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TBI (TES BAHASA INGGRIS) A. Mr. Trump accepted the fact that Mr. Biden is the
Text 1 winner of the election
Mr Biden and Vice-President, Kamala Harris are B. The riot is caused by Mr. Trump accusation of fraud in
expected to be sworn in at a ceremony at the Capitol. November
The Biden team had already urged Americans to avoid C. Social media networks do nothing about the riot
travelling to the capital because of the Covid-19 D. The violence protest happened in the Capitol only
5 pandemic, a call that is now being repeated by local E. People are still able to visit Washington Monument
A few weeks before, there was a breach when 2. From the passage, Twitter had suspended accounts that
thousands of pro-Trump supporters were able to break …
into the building where members of Congress were A. Accept the winning of Mr. Biden
10 voting to certify the election result. B. March to the Capitol on inauguration day
As the media said, five people died in the riot, C. Make up conspiracy theories
which happened after Mr. Trump repeated D. Spread violence and hate crimes
unsubstantiated claims of fraud in the November vote E. Breach into the White House
and encouraged his supporters to march on the
15 Capitol. 3. What caused Mr. Trump to become the third president
Since then, calls for Mr. Trump's resignation, that was impeached?
removal from office or impeachment have grown A. He joined the armed demonstration
among Democrats and some Republicans. Mr. Trump B. He urged Democrats and Republicans to call for
has made no public statements since he was banned protests
20 from several social media platforms - including Twitter - C. He became the third president
on Friday. D. He was banned from Twitter
He became the third US president to be E. He asked Ukraine to investigate the presidential
impeached in December 2019 over charges of breaking election
the law by asking Ukraine to investigate his rival in the
25 presidential election. The Senate cleared him. 4. The word cracking down (line 41) has closest meaning to
Posts on pro-Trump and far-right online networks …
have called for protests on a number of dates, including A. encouraging D. tracking
armed demonstrations in cities across the country on 17 B. hard E. promoting
January and a march in Washington DC on inauguration C. punishing
30 day itself.
Although the violence at the US Capitol Text 2
dominated headlines last week, similar smaller incidents
were also reported elsewhere in the country. Local
police agencies have been told by federal law
35 enforcement to increase security at statehouses. FBI In March, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic,
warnings are in place for all state capitals from 16 to 20 there was a consensus among health care providers and
January itself and in Washington DC at least three days public health officials that a vaccine that provided
before the inauguration. complete immunity to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that
40 Companies and social media networks are cracking 5 causes COVID-19, would effectively end the pandemic.
down against users and websites seen to be At the time, experts suggested that the
encouraging violence, including social network development of a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine
Parler, which said it was suing Amazon for removing it could be accomplished in 12 to 18 months, even
from its web hosting service. though vaccine development typically takes about 10
45 Twitter said it had suspended more than 70,000 10 years. (In fact, the fastest vaccine ever developed—a
accounts that promoted the Q-Anon conspiracy theory mumps vaccine—still took four years.)
while Facebook said it was banning any content that Yet, because of the urgency created by this global
refers to Stop the Steal, a slogan associated with Mr. pandemic—and the serious illness and increasing death
Trump's claim the election was rigged. rates associated with COVID-19—preclinical and clinical
50 The National Park Service announced that it has 15 trials to test the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccine
closed the Washington Monument to visitors amid candidates are happening at a rapid, almost frenetic,
"credible threats" of violence, adding it could also pace.
temporarily close areas of the National Mall and That leaves many Americans concerned about
Memorial Parks. how safe a COVID-19 vaccine will be. According to
55 Speaking as he got his second Covid-19 vaccine on 20 a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, the
Monday, Mr Biden said he was "not afraid" to take his number of Americans who planned to get a COVID-19
oath of office outside despite security fears. vaccine has fallen from 72% in May to just 51% in
September. What’s more, according to the report, when
asked about the pace of the vaccine approval process,
1. The correct statement taken from the passage is … 25 78% say their primary concern "is that it will move too
fast, without fully establishing safety and effectiveness.”
This fear was stoked in early September, when
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©Bimbingan Belajar & Motivasi BRAWIJAYA
Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021

the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 5 identified a key feature of the virus — a protein on its
told state officials across the country to prepare for the surface — that might explain why it infects human cells
30 distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine by November 1, just so readily.
days before the presidential election. Whether this Other groups are investigating the doorway
vaccine would be granted official licensure from the through which the new coronavirus enters human
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or be released by 10 tissues — a receptor on cell membranes. Both the cell
an emergency use authorization (EUA)—a tool by which receptor and the virus protein offer potential targets for
35 the FDA can authorize use of medical products, drugs to block the pathogen, but researchers say it is
including vaccines, that have not completed clinical too early to be sure.
trials—is unclear. “Understanding transmission of the virus is key to
Nevertheless, the announcement raised 15 its containment and future prevention,” says David
concerns about undue political influence over the Veesler, a structural virologist at the University of
40 release of a COVID-19 vaccine, leading the chief Washington in Seattle, who posted his team’s findings
executives of nine pharmaceutical companies to publicly about the virus protein on the biomedical preprint
pledge to “make the safety and well-being of vaccinated server bioRxiv on 20 February.
individuals” their “top priority,” while stating that they 20 The new virus spreads much more readily than the
would only seek approval of a vaccine if a one that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome, or
45 Phase 3 trial establishes that it is both safe and SARS (also a coronavirus), and has infected more than
effective. The pledge aimed to reassure the public that ten times the number of people who contracted SARS.
any vaccine that is approved will have passed all safety To infect a cell, coronaviruses use a ‘spike’ protein
and efficacy checks. But many remain skeptical—and 25 that binds to the cell membrane, a process that's
confused. activated by specific cell enzymes. Genomic analyses of
the new coronavirus have revealed that its spike protein
differs from those of close relatives, and suggest that
5. What caused the preclinical and clinical trials to test the the protein has a site on it which is activated by a host-
efficacy and safety of the vaccine to be done rapidly? 30 cell enzyme called furin.
A. The urge to develop the mumps vaccine This is significant because furin is found in lots of
B. The command from the CDC human tissues, including the lungs, liver and small
C. The need to improve the economy intestines, which means that the virus has the potential
D. The lack of medical staff globally to attack multiple organs, says Li Hua, a structural
E. The rose of the death rates due to COVID-19 35 biologist at Huazhong University of Science and
Technology in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak
6. What mostly caused Americans doubt the efficacy of the began. The finding could explain some of the symptoms
vaccines? observed in people with the coronavirus, such as liver
A. The trials of the vaccine that are done too fast failure, says Li, who co-authored a genetic analysis of
B. The price of the vaccine that is too expensive 40 the virus that was posted on the ChinaXiv preprint
C. The fear of COVID-19 virus server on 23 February. SARS and other coronaviruses in
D. The urge to end the global pandemic the same genus as the new virus don't have furin
E. The relation to the presidential election activation sites, he says.
The furin activation site “sets the virus up very
7. What can be inferred from the text? 45 differently to SARS in terms of its entry into cells, and
A. Public get the vaccine fearlessly only if it is free possibly affects virus stability and hence transmission”,
B. Public ask the vaccine to be done faster says Gary Whittaker, a virologist at Cornell University in
C. Public are still confused about the vaccine Ithaca, New York. His team published another structural
D. Public really need to vaccine analysis of the coronavirus’s spike protein on bioRxiv on
E. Public want to end the trials of the vaccine 50 18 February.
Several other groups have also identified the
8. In what way is third paragraph related to fourth activation site as possibly enabling the virus to spread
paragraph? efficiently between humans. They note that these sites
A. Third paragraph is the conclusion of the fourth are also found in other viruses that spread easily
paragraph 55 between people, including severe strains of the
B. Third paragraph explains the cause something influenza virus. On these viruses, the activation site is
happens in the fourth paragraph found on a protein called haemagglutinin, not on the
C. Third paragraph is the solution for problem in the spike protein.
fourth paragraph Adapted from:
D. Third paragraph contradicts the fourth paragraph
E. Third and fourth paragraphs have different argument
9. These are the correct statements about the new virus
Text 3 and SARS, except …
As the number of coronavirus infections A. SARS infected more people than the new virus
approaches 100,000 people worldwide, researchers are B. SARS does not infect humans whereas the new virus
racing to understand what makes it spread so easily. does
A handful of genetic and structural analyses have C. SARS does not spread as readily as the new virus
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©Bimbingan Belajar & Motivasi BRAWIJAYA
Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021

D. SARS is caused by furin whereas the new virus does intolerance and in support of a multicultural society
not where everyone feels safe to participate and
E. SARS cannot be transmitted whereas the new virus can contribute.”
Despite the large increase, hate crimes in 2017
10. The main idea of 7th paragraph is… 40 actually represented a small proportion of overall crime
A. There is no specific difference between coronaviruses at 0.1 per cent. But this data is only based on hate
B. list of organs that can be infected by the virus crimes reported to the police. Hate crimes are actually
C. the explanation of furin which can cause organs failure underreported. According to the 2014 General Social
D. the first virus outbreak in Wuhan Survey on Canadians’ Safety (Victimization), Canadians
E. the dangers of furin in coronaviruses 45 self-reported being the victim of over 330,000 criminal
11. From the passage, it can be inferred that … incidents that they perceived as being motivated by
A. The new virus and SARS have caused the same damage hate, and two-thirds of these incidents were not
B. SARS infected more people than the new coronavirus reported to the police.
C. haemagglutinin causes the organ failure
D. to prevent the virus from spreading, the researchers Adapted from:
have to comprehend the way of transmission
E. the new virus is the same as influenza virus rise-in-hate-crimes-in-canada-last-year

12. “…the new coronavirus have revealed…”

The word revealed has the closest meaning to… 13. The passage mainly discusses about …
A. concealed D. made A. the unreported hate crimes in Canada
B. disclosed E. hidden B. the causes of hate crimes in Canada
C. leaked C. the increase of hate crimes in Canada
D. the decrease of hate crimes in Canada
E. the victims of hate crimes in Canada
Text 4
14. These statements are NOT mentioned in the passage,
Although hate crime in Canada has been on a slow A. more than half hate crimes are caused by race and
rise since 2014, in 2017, it showed a sharp increase — ethnicity
Statistics Canada says police-reported hate crime in B. Victims of hate crimes reported to police
Canada in 2017 was up 47 per cent over 2016. C. All the hate crimes are caused by vandalism
5 In terms of actual incidents, police reported 2,073 D. Hate crimes against the Muslims did not increase
hate crimes in 2017, compared to 664 in 2016. Incidents E. Hate crimes against the Jewish rose in 2017
targeting the Muslim, Jewish and Black populations
accounted for most of the national increase, with most 15. Which of the following best restates the sentence
in Ontario and Quebec. “Although hate crime in Canada has been on a slow rise
10 Violent hate crimes were down a bit, though. This since 2014, in 2017, it showed a sharp increase —
jump was largely the result of hate-related property Statistics Canada says police-reported hate crime in
crimes, such as graffiti and vandalism. Overall Canada in 2017 was up 47 per cent over 2016” in
in 2017, 38 per cent of hate crimes were violent, down paragraph 1?
from 44 per cent in 2016.
A. hate crime in 2016 increased by 47% from 2014
15 The stats further point out that 43 per cent of B. hate crime increased by 47% from 2016 to 2017
2017 hate crimes were motivated by race or ethnicity. C. hate crime decreased by 47% from 2016 to 2017
Hate crimes targeting the Black population were up by D. hate crime in 2016 was higher than in 2017
more than 50 per cent, and incidents targeting Arab E. hate crime in 2014 was higher than in 2016
20 or West Asian populations were up by more than 27 per
Hate crimes based on religion also grew by more
than 80 per cent, with the biggest rise in incidents
targeting Muslims. While anti-Muslim hate crimes
25 dropped in 2016, the number of reported incidents
more than doubled last year to make a total of 349.
Hate crimes against the Jewish population also
increased for the second consecutive year, rising
from 221 in 2016 to 360 in 2017. Hate crimes against
30 Catholics and other religions also increased last year.
“These attitudes remain prevalent in our society
and this is unacceptable,” stated Brittany Andrew-
Amofah, a board member with the Urban Alliance on
Race Relations, in a statement. “It’s time for political
35 leaders to unequivocally speak out against hate and
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©Bimbingan Belajar & Motivasi BRAWIJAYA
Tahun Ajaran 2020/2021

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