studies have been carried out in various countries, including in Indonesia. Kajian tentang
persepsi siswa diperlukan tidak hanya untuk mendengar apa yang mereka rasakan tetapi
juga untuk mengevaluasi dan merefleksikan kinerja pembelajaran pada Institusi

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Pembelajaran Kolaborasi

Pendidikan (Suastika et al., 2022).

Lesson study is one way to continuously improve the quality of learning carried out
by lecturers at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Students are required to be
more active in developing themselves in accordance with the development of science and
technology. One of the students who carry out self-development activities is through
classroom learning activities. Learning is a process that occurs in a social context and is
accompanied by interactions between students and lecturers at the university
Muhammadiyah of Surakarta. This research that an effective learning process can be
realized only with active interaction and participation between students and lecturers in
the learning process activities .(Safrida et al., 2021.)
The problem from the observation is that it is considered that activeness in
developing itself in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic still needs to be improved.
Students are rarely responsive during lectures. Or it can be said that learning in the
classroom interaction between lecturers and students still needs to be developed.(Wati et
al., 2021) In lesson study activities, several lecturers collaboratively develop learning
tools. Research supported by (Susanto, 2012) (Jali, 2019), (Nur & Dwi, 2021), (Kuswara
et al., 2021), (Tendrita & Sari, 2020).
Improving the quality of learning can be done by Sairo, (2021) The implementation
of lesson study in this school is carried out in three stages, namely:: plan (perencanaan),
do (pelaksanaan), see (refleksi). In the plan activities carried out is preparing RPP. In this
activity, a learning process is carried out with lesson study. In the see activity, reflections
are made on the learning that has been carried out, both by the teacher and the observer. It
can be concluded that the Lesson Study held is very useful for improving and changing
the way of learning and teaching both from teachers and students to be better than the
previous learning that has been held. Research supported by ( Maulana & Iswanto, 2021),
(Nuzalifa, 2021), (Situmorang et al., 2021), (Manurung & Nias, 2021) dan ( Yusro et al.,
Various previous studies have done it, different from current and previous research
methods, data analysis. Data analysis carried out by previous research is qualitative data
analysis, while this manuscript is carried out using quantitative methods. The previous
research data were collected by means of interviews and documentation, while this study
used a questionnaire data collection tool. The importance of this research is to contribute
to an analysis of increasing activeness in self-development through the delivery of
information from lecturers to students on an ongoing basis and continuously instilling
student activity during the online and offline learning process.Pembelajaran Kolaboratif
There are two views that arise regarding the term learning that empowers students.
There is the term 'collaborative learning' which is juxtaposed with 'cooperative learning'.
The first view considers the two terms cooperative and collaborative as two different.
While the second view assumes that the two are not different or the same.(Tamah, 2020)

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Pembelajaran Kolaborasi

Directorate General of Higher Education, (2020) Indicators of Guidelines for

Preparation of Higher Education Curriculum: 1. Learning Outcomes of Graduates of
Study Program (CPL-PRODI) are the abilities possessed by each graduate of PRODI
which are internalization of attitudes, mastery of knowledge and skills according to the
level of study program obtained through the learning process. 2. The CPL that is charged
to the course is some of the learning outcomes of the study program graduates (CPL-
PRODI) which is used for the formation / development of a course consisting of aspects
of attitude, general skills, special skills and knowledge. 3. Course CP (CPMK) is the
ability that is specifically described from the CPL that is charged to the course, and is
specific to the study material or learning material of the course. 4. Subject Sub-CP (Sub-
CPMK) is the ability that is specifically described from the CPMK that can be measured
or observed and is the final ability that is planned at each learning stage, and is specific to
the learning material of the course. 5. Indicators for assessing student learning outcomes
and processes are specific and measurable statements that identify the ability or
performance of student learning outcomes accompanied by evidence.
Step 6. Assessment criteria are benchmarks used as measures or benchmarks for
learning achievement in assessment based on predetermined indicators. Assessment
criteria are guidelines for raters so that the assessment is consistent and unbiased. Criteria
can be either quantitative or qualitative. 7. Forms of assessment: test and non-test. 8.
Forms of learning: Lecture, Response, Tutorial, Seminar or equivalent, Practicum, Studio
Practice, Workshop Practice, Field Practice, Research, Community Service and/or other
equivalent forms of learning. 9. Learning Methods: Small Group Discussion, Role-Play &
Simulation, Discovery Learning, Self-Directed Learning, Cooperative Learning,
Collaborative Learning, Contextual Learning, Project Based Learning, and other
equivalent methods. 10. Learning Materials are details or descriptions of study materials
that can be presented in the form of several subjects and sub-topics. 11. The weight of the
assessment is the percentage of assessment of each achievement of the sub-CPMK which
is proportional to the level of difficulty of achieving the sub-CPMK, and the total is
100%. 12. TM=Face to Face, PT=Structured Assignments, BM=Independent Learning
The implementation of PPL based on Project Lesson Study was carried out in 2
meetings. The stages of the Lesson Study implementation consist of 3 stages, namely: (1)
the planning stage (plan), (2) the implementation stage (do), and the reflection stage (see)
Inprasitha et al., (2015). Each stage is presented in detail as follows.
1. Planning (Plan)
The first stage in lesson study is to carry out a plan for the entire lecture activity
that will be held (plan). The activities carried out by the practitioner at this stage of the
plan are as follows.
a. Prepare lesson plans, material descriptions and MFIs
The preparation of lesson plans, material descriptions and LKM are carried

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Seminar Naional │ ISBN …..
Pembelajaran Kolaborasi

out by model lecturers and other practitioners together. The preparation of learning
plans for the first and second meetings is carried out every week.
b. Designing presentation slides
After compiling the lesson plans, material descriptions and LKM, the model
lecturer designs presentation slides. Then the presentation slides were observed by
other practitioners along with the implementation of peer teaching to give
comments and suggestions.
c. peer teaching
Peer teaching is carried out one week before the lecture (do). Agenda yang
dilakukan pada saat peer teaching ialah praktik mengajar dan mencermati slide
d. Reflection on video peer teaching with PPL
Supervisors, presentation slides, material descriptions, LKM, and video
recordings of the results of peer teaching for the first meeting were consulted with
the PPL supervisor. Then the RPP slide presentation, material description, and
LKM are corrected according to the criticism and suggestions from the PPL
2. Implementation (Do)
In the do stage, one of the practitioners becomes a model lecturer who carries
out the results of the activity design carried out at the plan stage. Lecturer and student
activities are guided by the lesson plans that have been prepared and made with
observers at the plan stage. The observers are colleagues. The observers noted
positive and negative things in lecture activities, especially student participation
guided by the observation sheets that had been made.
3. Reflection(See)
In the see stage, the model lecturer and observer discuss the results of the
observations from the lecturer and observer. Model lecturers are given the opportunity
to first express self-reflection on the results and process of lectures that have been
carried out with students. Lecturers can explain the difficulties and obstacles during
carrying out learning. After that, the observer lecturer presented his findings regarding
student participation in learning. Observers can also provide suggestions in the form
of things that must be done in the next learning which previously had to be designed
in the plan stage of the next cycle (Paryanto, 2020).

Student participation in learning can be seen in activities (Nurdyansyah, 2021) :

1. Study in groups,
2. Learn, experience, and find out for yourself how to acquire knowledge situations Do
something to understand the subject matter with confidence,
3. Feel for yourself how the tasks assigned by the teacher to him,
4. Try certain concepts yourself, and communicate the results of thoughts, discovery, and
appreciation of values verbally or research

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Pembelajaran Kolaborasi

The purpose of writing this manuscript is to analyze the contribution of

cooperative learning, lesson study and student participation to student satisfaction at
Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, either partially or simultaneously.

This research as a whole uses a quantitative research approach. Quantitative research is a
process to examine causality in the variables studied. (Sutama, 2019). The population in
this study were students of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education UMS with
categories as activists and non-activists at the undergraduate level. The time of the study
was carried out in semester 1 of the 2020 academic year. The population was 36,000, the
sample in this study was 345 students. Data collection from this study was carried out by
means of: Observation Sheet. The data in this study were obtained through observation
activities using observation sheets. Observation sheets are presented in the form of
questions about lecture activities, findings, and student participation. Filling in the
observation sheet in the form of narration. The questionnaire used in the form of video
recordings of each implementation of the plan, do, and see. Data were analyzed
quantitatively. Observation results will be crossed with video recording documents and
student work to complement each other. In addition, the findings of the observer will also
be crossed with the obstacles that have been experienced by the model lecturer for analysis.
The results of quantitative analysis of these data will produce a systematic learning process
carried out by students so that student participation can be identified
Before the data analysis was carried out, the validity and reliability tests were first carried
out. After the data is collected valid and reliable, then the assumption test is carried out, all
of which are normal and avoid homogeneity disorders, multicollinearity disorders and
heteroscedasticity disorders. Data Analysis using SPSS for Windows V 24.


Hasil yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini terkait dengan data mengenai deskripsi
responden (Sugiyono, 2013), Deskripsi data yang terkumpul, berdasarkan data yang
terkumpul, selanjutnya dalam artikel ini dapat disajikan data terkait jenis kelamin, usia,
Program Studi, tahun angkatan dari jumlah sampel 345 mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan
dan Ilmu Pendidikan UMS atau tidak sebagai berikut:
1. Jenis Kelamin

Tabel 1. Jenis Kelamin Responden

Jenis Kelamin Frekuensi %

Perempuan 223 64.6

Valid Laki-laki 122 35.4

Total 345 100.0

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Pembelajaran Kolaborasi

Gambar 1. Jenis Kelamin Responden

Dari data responden yang terkumpul, selanjutnya dapat diketahui responden berjenis
kelamin perempuan sebesar 65% dan responden laki-laki sebesar 35%. Dari data di atas
selanjutnya dapat diketahui bahwa jenis kelamin perempuan mendominasi lebih banyak
dibanding dengan responden laki-laki dalam naskah ini.
2. Usia Responden
Tabel 2. Usia Responden

Usia Frekuensi %

18 - 19 tahun 154 44.6

20 - 21 tahun 121 35.1

Valid 22 - 23 tahun 67 19.4

24 - 25 tahun 3 .9

Total 345 100.0

Gambar 2. Usia Responden

Deskripsi data responden dengan criteria usia pada usia 18 - 19 tahun sebesar47%, usia 20 -
21 tahun sebesar 35%, usia 22 - 23 tahun sebesar 67% dan usia 24 - 25 tahun sebesar 9%.
Berdasarkan data yang terkumpul dapat diperoleh keterangan bahwa responden paling
banyak adalah berusia antara 18-19 tahun. Sementara responden yang memiliki usia 24-25
tahun adalah responden dengan jumlah paling sedikit.
3. Data responden dengan kategori mahasiswa program studi

Tabel 3. Program Studi

Program Studi Frekuensi %

37 10.7


Pancasila dan 43 12.5


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Bahasa dan Sastra 23 6.7


42 12.2
Bahasa Inggris

62 18.0

Pendidikan Guru
33 9.6

37 10.7

Pendidikan 7.5

Teknik 26 Gambar 3. Program Studi Responden


Pendidikan Olah
42 12.2

Total 345 100.0

Data responden dengan kategori mahasiswa program studi, untuk program Pendidikan
Akuntansi, akuntansi sebesar 11%, program Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan
12%, program pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 7%, program Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris 12%, program Pendidikan Matematika 18%, Pendidikan Guru PAUD 10%,
Pendidikan Geografi 11% Program Pendidikan Teknik Informatika 11 % dan Program
Pendidikan Olah Raga sebesar 12%. Dari data yang terkumpul responden terbanyak yaitu
responden dari program studi Matematika FKIP UMS yaitu sebesar 18%.

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4. Tahun Angkatan

Tabel 4. Tahun Angkatan

Tahun Angkatan Frekuensi %

Tahun 2017 37 10.7

Tahun 2018 78 22.6

Tahun 2019 65 18.8

Tahun 2020 76 22.0

Tahun 2021 89 25.8

Total 345 100.0

Gambar 4. Tahun Angkatan

Merunut dari data yang terkumpul untuk kategori tahun angkatan Tahun 2017 sebesar 11%,
angkatan 2018 sebesar 23,%, Tahun 2019 sebesar 19%, tahun 2020 sebesar 22% tahun
2021 sebesar 26%. Berdasar data yang ada selanjutnya dapat diketahui bahwa data
responden paling banyak dalam naskah ini adalah responden dari tahun angkatan 2021

Uji Hipotesis

Tabel 5. Uji Regresi Berganda

No Uji Hasil Keterangan

1. Konstanta 6,516 Belum dipengaruhi oleh


2. Pembelajaran Kooperatif 0,442 Berpengaruh positif

terhadap Partisipasi

3. Lesson Study 0,258 Berpengaruh positif

terhadap Partisipasi

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Y = a + β1 X1 + β2 X2
= 6,516 + 0,442 + 0,258

Nilai Konstanta sebesar 6,481 merupakan konstanta atau keadaan saat variable
Partisipasi Mahasiswa belum dipengaruhi oleh variable lain yaitu Pembelajaran Kooperatif
(X1) dan Lesson Study(X2). Jika variable independen tidak ada maka variable Partisipasi
Mahasiswa tidak mengalami perubahan.
β1 X1 merupakan nilai dari variable Pembelajaran Kooperatif bernilai sebesar 0,442,
menunjukkan bahwa variable Pembelajaran Kooperatif mempunyai pengaruh positif
terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa yang berarti bahwa setiap kenaikan 1 satuan variable
Pembelajaran Kooperatif maka akan mempengaruhi Partisipasi Mahasiswa sebesar 0,442.
β2X2 merupakan variable Lesson Studynilainya sebesar 0,257, menunjukkan bahwa
variable Lesson Studymempunyai pengaruh positif terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa yang
berarti bahwa setiap kenaikan 1 satuan variable Lesson Studymaka akan mempengaruhi
Partisipasi Mahasiswa sebesar 0,258.

Uji t

Tabel 6. Uji t

No Uji T hitung T table Keterangan

1. Uji t pada 23,666 1,660 H01 ditolak

Pembelajaran dan Ha1
Kooperatif diterima.

2. Uji t pada Lesson 29,969 1,660 H02 ditolak

Studyterhadap dan Ha2
Partisipasi diterima.

Berdasarkan table 6 yaitu uji t menunjukkan bahwa t hitung lebih besar dari t table antara
Pembelajaran Kooperatif (X1) terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa (Y), dan nilai t hitung
23,666 > 1,660, maka H01 ditolak dan Ha1 diterima, artinya Pembelajaran Kooperatif
berpengeruh terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa secara signifikan.

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Sedangkan pada uji t Lesson Study terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa menunjukkan

bahwa t hitung lebih besar dari t table antara Lesson Study (X2) terhadap Partisipasi
Mahasiswa (Y), dan nilai t hitung 29,969 > 1,660, maka H 02 ditolak dan Ha2 diterima,
artinya Lesson Studyberpengeruh terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa secara signifikan.

Uji F

Berdasarkan uji F antara Pembelajaran Kooperatif (X1) dan Lesson Study(X2) terhadap
Partisipasi Mahasiswa (Y) terdapat nilai F hitung 748,908 > 3,00 maka H0 ditolak dan Ha
diterima. Artinya Pembelajaran Kooperatif dan Lesson Study berpengaruh terhadap
Partisipasi Mahasiswa secara simultan
Table 6 Uji F
No Uji F hitung F table Keterangan
1. Uji F 748,908 3,00 H0 ditolak
Pembelajaran dan Ha
Kooperatif dan diterima.
Lesson Study
secara simultan

Hasil Penelitian ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang telah di lakukan oleh Indarti (Indarti,
2016) dengan hasil Mahasiswa cenderung pasif dan diam sepanjang proses pembelajaran
berlangsung, dan dosen mendominasi dengan metode ceramah. Hal ini menjadi ironi, karena pada
saat ini mahasiswa calon guru dikenalkan pada pendekatan konstruktivisme, yaitu pendekatan yang
berpusat pada siswa. Dengan pendekatan ini diharapkan pengetahuan tidak lagi dipindahkan melalui
ceramah melainkan dibangun sendiri oleh individu yang belajar. Salah satu upaya peningakatan
kualitas pembalajaran dapat dilakukan melalui kegiatan lessonstudy. Sebagai salah satu upaya untuk
meningkatkan kualitas proses pembelajaran melalui kegiatan lessonstudy maka perlu dikaji tentang
bagaimana keaktifan dan ketuntasan belajar mahasiswa dalam proses pembelajaran pada mata
kuliah ekonomi publik yang menggunakan pendekatan konstrutivisme dengan latar kooperatif.
Hasil Penelitian ini juga didukung oleh (Azis et al., 2016), (Jannah et al., 2021) dan ( Wahyuni, et
al., 2021)

Pembelajaran Kooperatif berpengeruh terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa secara signifikan.
Lesson Study berpengaruh terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa secara signifikan. 3)
Pembelajaran Kooperatif dan Lesson Study berpengaruh terhadap Partisipasi Mahasiswa
secara simultan. Hendaknya dosen dan mahasiswa berkomitmen bersama untuk

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mendesain pembelajaran Lesson Study Learning Community agar kemampuan berdiskusi

dan kolaborasi sehingga akan meningkatkan kemandirian mahasiswa dalam belajar.

Ucapan terimakasih di berikan kepada bapak Prof Sutama M.Pd selaku Dekan FKIP dan
para pihak yang mendukung proses penelitian ini.


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Indarti, N. (2016). Membangun Keaktifan Mahasiswa Stkip Pgri Pasuruan Pada Proses
Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah Ekonomi Publik Melalui Pendekatan Konstruktivisme Dalam
Kegiatan Lesson Study. Jurnal Ilmiah Edukasi & Sosial, 7(2009), 36–44.
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Jali, M. Bin. (2019). Pembinaan pembelajaran ipa berbasis lesson study dalam meningkatkan
profesionalisme guru IPA. Jurnal Ilmiah Pro Guru, 5(3), 292–306.
Jannah, W., Evendi, E., Safrida, S., Ilyas, S., & Syukri, M. (2021). Improvement of Learning
Outcomes, Motivation, and Achievement of Students’ Social Skills by Applying Student
Teams Achievement Division Cooperative Learning Model through PhET Simulation Media.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 7(4), 775–781.
Lailatul Yusro, W. W. & N. S. (2021). Penerapan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tgt Melalui Kartu
‘Prada’ Terhadap Keterampilan Kerjasama Dan Komunikasi. Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar P-
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Manurung, T., & Nias, K. (2021). Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Pkn Melalui Penerapan Model
Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Ati ( Aptitude Treatment Interaction ). Didaktik, 15(April),
Nur, U., & Dwi, A. (2021). Problem Based learning dipadu jigsaw berbasis lesson study : upaya
pemberdayaan literasi informasi mahasiswA BIOLOGI. 4.
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Nuzalifa, Y. U. (2021). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Think-Pair-Share ( TPS ) Berbasis Lesson

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Study sebagai Upaya untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Kolaborasi Mahasiswa. Jurnal

Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran Sains (JPPSI) Volume 4, Nomor 1, April 2021 ISSN: 2623-
0852, 4(April), 48–57.
Paryanto. (2020). Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Stad (Student Teams
Achievement Division) Untuk Pelajaran Passing Dalam Permainan Bola Voli.
R. Didi Kuswara1*, Suci Ferdiana2, Tismi Dipalaya3, dan I. S. (2021). Implementasi Model
Pembelajaran Think Pair Share ( Tps ) Berbasis Lesson Study Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas
Pada Matakuliah Pengembangan Kurikulum IPA SMP Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi ,
FKIP , Universitas Nahdlatul Wathan Mataram , Indonesia Program S. 9(2), 527–534.
Safrida, L. N., Ambarwati, R., & Albirri, E. R. (n.d.). Partisipasi Mahasiswa dalam Pembelajaran
Kooperatif Berbasis Lesson Study ( Undergraduate Students Participation in Cooperative
Learning Based on Lesson Study ).
Sairo, M. I. (2021). Pelaksanaan Lesson Study Menggunakan Metode Pembelajaran Mind Mapping.
Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies, 4(1), 26–32.
Situmorang, M. V., Purba, N., Gultom, B. T., Hkbp, U., & Pematangsiantar, N. (2021).
EDUKATIF : Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Make A
Match ( MAM ) dalam Peningkatan Hasil Belajar pada Materi Sistem Ekskresi. Edukatif :
Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 3(6), 4041–4048.
Sri Wahyuni, Roro Eko Susetyarini, Wahyu Prihanta, F. Y. (2021). Peningkatan kualitas
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Susanto, J. (2012). PENGembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Lesson Study Dengan
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Tendrita, M., & Sari, A. P. P. (2020). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student
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Universitas Negeri Malang. Bioedusiana: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi Vol. 5 No. 1, Juni 2020,
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