Avoiding The Dangers of Superficial Forgiveness: by Ken Ellis

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After The Fall . . . . . . . . . 2 SUPERFICIAL
Avoiding Common
Pitfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
by Ken Ellis
Consider Past
Mistakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Keep Our
Goal In View . . . . . . . . . . 8

hen we learn of a
Superficial Apologies moral scandal among
And Forgiveness . . . . . . 10 ourselves, it’s easy to
The Danger Of add our own mistakes to an
Superficiality . . . . . . . . . 11
The Danger Of already difficult problem.
Denial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Sometimes we condemn
Following A Biblical fallen brothers or sisters
Model Of Forgiveness . 18 and try to dodge the shared
The Challenge Of embarrassment by pushing
Biblical Forgiveness . . . . 19 them out of our lives. On other
The Challenge occasions we move too quickly
To Understand
The Scriptures . . . . . . . 20 through issues of apology,
forgiveness, and restoration.
Starting Points For
Biblical Forgiveness. . . . 24 In the following pages,
Ken Ellis, a professional
The Process
Of Restoration . . . . . . . 28 counselor and Christian
layman, describes a process
Why Does Genuine
Restoration Matter to avoid the pitfalls that can
So Much?. . . . . . . . . . . . 31 make a bad situation worse.
Martin R. De Haan II
Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo: ©Ralph R. Clevenger/Corbis
Scripture taken from the New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright©1973, 1978, 1984
by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan.All rights reserved.
© 2004 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA

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AFTER THE FALL Life off the playing
field is also marked by

n Super Bowl III, the unexpected failure. In
Baltimore Colts were many cases the results
heavily favored over are far more serious than
what the “experts” viewed losing an athletic contest.
as the outmanned and The news media remind
outgunned New York Jets. us almost daily of public
On the field, however, scandals not only in
the game still had to be government and business
played. Despite all the hype but also in the church. The
about the superior strengths reports are not limited to
of the Colts, the Jets any one denomination.
prevailed, 16-7. To this day They occur broadly across
it remains one of the most Christendom and remind us
stunning upsets in National that followers of Christ are
Football League history. not immune to personal
In the 30 plus years failure, bad judgment, or a
since Super Bowl III, betrayal of public trust. Just
analysts have scrutinized as important, the stories
the game and come away that surface in the public
with an almost universal press are only the tip of the
evaluation of the upset— iceberg. Followers of Christ
the Colts overestimated are as vulnerable as anyone
themselves and else to a wide spectrum of
underestimated their mental, emotional, and
opponent. They lost behavioral problems.
because they thought they Cover-up and denial
were invincible. They failed do not make a problem go
because they thought they away. Problems that are
were beyond failure. swept under the rug only
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multiply the eventual others down with them.
damage. Avoidance or Those who have looked
minimization of the facts to them for guidance often
only assures that when the stumble and lose their own
problem does surface, more way. They harm everyone
people will be hurt and in their circle of influence.
They compromise the
credibility of the ministry
Avoidance or they represent. And worst
minimization of the of all, they damage the
reputation of Christ
facts only assures Himself.
that when the
problem does AVOIDING
surface, more COMMON
people will be hurt. PITFALLS

eople in Alcoholics
Anonymous have a
disillusioned by behavior saying: “Insanity is
that has been allowed to go doing the same thing over
on without timely response. and over and expecting
When spiritual leaders different results.” We can
or members of their be our own worst enemy if
congregation are guilty we keep repeating mistakes
of financial misconduct, of the past.
marital unfaithfulness, When it comes to
dishonesty, or cover-up, apologies and forgiveness,
they have an influence that there is a danger of walking
goes far beyond themselves. well-worn paths into some
When they fall, they bring common pitfalls. For
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example, we can patterns of past mistakes,
misunderstand what we need to be more
constitutes genuine thoughtful about where
repentance and forgiveness. we have been and where
This results in conflicts we are going.
being smoothed over but
not really resolved. Or CONSIDER
in a desire to “forgive PAST MISTAKES
and forget,” we can fail to The following actual cases
lovingly follow through with will illustrate not only the
scope of the problem but
the complexity that needs
If we are to break to be weighed and worked
the patterns of through in matters of
serious spiritual failure. The
past mistakes, we names and circumstances
need to be more have been changed to
thoughtful about protect confidentiality.
The Workaholic.
where we have Hank grew up on a dairy
been and where farm with a stern and
we are going. demanding father. His dad
woke him up at 4:30 every
morning to do milking
necessary accountability. before leaving for school.
This can result in the There was no time after
offenses being repeated school to play or visit with
over and over—and the friends. The cows had to be
pain and disappointment milked again, then it was
being repeated with them. time for supper, homework,
If we are to break the and back to bed.
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Eventually he married suicidal despair. So they
a beautiful woman named had to leave the field.
Mary whom he met at Bible Back home, Mary
college. She was willing was prescribed medication
to support him in his desire and counseling. Hank was
to become a missionary. confronted by the mission
After being assigned to director for not paying
work for an international more attention to Mary’s
mission, Hank became needs, so he quickly asked
known for his fortitude, for Mary’s forgiveness and
persistence, and long agreed that he would spend
hours. His personal drive more time with her and the
kept him on whatever task children.
was needed until it was It didn’t take long,
accomplished. however, before he was
Hank’s co-workers and busy traveling around the
mission administrators country doing important
saw his drive as a highly work for the mission and
valued strength. Invisible becoming known as a
to him, though, was Mary’s successful recruiter at
growing loneliness and Christian colleges.
dissatisfaction. She would Mary seemed to respond
plead with him to limit his rapidly to medication
activities so he would have and counseling. But with
time for the family, but to essential work to be done
no avail. Her increasing back on the field, Mary
resentment and depression terminated her counseling
only made Hank want to early. She and Hank began
stay away longer. She preparing for their return to
finally became emotionally their country of service.
broken to the point of Not surprisingly, it was
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just a matter of months The Gambler. Bernie
before Mary’s depression was considered by everyone
returned. One day, she took to be the most visionary
an overdose of medication man on the church board.
and villagers found her They knew that before
alone and unconscious. coming to Christ he had
Hank’s case does struggled with a gambling
not include the usual addiction that had resulted
sins of sexual indiscretion, in bankruptcy and the loss
substance abuse, physical of his business. After his
abuse, or other dramatic conversion, some Christian
moral failures. Mary men had helped him
undoubtedly had issues to get started again in a
of her own, but the small business, which
problems this couple was now flourishing.
had are as deeply rooted Over time, Bernie was
in Hank’s spiritual and given access to church
emotional state as they may funds because he had
be in hers. Until he is called business contacts who
to a more sincere form of promised a high rate of
repentance, he is bound return on the church’s
to fail over and over again. money. What Bernie didn’t
Hank needs to thoroughly tell them is that he had
examine and change his agreed with a broker friend
workaholic lifestyle. He also to invest the money in
needs to see the unresolved some high-risk stock-market
pain from his own personal trades. He convinced
history and make a deeper himself that this was going
commitment to the to be the Lord’s way of
relational needs of his enabling the church to take
family. on a new building project.
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Bernie lost half the worse as he engaged in
church’s money one day online casino betting and
on a bad decision and an covert visits to the race
unexpected downturn of track. He eventually lost his
the market. To cover it up, business, his home, and
he made an even worse almost his marriage.
decision the next day that The Abuser. Sara
completely destroyed all had a voice that was clear
the monetary assets the and sincere. When she
church had. sang, it was as if angels
were hovering over the
sanctuary. But no one
The light knew that her marriage
was unraveling and her
approach to children (ages 8, 5, and 2)
forgiveness often were afraid of her. Her
fails to resolve temper tantrums would
rage on into the night over
genuine conflict. such small matters as her
8-year-old son playing video
games after homework
Bernie was tearfully rather than practicing the
apologetic when his actions piano. When a teacher
were uncovered. The elders reported bruises on the
of the church were deeply boy’s arm to Protective
troubled by the loss. But Services, Sara claimed
in a spirit of forgiveness, they were from playful
they made no change in roughhousing on the floor.
his duties. Unfortunately, Besides, what right did
Bernie’s gambling addiction these nonbelievers have
re-emerged and became to question her duties as
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a Christian mother? The KEEP OUR
pastor didn’t believe that GOAL IN VIEW
Sara would ever abuse her The process of restoration
children, so he backed her referred to in this booklet
up. Two weeks later, the is rooted in the scriptural
police filed charges when command found in
the 2-year-old was brought Galatians 6:1.
to the hospital unconscious. Brothers, if someone
Little Tory never woke up is caught in a sin, you
from the violent shaking he who are spiritual should
had received after soiling restore him gently. But
his pants. watch yourself, or you
In each of these three also may be tempted.
case studies, the stakes are We will be
high. For their own sakes, defining restoration
and for the well-being of in the following pages
those who depended on as “a process whereby
them, Hank, Bernie, and mature followers of
Sara needed more than a Christ help those who
slap on the wrist. They have betrayed the trust
also needed more than of their immediate
loving words or bitter family, church, or local
condemnation. With community to understand
an eye on the dangers and acknowledge their
of superficial apologies wrongs and the damage
and forgiveness, we’ll take they have done to
a look now at the kind of themselves and to others,
restoration process that resulting in such an inner
gives such fallen brothers change that they will be
and sisters the best reconciled to God and to
opportunity for real change. those they have harmed.”
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If those who are principles of Christ
offered such help refuse to through an appropriate
cooperate with this process, and carefully addressed
the church may need to process of accountability
formally disassociate from and restoration. Holding
them until they show an them responsible for their
honest change of heart actions and for the harm
(1 Cor. 5:11). Only when
the wrongdoer agrees to
participate can the process The process
of loving restoration begin. of restoration
A Process
Of Support And deserves more
Accountability than a quick fix.
Needs To Begin.
Regardless of whether
fallen persons are ever they have done to others
again considered for is what they need. Taking
leadership or significant their wrongs seriously will
responsibility, they remain also help those who have
members of Christ’s family been hurt by their actions.
and need to be given the If the process of correction
same consideration we and restoration is going
would want for ourselves to be effective, the wrongs
in a similar situation. done need to be faced
They need to be loved and honestly by both the
respected through a difficult offending person and
period of correction, growth, those affected.
and change. As they once Mature People
led others, they now must Need To Be Enlisted.
be led in the spirit and Those who are called on to
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help with correction and understand what it
restoration must be people means to be broken and
who can do so lovingly, humbled before God and
patiently, and firmly. They others will they be able
must know how to listen to help a fallen brother or
with care and discernment sister through the painful
to both victims and process of meaningful
offenders. They need to be confession, forgiveness,
people who want to help and restoration.
rather than condemn. In With the need for
their own lives, they need restoration in view, and the
to have been humbled by awareness that the process
their own weakness and needs careful thought and
failings. Without such follow-through, let’s take a
maturity, those who try closer look.
to intervene and restore
can end up doing more
harm than good.
To bring a helpful
attitude to the process, they FORGIVENESS

must be people who have n theological circles, the
shown a pattern of relying subjects of confession
on the Spirit of God to do and forgiveness have
through them what they been studied for many
cannot do for themselves. years. But more recently,
They must be people who the secular world of
have learned to trust counseling has awakened
God for daily guidance, to the therapeutic use of
empowerment, and the forgiveness as a technique
motivation to truly love of treatment. Members
others. Only if they of the mental-health
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community have been In many ways,
discovering the benefits the secular community
of meaningful apology, was right. The casual
forgiveness, and restoration. repentance and forgiveness
All too often, however, that is often encouraged in
both secular and religious religious circles is more
communities have made likely to be a part of the
the same mistake of moving problem than a part of the
too quickly to the benefits solution. What passes for
of forgiveness. forgiveness (or an apology)
is too often marked by
THE DANGER OF superficiality. Instead
SUPERFICIALITY of honestly dealing with
In the past, many secular
counselors viewed the
spiritual practice of apology
and forgiveness as a
What passes for
simplistic and overly- forgiveness (or an
religious ritual that should apology) is too
be avoided in the process
of helping people to deal
often marked by
realistically with their superficiality.
problems. Such practitioners
believed that the act of
forgiving others was really the roots of the problem
a psychological defense and the resulting damage,
to deny anger. Many the parties often use a
counselors believed that shallow understanding of
this defense kept underlying what the Bible says about
rage from ever being fully forgiveness to smooth over
expressed or resolved. their conflict.
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THE DANGER apologize or to forgive, each
OF DENIAL of these six areas of denial
There are at least six areas should still be addressed.
of denial that can occur When God forgives,
when someone wrongly He addresses truth in
wounds another person or each of the following:
persons. The counselor or 1. Denial Of
any other caregiver would Reality. When a wrong
do well to keep these areas has occurred, what actually
in mind for two reasons: happened? Like a news
• Denial can occur in reporter, we should honestly
the wrongdoer, the and completely investigate
person or persons the who, what, when,
wronged, or both. where, why, and how. When
• Denial can undercut children are confronted with
the sincerity and a wrong, all too quickly they
meaningfulness of try to get away with such
either the apology or the excuses as, “It didn’t
forgiveness by trying to happen,” or “It didn’t
smooth over the reality happen that way,” even
of what happened. though it did! Sometimes
If both parties are even when we are the ones
willingly seeking a wronged, we don’t admit
genuine reconciliation, to ourselves that it has
the wrongdoer and the really happened. I’ve
person wronged could be heard women explain their
brought together at an bruises or black eyes as an
appropriate time in the accident rather than admit
healing process to address their husband really did
these issues in parallel. If viciously attack them.
only one party seeks to Forgiveness and
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apologies are not about involve some attitude of
brushing away the truth the heart that says, “I
and pretending something matter and you don’t.”
didn’t happen. God’s Word Jesus’ Golden Rule, “Do
commands each of us to to others as you would
“put off falsehood and have them do to you” (Lk.
speak truthfully to his 6:31), establishes the moral
neighbor” (Eph. 4:25). principle that others do
Even when it reveals our matter, just as we do.
guilt, the beginning point Too often we are
to restoration is truthfully quick to say, “I did it
admitting what actually because . . .” or “It wasn’t
occurred. so bad,” when we don’t
want to admit we are guilty
of violating an ethical or
Even when it moral standard—whether
reveals our guilt, it’s a scriptural principle,
a civil law, a personal
the beginning point agreement, or the innate
to restoration is sense of justice that God
truthfully admitting has written in our hearts.
Honesty demands that the
what actually wrongdoer admit he or she
occurred. did the wrong. The Bible
tells us that God expects
us to confess our sins to
2. Denial Of Him (1 Jn. 1:9). So a true
Wrongdoing. Most, but confession demands that
certainly not all, acts that we admit it was a choice
wound another physically, to do wrong, not something
emotionally, or spiritually that couldn’t be helped.
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Personal responsibility model of authority
is essential. Otherwise, when they were young,
continued repetition of divisiveness in an
the wrong is likely. organization, or any
3. Denial Of Pain. of many other ways that
When a wrong has been people can become both
done, both the wrongdoer externally and internally
and the person wronged wounded.
may try to minimize the In the end, one thing
hurt. “He’s just too is clear—the pain we are
sensitive,” “That didn’t seeking to ignore is
hurt that bad,” or some undeniably real.
personal insult such as, 4. Denial Of Anger.
“You big baby!” are often Religious people often use
ways of denying the this defense as a means of
physical or emotional pain maintaining their own sense
that the wounded person of moral superiority. “I’m
is really experiencing. not angry” is often a way
People get really good to hide the vengeful rage
at denying their pain when that is harbored inside the
they are children because person who is wronged.
they are often told by adults “You shouldn’t be so
to stop crying and grow up. angry!” is a not-so-subtle
Physical damage can often way of blaming the victim.
heal fairly quickly, but Anger is a God-given
people can be broken inside emotion that can energize
for a lifetime. They may not us to confront wrongdoers
even admit it to themselves, and seek justice. As
but they may have anxiety creatures made in His
or depression because of a image, we all have a
broken bond of trust, a poor reflection of His
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emotional character within The person who wounded
us. This includes anger. us is certainly deserving of
Paul’s admonition “Do punishment. But we must
not take revenge, my remember that in our stead,
friends, but leave room for God’s wrath was redirected
God’s wrath” (Rom. 12:19) toward the Innocent One,
assumes that we feel an the Lord Jesus Christ, in His
urge to do just that. He death on the cross.
later wrote, “In your anger Although we can rightly
do not sin” (Eph. 4:26). be angry, it is not our job as
believers to seek vengeance
(Rom. 12:19).
Anger is a 5. Denial Of Mutual
Humanity. In our rage
God-given emotion toward a person who hurt
that can energize us, or in our contempt of
us to confront ourselves when we were
the wrongdoer, there is
wrongdoers and often the assumption that
seek justice. someone in the conflict is
all good and the other is
all bad.
We must all face the Author and counselor
reality that when we are Lewis Smedes states that
wronged, we have a longing the first step in forgiving
to see the other person hurt another person is
to at least the same degree rediscovering the humanity
that we experienced our own of the one who hurt us.
pain. The truth is, however, This is not in any way
we all need and deserve minimizing or justifying
God’s anger and correction. the wrong done or the
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personal responsibility of the act of someone who
the wrongdoer. Nor does has done something terrible
it diminish the justice of to you, and see it from
getting what we deserve. that person’s point of
It does, however, reveal the view. It reminds us that
universal dependence we we are likewise capable of
all have on the mercy of mistreating others—and
God as well as the mercy sometimes do. We all need
of one another. None of us God’s (and one another’s)
can honestly claim to be forgiveness of our “debts,
completely innocent all as we also have forgiven
the time. our debtors” (Mt. 6:12).
This understanding
of our common human
frailty can help us practice Empathy is
empathy—the act of putting
ourselves in the place of the the most
other person. Empathy is essential part
essential for not only the of forgiveness—
healing of the person who
did the wrong but also for and the hardest.
the person who was
Christian researcher 6. Denial Of The
and counselor Everett Potential For Further
Worthington teaches Abuse. “Forgive and
that this empathy is the forget” is an attempt to
most essential part of create the false illusion that
forgiveness—and the once forgiveness is offered,
hardest. It is the everything is instantly okay
willingness to look at and should immediately go
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back to the way it their king. David did not stay
was. This only fosters around to accept this abuse.
continued destructive Instead, he escaped from
behavior patterns on the Saul’s men who had been
part of both the wrongdoer commanded to seize him.
and the one wronged. At that moment in time,
In Hebrews 12:4-11, we Saul continued to have the
read of the Lord’s discipline divine authority of kingship,
of the one He loves (v.6). but David did not submit
This is distinct from God’s to this potential wrongful
wrath and punishment. and dangerous abuse.
In healthy restoration, the Yet, neither did he
focus is not on past wrongs act out of revenge. He
but on future change. It repeatedly walked away
brings life, not death. from opportunities to
In 1 Samuel 19, there is kill Saul and his men
an interesting example of (1 Sam. 24:5-7; 26:9).
how David avoided future David’s self-preservation
abuse by King Saul. David by fleeing in the face of real
had been anointed to be the danger, while at the same
next king by the prophet time refusing to yield to the
Samuel, but he had not yet urge to retaliate, could be
been crowned. Saul, the a model for dealing with
current king, called David to abusive people in our own
his palace, saying that he relationships. David clearly
wanted David to soothe him saw the implications of
with the harp. But Saul’s real raising his hand against
desire was to slay David out God’s anointed, yet he
of jealousy because the refused to allow Saul
people were praising David to continue with his
more highly than they were destructive behavior.
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Deep and profound a way that begins to put our
change would have been feet on the road to healing
required of Saul before any and restoration.
reconciliation could have
been considered. But he
eventually died without
ever sincerely repenting BIBLICAL MODEL
of his wrongdoing. OF FORGIVENESS

character on a
television drama
Denial may had lived through
the anguish of the murder
appear to be the of his mother. Because of
path out of pain, this, a friend asked him if
but it is not. he approved of capital
punishment. The
question was put this
Unfortunately, each way: “Would you want
of these areas of denial the government to kill
carries with it two things: your mother’s murderer?”
(1) the inability of His response was calm, but
correcting wrong behavior, calculated. “No,” he said, “I
and (2) the probability of would want to do it myself.”
prolonging the acts of When we are wronged,
wrongdoing. Denial may our natural tendency is to
appear to be the path out desire revenge. We may call
of pain, but it is not. It is a it justice, but far too often
road blanketed in fog and we are really seeking
confusion. vengeance.
When we are wronged, That may be what
we must find a better way— we want, but it is not a
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solution that brings healing for a change of heart?
to our devastated hearts. • If we do withhold
How can we move out of forgiveness, how do
our human tendencies and we resolve the feelings
into Christlike responses? of anger and resentment
that remain?
THE CHALLENGE • If we don’t forgive, how
OF BIBLICAL can we keep from being
FORGIVENESS eaten up by our own
Up to this point, some may bitterness?
think we have relied more • And, at the very heart of
on psychological insight than the issue, what really is
Scripture. They could fairly biblical forgiveness
ask, “Wait a minute! You anyway?
talk about denial and other
issues, but didn’t Christ
clearly and directly teach
us to forgive those who sin
Didn’t Christ
against us? Didn’t He tell us clearly and directly
in Matthew 6:15 that if we teach us to
don’t forgive others, neither
would His Father in heaven
forgive those who
forgive us?” sin against us?
This is a common view
of Christ’s words, and it
raises serious questions We must allow these
that force us to consider our questions to drive us to the
responses to mistreatment: Scriptures. It is there that
• If Christ told us to we find the answers and the
forgive, how can we comfort offered to us by the
talk about holding out true Shepherd of our hearts.
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THE CHALLENGE biblical forgiveness and
TO UNDERSTAND genuine restoration.
A good place to begin Of Confrontation
is by reading one of our And Conditional
Lord’s own statements about Forgiveness. First, if our
forgiveness. In Luke 17:1-4, Lord wanted us always to
Jesus said to His disciples: unilaterally forgive those
Things that cause people who harm us, then why did
to sin are bound to come, He say in this teaching,
but woe to that person “Rebuke [lovingly confront]
through whom they come. him, and if he repents,
It would be better for him forgive him”? If we can set
to be thrown into the sea aside, for the moment, the
with a millstone tied question of how to get rid
around his neck than of our anger when the
for him to cause one of offending person doesn’t
these little ones to sin. So have a change of heart, it
watch yourselves. If your is clear that Jesus’ teaching
brother sins, rebuke him, here is consistent with
and if he repents, forgive other scriptures. Notice:
him. If he sins against If your brother sins
you seven times in a day, against you, go and show
and seven times comes him his fault, just between
back to you and says, the two of you. If he
“I repent,” forgive him. listens to you, you have
With all the previous won your brother over. But
questions still fresh in our if he will not listen, take
minds, this text raises two one or two others along,
very basic questions that so that “every matter may
are vital to our practice of be established by the
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testimony of two or three The Conditions
witnesses.” If he refuses to For Salvation. “The tax
listen to them, tell it to the collector stood at a distance.
church; and if he refuses He would not even look
to listen even to the up to heaven, but beat his
church, treat him as you breast and said, ‘God, have
would a pagan or a tax mercy on me, a sinner.’ I tell
collector (Mt. 18:15-17). you that this man . . . went
home justified before God.
For everyone who exalts
God’s own himself will be humbled,
example is and he who humbles
himself will be exalted”
to forgive us when (Lk. 18:13-14).
we acknowledge Jesus’ parable of the tax
our wrongs and collector is a reminder that
only when we acknowledge
express our trust our spiritual failure can
in His Son. forgiveness of sins occur.
The Conditions For
God’s Forgiveness. “If
This isn’t seen just we confess our sins,
in the teaching of Christ. He is faithful and just
According to the Bible, and will forgive us our
God’s own example is sins and purify us from all
to forgive us when we unrighteousness” (1 Jn. 1:9).
acknowledge our wrongs The apostle John
and express our trust in His affirmed that sins that
Son. Look, for example, at disrupt our personal
two important areas of God’s relationship with God
dealings with people: can be resolved only by
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confession—agreeing does that mean His love
with Him about our wrong is conditional as well?
actions and turning from Here the answer is clearly
them. no. While God has a
In both cases, special affection for
God’s forgiveness is those who repent of their
conditional, dependent sins, He loves everyone
on the acknowledgment unconditionally. This is the
of wrongdoing by the wonderful assurance that
sinning individual. Jesus used when He taught
This principle is clearly His disciples to love not
seen in what Jesus said to only their friends but also
one of the two criminals their enemies.
who was crucified alongside Repeating this point,
Him. One of the criminals Jesus said:
mocked and taunted Jesus. Woe to you when all men
The other acknowledged his speak well of you, for that
sins and asked Jesus to is how their fathers
remember him when He treated the false prophets.
came into His kingdom. It But I tell you who hear
was to the second man that Me: Love your enemies,
Jesus offered comfort and do good to those who
forgiveness when He said, hate you, bless those who
“Today you will be with Me curse you, pray for those
in paradise” (Lk. 23:43). who mistreat you. If
No such hope was offered someone strikes you on
to the unrepentant criminal. one cheek, turn to him
The Question Of the other also. If someone
Unconditional Love. takes your cloak, do not
Second, if God’s offer of stop him from taking your
forgiveness is conditional, tunic. Give to everyone
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
who asks you, and if just as your Father is
anyone takes what merciful (Lk. 6:26-36).
belongs to you, do not The words of the Savior
demand it back. Do to are a reminder of the very
others as you would have nature and character of
them do to you. God the Father. While
If you love those who unconditional love is the
love you, what credit is heartbeat of His passion for
that to you? Even people, God’s perfect
“sinners” love those who character also requires that
love them. And if you do sin be resolved—not glossed
good to those who are over or excused. It was this
good to you, what credit same passion that made
is that to you? Even Him willing to send His Son
“sinners” do that. And to the cross to make true
if you lend to those forgiveness possible. That
from whom you expect is unconditional love.
repayment, what credit This unconditional love
is that to you? Even is the key to all that follows
“sinners” lend to here. Seeking the highest
“sinners,” expecting to be good of another is the test
repaid in full. But love for deciding when to forgive
your enemies, do good to and when to lovingly
them, and lend to them withhold forgiveness, when
without expecting to get to forgive and move on, and
anything back. Then your when to confront and go
reward will be great, and deep—deep into the heart
you will be sons of the of the one who did the
Most High, because He is wrong as well as deep into
kind to the ungrateful the heart of the one who
and wicked. Be merciful, was wronged.
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
STARTING intend to pattern our
POINTS FOR forgiveness after God’s
model. The basis for
BIBLICAL practicing this difficult but
FORGIVENESS meaningful approach to

t has been said that forgiveness, however, can
we are never more be found in a value system
like God than when we born in the pages of the
forgive. If this is true, then Bible. These values give us
it is not enough just to go a place to begin.
through the motions. We
must engage ourselves in
the task of forgiveness with
the same tenacity and the
It has been said
same priorities that God that we are never
Himself exhibits. more like God than
This is not as easy as
it sounds. Country singer
when we forgive.
Rebecca Lynn Howard, in
her hit song titled “Forgive,”
sings in response to being Forgiveness Always
hurt and betrayed by her Begins In The Heart
lover. She rejects his plea Of God. He is the
for forgiveness with blunt ultimate example of what
honesty: “Forgive. That’s a it means to move beyond
mighty big word from such vengeance toward the one
a small man—and I don’t guilty of causing harm. It is
think I can.” God who takes the initiative
In our own strength, to remove debts that are no
we can’t. It is very hard longer owed.
to forgive, especially if we Even for God, such
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
forgiveness would not be • The secondary
right and just if it were not motivation should be
for His plan to accept the a loving concern for
shed blood of Christ as full the wrongdoer.
payment for the legal debt On the basis of God’s
of a repentant wrongdoer. own example, we are asked
This principle is seen in to offer forgiveness to one
Hebrews 9:22, which says: another in response to a
The law requires that confession of wrong (Lk.
nearly everything be 17:1-4, 1 Jn. 1:9). This is
cleansed with blood, what godly love inspires.
and without the Releasing offenders from
shedding of blood the wrong they have done
there is no forgiveness. allows them to move
In order to truly forgive past their guilt and the
another person in a way alienation they have
that pleases and honors caused.
God, we must identify with Such forgiveness
Christ and His forgiveness, does not rule out
be motivated by His love, accountability and
and be willing to follow follow-through. Nor does
His model of self-sacrifice. it release us from actively
This forgiveness involves participating in a process
two different kinds of of restoration aimed at
motivation that come fostering meaningful change
from the heart: in relationship and growth
• The primary motivation in character. It merely tries
to forgive should be to deal with wrong in a way
faithful trust in God that reflects the loving
(Mt. 18:21-22; Lk. 17:3- concerns of the heavenly
4; Eph. 4:32). Father.
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
Forgiveness (and everyone undergoes
Should Not Be discipline), then you are
Limited To Sparing illegitimate children and
The Wrongdoer From not true sons. Moreover,
Pain. Godly correction and we have all had human
restoration are often very fathers who disciplined
painful. In the book of us and we respected
Hebrews, we are given a them for it. How much
lengthy but vital reminder more should we submit
of how the love of the to the Father of our spirits
Father is often expressed in and live! Our fathers
pain—pain that is designed disciplined us for a little
to bring us to correction while as they thought
and right choices. best; but God disciplines
You have forgotten that us for our good, that
word of encouragement we may share in His
that addresses you as holiness. No discipline
sons: “My son, do not seems pleasant at the
make light of the Lord’s time, but painful. Later
discipline, and do not on, however, it produces
lose heart when He a harvest of righteousness
rebukes you, because and peace for those who
the Lord disciplines have been trained by it
those He loves, and He (Heb. 12:5-11).
punishes everyone He Some might ask,
accepts as a son.” Endure “If God really loves us,
hardship as discipline; wouldn’t He seek to protect
God is treating you as us and shield us from
sons. For what son is not pain?” The answer is, “Not
disciplined by his father? necessarily.” Because He
If you are not disciplined is both infinitely wise and
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
thoroughly good, He knows If, however, forgiveness
that sometimes it is in the is offered only to gain these
classroom of pain that we benefits, it merely becomes
learn life’s most valuable another form of selfish
lessons. God’s chastening manipulation.
is not done out of
capriciousness or mindless
anger. It is done because it
is needed to benefit and There are
correct wrongdoers, not to significant physical
destroy them.
Forgiveness Brings benefits when
Benefits To The One people learn how
Who Forgives. When to truly forgive.
healthy and appropriate
forgiveness is offered, it
brings significant benefits to
the person who forgives and It could be compared
to the one being forgiven. to volunteering to serve at
Recent research by a downtown mission just to
Robert Enright reveals that get a free meal for yourself.
there are measurable and There is nothing wrong
long-lasting emotional with eating the free meal,
improvements resulting but love and concern for
from the meaningful the needy should be the
forgiveness of a wrongdoer. paramount motivation.
There is additional research Selfishly motivated
demonstrating that there forgiveness is not rooted
are also significant physical in agape love. Agape love,
benefits when people learn a reflection of God’s perfect
how to truly forgive. love, seeks the welfare of
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
the person loved—even of trust, there must be
when it means entering into a willingness to lovingly
painful honesty. confront. We cannot afford
to pass lightly over the
THE PROCESS important issues of

I Confrontation
n the popular movie
Back To The Future,
George McFly spent
is absolutely
his entire youth being necessary to a
bullied by Biff. As an scriptural process
adult, he continued to
allow himself to be a
of correction
walking punching bag— and restoration.
and punchline—to those
he knew. When asked
why he submitted to such confession of wrong, sincere
abuse, George meekly regret, acknowledgment of
responded, “I can’t stand the need for forgiveness,
confrontation.” a desire to change, and
Very few people can. specific steps to begin
There are not many people carrying out that change.
who enjoy confrontation. What does the process
It is just plain hard. of restoration look like?
In spite of that, Step 1: We Must
confrontation is absolutely Love Enough To Take
necessary to a scriptural A Risk. The process will
process of correction and not be easy. It will require
restoration. When there has the assistance of wise,
been a profound betrayal loving, and courageous
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
people—people willing to Step 3: We Must
risk getting involved. It also Be Obedient Enough
requires that we surrender To Follow The Biblical
our will to the timing and Pattern. When denial in
work of the Holy Spirit. all its forms is forsaken,
Step 2: We Must and vengeance has
Care Enough To Test been replaced by love,
The Heart. Sincere forgiveness and apologies
forgiveness (as we can begin to be genuine
have described it) is a and meaningful. This then
response to the apology
of wrongdoers and their
longing for a renewed When denial in
Healthy forgiveness also all its forms is
involves forsaking all six forsaken, and
areas of denial (see pages vengeance has
12-18). It acknowledges the
wrong and our own natural been replaced by
desire for revenge, and then love, forgiveness
turns that longing over to and apologies can
God and replaces it with
loving concern for what is begin to be genuine
best for all. and meaningful.
Sincere forgiveness
is willing to enter into a
process of correction for leads to church and family
the wrongdoer as long as discipline, which, when
it does not give that done scripturally, is an act
person the opportunity of love and concern for the
to perpetuate the wrong. wrongdoer.
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
Jesus Christ, the Head • Third, and most
of the church, described important, to a right
His pattern for correction relationship with Christ.
in Matthew 18:15-17. These are ultimate goals,
If your brother sins not short-term Band-Aids.
against you, go and show A restored relationship with
him his fault, just between those who have wounded
the two of you. If he us is possible, but it can
listens to you, you have only be achieved by a love
won your brother over. that is faithful enough to
But if he will not listen, apply the wisdom of the
take one or two others Bible to the hearts of those
along, so that “every who hurt others.
matter may be established Step 4: We Must
by the testimony of two Be Committed
or three witnesses.” If he Enough To Maintain
refuses to listen to them, Accountability. Those
tell it to the church; and who are the subject of
if he refuses to listen even a restoration process
to the church, treat him need to be willing to be
as you would a pagan accountable to someone
or a tax collector. over them.
This process is designed No plan or process
primarily to restore the provides an absolutely sure
wrongdoer in the following way to get someone back
three areas: on the path of spiritual
• First, to full fellowship growth and ethical living.
within a local body of Nor can we assure the
believers. restoration of broken and
• Second, to his or her hurting relationships. We
immediate family. can only provide a means
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
by which we can begin to WHY DOES
move toward these ends
under the leading of the
Holy Spirit. It is as much
a spiritual journey for those MATTER SO
doing the correction as it is MUCH?
for the one being restored.

he Bible makes it
clear that we have
Restoration is as been created for
relationship—with God and
much a spiritual with one another. When the
journey for those relationships that form our
doing the correction lives are broken because
of wrongful acts, genuine
as it is for the one confession and loving
being restored. forgiveness are the first
steps toward repairing
those relationships. This
The pattern is clear: Real requires us to be honest
love longs for the betterment with ourselves and with
of another person. This each other. It can be
causes a person to care difficult—but genuine love
enough to get involved in can settle for nothing less.
practicing Christ’s process of Why? Is the path of pain
correction and then holding so necessary in such cases
the wrongdoer accountable of hurt and heartache? Yes,
for future choices. Suddenly, it’s important to see broken
there is the opportunity for relationships healed. It’s
what has been broken to be also critical that we see
made whole. hearts set free from
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
bitterness (when having is deep, fair, just, and
been hurt) or guilt (when determined to move us
having hurt others). toward His good desires
There is another reason, for us.
however. As members of Though Paul’s words
God’s family, we are called are in the context of
to represent Him in the evangelism, it is significant
world. The apostle Paul that they are also in the
put it this way: context of reconciliation.
We are therefore Christ’s That is the point. When
ambassadors, as though we engage in a ministry of
God were making His restoration, we act as God’s
appeal through us. We ambassadors and reveal His
implore you on Christ’s love to a watching world.
behalf: Be reconciled to The vocal group 4Him,
God (2 Cor. 5:20). in their song “Visible,”
As His representatives, expressed this privilege and
we are to model His responsibility this way: “To
character and His ways make You known, to make
in our dealings with You seen, to be Your hands,
one another—including to be Your feet. I want to be
an honest and genuine a revelation of love. I want
means for restoring to make the invisible God
broken relationships. visible.”
When we do this, we do We must be committed
more than heal the hurting to making God visible as
and bind the wounded. We we live out His model for
do more than absolve guilt genuine restoration.
or relieve bitterness. In fact,
we put God’s perfect love
on display—a love that
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
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