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The business
of creative
agencies in
the digital age
“Not Just Doing Digital: Being
Digital” includes a thorough and
comprehensive analysis of the
current situation of creative
agencies in Latin America and
include some useful ideas to recover
competitiveness and profitability.
AS SEEN in different articles published during 2017 competitors, workforce, consumers, media, clients,
and 2018 (AdAge, The Wall Street Journal, Financial marketing practice and leadership styles.
Times, Bloomberg), the entire advertising industry Since its very inception, Digital as a practice did
keeps struggling. We are in a situation where not bring change into the outdated structures of
making just minor adjustments to survive in the the creative agencies. Although most of them
new digital economy is not enough anymore, and currently offer Digital services, they lacked
there is no chance of viability without facing a conviction, and struggled to adapt and include it
deep transformation change. seamlessly into their portfolio. Mainly because
“Not Just Doing Digital: Being Digital: A they have been enforcing Digital into an ATL
disruptive manifesto for creative agencies” (Above The Line) style, which is not suited for it.
assesses the reasons why in the past years The manifesto is intended to show some ideas to
advertising agencies were unable to keep the pace close the gap between doing digital and being
of the multiple shifts demanded from both our digital in advertising. Agencies must prosper and
clients and employees, and characterizes the not just survive in the new digital era, where
changes required to flourish in this new era. technologies transformed every aspect of the
Many agencies in Latin America are rooted in business and the old industrial model is losing
the baby-boomer paradigm of the industrial era, power to an emerging digital economy at an
with vertical organisational models; silo mentality astounding rate.
and legacy processes that are simply not enabled Hence, you will not find techniques to improve
to deal with the current scenarios where current Digital services in the agency because it is
communications are more diverse, and advertising not enough to optimise this discipline. It is
is just a portion of the client’s marketing mix. required to shift the mindset and transform the
Today, creative agencies need to be more full agency instead. In summary: being digital,
dynamic, and technology, agility and innovation not just doing digital.
are paramount to keep the business running. IDC states that organizations either will adopt
Amazingly, creative agencies refuse to change, digital transformation and will prosper or will not
even when everything is radically shifting: be able to embrace the digital disciplines and will


battle for survival. This is widely agreed by Digital of options for consumers, it is not enough to
Transformation analysts in every article. Brian create an extraordinary message but to develop
Solis wrote: “Either you’re disrupting or you’re at the channels as well. That is a highly challenging
risk of getting disrupted.” endeavor for advertising today.
The main purpose of this manifesto is to create The main paradigms associated with this pillar
awareness about the urgent need to initiate a are: innovation, the fragmentation of revenues,

process of Digital Transformation in creative B2B development and transparency.
agencies in Latin America as a proactive
investment for adapting to market disruption
before it is too late. Otherwise, we will not be able The
to run neither our traditional business nor a digital
I call it ‘The 3D’s of advertising’: Develop
Digital DNA. CAUDRON & Van Peteghem in the book ‘Digital
In order to explain the Digital Transformation Transformation’ wrote: “If the management waves
approach, I designed a proprietary framework disruption away in ignorance, then employees (who
tailored for our advertising industry, considering 5 often do consider it a threat) will lose faith in their
pillars: business, people, process, technology and company. If they are helpless or afraid you will get
culture. Then, I developed eighteen digital poor results, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Does the
paradigms that will contribute to Digital management see disruptors as an enemy? Then so will
Transformation, along with four traditional the employees. Instead of being paralysed by fear, they
principles. These principles are essential to will start fighting back.”
recover competitiveness and profitability and are Therefore, two opposite forces: maintaining the
mandatory for the digitisation process. Finally, a status-quo or transforming the organization
chapter dedicated to drive necessary changes in (doing digital vs. being digital) will each
the current management model. Let’s further produce a different impact in the people, and in
explore the five pillars: the entire company.

Without the collaboration of the employees

there is no chance to drive any change process.
Hence, the human resources role is essential to the

Digital Transformation effort to engage and
conduct people to participate; and to manage the
inevitable clash with millennials.
OUR current business and operational model The millennial generation is rapidly becoming
prevents the development of any initiative of the predominant workforce in almost every
transformation because creative agencies are an organisation. They share different styles and
outdated organisation, with numerous issues in expectations than the ones from the people who
their internal processes, management and culture. run the agency, mostly baby-boomers and Gen-X
These factors are all blockers for Digital executives who oversee an outdated business.
Transformation and for the shift to a truly digital Whereas millennials are flexible, energetic,
organization. technology-proficient, digitally-savvy,
Therefore, the value proposal must change. In teamwork-oriented, collaborative and
order to be able to keep the doctrine of creativity entrepreneurial workers. Creative agencies offer
(which also drives additional revenue in media silo mentality, basic tooling and zero-orientation
and production amongst others), it is required to to collaborate in an environment that refuses to
allow and to foster a culture of innovation change.
through experimentation. This pillar is represented in the following digital
Innovation plus creativity is needed to develop paradigms: liquid talent, crowdsourcing, customer
new ways to reach people. With such a diversity centricity and social media engagement.


The advertising industry is not used to run its

The business by means of deep usage of technology,

therefore opportunities to take advantage of the

Processes most recent developments in this field thrive.

Today, investment in new technologies is
essential to keep the pace of the current trends
IT is difficult to understand why creative agencies and to connect brands with consumers. If
are so careless about processes. We have heard agencies do not apply and master the techniques
many times that processes kill creativity, but they and tools that facilitate this new engagement rules,
are just excuses not to manage as needed. they will run out of business.
In order to grow as a business every company The adoption of cutting edge technology is the
needs to remain competitive. As a result, the goal path into digital paradigms as B2B, AI,
for all organisations should be to find and retain innovation, new revenue streams, transparency,
their competitive edge. This requires true control, liquid talent management, crowdsourcing,

understanding of how work gets done, with focus customer centricity, automation and agility.
on continuous improvement.
Glamour, informality and creativity are not
mutually exclusive with the processes that enable The
an organisation and its people to be productive,
efficient, effective, organised, predictable and
Competitiveness in the advertising industry is no “CULTURE is a multi-layered core at the heart of every
longer confined to the creativity realm. Although successful digital transformation. In our increasingly
of the utmost importance for our business, digital world, a digital culture cannot thrive if your
creativity loses relevance in the digital age against company operates in silos with disconnected or
a more diverse and professional competence that under-connected business functions. With technology
are threating creative agencies with a different set as an enabler, a modern workplace needs to find that
of skills like innovation, agility, flexibility, quality harmony between the hierarchy of a traditional org
and lowering costs. structure and the fluidity of a network; just as a
Creative agencies in Latin America can do a lot modern smart building needs to find the harmony
to improve their processes without impacting between maximizing employee productivity and
creative quality nor their value. It is just the environmental sustainability.” (Eswaran, A., 2017.
opposite. It is about redefining their operational Starting a digital transformation? What you must
excellence and complying with client demands for get right from the start).

faster, better, and value. In such a baby-boomer organisation like creative
agencies in Latin America, with old rigid rules

The and largely wedded to traditional working

practices, cultural change might represent the

most difficult barrier to digitisation.
It is essential that agency management
understand that the effort for transformation must
TECHNOLOGY is the ultimate enabler for the be driven top-down. They must lead, drive and
process of change and transformation. But Digital support a process for deep cultural change that
Transformation is not just an upgrade or shift of fosters innovation and agility, and that enables
the current technologies in use by the flexibility and openness to experimentation and
organization; it is a process-changer. Every process failure.
that touches communications, relationships or In the digital age, organisations live in a
transactions is potentially changing due to digital permanent beta, which is exactly the opposite
technology. to the current state of stagnation in



advertising agencies in Latin America. the concept that everything has its price and to
Collaboration, social media, two-way make visible the deliverables and measure
communication and every initiative that make the productivity, and synergy to tear down the silos
people feel that the company is listening to them that prevent efficiency and agility.

and reacting accordingly are strong contributors
to cultural change and transformation. HR plays
a major role in this process and creative agencies
must develop engagement plans immediately in The

order to allure and retain the best talent.
Digital LEADERSHIP in creative agencies is challenged by
the current business landscape. Top management

Paradigms must adopt immediately some traditional best

practices and at the same time enable and drive
initiatives for Digital Transformation that pose
THE digital paradigms included in the manifesto deep cultural changes in the organisation.
are: innovation as a business and value-added The new digital era requires leaders to act from
activity, B2B as a New Business development the middle and not from the top, adopting a
model, fragmentation as an alternative to different role more focused on enablement and
full-service accounts, generation of new revenue collaboration, breaking the rigid hierarchical
streams for growth, transparency to create value, structures and obtaining constant feedback from
liquid talent management to optimize the collaborators to make better decisions.
workforce, crowdsourcing to take advantage of Operations and execution are essential
scattered talent, customer centricity to improve components of any transformed agency, therefore
employee experience, collaboration and social appointing a Chief Operating Officer, a C-level
media to review agency’s on-line activities, project executive with relentless focus in productivity,
management to streamline processes, agility to efficiency, agility and automatisation is
improve our competitive edge, Design Thinking to paramount. This executive will be responsible for
develop products and services along with our the quality of the delivery and for the overall
clients, the concept that everything is digital to margin. Leaving room for CEOs and CFOs to
optimize delivery, automation to gain efficiency, focus on their main areas of responsibility.
‘big data’ as a revenue stream, deploy flexible and In the age of information, companies must
remote ways of working, and finally, AI to include develop a culture of openness and foster more

technology and innovation as a highly diverse relationships, therefore CEOs should
value-added service. develop strategies to ‘jump the fence’ of the closed
circle of the advertising industry.
Finally, agencies need to shift the focus. For

Traditional years, we have been hearing that advertising

agencies are striving for survival. I propose to ban

those words from our vocabulary and use ‘success’
instead – Let’s aim for success. Not just for the
sake of motivation, but to be great places to work.
THEY are related to best practices of management Advertising today require leaders to be brave
that creative agencies are not applying at all. and bold. No one likes to work in an industry that
They all represent missed opportunities, but they is in a permanent state of survival, striving,
are also essential to enable transformation efforts. cost-cutting and moaning.
Control to run the business more efficiently, Let us be sexy and glamorous again, but overall:
human resources to improve talent management, let us be Digital. 


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