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UNIT 1 Review (tenses)

Present simple (s + v. present + comp) (do/does)

 To talk about general facts, states, and situations.

o A master’s degrees is useful to gain knowledge about my field.

 To talk about regular or repeated actions or permanent situations.

o This English group works in Fed. Mogul.

 To talk about timetabled future events (time expressions in future/future hour)

o English class ends at 8. P.M

Present continuous (s + be + ing + comp)

 Actions happening at the moment of speaking or writing

o The students are listening to the teacher.

 Actions that happened around the time of speaking.

o The students are studying the tenses.

 To talk about fixed plans or arrangements in the future.

o We are having a meeting this Friday.

Present perfect simple (S + have/has + V.P.P)

 To talk about actions completed at an indefinite time in the past

o My neighbor has washed his car.

 To talk about actions that started in the past and continue in the present
o She has worked in FM for 10 years.

 To talk about experiences in your life or event in history.

o I´ve never been to China.

Present perfect continuous (S + have/has + been + ing + comp)

 To talk about recently finished actions. There is usually a result now.

o I haven’t been listening, so I don’t understand.
Simple Past (s + v.past + comp) (did)

 To talk about completed actions at a definite time

o I went to turkey for business last year.

Past continuous (s + was/were + ing + comp)

 To talk about actions in progress in the past, we usually have an interruption.

o I was reading then my phone rang. (Interruption is in the past)

Past perfect (s + had + V.P.P + comp) ** past of the past

 To talk about actions that happened before another action in the past
o I had booked my hotel before I traveled abroad.

past perfect continuous (s + had + been + ing)

 to talk about an action in the past in progress before another action.

o She had been working on the project before she was fired.


 Should + simple form … to recommend something strongly

o You should study your notes more.

 should + perfect … to talk about a lost opportunity

o you should have gone to the bathroom before we left.

 could/should + simple form … to predict

o the movie could/should be interesting

Future forms

 will + simple form … make decisions at the moment

o I’ll explain the presentation to the clients.

 be going to + simple form … an action that both parties have discussed

o we´re going to meet at the airport later.

 future continuous (will + be + ing) … actions in progress in the future.

o I will be working during the night all week.
 Future perfect (will + have + V.P.P) … an action that will be finished at a time in the
o I will have mastered my English by the end of the course.

 future perfect continuous (will + have + been + ing) … to emphasize an action that will
be in progress in the future.
o We will have been working together for a month in 2 weeks.

Write the correct tense to complete the sentence.

A. Is that report finished yet? You ___ (do) it all morning.

B. I ___(finish) it by lunchtime.
A. You ___ (finish) it by now.
B. I know, but the phone ___(ring) all morning.
A. Well, I ___(plan) to take it there by hand, but now we'll have to email it.
B. Sorry, I ___ (tell you). I'll get it done soon.

check the underlined mistakes in the email and correct them.

Dear Johann,
I hope you are returning home safely by the time you read this, and that you have been
enjoying your visit to our company. I realized I should
give you my colleague Ian's contact details before you left, as you will
working very closely with him over the next few months. Anyway, I imagine he'll contacted you 
himself by now. We could to arrange a follow-up meeting in a couple of weeks if that suits you.

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