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ME 209: Project 2

The purpose of this project is to design a physical experiment that along with a MATLAB user-
defined function will calculate the coefficient of restitution for different balls bouncing on a
variety of surfaces.

The experiment will consist of video recording the motion of a ball that is initially at rest and is
dropped onto the surface from a known height.

By using the video recording it is possible to measure the maximum rebound height of the ball.
The MATLAB user-defined function will take the release height, ℎ𝑖 , and the maximum rebound
height, ℎ𝑓 , as the inputs and output the coefficient of restitution, 𝑒, for that impact.

Students can work in groups to collect the data but each individual is responsible for his/her own
deliverables free of direct copying from other students or reference material. Golf balls, tennis
balls, ping pong balls, bouncy balls and measurement equipment will be provided. Students are
to use personal smart devices to record necessary video (N.B. if you do not have such a device,
please group with a student that does or see the instructor immediately for assistance). Some
class time will be set aside for students to conduct their experiments.

Part 1 (due Lecture 19): Create a MATLAB user-defined function that takes some initial
height as the input and uses Conservation of Energy (assume no wind resistance) to output the
velocity of the ball as it hits the surface.


1. Hand calculations used to derive the symbolic equations implemented in MATLAB.

2. All M-Files: main M-File (if you have one yet) and the custom function M-File(s) that
you create.
3. A diary file demonstrating the use of the custom function M-File (make sure the diary file
is commented appropriately). This test does not need to use actual data from the
experiment at this point.
Part 2 (due Lecture 21): Modify the MATLAB user-defined function that was created in Part 1
to also take the rebound height as a second input and uses Impact equations along with the
Conservation of Energy equations (mostly developed in Part 1) to output the coefficient of
restitution for the ball and surface combination.


1. Hand calculations used to derive the symbolic equations implemented in MATLAB.

2. All M-Files: main M-File (if you have one yet) and the custom function M-File(s) that
you create.
3. A diary file demonstrating the use of the custom function M-File for one ball and surface
combination recorded in your physical experiments (make sure the diary file is
commented appropriately).

Final Submission (due Lecture 24): Use the MATLAB user-defined function created in Part 2
to calculate the coefficient of restitution for all combinations of the four different balls (golf
balls, tennis balls, ping pong balls, and bouncy balls) and at least three different surfaces. In
order to ensure accurate measurements, each group of students will need to decide how many
trials must be completed for each ball/surface combination. Create a comparison plot of the
average coefficient of restitution for each ball/surface combination (Hint: use doc bar in
MATLAB to get useful information on creating comparison bar graphs and in particular check
out the categorical data section).


1. The data collected during the physical experiments (can be input directly into the main
MATLAB M-File or exist as a separate custom function M-File or can be input into
MATLAB from an Excel spreadsheet).
2. All M-Files: main M-File and the custom function M-File(s) that you create.
3. The final figure comparing the average coefficient of restitution for all combinations of
the four different balls bouncing on at least three different surfaces (make sure the figure
is labeled appropriately).

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