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Paper ID # 210, 1999 International Oil Spill Conference


Tim Lunel
AEA Technology, National Environmental Technology Centre , Culham, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3DB,
UK (e-mail:

Jenifer M. Baker
Clock Cottage, Church Street, Ruyton-XI-Towns, Shrewsbury SY4 1LA, UK

ABSTRACT: Net Environmental Benefit Analysis concentrations under variously treated slicks can be
(NEBA) is increasingly used as a framework to assess used together with laboratory toxicity test information
the environmental benefits and disadvantages of a on the sensitivity of plankton or fish larvae. However, it
chosen response action. This analysis can be used to is important to calibrate the experimental information
account for political and economic impacts as well as against real spill conditions.
the effects on the natural environment. Until recently This paper will firstly describe the different levels of
the discussion has focused on qualitative assessments decision making (strategic, tactical and operational)
due to the lack of quantitative information collected at where NEBA is a useful approach to adopt. It will then
spills. This paper uses examples of best practice of describe methods that can be used to calculate a net oil
NEBA from different spills around the world to outline budget and how these can be linked to the sensitivity of
the information that should be collected at future spills the resources impacted in order to provide a quantified
in order to determine the level of Net Environmental NEBA. Finally, illustrations are provided on how these
Benefit that has been achieved by the response methods can be used at the strategic, tactical and
operation. In the first instance immediate feedback may operational level.
well provide information which aids decision making at
the time of the incident. However, a key role for this Different levels of NEBA
information is also to enable responders around the It is proposed that NEBA can be applied at three main
world to establish best practice for a wide range of levels, which correspond to the tiered approach to oil
environmental sensitivities. Case histories of Net spill response (IPIECA 1991) and more particularly to
Environmental Benefits will provide a basis for the the associated levels of sensitivity map - operational,
overall contingency planning process, recognising that tactical and strategic (IMO/IPIECA 1996). The tiered
post-spill decisions are best and most rapidly made in response approach distinguishes the following types of
the light of pre-spill analyses, consultations and spill:
agreements by all the appropriate organisations. • Tier 1. Small localised spills at fixed installations (such
as oil terminals);
• Tier 2. Medium sized spills, possibly some way from
Introduction industry facilities and potentially having a greater
Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) means impact on the environment;
weighing the advantages and disadvantages of different • Tier 3. Major accidents (e.g. collisions, explosions or
oil spill responses and comparing them with the blowouts) causing spills of thousands of tonnes and
advantages and disadvantages of natural cleanup. This having the potential for causing considerable
approach, as a concept, has been widely recognised as environmental damage over a wide area.
useful for response planning. Its usefulness can be It follows that uses of both sensitivity maps and
enhanced if advantages and disadvantages can be NEBA range from practical site-specific shore
quantified. This paper considers the available protection and clean-up, to strategic planning on a
information and identifies areas where more information regional scale for major accidents in remote areas:
would be particularly beneficial.
• Strategic NEBA applies, for example, when a slick is at
One approach to quantification is to look at whole
sea and strategic decisions have to made as whether to
case histories but in reality, most spills are inadequately
monitor and take no further action, to recover the oil at
documented for NEBA analyses. In particular, it is not sea, to disperse the oil, or to let the oil strand on the
surprising that quantitative data about the relationships
shoreline and remove the oil from the beach.
between response methods and mass balances are few -
• Tactical NEBA is appropriate, for example, once the oil
it is notoriously difficult to measure the outcomes of
has come into near-shore waters or a bay when it is
individual response methods during the intense activity
necessary to make decisions about which areas of
following a spill. However, it has been possible to make
coastline to protect and which to use as sacrificial
some assessment of the Exxon Valdez, the Braer, and
the Sea Empress incidents.
Another approach is to draw together existing • Operational NEBA can be used by responders in order
information from experimental projects, each of which to decide whether it is appropriate to clean a particular
gives a partial picture but which give a broader picture area of oiled coastline and how vigorous the clean up
when combined. For example (with respect to the water should be.
column) information from field experiments on oil By definition, a Tier 1 spill should involve decision
making at the operational (or at most tactical) NEBA
level. However, especially in the case of a Tier 3 spill, it The process of NEBA quantification
is likely that different levels of NEBA will be applicable Quantification of NEBA involves consideration of
at different stages during the response. For example, how different response methods affect:
when a large spill occurs many miles offshore a • Net Oil Budget: the CHANGE in partitioning of oil
strategic level NEBA would be appropriate, taking into between different environmental components such as
account the important resources in all the possible various shore types, subtidal sediments, the water
directions that the oil slicks may travel. At a later stage column, or complete loss through natural degradation as
in the spill oil may have moved close to a particular a result of human intervention.
shoreline type, or be stranded on it, and there will be a • Net Environmental Impacts: the CHANGE in short and
need for detailed operational NEBA for that particular long-term outcomes for biota in different environmental
area. At each of these stages in a single Tier 3 spill, Net components as a result of the NET oil budget.
Environmental Benefit Analysis can be used to guide
decision making.




Calculating a net oil budget persistent water-in-oil emulsion. It also reduces the
The calculation of oil budgets for real spills by their acute (short-timescale) toxicity of the oil remaining on
very nature contain assumptions and approximations, the sea surface since the most toxic components are lost
the calculation of a Net oil budget will contain to the atmosphere. The total percentage of the crude oil
additional assumptions on the extent to which the which is lost by evaporation is largely governed by its
response operation has altered the oil budget. composition and is not affected to a significant degree
The process of obtaining the best estimate of a net oil by the response measures employed. The environmental
budget to measure the success of the response is conditions, such as low temperatures, or response
illustrated here with reference to best practice from a options, for example dispersing the oil into the water
range of spills. column, can affect the rate of evaporation.
Volume of oil spilt. The first stage in the process is to An estimate of the volume of oil evaporated at an
establish the volume of oil released. This in itself is incident can be derived from an oil specific weathering
often not a straightforward process and requires study. These should be conducted in advance of spill so
information from a variety of sources such as: tank dips; that the information is available to help guide response
ship’s cargo and fuel gauges, remote sensing strategy at the time of a spill. The following illustrates
(qualitative information); pipeline pumping rates, the range in percentage of the spilt oil evaporating
pipeline volume; and duration of release. which has been predicted using oil specific weathering
Atmosphere. Evaporation has a profound effect on studies:
the way oil behaves, by encouraging the formation of a

North Sea Captain Spill, August 1997: 0.2-0.5%

• Heavy Fuel Oil component of Sea Empress, February 1996: 2-5%
• Braer, January 1993 (Gullfaks): 20-25%
• Exxon Valdez, March 1989 (Alaskan North Slope): 20-30%
• Sea Empress, February 1996 (Forties Blend): 35-45%
• Idoho Pipeline spill, January 1998 (Nigerian Light): 35-45%
However, oil weathering studies will only provide a for between 9 and 37 hours, and showed that 35-45% of
prediction of the volume of oil lost by evaporation. The the volume of the oil had evaporated. A high level of
best estimate of the volume of oil evaporated can be confidence could be placed in these estimates because
obtained by taking surface samples of the oil (a the samples obtained during the incident itself could be
minimum of 5 samples) during the incident itself and related to detailed measurements made during a sea trial
determining the composition of the oil remaining on the with the same oil type (Forties Blend crude oil) under
sea surface relative to the crude oil spilt initially. In the similar meteorological conditions (Figure 1):
Sea Empress, 8 samples which had been on the surface

Figure 1. Evaporation of Forties Blend showing Sea Empress samples and data collected during controlled
experiments in the North Sea.

Water surface. Initially the residue of the oil after observed area in May 1989, to 39% in August 1989, to
evaporation will remain on the sea surface. Over time 12% by January 1990, and to less than 2% by
emulsification increases the volume on the water September 1990 (Owens 1991). It was possible to relate
surface and mechanical recovery, dispersion and these losses to both the beach cleaning programme and
shoreline stranding reduces the volume. to natural removal.
Nearshore and shoreline. Following the Exxon The need to establish good practice world-wide is
Valdez spill in Prince William Sound, Shoreline emphasised by the fact that 7 years on at the Sea
Cleanup Assessment Teams (SCAT) carried out much Empress spill, the lessons from the Exxon Valdez spill
more shore assessment than has been done for any other were not implemented and one of the findings was that
spill, as a basis for making decisions about cleanup the shoreline surveys were planned outside of the
techniques. The standardised methods developed have response operation and were not completed in sufficient
subsequently been used as a model for other spills (an time to be of use to the immediate cleanup operation.
example is Environment Canada’s Field Guide to the This is contrary to American experience which has
Documentation and Description of Oiled Shorelines, shown that a methodology can be fully integrated with
Owens and Sergy 1994). SCAT objectives were cleanup operations, as the name Shoreline Clean-up
assessment of the presence, distribution, and amount of Assessment Team (SCAT) implies. Consequently, the
surface and subsurface oil, and provision of information UK is in the process of adopting SCAT compatible
needed to make environmentally sound decisions on survey forms which for operational requirements are
cleanup techniques (bearing in mind previous being simplified but will include the basic information
experience with different types of shore). The oiling of impacted area dimensions, oil thickness and oil type.
assessment included estimates of surface oiling length, Sea bed. The main mechanism for incorporation of a
width, thickness, % oil distribution and oil character; significant volume of oil in the sea bed is interaction
and subsurface oil concentration, character, thickness between sediment suspended in nearshore waters and
and depth of penetration of the oiled layer. One of the dispersed oil. Other mechanisms such as
many conclusions was that the combined oil cover for biosedimentation through the packaging of dispersed oil
the Sound study sites dropped from 46% of the total in the form of copepod faecal pellets have also been
suggested but are not likely to result in high local intensive fluorometry measuring oil concentration.
concentration with a significant environmental impact. However, the need to implement in situ monitoring to
Dispersed oil in the water column is buoyant and will determine the effectiveness of dispersant operations is
have a tendency to rise back to the surface in the now being more generally accepted by both National
absence of the mixing processes which keep the small Governments and Industry. The information required
1-70 µm droplets suspended in the water column. for operational efficiency is the key to providing the
Dispersed oil will not sink unless it becomes associated data required to assess the relative significance of
with suspended sediment. natural and chemical dispersion processes. However it is
In waters with high sediment loads (generally in necessary to collect quantitative information on oil
estuaries or bays) it is important to mount a sediment concentration to make these assessments, the
monitoring programme which defines the level and monitoring carried out in the Gulf of Mexico in January
extent of sediment contamination. One of the most 1998 at the High Island Pipeline (Henry, 1998a) and
detailed studies of subtidal sediments was that following M/V Red Seagull (Henry, 1998b) was qualitative in
the No 2 fuel oil spill from the barge Florida in nature and could not therefore be used to estimate the
Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, 1969 (Sanders et al. relative significance of natural and chemical dispersion.
1980). Results from a grab-sampling programme At the Sea Empress incident, intensive monitoring
showed a range of sediment oil concentrations up to implemented for the first time at a major spill allowed
about 400 ppm, and the faunal changes observed could an estimate to be made of the split between natural and
be correlated with the severity of oiling. In the case of enhanced dispersion by comparing the concentrations of
the 1977 Tsesis spill in the Baltic, estimates from dispersed oil at the incident with those in controlled
sediment trap data indicated that at least 20 tonnes of oil field trials (Lunel et al., 1996; 1997; SEEEC 1998):
(equivalent to 0.5 gm per square meter) reached the • Natural dispersion: 7-21%
bottom (Johansson et al. 1980). • Enhanced dispersion: 24-52%
In open water oil spills, association of dispersed oil On the basis of these estimates, the dispersant
with sediment is not a major transport pathway for the operation increased the amount of oil dispersed by at
oil. An exception to this was the open water oil spill at least 17,000 tonnes, with an estimated 27,000 tonnes
the Braer incident. The severe storm conditions at the being dispersed in total. Since 446 tonnes of dispersant
Braer oil spill in January 1993 (with winds gusting to were used, each tonne of dispersant resulted in an extra
70 knots) meant that the resuspended sediment load in 60 tonnes of oil being dispersed (with a range of 38-82
the coastal waters off Shetland was particularly high at tonnes per tonne of dispersant).
the time of the spill, more typical of the levels found in Mechanical recovery. At sea recovery is rarely an
an estuarine environment. The post spill sediment important route for removal of oil from the water
monitoring found two major areas where oil surface (ITOPF, 1991). Mechanical recovery also
contaminated fine sediments had settled out into normally results in the removal of a large volume of
sedimentary basins (ESGOSS 1994). The sampling water in addition to the oil, therefore, the recovery
indicated that up to 30% of the oil spilt ended up in operation must measure not only the total volume of the
these deep water sediment sinks. recovered material but also its water content. Although
As a result of the Braer experience responders have not a technically difficult operation, this information is
become sensitised to the possibility of dispersed oil often not collected at an incident. For example, at the
becoming associated with sediments. Therefore, it is Sea Empress it was reported that approximately 7,260
likely in many spills that some initial modelling/analysis tonnes of liquid waste was recovered by skimming and
of potential sedimentation areas will be required transferred to the Texaco refinery. However only one
followed initially by a limited sediment sampling survey qualitative estimate was made of the water content of
which can be expanded if sediment bound oil is found this liquid waste: on the 23 February during the transfer
by the monitoring survey. of 192 tonnes of oil/water, the recovered material was
Water column. Since dispersed and soluble described as 85% water. Therefore, in constructing the
components of the oil dilute rapidly over a large volume mass balance a value of 10-20% oil was used for all the
it is not possible to obtain an accurate of the volume of liquid waste recovered at sea which suggests that 1-2%
oil partitioning into the water column. This component, of the total spilt was recovered. At future spills a
therefore has to be calculated by difference (subtracting minimum of 5 spot samples of the water content of any
the percentage of oil in each of the other components mechanically recovered oily water would be valuable in
from the total volume spilt) in most spills. providing an accurate estimate of the volume
In the Sea Empress, fluorometry measurements at sea mechanically recovered. This information would not
showed that dispersion was significant in determining only be useful in a net environmental benefit analysis
the fate of the spilt oil (Lunel et al, 1996; 1997). but also in assessing the cost effectiveness of the
However, the rapid dilution of the dispersed oil together response.
with the large volume over which the oil was distributed Net oil budget. In order to quantify the benefits a
means that it is difficult to accurately quantify the particular response strategy it is firstly necessary to use
dispersed oil budget. Subtracting the volume the methods described above to quantify the change in
evaporated, the volume recovered at sea, and the physical partitioning of the oil that a response strategy is
volume stranded on the shoreline from the total budget likely to put in place. Table 1 below shows the actual
suggests that 46-59% of the oil dispersed through a mass balance determined at the Braer (ESGOSS, 1994),
combination of natural and enhanced dispersion. Sea Empress (Lunel et. al. 1997; SEEEC 1998) and
Distinguishing between natural and chemical Exxon Valdez (Galt et al. 1991; Wolfe et. al. 1993) spills
dispersion. Since chemical dispersion is enhancing the and the likely mass balance in the absence of response
rate of the naturally occurring dispersion process, operations:
separating the effects of these two components requires
Table 1. The crude oil mass balance for the Sea Empress, the Braer and the Exxon Valdez spills after the first stage
response at sea and on the shoreline compared with the estimated mass balance if no response had been carried out.

Oil Partitioning (%) Braer 1993 Sea Empress 1996 Exxon Valdez 1989
(Where “-” is entered into the table
this indicates no data is available.) Actual No response Actual No response Actual No response
Atmosphere 20-25 20-25 35-45 35-45 20-30 20-30
Nearshore or shoreline 0 0 5-7 34-58 22-51 26-59
Seabed 20-30 20-30 - - - -
Water column 45-60 45-60 46-59 7-21 20-25 20-25
Chemically dispersed 0 0 24-52 0 - -
Mechanically recovered at sea 0 0 1-3 0 4-8 0

By comparing the actual mass balance with the mass as percentage of the total mass balance and by the
balance that is estimated in the absence of a response relative significance of the change in partitioning
operation it is possible to derive the Net Oil Budget for relative to the natural process (i.e. the ratio between the
these 3 spills as indicated in table 2. The change in partitioning estimated following a response and the
partitioning as a result of the response is expressed both partitioning estimated had there been no response)

Table 2. The Net Oil Budget crude oil mass balance for the Sea Empress, the Braer and the Exxon Valdez spills in
terms of both the total % of oil spilt and the significance relative to the natural partitioning at the incident.

Net Oil Budget (%) Percentage of total Significance relative The effect of the response
budget to natural partitioning
Braer, 1993 0 0 None - Fate governed by natural processes
Exxon Valdez, 1989 4-8 % 1.2-1.4 fold Slight reduction in the volume of oil
stranding on the shoreline
Sea Empress, 1996 27-53 % 5-11 fold Significant reduction in the volume of oil
stranding on the shoreline
25-52 % 2-8 fold Significant increase in volume of oil
partitioned into the water column

The greatest effect on the partitioning of the oil fate is different response options both at the contingency
demonstrated at the Sea Empress spill. The volume planning stage and the spill response.
impacting nearshore and shoreline resources was Environmental Sensitivity Index (ESI)
reduced by 5-11 fold while the volume partitioned into With respect to shorelines, the basic principles are that
the water column was increased by 2-8 fold. Hence, this sensitivity to oil increases with increasing shelter of the
spill is used in the section on strategic net shore from wave action, penetration of oil into the
environmental benefit to indicate how the quantitative substratum, natural oil retention times on the shore, and
net oil budget can be linked to the environmentally biological productivity of shore organisms. For the
sensitive resources that benefit or suffer from the purposes of sensitivity mapping (IMO/IPIECA, 1996)
response operation. But first it is necessary to provide a shores are ranked using these principles, often using a
framework under which to link this quantitative net oil 10 point scale known as an environmental sensitivity
budget to the environmental impacts of a spill. index (ESI). The typical range is from ESI 1 (exposed
Net environmental impact rocky shores, lowest sensitivity to ESI 10 (marshes and
In order to make use of this net oil budget information mangroves, highest sensitivity).
in decision-making, the predicted change in oil Other ecological resources at risk include coral reefs,
partitioning must be linked to the likely impacts on the seagrass and kelp beds, and wildlife such as turtles,
resources at risk. In most cases, it is unrealistic to look seabirds and mammals. From the socio-economic point
for fully quantitative biological studies for the purposes of view both commercial and subsistence fishing need
of NEBA. Such studies would be costly and lengthy, to be considered, for example fishing areas, shellfish
partly because: beds, fish and crustacean nursery areas, fish traps and
• natural variables (both spatial and temporal) would have aquaculture facilities. Other features include boat
to be taken into account, because these exert the primary facilities such as harbours and slipways, industrial water
control over species distribution and abundance; intakes, recreational resources such as amenity beaches,
• the marine environment is in a constant state of change, and sites of cultural or historical significance. While
and natural fluctuations need to be distinguished from emphasising that the specific circumstances of the spill
pollution effects; could change the sensitivity rankings markedly, we
Therefore, despite the limitations associated with propose the following broad sensitivity rankings as an
using data which is not site-specific to the area extension from the rankings proposed by Michel and
potentially at risk from oiling, a broad environmental Dahlin (1993) for shorelines. The basis of these
sensitivity classification taking into account the inherent qualitative rankings are broadly on the basis of likely
sensitivity of the resource at risk will be of benefit in recovery times although some consideration has also
determining the likely net environmental impacts of been given to economic impacts:
Table 3. Summary of Ecological, Wildlife and Socio-Economic Sensitivities
Sensitivity Ecological Wildlife Socio-economic
1. Least Exposed steep rock
Open sea water surface
Open sea water column
2. Low Exposed rock platforms Offshore fish stocks
Offshore sediments
3. Low Fine grained firm sand Local amenity beaches*
4. Medium Medium-coarse sand Offshore dolphins and whales
5. Medium Mixed coarse sediments Cultural/historical sites
Nearshore water surface
Nearshore water column
6. Medium Gravel, boulders, cobble Riprap/gabions
7. Medium Exposed tidal flats Marinas
Nearshore sediments Water intakes
Kelp beds
Deeper coral reef zones
8. High Sheltered rock Nearshore seals, dolphins and Fish breeding and nursery
Subtidal seagrass beds Whales areas*
9. High Sheltered tidal flats Estuaries for migrating Nearshore shellfish
Intertidal seagrass beds shorebirds* Seabed aquaculture
Seal haulouts* Nearshore fishing gear
10. Highest Mangroves Turtle beaches* Intertidal shellfish
Marshes Seabird colonies* Intertidal and upper water
Shallow coral reef zones Otters column aquaculture
Intertidal fish traps
Key amenity/tourist beaches*
Politically sensitive sites
* Indicates that the sensitivity of the resource may differ markedly at different times of year
This overview is based upon extensive case history experience; more information is available in IPIECA (1991a, 1992,
1993a, 1994, 1995, 1997) and IMO/IPIECA (1996). However, it needs to be reviewed whenever possible in the light of
new case history experience.

It must be emphasised this is a generalised ranking of environmental impacts of different courses of action.
sensitivities to oiling, ESI rankings must be determined Choosing an appropriate response strategy on the basis
for the specific region under consideration taking into of this process is what is defined in this paper as
account local, national and international priorities in the quantified NEBA.
contingency planning process. The ESI rankings should For example, a spill of a dispersible crude oil in the
not be solely driven by the measure of ecological vicinity of a nearshore fish farm with tides advecting the
recovery times. Economic and political measures will be dispersed phase towards the facility, classified as ESI 9,
key in the response operation itself and should be is likely to result in tainting of the fish by the natural
factored into the ESI ranking. For example, in Brunei dispersion of the surface slick. Using dispersants might,
there are high priority areas of mangrove forest (ESI 10 for example, be predicted to result in a net oil budget
on this classification) on the basis of ecological with a 2-8 fold increase in oil partitioning into the water
sensitivity. However, there is a region of equal column (as documented at the Sea Empress - see net oil
sensitivity (i.e. ESI 10) along the Brunei coast at the budget section). Increasing the exposure of the fish to
location of the Palace of the Sultan of Oman. This is the dispersed oil is not likely to affect the marketability
clearly an appropriate ranking since the sensitivity of of the fish significantly. In either case the fish will be
this location will in the event of spill drive response unmarketable due to taint. Therefore, it may be
decisions. There are no right or wrong answers in the appropriate to prevent or limit the level of oiling of a
classification of sensitivities. The important step in cobble beach (classified here as ESI 6) which is also in
planning and response is to identify what the the potential impact zone at the expense of putting more
sensitivities are for that National or Local context and to oil into the water column. Once oiled, cobble zones are
assign them an ESI ranking along the lines outlined likely to be difficult to clean and oil may leach back into
above. nearshore waters over a long period of time to produce a
Quantified net environmental benefit analysis chronic oil pollution problem for the region. Reducing
If the response techniques employed were all the volume of oil stranding on cobble zones, (for
potentially equally successful at preventing impacts on example, by using dispersants the shoreline oiling was
the resources identified, then the ESI ranking could be reduced by 5-11 fold in the Sea Empress) can allow
used directly to determine the protection priority. natural clean up processes to remove the oil rapidly
However, not all response measures are will be equally from the shoreline or allow in situ techniques such as
successful. Thus, account must be taken of the degree to surf washing and bioremediation to be considered.
which the response option will change the partitioning Thus, an estimate of the net oil budget at the time of
of the oil and hence change the degree of environmental the spill taking into account the potential effectiveness
impact. The calculation of the potential net oil budget of the response might give a higher protection priority
allows a method of quantifying the potential net to an ESI 6 than and ESI 9. At another time of year,
where for example where natural clean up over a winter (eg. Skrinkle Have, SEEEC 1998) stranded oil
season is expected to remove oil stranding on an contaminated nearshore sediments.
exposed cobble beach, the decision might be taken to ESI 6: Reduced volume of oil stranding on the cobble beaches
attempt to protect the ESI 9 even though the chances of of Carmarthen Bay allowing a combination of natural
success are low. attenuation and in situ techniques to be used.
The importance of quantified net environmental ESI 5: Carmarthen Bay nearshore waters, oil concentration in
benefit analysis, even if some of the data is semi- mussels (key indicator species of nearshore oil
quantitative, is that it incorporates estimates of the concentrations) were shown to be highest in those areas
success of the response methods into decision making. of greatest shoreline oiling (Law et al. 1998) and
Data should be collected during the response therefore nearshore waters would have benefited from
operation itself using the methods outlined in this paper, the reduced volume stranding on the shoreline.
firstly, to determine whether the assumptions made in ESI 3: Reduced oiling of amenity beaches
the quantified NEBA are holding so that the response ESI 2: Reduced oiling of exposed wavecut platforms
operation can be modified if necessary. Secondly, to ESI 1: Reduced oiling of exposed headlands and the offshore
learn from spill experience to optimise response sea surface
strategies and techniques for future spills. Case histories Detrimental effects observed by increasing the
which are relevant to the area and the response methods volume of oil in the water column by 2-8 fold.
being assessed are key in using NEBA in the ESI 7 Nearshore biota in the sediment (esp.
contingency planning process. The following 3 sections Amphipods) was affected by dispersed oil (SEEEC,
outline the lessons learnt on strategic, tactical and 1998).
operational NEBA from monitoring carried out at real ESIs relatively unaffected by the response operation.
spill incidents. ESI 10 Saltmarshes inside Milford Haven affected by the HFO
Strategic net environmental benefit analysis released inside the mouth of the Haven when the Sea
The physical removal of oil from the water surface Empress was brought into port.
decreases overall damage, by reducing the threat to ESI 9 Commercial fisheries were not thought to be affected by
birds, mammals and shorelines. Dispersants may break the increased volume of oil dispersing into the water
up a slick and so reduce the threat to birds, mammals column (SEEEC 1998, Law et al 1998)
and shorelines; but the dispersed oil enters the water ESI 8 Sheltered rocky shores inside Milford Haven -as for
column. In deep open waters it is rapidly diluted, but saltmarshes.
there is often concern about the potential effects in ESI 2 Potential increase in exposure offshore
shallow waters where it may increase the threat to sediments was not observed by the sediment sampling
organisms such as fish larvae. Unless the shoreline operation
consists of easily accessible firm sand, strategic Net Tactical net environmental benefit analysis
Environmental Benefit Analysis is likely to point The aim of a tactical net environmental benefit
towards response operations which minimise the impact analysis at the contingency planning stage or an actual
to nearshore and shoreline components. response, in for example an enclosed bay, is to
An informative case history is the offshore dispersant- determine which nearshore/ shoreline resources should
spraying response to the Sea Empress spill off be protected and which can be used as sacrificial areas.
southwest Wales, which led to a particularly large Examples of the decisions to be made are nearshore use
change in oil partitioning. As discussed in the section on of dispersants and deflection booming. These response
calculating a net oil budget, it is calculated that the options can be difficult to execute and we have not been
volume impacting the nearshore and shoreline resources able to identify in the literature documented cases where
was reduced by 5-11 fold, while the volume partitioned tactical response options have resulted in a clear
into the water column was increased by 2-8 fold. The quantified net environmental benefit, though the
advantages in terms of reduced oiling, and possible benefits of protective booming of harbours and estuaries
disadvantages are summarised below as far as possible. may be obvious qualitatively. With respect to the
It is concluded that the advantages outweighed the question of nearshore dispersant use versus allowing the
disadvantages (SEEEC, 1998). oil to strand, controlled field trials illustrate the potential
Benefits of reducing the volume of oil impacting trade-offs to be made.
nearshore and shoreline exposure by 5-11 fold. Quantification of the net environmental benefit of a
ESI 10: Seabird populations, Scoters in particular, nearshore response will be based around a detailed
were protected by reduction of the volume of oil on the monitoring approach encompassing both oil and
sea surface. ecological assessments, and including nearshore
ESI 9: Sheltered tidal flats in the 3 rivers region of subtidal areas as well as the shoreline. The best
Carmarthen Bay which could have been impacted had quantified information to date for this level of NEBA
an increased volume of oil stranded resulted in comes from the field experiments comparing effects of
remobilisation of oil before clean up untreated oil with effects of oil that had been completely
ESI 9: The key tourist beaches of Tenby and Saundersfoot dispersed (i.e. in the initial stages of the experiment the
could be opened by Easter 1996. If the volume of oil treatment had altered the mass balance to the extent that
that had to be removed from these beaches had been 5- all the oil was in the water column).
11 times greater, it is unlikely that the storage and The Searsport (Maine) experiment (Page et al. 1983)
transport capacity of the shoreline response would have addressed the question of whether dispersant use in
been able to cope adequately. nearshore water could have a benefit in reducing oiling
ESI 7: Following from the previous point on the speed of oil of sedimentary shores and concomitant biological
removal if the volume of stranded oil is increased by 5- effects. Experimental plots were analysed chemically
11 fold, where shoreline oil was not removed rapidly and biologically for one year before treatment and one
year after. Hydrocarbons were measured in water,
intertidal sediments and infauna (bivalves), an infauna nearshore dispersant use) has changed the potential
community structure was assessed. Petroleum retention stranding profile.
by intertidal sediments and bivalves measured one week Operational net environmental benefit
postspill was less in areas exposed to dispersed oil than Once oil is stranded, the natural cleaning timescale
in areas exposed to untreated oil. Subtidal sediments did may be prolonged. Selected case histories covering a
not show a significant increment in dispersant-treated range of shore conditions are summarised by Baker
oil except for a short-term (1 week) increase at the (1997). In summary, observed timescales range from a
station nearest the dispersed oil release. There was no few days (some case histories for very exposed rocky
evidence that exposure to dispersed oil caused adverse shores) to more than 20 years (some case histories for
effects on infaunal community structure. There was very sheltered marshes). Given that in extreme cases
clear evidence that exposure to untreated oil did thick deposits of oil may remain after abut 20 years, it is
adversely affect community structure - some species reasonable to extrapolate that natural cleaning may take
were reduced or eliminated, and there were blooms of several decades in some sheltered environments.
opportunistic polychaetes. On the shoreline in the short term, the physical
The BIOS experiment (Sergy and Blackall 1987) removal of bulk oil, or ‘free’ oil (e.g. by washing) can
considered an Arctic nearshore and intertidal area on also decrease damage, by removing the threat to various
Baffin Island. The untreated oil was released in a types of organism, by reducing the likelihood of oil
boomed test area and allowed to beach. The dispersed floating off and threatening other areas, and by averting
oil cloud was created by discharging an the formation of asphalt pavements. However, shore
oil/dispersant/seawater mixture through a subtidal clean-up can damage organisms such as mussels,
diffuser nearshore. ‘Despite unusually severe conditions winkles and barnacles. They may be trampled during
of exposure to chemically dispersed oil, the impact on a and type of clean-up activity, or ‘cooked’ during hot
typical shallow-water benthic habitat was not of major water/steam treatment.
ecological consequence’. Sub-tidal organisms The NEBA approach to shoreline cleanup developed
accumulated dispersed oil rapidly but most of this was following the Exxon Valdez spill with respect to the
degraded or depurated within one year. Untreated oil problem of subsurface oil, involved a NEBA comparing
residues remained on the beach after two years, with the benefits of excavation and rock washing with the
some transport to adjacent subtidal sediments. benefits of natural cleanup augmented by less
The TROPICS experiment (Ballou et al. 1989) aggressive methods (e.g. NOAA 1990). This study drew
considered shallow nearshore waters with mangroves, upon SCAT data which showed, for example, that there
corals and seagrasses. Experimental plots were analysed was evidence of substantial reduction of oil (up to 90%)
chemically and biologically before, during and after in the top 20 cm of shoreline during the winter of
treatment. Sediment data 3 days to 20 months post-spill 1989/90, resulting from rough winter weather.
showed more oil in the untreated oiled mangrove area There are many reports of good recovery within one
than the dispersant treated. Untreated oil had severe or two years for the more exposed (mainly rocky)
long-term effects on the intertidal component of the shores, regardless of whether there was cleanup
study site (mangroves and associated fauna) and minor treatment (Baker, 1997). With sheltered shores within
effects on subtidal environments (limited to a slight one or two years of oiling, there are more reports of
decline in coral abundance). Dispersant treatment ‘recovery started’ than reports of ‘recovered’. In
greatly reduced effects in the intertidal zone, but there extreme cases, the recovery times may be much longer
were relatively severe long-term effects on seagrass and for sheltered shores than for exposed shores. The
coral environments. longest recovery times are not consistently related to
Two types of scenario in which significant long-term whether or not cleanup treatment was carried out.
damage to reef organisms has occurred as a result of Recovery times were long (eight or more years) for
untreated oil (as evidenced mainly by the Panama three particularly aggressive cases of shore cleaning (the
Refinery spill of 1986) are described by IPIECA (1992). Torrey Canyon, the Amoco Cadiz, and the Esso
The first is when oil is stranded on reef flats during very Bernicia) and two extreme cases of oil retention (the
low tides, the potential response option is dispersant Florida and the Metula). Further information on long
treatment which could be used to limit the volume of oil term effects of aggressive clean up comes from studies
stranding. The second is when shore sediments absorb following the Exxon Valdez spill (Houghton et al. 1997).
oil and then slowly release it, constituting a chronic Salt marshes oiled by the Metula and the Amoco
source of pollution for reefs in the shallow nearshore Cadiz spills provide an interesting comparison of
waters. In this instance, the response option is extreme oiling of relevance to NEBA. In the former
dispersing oil into sensitive areas which results in an case, a marsh with untreated thick oil deposits
increase in acute exposure but reduces the chronic (commonly 5 or more cm) retained oil and showed little
exposure, potentially allowing a faster overall recovery after 20+ years, in the latter case aggressive
recolonisation and recovery time. cleanup of thickly oiled marsh resulted in a prolonged
It is a recommendation of this paper that the SCAT- recovery time of 20+ years. What would happen if it
type approach described in the previous section be were necessary to deal with a new case of very thick oil
considered an integral part of tactical decision making. deposits on a saltmarsh? Because neither natural
Where time allows, this will involve pre-oiling surveys cleanup nor aggressive treatment provides the best
of biota in the sensitive areas identified by the environmental benefit, it seems that the greatest benefit
sensitivity maps. This should be followed by a full would result from a moderate level of cleanup -
survey detailing the area of shoreline initially impacted sufficient to remove most of the bulk oil, but gentle
by surface oil and an on-site estimate of the degree to enough to leave the surface of the shore intact and to
which the response operation (deflection booming or avoid churning oil into underlying sediments.
An important point: most spills do not present Metula spill is the best documented case extreme where
circumstances as extreme as these, and ‘typical’ a moderate level of cleanup would have resulted in a net
recovery times for lightly to moderately oiled rocky environmental benefit.
shores and saltmarshes are 1-5 years, with or without Will socio-economic issues dictate cleanup, even
cleanup (Sell et al. 1995). It is concluded from these though it is not necessary from an ecological point of
studies that for most spills, those that do not reach the view? If so, decision making will be driven by
extremes of either oiling intensity or aggressive cleanup, sociological and political measures of net environmental
shore cleaning has little effect on longer-term recovery benefit such as economic value and measures of
rates of shore organisms. This is a very important perception rather than the time for ecological recovery.
finding for shoreline NEBA, because it means that the Conclusions
key questions about whether the shore should be The calculation of the potential net oil budget allows a
cleaned are: method of quantifying the potential net environmental
Will it otherwise act as a reservoir of oil that will, at impacts of different courses of action. Choosing an
some time or another, move elsewhere and damage appropriate response strategy on the basis of this
resources other than shore biota ? process is what is defined in this paper as quantified
Should the shore be classified as an extreme case NEBA.
which does justify cleanup for ecological reasons ? The

At the strategic level where mechanical recovery and the extremes of oiling intensity or aggressive cleanup
dispersant options allow a change in the partitioning of there appears to be little ecological benefit in shoreline
oil between the sea surface, nearshore and shoreline, sea cleanup of the immediately affected shoreline.
bed and water column the possibility of collecting the Therefore, operational NEBA should be aimed at
type of information required for quantitative NEBA has answering 3 key questions: Firstly, is the oil likely to
been demonstrated at the Sea Empress incident. This remobilise and affect other resources. Secondly, is the
paper suggests the methods and the level of information oiling intensity defined as extreme to justify clean up on
that should be collected for strategic NEBA at future ecological grounds. Thirdly, are there socio-economic
spills. issues which over-ride ecological issues ?
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