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Dual CG family. We've both served 17 years. = er Taner aerate 6 childre Ope cee : c sp ee SEAT Missed plenty of life's precious mg eC ere eT SSE = eOwee Ts er Exposing Military Corruption during COVID-19 Hold the Line 1. This presentation will show irrefutable evidence that the Dob, in concert with the FDA and CDC sought to create the conditions to mandate a vaccination campaign for DoD that was neither necessary nor legal 2. Within this document there willbe questions asked that, when answered honestly, should lead to the conclusions aforementioned, but holding those accountable for the answersis beyond the scope of the authors. 3, Utilize the mechanisms buit into this document to go back and forth between key points or articles, ‘Timeline of key events ere rata eu 2 cen EE ce ae IE Se oe So Other Navigation Items: [Une On August 24, 2021 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin signed a memo for the mandatory vaccination against Covid 19 for all Service Members This memo explicitly states that the only vaccines for use will, “Receive full licensure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in accordance with FDA-approved labeling and guidance.” Ask yourself: > Do you know ifthe military is receiving fully approved product, or are other products being used as substitutes? AH sai alan Tea Se CUES ES i ‘ SANE aa FULLY LICENSED te, Prieta POS RETIREMENT, MY HEALTH INSURAN Ries sa GEM ane Avance Case Asai eed ils 2. Limited to the manufacturing process and locations that are approved in the Application submitted to the FDA 3. Labeling Requirements that are approved by the FDA 1 Per the Public Health Service Act, Licensure ofa Biologicis a multifaceted process: Approval ofa Biologics Licensing Application Each Label must possess: The Proprietary Name of the Product ‘The License Number The Name and Address of the Manufacturer ‘The Expiration Date ired to be a “full sensed” product Ask yourselt: > Do you know what it means if you have a BLA approval letter? > Is the manufacturer using the same facilies, and the same equipment, and the ‘same process to create the drug as is ‘specified in the BLA approval, or has it been changed since the letter was written? » Do you know the impact of label laws on this process? > Do you know that the vial you receive must say COMIRNATY to be a fully approved product? » Did you receive a vial that said “Prizer- Biontech COVID-19 vaccine?” > Do you know what a "BLA approved" lot is? Did you receive an approved lot? > Is/ Was the product you received within its expiration date? THE PRODUC 6 COVID-19 Vaccine Operai = See date, this is 5 months post approval Buter Phosphate Bue Soliion Tomehanine Tis) Trmeharine Tis) as) ae Grup ‘Ryan endolier ——“12yearsandalier 5 — 11 yours After 5 months of operating, FDAEUAGrBLA —BLA(epred22¢ig21) BLAppod 100421) EUA\aitrine #082) |ASk yoursel they don’t have ae uNerane 1-18) EUR aen 12-18) > If this one base any approved orto OoD Malo Ye Note" wa is operating product at all (ber kSooi om) without yet? DAF nventay 20,604 soses None 30,720 doses approved umn product where mM BLAS BA 13.206 48%) “BANA ie “Neato Ea: 76388 (052%) ZEun oom sue Leth COMRNATY Nee None NA naman “TepeAeranen ean, Agee te AN caacanmwon | meting phe substitutes? Rau pany Cee Te i tee ced de Integrity - Service - Excellence Peeters -AND WON’T ris me if ROC RPO Stn USPI_Comimaly_COVID 18 Vaccine_mRNA_suspension for injection PDF 'BLA Approved NDC Code (0069-1000-03) EUA NDC Codes: (59267-1000-02) “Pfizer does not plan to produce any new product with the new NDC codes, while EUA Authorized product is, still available” ‘Ask yourself > If Pfizer hasn't produced any approved product yet, when did they plan on producing it, it ever? > Was the intent of saying its interchangeable” simply to give cover for Pfizer's potential losses from mass manufacture of EUA product? Eu rest Pare red Fema NE a og ran Codes ending in ‘2’ and ‘3! Corresponding to BLA Approval able Reghtraat nace Psbtabment WHAT Is THIS? ‘Ask yourselt Se Note the Marketing ‘Start’ and ‘End’ dates > Why was the Marketing End’ date made to be the same as the ‘Start’ date? TITLE Title 21, Ch. 1, Subchapter F, Part 601.5 goes into the revocation of a biologics livense if the manufacturer states its intent to discontinue ‘manufacture of the product they applied to have licensed ‘Ask yourself: > If Phizer submitted an Expiration Date with their application, should FDA have revoked their Biologics License Application? > Is it egal to never intend to produce a drug with the FDA's knowledge of this intent? > Pfizer has continued to manufacture EVA labeled lots ater the approval of Comirnaty. Why? 21 rer BIoNTech COVID-19 Vaccine ‘Maitiple Dose Viale EVA Preserbing vs] pamegeass | Information proves Wovens! | compliant NDC label codes. THE LABELS 2. Dalyied search results for | Comimaty prior to 16 DEC 2021 Fanasar | Showed NDC codes matching authorized product Gets? | 3, Piers labels clearyincicate that tis for veitarhlin | Emergency Use Authorzation (CUA), 4. Emergency Use Authorization NDC code. Pes-BoNTech COVID-19 Vane ‘Ask yourself: > Why would Pfizer move forward in labeling their product with compliant NDC codes, when: 1. They had no intention of creating COMIRNATY or any other compliant ots until the EUA product was used up? > 2. Itgoes against label laws to misbrand product? Take note of the NDC code on both labels CCOMIRNATY (FDA Approved) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (EUA) Ask yourself: > Why would Pfizer misbrand an EUA product? > Why can you not find any licensed product at pharmacies and bases in the United States? > Why havent the EUA products been recalled’ destroyed by now if we have a licensed product? PACKAGING . Ea FOIA XEMPTION Ryiurenrae ae tetas ou st Ge) ‘atacugan seat: or ON Tren eee set DI) ‘rs < ALAA bos Atecviron cca row nee Ask yourself: > Why would the cap need a FOIA exemption itanyone who handles the vials after ‘approval can see them? 2. The right image shous that COMIRNATY should be shipped as a2 ml vial, win * What else was redacted, and what is the 1. The left image here shows that one vial of Pfizer-Blantech vaccine ls 1.8 mL. Mp aou nau Tale theses Scheted Be the” jmtaton at fonng te redaston? Sokrmns Re Non’ 3 cum Ease erRegty ton teceoaee COM Reramomesramewe Nepatsarsatxiiectet "TS pageatraieeorae porecrne —/ fe ENA ‘tory ate hor maney 090? «eae 3. A.) () lassitestons a Freedom of nfomaton Act exemption code that» Why goto these lengths fo conceal as oven “permis agencies, a a alter of csceton fo wibhold ade seco and ‘much information as possible about their a commercial or nancial information obtained om a person‘which pieged or vaccine fit were such a miracle of | confidential.” science? OVD recovered peta gota 67204 anond pares Mbjuivavatwmonvecomnenstansianiionttescnctamstee ‘= fctsemp se RPO Sepssagnoc 2a ihe pes con Ea tne 1. A Dear Health Care Professional (OHCP) letters supposed to provide any updated information ona drug to healthcare professionals who administer the drug to patients, 2. The DHCP letter came with information on “BLA approved ot #5" that ‘were supposed to be compliant. The ist seven lts in the “adaliona ot etal" were manufactured prior to 23 AUG 202, the last two were ‘manufactured after the approval but retain EUA labels. 3. These lot #s are all conscered to be "BLA-compliant” minus the labeling. These cannot be deemed approved. or compliant, they were manufactured before the ‘approval date, and are marked withthe EUA labels. Ask yourself: > How many doses does this represent if ots have been arbitrarily given these lot #'s and passed off as BLA-compliant? > Is there no properly labeled “Comimaty” vaccine in the United States? Lot# NDC Codes: (69267-1000-02) (68267-1000-03) LETTER & "hfe vay LOT #’S era sy Title 21, Chapter 1, Subchapter C, §207.37c - What restrictions pertain to the use of the NDC? (a) A product may be deemed to be misbranded if an NDC is used: (1) To represent a different drug than the drug for which the NDC has been assigned, as described in § 207.33; (2) To denote or imply FDA approval of a drug; or (3) On products that are not subject to parts 207, 607 of this chapter, or 1271 of this chapter, such as dietary supplements and medical devices. (b) If marketing is resumed for a discontinued drug, and no changes have been made to the drug that would require a new NDC under § 207.35, the drug must have the same NDC that was assigned to it as described in § 207.33, before marketing was discontinued. Ask yourselt > Are the FDA and DoD Perpetrating a fraud by implying that these EUA labeled vaccines are the licensed product? > Why would the DoD, an organization that needs fo conduct its own Mission Analysis with its own personnel, simply fake FDAs messaging at face value, along with al ofthe results of studies conducted by Pfizer without demanding copies of the data to verity ts own analysis and tallor the proliferation ofthe vaccine aa ; 21 usc i ee Ea SEC 207.37c How can the Department of Defense carry out a mandatory vaccination program that only has products marked for “Emergency Use”? DoD is relying on 2 letters to carry out the mandate: 4. The “Dear Healthcare Professional” (DHCP) letter denoting “BLA Compliant” lots. 2. Amemo from Terry Adirim, ASD(HA), directing DoD providers to use the EUA doses as if they were licensed product. Ito ra RNa {i to loose my career Ask yourself: > Why was Pfizer allowed to determine what lots are “BLA compliant?” > Where are the FDA inspectors who are supposed to ensure compliance with the BLA manufacturing process? > Why is DoD no longer enforcing the option fo refuse when all productis Eva? BASIS OF MANDATES ee Meer (i Mi Mi Mi —== oleae eeepaatat ana BY TERRY uarantes procera wth Secretary Aust¢ memo 4. Tay acinm goss gothave the egal autor oaavee ary heath | sewn von stapes anowin 0 ADIRIM acininratr to present EUA labeled val a lensed, oro crea ic paley mandating EUA vaccines to sence members. This author is eee aeae lesley othe cretion ofthe Presivent ee 3. As of JAN 2022, the President has not signed any waivers fo informed consent. | Sir sn a sn ee COND 4. There isa claim made inthis memo that these products can be used “interchangeably” Interchangeable is defined by the FDA as: “An interchangeable product isa biosimlar product that meets adltional requirements ‘outiined by the Biologics Price Competition and Innovatio Act. As part of ulling these additional cequirements, information is needed to show that an interchangeable oduct is expected to produce the same cinicalresul a the reference product in any siven patient” 5, Atpresent neither the PizerBlontech vaccine nor Comirnaly are listed as biosimilarin the FDA's "Purple Book," requirement o be considered interchangeable Ask yourself: ; ec. Peet > Who gave direction to Terry Adirim to put out a memo that directed usage of the Piizer-Biontech COVID-19 vaccine 4s “interchangeable” with Comimaty? > Why would the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs presume to direct health care providers to ‘administer certain products? caren Gren eae etched Beeman at ts YEARS OLD nc. Terry Adirim has acted outside the scope of her authority ena at TO RISK LOSING EVERYTHING en sy “THIS ISN'T THE MILITARY | ‘According to 10 USC, §1107a. Emergency use products (2) Waiver by the President-(1) In the case ofthe administration ofa produc authorized for emergency use under section 564 of ‘ne Federal Food, Drug, and Casmetc Act to members of the armed forces, the condition descrived in section 564(e\1)(A)iNI) of ‘such Act and required under paragraph (1)() or (2X) of such section 564(e), designed to ensure that individuals are informed ‘of an option to accept or refuse administration ofa product, may be waived only by the President only i the President ‘dotormines, in writing, that complying with such requirement is not inthe interests of national security. 29y 260g aR nat copes clams made by FOA that the Pier prosuct was “interchangeable” and drectng mitary neatheare [pofessonals fuse EUs preducs asf the were aporove, she has contbutd oa wlan ofthe tenet of 1 USC section T10Ta by femovmg te option oeczep or reuse the eamnisaton of produc tats under the provsons ofan Emergency Use Autorzaton Juage Alen Winsor n a EB o preliminary injunction order in Doe v Aust, stated “Pzer developed @ COVIO-19 vaccine for hich te FDA iseved an Emergency Use Auorzaton CEUA’) This alowed Ptzerto dsrbute the vane staring in December 2020. ECF No.6 at 23. n EUAts nota ful -DA leense~ ‘As the acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Terry Adrim has a wide range of personnel, from medical o legal, at her disposal to ascertain the legality f using the FDA's approval t face valve. In fact, she has a duty to determine that an order is lawful or not, regardless ifit came from the Secretary of Detense, Ask yourself: » Was Terry Adirim a wilting accomplice in pursuing this mandate for all servicemembers? > Or, was Tery Adirim acting on her own to ensure that the orders of the SECDEF were reinforced by a memo from the Office of the ASD(HA)? > ifthe SECDEF and Terry Adirim were NOT aware that Comirnaty was not going to be made available, wouldn't the ‘option to continue to refuse be made known to servicemembers after learning that it would not be made available at any time in the near future? SCOPE OF AUTHORITY Reference Product REFERENCE PRODUCTS A reference product is the single biological product, already approved by FDA, against which a proposed biosimilar product is compared. A reference product is approved based on, among other things, a full complement of safety and effectiveness data. A proposed biosimilar product is compared to and evaluated against a reference product to ensure that the product is highly similar and has no clinically meaningful differences. ‘A product cannot be legally deemed interchangeable when there is no reference product. Ask yoursett Biologic Interchangeable Products are called “Biosimilars” > Ist ntentionaly fraudulent to make the cfsim that @ product i interchangeable when itis not? This means both products must be FDA approved, > Wore those responsible forthe messoging thet fs One cannot retain authorization while the other has approval. “interchangeable” reasonably assumed to know this definition when disseminating that messaging? Each biosimilar and each reference product are required to go through |» Can Terry Adirim speak to this misrepresentation of the the entire approval process outlined in the Public Health Service Act wid sel sc > Is there any accour se denying service Section 351(k) to be deemed interchangeable. ee This is separate from Emergency Use Authorization, and they both have different statutory regulations. ETT) ‘#HOLDTHELINE US and Military Case Fatality Rates (CFR) Compared MILITARY tho miltarys fully vaccinated rato roso 283% faster than tho US rato sinco 24 AUG 21. CFR ‘2. While the US CFR has dropped by 43% from it's average since the military vaccine mandate, the military CFR has increased by 54% from its average since the mandate. (fig 2) 3. Since the mandate, the military fully vaccinated rate rose 30% while the US rate only rose 10.6%. (fig 3) Ask yourself: > Why didn't the miltary CFR drop as low or lower than the US CFR since AUG 217 > Why did the military CFR increase 54% since the mandate while the US CFR decreased 43%? rer neers Sree a Military Medical and Religious Accommodations Service members do not lose their Constitutional freedoms just because they signed on the dotted line to serve their country. Medical waivers are granted based on: Contraindications Allergies or allergies to vaccine components Sensitivity “Undesirable reactions” Underlying health conditions (for example, based on immune competence, pharmacologic or radiation therapy, pregnancy and/or previous adverse response to immunization). * Evidence of immunity based on serologic tests, documented infection, or similar circumstances. Medical doctors and PCMs used to have the freedom to grant medical waivers as they saw fit. However, these physicians are now afraid to write medical exemptions because they could have their medical license ‘subjected to investigation ot face disciplinary action for issuing exemptions, writing "too many” exemptions, or exemptions that are deemed "inappropriate." Religious accommodations have been in place, specified in regulations, since 1971, and service members can request a religious accommodation for some or all vaccines based on their belief. > Why are providers afraid to write medical exemptions since covid? » What kind of Command Climate fosters fear to do your duty as a medical provider, and do right by the Soldier, Sailor, or Airmen who needs a medical waiver to continue to serve honorably? MILITARY ACCOMMODATIONS egitimate Religious Objection” “First, a religion addresses fundamental and ultimate questions having to do with deep and imponderable matters. Second, a religion is comprehensive in nature: it consists of a belief system as opposed to an isolated teaching. Third, a religion often can be recognized by the presence of certain formal and external signs.” (Africa v. Pennsylvania, 662 F.2d 1025, 1031 (3d Cir. 1981), the Third Circuit Court of Appeals) AA sincere religious believer doesn't forfeit his/her religious rights merely because s/he is not scrupulous in his/her observance or had never openly demonstrated those beliefs in the past. Furthermore, a person can become religious at any point in their life. even if they previously did not have religious objections. Whether a belief is “sincerely held” is generally an issue of individual credibility. Evidence proving sincerely held . religious beliefs is difficult to obtain in most cases, and often can be overcome, as sincerely held religious beliefs EEN / are not static and often change over time. Religious mination Based on Vaccination Refusal EM makes it an uniawful employment practice for an employer to discharge or discriminate against an employee because of an individual's religion. The term religion “includes all aspects of religious observance and practice, as well as belief, unless an employer demonstrates that he is unable to reasonably accommodate an employee's or prospective employee's religious observance or practice without undue hardship on the conduct of the employer's business.” To establish a claim of religious discrimination under Title VI, the employee must show that (1) they held a sincere religious belief that conflicted with a job requirement; (2) they informed their ‘employer of the conflict; and (3) they were disciplined for failing to comply with the conflicting requirement. Employers have a statutory obligation under Title VI to make reasonable accommodations for the religious observances of employees, but are not required to incur undue hardship. > Ask yourself: What is the percentage of service members who were judged to be “insincere” in their beliefs when they applied for their accommodation? RELIGIOUS DISCRIMINATIO! “A way of life” Associate Justice Kathryn Mickle Werdegar, observed that a religious belief is something other than “a philosophy or a way of fe.” She further explained that “Religious beliefs need not be acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others in order to merit First ‘Amendment protection.” Service members who have approved Some personnel who currently have approved RAS APPROVED RAs are able to: (prior to COVID): * Conduct a move to both OCONUS and +118 Infantryman CONUS installations + 68W Field Medic + Deploy to combat theaters + 11C Mortarman + Rotate into non-combat theaters + 19K M1 Armor crewman * Attend training + 130 Artilleryman * Attend schools + 17E Electronic Warfare + Goon TDY + 153 UH-60 pilot Many, if not all, of these personnel have not had their standing accommodations recognized. Guidance from the DoD has specifically stated that previously approved accommodations do not apply to covid, and have had their careers threatened just the same as those who do not have accommodations already in place. They face punishments and adverse actions that do not fall under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and so go either unnoticed or the leadership tums their eyes to the grievous injustice happening to them. ‘Ask yourselt > Ifa Soldier can say they are an Atheist and stil claim a religious belief, why are military leaders denying those who claim established reigions their own beliefs? > Why are senior mitary Chaplains fighting so hard to deny military service members their rights, with guidance that instructs them to rebut arguments about aborted fetal cells? > Why isthe institution of the DoD gathering and disseminating statements from religious leaders in support of tuaciadiistis Miia anitiescematbanctdiai hesinieaantneniieldiees Defense Medical data Raw data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database, accessible only by military medical providers. ‘Shows increases in all categories of acute and non- specific disease and injury. ‘{iiitentinmsiineaitbiiis GousOieZES. 008. slay Wiphefleliv a Ranettel sete belied Geaab eens eny Sew EGF sh i r st ef : Defense a _ pee Medical ane eee data sa age Raw data from the Defense [aa Medical Epidemiology oe Database, accessible only by Py military medical providers. == ‘Shows increases in all + eae categories of acute and non- specific disease and injury. RETIREMENT, MY HEALTH INSURAN ae ed Briana) os —— GUE soe aa -8 5 —— uray os a CAN aes Atl {iSae sexcentemesocerenee gees: = = = Cet ——— a = Coercion Coercion + The Old Guard + SM Accounts A-D Vaccine Injury “SMA + SMB + SMC 38 Infantry Division Order ‘Specifying deletion of Soldier ‘medical records Ask yoursel: > What underlying policies have been disseminated that gave Commanders the idea that calling out personal health information Infantry Officer Basic Course-SSEP21 (PH) was acceptable? Publicly cling out peoples vaccine staus. > What could lead fo personnel being force vaccinated when legitimate fuaiiont eareede era bnliey debe? Lloyd Austin has violated multiple federal laws by not divesting his stock interests in multiple companies an SECDEF breaking his ethics agreement. The penalties for these crimes can include up to 5 vears in prison as well as $50,000 fine for each incident or Conflict of forfeiture of compensation which he received or offered for the prohibited conduct, whichever amount is greater. interest Loyd Austin’s significant financial interests in Tenet Healthcare Corporation are a direct conflict of interest with his order for the total force to be vaccinated as Tenet Healthcare facilities service areas where SMs would get vaccinations on the civilian market as many have been ordered to do. FB rics ngterent, signed by Violation includes 18 U.S. Code § 208 - Acts affecting a personal financial interest “test Lloyd Austin on 8 JAN 2021 Uoyd Austin has no Form 4s showing promised divestment, which is a public announcement of insider stock transactions in. a company. This is verified by link (4). ‘Swearin Date ard Award 3rd Award ‘Stock Price of Tenet Healthcare since Stock Price of Raytheon since ‘tock Price of Nucor since swearing ‘swearing in ‘sweating in in Jeena Total Value: $3,889,579.14 E-=-a [ME Seestuniiarsroestneimtremconreskmcsdnnestiem®? Profits since swearing-in: $1,264,842.61 rs, WILLING TO LOSE IT STMT 233 Bai Pern sal + These pictures show a correlation between Tenet Healthcare locations, SECDEF by county. in relation to covid deaths in tose counties, Darker shading Why would Tenet Healthcare block the usage of treatments where data clearly showed its effectiveness, in favor of more expensive and lethal treatments? CTEM (SAUTE OTSA MN UNAPPROVED SHOT PON AN ALL VOLUNTEER aii Maal Conclusions From the information provided, we can determine that these facts exist: There is no FDA-approved Comimaty in stock There is no Comirmaty being produced DoD has knowingly violated the rights of servicemembers across ALL of the Services The mandate for DoD as presented is unlawful Therefore, we must come to these conclusions: + The mandate for servicemembers to receive a “fully approved” vaccine is flawed at best and must be immediately rescinded + Servicemembers must be allowed to exercise their Constitutional rights to be exempt from receiving the vaccine based on religious grounds. + Terry Adirim has gone outside of the scope of her authority in issuing the memo directing healthcare professionals to treat EUA product as if it were fully authorized + Lloyd Austin has violated the trust of the US military, while being guilty of breaking Federal law, as well as ethics commitments On behalf of the American people, and military service members, we demand immediate investigations into the lack of transparency, and the flagrant disregard for the rule of law, by this Congressional body. Anything less further erodes and degrades the foundation of sacred trust that the American people place upon those who serve in the military. =a Pear Submit

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