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JUDUL : Impact of covid-19 on the implementation of online learning

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from mild to severe
symptoms. There are at least two types of coronavirus that are known to cause diseases that can cause
severe symptoms such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS and Severe (SE’VIR) Acute
Respiratory Syndrome or SARS. Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (Two thousand nineteen) (COVID-19) is a new
type of disease (DEZIZ) that has never been previously (PHRIVIAZLY) identified (AIDEN EFAID) in humans.
Common (KAUMEN) signs and symptoms (SEMTEMS) of COVID-19 infection include symptoms
(SEMTEMS) of acute (EKYIUT) respiratory distress (DESTRES) such as fever (FIVER), cough (KAF) , and
shortness (SORT ENES) of breath. The (DHI) average (EVERIJ) incubation period is 5-6 days with the
longest incubation period being 14 (fourteen) days.

The spread of the corona virus at first had a huge (DIEC) impact on the economic world which
was starting to be felt, but now it is also (OLSO) being felt by the world of education. The policies taken
by many countries including Indonesia by canceling all educational activities, have forced (PHORCD) the
government and related (RELAIDED) institutions to present alternative educational processes for
students and students who cannot carry out the educational process in educational institutions.

Activities that involve groups of people are now starting to be limited, such as work, worship
and others. The government has appealed (EPLID) to work, study and worship from home to reduce the
number of people exposed to COVID-19. Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim issued a Circular on the
Implementation of Education in the Coronavirus Disease Of COVID-19 Emergency Period (PERIED), so
that learning activities were carried out boldly in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus disease
(DEZIZ ) OR (Covid-19). Bold learning is carried out in accordance with the abilities (ABELEDIS) of each
school. Learning to be brave can use digital technology such as google classroom, study house, zoom,
video conference, telephone or live chat and others.

But what must be done is to present assignments (ESAINMEN) through (THRU) monitoring by
the teacher through the whatsapp group so that children really learn. Then the teachers also work from
home in coordination with parents, either through video calls or photos of children's learning activities
at home to ensure there is interaction between teachers and parents. Some schools that have not been
able to hold KBM dare to develop teacher creativity to utilize (YUDELAIS) alternative learning media as
long as students study at home. They can use existing (EYKZEGTING) learning resources, namely student
books in accordance with the themes taught according to a previously (PRIVIAZLY) made schedule.

Courage (KERJ)-based learning shows the categorization (KADEGROURISAZIYEN) of agreeing

(EGRING). This is shown after participating in courage (KERJ)-based learning, the students are more
enthusiastic (INTUZIASTIK) about participating in learning, especially (ESPES SELI) in science learning and
the students do not feel the system is brave. So the learning process can occur (EKER) at home, at school
or in the community. Therefore, everything can run well, with the support of facilities such as the

However, there is a positive impact on students, namely students who are not familiar with the
distance learning method (METHED) so that students need time to adapt and deal with new changes
that will indirectly affect their learning power. The impact on parents is that the obstacles (OBTEKLES)
faced by parents are the addition of internet (INT NERNET) quota (QOUDE) purchases (POURCHESES),
online technology requires a network connection to the internet (INT NERNET) and quotas (QOUDES)
because the level of internet (INT NERNET) quota (QOUDE) usage (YUSEJ) will increase and will increase
the burden (BERND) on parents' expenses. The impact felt by teachers is that not all are proficient in
using internet technology or social media as a means of learning, some senior teachers are not fully
(FOULY) able (EBEL) to use devices (DEVAISES) or facilities to support online learning activities and need
assistance (ESENTENS) and training first. So, the support and cooperation (KOAPERASION) of parents for
the success (SEKSES) of learning is very much needed. Communication between teachers and schools
with parents must be established (ISTABLESH) smoothly.

Based on the discussion above, the impact of COVID-19 on the implementation of bold learning
in elementary schools can be carried out well. COVID-19 is so big for education to break the chain (CEIN)
of transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic, learning that is usually d one at school is now learning at
home using various applications. Learning activities can run well and effectively in accordance with the
creativity of teachers in providing (PREVAIDING) materials and exercises to students, from practice
questions done by students can be used for students' daily scores.

Review the structure of the text

1. General classification
The general classification section is a section that shows general statements about the object
being discussed. In the text above, the object that displays is The impact of online learning on
the online learning, and the General classification section is shown in the section of pharagraph

“Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from mild to
severe symptoms. There are at least two types of coronavirus that are known to cause diseases
that can cause severe symptoms such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS and Severe
(SE’VIR) Acute Respiratory Syndrome or SARS. Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (Two thousand
nineteen) (COVID-19) is a new type of disease (DEZIZ) that has never been previously
(PHRIVIAZLY) identified (AIDEN EFAID) in humans. Common (KAUMEN) signs and symptoms
(SEMTEMS) of COVID-19 infection include symptoms (SEMTEMS) of acute (EKYIUT) respiratory
distress (DESTRES) such as fever (FIVER), cough (KAF) , and shortness (SORT ENES) of breath. The
(DHI) average (EVERIJ) incubation period is 5-6 days with the longest incubation period being 14
(fourteen) days”

In the paragraph 1 contains general things about covid-19, the types of the covid virus, and the
effects caused by covid-19. Paragraph 1 is still discuss about the covid-19. It is not talking about
the specifict impact of covid-19. Thus, It still be the general classification.

“The spread of the corona virus at first had a huge (DIEC) impact on the economic world
which was starting to be felt, but now it is also (OLSO) being felt by the world of education. The
policies taken by many countries including Indonesia by canceling all educational activities, have
forced (PHORCD) the government and related (RELAIDED) institutions to present alternative
educational processes for students and students who cannot carry out the educational process
in educational institutions”
In the paragraph 2, It contains the general things about the substance that will be discussed in
the text. Paragraph 2 contains The spread of covid-19 on economic and then impact on
education. Paragraph 2 discuss the economic and education impact of covid-19. It still the
general substance of the topic. Thus, It still be general classification.

2. Identification
The description section is a section that explains detailed information about the object discussed
in detail. The text above discussed detailed information from Paragraph 3 to the last paragraph.

“Activities that involve groups of people …use digital technology such as google classroom,
study house, zoom, video conference, telephone or live chat and others”

In the paragraph 3. It contains the specifict substance that relate to the tittlenof the text. Paragraph 3
show information about Minister Nadiem Makarin has appealed to work, study and worship from home
to reduce the number of people exposed to COVID-19. It has related to the tittle and It section is the

“But what must be done is to present assignments…the whatsapp groupthemes taught

according to a previously (PRIVIAZLY) made schedule”

In the paragraph 4. It contains about monitoring student from whatsapp groub, and other online
learning medias.

“Courage (KERJ)-based learning shows the categorization…Therefore, everything can run

well, with the support of facilities such as the internet”

In the paragraph 5, It talks about how the student is starting to comfortable of online learning that they
can study from home.

“However, there is a positive impact on students…of learning is very much needed.

Communication between teachers and schools with parents must be established (ISTABLESH)

In the paragraph 6, It talks about the obstacles of online learning, such as during online not all of student
can join it well because of the connection issues and the expensive mobile data.

“Based on the discussion above…materials and exercises to students, from practice

questions done by students can be used for students' daily scores”

In the paragraph 7, It talk about the impact of implementation of online learning is can be carried out
well. Online learning can run well and effectively by using the various application and also teacher’s

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