The Five Worst Foods For Acne: Clear Skin Diet

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The Five Worst

Foods for Acne By
Nina & Randa Nelson

The Five Worst

Foods for Acne
By Nina & Randa Nelson

• We’re so glad you decided to check out The Clear Skin Program.
• You’ve found a place where you can learn, meet new friends, and have a ton of fun.
• Most importantly, you will discover the tools you need to clear your skin.
• Our program is based on a simple discovery we stumbled across back in 2014.
• We (Nina and Randa – we’re twins!) both broke out with debilitating cystic acne when
we were 20.
• Long story short, after trying everything to clear our acne, and nothing worked – we
discovered there are cultures in the world where NO ONE EVER GETS ACNE!
• Groups of researchers have published studies in scientific journals about these acne-
free people.
• The way they eat – turns out to be the key to their never having acne.
• Our program – we call it the Clear Skin Diet – is based on the discovery that, if you
start eating just like people who never get acne, YOUR acne disappears, too!
• We are happy to report that we have been teaching the Clear Skin Diet to people
for years, and tens of thousands of people have also cleared their acne with this
• Since you may be brand new to this whole idea of using your food to clear your skin,
we’re going to talk about five foods that are the absolute worst when it comes to
triggering breakouts.

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1. Dairy Products
œ Your dermatologist may not have told you, but the connection between milk
consumption and severe acne is widely confirmed in published research.
œ For example, a study using data from the Harvard Nurses Study II found that people
who drink milk had significantly more acne than nondairy drinkers.
œ Researchers concluded that the hormones and bioactive molecules in milk were the
reason why.
œ What’s more, people who consume skim milk – milk
where the fat has been entirely removed – have
even MORE acne and more severe acne than
people who consumed whole, full-fat milk.
œ Why is skim milk worse for acne than regular
milk? Because when you skim off the fat from
milk, what’s left over has an even HIGHER
concentration of dairy hormone levels.
œ You know hormones – the things that
started triggering breakouts when you
entered puberty? Fat-free milk contains
the highest levels of total hormones
compared to 2% (low-fat) or whole milk.

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1. Dairy Products
œ When you consume hormones from a cow, it turns out those hormones can
have the same or greater impact than your own human hormones, when it
comes to stimulating acne.
œ Do you drink milk? Or eat pizza? How about ice cream? Do you like cheese?
œ If you’ve having an acne and want it to go away –
stop those foods immediately.
œ Fortunately there are lots of ways to make
foods like ice cream or pizza – that don’t
contain milk and won’t make you break out.
œ Many products that contain milk or milk
derivatives. So if you want to minimize your
acne risk, you’re going to need to learn to
read food labels, so you can avoid those too.
œ Ingredients you might read like “milk
derivatives,” or “casein” or “whey” – this
means they contain dairy hormones.
œ Even something as seemingly harmless
as bread might contain these acne-
stimulating ingredients. Unfortunately,
there’s a lot of dairy ingredients in many
different foods.

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2. Oil
œ Acne is inflammation caused by an infection. Let’s look for a moment at the mechanism
behind acne.
œ Hormones increase when you hit puberty. Hormones cause pores to secrete sebum.
Sebum is an oily substance.
œ On our faces, we all have a bacteria called Propionibacterium acnes (or P. acnes for
short). P. acnes gets stimulated by oily stuff – like the sebum your hormones are
releasing on your skin.
œ This stimulation causes your pore to get clogged, a tiny bacterial infection starts.
œ As the bacterial infection deepens and pressure grows behind the clogged pore, your
immune system reacts, and a pus-filled bump forms on the top of your skin. This pus-
filled bump is called a pimple.
œ Acne is really the result of your skin trying to fight off infection, and the result is the
undesirable big red zit.
œ That’s a very basic description, but notice that the oily sebum substance being excreted
onto your face is responsible for P. acnes starting the acne inflammation process.
œ Sebum isn’t the only oil substance that can trigger P. acnes. Other oily substances on
your skin can do the same thing.

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2. Oil
œ For example, many dermatologists advise acne patients to keep most oils out of their
skincare. That’s because many oils are comedogenic – meaning they clog pores. Some
oily skincare products cause breakouts.
œ It turns out that EATING many of these oils has the exact same impact; the oils you eat
leech out onto your skin, clog your pores – and you start breaking out.
œ One of the most important aspects of the Clear Skin Diet is to avoid all oils – olive oil,
canola oil, corn oil, sunflower oil, walnut oil, sesame oil, basically ALL oils. At least while
you are clearing your acne.
œ Do not cook with oil. And avoid any food which list oils in their ingredients.
œ Once you learn the principles of label reading, you can eliminate potentially triggering
foods, and focus on amazing and delicious foods – with no breakouts.

3. French Fries
œ Now this ought to be obvious
since our #2 food is oil – but just
to drive home the point.
œ Anytime you eat a fried food,
you are eating oil.
œ French fries are fried in oil.
œ Same with Kung Pao chicken,
spring rolls, donuts, hash
browns, fried chicken,
McNuggets – anything that’s
fried. It will trigger acne in
susceptible people.
œ You get the idea.
œ You can certainly still eat “fried”
food on the Clear Skin Diet – as
long as they are actually baked,
not fried – unless you use an
air fryer, which can make crispy
delicious French fries – without
a drop of oil.

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4. Peanut Butter
œ Some peanut butter is made using oil, so that would eliminate it just on that basis. But
many brands don’t add oil. They just mash up the nuts and turn it into a soft liquidy (and
tasty!) goop.
œ Unfortunately, this works just like oil for triggering zits. The problem with all nut butters,
be that peanut butter, cashew butter, almond butter, walnut butter, or the butter from
ANY nuts – is that they contain a lot of fat.
œ And fat is acne’s biggest ally.
œ The more fat you consume, the more that’s going to make it to your face or wherever
your acne problem is. When it gets there, it will encounter P. acnes that’s on everyone’s
skin – and then get the pore clogging and inflammation syndrome going. If you’re
suffering from acne, eating much extra fat means you’ll be waking up to new pimples.
œ The Clear Skin Diet works by bringing your fat intake down, to the level of fat eaten in
acne-free cultures.
œ This is one of the pillars of the Clear Skin Diet.
œ By avoiding high fat foods and focusing on lowfat healthy and mostly unprocessed
foods, you will begin to calm acne and move toward the clear healthy skin of the acne-
free cultures.

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5. Hamburgers
œ Just like milk, all animal products contain hormones. A diet high in animal products will
thus promote hormone changes that can trigger sebum production – and keep the acne
cycle going.
œ Diets high in animal products can increase acne by stimulating an enzyme called
mTORC1, which stands for “mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1.” Researchers
call it “TOR” for short.
œ This TOR enzyme plays a key role in causing acne, according to new research. When
TOR enzyme signaling goes up, acne occurs. So what causes this enzyme signaling to
œ Basically the Western diet, according to researchers.
œ What foods specifically in the Western diet? The researchers are very specific about
the foods that raise TOR: meat, dairy, junk food, high-fat, and highly refined foods –
essentially the high-calorie, highly refined diet that most people consume in the West.
œ To raise your TOR enzyme, eat a turkey sandwich, ice cream, potato chips, a burger or
some oily pasta sauce.
œ To lower TOR signaling and calm acne, focus on whole foods, plant foods, lower in fat
and high in fiber – and in everything you need to be healthy and trim.

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Clear Skin Diet

Do you have to follow the Clear Skin Diet for the
rest of your life, after you clear your acne? No!
In fact, many of our students clear their acne
with the diet, allow their inflammation to calm
for several months with no breakouts. And then Before

if they wish, they can begin to add back foods

one at a time, to see whether they trigger acne
for them again. Often they are able to add back a
number of foods, or at least a certain amount of After

those foods, without breaking out anymore.

In our program, we describe how to add foods
back once you’re clear, so that you can determine
whether or not that food is a trigger for you. If
not, you can safely add the food back into your
diet and remain acne-free.

After 09

About the Authors

Nina & Randa Nelson

At age 20, rising social

media stars Nina and Randa
Nelson’s livelihoods, spirits,
and self-esteem were nearly
destroyed by horrific cystic
acne. Nothing helped—costly
facials, lotions, antibiotics, or
painful procedures.

Desperate, the girls scoured

research on the diets of acne-
free cultures. And boom…
within two short months,
they restored their skin,
confidence, and lives with a
low-fat, whole food, plant-
based diet that was easy,
affordable, and as close as the
local grocery store.

Nina and Randa have coached

or helped thousands of
people to clear their acne.
Their program makes it easy
to learn how food (and certain
kinds of skin and hair care
products) can promote acne,
and how you can “turn acne
off” by following the principles
of their program.

to access a free video training
series on how you can use
the Clear Skin Diet to clear
acne, get back to healthy
vibrant skin – and have more
confidence and personal
power by gaining control of
your skin!

© 2020 Mostly Magic, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.

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