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Histogram and Undersize


Cumulative Volume (%)

Volume (%)


0 0
0.1 1.0 10.0 100.0 1,000.0
Size Classes (μm)
[Histogram] - [285] SPC 15 S-06/07/2022 [Histogram] - [286] SPC 15 S-06/07/2022
[Undersize] - [285] SPC 15 S-06/07/2022 00:53:04 [Undersize] - [286] SPC 15 S-06/07/2022 00:53:15
00:53:04 00:53:15
[Histogram] - [284] SPC 15 S-06/07/2022 [Histogram] - [283] SPC 15 S-06/07/2022
[Undersize] - [284] SPC 15 S-06/07/2022 00:51:11 [Undersize] - [283] SPC 15 S-06/07/2022 00:51:00
00:51:11 00:51:00

Record Number Sample Name Dx (10) (μm) Dx (50) (μm) Dx (98) (μm) Result Below (2) μm (%) Kurtosis [3] Skew [3] Dx (100) (μm) Result In Range (45;45) μm (%) Result Below (45) μm (%) Result Above (45) μm (%)
285 SPC 15 S 0,613 4,81 43,7 30,68 4,997 2,094 75,7 0,00 98,25 1,75
286 SPC 15 S 0,613 4,84 43,5 30,77 4,980 2,087 75,7 0,00 98,28 1,72
284 SPC 15 S 0,603 4,47 34,2 31,66 2,957 1,749 51,7 0,00 99,81 0,19
283 SPC 15 S 0,605 4,51 36,4 31,28 3,618 1,873 58,4 0,00 99,47 0,53
Mean 0,609 4,66 39,4 31,10 4,138 1,951 65,4 0,00 98,95 1,05
1xStd Dev 0,00552 0,191 4,88 0,46 1,018 0,169 12,2 0,00 0,81 0,81
1xRSD (%) 0,908 4,11 12,4 1,48 24,610 8,673 18,7 0,81 76,94
Min 0,603 4,47 34,2 30,68 2,957 1,749 51,7 0,00 98,25 0,19
Max 0,613 4,84 43,7 31,66 4,997 2,094 75,7 0,00 99,81 1,75

Harian Juli 2022

Malvern Instruments Ltd. Mastersizer - v3.63 Created: 05/03/2022 Page 1 of 1 Printed: 02/08/2022 15:52

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