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Resubmission: yes
:A pass assignment shows that a candidate can

Criteria comments
 Correctly use terminology that fulfilled
relates to grammatical structures
and their teaching techniques.

 relate task design to the target fulfilled

language development

 find, select and reference Partially fulfilled

information from one or more Please review the
sources; comments on
.parts 3 and 4
 use written language that is clear, fulfilled
accurate and appropriate to the

Part 1:
'' A major reason for reading texts in class is to give students new language input''
(Harmer,2007). The reading text, I am sure it will motivate students to read, because the text
is an interview with the (Moon Knight) Egyptian director Mohamed Diab, He is a first and this
is a great accomplish and so exciting. Also, the material covered in (Moon Knight) itself
displays a healthy curiosity and respect for Egyptian culture and heritage. So, it is perfectly
suitable for my intermediate students, they will find it interesting. Also, the text is not
challenging in terms of grammar, however it has some potentially difficult vocabulary. Only a
few words need pre-teaching, since they aren’t blocking. And that is so perfect because if
the text is too easy, students will get bored and won't focus and it's too difficult, they will get
frustrated and give up. This is why it's important to choose the right learning materials and
tailor them.

The aim of this stage is to prepare and familiarize my students with key words of the text. It
also motivates them to keep learning new vocabulary. '' When we introduce new
vocabulary, there is always a chance that is not new to some of the students in the class.

That is why elicitation is so important.'' (Harmer,2015). And some of the words that need

 Scale
 Strip down
 Unique
 Pitch
 Extension
 Producer
.Part1: satisfactory 

Part 2:
1- Lead-in:
I will write some interview questions on the board (see appendix 1), and then ask the
students ''What kind of questions are these?'' and '' To whom would we direct these
questions to?''. Students will start to share thoughts and opinions, then I will elicit the

Rati onale:

This will generate their interest in the topic, the lead-in will allow the students to anticipate
what the text is likely to be about. While the students are waiting, expectancy is created in
their mind, which helps them to engage with the text and to provide an opportunity for
authentic speaking.

2- Contextualizati on & predicti on:

I will display a picture of Mohamed Diab next to a movie poster of (Moon Knight), then I will
ask them ''now, what do think the text is all about?''. In pairs the students will be asked to
brainstorm and predict the answers. Meanwhile I'll monitor what they are speculating
about. After the discussion in pairs, an open class feedback would come, where they will be
able to express their predictions.

Rati onale :

The aim of this stage is to set the context of the lesson, also to let students warm up and
activate students' knowledge on the topic.

.Part2: satisfactory

1- Reading for gist:
I will tell the students to read the text quickly alone, without stopping on every word, giving
them (1 min.) to do this, and then I would ask them to discuss in pairs whether their
predictions were right or wrong before doing a whole class discussion. I will be monitoring

closely during pair work. After that open class feedback would come. About pair work ''It
allows students to work and interact independently without the necessary guidance of the
teacher, thus promoting learner independence'' (Harmer,2007).

Rati onale:

This task helps to get and predict the general picture without going into detail. The aim of
giving students so short time for gist reading is to make sure they won't be reading deeply.

2- Intensive reading:
I will ask students to read the text again, and will be given a handout as they are going to
answer a set of true / false (see appendix 2). I would also ask them to highlight sentences,
where they can see the answer. Then I will ask them to work in pairs and check their
answers. After this I'll make an open class feedback, where we will be checking answers.
During the feedback I will handle the answer sheet.

Rati onale:

This sub-skill helps students to fully understand the text. I wanted them to pay attention to
the details and meaning from the text.

.Part3: unsatisfactory
.The tasks are well-designed
Please make sure your rationale are supported by evidence
.from reliable sources and are written in more detail

Part 4:
I think this group would benefit from development speaking skills. My main aim at this point
to allow students to make full use of the text and to provide a motivation for the speaking
task. So, I will ask students to role play in pairs and imagine your partner as a famous person
and you will be interviewing him about his latest work Ex: (movie-book-match). They have 5
mins. to put down as many ideas as they can.

Rati onale :

This task seems to be very useful for students, in terms of improving their skills to speak
more fluently and with bigger confidence. This activity also engages students into working in
groups and pairs, allowing them to talk much while completing the task.

.Part3: unsatisfactory
.The task is productive
.Please cite the book you used to rationalized this part

Harmer, J. How to Teach English. Pearson/Longman; 2007.

Harmer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Pearson/Longman; 2015.

Appendix 1:
1. Why do you think you're suitable for this role?
2. What qualities and skills could you bring to this movie?
3. How do you feel you can relate to the character?

Appendix 2:
Read the text again and answer the following sentences with true or false?

1. Moon Knight is Mohamed Diab's first director experience.

2. Mohamed Diab moved to the US. five years ago.
3. Mohamed Diab's wife Sarah is his producer.
4. Marvel company picked Mohamed Diab right after he sent the script.

Answer key:

1. False
2. False
3. True
4. False

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