Survey On Investment Banking

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2010 Survey Results

MIT Global Education and Career Development (GECD) is pleased to provide the results of the MIT Class of 2010 Graduating Student Survey, providing information about the immediate post-graduation plans of all MIT baccalaureate and masters degree graduates from the Class of 2010. The 2010 Doctoral Student Exit Survey collects doctoral graduate employment data and the report is located at . One thousand four hundred and sixty-eight of the 1,914 undergraduate and masters graduates responded, representing 76.7 percent of the graduating class. This report represents a collaborative effort between this office and Institutional Research. I particularly want to thank Deborah Liverman, Associate Director for Career Services, for her leadership of this survey. MITs Class of 2010 faced one of the worst job markets in a generation, with unemployment rates for college graduates and non-graduates younger than 25 nearly double pre-recession levels (EPI Briefing Paper, 2010). Despite these challenges, MIT graduates continued to outperform the national average in their employment outcomes. Highlights of our survey of the MIT Class of 2010 are presented below. Nearly half of baccalaureate and 75 percent of masters graduates planned to enter the workforce immediately following graduation. Forty percent of baccalaureate and 15 percent of masters graduates planned to attend graduate or professional school. This represents a significant increase in graduates entering the workforce with an accompanying decline in immediate graduate school attendance. At the time of graduation, 76.6 percent of graduating seniors and 71.5 percent of masters graduates had accepted employment. On-campus recruiting continues to be a primary source of employment as reported by 42 percent of baccalaureate and 31 percent of masters degree recipients. Networking and internships that led to a job offer represented the next highest methods for baccalaureate degree holders, while masters degree recipients identified networking and other means as their next highest methods. Eighty percent of undergraduates and 89 percent of Masters students indicated that their position was related to their academic major, significantly higher than the Class of 2009. The top industries for graduates were consulting, computer software and finance, continuing in the same order from last year. The average salary for undergraduates was $64,523, a 4.1 percent decrease from the $67,270 average for 2009 graduates. Nearly all other degree levels saw an increase over the prior year.

The full report follows, providing a broad snapshot of the professional and education destinations for the MIT Class of 2010. We welcome any comments or suggestions from the MIT community regarding ways that we may improve our survey process or reporting. Thank you! Sincerely,

Melanie Parker, Executive Director MIT Global Education and Career Development

Welcome to the 2010 Annual Graduating Student Survey Report. Please take a moment to learn more about the survey and the data we collect and present. PURPOSE: The purpose of the Graduating Student Survey (GSS) is to promote an accurate understanding of the immediate post-graduation plans of graduating MIT students and to provide data for related career issues. Data for our PhD graduates is presented in a separate format due to a new survey instrument. METHOD: The GSS is a completely voluntary web-based survey. The survey was emailed as a link multiple times throughout the late spring and summer in an effort to capture as much of the graduating student population as possible. Altogether, 709 Undergraduates (82%) and 759 Masters (73%) June 2010 graduating MIT students participated in the 2010 Survey. RESULTS: All data are self reported and presented anonymously in aggregate form. Due to the variety and various levels of MIT degrees granted, the majority of statistics presented are related to specific subsets of the population (e.g., undergraduate, Masters, major, etc.) and are labeled accordingly. This is done to provide more meaningful and accurate data. Any data not labeled should be assumed to represent the entire sample. The majority of results are presented in table format for ease of reading and comparison. Many tables contain empty cells. This is for two reasons; first, not all majors offer all types of degrees, and second, fewer than two students from that major and degree level responded to the survey question. The remainder of this report presents the data that we collect and analyze. We highly recommend that you start with the Frequently Asked Questions on pages 3 and 4, which highlight our most common requests for information. The GECDC Data Committee, Deborah Liverman Colin D. Smith Kathryn Somers Laura Wilkinson

2010 MIT POST GRADUATION STATISTICS* *Based upon 1468 (76.7 %) responses to the June 2010 Graduating Student Survey FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS WHAT PERCENTAGE OF UNDERGRADUATE & MASTERS STUDENTS GO ON TO GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL, WORK OR OTHER?* Degree SB Masters Graduate/Professional School 40.1% 15.2% Work 49.2% 78.4%

Other 10.7% 6.8%

Response Rate 81.7% 72.5%

*Other includes enrolled in another educational program (2 bachelors degree), distinguished fellowship, taking time off, traveling, deciding between fields, volunteer activity, still looking for a job, undecided & other activity

WHICH EMPLOYERS HIRED THE MOST MIT GRADUATES? Bachelor Level Employers MIT General Electric Boston Consulting Group McKinsey & Company Accenture Google JP Morgan Procter & Gamble Barclays Capital Credit Suisse Department of Defense Exelon Corporation Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley NERA Economic Consulting Oliver Wyman Oracle Teach For America US Army # Hires 14 7 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Masters Level Employers Boston Consulting Group McKinsey & Company Bain & Co. Apple Amazon Barclays Capital Google Samsung US Air Force Microsoft Oracle Raytheon US Navy Boeing Booz & Co. Cap Gemini Deutsche Bank Fidelity GE Goldman, Sachs & Co. IBM Morgan Stanley Novartis World Bank Zynga # Hires 13 12 10 8 7 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

HOW MANY EMPLOYERS RECRUITED THROUGH THE MIT CAREER SERVICES 2009-2010? 259 WHAT WAS THE AVERAGE SALARY/BONUS (for those receiving bonuses) OF WORKING MIT GRADUATES? SB: $64,523/ $8,509 MEng: $89,544/$11,083 SM: $71,404/$10,992 MBA: $116,776/$24,459 HOW DID GRADUATES FIND THEIR JOBS? (Students could check all that applied) Undergrad On-campus recruiting Networking Internship led to job offer Career fair Professional Conference Contacts acquired through MIT Career Services Through Department (faculty, academic administrator) Directly applied to employer Externally Advertised job listing (on-line, print) Other 42.3% 28.1% 28.5% 24.5% 1.6% .9% 9.5% 20.9.% 4.0% 11.5% Masters 30.9% 27.7% 13.6% 6.6.% 1.3% 2.3% 7.2.% 14.6% 2.9% 26.3%

How 2010 Graduates Found Jobs

45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0%
On-campus recruiting Directly applied to employer Internship led Networking to job offer Career fair Other

Undergrad Masters

Through Externally Professional Contacts Department Advertised job Conference acquired (faculty, listing (on-line, through MIT academic print) Careers Office administrator)

WHEN DID WORKING GRADUATES BEGIN THEIR JOB SEARCH AND RECEIVE THE JOB OFFER THEY ACCEPTED? Bachelors Month Prior to September 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 Begin Search 24.9% 28.4% 8.1% 2.3% 3.5% 7.8% 5.2% 6.1% 4.1% 2% 0.6% 1.2% 0.0% Received Offer 13.4% 4.8% 9.7% 18.2% 8.2% 4.8% 5.2% 10% 12.6% 8.2% 2.6% 1.5% 0.7% Masters Begin Search 27.1% 23.7% 8.8% 4.1% 1.8% 6.5% 5.3% 3.9% 3.9% 1.6% 1.9% 0.5% 0.7% Received Offer 21.2% 5.9% 8.7% 11.5% 11.5% 4.1% 3.1% 8.7% 10.5% 10.7% 2.8% 1.3% 0.3%

WHAT IS THE AVERAGE FOR JOB APPLICATIONS/INTERVIEWS/JOB OFFERS? Degree Level Undergraduate Masters Job Applications 14.0 14.3 Job Interviews 5.8 6.3 Job Offers 1.8 2.1

WHAT PERCENTAGE OF WORKING GRADUATES NEGOTIATED THEIR SALARY AND BONUS? Degree Level Undergraduate Masters Negotiated Salary 15.4% 24.7% Negotiated Bonus 12% 16.9%

WHAT WAS THE AVERAGE NEGOTIATED INCREASE IN SALARY AND BONUS OF WORKING GRADUATES? Degree Level Undergraduate Masters Increase in Salary $5,360 $8,667 Increase in Bonus $4,149 $5,760

WHAT WERE THE TOP US LOCATIONS FOR WORKING GRADUATES? Massachusetts California New York Texas Washington DC Virginia Illinois Washington Maryland Connecticut North Carolina 184 92 84 27 19 17 14 11 9 8 7

WHAT WERE THE TOP INTERNATIONAL LOCATIONS FOR WORKING GRADUATES? China Japan United Kingdom Brazil France Korea Mexico Singapore South Korea Chile Columbia Thailand Germany India 8 8 8 6 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 3


Factors Job Content Creative & challenging work Opportunity for career advancement Fit with culture/environment One of my top choices Opportunity to make an impact Fit with my experience & skills Reputation of Employer Training/educational opportunities Location Job flexibility & work life balance Best opportunity I could find at this time Salary Supervision & colleagues Job Security First job offered Benefits Ability to meet my expected student loan/education debt payments Employer was willing to sponsor non-US citizen Didn't get into graduate/professional school

Essential 57.3 44.8 41.3 41.1 36.7 35.7 30.2 29.4 28.1 28.1 22.3 16.4 15.8 15.5 10.7 10.4 8.3 6.0 3.6 1.6

Very Important 36.0 43.3 36.1 41.5 35.1 38.5 47.2 40.5 36.0 43.5 41.0 27.2 39.5 45.8 35.7 16.8 40.1 14.3 4.4 2.4

Somewhat Important 5.9 10.3 15.9 14.2 16.3 19.8 19.8 22.2 23.7 22.5 30.7 30.0 34.0 28.3 38.9 27.2 36.9 19.9 0.8 3.5

Not Important 0.8 1.6 6.7 3.2 12.0 6.0 2.8 7.9 12.3 5.9 6.0 26.4 10.7 10.4 14.7 45.6 14.7 59.8 91.3 91.8

Undergraduate Factors Choosing Jobs

Essential Very Important

Job Content Creative & challenging work Opportunity for career advancement Fit with culture/environment One of my top choices Opportunity to make an impact Fit with my experience & skills Reputation of Employer Location Training/educational opportunities Job flexibility & work life balance Best opportunity I could find at this time Salary Supervision & colleagues Job Security First job offered Benefits Ability to meet my expected student loan/education debt payments Employer was willing to sponsor non-US citizen Didn't get into graduate/professional school 0 20 40 60 80 100


Factors Job Content Opportunity for career advancement Creative & challenging work Opportunity to make an impact Fit with culture/environment One of my top choices Location Reputation of Employer Fit with my experience & skills Training/educational opportunities Salary Job flexibility & work life balance Supervision & colleagues Employer was willing to sponsor non-US citizen Best opportunity I could find at this time Benefits Ability to meet my expected student loan/education debt payments Job Security First job offered Didn't get into graduate/professional school

Essential 59.5 48.0 47.0 38 36.2 35.8 31.9 28.6 23.2 21.0 17.5 16.4 16.3 12.0 11.9. 10.0 9.8 8.1 4.9 0

Very Important 35.7 39.1 43.3 42.9 47.3 38.5 35.4 46.1 52.7 37.7 47.0 39.9 38.8 6.8 24.7 37.7 17.9 34.2 12.2 3.3

Somewhat Important 4.3 11.3 8.9 16.4 13.8 15.7 26.5 19.9 19.5 33.7 30.6 34.5 33.6 4.9 18.7 41.0 17.9 41.0 14.7 2.5

Not Important 0.5 1.6 .8 2.7 2.7 10 6.2 5.49 4.6 7.5 4.8 9.2 11.4 76.2 44.7 11.3 54.5 16.7 68.2 94.2

Factors Affecting Masters Job Acceptance 2010

Essential Very Important

Job Content Opportunity for career advancement Creative & challenging work Opportunity to make an impact Fit with culture/environment One of my top choices Location Reputation of Employer Fit with my experience & skills Training/educational opportunities Salary Job flexibility & work life balance Supervision & colleagues Employer was willing to sponsor non-US citizen Best opportunity I could find at this time Benefits Ability to meet my expected student Job Security First job offered Didn't get into graduate/professional school 0 20 40 60 80 100


WHAT PERCENTAGE OF WORKING GRADUATES FOUND JOBS RELATED TO THEIR MAJORS? Degree Level Undergraduate Masters YES 80.4% 88.5% NO 16.5% 3.1% NOT SURE 3.1% 3.5%

WHAT PERCENTAGE OF WORKING GRADUATES TOOK JOBS IN FINANCE AND CONSULTING? Degree Level Undergraduate Masters MBA Finance 16.1% 11.8% 19% Consulting 17.6% 10.9% 28.1% Finance & Consulting 33.7% 22.7% 47.1%

WHAT WAS THE AVERAGE FOR GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL APPLICATIONS/ACCEPTANCES? Degree Level Undergraduate Masters Application 5.1 2.5 Acceptances 3 1.8

WHAT TYPE OF DEGREE WERE GRADUATES PURSUING? MENG Undergraduate Masters 24.2% 1% MS 24.5% 9.6% MA .3% 0% MBA 0.6% 0% PHD/ScD 37% 87.9% JD 0.6% 0% MD/DDS 9.8% 1% Other 3.1% 1%


School MIT Stanford University Harvard University UC Berkeley California Institute of Technology Yale University Columbia University Northwestern University Johns Hopkins University University of Michigan

# of Students 205 31 22 8 6 6 5 5 5 5



WHAT TYPE OF INTERNSHIPS DID GRADUATING STUDENTS COMPLETE WHILE IN THEIR CURRENT PROGRAM? Type of Internship UPOP Other Externship MISTI Through My Department Career Center (On Campus Recruiting, INET, CareerBridge) F/ASIP # of Students 139 130 122 120 80 47 44





Top Industries for Working June 2010 Bachelors

20.0% 18.0% 16.0% 14.0% 12.0% 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.4% 2.0% 0.0%
Consulting Computer Software Financial Services (Commercial Banking, Insurance) Other Aerospace and Defense Engineering Energy and Utilities Communications, Arts, Entertainment (Sports, Media, Leisure, Film) Computer Hardware Automotive and Transportation


10.6% 9.0% 7.8% 7.5% 5.9% 5.5%




Top Industries for Working June 2010 Master 's

12.0% 10.9% 10.0% 9.1% 8.0% 10.9% 10.9%




2.0% 0.6% 0.0%

Aerospace and Defense Consulting Other Investment Architecture Banking and Planning (Mutual Funds, Money Mngt.) Energy and Utilities Computer Software Government Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing Computer Hardware Financial Automotive and Business Services Transportation Services (Commercial (Advertising, Banking, Real Estate, Insurance) Retail)









Top Industries for Working June 2010 MEng

45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.4% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0%
Computer Software Engineering Consulting Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing Computer Hardware Other Aerospace and Communications, Defense Arts, Entertainment (Sports, Media, Leisure, Film) Energy and Utilities Financial Services (Commercial Banking, Insurance) Government Investment Banking (Mutual Funds, Money Mngt.)



8.3% 6.3% 6.3% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1% 2.1%


Top Industries for Working Junes 2010 MBA

30.0% 28.1%



15.0% 10.0% 9.5% 9.5%


8.1% 5.4% 5.4% 4.1% 4.1%




Consulting Computer Software Financial Services (Commercial Banking, Insurance) Investment Banking (Mutual Funds, Money Mngt.) Other Business Services (Advertising, Real Estate, Retail) Computer Hardware Aerospace and Defense Energy and Utilities Health/Medicine Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing


2010 Undergraduate Employers by Department

* Results are based on student report and not representative of all employers who hire MIT students by department. Course (Course Number) Civil & Environmental Engineering (1) Mechanical Engineering (2) Employers Atman Vilandrie, PE Americas, Exxon Mobil, National Grid Sensata, Deutsche Bank, US Army, General Electric Aviation, Army Night Vision Lab, DB, Levant Power Corporation, Ford Motor Company, Qualcomm, Alphana Technology, AthenaHealth, Vecna, The Boston Consulting Group, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, MIT Media Lab, Teach for America, Agra-Energy, BP, Shell Oil, Schlumberger, PA Consulting, MENA Geothermal, Procter & Gamble, Intel, GE Healthcare, General Electric-Energy, Credit Suisse, Department of Health and Human Services, Stryker, US Navy, Department of Defense, Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Edwards Lifesciences Credit Suisse, Exxon Mobil, Booz Allen Hamilton Atelier FCJZ, The Chinati Foundation Whitehead Institute, DNA Medicine Institute Google, NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, Northrop Grumman Corporation, ESPN, Leaf Labs LLC, Hipmunk Inc., Oracle, Department of Defense, Next Jump, Mozilla Corporation, Yext, Facebook, Ksplice Inc., Riot Games, Moka Five, Proteus Technologies, Monitor Group, Accenture, McKinsey & Company, KSG Buildings, Conoco Philips , FastCAP Systems, GETCO, JP Morgan Chase, Federal Bureau of Investigation, AthenaHealth, JP Morgan Securities, General Dynamics, Ooyala, EWT Trading, Five Rings Capital, Barclays Capital Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research, Vanas Oncology, Childrens Hospital, Arthur D Little, Putnam Associates, Hungry Fish Media, LLC, Olyver Wyman Simon-Kucher & Company, Bank of America, MIT, Continental, McKinsey and Company, Wuhan Institute of Mathematics and Physics, MPQ/LMU, Analog Devices, NIH, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Fidelity Management and Research Company Macklis Lab, Picower Institute (MIT), Stanford University, Rockefeller University, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Accenture, Booz Allen Hamilton, Cambridge Strategic Management Group ASJA, Nano Terra, Air Liquide, Tyco Electronics, Stroud Consulting, Accenture, Boston Consulting Group, FSG Social Impact Advisors, Bio Architecture Lab, Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), FastCap Systements, Dominion Engineering, General Electric, Exelon Corporation, Schlumberger, Johnson & Johnson, Soane Labs, Exxon Mobil, Goldman Sacs, Whitehead Institute, Proctor & Gamble, Summer Street Research Partners, Regeneron, Merck, Green Light Biosciences, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Monitor Group, Digitas

Materials Science and Engineering (3) Architecture (4) Chemistry (5) EECS (6)

Biology (7)

Physics (8)

Brain and Cognitive Sciences (9)

Chemical Engineering (10)

Urban Studies and Planning (11) EAPS (12) Economics (14) comScore, Oliver Wyman, NERA Economic Consulting, Boston Consulting Group, BlackRock, Citigroup, Progress Finacial, Council of Economic Advisors, MIT Economics Department, NBER


Course (Course Number) Management (15)

Employers Teach For America, Barclays Capital, Siegel + Gale, Dell, IBM, OC&C Strategy Consultants, NERA Economic Consulting, Analytics Operational Engineering, Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, Deloitte Consulting LLP, McKinsey & Company, IBM, Xtrategic Corporation, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, China Growth Capital, Bloomberg, Citigroup MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Dimagi, Boeing, General Electric, CSS LCC, US Government, General Electric, Textron Defense Systems, Orbital Sciences Corporation, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Space Exploration Technologies Inc., Boeing, Northrop Grumman, ARES Corporation MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Dimagi, Boeing, General Electric, CSS LCC, US Government, General Electric, Textron Defense Systems, Orbital Sciences Corporation, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Space Exploration Technologies Inc., Boeing, Northrop Grumman, ARES Corporation, United States Air Force The Advisory Board Company MIT, Gotham Consulting Partners, UBS, France Tlcom, Proteus Technologies, Consolidate Trading, Covepoint Capital, DRW Trading Group, Bridgewater, Vision Capital, John Hancock Financial Services, Brain Trauma Foundation, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, Ajna Capital, Five Rings Capital LLC, Protelostatis Therapeutics, Microsoft Merck, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Childrens Hospital, Los Angeles, MIT, Decisions Resources, Beckman Coulter, Applied Predictive Technologies, Deloitte Consulting, Morgan Stanley, Oliver Wyman Financial Services Consulting, National Institutes of Health, Boston Consulting Group, DRW Trading, Bain & Co. Teach for America, MIT Media Lab, Edelman PR, Acquia Inc. , Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Power Advocate, The Shaw Group, Central Intelligence Agency

Aeronautics and Astronautics (16)

Aeronautics and Astronautics (16)

Political Science (17) Mathematics (18)

Biological Engineering (20)

Humanities (21) Nuclear Engineering (22)

2010 Masters Employers by Department

Course (Course Number) Civil & Environmental Engineering (1) Employers United States Navy, US Army, Bechtel, World Bank, L.A. Fuess Partners, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Ward and Burke Construction Ltd., Metropolitan Transportation Authority (of NY State), Steer Davies Gleave, Arup, Citi, CTS Mexico, Jacobs Associates, Halcrow Group Ltd, Departamento Nacional de Planeacion, AREVA, Electric Boat Singapore Armed Forces, US Coast Guard, US Navy, General Electric, Mckinsey & Company, Lark Technologies, Inc., MathWorks, Raytheon Company, National Instruments, Spirit AeroSystems, REhnu, Apple, GE Aviation, Arrowhawk Capital Partners HSBC, CRA Compete Inc., MIT House_n Research Group A*STAR

Mechanical Engineering (2)

Materials Science and Engineering (3) Architecture (4) Chemistry (5)



Analog Devices, Apple, Inc., Aurora Flight Sciences, Bridgewater Associates, Cisco Systems, Clipper Windpower, Dropbox, DRW Trading, Facebook, Google, Hudson River Trading, Jump Trading, Intersil, Kayak, LEK Consulting, Linear Technology, Lockheed Martin, Gilt Groupe, Mars and Company, MathWorks, Microsoft , MIT Media Lab, Morningstar, NerdKits, L.L.C., Next Jump, Optiver Trading, Oracle, Pixar Animation Studios, Raytheon, Stroud Consulting, Teradyne, Texas Instruments, TripAdvisor, Two Sigma, US Navy, Wireless Generation Decision Resources McKinsey & Co., Novartis Barclays Capital, Campaign to Protect the Affordable Housing Law, City of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development, CLF Ventures, MIT, Office of Economic Adjustment, Peregrine Energy Group, Sasaki Associates, Smart Growth Alliance, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Biology (7) Chemical Engineering (10) Urban Studies and Planning (11)

EAPS (12) Management (15) 3Play Media, A.T.Kearney, Adobe, Aetna,, American Airlines, American Express, Amgen, Analysis Group, Apple Inc., Associated Physicians of Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians, athenaHealth, Bain & Company, Bangkok Bank Plc., Bank of America Corp., Barclays Capital, Bechtel, BNP Paribas, Boehringer Ingelheim Corporation, Booz Allen Hamilton, Boston Consulting Group, Cenury Capital Management, Cisco Systems, Citigroup, Coriolis Wind, Cornerstone Research, CSMG, D.light Design, Dell, Deloitte Consulting, Deutsche Bank, Deutsche Securities Inc, Diamond Consultants, DINUBE, Earth Institute / UNDP Millennium Promise, Emerson Electric, ExxonMobil, Fidelity Investments, First Act, Gateway Gulf, Genentech, General Dynamics OTS, General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Google Inc., Grupo SM, Hamilton Sundstrand, Hewlett Packard, HubSpot, IBM, Infosys Consulting, Intel, J.P. Morgan, Johnson & Johnson, Kaohsiung World Trade Center, Kasikornbank, LEK Consulting, LG Electronics, Liberty Mutual Group, McKinsey, Microsoft, Mizuho Financial Group, Mobilink PMCL, Monitor, Morgan Stanley, NAVAIR, NewCo, Novell, Opera Solutions LLC, Pearle Latam, Petrocel Temex, Putnam Investments, Raytheon, Red Kite, Sentien Biotechnologies, Spirit Aerosystems, Stop & Shop, Taiyo Pacific Partners, Target Corporation, Techint Group, Tegu, Ternium, The Boeing Company, The Parthenon Group, ThingMagic, TripIt, UBS Investment Bank, UC San Diego, United Airlines, US Coast Guard, UTC Hamilton Sundstrand, Whirlpool Corporation Air Force, Raytheon, Boeing, General Electric, Orbital Sciences, MITRE, Orbital Sciences, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Tessela, Nikon Corporation, United States Air Force HSBC, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, US Military Academy PayPal US Air Force, US Army, Apple, BAE Systems, Boston Consulting Group, OmniGuide, ST Aerospace, IPValue Management, Sears Holdings, Verizon, IBM, Lexmark International, Intuit Inc., Nomura Research

Aeronautics and Astronautics (16)

Applied Biological Sciences (20) Nuclear Engineering (22) Computational Design Optimization (CDO) Operations Research (OR) Engineering Systems Division (ESD)


Institute Ltd., Red Hat, Capgemni, PowerAdvocate, Exxon Mobil, GenScape, US State Department, Salutek Inc., Siam Cement Group, Whirlpool Corporation, CEMEX, American Industrial Partners, United States Coast Guard, US Marine Corps, WorldBank Heath Sciences and Technology (HST) Media Arts & Sciences (MAS) Systems Design & Management (SDM) Olyver Wyman, Medtronic Bjork Intuit Inc, Saluteck Inc., Siam Cement Group, ST Aerospace, United States Department, World Bank, Exxon Mobil, Whirlpool Corporation, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd, OmniGuide, BAE Systems, United States Coast Guard, Sears Holdings, US Marine Corps, Apple, IP Value Management, IBM, Red Hat, CEMEX, Verizon, Boston Consulting Group, Capgemni Government Solutions, SRI International, PowerAdvocate, American Industrial Partners, Amazon PA Consulting Group Quilted, Mobile Learning Institute

Political Science CMS

2010 Employers of International Students Employers of International Undergraduates Ajna Capital, Black Rock, ConocoPhillips Company, Dimagi, Google, Green Light Biosciences, Levant Power Corporation, McKinsey & Company, MENA Geothermal, MIT, MIT Media Lab, Ooyala, Oracle, Inc., Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Saudi Aramco), Soane Labs

Employers of International Masters Students A*STAR, A. T. Kearney, Aetna, , Apple, Aramark, AREVA, Arrowhawk Capital Partners, Bain & Company, Barclays Capital, BCG, Bechtel Limited, Better Place, BNP Paribas, Booz & Company, Boston Consulting Group, BP , Brainloop Inc, Capgemini, CEMEX, CGN & Associates, Confidential - Consulting, Council of Europe, CRA, Credit Suisse, Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC, Departmento Nacional de Planeacion, Deutsche Bank, Elsevier, Ernst & Young LLP, Exxon Mobil, Fidelity, GE, GenScape, Gilt Groupe, Goldman Sachs, House_n Research Consortium, HSBC, IBM, IBM Business Analytics and Optimization, J. F. Oberlin University, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan, KT, L.E.K. Consulting, LG Electronics, McKinsey & Company, Mitsubishi Corporation, Mizuho Financial Group, Monitor Group, Morgan Stanley, NetApp, Nikon Cooperation, Nokia, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd, Novartis, Novo Nordisk, Oliver Wyman, Oracle, Panasonic Middle Easy, PayPal, Produban, Qihoo, RBS Media Group, Samsung, Samsung Electronics, Samsung Heavy Industries, Samsung Techwin, Santander Bank, Santander Global Banking & Markets, SAP, SCG, Sears Holding, Siam Cement Group, Singapore Armed Forces, Sloan School of Management, Sovereign Bank, SRI International, ST Aerospace, State Street Bank, Tata Consultancy Services, The Boston Consulting Group, Verde Energia Renovavel, Verizon, Virtus Partners, VmWare, Ward and Burke Construction Ltd., World Bank, Yahoo


2010 Average Undergraduate & Masters Salary by Course (US Dollars) (Number of respondents are in columns titled # after each salary amount. Blank represents 1 or no responses per cell.) Course (Course Number) Civil & Environmental Engineering (1) Mechanical Engineering (2) Materials Science and Engineering (3) Architecture (4) Chemistry (5) EECS (6) Biology (7) Physics (8) Brain and Cognitive Sciences (9) Chemical Engineering (10) Urban Studies and Planning (11) EAPS (12) Economics (14) Management (15) Aeronautics and Astronautics (16) Political Science (17) Mathematics (18) Biological Engineering (20) Humanities (21) Nuclear Engineering (22) Linguistics and Philosophy (24) Computation for Design Optimization (CDO) Engineering Systems Design (ESD) Operations Research (OR) Technology & Policy Program (TPP) Health Sciences and Technology (HST) Media Arts & Science (MAS) Systems Design & Management (SDM) 90,576 9 120,000 2 97,000 12 95,333 66,250 20 4 65,345 4 75,000 3 55,595 65,218 64,542 58,750 70,102 59,714 21 39 19 2 23 14 62,806 13 113,738 216 93,117 45,583 45,6363 43,500 60,750 42 12 11 8 30 121,250 4 56,169 13 91,944 27 65,333 SB 68,400 59,500 74,667 # 5 36 3 MNG/MNLG 63,833 # 6 SM 62,428 118, 761 66,500 61,667 # 7 23 2 3 MBA # MCP #


2010 Bachelors Industry & Employer Data Industry Automotive and Transportation # of Students Employers Average Salary Salary Range

Continental, Levant Power Corporation, Ford Motor Company Aurora Flight Sciences, Boeing, Bombardier Aerospace, General Dynamics OTS, Hamilton Sundstrand, Lockheed Martin, MIT Lincoln Labs, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Sikorsky Aircraft (A United Technologies Company), Spirit Aerosystems, United Technologies, US Air Force, UTC Hamilton Sundstrand



Aerospace and Defense




Business Services (Advertising, Real Estate, Retail) Chemicals and Materials Communications, Arts, Entertainment (Sports, Media, Leisure, Film) Computer Hardware

comScore, Hungry Fish Media LLC, Siegel+Gale



Nano Terra, Air Liquide, AJSA



France Telecom, Digitas, ESPN, MIT Media Lab, Edelman PR



5 LeafLabs LLC, Tyco Electronics, Dell, Qualcomm, Alphana Technology 73,300

65,00090,000 44,000100,000

Computer Software


Hipmunk, Inc., Startup, Oracle, Department of Defense, athenahealth, Dimagi, Next Jump, Mozilla Corporation, Yext, Facebook, Ksplice Inc., Google, Proteus Technologies, Riot Games, Microsoft, Vecna, Acquia Inc., Ooyala, MokaFive, Decision Resources, Power Advocate, Arthur D Little, OC&C Strategy Consultants, Booz Allen Hamilton, Stroud Consultants, Putnam Associates, Applied Predictive Technology, NERA Economic Consulting, Cambridge Strategic Management, Analytics Operations Engineering, Boston Consulting Group, Accenture, Deloitte Consultin LLP, Monitor, Oliver Wyman, SimonKutcher & Company, Gotham Consulting Partners, McKinsey, IBM







Education Energy and Utilities

6 14

MIT, Teach for America, Wuhan Institute of Mathematics, Picower Institute, Stanford University, MPQ/LMU, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, KGS Buildings, Saudi Arabian Oil Company, FastCAP Systems, Agra-Energy, Dominion Engineering Inc., General Electric, ExxonMobil, BP, Shell Oil, Schlumberger, Excelon Corporation, ConocoPhillips Company, PA Consulting MENA Geothermal, FastCAP Systems, Schlumberger, The Shaw Group, Proctor & Gamble, Intel, US Army, Sensata, GE Healthcare, Johnson & Johnson, Soane Labs, Analog Devices, Exxon Mobil, National Grid Consolidated Trading, EWT Trading, GETCO, Covepoint Capital, MorganStanley, Blackrock, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, DRW Trading Group, CSS LLC, Bank of America, Bloomberg, Bridgewater, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, Vision Capital, John Hancock, Progress Financial, National Institutes of Health, Council of Economic Advisors, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Department of Health and Human Services, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Central Intelligence Agency, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Macklis Lab, Childrens Hospital Boston, Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, Brain Tumor Foundation, Rockefeller University, The Advisory Board Company, Beckman Coulter, National Institutes of Health, Stryker, DNA Medicine Institute, athenahealth Inc., Whithead Institute, Proctor & Gamble, GE Healthcare, Tyco Electronics


15,00057,000 36,000105,000 50,00087,000





Financial Services (Commercial Banking, Insurance)











Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing Investment Banking (Mutual Funds, Money Management) Military Pharmaceuticals (Biotech, Medical Device)

5 64,000 60,00068,000


Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan Securities, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, UBS, Summer Street Research Partners, Barclays, Morgan Stanley, Fidelity Management and Research Company, Anja Capital, Five Rings Capital LLC US Army, US Air Force, US Navy Department of Defense, General Dynamics, Booz Allen Hamilton Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Vanas Oncology, MIT, Regeneron, Proteostatis Theraputics, Merck, Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Green Light Biosciences, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Edwards Lifesciences


45,000150,000 35,00063,500 24,00080,000

7 10





# of Students 6

2010 Masters Industry & Employer Data Employers

Average Salary 67,000

Salary Range 17,00093,000

Automotive and Transportation

Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Samsung Heavy Industries, Ford Motor Company, American Airlines, Metropolitan Transportation Authority, CTS Mexico

Aerospace and Defense


US Air Force, ST Aerospace, BAE Systems, The Boeing Company, The Boeing Company, Raytheon, , Orbital Sciences, MITRE, Raytheon IDS, ,Spirit AeroSystems, Spirit AeroSystems, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pratt & Whitney- United Technologies, GE Aviation



Architecture and Planning

Sasaki Associates, Campaign to Protect the Affordable Housing Law, Sasaki Associates, House n Research Consortium, Bechtel Limited, Office of Economic Adjustment, MIT



Business Services (Advertising, Real Estate, Retail) Communications, Arts, Entertainment (Sports, Media, Leisure, Film)


Neutrogena/Johnson & Johnson, So Change, Geomeme, Plenia Locatel, HSBC, Compete Inc., Next Jump, Boston Consulting Group, Amazon, Sears Holdings, HubSpot, Aramark, Performable, IPValue Management,, Bjork, Pixar, Elsevier, Back9Lives, Sony, Verizon, RBS Media Group, Brightstar Corporation, KT





Computer Hardware


LG, Samsung, National Electronics, Intersil, Dell, Apple, Intel, IBM, Lexmark, Sandisk




Computer Software


Quilted, Kayak, Facebook, Brightroll, Intuit, 77mass Inc., Oracle, QiHoo, Mathworks, Hubspot, Nomura Research Institute, Berico Tailored Systems, Microsoft, Medillia, Blizzard Entertainment, NetApp, Zynga, Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Nokia, Tata Consulting Services, VMWare, Red Hat, Brainloop, SAP, Transparent Language, Gilt Group McKinsey & Co., OC&C, Tessella, PA Consulting Group, Steer Davies Gleave, Bridgespan, PRTM, IBM Business Analytics and Optimization, Stroud, Mars & Co., Infosys, Boston Consulting Group, Putnam Associates, Bain & Co., L.E.K. Consulting, The Parthenon Group, Analysis Group, CGN & Associates, Booz & Co., Sapient, Opera Solutions, A.T. Kearney, Deloitte, Virtus Partners, CRA, ICEDR, Capgemini, Schoolhouse Partners, Toffler Associates, Kurt Salmon Associates, SRI International, PowerAdvocate, Monitor Group, Oliver Wyman Mobile Learning Institute, Sloan School of Management, MIT Department of Architecture kWhours Inc., ExxonMobil, UT Batelle, Peregrine Energy Group, Institute of Nuclear Power Operations, Better Place, ABB, Barclays Capital, Emerson Electric Company, Emerson Electric Company, BP PLC, AREVA, REhnu, Verde Energia Renovvel, GenScape, Acconia Energy Bechtel, L.A. Feuss, Ward and Burke Construction Ltd., Arup, Linear Technology, Jacobs Associates, Nikon Corp., Samsung, Halcrow Group Ltd., Electric Boat, Teradyne, C-Crete Technologies Ernst & Young, PayPal, GE Capital, Bain Capital, Peer Transfer, Santander Bank, Lightkeeper Advisors, Produban, Mizuho Financial Group, HSBC, Morgan Stanley, State Street Bank, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Barclays Capital, UBS Investment Bank, Fidelity, Two Sigma, Aetna, Soverign Bank, BNP Paribas, PriceWaterhouseCoopers US Department of State, City of Boston Department of Neighborhood Development, US Department of Housing and Urban Development







Education Energy and Utilities

3 16

47,333 95,667

30,00060,000 50,000150,000




54,000110,000 70,000400,000

Financial Services (Commercial Banking, Insurance)







BGI Americas, Massachusetts General Hospital, Haemonetics, A*STAR, Medtronics, Phillips Healthcare, Boston Scientific




Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing


Cabot Corporation, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, ThermCool, Salutek Inc., Siam Cement Group, Siam Technologies, Whirlpool Corporation, GloTech Corporation, Samsung Electronics,



Investment Banking (Mutual Funds, Money Management)


Fidelity Growth Partners, Optiver Traiding, Westfield Capital Management, Barclays Capital, Credit Suisse, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, Jump Trading, Harris Williams & Co., Deutche Bank, Waddell & Reed Financial Advisors, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity Investments, Riviera Investment Group, Hawkshaw Capital, Santander Global Banking & Markets, American Industrial Partners, Arrowhawk Capital Partners



Military Non-Profit Agency or NGO Pharmaceuticals (Biotech, Medical Device)

16 3

US Air Force, US Navy, US Coast Guard, US Marine Corps, US Army Neighborhood of Affordable Housing, CLF Ventures, TransForm

78,867 69,833

33,000140,000 58,00090,000 70,000135,000


Millipore, Medtronic, Novo Nordisk, Novartis, Decision Resources, Johnson & Johnson, Genentech,



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