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530922 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013


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2948410 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948410
530923 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013


Masterwork Items.....................8
Magic Items.............................10

2948411 530923


Design: J.M.Beraldo
Layout: K4
Cover Lineart: Draco

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Open Content: The following elements in this book is hereby designated as open game content, in ac-
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2948411 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948411
530924 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013

Grittier is an alternate rules set for The Path- Grittier is about thinking before acting. It’s
finder Roleplaying Game aimed at a darker, about learning to be resourceful and working
low-magic style of game. It is by no means as a team. It takes away the non-sense hack
a stand-alone book, as it depends complete- ‘n slash and replaces it with strategy and im-
ly on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core provisation. It’s also about danger: players
Rulebook. will soon learn that a Grittier world means
there is always the risk of loss. And that only
What is it about? helps fuel up the adrenaline as the ten-foot
There is a reason why low-level gameplay can tall giant strides into the village demanding
be so satisfying. There is an intrinsic need for all the livestock.
players to figure out ways to deal with chal-
lenges that are no simply cast a spell or use The mood
an item. Crossing a chasm could be an en- Magic exists, but it is a wonder that most
counter when you have no access to fly spells people do not understand. Inquisitions, witch
or magic carpets. Defeating a golem could be burnings and charlatans may be common, but
an adventure in itself, as the party searches so is the fear of the powerful wizard who hides
for a weak spot and then plan an ambush. away in his secluded tower. Guardians pro-
Many people complain of how most fantasy tect ancient crypts, and reaching the fabled
RPGs are too magical in nature. The infamous gold of the lost king is not a matter of sim-
Christmas tree effect, added to the high de- ply killing everything on its path: it includes
pendence on spellcaster classes and the fact learning the location of the tomb, figuring a
that spellcaster classes tend to become very way to enter it and, then, a plan to deal with
powerful as levels go up are among the main its guardians. Even the murder of a powerful
reasons why players and game masters alike warlord may resort to throughout planning,
complain of these games. as an ambush on the forest helps take out his
2948412 530924

escort without risk of unnecessary damage to

the party. After all, magical cure is not exactly


Sometimes there is little need for mechanical changes. Fluff may be all that is needed
to make a high-magic element look more acceptable in a low-magic, gritty environment.
This rules set takes this approach before any other approach. Can a ranger’s spells be
considered as exceptional abilities instead of magic? Could a healing potion be replaced
by an herbal medicine? Could I use the stats of a wyvern as that of a dragon? If instead
of potions an alchemist made clockworks, would he be a tinker?
Context may be enough to fit various cases. And, when it is not enough, simple changes,
like replacing one skill for another, may be all that is necessary to give something magical
a more fitting look.
We suggest you try it with any element not treated in this book before modifying any
given rules that might cause game imbalance.

2948412 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948412
530925 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013


There are two main elements important to a Ability Advancement

Grittier game. First is the use of the slow XP Your training pays off, and one of your Abili-
progression. Let’s face it: what matters in an ties increases.
RPG is the stories the players and master craft Benefit: Choose one Ability. You gain a per-
together. It’s the experience of playing. It’s manent +2 bonus to that ability.
not about leveling up and gaining new pow- Special: You can gain this feat multiple
ers (even if that is part of the fun). If play- times, its effects do not stack. Each time you
ers progress too quickly, they never get the take this feat it applies to another ability.
chance to get used to what resources they
have available in each level. Also, as they Expanded Spell Knowledge [General]
earn new resources, the feeling of improve- Benefit: You learn 1 or more new spells
ment is greater. known, with spell levels totalling to half of
The second rule is actually borrowed from your caster level (round down, and treat a
another source. It is E6, written by Ryan new 0th-level slot as 1⁄2). Thus, a sixth level
Stoughton and easily found online for free. Sorcerer could gain one 3rd level spell known,
Ryan follows a very simple (and effective) one 1st and one 2nd level spell, three 1st level
premise: After level 6, game-breaker rules spells, or 6 0th-level spells. This feat cannot
and powers quickly seep away the low-magic, provide spells known of a level higher than
gritty feeling. So, Grittier follows Ryan’s guide you can already cast.
and limit character level progression to level Special: You may take this feat multiple
6. A level 6 party is greatly superior to the times; each time you take it it provides more
common folk, but still just in the tip of the slots.
2948413 ‘heroic’ kind of game. 530925

After reaching level 6, characters continue Expanded Caster Stamina [General]

to gain XP. For every 5.000 XP accumulated, Prerequisite: Character Level 6th
they are able to choose 1 new feat. For Chal- Benefit: You gain 1 or more new spell slots,
lenge Rating purposes, add one level per 5 with spell levels totalling to half of your cast-
feats awarded in this way. In that case, a level er level. Treat 0th level spells as 1⁄2. Thus,
6 character who has accumulated 5 additional a sixth level Wizard could gain one 3rd level
feats (i.e, awarding 25.000 xp after level 6), slot, one 1st and one 2nd level slot, three 1st
should be considered level 7 for CR calcula- level slots, or 6 0th-level slots. This feat can-
tion. not provide spell slots higher than you can
The following feats, also created by Ryan already cast.
Stoughton, may help add an extra element of Special: You may take this feat multiple
progression after level 6. The game master times; each time you take it it provides more
should decide which ones to allow. slots

Ability Training
You spend time honing one of your Abili-
ties: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intel-
ligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Benefit: Choose one Ability; you qualify for
the Ability Advancement feat for that Ability.
Special: You can gain this feat multiple
times, its effects do not stack. Each time you
take this feat it applies to another ability.

2948413 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948413
530926 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013


A Grittier game needs some tweaking on class Bard

availability and how they work. Focus turns The Bard as it is has two problems in a Grit-
towards both feeling and mechanics that fit tier game: First it lends to the idea that magic
into a darker game where real danger awaits is easy to learn and access. Second it focuses
at every corner. too much on artistic use for any of its pow-
For this reason, some of the classes players ers.
are used to should either be replaced or modi- But the Bard is a great basis for a Grittier
fied to fit into the new mood. player character spellcaster that replaces the
Special attention was given to spellcasting context of an artist for this of a researcher
and abilities that are supernatural in nature. who uses knowledge and oratory instead of
These, like divine spellcasting and familiars music. This variant dubbed Occultist replac-
lend too much to high-magic. The same ap- es the Bard’s class abilities by the following
plies to powers that easily eliminate potential ones:
challenges, like excessive healing. Ultimatelly, • Level 1: Bardic Knowledge and Bardic
there is always the matter of feeling: if that performance.
ability or power does not seem right in your o Uses Spellcraft for Countersong and
Grittier campaign, do not allow it. Distraction
Following we explain how each class chang- o Uses Knowledge for Fascinate and Nat-
es and why in Grittier. If a variant class is uralist
refered, see “Core Classes” section in Chap- • Level 2: Lore Master 1/day and Magic
ter 2 of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Ad- Lore
vanced Player’s Guide. o Magic Lore: character gains a bonus
on Spellcraft checks to identify magic 530926

Alchemist items or decipher scrolls and may take

It is the game masters’ choice if he keeps the 10 on such checks. An archivist can use
Alchemist or not. It lends greatly in a Dr. Je- Disable Device to disarm magical traps
kyll and Mr. Hyde, Victorian style game. An al- as per a rogue’s trapfinding ability and
ternate for the Alchemist is the Tinker, which gains a +4 bonus on saves against mag-
uses basically the same rules, but trades con- ical traps, language-dependent effects,
text. Instead of brewing potions, the tinker and symbols, glyphs, and magical writ-
creates clockwork. Replace elixirs and muta- ings of any kind.
gen for mechanical devices and give bombs • Level 3: Inspire Competence
a more technological outlook, and it is basi- • Level 5: Arcane Bond to an object
cally done. Rules wise, there are the following • Level 6: 2 extra 3rd level spells known,
changes: 1 extra 3rd level spell slot, Lore Master 2/
• Replace any mention of Craft (alchemy) day
for Craft (clockwork)
• Level 1: replace ‘Brew Potion’ for ‘Trap- Cavalier
finding’ This class fits perfectly with Grittier and, in
• Level 2: replace ‘Use Poison’ and ‘Poi- fact, may serve to replace the Paladin.
son Resistance’ for ‘Trapsense’

This class fits perfectly with Grittier.

2948414 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948414
530927 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013

Cleric Monk
The cleric has a contextual role and a me- Allowing or not this class as a player charac-
chanical role. Both may be replaced by other ter class depends on the game master. Up to
classes and both have effects that would go level 6, the Monk’s abilities do not range too
against a Grittier game. much out of what would be attainable through
Contextually, the cleric is a religion’s herald training and self-discipline. There is, though,
in the game. In that role, it gives credence to the case of the Ki pool, which allows a Monk
divine power among men, not to mention the to emulate a magical attack, which may cause
notion of divine knights. In that sense, the game imbalance if not properly checked.
cleric may be replaced by the Inquisitor.
Mechanically, the cleric is the buffer and Oracle
healer. It serves both to empower other char- This class fits perfectly with Grittier and, in
acters and prevent them form dying. In that fact, should be used to replace the Cleric both
capacity, the Oracle replaces the Cleric. as buffer and healer. Game masters must be
In either case, the Inquisitor and the Oracle sure to bring Oracle’s curses into play as plot
have a darker, Grittier feel than the Cleric. In device and game mood.
that case, the Cleric should not be a player
character class. It may be used as a NPC class Paladin
in an appropriate case, but with care as its Both conceptually and mechanically, the Pala-
powers greatly tilts balance towards its side. din is one of the classes that do not fit in a
Grittier game and should not be allowed as
Druid a player character class. While there is pos-
This class should not be allowed as a play- sible for the existance of a devote champion
er character class. Druids have both as con- of any religion in a Grittier game, it’s divine
text and mechanics elements that may inject response should be greatly toned down. The
too much mysticism into a low-magic game. paladin brights into play the concept that
Aside from the somewhat large access to cure nears the avatar: a physical representation

spells, the Druid’s Wild Shape ability deviates of a god, and all its powers depend on the 530927

from the Grittier mood. fact that there are good gods in the world and
This class may serve a good purpose as a they act directly through mortals. Elements
NPC class both for allies and enemies of the like smite evil, lay of hands and even the Pal-
party. Like the Witch, the Druid should be a adin’s save bonus lean too much towards a
recluse and mysterious character that the high-magic epic game of knights in shinny
party seeks or faces as part of a plot. armor and gods walking the earth.
Like in the Cleric’s case, it may be used for
Fighter a rare NPC with extreme care. A chosen gen-
This class fits perfectly with Grittier. A sugges- eral or king might truefully be a god’s chosen,
tion is to, instead of using the basic Fighter, or just a pawn in some outsider’s plans.
allow players to use any of the official Path-
finder Roleplaying Game variants. Ranger
The only element to the Ranger that may not
Inquisitor fit a Grittier game is its spellcasting ability.
This class fits perfectly with Grittier and, in In that case, the game master has three
fact, may serve to replace both the Cleric and options: disallow the class, keep it as it is
the Paladin. (maybe in a context of exceptional abilities
instead of divine magic) or replace it the non-
spellcaster variant Skirmisher as presented
in “Core Classes” section in Chapter 2 of the
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Play-
er’s Guide.

2948415 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948415
530928 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013

Rogue Witch
This class fits perfectly with Grittier. A sug- Allowing or not this class as a player charac-
gestion is to, instead of using the basic Rogue, ter class depends on the game master. While
allow players to use any of the official Path- its context may fit many Grittier games, its me-
finder Roleplaying Game variants. chanics may take away some of the low-magic
elements. Still, it is a better option than the
Sorcerer Sorcerer or the Wizard and even the Cleric.
This class should not be allowed as a player As an NPC the Witch fits in the mood of a
character class due to its overwhelming pow- Grittier game both as an enemy and an unex-
ers as it levels up and its concept. It is, though, pected help. Use her as part of a plot. She is the
a great class for various kinds of NPCs. Fol- one who knows a cure for a wasting disease.
lowing are a few examples: She has the secret to bring back from the dead
• (Aberrant) Beast-men who haunts the a hero. She curses the players who thrall her
forest plans. She is the evil witch who kidnaps children
• (Abyssal) The result of an evil cult’s for her own experiments.
summoning of a demon The Witch’s powers should fit into the story,
• (Arcane)A young child who seems to with the land she dwells in reflecting her per-
be possessed sonality.
• (Celestial) A girl worshiped as a living
god Wizard
• (Destined) An iconic leader, raised This class should not be allowed as a player
from anonymity to kingship character class due to its overwhelming pow-
• (Draconic) A reborn dragon of old, re- ers as it levels up. The Wizard is, though, the
incarnated perfect class for specific NPCs, both patrons and
• (Elemental) This world’s dwarves villains. They should be used as the powerful
• (Fey) This world’s elves evil mage or the wise sage.
• (Infernal) The tainted result of an al- Learning wizardry is no easy feat in a low-

chemist’s experiments magic world and it takes years, if not decades. 530928

• (Undead) A hero brought back to life For that reason, wizards tend to learn their trade
by dark rituals secretly either in tight groups or travelling the
world for a few years before disappearing for a
Summoner lifetime, as they study and research magic. For
Allowing or not this class as a player character that reason, wizards in a Grittier game are often
class depends on the game master as it may long-lived, especially through their own magical
not fit all styles of Grittier games. Having a rituals that may include undeath.
player character with the ability to create life
and manipulate it at its own desire casts the
party (or at least this particular character) to-
wards a more magically-powered light. Game
masters may use context as a weapon here, if
necessary. For instance, describing the eido-
lon’s summoning as turning a doll or piece of
clay alive, and making the Summoner’s Sum-
mon Monster abilities just a variant of the ei-
dolon, where she creates temporary eidolons
out of the same clay or type of dolls. A sum-
moner who walks around with several puppets
that come to life lend into a Grittier game.
As an NPC, the Summoner fits well as a kind
of Sorcerer or Wizard, either as a villain or
pure flavor.

2948416 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948416
530929 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013


If there are few magical items, there is the Disguised (2 Craft Point): Item looks like
need for some sort of replacement. Instead another type of similar item. +4 Disguise or
of an assortment of magical items, there are Sleight of Hand to conceal its true nature.
several levels of masterwork, each one allow- Distance (2 Craft Point): Any ranged
ing the crafter to add one or more properties weapon or ammunition that is crafted with
to a given item. this property increases its range by 25%.
Each level of masterwork has a number Flexible (1 Craft Point): Replacing rigid
of craft points. These points are used by the parts for flexible ones, this set of armor re-
crafter to define the item’s properties. Higher duces Armor Check penalty by -1.
quality means more craft points. Fortified (2 Craft Point): Made to protect
Before the first craft roll, the crafter must vital organs, this armor suit gives its wielder
spend the indicated craft points in any of the a 10% chance that critical hits, sneak attacks
following properties. Any left-over points are and ambush death are negated.
lost and no property may be changed after Guard (2 Craft Point): This weapon is set
the item is finished. Each property may be with special guards that help its wielder de-
selected up to three times per item. Cost of fend himself. It adds +1 to the users AC.
the same property doubles each time it is se- Heavy (2 Craft Point): This weapon or
lected anew (i.e., Accurate costs 1 for +1 bo- shield is made of heavy material so that,
nus, 2 for +2 bonus, 4 for +3 bonus). when it hits a target, it not only causes lethal
Note that poor quality items do not have wounds, but also +2 of non-lethal damage.
craft points. Instead, said item has a set pen- Light (1 Craft Point): Replacing heavier
alty to several of its attributes. materials for lighter ones, this item weight
10% less than usual. 530929

Properties Ornate (1 Craft Point): Made for show, this

Accurate (1 Craft Point): Made to strike item impresses those who see it. It grants its
true, this weapon or ammunition has a +1 user +2 bonus on any Charisma-based skill
bonus to hit its targets. checks.
Balanced (1 Craft Point): Striking first may Rugged (1 Craft Point): Crafted to resist
be the greatest advantage in most combats. damage, an item with this property has +2
A weapon, shield or armor with this property bonus on Hardness and Break DC.
adds +1 on the wielder’s initiative rolls. Sharp (1 Craft Point): Made with an ex-
Deadly (2 Craft Point): This weapon was ceptionally sharp blade or head, this slashing
made with swift, messy death in mind. This or piercing weapon provides +1 damage on
property increases the weapon critical multi- hits.
plier by 1.

Table 1: Masterwork Items Quality

Quality Cost Modifier DC Time Craft Points
Poor x2/3 -3 x1/2 -1 Attk, Dmg, AC, max Dex, hardness;
+25% weight
Mundane - +0 x1 0
Good +50 gp +2 x2 1
Excellent +150 gp +4 x3 2
Exceptional +300 gp +6 x5 4
Superior +600 gp +10 x8 6
Masterpiece +800 gp +15 x12 8
Masterwork +1,000 gp +25 x20 10

2948417 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948417
530930 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013

Sturdy (1 Craft Point): Made of hardy ma- The Great Cleaver (Masterwork Bastard
terial, this item has 50% more hit points than Sword): A one-of-a-kind weapon forged for a
usual. long-dead king of the north, the Great Cleaver
Thick (2 Craft Point): This set of armor was known for how deadly it was. Provides +2
does not only deflect attack: it also reduces to hit and damage, causes x3 critical damage
damage taken. An armor with this property and has +2 bonus to confirm critical hits.
offers +1 RD/- to its wearer. Splinterskulls’ Banner (Exceptional
Threatening (1 Craft Point): Spikes, de- Banner): Infamous for it’s head hunters, the
mon heads and sigils of devilish gods strike Splinterskull barbarian chief always leads his
fear on anyone’s hearts. The item grants +4 horde with his blood-read banner adorned by
on Intimidate checks the skulls of his most recent victims. When
Vicious (2 Craft Point): Spikes and special present, the banner provides the barbarian
groves make of this weapon particularly dan- chief with +8 bonus on Intimidate checks. It
gerous. Whenever it strikes a critical hit, the is also made of sturdy wood, providing it 50%
wielder adds +2 to its Critical confirmation extra hp.
rolls. Brooch of the Order (Exceptional Jew-
Well-crafter (1 Craft Point): A cloak that el): Made of platinum and small emeralds,
hides the wearer, tools that improve crafting this brooch makes any user immediatelly rec-
and armor that easily slides out of bonds. This ognized as a member of the Order. Respect is
property offers +2 any one skill. the other benefit for those who wear it. +4 on
Wounding (4 Craft Points): Build for last- any Charisma-based skills checks while wear-
ing wounds, when this weapon causes dam- ing this jewel.
age, it deals 1 point of bleeding damage per Holdout Crossbow (Superior Hand
hit. Bleeding may be cured only by cure spells Crossbow): Made for assassins who need to
or a DC 15 Heal check. get close to their targets before the kill, this
miniature crossbow is not only easy to hide,
Example items but also deadly. It provides +4 on Sleight of

Assassin’s Cloak (Good Cloak): This Hand checks when hidden and also +1 on to 530930

dark hooded cloak is made of a special soft hit and damage rolls.
material that seems to blend perfectly with Arrow of Wounding (Masterwork Ar-
the surrounding. Any one who uses it gains row): If this arrow’s barbed sharp head is
+2 on Stealth checks. not enough to demonstrate it’s deadliness,
Jewel Box (Good Case): As much a work maybe the messages of death and destruc-
of art as the jewel kept inside it, this jewel tion inscribed on it’s shaft may be. This arrow
box attracts attention to its equisite hand- causes 1 point of wounding if it hits. Also, it
craft. This item provides a +2 Diplomacy bo- has +2 on to-hit rolls and causes x4 critical
nus if given as a gift. damage.
Brigadine Armor (Excellent Scale Mail): Thief’s Chains (Masterpiece Chain
Hidden beneath layers of padded cloth, this Shirt): A legend among thieves and guards
scale mail goes unnoticed when wore, unless alike, this set of chain shirt is said to be ex-
someone is looking for it, provinding +4 Dis- tremely light and flexible, making of any bur-
guise on checks to hide its nature. glar invincible. It has no Armor Check penalty
and weights the same of Studded Leather. The
suit also provides its weared with RD 1/-.

2948418 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948418
530931 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013


There is no store selling magic items in a Grit- Potions and Oils

tier game, neither there are tons of them on While magic items must be rare in a Grittier
any one place. Rings of Protection and Long- game, consumable items may be a simple way
swords +1 do not exist in great numbers. In of giving a special edge to players without it
fact, most heroes have never touched one. lasting forever. Essentially both consumable
This may be the easiest rule of all: do not liquids, both are basically craftable items that
include them in the game. In fact, better: in- imbue characters (potions) and equipment
clude them rarely as plot devices or the pur- (oils) with some special temporary property.
pose of a quest. Obtaining the magic item In a Grittier game, any potion or oil up to
should be the adventure and using it must be level 1 is safe to exist. While it should be the
a necessity, not yet another bonus point. most common form of magical item, the game
As a rule of thumb, any magic item up to master must make sure potions are not too
1.000 gp cost should be something obtainable abundant least it breaks both game balance
in the game as a special reward or reason for and mood. Potion level 2 and 3 may exist,
an adventure. Items up to 4.000 gp should be- but should be used with caution. For instant,
come available after a longer chain of events, obtaining a single invisibility potion should be
maybe a whole campaign. Other items should a reward a successful adventure. In this way,
be treated as artifacts and should exist only players learn to use these items when they
as plot devices or for very specific uses. The are really necessary, valuing every resource
game master should decide which items do or they obtain.
do not exist in the game. Aside from what already exists in the rules
An interesting way of using a powerful item book, oils may add an item a special ability
without causing imbalance is giving it some that emulates magical items. The purpose 530931

sort of limitation. There are three simple limi- here is not only to give the party an edge,
tations that could be applied to any such item but, sometimes, allow them to defeat a magi-
at the game master’s discretion. Any one of cal threat otherwise too difficult to deal with.
them (or all of them) may be applied to any In that case, the effect lasts for 1 hour. These
magic item: sorts of items must be extremely rare. Better:
• Duration: The item works with charg- they should be crafter either by the player
es or for a given number of hours only. This characters themselves or NPCs who request
limitation may cause players to think be- ingredients or recipes the party must locate.
fore using (charges) or go in a race against Cost of such item (for crafting purposes)
time to be able to use it before the item should be the 1/10 cost of special abilities as
expires. described on Chapter 15 of The Pathfinder
• Mobility: The item exists, but it is Roleplaying Game Rulebook.
part of a larger structure or only works in The following special abilities fit a Grittier
a specific place. They cannot take it with game. As in other cases, it is up to the game
them, because it is part of the foundations master deciding which ones should exist in
of an ancient tower or work only when atop the game.
the wizard’s castle. Reaching it is the ad-
venture, and it also introduces a place the Available oil properties
party may wish to return frequently, and a • Armor and Shield
place to protect from enemies. o Arrow Deflection, Blinding, Energy
• Ritual: The item works, but only in Resistance, Ghost Touch, Invulnerability,
very specific conditions. Conditions may Reflecting, Shadow, Slick, Spell Resis-
vary from weather patterns (heavy storms) tance
or specific times of the year (full moon, win- • Weapons
ter solstice) to sacrifices (death of a virgin, o Bane, Disruption, Flaming, Frost,
destruction of valuable gemstones). Ghost Touch, Holy, Shock, Unholy

2948419 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948419
530932 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013

Magic is one of the main elements that make Alignment-related spells may also be lim-
a fantasy world fantastic. But that does not ited or even forbidden. Learning a character’s
mean necessarily that all magic must be avail- alignment may give out the plot too early. And
able, much less that it must be at the players’ Protection for Evil may be a very powerful pro-
hands. tection in some low-magic campaigns.
Leveling and class limitations already help Summoning spells may be the greatest of-
reduce the number of over-fantastic spells, fender of a Grittier mood. Outside an NPC’s
just as the rarity of magical items. But a game hands, the ability to summon beings from
master may be tempted to remove some spe- other planes bound to your service is a ter-
cific spells or spell schools and domains alto- rible mood breaker. We suggest removing this
gether. spells from the game unless used by powerful
Some spells are easy to control access to. NPCs.
For instance, if in your game undead are ei- In any case, spells that are too powerful but
ther rare or unknown (or, why not, nonexis- must be accessible due to plot, like raise dead
tent), why should any player begin play with or banishment may be introduced in the game
access to spells like Hide from Undead or Con- as special elements, as described in Rituals
secrate? Make access to such spells a reward and Magic Items.
or a quest in itself.

2948420 530932

The spirit of a Grittier game means spells are ritual costs spell level times 1,000 gp plus
not a simple matter of making a gesture and any special material on the spell description.
saying a few words. In the absence of spell- At the end of the ritual, the character respon-
casters and high-level spells, there are ritu- sible (who must not be a spellcaster) for the
als. ritual must make a Spellcraft check DC 25 +
Rituals allow the introduction of more fan- spell level. If successful, the spell works. If
tastic spells into a Grittier game without re- the check fails for more than 5, something
moving the low-magic feeling. On the con- terrible happens at the game master’s discre-
trary: it enhances the feeling as characters tion. See ‘Combat’ for an example.
search for the right material components and, Some elements of the ritual may be modi-
why not, sacrifice the living to earn some ad- fied to allow special bonuses on the Spellcraft
vantage. Success, of course, is never guar- roll, as described in Table 2.
anteed. Sacrifice bonus is per life sacrificed during
Characters must first find the instructions the casting time. The caster does not need to
for a ritual before been able to reproduce it. It kill the victims himself, but each victim must
works like a spell, but often so complex that be within at least 10 feet per caster level of
does not come as scrolls, but at least as part the place the ritual is under way.
of a tome. Spell duration may also be modified, in-
Any spell defined by the game master may creasing time scale. Modifier are accumula-
be turned into a ritual, unless it makes no tive. Thus, for a spell that usually lasts 10
sense (for instance, a magic missile ritual). minutes/level to last months, the check mod-
Rituals take a number of hours of preparation ifier is a total of -22 (minutes to hours, hours
equal it spell level, minimum 3 hours. Add to days, days to months).
any relevant Casting time already described
as part of the spell. Any interruption causes
the ritual to fail. Material necessary for the

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Table 2: Spellcraft Ritual Modifiers

Element Spellcraft modifier
Rare ingreditent (dragon’s blood, manticore’s +7
spike, devil’s horn, etc)
Blood of the spell target +3
Per animal sacrifice +2
Per human sacrifice +5
Casting time in days instead of hours +3
Duration in minutes instead of rounds -3
Duration in hours instead of minutes -5
Duration in days instead of hours -7
Duration in months instead of days -10
Duration in years instead of months -15
Duration permanent instead of years -20

Example Rituals Greater Restoration (DC 32)

Consecreate (DC 27) Cost: 10.000 gp
Cost: 2.000 gp Casting Time: 7 hours
Casting Time: 2 hours Failure: Area comes under the effect of a 530933

Failure: The spell works backwards, caus- Holy Word spell, but against all living tar-
ing the effect of a desecrate spell. get, no matter their alignment.
Contact Other Plane (DC 30) Greater Teleport (DC 32)
Cost: 5.000 gp Cost: 7.000 gp
Casting Time: 5 hours Casting Time: 7 hours
Failure: The ritual draws the attention of Failure: Everything inside a sphere of 10
a rather angry Huge Elemental or similar feet of the caster are teleported to the des-
creature. The outsider’s disposition towards tination. Living things and object take 2d10
the caster is up to the game master, but points of damage.
should often be at least unfriendly. Mage’s Faithful Hound (DC 30)
Control Weather (DC 32) Cost: 5.000 gp
Cost: 7.000 gp Casting Time: 5 hours
Casting Time: 7 hours Failure: The spell summons an incorporeal
Failure: Areas comes under the effect of a advanced dog that attacks the caster until
Storm of Vengeance spell. destroyed or the end of the spell duration.
Create Greater Undead (DC 33) Simulacrum (DC 32)
Cost: 8.000 gp Cost: 7.000 gp + 500 gp per target HD
Casting Time: 8 hours Casting Time: 19 hours
Failure: The caster becomes the target of Failure: Instead of a duplicate, the spell
the spell and turns into an undead. creates a malformed creature with the stats
Dream (DC 30) of an Ice Golem. The creature is out of con-
Cost: 5.000 gp trol and attacks any living being it finds un-
Casting Time: 5 hours til destroyed.
Failure: Caster is affected by Nightmare
spell of the same caster level.

2948421 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948421
530934 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013


A Grittier game demands Grittier combat. does not cause non-lethal damage. Instead, a
And, while the obvious solution would be to player who takes lethal damage may choose
make death an easier event, maybe reducing to convert any amount of it into non-lethal
hit points or so, death cannot be so easy that damage. For example, if the character takes
the game is not fun anymore. 7 points of damage, the player may decide to
A Grittier game does not need to be lethal. take 3 lethal and 4 non-lethal points of dam-
Death must be present, but as a looming pos- age. This conversion is allowed only at the
sibility and not a fact that keeps the players moment of the damage roll, before it is ap-
from having fun. In this way, players learn to plied to the character’s hit points. This option
be careful and plan, choosing their battles, increases combat time and adds a new re-
and also are presented with tense moments source management element into the game.
and decision-making in regard to their cur- In order not to slow down game, the game
rent condition. master should choose which NPCs may use
In that way, Grittier changes little of combat this rule.
rules, focusing more on additional rules and
slight modifications to healing and wounding. Ambush
Why can not a party who plans an ambush
Grittier Damage get a real advantage for striking his target
Many complain of the fact that hit point’s ab- with an arrow on the back unless he is a high-
stract system sounds unrealistic, as a charac- level rogue? Ambush is an additional rule set
ter that has lost 50 hp still acts as if he was for this kind of situation.
completely healthy. A Grittier game cannot Whenever an attack is dealt against a flat-
have such a thing. footed target and done from hiding, it is con- 530934

Any system that increases the chance of sidered an ambush. If the attacker scores a
death as the character takes more damage hit, the target must roll a Fortitude check DC
is called a Deathward Spiral. This sort of sys- 10 + damage taken. If it fails, the target is
tem has a good and a bad quality: it makes reduced to -1 hit point and is dying. If it is
combat far more exciting, but it may feel like a success, the target takes damage normal-
punishment for the player. ly and is stunned for 1d4 rounds. The game
While several systems have been designed master may decide that unimportant NPCs
with an eye towards this sort of feeling, most die instantly if the check fails. In case of an
are either cumbersome to use or too deadly. attack with non-lethal damage, if the check
Grittier presents a simple rule that uses what fails, the character drops unconscious for 2d6
already exists in the game. minutes.
Whenever a character takes lethal damage, Note that this rule applies only if the target
is also takes non-lethal damage. Therefore, remains oblivious of the attack until it occurs.
when this character is roughly at 50% of his Striking a flat-footed target from the back
total hit points, he gains the condition Stag- with an arrow or dagger counts as an am-
gered per the non-lethal damage rules. In bush, while leaping before the target scream-
this case, characters fall unconscious only if ing does not.
non-lethal damage equals total hit points and
not as it exceeds current hit points. Prolongued Combat
Optionally, the game master may prefer a In a Grittier game, no character should fight
less deadly game. In that case, every 2 points forever. Just like magic and the few magic
of lethal damage cause 1 point of non-lethal items at their disposal, stamina must be a re-
damage, rounded up. Characters get the con- source that the players must manage.
dition Staggered are roughly 25% total hit Note down every round of combat or other
points now. extenuous activity like carrying heavy weight,
Another option for this rule is to leave con- digging, climbing, etc as a Fatigue score. If
version as a player decision. Lethal damage Fatigue equals the character’s Constitution

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score, the character is considered fatigued. Damage Reduction

As for the condition rules, a character who The lack of magical weapons and rarity of
is already fatigued becomes exhausted in- magic itself makes damage reduction a far
stead. greater benefit than usual. For this reason,
If Fatigue reaches twice the character’s in a Grittier game, DR filters lethal damage
Constituion score, the character is exhaust- only. That means that, while the target is not
ed. If the character is already exhausted, she wounded, he still takes non-lethal damage. It
falls unconscious. means the party may be able to clubber down
One hour rest reduces Fatigue by 4 points, the gargoyle just to discover minutes later
accumulative. Fatigue may never be lower than the body has disappeared.
than 0. Rest conditions may modify this val-
ue. Resting in poor conditions (light sleep, Raise Dead and similar spells
outdoors and such) reduce only 2 points per Death is a reality in a Grittier game. Maybe
hour. Good rest conditions (good meal, bed, even more than in other forms of the game.
silence) reduces 6 points per hour of rest. For this reason there is always the possibility
Game masters should consider the use of that players may want to bring back some-
Restoration spells or potions to reduce Fa- one.
tigue. As a rule of thumb, either case reduces Access to Raise Dead and similar spells
a number of Fatigue points equal to the spell’s should be the objective of a quest and might
level times two. follow the rules described in Magic Items. Lo-
cating the scroll or the altar that allows the
Heal Skill return of the dead should be an event and not
In the lack of easy access to healing potions just a quick stop at the local temple.
and cure spells, the Heal skill needs great- But finding the spell is just part of the chal-
ed use. Replace the rules for ‘Treat Deadly lenge. After the spirit leaves the body, bring-
Wounds’ for this: ing it back may not be so simple, especially if
With a successful Heal check DC 15, a healer it is too long since the character’s death. 530935

is able to convert lethal damage into non-le- For that reason, as the spell is cast, the tar-
thal damage. The number of points converted get must make a Will check DC 30 + the num-
equals the margin of success of the Heal roll, ber of days he has been dead. If the check is
minimum 1 point. So, if a character rolls 20, successful, result is per Raise Dead spell. The
5 points of lethal damage become 5 points of character is considered Exhausted until after
non-lethal damage. an 8 hours rest.
No character may receive this treatment If the roll fails for less than 5, the character
more than once before an 8 hours rest. returns, but his mind is seriously damaged.
She suffers 1 point of Wisdom and Charisma
Magic Healing damage per day since his death, minimum 1.
At the spellcasters discretion, a cure spell If the roll fails for 5 or more, the spell has
may either remove lethal or non-lethal dam- failed to bring back the character’s spirit and,
age. It is up to the caster to decide how much instead, bounded the corpse to something
of each is cured based on his roll. In that way, else. The raised creature is a wight who at-
a caster the casts cure light wounds and rolls tacks immediately or tries to flee. Capturing
8 may decide to cure 5 lethal damage and the wight to either destroy it or reverse the
3 non-lethal damage of his target instead of process should be a quest in itself.
curing 8 lethal. There is no limit to how many In any case, a character, though, is never
times a character may be cured through spell- the same. She might long for the afterlife she
casting. discovered but can never remember, or her
Bringing a character out of death’s door is mind may have been damaged by the experi-
another matter entirely. Near-death experi- ence of death. Death may chase her and she
ences are traumatic and, while spells mend hears whispers of the death or sees them ev-
wounds and broken bones, the mind bears erywhere. Insanity (or at least a great plot
scars for longer. Any character that is brought device) may come out of raising a PC back
back from less than 0 hit points is considered from the dead.
Stunned for 1 round and, afterwards, Fatigued
until rested.
2948423 #2556761, Jeffery Hines <>, May 2, 2013 2948423
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