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Analysis of the horoscope

of COVID-19 patient
By Kittinun Jenakom

1 Objectives
The first objective is to present a study of COVID-19 events
through Uranian Astrology as an analysis tool of a patient’s
Figure 1.Global COVID-19 Spread
horoscope. Secondly is to prove the methodology to
distinguish Uranian Astrology between science and
pseudoscience from the actual case.

2 Introduction
Since the end of 2019 until now There has been an epidemic
of the COVID-19 virus around the world affecting the world's
population beyond description in Thailand as well Infections
and deaths have occurred as well. (Figure. 1) Many famous
people have died from contracting COVID-19. As I am an
astrologer Therefore, it is impossible to bring an interesting
horoscope of those who are infected both cured and incurable
to the point of death to study for this article. Let's take the
destiny of the man's destiny who was infected with the
Figure 2.Global COVID-19 Spread COVID-19 virus was admitted to the hospital, but the
symptoms have only worsened and eventually died.
2 General Horoscope
Information of the destiny as far as it can be gathered in a
nutshell are as follows:
A male, born on January 5, 1958, unknown time of birth, the
place of birth was in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province,
north of Bangkok. (Figure. 2) He was diagnosed with COVID
on April 12, 2021, and admitted to a local hospital. His
symptoms began to deteriorate on April 18, 2021, he had a
viral infection in the lungs on April 20, 2021, and died of heart
failure on April 30, 2021. The time from hospital admission to
death took 18 days. (Figure. 3)

3. Method of checking the horoscope

1) Check the birth horoscope 

It is the preliminary and most important task that an astrologer
must always examine the birth horoscope. In general, check to
determine what important events in life are likely to occur,
both good and bad events. The goal to be examined is to check
Figure 3. General Horoscope on subjects related to who, where, how good, and how bad)
but in case of examination a specific event of interest. It must
INFOGRAPHIC also be noted which stellar core does the event of interest
CHARTS appears in. To be an observation point when forecasting at the
stage of prophecy from the above destiny because the exact
time of birth is unknown. So I will skip the matter of adjusting
the birth-time. Therefore, it will focus mainly on the use of the
techniques of Planetary Picture.

2) The annual horoscope

Check the following annual events forecasting techniques:
(1) Direction horoscopes (……)
(2) Solar Return (the exact moment the Sun returns to its "natal" or
birth position. It's an excellent tool to help you assess and predict
the themes that will arise for you during your next "solar year")
(3) Sun ingress (a planet moves into a new sign of the zodiac )
(4) Life cycle rhythm (a correlation of the patterns of the universe
and the patterns of our lives. We can gain a unique perspective of
the phases, chapters and scenes that flow throughout our lives
through an understanding of these cycles.)

3) Examine the meaning of planets structure (Figure 4.)

- SO = NO/SA (separate from close people, exposed to virus)

= NO/NE (infected) = NO/HA (from someone who is already
sick) = SA/UR (Death (separated from unexpected) =
CU/AD (going to a restricted state, isolated – detained)
SA=VE=UR=NE=HA means separated from loved ones
(VE=SA), unexpectedly suddenly - deadly, from infection
(NE), sick (HA) , from plague (NE SA, SA HA), Deceased

4) Results from the birth horoscope (Figure 5.)

(1) This person is at risk of infection. (SO = NO/NE) by

being infected by close people who are already sick
Figure 4.
(SO = NO/HA) by unexpectedly infected with the plague.
(SA = NE = HA = UR)
(2) This person must be separated from close people.
(SO = NO/SA) unexpectedly separated from loved
ones (VE=SA=UR)
(3)This person must be in a confined condition, isolated –
quarantined (SO = CU/AD)
(4) This person is at risk of unexpected death
( SA = UR, UR = NE)
Figure 5
5) Check the Direction.
INFOGRAPHIC This results in two cores with star structures related to the
CHARTS COVID-19 infection conditions, namely the Sun Core and
the Saturn Core. When we examine the solar direction,
these two axes, both in the birth chart and the direction
chat, are especially focused on whether they are triggered
or not. From checking the horoscope with a plate of 22
degrees 30 seconds using the date of April 1, 2021, it was
found that Sad = (VE=UR=NE=HA)d = Sor

The two sets of star equations are therefore combined

and displayed in 2021 simultaneously. There is a
remark Sad in the picture is in a position that past the
Radix Sun enough to predict that this man's birth time
Figure 6
should be adjusted forward from the original 12 noon
time as the criteria, so that the birth time will be more
close to the truth and can use other techniques to adjust
until the expected position is really correct .
6) Check the Solar Return horoscope.
It is considered one of the important horoscope one that
provides complete information about the life of the
destiny of the year. I used to hypothesize that the
horoscope should have its own function
independently. An astrologer should be able to examine
all the annual events in this horoscope without having to
check other horoscopes, which is regarded as the birth
horoscope. But the age of the horoscope is only 1 year,
astrologers should be able to use every techniques used
in the birth horoscope to be used in Solar Return
horoscope. When I tested the real horoscope and
Figure 7
compared it with the actual events of the destiny, I found
that the results are accurate as well. Therefore, I would
like to bring this idea to check with the sample
horoscope presented.
The Solar Return of the sample horoscope corresponds to
approximately on January 4, 2021 at 7:19 p.m. Bangkok,
it was found that
- SO (This person) = VE/SA (separation from loved
ones) = UR (unexpectedly, suddenly)
- SA = HA = VU = CU/AD = MA/NE (seriously ill,
- SA HA, quarantined - SA VU, from infection - MA/NE,
Figure 8
in a confined place, isolation - in detention)
It can be seen that the star structure corresponds to that
INFOGRAPHIC detected in the birth horoscope show that this year is the
CHARTS year that has the opportunity to be infected, sick with
COVID-19 must be quarantined and left suddenly.

7) Check the Sun Ingress horoscope.

For the winter solstice was on December 21, 2020 at 5:02
p.m. Ayutthaya. The star equations related to the deceased
event were detected with a 22 degree 30 minute disc as

(1) Sat = CUt = CUd= Ned = Adr means experiencing

separation from the group (SA = CU) and in an isolated
Figure 9 group (CU) (NE) is extremely limited (AD), it may be
inferred that some form of confinement is likely to occur.
Neptune plays a role, so this person may be among a group
of patients who are sick.

(2) URt = SOr = SAd = HAd = URd experienced an exciting,

unexpected event (UR) due to a serious illness face the
epidemic (SAd = HAd) unexpectedly (URd).

Figure 10 (3)NEt = ADt = VEt = ZEt = POt = SOd = Zer means

there has been a change in living conditions (NE = AD) that
corresponds to intellectual directing (VEt = ZEt= POt)
happened to this person. (SOd) in the compulsory (ZEr).

(4) MAt/SAt = HAt = NOr means that this year this person
has the opportunity to experience (NOr) an abnormal
death (Mat/SAt = HAt). Hades means sick already. There
is a risk of death from being sick.
Figure 11
(5) (MA+SA-AR=MA+SA-SO)t = SOr = VEd = VUr
means this person (SOr) is at risk of dying this year
(MA+SA-AR=MA+SA-SO) even after death. It would
be greatly loved by the general public. (Ved=JUd=Vur)
4 Discussion Check with the life cycle technique.

From the above star equation, there is a structure that shows

this person is at risk of contracting an epidemic, quarantined,
and at risk of death and lover of many persons.

To check your fortune with this technique I will pay attention

to the current transiting stars. especially slow transit
stars Check whether there is a close angle or a tendency to
Figure 12 degrees close to the star or any factor in the birth chart. Focus
on the relationship angle 0⁰, 90⁰ , 180⁰ and 270 degrees. For
this horoscope I started calculating during this person’s
INFOGRAPHIC sickness that any transiting stars were close to the radix star,
CHARTS found that the transiting Uranus began to enter at a 90 degree
angle with the Radix Uranus. The orb is about 59 minutes on
April 12-13, 2021, the date of detection of COVID-19 and
exact on April 30, 2021, the date of his death. It suggests that
death is likely to play an important role in the onset and end of
illness, namely death. Shows that the illness of this person is
very important to follow.

On the same day, SAt angled 135 degrees to VU (containment

point) at a distance of three minutes, NEt angled 22.30 degrees
to the birth sun. (Infection) and HAt at an angle of 0 degrees
to HAd and 180 degrees to NEd and 135 degrees to SAd. The
Figure 13 star structure works in accordance with the structure observed
in the 2021 birth horoscope and Solar Return horoscope in year
2021, so the date of this event the star structure in the sky must
appear in the cycle of the day of the event in accordance with
the principle of the important day. We therefore have to follow
the transit of the star to see what day there is such a structure.

If using a program check (Autorun) should be fairly

complex. But at the beginning, it can almost be concluded
that this person is prone to infection. Sick with COVID-19,
quarantined and died suddenly the date of death should be on
Figure 14
April 30, 2021, though, my consideration is correct.
INFOGRAPHIC I'm going to investigate events detection in the period
CHARTS from April 12-30 how the stars work. Due to the slowest
transit of the Urt, therefore, it has to follow a fast
transiting star, that is, SAt. If you want to penetrate the
event, use a 22.30-degree disc to get a smaller star angle
you will increased insight into the event. By focusing on
the likelihood of SAt being at an angle of relative to other
stars. From the 22.30° disc, SAt is targeting the Vut
(containment) and Hat (plague) and the scene with the
NEt (disease). If calculating one day at a time will have a
star structure SAt = NEt = Hat, that is closer to a degree
and at an angle of 5.375 degrees with the birth sun shows
Figure 15 that, the correct birth sun should be adjustable, because
this person’s condition worsened. It is probably the
period SAt is close to the sun itself. The time of birth is
probably after noon onwards made it clear that the
structure of the stars in the sky is the same as those that
appear in the birth chart and Solar Return horoscopes. An
interestingly, SUt aims (180 degree) with URt on April
18, the day when his condition worsened and the SUt sets
on April 30th exactly on the day URt 90 degree to URr.

5 Conclusion

From the above example horoscope, I have used the

Figure 16
technique of checking horoscopes by emphasizing methods
that are not so difficult or complicated. But it allows us to
visualize the trends quite clearly down to the date of the
event. Even though I haven't applied every technique until
it's complete, such as the Progression horoscope, the lunar
return horoscope, the new moon, the ingress moon which
believes that when used in consideration would benefit as
well. I expect that this article will be useful to some readers
with some techniques, you may not ever used it.

Finally, I would recommend that if you try to test it. It's

Figure 17 definitely prove that this methodology of Uranian Astrology
could be consider as same as sciences, not pseudoscience.



One thing worth remembering about a student or career research paper is that
you should base it on an hourglass structure.
To do this, you need to include the important parts of this document:

 Introduction
This is the first part where you set the direction of your paper by making an exact outline of what you
want to achieve. Although for many, this is the initial step, others save writing the introduction for last
because it serves as a quick summary of their document.
Either approach is fine and is usually a matter of preference. As long as you plan a logical structure for
the parts of the research paper, you can use either method.

 Method
Many consider this as the easiest part of the document to write because it is simply a rundown of the
methodology and design used to conduct your research. The exact methodology may vary depending on
the exact kind of experiment or field of research.

 Results
Depending on the results and objectives of your experiment, this is the most variable section of your
paper. For quantitative research, you would present numerical data and results. For qualitative research,
it involves a broader discussion without giving too many unnecessary details.

 Discussion
All information in your discussions should be directly related to your thesis statement. Otherwise, you
will risk creating cluttered findings. Just stick with the hourglass principle where you expand on your
topic in the next section.

 Conclusion
In this section, you build your discussion by trying to relate your findings to other studies and research
or to the real world. In a shorter research paper, you may only have a conclusion of just 1 to 2
paragraphs or even just a couple of lines.

In addition, a complete research paper template should always have a reference list where you
document all of the sources you used. Format this according to MLA, APA or some other academic

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