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Mata Kuliah : Children Literature Tanggal :

Program Studi : Sastra Inggris Waktu :-
Kode Kelas : Jam ke :
Dosen : Christy Tisnawijaya, S.S., M.Hum. Shift :

 Read the story “Tyrone the Horrible” by Hans Wilhelm.
 Write an essay by answering the questions below:
1. Summarize the story into five steps of plot: exposition-rising action-climax-falling action-
2. Mention the characteristics of Boland and Tyrone: physical appearances, attitudes, and
personalities (quote the verbal text: direct characterizations or indirect characterizations).
3. What is the social issue represented by the story? Explain by describing the visual text and
examining the verbal text. (You can insert two pictures to be set as examples).
 You must answer all of the questions in essay form consists of 500 words (10% less or 10%
 Use the RACE technique (Restate-Answer-Cite-Explain).
 Do not plagiarize.
 Use to check your grammatical errors.
 Your essay should be in this format:
Font: Times New Roman Alignment: Justified Paper Size: A4
Size: 12 Line Space: 1,5 Margins: Normal
 The essay must be saved as pdf with your COMPLETE NAME as the file name and submitted
to the Final Test Folder on the e-learning web.

Criteria for Marking

Criteria Poor Good Excellent
Answer: The questions are The questions All of the questions
a. Do you answer all of answered but are answered, are answered and
the questions? there is no there is evidence supported by
b. Do you have evidence evidence. for each answer evidence, in form
(a picture or an but the implied of pictures or
essential passage) for meanings are passages; the
each answer? not revealed. evidence is well
c. Do you describe the explained in terms
inserted pictures? of visual or verbal
d. Do you explain the text.
implied meaning of the
quoted passages?
Evidence: There is neither a There is a Each answer is
a. Do you have evidence picture nor a picture and a supported by a
(a picture or a passage) passage as passage as picture and an
for each answer? evidence for each evidence for essential passage.
answer. some answers.
Overall presentation: The answers are The answers are The answers are in
a. Do you answer all the not in an essay in essay form, essay form, the
questions in essay form form, the format but the format is format is exactly
(approximately 500 is not the same as not the same as the same as the
words)? the requirements, the requirements requirements and
b. Is your essay according there are many or there are the grammar is
to the required format? grammatical some well used.
c. Is your writing errors. grammatical
grammatically correct? errors.

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