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University of Saskatchewan

School of Rehabilitation Science


Course Title: Case Integration I

Course Number (with credit units): PTH 851.1

Term/Module/Year: Module I/2018

Instructor Information:
Primary Course Instructor: Robyn Chura

Tutors: Peggy Proctor, Arlis McQuarrie, Robyn Chura, Rhonda Loeppky, Ina van der Spuy, Cathy
Arnold, Carrie Stavness

Location of Course: See room schedule on page 5.

Time/Day of Class: Nov 26th to Nov 29th 8:30 – 4:30 except for Nov 29th 8:30 – 12:30 (as per exam
schedule – refer to schedule on last page).

Course Description:
Case Integration is the first of a three-course series that emphasizes critical thinking, clinical decision-
making and problem solving. Module 1 content is synthesized; and foundational and theoretical
knowledge, professional and lifespan issues, and evidence-based practice are explored and integrated
through case analysis.

Overview: Case Integration is based on the principles of problem based learning to encourage active
learning skills to develop a treatment plan for a case scenario. Students will be guided by
facilitators in this learning process with the intent to apply knowledge gained and seek out
new information in order to solve problems encountered.

Course Objectives/Learning Outcomes:

1. Apply knowledge of lifespan issues, pharmacology, nutrition and the foundations of movement and
therapeutic intervention to clinical reasoning and intervention planning
2. Given a case scenario, develop intervention goals and plans that address the uniqueness of the
individual, including determinants of health
3. Differentiate intervention plans based on the stages of soft tissue healing
4. Formulate evidence-based physical therapy treatment goals and plans for individuals with
impairments, activity limitations and participation restriction using content learned in module 1.
5. Integrate professional issues that arise related to cases studied
6. Demonstrate ability to work constructively in a group setting
7. Demonstrate respect, ability to communicate and appropriate application of therapeutic interventions
in a simulated patient experience

Case Integration I Course Outline – 2018 1

Detailed Course Schedule (topics/dates): See overall schedule below.

Evaluation Information:
 Methods:
1) Participation and Attendance: All students will conduct and submit peer evaluations for their group
and will hand these at the end of the week. Attendance is included within this evaluation and students are
expected to attend all contact hour/group meeting times. The overall group dynamics and functioning will
be rated by the tutor and will be included in the feedback for the assignment but not included in the final

2) Case analysis:
Part 1: Presentation of Case 1 and Case 2 (simulated patients) followed by short independent
written exam/self-reflection
Part 2: Written Plan of Cases 1 and 2

Grading Scheme:
Participation: 15% (individual mark)
Case: Part 1: 30 % (15% SP experience-group; 15% written exam/self-reflection-
individual mark)
Part 2: 40 % (written hand in-group)

Deadlines: Refer to overall schedule

Examinations must be written on the date scheduled. If a student is unable to write an exam through no
fault of his or her own for medical or other valid reasons, documentation must be provided to the
instructor and an opportunity to write the missed exam may be given. Students are encouraged to review
all School of Physical Therapy examination policies and procedures, see the following link:

Submitting Assignments:
 Group assignments, peer evaluations must be handed in to instructor by 12 noon on the last day of
the course.

Criteria that must be met to Pass:

All evaluation components must be submitted and passed with at least a grade of 60% or higher to
successfully complete this course.

Student Feedback:
Students will be asked to complete the Module 1 evaluation on-line. Specific Case Integration I feedback
and self-reflection is embedded within the final written exam.


Case Integration I Course Outline – 2018 2

Students are expected to utilize resources from Module 1 (course notes and textbooks) and seek out other
resources as indicated.

Integrity Defined
The University of Saskatchewan is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty.
Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the
policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with
the provisions of the Student Conduct & Appeals section of the University Secretary Website and avoid
any behavior that could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts
and/or participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension
or expulsion from the University.

All students should read and be familiar with the Regulations on Academic Student Misconduct
( as well as the
Standard of Student Conduct in Non-Academic Matters and Procedures for Resolution of Complaints and
Appeals (

For more information on what academic integrity means for students see the Student Contact and Appeals
section of the University Secretary Website at

Examinations with Access and Equity Services (AES)

Students who have disabilities (learning, medical, physical, or mental health) are strongly encouraged to
register with Access and Equity Services (AES) if they have not already done so. Students who suspect
they may have disabilities should contact AES for advice and referrals. In order to access AES programs
and supports, students must follow AES policy and procedures. For more information, check, or contact AES at 966-7273 or

Group Assignment:
Beside your name is a letter. You will be responsible to bring course notes/key textbooks that correspond to the
letter, so that your group will be able to easily access the information. It would be helpful if one person in your
group could bring in a laptop computer.

A: PP1/CP1
B: Foundations 1
C: Foundations 2
D: Evidence Based Practice 1
E: Lifespan 1
F: Check with group – any other needs, i.e.

Case Integration I Course Outline – 2018 3

Case Integration I Course Outline – 2018 4
Module 1c
PTH 851 Case Integration I – Schedule 2018 (Class of 2020)
Grou (Rooms in yellow/green
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
p booked)
Baril, Chantelle Beaulieu, Elliott, Molly Collins, Kyla
  B DeCorby, Madison Donald, Alex Gonzalez, Roxana Falaye, Christa
  C Harrison, Elise Gilroy, Kaili Hey, Nigel Guenter, Luke
  Hedayat, Lila Hesselberg, Mercereau, Devan Nickel, Kaia
  E Oredegbe, Abdullah Harrison, John Santoro, Regan Sauter, Travis
F Unger, Ashton Vandersteen, Ty Verma, Neelan Wharton, Tiffany
Group 5 Group 6 Group 7
  A Cowan, Keri-Ann Korte, Morgan Mark, Taryn
  B Flaherty, Craig Pachal, Brooke Ritchie, Katrin
  C George, Jillene Thompson, Kate Tulloch, Quinn
  D Illerbrun, Samantha Frantz, Jaedon Kiefer, Stephane
  E Oberg, Graeme Jahnke, Daniel Borrowman, Devon
  F Schnell, Cara Cowell, Wyatt Stan, Josie
Monday, November 26 Tuesday November 27 Wednesday November 28 Thursday November 29
8:30 8:30 to 9:00 8:30 to 9:00 Large Group Room 8:30 to 4:30 Small Group Sessions 8:00 to 12:30
Health Sciences PTH 3450 & 3480 Introduction to SC experience. Health Sciences PTH 3430 & 3450 &
Orientation to Case Integration 1 Health Sciences PTH 3450 (Rooms booked 8:30 – 4:30) 3480 (all booked at present) OSCE – at
the SRS
9:15 9:15 to 11:00 Tutors & students find 9:00 to 10:00 Small group sessions Health Sciences Library Rooms
rooms Group Study Rooms: 2420, 2421, Room HLTH 3450 from 830 – 1230;
(Rooms booked 8:30 – 4:30) 2422, 2424, 2425, 2426 & 2427 For final exam immediately following SP
(Rooms booked 9:30 – 4:30) Health Sciences Library Rooms
Health Sciences Library Rooms Group Study Rooms: 2420, 2421, 2422, Session with Simulated Clients
Group Study Rooms: 2420, 2421, 2422, 2424, 2425, 2426 & 2427 Each group has 15 min. with each case
2424, 2425, 2426 & 2427  
Develop problem list, goals, treatment Evaluated by Rhonda and Audrey
plan. 5 min. of feedback given following 15 min

Case Integration I Course Outline – 2018 5

10:00 Small group sessions with tutors. Case 9:30 to 12:00 treatment
1 given. Additional info at 10:30. Tutors join groups. Introduce Case 2 and
initiate same process. Consider and
incorporate new learning issues. Hand in Cases before 12:00 to Robyn’s
11:00 11:00 to 1:00
Independent research 11:00 – 2:15
12:00-2:45 for student use as needed. Heath Sciences PTH 3430
Health Sciences PTH 3430

1:00 1:00 to 4:30 Independent Small Group Sessions:

Small group work Develop Problem List, Goals,
Treatment Plan and consider
1:30 1:30 to 4:30 Small group work differences Case 1 and Case 2


Case Integration I Course Outline – 2018 6

Schedule for Simulated Client Experience and Written Exam: Room 3430 SP; 3450 written exam

Thurs Nov 30 Standardized Client Case #1 Standardized Client Case #2

9:00 – 9:20 Group 1 Group 2
9:20 – 9:40 Group 2 Group 1
9:40 – 10:15 Groups 1 and 2 written exam Room 3450
9:40 – 10:00 Group 3 Group 4
10:00 – 10:20 Group 4 Group 3
10:20 – 10:55 Groups 3 and 4 written exam Room 3450
10:20 – 10:40 XXXX Group 5
10:40 – 11:00 Group 5 XXXX
11:00 – 11:35 Group 5 written exam room 3450
11:00 – 11:20 Group 6 Group 7
11:20 – 11:40 Group 7 Group 6
11:40 – 12:15 Groups 6 and 7 written exam room 3450

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