Mod5 Answers

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Saint Michael College, Cantilan, Incorporated

Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

Teaching Profession
Module 5


Name: _____________________________________________________________________Score: ___________________

A. Topic 1 - Activity/Assignment
1. What is a glocal teacher?
Glocal teachers is a global teacher who is competent and armed with enough
skills, appropriate attitude and universal values to teach learners at home or
abroad but is equipped with both time tested as well as modern technologies in
education in any time and any place in the world. A glocal teacher is someone
who thinks and acts both locally and globally with worldwide perspectives, but
is teaching in the communities, localities, towns, provinces and regions where he
or she is situated.

2. Compare the ASEAN teachers and teaching profession with three other countries
of the world – Japan, China and the United States of America.
Saint Michael College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Saint Michael College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur
Saint Michael College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


1. Make a matrix using the following:

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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

Title: The Teacher Professional and the Teaching Profession across the ASEAN and

The Professional What Grade Levels How are they

Educational Qualification
Teachers In can they teach? recruited?
Four important components of Basic education Most teachers are
teacher academic preparations levels in most license as
common to ASEAN countries. ASEAN countries professionals or are
1. General Knowledge and have 12 years certified to teach by
Understanding formal schooling, the country’s
2. Pedagogy divided into appropriate agencies.
3. Teaching primary, lower This is done by the
Practicum/Experimental secondary and Ministry of Education
Learning upper secondary or the teacher
4. Specialized knowledge/major level. All primary education colleges or
courses education levels are universities.
compulsory, while
in some countries
the secondary level
is voluntary except
in the Philippines.
Teachers in China are educated Teachers must also There is no
in one of three types of schools. undergo practical standardized system
The programs are three to four training .The new of teacher
years in length, and result in educational system recruitment in China.
both a high school diploma and includes: Teaching positions
an additional certificate. These Six years of can be quite
2. CHINA programs include courses in Primary education competitive in urban
specific subjects, methodology Three years of areas but rural areas
and pedagogy. Teachers must junior middle often suffer from a
also undergo practical training. school, three years shortage of
of senior middle candidates. As a
school result, they often
Six years of must employ “supply
University teachers,” or teachers
Varieties of who are primarily
technical and substitutes, in their
vocational schools local schools.
3. JAPAN There are different legal The Japanese In addition to
requirements for certificate to educational system completing a degree,
teach in the preschool, is divided into five the teacher applicant
elementary school, lower basic levels: must secure a license
secondary school and upper kindergarten, to teach from the
secondary school. First class elementary school prefectural board of
certificate- issued to teach in the (six years) lower education. A licensed
preschool, elementary or secondary school awarded by any
secondary teachers with basic (three years) upper prefecture is valid in
qualification of having earned a secondary school all prefectures.
Bachelor’s Degree. To teach in (three years) and However, applicant is
the upper secondary level, the university (usually required to take
basic qualifications is a Master’s around four years). prefectural
Degree. Second class certificate – appointment
has a basic qualification of 2 examinations
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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

years of study (62 credit units)

in a university or other post-
secondary institution. While to
teach in the secondary level,
without a Master’s Degree, the
Second-Class Certificate is
divided into five basic level:
kindergarten, elementary school
(6 years), lower secondary
school (3 years), upper
secondary school (3 years), and
university (usually around four
years) degree, the teacher
applicant must secure a license
to teach from the prefectural
board of education. A licensed
awarded by any prefecture is
valid in all prefectures. However,
applicant is required to take
prefectural appointment
examinations to be issued.

2. Make a comparison of the global teaching-learning landscape before and in the 21 st


Parameters Before After

1. Learners Learners work in individually Leaners work collaboratively

Teacher-centered with a
2. Teachers fragmented curriculum ad Student centered-teacher is a
students working in isolation facilitator/coach.
memorizing facts.
21st Century learning
A traditional classroom is whereenvironments are well-equipped
a teacher moderates and with computer, software,
regulates the flow of information
electronic white boards and rich
and knowledge. Students are digital and online curricular
3. Learning expected to continue developing resources. The learning
Environment their knowledge of a subject environment also consist of
outside of schools through interactive learning, higher level
homework exercises. thinking skills and student
engagements are pervasive,
whether students are learning
various subjects.
The content was a sole focus of Today’s emphasis is on practical
4. Ways of learning. Students would learn application of the content being
new material with little regard taught in the actual world.
for its application.

5. Learning Emphasis on subject knowledge Focus on students’ learning

Saint Michael College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur


Write a reflection on the statement: “As a glocal teacher, act locally but think
There is no doubt that a teacher is one of the reasons who help shape the way children
grow beyond the subject they teach. A glocal teacher is someone who acts locally but think
globally, which means that he/she must be properly and fully equipped with different
aware of modern technologies, having universal values and have a wide range of
He/she has to be open-

Teaching is changing and, in many ways, becoming a more difficult job because of
increasingly numerous contradictory expectations because as a future teacher we are
expected to teach students to solve complex problems that require knowledge necessary
across many subject areas even as they are held accountable for the teaching and learning
of isolated skills and information. We must meet the needs of our students, move them
toward fulfillment of their individual potential, and prepare students for maximum
performance on high-stakes assessment tests that are the primary measure of the student
and school success.
As a future educator we are now belong to the global teacher and this is the challenge to us
because we need to create the meaningful lives tomorrow for our learners. We need to
prepare ourselves as we prepare our learners to compete globally and become more
productive. We need to acquire more knowledge, understanding and can be able to vision
the future. Nowadays Global Teacher is needed in different countries even though some of
us maybe qualified, teachers must be “act locally but think globally” meaning to say we
don’t need to act only in our own way but we need to think deeper and become more
knowledgeable in the different trends that is always new. We need to have an effort to help
ourselves and our learners to educate them and see to them that they can participate in the
school curriculum and they can encouraged to see the world and the different cultures of
other countries wherein they can relate.
Culture is very important for the individual because the reality of culture in social
life cannot be ignored without missing a sublime part of oneself. All countries have a
standard in the educational system like in the Philippines we have now the K – 12
curriculum that we adapt to other country so we can now have standard and it could help
to the learners a lot like before they have graduated they are now full of different skills that
could really help to them a lot. However, other countries have different educational system
regarding on how and what could really help to their learners and can benefit for all of
them. Multicultural education aids the teachers and the learners to give value to the
different history of their culture. All of them must share on what they learned in the culture
of others.
We could encounter more students and all of them are unique individually they
differ according to their race, ethnic, religious groups, languages, economic status and
family background. Therefore, as a future teacher, I need to care and nurture their learning
environment and I will embrace their different background. I should considered my leaners
background and experiences when I am teaching.
Technology can actually assist with some expectations and make teachers and their
students more successful. However, as the world becomes more complex virtually year to
year instead of the generation-to-generation pace of most of the last century educational
needs continue to shift from teaching and learning isolated skills and information within
each content area, to teaching skills that enable students to solve complex problems across
many areas. Educators must prepare for a technology rich future and keep up with change
by adopting effective strategies that infuse lessons with appropriate technologies.
Saint Michael College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

Educational technology, especially computers and have grown tremendously and have
invaded all areas of our lives.

Instruction: Read the statements below, and then choose the best answer from
each item. Write your answer on the line before each number.
_______1. The concept of globalization came about in recent years because the world has
become borderless primarily due to:

a. Advances in technology
b. Use of English as a medium of teaching
c. ASEAN integration
d. Teacher exchange programs
_______2. Which statement is NOT TRUE about professional teacher of the 21st century?

a. The Filipino teacher abroad should know and understand the culture of the
place of teaching.
b. The glocal teacher is one who enhances knowledge and skills to address the
global demands but has a strong affiliation to the local culture and traditions.
c. Blending the knowledge, skills and values appropriate for the world but
preserving those of one’s own country is the essence of glocalization.
d. Disregard of cultural diversity and a focus on the 21 st century skills is the
ultimate goal of globalized education.
_______3. When Roland Robertson started to use the phrase “think local, act global” he meant
that ____________.

a. Even if you will be teaching in your hometown, your competence is world

b. You should limit your lessons only to local knowledge, values and aspirations.
c. You should use examples in your lessons from foreign countries.
d. You believe that the best examples are coming from abroad.
_______4. To which does global village refer?

a. Other countries abroad c. Include all the countries abroad

b. All the countries abroad including your own d. Our ASEAN neighbor
_______5. Which set of core values should a Filipino teacher possess to become a glocal

a. Cultural and historical rootedness and nationalism.

b. Economic excellence and materialism.
c. Inclusivity and self-preservation
d. Borderless thinking and interconnectivity
Saint Michael College, Cantilan, Incorporated
Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

_______6. In all the ASEAN member countries, which level of schooling is free and

a. Primary level c. Middle School level

b. Secondary level d. College level
_______7. Which of the ASEAN member countries gives the highest teacher salary?
a. Brunei b. Philippines c. Singapore d. Malaysia
_______8. Which of the country issues a teacher’s license through the Professional Regulation

a. Thailand b. Philippines c. Indonesia d. Singapore

_______9. According to the Global Teacher Status Index, from what country have the teachers
the greatest respect from the students?

a. China b. Finland c. Greece d. New Zealand

_______10. Which country, according to the Global Teacher Status Index, gives the highest
salary to teachers?

a. Singapore b. South Korea c. Japan d. Switzerland

_______11. As a future teacher, one should be mindful that the learners in the 21st century are
characterized by ____________.

a. Rigidity of thinking c. control and single mindedness

b. Initiative and self-direction d. individualism
_______12. The new global landscape of the 21st century shows the following EXCEPT one.
Which one is not?

a. Teachers are ICT equipped.

b. Learners are attuned to rote memorization.
c. Learning environment can be any place.
d. There are multiple ways of teaching.
_______13. Which of the Pillars of Learning is being described by the phrase “unity in
a. Learning to know c. Learning to live together
b. Learning to do d. Learning to be
_______14. The teacher who spends more than what is earned, thus becoming vulnerable to loan
sharks lacks ___________.

a. Ecoliteracy c. cyberliteracy
b. Financial literacy d. media literacy
_______15. To be ready to teach in the 21st century, a teacher should develop life and career
skills which should also be nurtured among the learners. Which of these career
skills enables a person to quickly respond to the changes in the modern times?

a. Leadership and responsibility

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Cantilan, Surigao del Sur

b. Productivity and Accountability

c. Flexibility and adaptability
d. Social and Cross-cultural skills

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