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guía para el desarrollo de clases virtuales


English IV 1 Present perfect uses Eight hours

STUDENT’S NAME: Laura Valentina González Acosta

CODE: 201812864

1. Objetives:
 Learn the past participle of some common verbs in English.
 Recognize the structures of the present perfect tense.
 Check all the materials attached to the message sent by your teacher in order to develop
this guide and all the different activities proposed.


Dear student, after developing this guide you will be able to recognize the structures of the
present perfect tense. The main idea is that you use this tense to talk about the things that have
happened along your life.

2.1 Initial reflection:

Along the time, you have had the chance to learn and use English in different situations. Thus,
you will answer the following questions, taking into account your previous experiences with this

1. How long have you studied at UPTC?

 I have been studying at UPTC for about four years.
2. How long have you used English to get access to information written in this language?
 I have used the internet during my school years, but mainly in the university, I have
used some pages that have articles scientific on the internet.

Was it easy or difficult for you to answer the two previous questions? Now check the PDF file
Topics attached to the message sent by your teacher, in order to see the grammar contents that
you will work on along this guide. You will find the structures and forms (affirmative, negative
interrogative) of the present perfect tense.


After checking the PDF file Topics, start developing the next exercises for practicing the present
perfect tense.

Here is the video you about this topic, just in case you want to watch it again!

Remember that if you have any questions or doubts, you can ask for a tutoring session to help
you out.


 Let’s practice the past participle of some verbs:

In the message sent by your teacher you got attached a list of verbs, so now you will do
the next activity based on that file.

Complete the chart with the correct form of the verb in past participle or infinitive.
Follow the example.

Present Past participle

1. Know Known
2. Meet met
3. Be been
4. fly Flown
5. speak spoken
6. read Read
7. get Got/Gotten
8. Go Gone
9. taken taken
10. do Done
11. have had
12. write Written
13. dance danced
14. want Wanted
15. look looked
16. live Lived
17. work worked
18. enjoy enjoyed
19. rain Rained
20. try tried

For the next sentences use the verb in brackets (in past participle), including the correct
auxiliary verb for present perfect (affirmative form).

Example: They have gone (go) to Cali several times.

a) She _has worn_(wear) that skirt many times.

b) My family _have visited_ (visit) Brazil a few times.
c) I _have eaten (eat) already.
d) Marta _has finished_ (finish) her homework.
e) You _have broken_(break) the glass again.
f) They _have paid_ (pay) for everything.
g) It has snowed_ (snow) like that before.
h) I have met_ (meet) Anna once.
i) We _have seen__ (see) him before.
j) You _have bought_ (buy) 4 cars so far.
k) There _have been__ (be) in trouble.
l) I _have had_ (have) a snake.
m) Maria _has raised_ (raise) a monkey.
n) The kids _have grown up (grow up) so much!
o) I _have read_ (read) your book several times.

Taken and adapted from:

Write complete sentences using present perfect (affirmative, negative or interrogative):

We / not / drink / water.
 We haven’t drunk water.
a) She / know / all her neighbors in a week
 She has known all her neighbors in a week
b) The postman / arrive?
 Has the postman arrived?
c) You / eat breakfast?
 Have you eaten breakfast?
d) My son / go / to bed
 My son has gone to bed.
e) You / not be bored / / in your job
 You haven’t been bored in your job
f) I / not be / in your new house
 I haven’t been bored in your job
g) He / take / a shower
 He has taken a shower
h) The program / not start
 The program has not started
i) We / watch / that film twice
 We have watched that film twice
j) You / not miss / the bus lately
 You haven’t missed the bus lately

Taken and adapted from:

Now, change the following situations into negative form:

Example: We have seen this movie. / We have not seen this movie.
a) I have brought my bicycle. / I have not brought my bicycle
b) You have broken the glass. / you have not broken the glass
c) He has visited his aunt. / he has not visited his aunt
d) She has passed all her exams. / she has not passed all her exams
e) It has grown in my garden. / it has not grown in my garden
f) We have travelled around Colombia. / we have not travelled around Colombia
g) You have forgotten your books. / you have not forgotten your books
h) They have chosen that picture. / they have not chosen that picture
i) I have lost my purse. / I have not lost my purse
j) He has broken his leg. / he has not broken his leg
Complete the sentences with the verb given and the structures of the present
perfect tense in affirmative, negative or interrogative form:

1. ___have___ you __written____ to your mother? (write) Yes, I _have_.

I have sent_ her messages along the week. (send)
2. __have___ your sister __bought___ a car? (buy) No, she _hasn´t __.
She __has decided__ to buy a house. (decide)
3. __have__ the children __gone___ (go) to bed? No, they __haven´t__.
They haven’t gone out_ to the courtyard. (go out)

b. Look at the chart below and write about the things Juana and Jhon have done along
their lives. Follow the example.

Time Juana Jhon

Watch Go to Study Cook Buy an Watch Study Cook

movies The USA economics dinner expensiv movies arts dinner
e cars

Along ✔ X X ✔ ✔ X ✔ X

1) Juana:
She has watched movies.
She hasn´t gone to the USA.
She hasn’t studied economics.
She has cooked dinner.

2) Jhon:
He has bought an expensive car.
He hasn’t watched movies.
He has studied arts.
He hasn’t cooked dinner.

 Read the story and then complete the questions bellow.

The Old Colonel

I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and I don't want to work anymore. I have been
in the army my whole life, 51 years. I have been to so many countries that I can't remember all of
them. I've been to Australia six or seven times and to South Africa three times. I have also been to
Russia but I didn't like it at all: much too cold for me!

They say that love is the greatest thing and I agree. I've been married four times but never for more
than five years. I don't think women really understand me!

I've never been on television, but I've been on the radio once. It was a programme about life in the
military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime Minister on the same day. Actually, I've met a lot of
famous people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also famous cinema and television
personalities. I've never met the American President though which is a pity.

Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and have also eaten and drunk some
strange foods and drinks. I ate cat and rat in India and drank something called Mirto on a little island
in Italy.

In order to ask the questions, use the verb in brackets for present perfect. Remember to use
the interrogative structures for this part!

a) What _has__ he _done_ along his life? (do)

a. He has worked in the army.
b) How long __has _he __been_ in the army? (be)
a. For 51 years.
c) How many times __has__ he __gone_ to Australia? (go)
a. Six or seven times.
d) __has_ he _liked_ visiting Russia? (like)
a. No, it is too cold and he hates it.
e) Why __has__ he __gotten_ married so many times? (get)
a. Because women don't understand him.
f) Has he ever ___been__ on the radio? (be)
a. Yes, he has. But never on TV.
g) How many times __has__ he _seen___ the prime minister? (see)
a. Once, when he was on the radio.
h) __has_ he __met__ the American president? (meet)
a. No, he hasn't but he wants to.
i) Where _has_ he _eaten cat and rat? (eat)
a. He has done it in his trips to India.
j) Where __has__ he _drunk__ Mirto? (drink)
He has done it in his trips to Italy.

 Listening
Attached to the message sent by your teacher you can find a song called I still haven't
found what I'm looking for. Listen to the song and identify seven sentences in present
perfect tense. Then, write those sentences in the chart below.

I still haven't found what I'm looking for

by U2

Present perfect:
1. I have spoken with the tongue of angels

2. I have scaled these city walls

3. I have climbed the highest mountains

4. I have kissed honey lips

5. I have held the hand of a devil

6. I have run through the fields

7. I have crawled


 Changes / written composition

For this activity you will write a text in order to talk about meaningful changes in life, it
could be in relation to science, education, transport, fashion, architecture... (you can
choose the topic(s) of your preference).
 Use the structures of present perfect in order to talk about meaningful changes in life.
 Don’t forget to include punctuation marks .
 The text must have 4 paragraphs, 5 lines in each one of them.
 Write the text in the following space. (Mantenga el tipo y tamaño de letra indicados).

Changes in life

Start your text here…

During the course of time, education has had very significant changes, that have helped
it to become more important and relevant. Our current situation is a clear example of
change within which the education has been immersed. This has been supported of the
technological means for the reach all parts of the world, and so not expose students in
these times of pandemic.

Due to this, the education through technology has allowed them work collaborative (or
team work) to be reinforced. the sense of responsibility and critical thinking have also
been reinforced. This change in education has mainly allowed students to have more
autonomy in their learning process.

Other important change that education has had, is to improve in recognizing that the
process of the student and the teacher goes beyond just one class. the relationship
between these two has improved and has become a relationship of accompaniment and
support both in the academic part and in the personal part.

I can finally say that education has reinvented too, through the recognition of the family,
since it plays an important role in the child learning since previously the family was not
so involved in education, beyond the economic part, when starting to work school-
family of the hand, it contributes to the child physical and mental development to be the
most appropriate.

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