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Insurance Claim Task Product Task Board Total Estimated Time (Hours): 22.


Day 1 Daily Hours: 1.0/Cumulative Hours: 1.0

User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Create Designer Folder to hold Create a designer folder at root to house all flows, data
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.1 all flows, forms, data structures, structures, etc. for a clean and readable design called "PAT NA 0.25 N/A
etc. Insurance Claim"

Use the integration details in the flow to

get the details to call your flow as a
service using the named session you set
up. Call the flow via postman to verify
Will need to download postman as we will test the Insurance you get a response.
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.2 Postman 0.25
Claim Process as an API Call through postman. Postman Link Once the entire process is built, call the N/A
service with each of the input provided in
the test cases of the requirements
document. Verify the outputs match the
expected outputs.

Create JSON Data type under designer folder -> create data
types/integrations -> xml/json/csv -> Create Types from Json
Json Structure Name: InsuranceProviderResponse
Create JSON Data Structure Namespace: PatInsuranceClaim
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.3 N/A 0.25 Task 1.1.2
with JSON Outputs Json Structure (Paste your structure here): Copy and paste
json provider response output. The JSON data to copy/paste
will be found in the requirements doc. Remember, everything
will be found there.

Create a flow structures to use for the insurance claim process

Type names: InsuranceClaim, Address, ContactInformation When Task ID 1.1.5 is completed, run flow
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.4 Create Flow Structures Namespace: PATInsuranceClaim and create data. Confirm data was saved 0.25 Task 1.1.2
See data type section in Rule Requirements document for to this folder.
data type fields

January 2022
Day 2 Daily Hours: 7.5/Cumulative Hours: 8.5
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Set up an account that has access only to the PAT Insurance

Claim folder. It should only have Can Use access. In the Try to login to the portal with the new
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.5 Create Integration Account 2.5 Task 1.1.2
account properties set the account to not be able to login to account. User should not be able to login.
the portal.

REQ-1 1.1 1.1.6 Create Named Session Create a named session using your integration account. N/A 0.25 Tasks 1.1.2

Create "Add REST Service" under create

datatypes/integration in designer folder.
Service Name: Insurance Service
Configure REST Service Service URL:
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.7 N/A 0.25 Task 1.1.6
Integration For external API Authentication: No Authentication

January 2022
Day 2 (CONT)
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Under ValidateInsuranceProvider REST Service folder "Add

Method to Service"
Name: Validate Insurance Provider
URL (Relative to Base):
Content Type: JSON
Request Body Format: Specify Below (Use {} for variables)
Steps for this rest method should show
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.8 Configure REST Service Method Request Body: 0.25 Task 1.1.2
up in the steps toolbox
"sessionid": "NS-37e54337-0b6d-11ec-8819-00155d646905",
"outputtype": "RawJson",
"ProviderName": "{ProviderName}"

Step Output Type: Select Data Type

Result Data Type: InsuranceProviderResponse

Create a sub flow to intergrate REST Service method called

"Validate Insurance Provider API"
Add method "Validate Insurance Provider" to sub flow under Debug the REST flow. Test with the
Build Flow For REST Service API steps properties -> Integration -> REST Services -> Insurance following inupts: MedicalCorp,
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.9 0.5 Task ID 1.1.6
Call Service DentalTime, Claims-R-Us, Eyesurance,
Flow should input InsuranceProvider and output TestCorp.
Add sub flow into Insurance Claim main flow

January 2022
Day 2 (CONT)
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Add 5 unit tests to the REST flow

Unit Test 1) Input: MedicalCorp Output: Status - Success;
CoveredClaimTypes - Medical, Vision; StatesInNetwork -
Unit Test 2) Input: DentalTime Output: Status - Success;
CoveredClaimTypes - Dental; StatesInNetwork -
Add Unit Tests to the "Validate
REQ-1 1.1 1.1.10 Unit Test 3) Input: Claims-R-Us Output: Status - Success; N/A 2.0 Task ID 1.1.6
Insurance Provider" Flow
CoveredClaimTypes - Medical, Dental, Vision;
StatesInNetwork - AL,AK,GA,HI,IL,VA
Unit Test 4) Input: Eyesurance Output: Status - Success;
CoveredClaimTypes - Vision; StatesInNetwork -
Unit Test 5) Input: TestCorp Output: Status - Error;
ErrorMessage - Invalid Insurance Provider.

Create Flow called "Insurance Claim Process", add Insurance

Claim flow structure as an input to flow
Add the "Get Next ID" step to generate the request code (use Debug the flow. The end step should pass
the id generation service in Integration -> InternalServices -> out the RequestCode. ClaimStatus and
REQ-2 1.1 1.1.11 Create Insurance Claim Flow 0.25 N/A
ID Generation) ValidationIssues will be empty until the
Output the ClaimStatus, ValidationIssues, and the rest of the logic is added to the flow.
RequestCode to the end step on the flow to return to the
calling system

January 2022
Day 3 Daily Hours: 8.0/Cumulative Hours: 16.5
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Add the sub flow followed by a rule to check the status. Route Debug the main flow. It should now
Add REST flow to Insurance
REQ-2 1.1 1.1.12 the flow for success or error as described in the requirements provide an invalid status and validation 1.0 N/A
Claim Process
document list if the insurance provider is not valid

Create a new Rule Set called "Claim Processing" under rules

-> Rule Sets.
Go to the "Setup" on the Ruleset and configure the following
"Inputs": Insurance Claim and the Insurance Provider
Task IDs 1.1.6 &
REQ-2 2.1 2.1.1 Create Client Rule Set Template Response N/A 2.0
"Usage": "Data Return" and also set the "Return Type" as
"Rule Set Type": Template w/Instances
Set the rule set to have a path for if all results are true.

In the template you will "Add Evaluation Rule" to add the

general rules. Please review Requirements Appendix A in the
REQ-2 2.1 2.1.2 Add General Rules to Template N/A 2.0 Task 1.1.6
requirements document: General Rules
Turn off the output for the truth path of the rules.

Within Rule Set Folder "Claim Processing" will need to add an

Create a Instance of the Rule Set instance for each client
REQ-2 2.1 2.1.3 N/A 1.0 Task ID 1.1.3
for Each Client You can right click folder -> Create Instance
Name: Client Name (i.e. "Client A")

January 2022
Day 3 (CONT) Daily Hours: 8.0/Cumulative Hours: 16.5
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Create a new Rule Set called "Claim Processing" under rules

-> Rule Sets.
Go to the "Setup" on the Ruleset and configure the following
"Inputs": Insurance Claim and the Insurance Provider
Task IDs 1.1.6 &
REQ-2 2.1 2.1.1 Create Client Rule Set Template Response N/A 2.0
"Usage": "Data Return" and also set the "Return Type" as
"Rule Set Type": Template w/Instances
Set the rule set to have a path for if all results are true.

In the template you will "Add Evaluation Rule" to add the

general rules. Please review Requirements Appendix A in the
REQ-2 2.1 2.1.2 Add General Rules to Template N/A 2.0 Task 1.1.6
requirements document: General Rules
Turn off the output for the truth path of the rules.

Within Rule Set Folder "Claim Processing" will need to add an

Create a Instance of the Rule Set instance for each client
REQ-2 2.1 2.1.3 N/A 1.0 Task ID 1.1.3
for Each Client You can right click folder -> Create Instance
Name: Client Name (i.e. "Client A")

January 2022
Day 3 (CONT)
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Right click instance in folder tree and "Add Evaluation Rule"

Add Additional Rules for Each Turn off the output for the truth path of the rules.
REQ-2 2.1 2.1.4 N/A 3.5 Task ID 1.1.3
Client See Appendix B-D for the rules for each client

Create Truth Table

Add input for ClientId
Create Truth Table To Find Debug the truth table. Test with Client A,
REQ-2 2.3 2.1.5 Evaluation rule should be ClientId equals 0.25 N/A
Proper Rule set for Client B, C, and D
Output should be RuleSetId
No match outcome should be "No client for provided id."

Add the truth table to the insurance claim process. Configure

Debug the main flow. It should now
to return only the first result.
REQ-2 2.3 2.1.6 Add Truth Table to Main Flow provide an invalid status and validation 0.25 N/A
Add a rule to check if the response is "No client for provided
list for clients that don't exist.
id." Route the flow according the requirements document

January 2022
Day 4 Daily Hours: 8.0/Cumulative Hours: 24.25
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Add "Run Rule Set" into main flow

Debug the main flow. It should now
Select Claim Processing Rule Set
provide a valid claim status and no
Output of truth table should map into "Rule Flow Set Id" and
validation issues for a good claim or an
add the additional inputs for insurance claim and the REST
REQ-2 2.1 2.1.7 Add Rule Set to Main Flow invalid claim status and validation issues 0.25 N/A
service results
for bad claims.
Route the flow according to the requirements document
Run all the unit tests. They should all now
based on the all true path or having validation issues from the
rule set

Create a Simple Database Structure to store the request

Create Request History Data history . See Requirements Doc for all data type fields.
REQ-2 2.2 2.2.1 N/A 0.5 N/A
Structure Data Type Name: RequestHistory
Namespace: PatInsuranceClaim

Create a Simple Database Structure to store the validation

Create Validation Issue Data
REQ-2 2.2 2.2.2 issues. See Requirements Doc for all data type fields. N/A 2.0 Task ID 4.1.2

Add a step to the Main flow to save the request history at the Debug the flow. Validate that data is
REQ-2 2.2 2.2.3 Save Request History 0.5 N/A
end.e saving for each request.

Add a step to the Main flow to save any validation issues if

there are any.
Debug the flow. Validate that all
REQ-2 2.2 2.2.4 Save Validation History Use a list mapping step to take in your string list of issues and 1.0 Task ID 4.1.2
validation issues are saving.
the RequestCode generated at the start of the flow
Use a batch insert step to save all data at once

January 2022
Day 4 (CONT)
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Create a Report called "Validation History" using the

Validation History Data Structure that will show the
Validation History field.
REQ-3 3.1 3.1.1 Create Validations Report Filter the Report by Request ID Equals (rename the filter to N/A 0.5 N/A
RequestId) and set the Runtime Behavior to "Get Data from
Other Reports"

Create a Report called "Request History" using the Request

History Data structure that will show all of the fields listed in
REQ-3 3.1 3.1.2 Create all Requests Report the requirements doc plus Id. Set the Id field on the Report as N/A 0.5 Task ID 5.1.1
a Hidden Field and click the box "send data as filter change
source" and set the Filter Change Source Name to "RequestID

Verify that if you click on a Request

History Record, that you are able to see
Create Request History Create a Dashboard using the All Requests report as well as
REQ-3 3.1 3.1.3 the Validation Issues appear in the 0.5
Dashboard the Validations Report. See Requirements doc for mockup.
Validation Issues Report for the given

Create a new Group called Claims Admin in the system ->

REQ-3 3.1 3.1.4 Create Claims Admins Group N/A 0.25
security folder

Create a root level default folder and add the Request History
REQ-3 3.1 3.1.5 Create Folder for Dashboard page to that folder to create 0.25
a dashboard.

Add permissions to the folder where the dashboard is housed

Set Permissions for Request Log in as a Claims Admin and see if you
REQ-3 3.1 3.1.6 for the Claims Admin. Right click folder -> manage -> manage 0.25
History Dashboard can view the Request History Dashboard

January 2022
Day 4 (CONT)
User Time
Req. Task
Story Task Name Task Description Test Cases Estimate Dependencies
ID (Hours)

Simulate an error by disconnecting the

output of the truth table in the flow. Call
Following the error handling sub flow, map the error message
REQ-3 3.1 3.1.7 Map Errors to Validation List the flow from the postman application. 0.5
into the validation list
Status should be Error. Validation Issues
should have the error message.

Until all the logic is added to the flow, the

Add unit tests to the flow with the inputs outlined in the unit tests will not pass. Continue to run
REQ-3 3.1 3.1.8 Add Unit Tests to the Main Flow testing section of the requirements document. Write the unit tests as the logic is added to 0.5
validation rules to verify the outputs are as expected. validate the changes are working as

This task should be accomplished throughout the build. As

each flow is created, add a catch exception step and the Simulate an error by adding a divide step
Ensure Error Handling Is
REQ-3 3.1 3.1.9 Handle Errors Flow sub flow from the error handling project. and dividing by O. Admin should receive 0.5
Incorporated In Flows
Exceptions should be handled as outlined in the requirements an assignment.
document. Error handling project is found in the LMS.

January 2022

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