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Lesson Plan

Grade 10 English
July 23, 2018

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Give the unfamiliar words through the given definitions and word forms;
B. Appreciate the theme of the selection through the given activities;
C. Use different kinds of graphic organizer in presenting the details of the selection;
D. Evaluate themselves through reflection paper; and


A. Topic: The Gorgon’s Head
B. Author: Anne Terry White
C. Skills: Oral recitation

D. Instructional Materials
1. Audio clip of the song entitled, Reflection.
2. Graphic organizers on a manila papers
3. Jumbled letters on strips of cartolina
4. Speaker
5. Author’s background on a slide.

E. References:
1. English Learner’s material for Grade 10 pp. 37-42

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Priming Activity
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer (One student will lead the prayer.)
b. Greetings
c. Classroom inspection

B. Motivation
(Task1: The students listen to the song “Reflection” from
the movie Mulan and answer the following questions.)

1. What is the song all about?

Ma’am, the song is all about a woman who
needs to meet the expectations of her family.
2. What type of discrimination was underscored in the
song? (The students’ answer may vary)
3. Does this kind of discrimination against women still
exist these days? How or in what way?

C. Presentation
Task 3: Guide Reading
 Anne Terry White (1896) who was born in
Russia, had worked as a teacher, social worker,
and a translator of Russian literature. Amongst
her most-loved tales is the “Gorgon’s Head.”


(The students study the definitions and word forms.
Then, rearrange the letters in bold to form the
correct word for each item below and write the Answers
word in the box.) Evade
1. To escape or avoid (verb) eveda – Venomous
2. Dangerous (adjective) erpisulo – Abashed
3. Poisonous (adjective) vsmuoneo – Appease
4. Ashamed (verb) aeadhbs – Valorous
5. Satisfy, gratify (verb) peeapsa –
6. Brave (adjective) vorlsaou –

D. Analysis
(The students read the selection entitled “Gorgon’s
Head” by Anne Terry White and asked to note down
important details such as names of the characters and (The students read the story silently.)
important events of the story.)

(The students are divided into four groups. Each

group is given specific task to be completed.)

Group 1: create a timeline of events in the story. Why

are these significant events?
Group 2: Create a Venn diagram that compares the
characteristics of Perseus and Medusa. Provide
Group 3: Create a diagram that shows the challenges
of Perseus in his quest to acquire the Gorgon’s head.
How did you choose them?
Group 4: Using the Gorgon’s head as a diagram, point
out at least five utterances of Perseus that strike your
group the most. Explain why.

E. Abstraction
(The students answer the following questions.)

1. What do you think is the purpose of the author in

writing this literary piece?
2. To whom do you think the selection is addressed?
3. What is the theme of the selection?

F. Application
(The students are given an individual task to be
“A hero saves the day. Saving people and saving lives
could take any form.”

Task: Complete the chart below by answering the

questions that follow:

List down all the acts of List down all the little
heroism done by acts of heroism that you
Perseus… did lately…

What personal What personal

challenges does Perseus challenges have you
have to overcome to overcome to fulfill acts
fulfill acts of heroism? of heroism?

IV. Evaluation
“When you build defenses, you are minimizing the risk of encountering future problems. Through
these strategies, you learn how to cope with the changing times and how to turn each challenge into
something beneficial.”

Write a reflection paper by means of completing the table below.

My journey to this lesson enabled me to learn__________________________________

It made me realize that ___________________________________________________________
I, therefore, commit to____________________________________________________________

V. Agreement
Study in advance the kinds of sentences according to structure.

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