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A. The lymphoid system is composed of organs and cells A. Humoral response.
that participate in the immune response. 1. Antibodies, produced by the plasma cells, circulate
1. Primary lymphoid organs. through the blood and bind to and inactivate antigens
a. Thymus. or infectious agents.
(1) Production of T cells. 2. B lymphocytes (plasma cells) recognize the antigen
(2) Maturation and differentiation of the T cells and become activated, differentiated plasma cells,
(lymphocytes). T cells become either T cyto- which produce immunoglobulins.
toxic (CD8), or T helper (CD4) cells. a. Immunoglobulin M (IgM): provides the initial
(3) Provide for long-term immunity. antibody response; a large molecule that is primar-
b. Bone marrow. ily confined to the intravascular space.
(1) Production of B cells. b. Immunoglobulin G (IgG): main serum antibody;
(2) Differentiate into plasma cells that produce assumes a major role in bloodborne and tissue
antibodies (immunoglobulins). infections; the longest-acting immunoglobulin;
2. Peripheral lymphoid organs. crosses placenta and provides natural passive
a. Lymph nodes: filter out foreign material and cir- immunity in the newborn.
culate the lymphocytes. c. Immunoglobulin A (IgA): appears in body fluids;
b. Spleen: produces lymphocytes and plasma cells; prevents absorption of antigens from food; plays
filters the blood. an important role against infection in respiratory
c. Mucosal-associated lymphoid tissue: the gastroin- passages.
testinal tract, the bronchi in the respiratory tract, d. Immunoglobulin E (IgE): appears in serum and
the genital tract and the skin all contain associated interstitial fluids; is associated with immediate
lymphoid tissue. hypersensitivity reactions (anaphylactic and atopic
d. Tonsils: trap and remove invading organisms. reactions); assists in the defense against parasitic
B. Body recognizes foreign proteins, called antigens, which infections.
will elicit a response from the immune system—the B. Cell-mediated response—stem cells originate in the
pro- duction of antibodies, which attack and destroy bone marrow and travel to the thymus, where they
the invading antigens. mature into functional T cells.
C. Antigens are foreign to the body and are frequently 1. A response is initiated through recognition of anti-
associated with bacteria, viruses, or other pathogens; gens by T cells (T lymphocytes, macrophages, and
antigens react with antibodies or antigen receptors on natural killer cells).
B and T cells. 2. Differentiation of the T cells into specific cells that
D. Allergens are antigens that produce an allergic response. react directly with the antigen.
E. Inflammatory response—an innate resistance or natural a. T cytotoxic (CD8) cells—antigen-specific; sensi-
barrier that responds to the site of tissue injury; examples tized by exposure to the antigen; a second expo-
include infection, mechanical injury, ischemia, sure will result in a more intense and rapid
tempera- ture extremes. cell-mediated response.
1. Redness, heat, swelling, and pain occur secondary to b. T helper (CD4) cells—differentiate into cyto-
vasodilatation, increased vascular permeability, and kines, which give directions to cells; changes the
white blood cell migration to site of injury. proliferation of the cell, as well as the activity or
2. Complement system consists of plasma proteins the secretion of the cell.
that directly destroy pathogens, activated by the c. Natural killer (NK) cells—large lymphocytes that
formation of an antigen-antibody complex (immune recognize and kill cells from viruses, tumors or
complex). transplanted tissue; cells do not require a previous
3. Complement cells are found in the innate as well as sensitization to the antigen.
the acquired immune response.
120 CHAPTER 7 Immune System

3. Provides cellular immunity, delayed hypersensitivity

reactions; recognizes tumor cells and inhibits tumor to infections associated with staphylococci and
growth; rejects foreign tissue (organ transplants) and Candida.
produces autoimmune disorders. 3. Aging decreases the size and activity of the thymus,
C. Humoral and cellular responses are not independent— which results in a diminished response of the cell-
but interdependent—and an effective immune response mediated immunity. A decline in efficiency of
is based on the interactions of both responses. humoral immunity also occurs because of a decrease
D. Properties of the immunologic response. in antibody production in response to antigens.
1. Specificity: the formation of a specific antibody for 4. Older clients are at increased risk for impaired
each antigen; antibodies produced against one patho- inflammation and wound healing secondary to
gen will not protect the body from other pathogens. chronic diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes), as well as
2. Memory: both responses are capable of “remember- medications that impair the inflammatory response
ing” the antigen and responding more rapidly if (steroids).
exposed to same antigen again.
3. Self-recognition: the immune system has the ability to NURSING PRIORITY Clients who have a compromised immune system, from
distinguish self or self-antigens from nonself or
foreign antigens; the self-antigens do not illicit the
immune response.
E. Inflammatory response.
1. Early inflammatory response is self-limiting. It DISORDERS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM
destroys injurious agents and removes them from the
site. Also confines agents to the area, stimulates the Hypersensitivity
immune response, and promotes healing.
2. Chronic inflammation lasts 2 weeks or longer, fre- A. Type I (IgE-mediated reaction; IgE antibodies in-
quently preceded by an unsuccessful acute response. volved).
Infiltration of lymphocytes and macrophages occur in 1. Occurs when a person has been previously sensitized
an attempt to protect the body; the area may be to a specific antigen.
walled off to form a granuloma (e.g., the granuloma 2. When same antigen reappears, it interacts with
associated with tuberculosis). the IgE; this activates the release of chemical media-
F. Types of specific immunity (Table 7-1). tors, primarily histamine.
1. Natural immunity: no prior contact with an antigen. 3. Histamine: major chemical mediator.
2. Acquired immunity: develops either actively or a. Smooth muscle contraction (spasms of bronchial
passively. muscles and airway obstruction).
G. Effects of aging on immune response. b. Capillary vasodilatation and increased capillary
permeability, leading to vascular collapse
1. Infants are protected at birth by maternal antibodies
(decreased blood pressure).
that cross the placenta; an infant’s antibody system
c. Increased nasal stuffiness and bronchial secre-
begins to function around 6 months of age.
2. Newborns have a transiently depressed inflammatory d. Reaction usually begins within minutes after
response and immune function; they are prone exposure.


Type Characteristics Examples

Active: Antibodies synthesized Natural: Contact with an antigen Recovery from childhood diseases
by body in response to through exposure; develops slowly, (e.g., chicken pox, measles,
antigen stimulation. often lifetime protection. mumps).
Artificial: Immunization with an Immunization with live or attenuated
antigen develops slowly; may provide vaccines (varicella, IPV, MMR).
protection for several years, but Toxoid immunization (tetanus toxoid,
“boosters” may be required. diphtheria toxoid).
Passive: Antibodies produced in Maternal immunoglobulin in the
Natural: Immunity from placenta and
one individual and transferred colostrum transferred from mother neonate.
to another. to child; provides immediate
temporary protection.
Artificial: Injection of serum from Gamma globulin; injection of animal
immune human or animal; short- hyperimmune serum (diphtheria
lived but immediate immunity. antitoxin, tetanus antitoxin).

IPV, Inactivated polio vaccine; MMR, measles-mumps-rubella vaccine.

CHAPTER 7 Immune System 121

4. Conditions associated with type I.

a. Anaphylaxis (most severe).
b. Atopic reactions (most common). A. Risk factors.
(1) Allergic rhinitis (hay fever). 1. History of exposure to allergen.
(2) Urticaria (hives). a. Amount of allergen.
(3) Bronchial asthma. b. Absorption of ingested allergen.
B. Type II (cytotoxic; direct binding of IgG and IgM c. Antibody levels from previous exposure.
anti- bodies to an antigen). d. Occupational, social, and environmental factors.
1. Antibodies destroy cell on which antigen is bound, 2. The more rapid the onset of symptoms after expo-
causing tissue injury. sure, the more severe the reaction.
2. The normal process of phagocytosis is accelerated and B. Clinical manifestations—depend on the level of prior
begins to damage healthy body tissue. sensitivity and the amount of allergen.
3. Conditions associated with type II. 1. Mild to moderate: peripheral tingling/itching
a. Hemolytic disease of the newborn (Rh factor). (pruri- tus, urticaria), sensation of warmth, edema of
b. Leukopenia and thrombocytopenia. the lips and tongue, nasal congestion, flushing,
c. ABO blood incompatibility (hemolytic reaction). anxiety.
d. Goodpasture syndrome (an antibody-mediated 2. May rapidly progress to acute anxiety, difficulty
reaction involving the lungs and kidneys). breathing (bronchospasm, laryngeal edema), GI
C. Type III (immune complex; IgG and IgM antibodies cramping, cyanosis, and hypotension; can be fatal.
1. Circulating immune complexes (antibody-antigen
complex) are too small to be effectively removed According to symptoms and exposure to allergen.
and are deposited in the body tissue.
2. When the immune complex is deposited in the
body tissue (kidneys, skin, joints, blood vessels, and A. Mild to moderate reactions—antihistamines and/or
lungs), local tissue inflammation and cell wall epi- nephrine 0.2 to 0.5 mL (1 : 1000 solution),
damage occur. administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly
3. Symptoms depend on number of complexes present (Appendix 7-2).
as well as the area of the body involved
(autoimmune conditions). NURSING PRIORITY When administering epinephrine, make sure you hav
It is administered in concentrations of 0.1% or 1 : 1,000 subcutaneously or IM,
a. Persistent infections (streptococcal infections)
combined with a poor antibody response may lead
to the formation of immune complex that is even-
tually deposited in an affected organ.
(1) Endocarditis (Chapter 17).
(2) Acute glomerulonephritis (Chapter 23).
b. Rheumatoid arthritis (Chapter 21). B. Severe reactions—epinephrine 0.5 mL (concentration
c. Systemic lupus erythematosus. of 1 : 10,000), administered intravenously at 5- to 10-
D. Type IV (cell-mediated; delayed hypersensitivity). minute intervals (1 mg over at least 1 minute).
1. The T cells are sensitized to an antigen from a C. Oxygen in high concentrations.
previous exposure; occurs 24 to 48 hours after
exposure, may take 72 hours to reach maximum
2. The sensitized T cells initiate the inflammatory
response, leading to cellular damage as well as damage
to the surrounding tissue.
3. Conditions associated with type IV.
a. Tuberculosis, skin testing.
b. Contact dermatitis (poison ivy).
c. Transplant rejection.

Anaphylactic Reaction
Type I occurs in clients who are highly sensitized to a spe-
cific allergen—medications, blood products, insect stings.
The antigen-antibody response precipitates the release of
histamine, causing vasodilatation and increased capillary
permeability (Figure 7-1).
FIGURE 7-1 Anaphylaxis. (From Zerwekh J, Claborn J: Memory note-
book of nursing, vol 2, ed 3, Ingram, Texas, 2007, Nursing Education
122 CHAPTER 7 Immune System

D. IV fluids (Lactated Ringer’s or 0.9% saline),

vasopressor agents, and volume expanders to maintain C. Vasopressors and volume expanders may be used to
circulatory status. increase blood pressure if fluid replacement is not
E. Maintain patent airway—intubation or tracheostomy effective.
may be necessary. Goal: Client teaching to prevent recurrence.
F. Corticosteroids to reduce inflammatory response (see A. Once causative agent is identified, instruct client
Appendix 6-7). accordingly.
B. Advise client to wear identification tag or bracelet.
C. Explain to client that if he or she had any level of
ALERT Manage a medical emergency. Anaphylaxis is an allergic reaction previously, the next exposure could be
response, and symptoms progress very rapidly. worse (penicillin, insect stings, etc.).
Goal: treatment
To assess should
clients for be initiated immediately
predisposition if
to hypersensitivity
reactions. is suspected. Death from an anaphylactic reaction is Autoimmune Conditions
most often caused by bronchospasm and edema of the airway. A. Conditions in which body tolerance has been disrupted
and the body tissue or cells cannot recognize their own
ALERT Check for client allergies. cells (self-recognition). A critical aspect of the immune
response is the ability of the body to recognize normal
A. Evaluate client history regarding reactions to: tissue and to not invade or destroy it.
1. Medications, especially penicillin. B. An autoimmune condition occurs when the immune
2. Foods (e.g., seafood or iodine, eggs, peanuts). system can no longer recognize the normal tissue; reacts
3. Insect bites. against self-antigens and begins to destroy the host
4. Vaccines, especially egg-cultured types. tissue.
5. Blood products (transfusion reaction). C. Some autoimmune responses are very tissue specific and
6. Diagnostic agents (e.g., iodine-based contrast media). invade only that specific tissue, whereas others response
B. If hypersensitivity is suspected, a localized skin test may may have body-wide effects.
be done before the administration of substance. D. Autoimmune response and disease occurrence.
C. Prevention is the priority. 1. The direct action of the autoantibody on the cell
Goal: To maintain adequate ventilation. surface. This causes destruction of the cell (cytotoxic);
may activate the inflammatory response.

NURSING PRIORITY Airway positioning and mouth-to- mouth resuscitation will not provide adequate ventilation when client has airway edema. An e

2. An alteration of both B cells and or T cells can

A. Maintain bed rest; place client in low Fowler’s position produce auto-sensitized T cells and cause tissue
with the legs elevated. damage.
B. High oxygen concentrations if airway is compromised. E. Autoimmune response may be systemic or organ-
C. Anticipate use of airway adjuncts (tracheostomy, endo- specific.
tracheal intubation). 1. Systemic diseases (rheumatic disorders: autoimmune
D. Administration of medications to reverse bronchospasm and inflammatory).
(albuterol, corticosteroid, epinephrine). a. Chronic pain and progressive immobility are
Goal: To restore adequate circulation. characteristics.
A. Administer IV fluids (normal saline or lactated Ringer’s b. Connective tissue disorders: systemic lupus ery-
solution) to correct loss of fluid to third-space shifts thematosus (SLE).
and vasodilation. c. Rheumatic disorders: rheumatoid arthritis.
B. Carefully titrate fluid replacement with vital signs. 2. Organ-specific diseases.
a. Myasthenia gravis, multiple sclerosis.
b. Hyperthyroid (Graves’ disease).
NURSING PRIORITY Monitor the client’s fluid status closely; as fluid begins to shift back
c. Addison’s into the vascular compartment, it is very easy to cause flu
d. Type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

SLE is a multisystem inflammatory autoimmune disorder;
the disease affects multiple organs. SLE is characterized
by a diffuse production of autoantibodies that attack and
cause damage to body organs and tissue.
A. Tissue injury in SLE results from deposition of the
immune complexes throughout the body (kidneys, heart,
skin, brain, and joints); this activates the inflammatory
CHAPTER 7 Immune System 123
B. The severity of symptoms varies greatly
throughout the course of the disease; periods of
exacerbation and remis- sion occur.
124 CHAPTER 7 Immune System

b. Pericarditis: may progress to endocarditis.
A. Risk factors.
c. Vascular inflammation of the small vessels.
1. More common in women, 20 to 40 years of age.
Most commonly affects the small vessels of the
2. Familial tendencies. fingers and the gastrointestinal tract.
3. May be triggered by environmental stimulus, infec- 6. Neurologic disorders: seizures, cognitive dysfunc-
tions, and medications; sun exposure most common. tion.
B. Clinical manifestations (Figure 7-2). 7. Hematologic disorders: anemia, leukopenia, throm-
1. Initially may be nonspecific: weight loss, fatigue, bocytopenia.
and fever. 8. Emotional lability: severe depression and anxiety.
2. Integumentary: characteristic “butterfly” rash over 9. Respiratory system: dyspnea and pleurisy.
face in about 50% of clients; erythematous rash
10. Gastrointestinal system: ulcers in the oral mucosa or
on areas of the body exposed to sunlight (photo-
nasopharyngeal membranes.
sensitivity); alopecia; dry scaly scalp; palmer
erythema. Diagnostics
3. Musculoskeletal: arthritis, diffuse swelling with
A. No specific test is diagnostic; assess configuration of
joint and muscle pain.
4. Renal system involvement: lupus nephritis, protein-
B. Presence of antinuclear antibody (ANA), high levels of
uria, and glomerulonephritis.
anti-DNA, and presence of anti-Smith (Sm) are most
5. Cardiovascular system.
suggestive of a diagnosis of SLE.
a. Raynaud’s phenomenon: caused by peripheral
C. C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation
rate (ESR)—monitor progress of inflammation.

Dermatologic manifestations Central nervous system

Alopecia Stroke
Butterfly rash Seizures
Discoid erythema Peripheral neuropathy
Palmar erythema Psychosis
Mucosal ulcers Organic brain syndrome

Cardiopulmonary system
Hematopoietic system
Pericarditis Anemia
Pleural effusion Leukopenia
Pneumonitis Lymphadenopathy
Raynaud’s phenomenon Splenomegaly

Urinary system
Hematuria Gastrointestinal system
Proteinuria Abdominal pain
Nausea and vomiting

Musculoskeletal system
Myositis Reproductive system
Synovitis Menstrual abnormalities

FIGURE 7-2 Systemic lupus erythematosus. (From Lewis SL et al: Medical-surgical nursing: assessment and management of clinical problems, ed 7,
St. Louis, 2007, Mosby.)
CHAPTER 7 Immune System 125
A. Occurs as a result of being infected with the human
SLE has no known cure.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
A. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory medications (see Ap-
B. Once a client is infected, he or she will harbor the virus
pendix 3-3).
for the rest of his life.
B. Corticosteroids for exacerbations polyarthritis (see
C. The disease progression is highly individualized; the
Appendix 6-7).
average time between the HIV infection and the devel-
C. Immunosuppressants (see Appendix 23-3). opment of AIDS is about 11 years, during which the
D. Antimalarial agents (e.g., hydroxychloroquine symptoms are frequently vague and nonspecific.
Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Nursing Interventions
A. Blood transmission.
Goal: To prevent exacerbations.
1. Needle-sticks that occur when the client has a high
A. Maintain good nutritional status; eat a low-cholesterol viral load carry a higher risk than those that occur
diet. when client is at a low viral load.
B. Avoid exposure to infections. 2. Exposure to an infected client’s blood via open
C. Teach client about skin problems: discoid lesions, loss wounds or mucous membranes carries a lower risk
of hair, dry scaly scalp. than does a needle-stick.
D. Teach client personal hygiene to prevent urinary tract 3. Transmission via blood transfusions has been
infections. greatly reduced with the screening of donated
E. Make sure client understands how to take medications. blood.
F. Avoid exposure to sunlight; use a sunscreen with a high a. A risk remains when the blood is donated within
SPF when exposure is unavoidable. the first few months of infection and the
G. Contact physician before participating in any screening blood test does not identify the donor
immuniza- tion procedures. as being HIV-positive.
H. Counseling regarding pregnancy. b. Clotting factors for hemophilia clients are treated
Goal: To maintain adequate tissue perfusion.
with chemicals and/or heat to decrease the risk for
A. Assess for indications of impaired peripheral perfusion— transmission.
numbness, tingling, and weakness of hands and feet. B. Sexual transmission—most common mode of transmis-
B. Prevent injury to extremities—especially fingers. sion.
C. Carefully evaluate fluid status with regard to cardiac 1. Sexual practices, not preferences, place people at
status, fluid retention, and weight gain. increased risk.
Goal: To promote effective pain control. 2. Risk for infection is greater for the partner who
A. Establish schedule to conserve energy, but still maintain receives the semen during oral, vaginal, or anal
physical activity. sex.
B. NSAIDs to control arthritic pain. 3. Any sexual activity that involves direct contact
C. Nonpharmacologic therapies to supplement analgesics with vaginal secretions and semen may transmit
(Chapter 3). HIV.
D. Evaluate response of pain to decrease inflammation from C. Perinatal transmission.
corticosteroids. 1. Exposure can occur during pregnancy, at the time of
Goal: To maintain renal function. delivery, or during the postpartum period through
A. Monitor for peripheral edema, hypertension, hematuria, breast milk.
decreased output. 2. 25% of infants born to HIV-positive mothers are
B. Monitor blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels. infected.
C. Monitor for urinary tract infections (glomerulone- 3. Prophylactic antiviral medications during pregnancy
phritis). can reduce rate of transmission.
D. Assess for peripheral edema and excess fluid volume. 4. Decreased incidence occurs with cesarean delivery of
Goal: To assist client to maintain psychologic equilibrium. HIV-positive mothers.
A. Observe for behavioral changes that may indicate central D. HIV cannot be transmitted by:
nervous system involvement: headaches, inappropriate 1. Hugging, kissing, holding hands, or other nonsexual
speech, difficulty concentrating. contact.
B. Encourage client to participate in support groups and 2. Inanimate objects (money, doorknobs, bathtubs,
to seek counseling to deal with stress. toilet seats, etc).
3. Dishes, silverware, or food handled by an infected
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a condi- 4. Animals or insects.
tion resulting from severe impairment of the immune sys- E. CD4 T helper cells are the regulating cells in the
tem’s ability to respond to invading pathogens; AIDS immune system; the level of CD4 T cells is used
ultimately affects all body systems. to monitor the stages and progression of the virus;
126 CHAPTER 7 Immune System

normal CD4 T cell count is at least 800 cells/mm3 of

blood. 3. Wasting syndrome caused by HIV.
F. The viral load in the semen, blood, vaginal secretions, 4. At least one opportunistic cancer—invasive cervical
or breast milk is an important variable in the cancer, Kaposi’s sarcoma, primary lymphoma of the
transmission. brain.
5. At least one opportunistic infection—fungal, bacte-
NURSING PRIORITY As a nurse, it is essential for you to know the modes of transmission of HIV, activities that do not transmit the virus, and the

rial, or protozoal infection.

Clinical Manifestations
Opportunistic Diseases
A. Acute HIV infection.
1. Intense viral replication and dissemination of HIV A. Diseases and infections that occur in clients with AIDS
throughout the body. are called opportunistic because they take advantage of
2. Symptoms are mild, ranging from no symptoms the suppressed immune system.
to flu-like symptoms (fever, night sweats, chills, 1. The type of infection and its extent varies with
headache). each client, depending on the extent of immuno-
3. Window of seroconversion: time period from when suppression.
the person is infected with the virus until HIV anti- 2. Single opportunistic infections are rare; a client
bodies can be detected. usually has multiple infections.
4. Average time for seroconversion to occur is 1 to 3 B. Infections may be delayed or prevented by antiretroviral
weeks. therapy, vaccines (hepatitis B, influenza, and pneumo-
5. A client may have vague, nonspecific symptoms for coccal), and disease-specific prevention.
years. C. Coccidioides jiroveci pneumonia, Pneumocystis jirovecii
6. During this period, there is a high viral load and the pneumonia (previously called Pneumocystis carinii PCP).
CD4 T cell count falls, but only temporarily. 1. May be caused by a pathogen in the body that is
B. Early chronic infection—CD4 T cell count greater dormant.
than 500 cells/mm3 and low viral load. 2. Is not common in healthy individuals; immune
1. Viral replication has reached a steady state. system must be compromised for the infection to
2. Considered asymptomatic phase; however, chronic occur.
vague symptoms persist. 3. Symptoms: fever, night sweats, nonproductive cough,
3. Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. progressive dyspnea.
C. Intermediate chronic infection—CD4 T cell count D. Tuberculosis (see Chapter 15).
between 200 and 500 cells/mm 3 and increased viral E. Fungal infections: histoplasmosis (pneumonia,
load. meningi- tis), coccidioidomycosis (pneumonia).
1. Exacerbation of symptoms. F. Kaposi’s sarcoma: a bruised, dry-appearing skin lesion;
2. Client begins to experience localized infections, may be present internally as well.
increased lymphadenopathy, and neurologic manifes- G. Candidiasis of the esophagus, mouth, vagina.
a. Candida is a common problem—persistent oro-
pharyngeal or vulvovaginal candidiasis.
NURSING PRIORITY A positive test result means the person has HIV—it
b. Hairy oral leukoplakia, which may also be indica-
tion of progression of disease.
c. Shingles, oral or genital herpes lesions.
d. Kaposi’s sarcoma.
(1) A cutaneous skin lesion that looks like a
bruise; later will turn dark violet or black.
(2) Invades body organs, extremities, skin, and A. HIV-antibody testing.
torso. 1. Enzyme immunoassay testing (EIA): detects the
(3) May become very painful. serum antibodies that bind to the HIV antigens.
D. Late chronic infection, or AIDS (acquired immunode- After the acute HIV invasion, an increase in the viral
ficiency syndrome)—CD4 T cell count less than 200 load and a decrease in CD4 count occur; the client
cells/mm3 and viral load increases. Diagnosis of AIDS begins to develop antibodies to the HIV. If client has
is made when the HIV-positive client develops at least history of recent exposure, retesting is recommended
one of the following disease processes. at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, and 3 months.
1. CD4 T cell count below 200 cells/mm3. 2. If the EIA test result is positive, then it is repeated;
2. AIDS dementia complex. if it remains positive, the Western blot (WB) and
immunofluorescence assay (IFA) tests are done to
confirm the HIV-positive results.
CHAPTER 7 Immune System 127
3. If the EIA is consistently positive and the WB and
IFA results are positive, the client is considered to be
HIV-antibody positive.
128 CHAPTER 7 Immune System

B. Rapid HIV tests—ready in minutes, but results are pre-

liminary and must be confirmed; client needs to return 4. Avoid all sexual activities that cause cuts or tears in
for an antibody-based test (Western blot) 2-4 months the vagina, on the penis, or in the rectum.
later. 5. Males should wear a condom if multiple partners
1. The OraQuick Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test and the are involved.
Reveal Rapid HIV-1 Antibody Test measure HIV 6. If the HIV status of a sexual partner is not known, a
antibodies in the blood. condom should always be used during intercourse.
2. OraQuick ADVANCE Rapid HIV-1/2 Antibody 7. Anyone who has been involved in any high-risk
Test measures HIV antibodies in the saliva. sexual activities or who has injected IV recreational
C. CD4 T cell (receptor cell on the T4 helper cell) count: drugs should have a blood test to determine presence
below 200 cells/mm3 in an HIV-positive client indicates of the HIV.
progression to acute HIV infection (T4, T4 helper, and B. Needles should not be recapped or shared. Dispose of
CD4 are synonymous terms). them in an impenetrable sealed container.
D. Serum monitoring after diagnosis.
Home Care
1. CD4 T cell counts and plasma assays (HIV RNA
viral load). A. An employee in a health care setting should advise
2. Evaluation for drug resistance. employer of HIV-positive status.
B. Kitchen and bathroom facilities may be shared, provided
Treatment that normal sanitary practices are observed.
A. Medications: antiretroviral therapy (ART) (Appendix C. Clean up spills of body fluids or waste immediately
7-1). with a solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. A
1. Prescribed according to the viral load and the CD4 bleach solution can be used to disinfect kitchen and
T cell counts. bathroom floors, showers, sinks, and toilet bowls.
2. Combination of at least two different drug classes. D. Towels and washcloths should not be shared without
3. Women should begin ART even if they are pregnant. laundering.
4. Combination drug therapy attacks virus at different E. Sanitary napkins, tampons, and any bloody dressings
stages of replication. should be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in a
B. Medications do not cure the client, but decrease the viral trash container.
replication and slow disease process. F. Needles should not be recapped. Dispose of them in an
C. Adherence to drug schedules is critical—nonadherence impenetrable sealed container.
to drug regimen can lead to mutations of the virus and G. Do not donate blood or plasma, body organs, or semen.
increased virus resistance. Pediatric Acquired Immunodeficiency
NURSING PRIORITY Frequently, the treatment for the client with AIDS causes problems in other areas: the high-dose antibiotics may increase the lev
The majority of children with AIDS were infected in the
perinatal period. Cases related to blood transfusions are
relatively rare.

NURSING PRIORITY HIV-positive mothers should not breastfeed their infa

Nursing Interventions
See Nursing Interventions for immunocompromised Assessment
clients. A. Risk factors.
Goal: To provide and promote client and public education 1. Pediatric infection from transfused blood is virtually
regarding transmission of HIV. nonexistent.

NURSING PRIORITY Public and client teaching regarding the transmission of the HIV is vital in the control of this disease. The period of time from w

2. Sexual activity and IV drug use are the major causes

A. Safe sex. of HIV infection in adolescents.
1. Maintain monogamous relationships. 3. Infants born to mothers who are HIV-positive
2. Sex with female or male prostitutes is a high-risk account for the majority of children with HIV infec-
activity. tion; ART therapy during pregnancy reduces risk for
3. Avoid all direct contact with a partner’s mouth, penis, transmission to fetus.
vagina, or rectum if the HIV status of the partner is 4. Children rarely have Kaposi’s sarcoma; PCP is most
not known. common opportunistic infection.
B. Clinical manifestations.
CHAPTER 7 Immune System 129
1. Infants affected during the prenatal period have
rapid disease progression.
2. HIV-positive infants usually have symptoms by
18 to 24 months of age.
130 CHAPTER 7 Immune System

3. Infants diagnosed within the first year of life have

a poor prognosis, as do those who develop Pneumo- B. Teach parents how to prevent transmission of disease.
cystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP), and progressive C. Course of disease in infants and children is very
encephalopathy. unpredictable.
4. Symptoms include lymphadenopathy, hepatospleno- D. Work with school personnel to maintain privacy/
megaly, oral candidiasis, chronic diarrhea, and failure confidentiality.
to thrive. E. Promote normal growth and development.
5. Severe symptoms include the AIDS-defining ill-
Nursing Interventions for
nesses such as PCP, wasting syndrome, HIV enceph-
Immunocompromised Clients
alopathy, Candida esophagitis, and cryptosporidiosis.
6. Immune categories are based on CD4 counts; these Goal: To monitor for and/or prevent opportunistic
are age-adjusted. infections.
A. The type, location, and severity of the infection depend
Diagnostics on the disease progress and the client’s immunosuppres-
A. EIA and WB for children 18 months or older. sive state.
B. Newborn: polymerase chain reaction (PCR); p24 antigen B. Antimicrobial medications are given in high doses for
detection; majority of infants who are HIV-positive can an extended period. Medications may cause
be identified by 3 months of age. neutropenia.
C. Maternal antibodies to the HIV may persist for up to 18 C. Protect from iatrogenic infections or hospital-associated
months. infections.
D. Positive results on two separate occasions and from sepa- D. Observe hospitalized client and/or teach client symp-
rate blood specimens for p24 antigen detection, poly- toms of opportunistic infections.
merase chain reaction, and virus culture are required to 1. Persistent unexplained fever, night sweats.
confirm diagnosis of HIV infection. 2. Thrush (white spots in the mouth).
3. Persistent diarrhea and weight loss.
Treatment Goal: To maintain ventilation and prevent pulmonary
Treatment for children is essentially the same as that for involvement.
an adult. A. PCP prophylaxis may be maintained with
Nursing Interventions Specific to Children B. Rifabutin is used for Mycobacterium avium prophylaxis.
Goal: To maintain homeostasis. C. Frequent assessments for pulmonary changes and
A. Infants and children should receive the standard hypoxemia.
immu- nizations against childhood diseases. Measles- D. Activities may be unlimited, or bed rest may be
mumps- rubella (MMR) and varicella (chicken pox) prescribed.
vaccines may be given if the child is not severely E. Supplemental oxygen.
immuno- compromised. F. Coughing and deep-breathing exercises.
B. Pneumococcal and influenza vaccines are recommended. G. Carefully evaluate respiratory function if narcotic anal-
C. Nutritional support; high-calorie, high-protein diet. gesics are used.
D. Antifungal medications to prevent fungal infections. H. Assess activity tolerance.
E. Educate adolescents regarding safe sex. Goal: To assist client to minimize the effects of neurologic
A. Frequent assessment of neurologic status.
Home Care B. Assess for visual changes.
A. Teach parent(s) how to care for the child. C. Observe for neurologic infections, specifically
1. How to administer medications and importance of meningitis.
administering medications as scheduled. D. If client is confused, provide care directed to
2. Symptoms of complications: PCP, Candida, failure reorientation.
to thrive. E. Provide a safe and supportive environment, according to
3. Teach parents standard precautions, including proper the neurologic deficits.
handling of diapers and avoidance of contact with Goal: To maintain adequate nutritional intake.
blood and body fluids. A. Teach client regarding nutrition and caloric intake
4. Prevent biting behaviors in young children. (high-calorie, high-protein diet; nutrition to correct
5. Help parents deal with child’s pain—multiple proce- deficiencies).
dures, infections (abscessed tooth, otitis media). B. Encourage high-calorie snacks throughout the day.
a. Aggressive management of pain with NSAIDs, C. Encourage client to eat several small meals throughout
opioids, muscle relaxants. the day.
b. Ongoing assessment of pain in nonverbal chil- D. May need to include dietary supplements.
dren—irritability, lack of interaction, lack of play. E. Assess client for lactose intolerance.
F. Avoid foods or beverages that may cause oral, esopha-
geal, or gastric irritation.
CHAPTER 7 Immune System 131

G. Tube feedings or parenteral nutrition may

be necessary. C. Encourage client to maintain as much independence as
Goal: To maintain fluid and electrolyte status. possible.
A. Evaluate weight gain and loss. D. Help client take advantage of community services
B. Assess for chronic diarrhea. available.
C. Encourage fluids that assist in maintaining electrolyte E. Do not be judgmental regarding client’s lifestyle.
balance. F. Maintain frequent contact with the client.
Goal: To prevent formation of pressure ulcers and excoria-
tion of the skin.
Home Care for the Immunocompromised Client
A. Wash perineal and anal areas; allow areas to dry
thoroughly. A. Maintain personal hygiene and practice standard pre-
B. Observe bony prominence for adequacy of circulation cautions; wash hands frequently.
and development of a pressure ulcer. B. Do not share personal items such as toothbrushes,
C. Do not put any lotions on reddened areas or open lesions. razors, and enema equipment.
D. Teach client the importance of frequent changes in C. Teach client how to prevent infection.
position. 1. Cook all vegetables and meats, and peel fruit
E. Use gel pads, foam mattress pads, and other devices to before eating; this eliminates many sources of
prevent skin breakdown in pressure prone areas (heels microorganisms.
and sacrum). 2. Avoid contact with animal waste (e.g., litter boxes,
Goal: To assist client to maintain psychologic equilibrium. bird cages, or fish); this further decreases contact with
A. Encourage client to express feelings and concerns. microorganisms.
B. Assess for altered self-esteem, family stress, and eco- 3. Avoid crowds and people with respiratory tract
nomic pressures; provide referrals and assistance. infections.
D. Do not get pregnant.


General Nursing Implications

— Highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) used for treatment of clients with HIV and AIDS.
— Report any sore throat, fever, or other signs of infection to health care provider.
— Very important to administer the medication at the same time each day to maintain consistent blood
levels and to decrease drug resistance.
— No vaccines or immunity-conferring agents while client is immunosuppressed.
— Maintain standard precautions, use contact, droplet, and airborne precautions as indicated.
— Medications do not cure AIDS or reduce the risk for transmission.


Nonnucleoside Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NNRTIs): All bind directly to the HIV
transcriptase and inhibit the enzyme.

Nevirapine (Viramune, NVP): PO Rash (may be severe—blistering, joint

pain, oral lesions), hepatotoxic, Viramune: Monitor LFTs; rash may
hepatitis be so severe that drug is
Delavirdine (Rescriptor, DLV): PO Rash (may be severe), hepatotoxic,
GI symptoms
Rescriptor: Monitor LFTs; rash may be
Efavirenz (Sustiva, EFV): PO Rash, hepatotoxic, teratogenic, so severe that drug is discontinued.
CNS symptoms
Sustiva: Monitor LFTs; avoid
pregnancy, avoid taking with St
John’s wort.
132 CHAPTER 7 Immune System



Nucleoside/Nucleotide Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors (NRTIs): All NTRIs suppress the
synthesis of viral DNA by reverse transcriptase. Medications are given with other antiretroviral agents; they are
not used alone due to rapid development of resistance.

Didanosine (Videx): PO Nausea, diarrhea, peripheral Food decreases absorption; give on

neuropathy, liver damage, empty stomach 30 min before eating
pancreatitis. or 2 hr after.

Stavudine (Zerit): PO Pancreatitis, lactic acidosis, diarrhea, Report peripheral neuropathy; do not
peripheral neuropathy use in pregnancy.

Zidovudine (ZDV, Retrovir, AZT, Bone marrow suppression, anemia, Maintain upright position to decrease
azidothymidine): PO, IV neutropenia esophageal irritation; monitor levels
of anemia and neutropenia.

Lamivudine (Epivir): PO Headache, nausea, malaise/fatigue, St. John’s wort may decrease
diarrhea concentration.

Abacavir (Ziagen): PO Hypersensitivity, pulmonary ETOH increases risk for

problems. hypersensitivity reactions; report
respiratory changes.

Protease Inhibitors (PIs): Bind to the active site of the HIV and render the virus immature and
noninfectious; are not given alone due to development of increased resistance.
Adverse effects of all PIs: Fat maldistribution, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, bone loss, hepatotoxic.
Shared interactions: St John’s wort, decreases the effectiveness of PIs.

Saquinavir (Fortovase, Invirase):

GI affects, headache Do not give with grapefruit juice; take
with food; check for drug

Ritonavir (Norvir): PO GI discomfort, perioral paresthesia Food increases levels; take with food
for tolerance.

Indinavir (Crixivan): PO GI discomfort, renal damage Take 1 hr before or 2 hours after meals.

Nelfinavir (Viracept): PO Diarrhea, rash Take with food.

Amprenavir (Agenerase): PO N/V, diarrhea, rash, Contraindicated in pregnancy, renal or

hepatic failure; high-fat meals
decrease absorption.

Lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra): PO N/V, diarrhea, increased fatigue Moderate fat meal increases absorption;
take with food.

HIV Fusion Inhibitor: Blocks entry of HIV into CD4 T cells.

Enfuvirtide (Fuzeon, T-20): subQ Injection site reaction, bacterial

Use small-gauge needle to decrease
pneumonia, hypersensitivity
skin reaction; monitor respiratory

AIDS, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; GI, gastrointestinal; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus; IV, intravenous; PO, by mouth (orally); subQ,
CHAPTER 7 Immune System 133



Antihistamines: Selectively block histamine receptor sites.

H1—First Generation
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl): PO, Dry mouth, dizziness, blurred 1. Advise client not to engage in activity that
IM, IV vision, urinary retention, requires mental alertness for safety.
Clemastine (Tavist Allergy): PO constipation, and sedation 2. Should not take medication with alcohol.
Promethazine (Phenergan): PO, IV, Children: paradoxic reactions 3. Should not be used in clients with asthma.

H1—Second Generation
Cetirizine (Zyrtec): PO
Dry mouth and throat 1. Second generation is nonsedating.
Fexofenadine (Allegra): PO
Paradoxic reaction in children 2. Do not have anticholinergic properties of first
Loratadine (Claritin): PO
3. Should not be taken with alcohol.
4. Are much more expensive than first generation.

Nasal Sprays
Fluticasone (Flonase, Flovent)
Nasopharyngeal irritation 1. Teach client to clear nasal passages before using.
Triamcinolone (Nasacort)
2. Hold spray bottle upright and insert tip into
3. Used to treat allergic rhinitis.

Adrenergic Agonist: Stimulates alpha1, alpha2, beta1, and beta2 adrenergic receptors.
Action: Relaxes smooth muscle of bronchial tree (decreases respiratory distress), cardiac stimulant (increases
cardiac rate), produces vasoconstriction (increases blood pressure), drug of choice for anaphylactic reactions.

Epinephrine (Adrenalin, EpiPen):

subQ, IV Hypertension, dysrhythmias, 1. Clients at risk for anaphylaxis should carry
1%—1 : 100—oral inhalation 0.1%— angina, hyperglycemia emergency epinephrine (EpiPen).
1 : 1,000—subQ, IM Necrosis at IV site if 2. EpiPen—sensitive to extreme heat and light;
0.01%—1 : 10,000—IV, intracardiac. extravasation occurs discard if it is brown in color, has a precipitate, or
has passed its expiration date.
3. Advise clients to obtain medical assistance
immediately if epinephrine is used.
4. 0.1 to 0.5 mL of 1 : 1000 dilution subQ or IM
is used for mild to moderate reaction.
5. 0.5 mL of 1 : 10,000 dilution subcutaneously or IV
is used for severe reactions and advanced cardiac
life support.
6. Drug of choice for severe anaphylactic reactions.
7. Closely monitor pulse rate and blood pressure.
134 CHAPTER 7 Immune System

Study Questions Immune System More questions on companion CD!

1. To evaluate the progress of the client’s systemic lupus and his hands itch. What would be the best nursing
erythematosus (SLE), the nurse evaluates which data? action?
1 Increased serum complement fixation, which cor- 1 Administer the medication since there is no indica-
relates with reduction of “butterfly” rash tion that the client is allergic to penicillin.
2 Increasing levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and 2 Hold the medication and contact the physician
erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) regarding the client’s statement about his previous
3 Overall bone marrow proliferation, which correlates experience with penicillin.
with symptoms of inflammation 3 Hold the medication and review the clients chart
4 Presence of antinuclear antibodies (ANA), which to determine whether there is a penicillin allergy
correlates with a diminishing immune process noted.
2. The mother of a 15-month-old child who is 4 Notify the nursing supervisor regarding the client’s
immuno- suppressed asks about continuation of the statement and request further evaluation of the
childhood vaccines. Which immunizations are not client.
recommended to be given to the child during 6. A client has systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). What
immunosuppression? statement best describes this client’s immune response?
1 Diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP); hepa- 1 A delayed hypersensitivity that is cell-mediated
titis B 2 An immediate reaction to prior exposure
2 Haemophilus influenzae B
3 An immune complex that forms with antibody
3 Varicella; measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) production
4 Inactivated polio; diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis 4 An immune response that no longer recognizes
(DTaP) normal body tissue
3. A client returns to the clinic to receive evaluation of 7. A client is diagnosed with an immunodeficiency disease.
his routine purified protein derivative (PPD) test for The nurse would understand what as characteristic of
tuber- culosis screening. The test result is positive. What this condition?
is the best nursing interpretation of this 1 Occurs when a client’s body is unable to defend
information? itself from an invading microorganism
1 This is a serious type II reaction and could indicate 2 Creates a severe, sudden problem that is
that he has active tuberculosis; he will need further character- ized by increased vascular
evaluation immediately. permeability
2 The positive results indicate the client has been 3 Is precipitated by the destruction of the normal lym-
exposed to the tuberculosis bacilli and has had a phocytes in the attempt to reduce the serum level
delayed type IV response. of the antigen
3 The client’s immune system has been 4 Is a condition in which the normal immune response
compromised, which allows the immune system to is interrupted and the body cells do not recognize
build up anti- bodies against the pathogen. healthy tissue
4 An autoimmune response has occurred and the 8. An infant has an acquired active immunity. Which
client will need further evaluation to determine statement best explains this type of immunity?
appropriate treatment. 1 The infant has received immunizations.
4. A nurse is caring for a client who received a penicillin 2 Immunity was transferred from the mother to the
injection about 15 minutes earlier. The client complains infant.
of tingling around the mouth, and this rapidly pro- 3 The infant is recovering from a childhood disease
gresses to severe dyspnea and respiratory distress. What that conferred immunity.
are the priority nursing actions?
4 The infant has received gamma globulin after
1 Anticipate need for possibility of endotracheal expo- sure to hepatitis.
intu- bation, begin oxygen, call for assistance, and 9. The nurse is preparing discharge teaching for a
obtain emergency cart. woman newly diagnosed with SLE. What will be
2 Place the client in supine position and assess for important for the nurse to include in the teaching
patent airway and presence of breath sounds. plan? Select all that apply.
3 Start oxygen at 6 L/min via nasal cannula; review
chart for history of a penicillin allergy. 1 Wear sunscreen and protective clothing when
4 Place the client in semi-Fowler’s position, perform in direct sunlight.
a chin-lift to open the airway, and assess for air 2 Avoid nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs to
movement. prevent bleeding episodes.
5. The nurse is administering medications to a client who 3 Plan activities that encourage range of motion
has no allergy band on his arm. The nurse tells the client in extremities.
she has his penicillin medication. The client states that 4 Advise the client that pregnancy is contra-
the last time he had penicillin, it made his mouth tingle indicated.
CHAPTER 7 Immune System 135

5 Observe fingertips for changes in circulation.

6 Help the client prioritize self-care activity. 3 An antihistamine such as diphenhydramine (Bena-
10. A client with a diagnosis of AIDS has developed dryl)
Pneu- mocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP). What will 4 An adrenergic agonist such as epinephrine (Adren-
be important for the nurse to include in the nursing alin)
care plan? 15. The nurse is reviewing with a certified nursing assistant
1 Put a mask on the client whenever he has visitors (CNA) the care for a child who is diagnosed with
in his room. acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and has
2 Explain to the client why he cannot go outside his developed Pneumocystis pneumonia. Which of the fol-
room. lowing precautions would the nurse review with the
3 Wear a mask and gown when providing direct care CNA?
to the client. 1 Strict handwashing
4 Wear a gown and gloves when assisting the client 2 Airborne precautions
with personal hygiene. 3 Contact precautions
11. A client is worried he may have been exposed to AIDS. 4 Standard precautions
What will be important for the nurse to explain to this 16. The nurse is assisting a client with his antiretroviral
client? therapy. What can the nurse do to help the client take
1 Symptoms of AIDS will develop immediately in his medications as prescribed?
sexually active individuals. 1 Assess the client’s activities of daily living and his
2 Clients may remain asymptomatic for an indefinite lifestyle routine to determine when he can most
period of time. easily remember to take his medications.
3 Symptoms of AIDS are usually seen before the 2 Provide the client with brochures that explain the
client is found to be HIV-positive. side effects of the medications and why it is so
4 After exposure to the virus, symptoms may important for him to adhere to his medication
develop within 6 to 12 weeks or as late as 6 schedule.
months. 3 Plan for him to visit with other clients who use the
12. The nurse is caring for a client who is categorized as same antiretroviral therapy and have them explain
HIV-positive, acute infection. What would the nurse to the client how they handle their medications.
anticipate finding on the nursing assessment? 4 Emphasize to the client how important it is to take
1 Fatigue, weight loss, night sweats the medications on the schedule prescribed so that
2 Confusion, disorientation, loss of coordination the virus will not get stronger.
3 Dyspnea, tachycardia on exertion, fever 17. The nurse is caring for a client who is experiencing a
4 Red, raised lesions on neck and face, fever severe anaphylactic reaction caused by an allergy to
13. A woman explains to the nurse that she thinks she has peanuts. After administering subcutaneous epinephrine
been exposed to the HIV. However, she had a test 1 and beginning oxygen administration, what would be
week after the exposure and the result was negative. the next most important nursing action?
What is most important for the nurse to explain to this 1 Administer analgesics to relieve the pain.
client? 2 Start an IV for fluid administration.
1 Make sure she understands the importance of safe 3 Insert a catheter to determine urinary output.
sex practices, especially the use of condoms and con- 4 Obtain a history of possible reactions to penicillin.
traceptive practices to prevent pregnancy. 18. A client with AIDS has several cutaneous lesions iden-
2 Even though the client tested negative, she needs to tified as Kaposi’s sarcoma. How will the nurse care for
have a series of follow-up blood tests because of these areas?
the possibility of seroconversion. 1 Gently cleanse the areas, keeping them dry and
3 It is important that she obtain counseling free of abrasions.
regarding the transmission of the virus and how 2 Place sterile, saline-soaked gauze over the areas.
she may protect herself and her partner. 3 Apply a topical corticosteroid cream.
4 The client should abstain from sexual activity for the 4 Decrease infection by applying an antibiotic
next 3 months until the blood test confirms that ointment.
she is negative for HIV.
14. A client is experiencing difficulty breathing, periorbital Answers and rationales to these questions are in the section
swelling, flushing, and itching. He had a diagnostic test at the end of the book titled Chapter Study Questions:
in which an iodine-based dye was used about an hour Answers and Rationales.
earlier. What medication will the nurse anticipate
administering immediately?
1 A bronchodilator such as aminophylline
(Theophyl- line)
2 A corticosteroid such as dexamethasone (Decadron)

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