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[3:16] Gears of War Conversion

Greetings, I have been on somewhat of a Gears of War kick lately and have also just discovered
the joy of 3:16 Carnage Amongst the Stars (of which I posted a play report recently). So I've
made some notes to translate weapons and stuff from Gears of War into the 3:16 system. (my
apologies if this has been done before, searching for a similar thread yeilded no results).

First off weapons:

Lancer Assault Rifle

(w/Chainsaw Bayonet)
d6 d10 0
2d6 2d10 1

Hammerburst Assault Rifle

1 d10 1
1d10 2d10 1d10

Snub Pistol (same as sidearm in 3:16)

Boltok Pistol
1 d6 1
d6 2d6 d6

Longshot Sniper Rifle

1 d6 d10
d6 2d6 2d6

Mulcher/Troika (same as Heavy MG)

Scorcher (same as Flame Gun)
Gnasher Shotgun (same again)
Mortar (same as Rocketpod)

1d6* d10 0
2d6* 2d10 d6
*(same effect that grenades have to allies at close range)

Torque Bow
1 d6 d6
d10 2d6 2d6
(melee damage configured into close range)

Hammer of Dawn
0 d6 1
d6 d10 d6
(Always does damage; equivalent of 'Ignore Armor' Special Ability)

Ink or regular Grenades (same as in 3:16)

Smoke Grenades- One way to describe cancelling your own success

Boomshield- May sacrifice success on an FA roll to block kills if FA roll is equal to or less than
the AA roll. (Only compatible with Pistols)

Other Notes:

The Sargeant gets 'Jack'. This limited AI Bot will assist in 'ripping' doors and many other
extraneous tasks, hence the reference to "Jack-of-all-trades". Although mostly used as just a
setting device, The sargeant may command Jack to repair any one squad member's armor
between encounters. Optionally, Jack may also grant a +1 to certain NFA rolls (GM's

Note that although PCs may start out carrying just one rifle and one sidearm, if you are playing
this like the video game they may end up carrying 2 rifles, one sidearm, grenades and possibly
lugging a Heavy Weapon. GMs may want to penalize NFA rolls when hauling 5 weapons like
this. Or perhaps keep them stuck at one range during the encounter based on the Dominance

Because of the extra weapons and having Jack with the squad, Total Threat tokens per PC each
mission should be increased.

...Okay so that's what I have so far... Various Locust could be statted, with some only
vulnerable to the Hammer of Dawn, but I think that's figured out easily enough.

Last edited by Gavinwulf; 09-18-2009 at 02:13 AM.

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2. 09-18-2009, 02:47 AM #2


Spirit Detective Validated User

Join Date
Mar 2009
Canton, MI

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

I made an attempt at a similar conversion before... I never got to playtest it though. I hope you
get a chance to run this the way I never did. =)

My post in the RPG Swap thread, updated 8/2/12.

Want To Play: Mystic Empyrean, Anima Prime, Old School Hack, Empire of Dust, Basic
Fantasy RPG, Spellbound Kingdoms
Awaiting: Unity Underground, Knights of the Hidden Sun, Tenra Bansho Zero, OVA Revised
Creating: Shining in the Darkness, Intergalactic League of Brawlers

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3. 09-18-2009, 10:36 AM #3


Registered User Validated User

Join Date
Feb 2008
Heber City, UT

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

Thanks Macleod. But...really...this is second page stuff already... I'll bump this once before I let
it go.

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4. 09-18-2009, 10:53 AM #4


Extinction-Level Event
Join Date
Jul 2006
Allston, MA

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks 3:16 is a perfect fit for console shooters. I started
working on a Resistance conversion a while ago, and the amount of tweaking required was
pretty much close to zero.

"Canadians are generally quiet people who appreciate solitude. They do not mind cold weather,
and in many cases prefer it. Canadians tend to be hardy and can swim, hike, and hunt for
extended periods of time. They speak English with a noticeable French accent and a few of
their own special pronunciations (ow sounds as oo for example). Canadians drink more beer per
capita than any other nation-state on Earth."
-- The Earth Alliance Factbook, Mongoose Publishing
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5. 09-18-2009, 11:09 AM #5


Registered User Validated User

Join Date
Feb 2008
Heber City, UT

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

True, It might be fun to Halo next, with the PCs as Spartans!

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6. 09-18-2009, 11:45 AM #6


Extinction-Level Event
Join Date
Jul 2006
Allston, MA

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

Yeah, the Spartan shield would even be a better fit for the Mandelbrite armor mechanic,
something I had trouble shoehorning into the Resistance setting. On the other hand, the
Chimeran strains were a pretty much 1:1 fit for the various alien powers in the original 3:16

If you ever do run it, let us know how it turns out.

"Canadians are generally quiet people who appreciate solitude. They do not mind cold weather,
and in many cases prefer it. Canadians tend to be hardy and can swim, hike, and hunt for
extended periods of time. They speak English with a noticeable French accent and a few of
their own special pronunciations (ow sounds as oo for example). Canadians drink more beer per
capita than any other nation-state on Earth."
-- The Earth Alliance Factbook, Mongoose Publishing

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7. 09-18-2009, 11:49 AM #7


Registered Muser Validated User

Join Date
Apr 2002
Middlesbrough, UK

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

I like the idea of it as a Gears game. Nice concept although I'm not sold that it is a perfect fit
for console shooters. Players on an XBox or PS are rarely hoping that their leader is going to
bite the bullet...

I'd be careful with rule modding. Jack works well as a narrative device and the armour fixing
might spark some interesting inter-party RPing, but the sarge is already going to have a very
high NFA (if I remember the rules right - long time since I played). Even so you can probably
get away with this one.

However I think allowing characters to carry additional weapons could test the ruleset to
destruction. The fundamental conflict of the game is in the PCs jockeying for position. A golfbag
of weapons dangerously undermines this premise by evening things out.

Ahem, is it worth mentioning to anyone that a couple of us are trying to start a play-by-post
game on's appropriate forum?

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8. 09-18-2009, 11:53 AM #8

Registered User Validated User

Join Date
Jan 2008

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

Originally Posted by Cirv

I like the idea of it as a Gears game. Nice concept although I'm not sold that it is a perfect fit
for console shooters. Players on an XBox or PS are rarely hoping that their leader is going to
bite the bullet...

You haven't played co-op with some of the idiots I have, especially in Resistance when you
have a medic who won't heal!!!!

Hollow Earth Expedition quickstart - HERE

My Hollow Earth Expedition Character Sheet
My Traveller - Judge Dredd Character Sheet
My Conan Character sheet for BoL

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9. 09-18-2009, 12:50 PM #9


Spirit Detective Validated User

Join Date
Mar 2009
Canton, MI

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

Originally Posted by Gavinwulf

Thanks Macleod. But...really...this is second page stuff already... I'll bump this once before I let
it go.

Don't stop... belieeeeeevin'!

I'm sure you don't plan on doing a very intricate tweaking but feel free to post any ideas. =)
I'll take a moment here and blahblah about my deal. My own conversion was a pretty massive
overhaul and was more generalized instead of being specifically Gears of War. I did however
want to include a way to make objectives for more important than the original game. I think
there was some talk of something similar somewhere at some point... Something about adding
things that resembled Skill Challenges.
Other absurdities of my conversion include four classes each with their own FA/NFA split,
Requisition ratios, gear and Resources progression. Requisition is a major resource in my hack
with which gear, stats and resources are bought.
I kept a lot of the original names for the weapons but I introduced the GoW weapons with
more 'normal' names where I could.

My post in the RPG Swap thread, updated 8/2/12.

Want To Play: Mystic Empyrean, Anima Prime, Old School Hack, Empire of Dust, Basic
Fantasy RPG, Spellbound Kingdoms
Awaiting: Unity Underground, Knights of the Hidden Sun, Tenra Bansho Zero, OVA Revised
Creating: Shining in the Darkness, Intergalactic League of Brawlers

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10. 09-18-2009, 03:08 PM #10


Registered User Validated User

Join Date
Feb 2008
Heber City, UT

Re: [3:16] Gears of War Conversion

Originally Posted by Cirv

I like the idea of it as a Gears game. Nice concept although I'm not sold that it is a perfect fit
for console shooters. Players on an XBox or PS are rarely hoping that their leader is going to
bite the bullet...

I'd be careful with rule modding. Jack works well as a narrative device and the armour fixing
might spark some interesting inter-party RPing, but the sarge is already going to have a very
high NFA (if I remember the rules right - long time since I played). Even so you can probably
get away with this one.

However I think allowing characters to carry additional weapons could test the ruleset to
destruction. The fundamental conflict of the game is in the PCs jockeying for position. A golfbag
of weapons dangerously undermines this premise by evening things out.

Ahem, is it worth mentioning to anyone that a couple of us are trying to start a play-by-post
game on's appropriate forum?

Actually the 'optional' idea that Jack may add a +1 to certain NFA rolls is not stretching it at all.
You already can add +1 to certain rolls by 'Making Use of Your Gear' (pg 87). In the book the
players are free to describe interesting gadgets and widgets their MandelBrite suits may have.
In a GoW setting, Jack would just be an extension of that, or more specifically, replacing that.
Since the Armor in GoW is nowhere near as advanced as the MandelBrite suits seem to be.

About the 'golfbag of weapons' thing. Here is another observation -I haven't found anything in
3:16 about how many weapons a Trooper may carry at once anyway. So again, I'm still not
even bending the system on this one. You still need NFA rolls to requisition new/additional
weapons and to change weapons in encounters.

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Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG)

Long before the Pendulum Wars, the Coalition of Ordered Governments existed only as an
obscure world-government philosophy, created by socialist politician Alexiy Desipich and based
on eight guiding principle values: Order, Diligence, Purity, Labor, Honor, Loyalty, Faith, and
Humanity. During the 79-year long Pendulum Wars, the COG grew into a legitimate political
party and one of the two superpowers.

The Pendulum Wars began soon after the discovery of Imulsion, a substance exploited for its
energy applications. Nations with little Imulsion available waged war with those that had a
surplus of it. The wars ended 6 weeks before "Emergence Day," when the Locust Horde began
their attack. COG leaders were the only ones who took the steps needed to help humanity to
survive, instituting martial law and taking charge of the effort against the Locust. Fourteen years
later, the COG is the only form of government left on Sera, the world where Gears of War takes

[edit]Delta squad

Throughout the Gears of War, Gears of War 2 and Gears of War 3 campaign, the game

experience is centered around the members of a COG unit known as Delta squad. During the
first act of the game, several characters rotate in and out of Delta squad. The squad's line is
augmented throughout the game's chapters due to casualties, and the inclusion of the remnants
of other squads.

[edit]Marcus Fenix

Marcus Fenix (voiced by John DiMaggio, (Steve Blum in the Pre-release trailer of the first
game)) is the mainprotagonist of the series. Marcus led a promising military career during the
Pendulum Wars. During the Battle of Epyhra, he abandoned his post to rescue his father, Adam
Fenix. Marcus is unable to save his father and is latercourt-martialed and sentenced to 40 years
in a dilapidated prison. At the beginning of Gears of War, Dom Santiago, his best friend and
long-time comrade, liberates Marcus from the prison. He is recruited to help the ‘Delta Squad’
deploy the light-mass bomb, but the group sustains heavy casualties during their mission. When
their commanding officer, Lt. Minh Young Kim is killed in battle, Marcus is promoted to the lead
of the group. He retains the position throughout the Gears of War trilogy, and plays a pivotal role
in helping humanity defeat the Locust Horde and Lambent forces and is instrumental in the
destruction of both species, personally killing the Locust Queen and having a major role in the
deaths of the two Locust Generals, RAAM and Skorge. He is in love with Anya Stroud, though
he doesn't outwardly display affection to her much.

[edit]Augustus Cole (Cole Train)

Augustus "Cole Train" Cole (voiced by Lester Speight) is a soldier in COG military. Cole is a
vibrant and enthusiastic character, who is often outspoken. In Gears of War, Cole and his
comrade Baird are members of Alpha Squad but join Marcus and Dom after their squad mates
are killed in combat. He is well known by soldiers and civilians for his career as a ‘Thrashball
Player’ prior to Emergence Day. He played for the Hanover Cougers. Cole is briefly a playable
character in Act One of Gears of War 3's single player campaign, where he leads a small force
to search for supplies in his hometown.

[edit]Damon Baird

Damon Baird (voiced by Fred Tatasciore) is a cynical, smart-mouthed and skeptical soldier,
whose main strengths lie in his intelligence. In Gears of War, he often makes sarcastic remarks
and frequently undermines Fenix's authority. Baird is initially a member of Alpha squad, but is
folded into Delta squad along with Augustus Cole. Baird is a very capable mechanic and hacker
(Baird wanted to be an engineer -something his wealthy parents disapproved of). Early in Gears
of War, Baird expresses disdain for Fenix, and indicates that he thinks he should have been
promoted to lead Delta squad. However, Fenix quickly earns his respect through his battlefield
leadership. In Gears of War 2 he and his jumpmate Tanner are taken prisoner by the Locust
and Tanner is killed; Baird is rescued by Delta Squad.

In Gears of War 3 Baird is needed to fix the Hammer of Dawn for Hoffman and succeeds in
doing so. In the second half of Act III and in Act IV, his whereabouts with Cole remain unknown
till the final act when they both arrive with backup in the final battle with the Locust and
Lambent. Despite his usual indifference, Baird displays geniune sorrow at the death of Dom and
later Adam Fenix and helps rescue Adam and fight off Queen Myrrah to allow Adam to activate
his weapon.

As revealed in the upcoming prequel, Gears of War Judgement, Baird will act as the main
protagonist. It's also revealed that Baird once held the rank of LT.

[edit]Anya Stroud

Anya Stroud (voiced by Nan McNamara) is in the operations center officer that dispatches Delta
Squad and is Marcus Fenix's love interest and "secret" girlfriend (as, while technically they
cannot have a relationship due to regulations, the two have carried on a love affair since the
Battle of Aspho Fields - a fact many Gears and senior officers are aware of, and allow due to
wartime conditions).

Anya is the daughter of Major Helena Stroud, a war hero of Aspho Fields, the same place Fenix
made his name - her death, along with Carlos Santiago, is the event that ultimately brought her
and Marcus together. She is usually detailing location information through radio for Marcus,
Dom, or Kim — particularly where to go next, if the Hammer of Dawn is online or whether
hostiles are en route, and during the middle portion of Gears of War, directs mine carts used by
Delta squad for transportation. She is only visible once throughout the first game, on board a
King Raven helicopter, but appears more frequently in Gears of War 2.When she appears to
have drowned in the sinking of Jacinto, Marcus is clearly devastated and is relieved when she
reveals herself on a nearby King Raven with Hoffman, Cole and Prescott.

She appears as a frontline Gear in Gears of War 3, where she fights locust and Lambent alike
along with Marcus and the rest of Delta Squad in battle. During the events of Jacinto's Remnant
and Anvil Gate, Anya proves herself to be a capable frontline soldier and is a consistent squad-
mate of Marcus. At the end of Gears of War 3 she holds hands with Marcus, who is devastated
over the death of Dom and Adam Fenix, expressing her feelings for him and comforting over his
loses by pointing out that they now have a future to look forward to and his father had wanted
him to live his life. She is very helpful to the Delta Squad in Gears of War 1 and 2, guiding them
through their missions from CIC and firing the Hammer of Dawn for them when they need it.
[edit]Clayton Carmine
Clayton Carmine (voiced by Michael Gough) is the eldest of the three Carmine brothers. He is
more muscular than his brothers and is an experienced soldier. Clayton bears tattoos on his
arm to honor Anthony and Benjamin. Clay made his first appearance in Gears of War 3. Before
the game's release, Epic created a fan voting contest, which would determine whether Clayton
would survive or die at the end of the game.[2] Clayton manages to avoid death multiple times
throughout the game and ultimately lives after surviving a helicopter crash after being shot down
while attacking Queen Myrrah herself.

[edit]Jace Stratton
Jayson 'Jace' Stratton appeared unseen in Gears of War 2. He made his first visual appearance
in Gears of War 3, Originally, he was going to be voiced by rapper Drake, but a scheduling
conflict prevented him from working with Epic Games.[3] He was replaced byMichael B. Jordan.
 In Chapter IV, in co-op campaign, the second player controls Jace after Dom's sacrifice. Jace
was a featured character in the Gears of War 3 downloadable content and prequel to the
original game, "RAAM's Shadow", where he was rescued from the Locust forces by Zeta-Six.
He returns at the end of the story where he joins with the Gears to defend an orphanage and
fight off General RAAM, the event that lead to him enlisting as a Gear.

[edit]Samantha Byrne
Samantha "Sam" Byrne (voiced by Claudia Black), Sam's father, Sgt. Samuel Byrne, fell in
battle at the siege of Anvil Gate in Anvegad, Kashkur before the birth of his daughter. Sam has
followed in his footsteps ever since. She first became acquainted with Delta at Vectes Naval
Base, and later served alongside Marcus and company against the rise of the Stranded
insurgency at New Jacinto. Sam is headstrong, aggressive, and has a knack for tattooing; she
was responsible for the angelic depiction of Maria on Dom's arm, whom she shared somewhat
of an relationship with. She acts as a part of Delta Squad in Gears of War 3 and has a
somewhat adversarial/romantic relationship with Baird.

[edit]Former members of Delta squad

[edit]Dominic Santiago

Dominic Santiago (voiced by Carlos Ferro) is a veteran soldier, first introduced in the
original Gears of War as a second playable character. He is close friends with Marcus, his
longtime comrade. Like Marcus, he is a seasoned veteran with a strong sense for family, and
often thinks of his wife Maria, whom he attempts to locate in Gears of War 2. They lost their two
children, Sylvia and Benedicto, on E-day, and, four years later, when that day's trauma became
too much, Maria disappeared. He finds his wife eleven years later, imprisoned by the Locust.
He euthanizes her because she has been tortured and traumatized beyond recovery. Before
Emergence Day, his older brother Carlos Santiago died during the battle of Aspho Fields. [5]
Dom makes his final appearance in Gears of War 3. As Delta is surrounded by Lambent forces,
Dom sacrifices himself by ramming a large truck into a fuel pipe. The ensuing explosion
destroys all hostile forces and allows the rest of Delta squad to escape to later regroup with
Baird and Cole.

[edit]Michael Barrick
Michael Barrick (voiced by Rick Wasserman) is a Corporal in the COG army. He is a former
stranded, who enlists with the Gears shortly after E-Day. Michael is a playable character
in Gears of War 3's DLC, "RAAM's Shadow. He is a member of the Zeta-Six squad, where he
fights alongside with Minh Young Kim, Alica Valera and Tai Kaliso. In the comics, Delta was low
on ammo after fighting Locust. Barrick tells Marcus to escape with Dom and Jace while he held
off the Locust. Barrick managed to hold off the Locust but died in the process.

[edit]Minh Young Kim

Minh Kim (voiced by Robin Atkin Downes) is a strictly by-the-book soldier, who closely follows
the COG's rules and code of conduct. His name indicates that he is of Korean descent. Early
in Gears of War, Hoffman entrusts Kim to lead Fenix and the rest of Delta squad to locate Alpha
squad. They succeed in finding Alpha squad, but fail to acquire extraction. Kim is separated
from his comrades during an intense fire-fight with the Locust when awaiting retrieval and is
killed by General RAAM.

Kim will return for the new downloadable content for Gears of War 3, "RAAM's Shadow" DLC.
He will be a playable character for multiplayer.

[edit]Anthony Carmine
Anthony Carmine (voiced by Michael Gough) is one of the original members of Delta squad. He
possesses a bright and gung-hoattitude. He serves with Delta squad through earlier segments
of Gears of War, but is shot in the head and killed by a Locust sniperwhile dealing with a
weapons malfunction. When Marcus is having a nightmare about his father's "death," he
imagines Anthony and his brother Benjamin are fighting with him.

His younger brother Benjamin, fought in Gears of War 2 and after Ben died as well, Clayton, the
third Carmine brother, got a tattoo of Anthony and Benjamin to defend their honor.

Appears in: Gears of War and in a nightmare in Gears of War 3.

[edit]Ben Carmine
Benjamin Carmine (also voiced by Michael Gough) is a rookie soldier that joins Delta squad at
the beginning of Gears of War 2. He is the younger brother of Anthony and Clayton Carmine.
He receives training from Marcus and Dom in the game's tutorial, during which he reveals that
he was Anthony Carmine's brother; this may be missed if player chooses to skip the tutorial and
head into the game straight away. He is reluctant to fight in combat due to his inexperience, but
eventually earns praise from Marcus. Once Benjamin and his squad arrive in the Hollow, he is
the sole survivor and tags along with Marcus and Dom. As Delta squad is escaping from the
Hollow, Benjamin is shot and wounded while defending Delta Squad from the Locust. He
manages to make it back to the squad's extraction helicopter, but falls out of it once the
Riftworm emerges. He and the helicopter are both swallowed by the worm. Benjamin is mortally
wounded and dies inside the worm.

Ben had a letter to Clayton Carmine which was picked up by Marcus after Ben died and given to
Clay, who was full of rage hearing that both of his brothers were killed in action. Ben appears in
a nightmare Marcus has of his father's death, fighting alongside him and Anthony in the effort to
rescue Adam.

[edit]Tai Kaliso
Tai Kaliso (voiced by Fred Tatasciore) is a spiritual and meditative warrior from a tradition of
honor-bound fighters, who fought with Fenix during the Pendulum Wars. He views the war from
a spiritual standpoint, which often confuses the other soldiers. Nonetheless, he is still well liked
by his fellow squad members. Tai is introduced in the beginning of Gears of War 2. Throughout
the game, Tai is a resilient and well-disciplined soldier, prompting Marcus to claim that he is "as
tough as a Brumak." Early in the game, Tai separates from Delta squad to defend them from
Skorge. Delta squad later discovers Tai inside of a Beast Barge, where he has been
severely tortured and traumatized. Marcus, unaware of the extent of the psychological damage
Tai has suffered, hands Tai a shotgun to help fight the Locust, but he uses it to commit suicide.
Technically, Tai is not an actual member of Delta Squad, he only joins Delta when his squad is
killed by a ticker swarm.

Tai will return for RAAM's Shadow DLC for Gears of War 3 and a new multiplayer character. [6][7]

[edit]Other Gears

[edit]Richard Prescott
Richard Prescott (voiced by Charles Cioffi in Gears of War 2[8] and Dwight Schultz in Gears of
War 3[9] ) is the ex-chairman and dictatorial military leader of the COG. Prescott mandates
several sweeping authoritarian powers to the government to control the remaining human
population and fight off the Locust Horde. These actions have made him unpopular with those
who feel the COG has overstepped its bounds in the name of security. Shortly after the sinking
of Jacinto, Prescott abandons the COG forces for 18 months during which the government
quickly falls apart and the remaining COG forces are left to fend for themselves. He returns to
the COG remnant at the beginning of Gears of War 3 with news that Adam Fenix has
discovered a way to destroy all the Lambent and Locust forces. The Lambent shortly assault
their position, and Prescott is mortally wounded in the ensuing battle. Before dying, he discloses
Adam's location to Marcus and gives him the key to the data disk A2897 which Hoffman carries.

[edit]Victor Hoffman
Victor Hoffman (voiced by Jamie Alcroft) commands Fenix and Delta squad. He frequently
communicated with Delta squad throughoutGears of War. Early in Gears of War, Hoffman is
reluctant to reinstate Fenix into the military. However, given the COG's dwindling number of
armed forces, he allows Fenix to fight. Hoffman eventually grows to trust Fenix; Hoffman allows
him to lead Delta squad, and ultimately helps save him from falling from a King Raven in the
game's end sequence. He receives a slightly larger role in Gears of War 2's plot, and even
assists Delta squad during the game's final act. He has a much larger role in the novels, where
he is responsible for the defense of Anvil Gate during the Pendulum Wars, and assists
Chairman Prescott in leading the COG throughout the years since E-Day. Hoffman returns to
command Anvil Gate in Gears of War 3. Marcus and Delta squad seek Hoffman to decipher an
encrypted data disk, which contains information on Adam Fenix's whereabouts and plan to
destroy the Lambent and Locust forces. He helps them fight off a Locust and Lambent attack
and after deciphering the information, directs them to a nearby shipyard to get an abandoned
submarine for the trip to the island of Azura. Hoffman gives them vehicles for the trip, including
a fuel tanker, but chooses to remain behind to defend Anvil Gate for as long as he can while
they try to enact the plan. At the end of the game, he is shown watching the destruction of the
Locust and Lambent with Bernie.

[edit]Bernadette Mataki
Bernadette "Bernie" Mataki (voiced by Tess Masters), is a survival expert and considered by her
peers as one of the best snipers in the COG. She fought in several of the most important battles
of the Pendulum Wars, including the Battle of Aspho Fields. After Emergence Day, she was
stranded on her home island until she heard about the recall to Ephyra, and decided to go on a
several year trek across the world to rejoin the COG, eventually reaching the Jacinto Plateau.
She reunited with her oldest friend, Victor Hoffman, restarting a relationship with him, and
served in Delta-One briefly after the Lightmass Offensive and again after Operation: Hollow
Storm, as well as during the Stranded Insurgency and the beginning of the Lambent Pandemic.
When the COG collapsed, Bernie traveled with Hoffman, several hundred Gears, and
thousands of civilians to Anvil Gate. In Gears of War 3, Bernie assists Delta Squad as they
rescue Anya and Sam from an ambush outside of Anvil Gate, but chooses not to travel with
them to Azura, finally accepting she is too old to continue fighting and stays to defend Anvil
Gate from any further Locust or Lambent attack. At the end of the game she is shown with
Hoffman watching Adam Fenix's weapon finally destroy the Locust and the Lambent.

[edit]Dizzy Wallin
Dizzy Wallin (voiced by Peter Jason) is from a family of Stranded rescued by Operation
Lifeboat, a COG program which evacuated Stranded families to COG-controlled safe zones in
exchange for the able-bodied men of the family serving in the military. [6] Dizzy operates an
Assault Derrick he named Betty, which is used as part of a COG assault on Landown. Before
the grindlifts activate after arriving at the town of Landown, where the assault began, Dizzy and
Delta squad are attacked by Skorge. Along with Tai Kaliso, Dizzy remains behind to hold
Skorge off while Dom and Marcus tunnel underground in the grindlifts. After Delta finds Tai who
commits suicide afterward, believed Dizzy was killed by Skorge. In Issue #7 of the Gears of War
Comic, it is revealed that Dizzy ran away from the battle after Tai insisted that he escape. He is
found alive and well in the novel Gears of War: Jacinto's Remnant, where he rejoins the COG
after the destruction of Jacinto. In Gears of War: Anvil Gate he remains a Gear, but people
(except for other Gears, particularly Delta Squad) look down on him for being a former
Stranded. However, he's trusted by Delta Squad and even Colonel Hoffman and participates in
the battle to protect Vectes in the book and survives. In Gears of War: Coalition's Endd more
backstory is given on him and he moves to Anvil Gate with Hoffman and his daughters when the
COG disbands. In Gears of War 3, while on a supply run for the fort, he comes under attack by
Locust forces and is rescued by Delta Squad who are nearby and hear his distress call. Dizzy
helps defend the fort against Locust and Lambent attack and offers his assistance as a former
member of the merchant navy in piloting a submarine. Dizzy drives the fuel tanker to Mercy and
defends it and is used as a hostage by Aaron Griffin to ensure Delta's cooperation. In the attack
that follows, only Dizzy and Aaron survive before Delta rescues them. Dizzy repairs and pilots
the submarine to Azura and remains off-shore during the final battle in case Delta needs the
submarine for a quick escape. When the battle ends, Dizzy comes ashore and reunites with
Delta and the other Gears and watches as Marcus and Anya sit on the beach and contemplate
the future.

[edit]Adam Fenix
Adam Fenix (voiced by Peter Renaday) is Marcus Fenix's father. He was considered one of
Sera's greatest geniuses, and his radically advanced research figured prominently in the plots of
both games. The novel Gears of War: Aspho Fields reveals that Adam had joined the COG
army during the Pendulum Wars, rising to the rank of major and gaining a considerable
reputation. Even after retiring and becoming a military-sponsored scientist, he was still referred
to by others as "Major Fenix." When Marcus joined the COG army himself, Adam tried to use
his influence to enroll Marcus in an officer's academy, but Marcus refused; Adam's
disappointment in Marcus' career was a point of tension in their relationship. Ten years after E-
Day, Adam was supposedly killed during a Locust offensive on the COG capital, Ephyra. In a
flashback in Gears of War 3, its shown that he's apparently crushed by falling debris at the
Fenix Estate as Marcus and Dom try to rescue him. It's later revealed in a message he sends
Marcus that he survived and was abducted by Prescott to work at Azura Island.

During the fourth act of Gears of War 2, Delta squad discovers recordings of Adam detailing a
plan to kill the Locusts by deliberately sinking Jacinto to flood Nexus with water. At the
conclusion of the game, after the COG have sunk Jacinto, a transmission from Adam Fenix is
played at the end of the credits asking, "This is Adam Fenix, is anyone out there...? Can you
hear me...? This is Adam Fenix, can you hear me...? What have you done...?"

Adam Fenix is a main part of Gears of War 3 as the game focuses on Marcus trying to find his
father. However, unbeknownst to Marcus, he was kidnapped by Prescott and was aware that
the initial Locust attack was bound to happen, having known about it for nearly five years. He
was kept on the top-secret research island of Azura to find a way to kill the Lambent under
Prescott's (and later Myrrah's) orders.

When Azura is taken over by the Locust, Adam's life is spared in order for him to refine his
Imulsion-destroying weapon so it won't affect the Locust and will wipe out the humans as well.
Adam manages to send a message to Marcus through Prescott and Delta Squad comes to
Azura with an army to retake the island and implement his solution. Adam guides the squad
through Azura using security cameras to monitor their progress and informs them of what he
knows. Adam is rescued by Delta and they defend him from Myrrah as he activates his weapon.
Adam succeeds in activating his weapon and wipes out the Locust, Lambent and Imulsion, but
dies as well as he infected himself with Imulsion to test its life-cycle. Adam's last request is that
his son live his life with no regrets or looking back.

Epic Games announced on May 16, 2011 that players who purchase the Limited or Epic Edition
will receive a code on Adam Fenix's medal to unlock Adam Fenix as a playable character in

[edit]Alicia Valera
Alicia Valera (voiced by Laura Bailey), known as "Val" by her squad mates, was a Gear soldier
in the Coalition of Ordered Governments. She was part of Zeta squad, fighting alongside
Michael Barrick, Minh Young Kim and Tai Kaliso. In Chapter 4 of RAAM's Shadow, she is killed
attempting to chainsaw General RAAM, in doing so saving the life of a young Jace Stratton.
[edit]Carlos Santiago
Carlos Santiago was a Gear soldier and Dominic Santiago's older brother, as well as a close
friend of Marcus Fenix. He inspired both Marcus and Dom to join the Coalition of Ordered
Governments army. Since he was a child, he was Marcus's closest friend, and later became his
squad mate in the army. Carlos would go on to fight at the Battle of Aspho Fields, where he was
killed in action. Carlos' death was the event that pushed Marcus over the edge, turning him
even more emotionally distant from others. Dom mourned the death of his brother, but would
learn how Carlos really died until he forced Bernie to tell him fourteen years after Emergence

[edit]Locust Horde
The Locust Horde is a collection of various species. Most of them are humanoid, while others
are distinctly bestial, varying in size and shape. The Horde inhabited the subterranean regions
of Sera, until Emergence Day, when they emerged across the surface in a massive,
overwhelming attack against the human population. The Locust Horde inhabits extensive
underground tunnel networks that honeycomb the crust of the planet Sera, known collectively as
"the Hollow."[10] It was revealed in Gears of War 2 that the Locust consume worms. According to
a Locust transcript found in the bowels of the Locust's subterranean capital city, Nexus, the
explosion of the lightmass bomb that occurred in Gears of War caused the giant Riftworm to
"awaken." The Locust were able to communicate with the awakened worm, and eventually
convinced it to aid them in their war efforts against humanity. The Locust's only known objective
was the complete and total annihilation of the human population of Sera, until Gears of War
2, when it is discovered that the Locust are also trying to annihilate an infected form of Locust.
The subset of infected Locust are known as the Lambent Locust, and have been mutated by
extensive contact with Imulsion. The Lambent Locust and the unaffected Locust factions (called
Savage Locust in Gears of War 3) are engaged in a civil war, in which the Lambent Locust
appear to be successful in driving the Locust out of the Hollow. This leads to the desperate
Locust attacks on the COG at Jacinto and the Locust plot to sink COG cities, as they are trying
to re-take the surface of Sera to ensure survival, and kill the Lambent Locust. The whole reason
for the war is to take the surface of Sera in order to survive being pushed out of their homes by
the Lambent. After Gears of War 2, the Locust home is flooded by the COG and most are killed
with the survivors turning feral on the surface and building their own version of the home in the
Deadlands. The Locust are all killed along with the Lambent by Adam Fenix's Imulsion
destroying weapon.

Myrrah is the Queen of the Locusts and the series' main antagonist. In the credits sequence
of Gears of War a character called "Myrrah" (voiced by Carolyn Seymour) is listed; however,
such a character was never seen during the course of the game. At various times throughout
the game, narration is provided by an unknown female character, somehow affiliated with the
Locust Horde. Her voice is heard during the opening cinematic, the death of Lt. Kim, and the
end-game sequence, as well as during split-screen or online multiplayer when playing as the

At the beginning of Gears of War 2, Myrrah (referred only as "the Locust queen" by other
characters) provides a voice-over introduction discussing humanity's violent nature, adding that,
though she feels pity for the humans, they brought the war with the Locust upon themselves.
Far through the game, Delta squad manages to penetrate Nexus, the Locust capital, where the
Locust queen is issuing a series of propaganda broadcasts ordering the Locust to fight against
the "Lambent Locust." Later on, Delta squad finally tracks down the queen in her palace,
accompanied by Skorge, and discovers that she either is, or appears to be, at least partially
human. She orders Skorge to kill Delta, and escapes on a Reaver during the subsequent battle.
Myrrah appears to have known Marcus' father, Adam Fenix.

In Gears of War 3 she battles Delta Squad atop the Tempest to stop Adam from unleashing his
weapon that will destroy the Lambent as she believes it will also kill the Locust. Delta defeats
the Tempest with the Hammer of Dawn, but Myrrah survives and crawls out from the remains
after Adam is killed by his own weapon. She mocks him and is then killed by Marcus Fenix who
stabs her with Dom's knife, saying that it was from Dom and everyone else she killed.

She is also a playable character in Gears of War 3 as the Locust leader in Capture the Leader
and a playable multiplayer persona.

[edit]General RAAM
General RAAM (voiced by Dee Bradley Baker) is the primary antagonist and final boss of Gears
of War. He is a savage, cunning, and mostly loud locust general with a dark cinematic presence.
RAAM is the tallest character in the game, standing well above the height of COG and Locust
soldiers at a height of 10 feet. He is also extremely strong, being able to carry and operate a
Troika machine gun with his bare hands. RAAM is also unique among other Locust for his ability
to control the Kryll, even creating a Kryll shield around himself during combat. RAAM is first
seen in the beginning chapters of Gears of War killing Lieutenant Kim. At the end of Gears of
WarGeneral RAAM faces Marcus Fenix and Dominic Santiago in a desperate battle. The duo
kill RAAM, trigger the lightmass bomb, and escape via helicopter. After his defeat, RAAM is
mentioned briefly in conversation between Marcus and Dom in Gears 2, they describe him as a
'pushover' compared to Skorge. In Gears of War 3, RAAM is a multiplayer DLC character from
the third downloadable content,RAAM's Shadow. RAAM is the main antagonist of RAAM's

Skorge is the primary antagonist of Gears of War 2, and serves as the leader of the Kantus
monks within the Locust Horde. He wields a double-bladed chainsaw staff, and wears an
elaborate headdress. Martin Robinson, a columnist for, noted that the character
possessed a physical resemblance to the eponymous creature from the 1987 film, Predator.
 During the course of Gears of War 2 he is shown assaulting COG troops, leading the
massive Riftworm, and battling Delta squad. Towards the end of the game, Skorge pursues the
escaping members of Delta squad on his Hydra. Skorge is defeated by Delta after they destroy
his Hydra which sends him flying onto the ground, killing him.

The Riftworm is a giant, miles long, worm that is apparently one of three such worms that dug
most of the Hollow before entering hibernation. The Riftworm is worshipped by the Locust
Horde as a god and is awakened by the Lightmass Bomb. The Horde contacted it and began
using it, under the control of Skorge, to sink the cities of Tollen, Montevado and Ilima as part of
a plan to sink Jacinto Plateau. During Operation: Hollow Storm the Riftworm can be seen
several times, once being controlled by Skorge and sinking Ilima. Eventually the Riftworm
swallowes the King Raven carrying Delta Squad and they decide to kill the worm from the inside
before escaping. The squad cuts the arteries to the Riftworm's three hearts, causing it to
surface and crash to the ground and die. Delta Squad were then able to cut their way out with
their chainsaw bayonets just before they drown in its blood.

[edit]The Stranded
The Stranded are the human survivors of E-Day living outside of Jacinto. They live in poor
conditions, ravaged by war and suffering from malnutrition. Their former way of life was
destroyed when the COG enacted a scorched earth strategy to stop the Locust assaults. This
course of action led the Stranded to refer to COGs as fascist pigs. The Gears and the Stranded
do not get along well, but will occasionally fight together against their common enemy, the
Locust Horde. After the Locust started sinking cities in Gears of War 2, groups of stranded
started hiding underground thinking it was safe as long as they stayed away from Nexus and the
Locust highway.

Franklin (voiced by John DiMaggio) is a Stranded that has come into possession of a Junker
APC critical to the Gears. Dom acquires the Junker from Franklin by "calling in a favor." He
spends most of the Nightfall act in Gears of War guiding Dom and Fenix through the ruined city
and two checkpoints to Chaps' Aspho Gas Station. He is also the one helping Dom find a
mysterious "lady" (Santiago's missing wife, Maria Santiago). Franklin makes an appearance
in Gears of War 2 multiplayer, acting as the Meatflag in Submission mode. He also appears in
"Road to Ruin" downloadable deleted scene where Dom gives Franklin a shotgun and helps
Fenix and Dom into Nexus.

Hanley (voiced by Peter Jason) is a drunken Stranded who is situated at Checkpoint Two, on
the way to Chaps' Gas Station. Marcus and Dom make their way to Checkpoint Two where they
give Jack to Hanley, in order to help them traverse the darkness. Hanley guides Marcus and
Dom through various buildings and streets whilst they make their way to the gas station. Hanley
makes an appearance inGears of War 2 multiplayer, acting as the Meatflag in Submission

Chaps (voiced by Robin Atkin Downes) is the elderly, foul-mouthed Stranded who runs the gas
station where Franklin's Junker is parked. He supplies ammo and cover at the arrival of Fenix
and Dom. When the Locust Horde ambush the gas station, he fights alongside Fenix and Dom.
He also accompanies Fenix and Dom on the highway as they drive the Junker back to the
Stranded base camp, giving notices as to which directions Kryll attack from during their run.
Chaps later appears in Gears of War 2, as part of a Stranded camp hiding under Mount Kadar.
Chaps displays knowledge of Nexus and the Locust actions, informing Delta of how to find
Nexus and that the Locust are now capturing people when they didn't before. Dom then shows
him a picture of his wife Maria and unlike everyone else he has ever shown the picture to,
Chaps recignizes her as part of another Stranded group that was captured by the Locust. Chaps
directs Dom and Marcus to Maria's likely location before leaving with Baird and Cole, telling
Marcus and Dom they won't be able to get in unless they are a Locust. Chaps makes an
appearance in Gears of War 2 multiplayer, acting as the Meatflag in Submission mode

[edit]Other characters
[edit]Maria Santiago
The wife of Dominic "Dom" Santiago of Delta Squad. She fell in love with Dom when they were
kids and became pregnant with their first child when they were sixteen. As a result, Dom
married her and they raised their son together. A year later, while Dom was taking part in the
Battle of Aspho Fields, she gave birth to a second child, a daughter. Maria and Dom's happy life
was shattered on Emergence Day when their children, which Maria had sent to her parents so
she and Dom could have a day to themselves, were killed along with her and Dom's parents.
Maria survived Emergence Day, but fell into a deep depression as a result of her children's
deaths and would go out for walks looking for them, believing they were still alive. Eventually,
four years after Emergence Day, the depression got too much for Maria and she disappeared,
leaving Dom to live with the Stranded. For eleven years Dom searched for her, showing a
picture of them to everyone he could find asking if they saw her, trying desperatly to find her. In
15 A.E., Anya found what was apparently Maria in a Jacinto hospital, but the woman, whether or
not it was Maria, disappeared before Anya could check it out. Dom continued his search, later
informed by Anya that Maria could've moved underground for saftey with other Stranded. This
ultimatly panned out as Dom, while questioning the Stranded Chaps for information on the
Locust capital of Nexus, asked him about Maria and he recignized her as a Stranded that had
moved underground. However, he informed a horified Dom that Maria's group had been
captured by the Locust. Dom and Marcus were able to follow the information Chaps gave them
and locate a Locust prison camp where Maria was and finally rescue her, but she was severly
emaciated, disfigured and in a near-vegitative state from the torture and treatment she went
through. Choosing not to let Maria live like that, Dom euthanized her with a shot to the head.
Dom later discussed her condition with a doctor who believed that even if Dom and Marcus had
gotten Maria out, she was beyond saving with many incurable conditions. Maria's death and his
failure to save her haunted Dom for the rest of his life with Dom getting his tatoo of her changed
into the form of an angel and sometimes thinking random people he saw were her.

[edit]Niles Samson
Niles Samson was the lead researcher and programmer of security at the New Hope Research
Facility, years before Delta Squad's investigation of the abandoned outpost. When Marcus and
Dom enter the Facility, Niles's system, programmed with his personality, rambles and talks
about the importance of security and cleanliness. Later, it is revealed that Niles was creating
creatures called "Sires" along with other subjects, and he had done something on Mount Kadar
involving a group of his subjects and left the Sires in stasis before leaving. In letters from
different New Hope researchers, it seems that Niles did not realize how dangerous his test
subjects were and that he called them "children." Driving the project was his obsession of
creating a better future. The Sires at some point may have evolved into the different breeds of
Locust throughout the years, though this could be left to speculation. In the book The Slab,
Prescott notes after hearing a recording of Niles on Azura calling him long dead. A note found in
the Illma sinkhole notes a Juila Samson looking for help at a mansion in the city. Any relation to
Niles is not specified, but he may be from a wealthy background.

[edit]Aaron Griffin
Aaron Griffin (voiced by Ice-T) is a former entrepreneur who maintains his wealth and influence
by running an imulsion fuel empire. He is the CEO of Griffin Imulsion, which is located in the
ruined city of Char. Many of Griffin's employees died on E-Day when the COG destroyed the
city in an attempt to stop Locust Horde. He thus harbors a deep hatred and resentment to the
COG. In Gears of War 3, Marcus and his comrades encounter Griffin while searching for a
supply of Imulsion. He berates the Gears, but reluctantly sends them on a mission to recover
some Imulsion. After returning to Griffin, The Locust Horde attacks Char, killing many of Griffin's
employees. He again blames the Gears for the destruction when only himself and Delta Squad
survive the attack.


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1. 05-05-2011, 08:43 AM #1
Jay the Arbiter


Join Date
Aug 2008
UK - Killing Cog Soldiers
Gamer IDs

Gears of War RPG - LOCUST - Character Thread

Basically borrowing the layout of the first RPG character thread!

Here is where those who wish to take part in the Locust RPG ("New Horizons - WIP") can post
up there character's. Use the character sheet below to create your character!

Gears Of War - LOCUST Forum RPG Character Sheet

Name: (Self Explanatory)

Gender: (Ditto)
Race: (Drone/Grenadier/Theron/Kantus Monk/Kantus Priestess/Any others)

Description: (What they look like/Their Apparel and so forth)

Personality: (Smart/Dumb/Brutal/Cunning/Etc)

Equipment: (Weapons and whatnot)

Skills: (What they're good at)

Bio: (A little bit about them + how they got to Markon's tribe.)
Jay the Arbiter (Co-Leader) - Bio Posted
Pandut (Leader/God of this RP) - Bio Posted
TheRealBigBosss - Bio Posted
Levyathan - Bio Posted
Rusticangelic - Bio Posted
xCoNx 6 - Bio Posted
Bocatt - Bio Posted
Croswynd - Bio Posted
RaKais - Awaiting Bio
COG(A) Medic - Bio Posted
Mr Grub - Bio Posted
Wisdom Thumbs - 1/2 Character Bio's posted.

Pandut (Leader!)

Name: Lathyn
Gender: Male
Race: Kantus Former monk-in-training
Age: Human equivalent of 17

Description: Lathyn was always very lithe for his age. Aside from his obvious thinness, the
young Locust boasts a rather average appearance however with very distinguishable traits.
Lathyn's shoulder, where once was the emblem of the Horde was burned into is now nothing
more then a brownish-red scab. His monk outfit has been completely disregarded, and instead
the Kantus wears an apparel fairly similar to that of a grenadier. He is somewhat of a runt
compared to other Kanti, usually appearing a few (5-7, give or take) inches shorter then the
average monk.

A stitched-together pair of baggy combat jeans, with portions widened to support his large
thighs and massive feet. While somewhat less maneuverable, Lathyn claims that it is much
more comfortable and "roomier".

His stocky top-half is covered by a COG Flak Jacket (Though short-sleeved and more COG-
like), stitched together with other human clothing to accommodate Lathyn's torso. The jacket
itself is riddled with holes as the Kantus found it on a dead Gear sniper.

It has been modified severally to fit him, as his strangely designed shoulders poke out, while the
rest of his arm to his elbow is safely covered. Despite that, Lathyn has taken shoulder guards
from old Bolter outfits and stitched them to the jacket. And lastly, around his thin waist is a
combat belt that once belonged to a Drone that holds most of Lathyn's spare ammunition.

Personality: Quiet and shy, Lathyn's rushed life has rendered him socially awkward. He isn't
used to being around large groups of people (Ironic for a Locust) and his brain functions usually
stop dead in their tracks when in the presence of a female.

Ever since his integration into Markons Tribe, Lathyn has lived most of his life avoiding the
unknown. While he isn't an outcast, the Kantus simply prefers being left alone with his thoughts.
In his spare time, Lathyn likes to study things. Whether it's something as simple as an insect or
grass, or human technology, keeping his mind focused on those subjects is the only way the lad
can keep himself from going crazy.

The fact that Queen Myrrah allegedly lied and abandoned them hasn't set too well on the young
Locusts mind. Even though most of Markon's Tribe are believers of T'Chark, Lathyn does not
follow this religion as he does not know who, or what to believe in.

In his mind, Queen Myrrah was a pretender that manipulated them and the Kantus former-monk
isn't sure if T'Chark is that different. That being said, Lathyn has taken quite a liking to Human
food and tech as there are moments where he spends hours away from camp simply
rummaging through piles of junk and abandoned human settlements.
Lathyn also views the Soul Killer, Sauvix as a father figure to him, seeing as other Locust is
more independent then the rest and has even spent much time on the surface himself although
he lacks the strength to talk to him.

1x Gorgon Pistol (Burst-fire edition)
52x Additional rounds
1x Defective Longshot (Attempting to repair)
3x Additional sniper rounds
4x COG Military MREs (Always hunting for more)
3x Human books (Attempting to "decipher")
1x COG Military-grade tool box (Missing some tools)
1x Kantus Curved Dagger

-Knows a bit about the surface world.
-Can read and speak Tyran to some degree.
-Decent mechanic.
-Decent Scavenger.
-Very agile and maneuverable.

Bio: Like all Kanti, Lathyn was born in the Temple to a young Monk and Priestess pairing. In his
childhood, Lathyn was viewed as a runt as he was fairly shorter then the other younglings,
resulting in him constantly being teased and others to look down upon him. Though given his
child determination at his age, he pressed on to prove his worth.

When he came of age, Lathyn earned his mark. The branding of the Horde to his shoulder,
symbolizing that he was now one of them. Some say that his sheer excitement over that
moment must have triggered something in the young Kantus' body, as throughout the years,
Lathyn had grown exponentially, although still appeared to be somewhat shorter then his fellow
Kantus. Though the boy pressed on with his training, still years away from reaching adulthood
and official military service to the Horde.

Before Lathyn could fulfill his hopes however, the Lambent launched a full-scale assault on
Nexus in cohesion with the Humans. Defending against this sea of enemies was near to
impossible, and Lathyn's parents attempted to mount an escape, along with the entire horde. It
wasn't long before the trio were cut-off from the Reaver Pens by the full retreat of the Horde,
though Lathyn's litheness allowed him to squeeze past the stampede of Locust. His parents had
promised they would find another way out while literally shoving their son away so that he would

Lathyn hesitantly found his way onto a Reaver with half a dozen Drones already scrambling too.
Too many thoughts were grueling over the Kantus' mind as the Reaver took to the air. The
Queen promised this would never happened, she said she would protect them and yet, she was
seemingly gone. Myrrah left all of her "children" to die in the Lambent's wake. He was angry, not
only at the fact that she lied to them, but Queen left them all for dead.

Upon reaching the surface, Lathyn dispersed from the group almost immediately after the Drone
survivors were too oblivious to the truth, and wished to find the queen. The Kantus spent the
next following weeks wandering the cold surface, asking questions that desperately needed
answers such as if his parents had survived and escaped.

By fate, Lathyn stumbled into Markon's Camp, which welcomed him with open arms. The
following days and weeks, Lathyn had become a mental train-wreck. Not knowing what to
believe in, or if there was hope for the Locust as a species. He was quick to dispose of his old
Monk outfit and donned an attire that would scream in defiance at the Queen. Lathyn had even
gone an extra step as too cutting off the portion of his skin that was branded with the symbol of
the Queen. All that is left of his oath to the Horde is a bloodied wound wrapped in bandages.

He works quietly and secretly too keep his mind from clouding with thoughts that would destroy
his well-being, if it had not already. He speaks to very few people, and is without friends.
Though he considers Methu, the tribes only ticker as one of the few Locust he likes.
Mr Arbiter (Co Leader)

Name: Hakar (Nicknamed "Boss" by both Braahk and Ithak)

Gender: Male
Race: Theron

Description: Hakar is a dead ringer for his father, General RAAM. He is taller than most, if not,
all regular Therons and is very muscular and powerful looking. His jaw seems to be built in a
way that gives him a snarling expression, he has the same metal "Mohawk" plate that RAAM

Apparel wise, he dons the Soul Killer uniform of all Black Theron armour with hints of Crimson
red patches around the shoulders. He sometimes wears the Soul Killer Helmet, which has the
classic "V" slit.

Personality: Hakar tries his best to remain calm, but a lot of the time, his frustration and anger
will boil over, leading him into often blind rages. Though when calm, Hakar is intelligent and
quite a thinker. While he may not look it, he is utterly loyal to his friends and comrades and will
stand up for weaker friends if they get in trouble.

Equipment: 1 Hammerburst and a plentiful supply of ammunition for it, Serrated War Blade
(Like RAAM's) combat knife from childhood.

Skills: Hakar is known for his incredible strength and endurance, but he is not all about brute
force. Hakar can be quite the thinker and tactician, planning out strategies and tactics to help
him and his team succeed at any mission. Though often he will go to Onwa for assistance.

Hakar is also utterly fearless, as he is ready to face whatever challenge may be ahead of him.
However, he may be brave, but not stupid, if the challenge is too much, he knows when to turn
tail and fall back.

Bio: There are few out there that strike fear into the hearts of both COG and Locust, but Hakar
is a key example of those legends. The leader of the Elite Locust "Soul Killers" Hakar is known
for leading all kinds of strikes against the COG and succeeding almost every time. Hakar seems
to have the ideal mix of both Brain and Brawn, The Soul Killer tactics are flawless and Hakar
leads his troops with undeniable skill, but he is also infamous for his brutal slaughters of COG
Gears, creating a term for the COG "Soul Killer Cleanup site." To this day, some Locust debate
as to whether or not he be a hero, a psychopath, or both.

After the flooding of the Hollow, Hakar came across Markon's tribe on the outskirts of Landown,
where he decided to have The Soul Killers act as guardians for what he assumed where the last
remnants of the Horde. After welcoming "The Lost" to Markon's tribe and surviving an onslaught
of both Gears and Lambent creatures in Landown, Hakar chose to stay with Markon's tribe, who
were leaving Landown as they deemed it no longer safe, rather than search for The Queen.

However, Soul Killer Sauvix, realising how close they came to death, asked that The Soul Killers
fight only out of neccassity, that way, they stay out of sight and out of mind of any potential
human hostile. Hakar agreed, and followed Markon's tribe.

To this day, Hakar has kept his promise, but has began to show some "Withdrawal" symptoms.
He has been to constantly sharpen his knife from childhood on rocks and sometimes throws it at
a discarded Gear helmet, which he keeps as a trophy.
Name: Methu
Number: 9132
Gender: Male
Race: Ticker

Description: A Ticker without a Bomb with a Rockworm moulded shield over his back - although
the shield is a new addition.

Personality: Not the brightest bulb in the box, but always eager to please. When he gets excited
he starts ticking. Immensely loyal.

Equipment: A perfect Tick and a fine set of claws

Skills: Methu has learnt to be a wonderful diversion, since learning that most people either run,
hide or start shooting when they hear a Ticker. Methu’s inability to detonate means that he can
lure the enemy out of their cover whilst someone else can take them down from behind.

Bio: Considering that all tickers were mass produced for one sole reason, Methu was never
even given a name, just a number - 9132. He went through the training – seek and destroy. Like
his brothers before him, he was given his orders and was sent top side to eliminate COG forces.
Except something happened that would change his life forever. Methu’s bomb never detonated.

Forced to return to Nexus as a failure, he faced countless amounts of ridicule from his
comrades, calling him names he didn’t entirely understand. So he took to hiding away from The
Horde till at least the laughter had died down. It took a while for him to venture back into society,
and it wasn’t until a kindly Kantus Priestess offered a hand of friendship to him and helped to
dismantle and remove the failed bomb from his back, that he started to build his confidence
again. She also gave him a name. It took Methu a while to get used to a name, rather than a
number, he found himself sticking closely to the Priestess unused to this new amount of
kindness. She took him under her wing and helped to teach him to communicate – until then
Tickers had never really learnt to speak – he did have a tendency to start clicking and
squeaking when he was excited although he has learnt to tone this down.

In return he started to pick up on the Priestess’ beliefs, watching her during her chanting and
prayers to the Goddess T’Chark. It was something he had never entirely understood, but he
always sat and watched as he had never wanted to displease her.

From a distance Methu started to integrate himself into the Horde again, but this time he was a
little reluctant to go running to the Queen to get back into battle, a lot of leaders had refused to
have him included in their squads as they believed he brought failure and bad luck wherever he
went. Instead he kept himself as close to the one Locust he could count on, keeping watch
outside the sacred grounds as she performed her duty to T’Chark. He followed her
unquestionably, even when she decided to flee with Brother Markon’s followers, he scuttled
along beside her.

Until the day the Priestess was killed by the Lambent.

Flooded with emotions he couldn’t quite comprehend Methu retreated into the protection of
Markon’s Tribe, switching himself off to any unwanted feelings. Instead he made himself useful
by sitting vigil and watching over the group, alerting them if anyone drew close, one even helped
create armour for him that slotted over his back, so he could deflect bullets if ever he faced

Here he remained watching out for the few Locust who had opened up and accepted him.

Name: Karnos
Gender: Male
Race: Theron

Description: Well worn, battle damaged Theron armor mixed with a dark red leather robe/cloak
type thing, like Assassin's Creed or something. No helmet, though he sometimes uses uses a
scarf as a face mask. Karnos has a large well proportioned frame and is quite strong, and fast.

Personality: Karnos is an egotistical brutal pragmatist. He dislikes authority or anyone telling him
what to do. Possessed of a malevolent cunning, he enjoys triumphing over those he sees as his
opponents. Even though he likes the thrill of combat, and will often wade in all guns blazing,
given the chance, he prefers a more stealthy approach. Karnos has little time for spirituality or
ritual, he considers such things pompous, foolhardy and a waste of time.


His cloaked armor.

Two serrated Kulkuri blades (like Locust machetes or swords).
A battle worn Hammerburst, bound in rags and old leather straps (for camouflage purposes and
to prevent dust and grit getting into the mechanisms).
Stumpgun (mini shotgun, usable in one hand. Old UIR military weapon).
Torque Bow.
Multipurpose small belt knife.
A bunch of 12 gauge shotgun shells.
Extra Hammerburst clips and rounds.
Spare Torque Bow bolts.
Numerous COG ration bars (Karnos has developed a taste for these, but keeps that fact well
Several human plastic bottles filled with water.
Dried stringy meat rations of unknown origin.
A carrying bag that can be slung across his back.
A shotgun shell bandoleer worn around the waist.

Skills: Sneaking around, melee combat. CQC combat.

Bio: Karnos witnessed the devastating effects of the scorched earth policy first hand when he
and his splinter (Locust platoon) were searching Ehpyra for survivors and the Hammer of Dawn
hit. Only a handful of them survived, and this angered Karnos. He felt betrayed by his leaders
(the Queen, the Elders), and broke away from the Horde to become a guerrilla fighter, fighting
the groundwalkers on his own terms. For many years Karnos drifted from place to place,
attacking and killing groundwalkers as opportunity presented itself. Until finally, he found himself
joining up with Markon and the others.

Catchphrase: "WE... ARE... HORDE!!!"

xCoNx 6

Name: Mar
Gender: Male
Race: Grenadier
Age /appearance: If you take the appearance of the grenadier in gears of war 2, the one without
“a shirt on” he is based of that character model. He is missing an outer toe on his left foot after
another digger went crooked with his shovel.


Grenadier in build with the same pants with kneepads and boots. Upper body is a light
chestpiece with a webbing vest containing digging equipment and tools. Wears no sleeves but
does have elbow pads and arm guards for protection against the ground. Headgear is designed
to counter dust during the digging under and above ground. Has a mask around his mouth that
keeps out dust by a big scarf and a old airfilter ( Think locust/hannibal mask combo). The
goggles against the dust are only worn during digging, otherwise they get stored in a pouch. He
does not wear them on his head! The scarf however remains around the neck.


During the war the horde has shown its remarkable skill in moving earth and shaping the
battlefied. From the emergence hole to the hollow their monuments of excavation are
everywhere. While most of these are done buy the more brute-force units of the Horde some
complecated jobs are done by using grenadiers and instead of focusing on combat they get
assigned to digging more complicated tunnel. They sap the enemy positions by excavating
without producing the tell tale tremmors of the other locust creatures. These digging groups are
led by a foreman and exist out of specialists and general diggers .

Mar ,fortunately, is just above the general diggers because he is in charge of all the materials of
his group. He makes sure the demo locust have their charges and repairs the countless shovels
that get wrecked constantly. This has him labouring during most of the missions but eventually
he still has to dig once all is settled.
Seeing the consequences of abuse of materials as his own personal torture, he is all about
maintenance.He takes great pride in still only being on his 54th shovel since being assigned to
his last group.

He hasn’t even killed a single COG soldier in his lifetime though he has seen plenty. He doesn’t
feel the need to go into combat but still hates the humans with a passion seeing they
condemned him to living almost his entire life underground in the dirt, dark and between
sweating, stinking diggers. He is however very obediant to who whe deems worthy or a
considerable threat, seeing the punishment in the hollow can get pretty ruthless just as the
foremans’ temper.

When it comes to religious views he has none. He has a hard time admiring the queen or
T’chark seeing all he has known in his life hard labor. He is not the most pious member of the

Equipment: (Weapons and whatnot)

1x Boltok Revolver
24 extra rounds.
1x entrenching tool

that one combined with the modern one.

1x Root axe
1x Wrench 1x screwdriver + bits, 1x sciccors, 1x sharpening stone,
6x human hair brushes.
1x Crowbar
2x bags of maintenance oil
1x extra pair of mask and goggles.
1x 100 meters of knotted measuring string
2x COG flashlights

Skills: (What they're good at)

Very little experience fighting the COG, no experience in handling the more exotic weapons of
the locust. He has even less knowedge about using COG weapons. Has no insight according to
assaults but knows a few things about digging defensive positions and traps. Can carry weight
really well but has less stamina and speed.

Knowledgable about maintaining tools and weapons but only the basic ones. He can sharpen
knives/axes, work on plating and knows a little bit about machinery. On the account of his
revolver he is a decent shot but his only experience is firing at stationary targets.


After the landown incident the locust wanted to set up a forward base near the badlands, Just
close enough to landown to keep an eye on the COG but close enough to the badlands so they
shouldn’t get into an engagement.

Mar and his group got sent to dig the surface entrenchement above the underground barracks
of the forward base. During this assignment, their guard detail spotted a small COG patrol and
eagerly engaged. They however where soon ambushed and an entire cog platoon assaulted the

Not even bothering firing back, not because of fear, but because of total non-consideration to
anybody of his group he retreated. Seeing the foreman get sniped off his bloodmount during the
first few seconds (probibably because of his ridiculous helmet attracting the eye of a COG
marksman) he hopped on the beast and hauled ass in the other direction, to the badlands.

After the beast became exhausted , threm him off in the middle of nowhere and headed off on
its own he finds himself without supplies and shelter. After climbing a hill he spots an
encampment in the distance. It certainly did not look human or locust traditional locust so it was
a different faction. He however realizes he is going to die soon without water and food. Without
a choice he approaches the encampement, walking right towards Markon’s tribe.

Name: Gareth/Geth
Gender: Male
Race: Grenadier/Theron
Age: 42

Description: Gareth is tall and lithe, more wiry than you'd expect from a grenadier. His body is
covered in scars. His battle dress is the red armor plates of a Theron sentinel, modified to suit
his personal tastes. His leather trail is longer, and dusts the ground behind him with a raspy hiss
when he walks. His arms and hands are also free, with only simple vambraces to protect his
forearms and keep him more mobile in combat. His helmet is unusual for a Theron, angled in
the front and smooth from the brow back and around the sides, designed to deflect frontal
gunfire. The helmet tapers to a ridge in front, which has three eye slits on either side.

Personality: Gareth is a natural killer, born and bred for combat. He is cold and pragmatic, but
also deeply thoughtful. He doesn't question orders, not in the sense that would ever cause him
to ignore or disobey them; In fact, quite the contrary. Though he does question the motives
behind some of his missions and tasks against the humans in the previous years, he follows
them without fail. He was touched by religion at a young age, a change that has caused him to
grow a philosophical streak, as well as a kind of sentimentalism akin to wistfulness, at times. He
is also staunchly taditionalist, believing in things that have been to a logical point.

In an unusual turn for a locust, Gareth has developed empathy over his long life. Spurred by his
intelligent, logical approach to life and by Kryek's unyielding support of him, even his unusual
philosophies, Gareth has studied the humans at length. He has determined that they are more
to be pitied than hated. He doesn't blame them for his life and the life of his race, a half
existence under the ground. He doesn't even blame them for their own in fighting, something
that was a problem even for locust until the subterranean dangers of Sera forced them into a
bleak cooperation. Even now, Gareth can feel the tug and pull of civil war coming onto the
locust; In light of the changing tides, he finds it hard to fault the humans any more than he does
his own kind. Still, if he has to fight them, he does his duty.


- 1 Marksman Hammerburst
- 5 Clips of ammo
- 1 Medium range scope
- 1 Boltok pistol sidearm
- 18 Rounds
- 3 Curved Theron blades
- 3 Smoke grenades
- 1 Incendiary grenade
- 1 Pair of goggles
- 1 Heavy grappling hook
- 1 Pair of climbing gloves
- 1 Camouflage net

Skills: Gareth is primarily a combatant, skilled at eliminating individuals. He is capabale of using

a wide range of weapons, both locust and human, and has experience with tactics in battle. As
part of a team, Gareth excels, and fits into most combat roles as long as he has capable
support. As a survivor, he has spent much of his time alone on dangerous missions, though
sometimes he had assistance. This had led him to a life behind enemy lines, and he is skilled at
maintaining cover and staying hidden, as well as living off of the land, even on the surface.

Gareth is a dangerous fighter with his bare hands, as he is one of many locust taken to
practicing and modifying human styles of hand to hand combat for locust efficiency, and has
spent many years developing effective fighting techniques. It helps that, as a stealth killer over
the years, he has worked on his skills, both with fist and knife, on living targets. In combat,
Gareth prefers slow, accurate weapons that make good use of his ability to put heavy rounds
into vulnerable spots.

Bio: Gareth was born to a small clutch of Grenadiers and sent to the frontlines as soon as he
was old enough. Though family members of his were used in manufacture and digging, Gareth
excelled in combat against the lambent, as well as most of the other subterranean dangers the
locust encountered on a regular basis. He was even brave enough to risk a few excursions to
the surface on adolescent dares, like many of his friends. What he saw there startled him. After
a while, he was drawn in by the Kantus; The bright, open, energetic world above had thrust him
into some ambitious turn of mind he wasn't ready for, so he went to religion to help him. He
became a devout man, though this didn't keep him from fighting his fullest; In fact, it pushed him
harder. Now he had a cause.

After a few more years, his personal success was noted, and he was given a team of skilled
Grenadiers and drones to use in underground attacks. He once more dove into his work and
proved himself capable. His story would have ended there if it wasn't for Kryek. His boyhood
friend had grown into a smart leader, a locust on the rise. Unbeknownst to Gareth, his old
hivemate pulled some strings and got him attached to the Theron guard. It was unusual, a
Grenadier rising so far in the ranks, but not unheard of. In fact, Gareth met more like him, even
a few drones. Gareth rose steadily in the ranks, as kryek gained more prominence and power
after Raam's untimely death. Until a unit was needed, a capable team for a secret mission
under former Indie territory to the south. A small lance of soldiers was assembled, and Gareth,
on Kryek's recommendation to the queen, was appointed it's leader.

It was here, on assignment, that Gareth met Sauvix, a member of the presumably real Soul
Killers, and elite team of special forces that spent most of their time on the surface, at least,
according to legend. Gareth hadn't even believed in them, but now he knew the truth. In the
course of the mission, he was able to win over even Sauvix's reluctant approval, and after
another few months, was surpised by recruitment into the Soul Killers. He was considered dead
for all purposes, removed from his previous position of power among the Theron Sentinels and
issued a new, dangerous life on the surface, fighting humans only when needed. And he was
much happier. He had also fallen in love with his queen, though, out of fear, he told no one, not
even Kryek, who's sudden death came as a shock to Gareth. He decided to take his leave of
the Soul Killers, clearing it with Hakar, who seemed to understand for some reason. Then he
packed up and moved on.

After the loss of his mentor, Gareth started trying to avoid life. It never worked, however, so
instead he just tried to keep to himself. He had grown sick of killing and fighting, and the news of
the attack on the human settlements over Jacinto came as no surprise. It was difficult, living
alone; Lambent scoured the surface, as did new, savage locust renegades who attacked him on
sight and often had to be put down just as hard. And there were always humans, pitiable
creatures. Where possible, Gareth escaped danger without fighting, just living and hunting,
growing used to surface food at a rate that seemed, to his gut, all too slow. Still, news travelled.
Gareth learned that he wasn't the only locust out of sorts, and that, in fact, many of them had
banded together nearby. Apparently, the Theron armor still garnered respect. Reluctantly,
Gareth packed up his improvised camp, rubbed out his fire, and headed in the direction of this
rumored encampment, curious as to what he would find.

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