Does God Grade On A Curve?: © RBC Ministries. All Rights Reserved

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aniel Webster once
said, “The most
important thought
I ever had was that of my
individual responsibility to
CONTENTS God.” Over 150 years later, 8
out of 10 Americans say they
believe they will someday give
Grading On A Curve . . . 2 account of themselves to God.
Why God Doesn’t Another survey noted that
Grade On A Curve. . . . . 7 76 percent of those who believe
Passing By The in an afterlife think they have a
Grace Of God . . . . . . . 15 good chance of going to heaven.
Living Beyond But on what basis do so
The Curve. . . . . . . . . . . 24
many of us assume we will be
welcomed into God’s presence?
Is it because we are confident
that there are a lot of people
worse than ourselves?
Whether or not God grades
on a curve is an important
question that RBC research
editor Dennis Fisher takes a
look at in the following pages.
Martin R. De Haan II
Managing Editor: David Sper Cover Photo:Terry Bidgood
Scripture quotations are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas
Nelson, Inc. Used by permission.All rights reserved.
© 2003,2005 RBC Ministries, Grand Rapids, Michigan Printed in USA
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
GRADING ON to those around us is a
part of life that many of us
A CURVE never forget.

can see it as if it
happened yesterday. THE UPS AND
The teacher gets up from DOWNS OF A
her desk with a handful of CURVE
marked papers. She walks As students, we may have
to the blackboard, picks had a love-hate relationship
up a piece of white chalk, with the curve. The upside
and begins to show the was that this method of
breakdown of test results. grading allowed room for
The class knows she error, especially if the
grades on a curve. The top test was so hard that
10 percent will earn A’s, the no one scored high. The
next highest 20 percent B’s, downside was that the
and the 40 percent in the curve automatically put
middle will earn C’s. It will us in competition with
be bad news for those who our peers.
score D’s with the next We also soon learned
lowest 20 percent, followed that being compared with
by the 10 percent at the those around us is an
bottom who fail. unavoidable fact of life.
This has been a tough Whether we interview for a
test. Everyone is sweating. job or audition for a part in
We’re all hoping that we the community play, we are
scored comparatively well judged by how we measure
with the rest of the class. up to others.
The uneasy experience of The idea of being graded
being evaluated by how we on a curve is so much a part
compare and measure up of our life that it even spills
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into common notions about confidence may be: “I’m
the afterlife. not as bad as a lot of
people. Even though I’ve
made my mistakes, I’m
The idea pretty sure that I’m well
of being graded within ‘the class average.’”
on a curve Implied in this kind
is so much of reasoning is a relative
a part of our life goodness that is based on
how we compare with one
that it even spills another. We take heart in
into common knowing that there are
notions about always others far worse
the afterlife. than ourselves.
Furthermore, many of
us resist the notion that
What happens after there is something about
death is a sobering thought. our own human nature
Many of us feel uneasy that would keep us out of
about standing before heaven. I know a lot of
our Creator and giving an “good” people. And you
account of how we have might be one of them. They
lived our lives. Even if we are kind to their family
have laughed among our members. They work hard
friends at the idea of hell, to pay their bills on time.
we secretly hope that there They’re not perfect, but
is no such place. And if much of the time they try to
there is a heaven, we hope do the right thing. They are
to make it through those the sort of people I would
“pearly gates”—even if by want to have as neighbors.
the skin of our teeth. Our And they have earned the
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approval of their friends, rather not think about. Yet
colleagues, and community. he had stumbled on a great
biblical truth about human
THE HIDDEN nature. The gospel of John
DARK SIDE quotes Jesus as saying
There is, however, another something similar:
side to human nature that This is the condemnation,
also deserves our attention. that the light has come
Sigmund Freud, into the world, and men
the pioneer of modern loved darkness rather
psychology and an avowed than light, because their
atheist, was surprised by deeds were evil. For
what he discovered about everyone practicing evil
the people he observed. hates the light and does
Many of his patients not come to the light,
exhibited virtues in their lest his deeds should be
public life. But as he exposed (John 3:19-20).
probed deeper, he found Both the observation of
hidden drives of anger, human behavior and the
lust, and envy. Freud said teachings of Christ point to
it was as though he had dark shadows within the
lifted a flat stone off the human heart.
top of a grassy knoll near a Alexander Solzhenitsyn,
pond and found underneath the Nobel Prize winning
the rock a dark world of author, describes the
centipedes, sow bugs, universal reality of this
worms, and other creatures evil when he writes:
fleeing from the light. Gradually it was disclosed
What Freud found in to me that the line
his counseling practice is separating good and evil
something most of us would passes not through states,
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nor between classes, nor There may be all sorts of
between political parties excuses for us. That time
either—but right through you were so unfair to the
every human heart . . . . children was when you
And even in the best of all were tired. That slightly
hearts, there remains . . . shady business about the
an un-uprooted small
corner of evil (The Gulag
Archipelago, Vol. 2, p.597). Because we
feel uneasy
THE EXCUSES WE facing our own
The extent of this faultline
wrongs, we
within us is something that become adept
most of us find difficult to at coming up
think about. Because we with excuses
feel uneasy facing our own
wrongs, we become adept
and rationalizations
at coming up with excuses for our mistakes
and rationalizations for our and failures.
mistakes and failures.
C. S. Lewis describes
how easily we look past our money—the one you
own faults so we can focus have almost forgotten—
on the failings of others: came when you were hard
This year, or this month, up. . . . The truth is, we
or more likely, this very believe in decency so
day, we have failed to much—we feel the Rule
[practice] ourselves the of Law pressing on us
kind of behavior we so—that we cannot
expect from other people. bear to face the fact that
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we are breaking it, and all of us fall far short of
consequently, we try to our own standards, let
shift the responsibility alone the standards of
(Mere Christianity, a loving and holy God
pp.7-8). (Romans 3:23; 6:23).
It’s easy for us to find
extenuating circumstances THE
for things we have done GRANDFATHER
wrong. And we are not GOD
None of us is perfect—not
in our own eyes nor in the
All around the eyes of a loving God. This
might lead us to think that
world today, all that matters is “the
people will curve.” A lot of people
appeal to a would say, “If there’s one
moral standard thing I know, it’s that God
doesn’t expect me to be
of conduct perfect. I may not be a
that they saint, but I’m certainly
themselves not a devil. I care about
don’t live people and try to do the
right thing most of the time.
up to. If God looks for redeeming
qualities in me, I’m sure
He will see more good
alone. All around the world than I can.”
today, people will appeal to Such thinking sets
a moral standard of conduct people up to think of God
that they themselves don’t as a great grandfather in
live up to. The reality is that the sky. Grandfathers are
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loving, tenderhearted, and
patient. Sometimes they
even smile at the mischief
of their grandchildren. ON A CURVE

With a knowing smile, they espite the
remind their own sons widespread belief
and daughters that they too that we are safe as
were once little handfuls. long as we “stay with the
When you combine this crowd,” the Bible gives
grandfather view of God us a very different way of
with what we know about looking at our imperfection
human behavior, it becomes and how it affects our
even easier to assume that relationship with a
if God grades on a curve we loving and holy God.
will be safe in a crowd of And to understand this
very imperfect people. perspective, it’s important
The mix of vices and to look at the early history
virtues in those around us of our first parents’
reassures us that if God relationship with God.
wants sinners in heaven,
He’s going to have to cut THE MISTAKE
most of us a lot of slack. WAS FATAL
He is going to have to be at Our first parents, at the
least as tolerant and open- dawn of human history,
minded as we are. What’s are pictured in the Bible
more, in the competitive as walking in a garden
world of the curve, the paradise with their Creator.
majority of the class always In the cool of the day, God
passes the course. Could a would visit the planet to
loving “Grandfather God” share time and conversation
do any less? with His first human beings.
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According to the book were naked; and they
of Genesis, God gave only sewed fig leaves together
one rule to the new couple. and made themselves
While encouraging them coverings (3:6-8).
to enjoy themselves in the In their act of
new home He had given disobedience, our first
them, the Creator said: parents did something that
Of every tree of the garden would forever change not
you may freely eat; but of only their own lives but
the tree of the knowledge also the lives of all their
of good and evil you shall children.
not eat, for in the day that
you eat of it you shall
surely die (2:16-17). Even though
Genesis goes on, Adam and Eve
however, to say that even
though Adam and Eve had
had only one rule
only one rule to keep, they to keep, they
soon found themselves soon found
tempted to break it. themselves
So when the woman saw
that the tree was good for
tempted to
food, that it was pleasant break it.
to the eyes, and a tree
desirable to make one
wise, she took of its fruit “This happened just
and ate. She also gave to from eating a piece of
her husband with her, and fruit?” you ask. “How in
he ate. Then the eyes of the world could such a
both of them were opened, moral disaster spring from
and they knew that they such a small infraction?”
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The answer lies in what Adam and Eve remained
the act represented—not very much alive. But
the act itself. Human beings what about the warning of
were created to have a Genesis 2:16-17? God had
relationship with God said, “Of every tree of the
and to remain in loving garden you may freely
dependence on Him. eat; but of the tree of the
By one act of distrust knowledge of good and evil
and independence they you shall not eat, for in the
discovered the meaning day that you eat of it you
of evil. By expressing self- shall surely die.”
reliance, pride, and distrust, The explanation lies
they had placed themselves in the biblical meaning of
at the center of their own death. The root meaning
universe. of this word in the Bible
Over the years it would is “separation.” When a
become apparent that person dies physically,
something profound had his soul separates from his
changed—not only in the body. But when a person
character of the human dies spiritually, the spirit is
race but also in their separated from God, the
shared relationship to source of spiritual life.
the Creator Himself. When distrust came
between our first parents
THE DEATH and God, they immediately
WAS SPIRITUAL experienced a separation
Although shaken by feelings from Him they had
of shame and fear, the first never known before. As
couple seemed to survive a symptom that something
their disobedience. The had died within them, they
sun rose on a new day and also began to die physically.
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THE RESULT thoughts of his heart was
WAS EVIL only evil continually” (6:5).
Our first parents broke the This growing
one rule their Creator gave malignancy shows
them and found themselves up in wave after wave of
expelled from a perfect war and violence. Those
garden home. who have only heard about
The spiritual death and the Bible are sometimes
separation that came into surprised and even shocked
their lives did not stop with by how unsanitized the
them. In time, the couple Scriptures are. Incest,
had two sons. The older deception, theft, rape,
cultivated crops, while the and murder are just the
other raised flocks. When beginning of the list of sins
the older brother felt that that punctuate and color
the Creator was showing the pages of both Old and
more favor to his brother New Testaments.
than to himself, he
became angry. Driven THE NEED
by feelings of envy and WAS FOR MERCY
revenge, the older son In the middle of this
killed the younger. The realistic record of human
first child of Adam and Eve nature, we find a strikingly
committed the first murder. vivid picture of a loving
The downward spiral God. Despite the terrible
happened quickly. Only consequences of rebellion
two chapters later, Genesis against Him, we find
says that “the Lord saw God mercifully taking
that the wickedness of the initiative to stay in
man was great in the earth, relationship with those He
and that every intent of the created in His image. Time
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after time, a holy God “rolls through him all the nations
up His sleeves and gets His of the world would be
hands dirty” to stay in blessed (Genesis 12:1-9).
contact with a fallen race. In the generations
that followed, Abraham’s
Despite offspring grew to be the
great nation God had
the terrible promised. Delivering His
consequences of people out of slavery from
rebellion against the greatest political power
Him, we find God of that day, the loving
mercifully taking the Creator led them to a land
of promise they could call
initiative to stay in their own.
relationship with But the road to
those He created that destination was
littered with spiritual
in His image. rebellion. Grumbling and
ungratefulness characterized
God mercifully spoke, the descendants of Abraham
for example, to a man during their wilderness
named Abraham—even wanderings. In spite of
though he was worshiping this, God mercifully and
idols. God told him to leave supernaturally provided for
his home in the city of Ur their daily needs. He fed
and promised him that them daily with a food
He would multiply his called manna. And when
offspring. God assured they thought they were
Abraham that he would going to die of thirst, He
become the father of a gave them water from a
great nation and that rock. At each step of the
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way, God gave His people sins shall die” (Ezekiel
not what they deserved but 18:20). This simple
patient love. This experience statement shows the
would later cause the whole enormity of the problem
nation to sing a song that that threatened our fallen
repeated over and over, “His race—a problem that could
mercy endures forever” only be solved by the God
(Psalm 136). who loves those He created
in His image.
THE PICTURE Earlier in this booklet
WAS OURS we talked about the
The ancient people of the common belief that God
Bible passed from the scene will grade all of us on a
a long time ago. Yet the curve of personal merit and
picture and story of their comparison with others.
humanity remains as fresh But grading on a curve
as the daily news. misses the point of our
From Adam to the nation predicament. Just as it
of Israel, the people of this would be wrong for a
story stand together like our medical school to pass the
own family portrait. Again top percentage of a class
and again these people even though none of the
broke the law and rule students qualified to be a
of God. Yet what they doctor, so God cannot be
discovered along the way unfaithful to His own
was that in breaking the standards of justice.
law, they were themselves Our problem is that
broken. The Old Testament by nature we are so morally
prophet repeated the flawed and broken that our
principle of what God had only hope is for God to deal
told Adam, “The soul who with us in mercy. To pit us
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against one another in a human history in general,
great moral “competition of but also the relational and
the curve” would not satisfy personal problems of our
His scales of justice. own lives. The Scriptures
tell us that in our present
state all of us have a
natural inclination to avoid
To pit us the truth. Even though we
against one don’t always realize it, we
another in a are inclined to resist what
great moral we could know about God
by suppressing the truth
“competition of about Him. Rather than
the curve” would turning toward the spiritual
not satisfy light He has provided, we
God’s scales turn away and create God-
of justice. substitutes in an effort to
replace Him with something
we can control. Over time,
our hearts become hard as
The Bible teaches that we repeatedly ignore His
all who are born into this kindness (Romans 1:18-32).
world inherit the legacy and We continue along our own
spiritual condition of our way as lost sheep without a
first parents. We are all shepherd (Isaiah 53:6).
born spiritually dead If the severity of this
and alienated from a rebellion is not addressed
wonderfully loving in this life, there can only
and holy God. be the certainty of judgment
This condition explains in the next (Hebrews 9:27).
not only the problems of The problem is far too great
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for God to simply grade God would one day send
us on a curve. Because a Messiah who would
we are spiritually dead, deliver His people. These
none of us, on our own, predictions contained
can pass the test of our mysterious descriptions of
accountability to God. how the Servant of the Lord
would die like a sacrificial
THE SOLUTION lamb to bear the sins of His
WAS GOD’S people (Isaiah 53).
If the Bible can be Eventually, according to
trusted, there are serious the New Testament Gospels,
consequences to ignoring the Messiah did appear.
our spiritual condition and In fulfillment of many
taking comfort in the fact predictions, He came as
that there are a lot of people “the light of the world”
worse than we are. Yet it is (John 8:12).
also in the Bible that we But the light Christ
find God’s solution for us. brought made Him a
For centuries, God controversial figure. One of
provided the wisdom of the the most offensive parts of
Old Testament to show His His teaching was that even
people how to live and how the most religious people
to offer sacrifices to atone weren’t good enough to
for their wrongs. These enter into the kingdom of
writings were revered as the heaven (Matthew 5:20).
Word of God and passed The candor of Jesus was
on within a religious taken as an insult by the
community from one religious leaders of Israel.
generation to the next. At They considered themselves
the heart of this spiritual teachers of righteousness
faith was the teaching that and believed that their
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knowledge of the law put
them above the crowd.
Yet despite their unique

spiritual heritage, Jesus hat makes the
declared that those who words of Christ
rejected Him—though they so important is
be “sons of the kingdom”— that Jesus did more than
would be rejected from tell us that our best efforts
God’s presence in the world aren’t enough to bring us to
to come: God. He also said He had
The sons of the kingdom come to do for us what we
will be cast out into outer could not do for ourselves.
darkness. There will be What Christ did for us
weeping and gnashing of turned bad news into good
teeth (Matthew 8:12). news. As we have seen up
According to Jesus, those to this point, without His
who refused to admit their intervention we would all
condition before God were be lost. According to the
risking eternal spiritual Bible, if Christ had not left
banishment from the heaven to come to our
presence of the God they rescue, the thought of
thought they knew. He standing before Him on
repeatedly warned that the curve of personal
unless they had a change of merit and comparison
heart they would be turned would be a burden at
away into a darkness of best. The assurance of
everlasting regret and loss. our personal comparison
So how can we pass with others would require
life’s final exam and escape constant rationalization to
eternal separation from hope that we have been
God? “good enough.”
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According to the Bible, had no use for Him. Even
our Creator has provided if we were good, we really
His own way of delivering wouldn’t expect anyone
us from our hopeless to die for us, though, of
spiritual comparisons and course, that might be
competition. God intervened barely possible. But
on our behalf, and offered a God showed His great
solution to restore to us the love for us by sending
relationship with Him that Christ to die for us while
our first parents had lost. we were still sinners
The solution is more than (Romans 5:6-8 LB).
“a passing grade.” It also The Price That Only
includes a new life, a God Could Pay. We are
changed heart, and a future all moved by stories of self-
that will eventually return sacrifice. Yet there is one
us to a paradise that was act of sacrificial love in
lost. human history that stands
alone—Jesus Christ’s death
THE COST OF on the cross.
GOD’S GRACE Have you ever thought
In the New Testament about what He endured on
letter to people in Rome, our behalf? Imagine the
the apostle Paul eloquently agony as soldiers held Him
expressed how costly it down and hammered huge
was for God to solve our spikes through His hands
dilemma. He wrote: and then His feet.
When we were utterly But the physical agony
helpless with no way of was not the worst part of
escape, Christ came at His suffering. As He hung
just the right time and suspended between heaven
died for us sinners who and earth, a great darkness
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came over the whole despising the shame
earth. In that darkness, He (Hebrews 12:2).
experienced on our behalf a But why was Christ’s
judgment and separation death the only way we
that caused Him to cry out, could be reconciled to a
“My God, My God, why holy God?
have You forsaken Me?”
(Matthew 27:46). His
anguished words give us a Why was
brief hint of the eternal and Christ’s death
infinite price He paid to the only way
settle our legal debt.
Never before in all
we could be
eternity had the Son of reconciled to
God been separated from a holy God?
His Father. Never before
had He borne the weight
of guilt. Yet in that moment The cross allowed God
of human history, Christ to be both just and loving
died for our sin. in dealing with our sin. No
The innocent Lamb of one else had given us the
God paid the penalty for life and freedom we had
the guilty. He wanted so misused. No one else,
much to have us with therefore, could step
Him in eternity that forward and bear the price
He was willing to take the for our wrongs. Only by the
punishment we deserved. infinite sacrifice of our own
Jesus, . . . for the joy Creator could the demands
that was set before Him of eternal justice be satisfied
[eternal fellowship with (Isaiah 53:4,10). Because of
us] endured the cross, His own sacrifice, He was
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then free to forgive and Finally the person
acquit all who trust Him for stealing the chickens
salvation (1 Peter 2:24). was caught. But the chief
The apostle Paul said was faced with a terrible
it all when he wrote: dilemma. The thief was
[God] made Him who his own mother!
knew no sin [Jesus] to When the day of
be sin for us, that we penalty came, the whole
might become the tribe gathered. Would the
righteousness of God chief’s love override his
in Him (2 Corinthians justice? The crowd gasped
5:21). when he ordered his mother
The Price That Only to be tied to the whipping
Love Could Pay. We will post. The chief removed his
never understand the extent shirt, revealing his powerful
of what Christ endured on stature, and took the whip
our behalf. But the principle in hand. But instead of
of His sacrifice is illustrated raising it to strike the first
in a story from American blow, he handed it to a
history. In a tribe of Native strong, young brave at
Americans, someone was his side.
stealing chickens. The chief Slowly the chief walked
declared that, if caught, the over to his mother and
offender would receive 10 wrapped his massive arms
lashes. When the stealing around her in an engulfing
continued, the chief raised embrace. Then he ordered
it to 20 lashes. Still the the brave to give him the
chickens disappeared. In 100 lashes.
anger the chief raised the That’s just a small
sentence to 100 lashes—a glimpse of what Jesus did
sure sentence of death. for us. In love, He became
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our substitute and died in floundering in deep
our place. He overcame our water miles from shore
inability to save ourselves and without hope of
by paying the price for our surviving on our own.
sins. In the illustration, Our best efforts, though
a mother’s life was sincere, still fall short of
extended by the substitute God’s perfect standard.
of her loving son. For us, God satisfied the death
everlasting life was bought penalty for sin through the
through the priceless death sacrifice of His Son on the
of the Son of God. cross. In this way, He was
completely just in judging
sin, but at the same time
All our best efforts He showed amazing and
to do good are immeasurable love for us.
ruined by the God used grace to do for us
greater problem what we could never do for
of our spiritual
death and THE GIFT OF
separation GOD’S GRACE
from God. According to the good
news of the gospel, God
does not want anyone to
There is no other perish (2 Peter 3:9). Out
solution. All our best of the wellspring of His love
efforts to do good are for us, God has provided
ruined by the greater the free gift of everlasting
problem of our spiritual life and of relationship with
death and separation from Him (Ephesians 2:8-9;
God. We are like someone Titus 3:4-5).
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The Reputation Of behind them is usually not
“Free Gifts.” I don’t one of generosity but of
know about you, but I’m “tease, tempt, and trap.”
skeptical about any offers of It’s no wonder that
a “free gift.” Why? Because people may be skeptical of
I’m bombarded by them. the New Testament when it
I hear them on the radio describes forgiveness of sin,
as I drive home from work. everlasting life, and heaven
When I flip through my as free gifts.
mail, I’m led to believe The One Gift That
that I’ve won all sorts of Is Authentic. God’s gift of
free sweepstakes. When salvation is different. It is a
I turn on the TV, I often genuine offer because it has
hear offers of something already been paid for,
free if I call within the next because we could never
30 minutes. Telemarketers pay for it ourselves, and
interrupt my dinner to tell because it comes from the
me I’ve won free tickets heart and love of God.
to some popular vacation When gifts are given in
spot. And when I use my love, all that is called for
computer to surf the Web, is a willingness to receive
annoying pop-up ads them with a grateful heart.
appear telling me that I’m a If we offer to pay back the
lucky winner and that all I givers to keep from being
have to do is “click here” obligated to them, we insult
to get my free gift. Yet I’ve not only the spirit of the
discovered along the way gifts but the people who
that there is almost always bought them for us.
a catch to these free gifts. According to the Bible,
They are bait for the God offers us the gift of
unsuspecting. The motive eternal life out of His great
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love for us. If we attempt grace, and mercy (Romans
to pay for it by working our 7:21-25).
way to heaven and by being God understands this
better than the next guy, weakness far better than
we insult God’s grace. In we do. That’s why the Bible
fact, we may actually be says to those who have
rejecting the gift of God accepted Christ as their
without even realizing it. personal Savior:
For by grace you
have been saved through
When gifts are faith, and that not of
given in love, yourselves; it is the gift
of God, not of works, lest
all that is anyone should boast
called for is (Ephesians 2:8-9).
a willingness With this brief statement
to receive them the apostle Paul defined the
terms and basis of God’s
with a grateful offer. We can’t earn the
heart. gift of God. We can only
receive it by accepting what
He has already done for us.
The curve of personal Someone has developed
merit doesn’t work. a memory device for the
Outwardly we may maintain meaning of the word grace:
the appearance of being an God’s Riches At Christ’s
upstanding individual, but Expense.
inside there is no way to We must also remember
overcome the fact that what that according to Ephesians
we need is not justice, but 2:8 we are “saved through
rather the gift of God’s love, faith.” A decision and act of
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
faith is the one requirement mental assent to facts
of grace that we must keep about Christ. Nor is it
in mind. some impulsive emotional
reaction that does not
THE REQUIREMENT include the will. If our
OF GOD’S GRACE decision to receive the
Responding to God’s gift of gift of God is genuine, it is
salvation requires a genuine likely to parallel what often
willingness to receive what happens in courtship and
God is authentically willing marriage. A man and a
to give. woman are initially
attracted to each other.
Responding They find time to get to
know each other through
to God’s gift relaxed conversations.
of salvation Over time, they discuss
requires a their interests and life
genuine goals. Then emotion
and intellect unite in a
willingness conviction that they are
to receive meant for each other. In
what God front of a minister, the man
is authentically and the woman take vows
of lasting commitment.
willing to give. A similar process often
happens as people move
The Heart Of The toward the gift of God’s
Receiver. Receiving Christ offer in Christ. Many are
as Savior and Lord requires drawn to Him initially
an honest decision of trust. either out of their own
It is not a theoretical and sense of need or because
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
of their curiosity about God has provided in Him
His wisdom and miracles. a sacrifice for their sin.
Thoughtful people may This is the wonderful
think through some of their news of the Bible. Jesus
questions and doubts, and Christ was as sinless as we
take a closer look at the are sinful. Yet in our place
Bible’s claim that Jesus not He died on a Roman cross
only died for our sins but of execution to pay the
rose from the dead to prove penalty for our sins. He was
it. Eventually a decision buried and then rose from
must be made about the dead 3 days later to
whether to accept or show that His claims were
reject the offer of God. true (1 Corinthians 15:1-5).
The Decision That Coming to this saving
Must Be Made. Those relationship with Christ
who receive the free gift of requires a change of heart
forgiveness and eternal life that is often misunderstood.
through Christ must first When the Bible calls for
abandon all excuses for “repentance,” it isn’t asking
their wrongs. They must us to make a personal
be willing to admit that resolution to clean up
their own goodness will our lives. To repent doesn’t
not earn them a place in mean we have to first
heaven. They must admit change our ways. It means
to themselves and to God having a change of heart
that they are sinners and that allows God to bring
cannot save themselves. us into a new dependence
If they are convinced that on Him.
Jesus is the Son of God, all The actual process
that remains is for them to of trusting Christ occurs
believe the good news that simply by believing. It is
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
an act of personal faith.
Yet many have found it
helpful to gather their

thoughts and pray nce we realize that
something like this: it is hopeless to
Lord Jesus, I want work our way to
to receive You as my heaven, we can leave
Savior. Thank You for behind the curve of
dying on the cross to comparisons. Now we
pay the penalty for my stand not in our own
sin. I believe You rose merits but in the grace
from the dead to offer and love of God. We have
me Your everlasting life. begun an adventure of life
Please come into my life and discovery that will
and begin to make me never end.
the kind of person You
want me to be. Thank ADOPTION INTO
You for giving me the GOD’S FAMILY
gift of Your forgiveness Healthy families generate
and new life. a warm and positive
If these words express atmosphere. A number of
what is in your heart, years ago, I became friends
you have made the most with a loving family. It was
important discovery of fun to hang out at their
your life. With your home. I was friends with
trust in Christ comes His the oldest daughter of the
assurance of forgiveness household. Her younger
and eternal life. brother was an adolescent
with an easygoing
temperament. He enjoyed
a special place in his
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
family’s heart. Both in adopted into a family:
physical appearance and “You received the Spirit
mannerisms he was clearly of adoption by whom we
a chip off the old block. cry out, ‘Abba, Father’”
One day I commented to (Romans 8:15).
the dad how much the boy When we become
looked like his sisters. The children of God, spiritual
father responded, “A lot of life springs up within.
people make that comment. Where there was once a
It’s interesting, however, barrier between us and
that our two girls are our God, there is now a new
biological children, but channel and opportunity
our son is adopted.” for conversation with Him.
I tried to hide my
startled reaction, because Where there
he looked and acted
so much like the other
was once
family members. The dad a barrier
continued, “Our son has between us
really blended into our and God, there
family. We got him as an
infant and he has grown up
is now a new
his entire life with his two channel and
sisters. It’s fun to watch his opportunity for
mannerisms. They are so conversation
characteristic of our family.”
The proud father grinned
with Him.
widely as he spoke.
The apostle Paul said Before developing a
that receiving the gift of personal relationship with
spiritual life involves being Christ, we may have even
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
wondered if anyone was season and circumstance of
listening when we prayed. life. It isn’t always easy to
But when Christ enters rely on Him. Yet slowly,
our lives, He brings a and sometimes haltingly,
new spiritual presence into we discover that He can
our hearts. A spiritual be trusted with everything
connection can now occur that is important to us.
that is like a young child Gradually, we also grow in
saying “Daddy” to his our appreciation for what
loving father. the apostle John meant
And along with this new when he wrote:
vertical relationship with These things I have
our heavenly Father comes written to you who
new horizontal relationships believe in the name of
with other believers. New the Son of God, that you
believers are full-fledged may know that you have
members of an eternal eternal life (1 John 5:13).
family, and as they grow Notice that the verse
in understanding and doesn’t say that we might
gratitude it isn’t long “hope” or “guess” that we
before they begin to act have eternal life. Instead,
like it. John made it clear that we
can “know” that we have
ASSURANCE an everlasting relationship
OF A NEW with Christ.
RELATIONSHIP In John 5:24, Jesus gave
Once we’re in the family His own words of assurance
of God, we begin an up- to those who trust Him.
and-down journey of Most assuredly, I say
learning to trust our to you, he who hears
heavenly Father in every My word and believes
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
in Him who sent Me has food, love, and affection
everlasting life, and shall to grow and mature, so we
not come into judgment, need to let the Spirit of God
but has passed from develop our appetite for
death into life. spiritual insight and
In this verse, the Lord understanding.
gave us His assurance that Before we have spiritual
being adopted into God’s life, the Bible is a closed
family gives us the book. Its meaning is
confidence that we have obscure at best. But
begun an adventure that with new life in Christ, the
will never end. indwelling Spirit makes it
possible for the Bible to
come alive. Then, as the
The Lord apostle Peter wrote, we
gave us His will “as newborn babes,
assurance that desire the pure milk of the
Word, that [we] may grow
being adopted thereby” (1 Peter 2:2).
into God’s family
gives us the FOUR KEY
confidence that AREAS OF
we have begun Growing in Christ means
an adventure that pursuing a relationship
will never end. with Him. Jesus is called
the “Good Shepherd”
because He leads and
This new spiritual life watches over those who
needs nurture and care. Just follow Him. He said:
as a newborn baby needs My sheep hear My voice,
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
and I know them, and encouragement and
they follow Me. And I motivation to love as we
give them eternal life, and ourselves have been loved
they shall never perish; (Hebrews 10:24-25).
neither shall anyone We Talk With Those
snatch them out of My Who Have Not Yet
hand (John 10:27-28). Trusted Christ. As we
Genuine members follow Christ, we need to
of the flock will follow their remember His desire for us
shepherd. But how do we to be His representatives to
actually hear His voice? those who have not yet
Our sensitivity to His believed (Matthew 4:19).
voice depends on new One of the best ways to do
communication in four this is to show our honest
important areas. interest and concern for
God Talks To Us. As others. If they first see our
we read the Word of God, changed life and then know
He speaks to us through that we are genuinely
His own words and self- interested in them, they are
revelation (2 Timothy 3:16). more likely to be curious
We Talk To God. As about the difference they
we receive understanding see in us.
from Him, we respond to Growing in these areas
Him with the affections of communication will show
and needs of our hearts our love for Christ. He in
(John 15:7). turn will enable us, by His
We Talk With Our Spirit, to do anything and
New Family. As we say anything that He wants
connect with others who us to do or say (Ephesians
share our faith in Christ, 5:18-19). Jesus said:
we experience mutual He who has My
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
commandments and believers, and to witness
keeps them, it is he who to those who do not yet
loves Me. And he who know Christ.
loves Me will be loved by
My Father, and I will love A UNIQUE
him and manifest Myself SPIRITUAL
to him (John 14:21). JOURNEY
The word manifest In the adventure of following
means “to make an Christ, each person takes a
appearance, to disclose different path. My dad’s
or declare.” Our Lord has spiritual journey has
chosen to reveal Himself inspired me in my own walk
to each of us individually. with Christ. He didn’t have
No two believers have an any formal training in Bible
study, prayer, fellowship,
or witnessing, but he was
No two nurtured in these areas
believers have by God from unexpected
an identical When I was in
relationship with preschool, my mother
the Savior. felt compelled to raise my
brother and me in a Bible-
believing church. My
identical relationship with dad initially opposed her
the Savior, so a cookie- decision because he was
cutter formula won’t work. not a Christian at the time.
But a genuine believer will After some initial marital
have a desire to listen to conflict over this, my father
God, to respond to Him, decided to keep the peace
to fellowship with other by telling my mom that she
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
could take us to church about the prospect of getting
but that he wasn’t getting a new baby brother or sister.
involved in any of it. The following day I
After we had attended bounced out of bed and
the church for a while, my asked my dad, “Was
brother and I got involved it a boy or a girl?” He
in a Sunday school contest. responded very seriously,
We could win a colorful “It was a little girl, but she
pen if we brought a visitor was born dead.”
to church. Little boys can I burst into tears, and
have a real influence on then my older brother
their dad, and our family began to sob. My dad left
was no exception. So we the room and for the first
persuaded Dad to come time in his life (I later
with us just to please us learned) he called on the
and Mom—and we were name of the Lord Jesus. He
delighted to receive our could have become bitter
prized pens. and angry at God. But
Once the ice was broken, instead, my dad turned
Dad started attending to Christ for help. He later
church regularly. He heard told us that the power of
the gospel many times but God embraced him. He felt
he didn’t feel the need to the love, joy, and comfort
respond to the message. that only the Lord Jesus
About a year later, Mom could give at such a time
went into labor with her of heartbreak (John 14:27).
third child. I remember One could say that
being afraid because Mom my father had a “crisis
was in severe pain as she conversion.” But its
left for the hospital. But I enduring reality was to
also remember being excited be seen in the weeks and
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
months that followed. Like him and others within the
a small mustard seed that fellowship of faith.
grows into a substantial Years later, my Dad was
tree, his faith in Christ still going strong spiritually.
began to grow. And his Yet his walk with Christ had
adventure of faith was some hard times in store
helped along by God for him. He had agreed
through life’s different to enter into a business
experiences. with relatives who were
I remember the time antagonistic to biblical
we got a phone call from Christianity. It was a small
someone at the church but professionally-run
asking if Dad would be printing operation, and Dad
interested in teaching the was good at what he did.
Bible to a class of third-grade Eventually, he became
boys. Initially, Dad mocked burdened to witness to his
the possibility of serving in family about the difference
this capacity. “Me? A Sunday Christ had made in his life.
school teacher?” he laughed So he crafted a letter that
as he told my mom. summarized his conversion
Eventually, however, he and mailed a copy to each
agreed. And Dad saw the of his relatives. They didn’t
Holy Spirit use him as he respond very well and a
taught those young boys time of not-so-subtle
the Word of God. persecution followed.
In time he became an As pressure at work
effective home Bible-study increased and put-downs
leader. My dad found a for his faith escalated, Dad
supernatural joy in using his developed an early-morning
gift of teaching. It was a great routine to get him through.
way of letting God speak to My older brother came into
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
the printing shop early one him pray ushers me into
day and found that the the very presence of the
small room in the back was heavenly Father and His
locked. After a while, Dad Son Jesus Christ.
emerged with a peaceful
radiance on his face. “What YOUR OWN
were you doing in there, SPIRITUAL
Dad?” my brother asked. JOURNEY
Dad smiled, “I’ve been As you begin your Christian
praying, Son. And God is journey, let God creatively
at work in my life.” guide your path. Get a
My brother said it readable translation of
reminded him of the story the Bible and set aside a
of Moses coming down regular time when you can
from the mountain where reflect on God’s Word and
he had communed with pray. Begin attending a
God and his face shone Bible-believing church
(Exodus 34:29-35). where Christ is honored and
Although my father had where His people honestly
taken an unpopular stand love one another.
for Christ, he received the As time goes on,
spiritual support he needed don’t forget to ask God
by spending personal time for opportunities to share
alone with the Lord. with others what Christ
Dad is now in his early has done for you. Let them
eighties and those times know that God does not
of opposition are behind grade on a curve, but that
him. But he is still moving He has made it possible
forward in his Christian life. for them to be in His loving
I know because it’s evident presence forever.
in his life. Just listening to That is the good news!
© RBC Ministries. All rights reserved.
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