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Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A.

Ministerio de Educación Pública Programa de Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A.

División de Control de Calidad y Prueba de Inglés Ujarrás
Macroevaluación del Sistema Educativo Convocatoria 01-2004
Departamento de Pruebas Nacionales Total de puntos: 55
Convenio MEP-ICER

Selection 55 ítemes
Look at the map.

Metropolitan Central
Cathedral Park


Central Bank

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the dialogue using the map.

Situation: A tourist is at the main door of the Central Bank. He wants to go to

the Melico Salazar Theater.
Tourist: Excuse me. Where’s the Melico Salazar Theater?
Man: _______________ to the left corner. Turn left. _______________
1 2
straight ahead for two blocks. ________________ right. Cross
Central Avenue go south for one block. The theater is there.
Tourist: Thank you.

1) 2)
A) Turn A) Go
B) Walk B) Move
C) Move C) Cross
D) Drive D) Direct

A) Go
B) Turn
C) Drive
D) Move

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 2

Look at the information.

Imaginary /imedzinari/ adj. 1. Existing only in the imagination; fanciful;

unreal. 2. Math designating or of the square root of a negative quantity, or
of a complex number that is not real.

The imaginary lines that go from the north to south are the meridians.

Read the sentence and choose the appropriate option to answer the question.

4) What part of speech is “imaginary”? It’s a/an __________________.

A) preposition
B) definition
C) adjective
D) adverb

5) What’s the meaning that corresponds to imaginary in the last sentence of the

A) Math.
B) Existing only in the imagination.
C) A complex number that is not real.
D) Designating or of the square root or a negative quantity.

6) What information does the information above include?

A) Translation
B) Illustrations
C) Pronunciation
D) Idiomatic phrases

7) How many definitions does the word imaginary have?

A) Three
B) One
C) Two
D) Five

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 3

Choose the appropriate alternative in which the underlined word has a different

8) My nails are long.

A) I like my nails short.

B) Your nails are clean.
C) Carpenters use nails.
D) You can paint your nails.

9) I write with my right hand.

A) The answer is right.

B) Turn right on the corner.
C) The store is on your right.
D) I have five toes on my right foot.

10) That’s a beautiful ring.

A) Mary has a red ring.

B) The boxers are in the ring.
C) A diamond ring is expensive.
D) Tom wears a ring on his ear.

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 4

Read the text.

Costa Rica has different public services to help people. Some of them are
ICE, INS, CCSS, A y A and INVU. The ICE works with local and
international telecommunications. They are responsible for the good
operation of phones, cell phones, telegrams and Internet. The CCSS
offers public medical services for workers and their families. They have
hospitals, clinics and small clinics (called EBAIS) all over the country.
They also offer rehabilitation programs, dental care services, etc. The
INVU helps people buy economical new houses giving them facilities to
pay because this institution has low interest rates (9%). Also, when there
is a natural disaster (earthquakes, avalanches and hurricanes) and people
lose their houses, the INVU builds new houses for them.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentence, according to the text.

11) Public Services are __________________.

A) useless in the country

B) created to help people
C) private institutions to work
D) expensive for all the workers

12) The ICE __________________.

A) builds economical new houses

B) has clinics and hospital working
C) offers rehabilitation for everybody
D) gives national and international service

13) When phones or Internet are not working, __________________.

A) INVU offers its help

B) ICE solves the problem
C) INS gives facilities to pay
D) A y A has low interest rates

14) The CCSS helps people that need __________________.

A) public services
B) Medical services
C) new homes at higher prices
D) international communication

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15) CCSS hospitals and clinics are __________________.

A) near here
B) far from the city
C) all over Costa Rica
D) in part of the country

16) The EBAIS ___________________________.

A) gives people some facilities to pay

B) helps people who lose their houses
C) is an institution related to communication
D) is a small office that offers medical services

17) When there is a natural disaster, the INVU __________________.

A) gives rates
B) fixes bridges
C) builds houses
D) provides water

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 6

Read the text.

Laurie and Jessica are sisters, but they like different things. Laurie
likes school very much. She is very intelligent at math and English.
Jessica doesn’t like school, but her favorite subject is English. Laurie
is shy and hard-working. Jessica is adventurous and independent.
She likes to travel. Laurie and Jessica’s best friend is Tessy, who is
very gentle and honest.

Choose the appropriate alternative to answer the question, according to the

previous reading.

18) How is Laurie? She’s _______________________.

A) independent and honest

B) Jessica’s best friend
C) shy and energetic
D) good at math

19) Why is Jessica adventurous? Because she ___________________.

A) likes school
B) wants to travel
C) is hard-working
D) is Laurie’s sister

20) How is Tessy? She’s __________________________.

A) honest and shy

B) honest and gentle
C) gentle and adventurous
D) adventurous and independent

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 7

Read the dialogue.

Situation: Peggy and Melissa meet at
the park and begin talking about Choose the appropriate alternative that
vacations. completes the sentences, according to the
Melissa: How was your previous dialogue.
Peggy: Wonderful. I went to 21) __________________ went to San
Samara beach and San Andrés.
Andrés. The first week
I went to the beach by A) Melissa’s family
car, and the second B) Peggy and her mother
week to San Andrés. C) Peggy and all her family
Melissa: San Andrés, wow! D) Melissa and Peggy’s mom
With whom?
Peggy: Mom won a ticket and
we went there. This
was the first time I
22) Melissa _________________________.
took a plane. It was
A) visited San Andrés
Melissa: Did you feel nervous? B) went to Samara Beach
C) liked her trip on vacation
Peggy: Of course, the plane
D) saw Peggy in the park
was very big and fast.
Melissa: What else did you do?
Peggy: I went around the
island by boat. It was
fascinating. 23) Peggy traveled by __________________
during vacation.
Melissa: I didn’t have such
vacations. I went to A) bus, car, and by boat
Guanacaste by bus. It B) bus and by plane
was very bored; my C) car, plane, and by boat
family didn’t want to D) bus, car, and by boat
go by car.
Peggy: Maybe next time you’ll
have better vacations. 24) Peggy feels ______________________
Melissa: I hope. with her vacations.

A) very happy
B) bored and terrible
C) excited and bored
D) fascinated and terrible

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 8

Read the text.

Carla, Ethel, and Jane are very good friends. They like to practice
basketball on weekends. Carla is tall and blonde. She has green eyes and
big legs. She is twenty-two years old as her friend Jane. Her boyfriend is
Dick. He’s a doctor. His eyes are green, too. He is two years older than
Carla. Ethel is a short girl, but she plays basketball very well. Ethel’s eyes
are brown and her hair is black. Jane is taller than Carla. She is twenty-
one. Her eyes are black and she is very friendly. All the girls want to play
in the university team.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, according to the

previous reading.

25) Dick _________________________.

A) has black eyes

B) is Ethel’s friend
C) plays basketball
D) is Carla’s boyfriend

26) _____________________ have green eyes.

A) Carla and Dick

B) Ethel and Dick
C) Jane and Carla
D) Carla and Ethel

27) Carla is ___________________ Jane.

A) older than
B) taller than
C) as old as
D) as tall as

28) Dick is __________________ years old.

A) twenty
B) twenty-two
C) twenty-one
D) twenty-four

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 9

Read the dialogue.

Situation: Tom is talking to Mary about his trip plan for a week.

Tom: I’m going to Liberia next week.

Mary: How are you traveling?
Tom: By plane. It’s more expensive, but it’s the fastest way to get there.
Liberia has a modern international airport.

Mary: That’s interesting. Why do you want to go there?

Tom: Because Liberia has everything: nice weather, warm people and
the most beautiful beaches are very near, around the Papagayo
Gulf. You can go to the beaches by bus or you can rent a car.
Mary: Where did you get that information?
Tom: On Internet.
Mary: I’m sure you’ll have a great time.
Tom: I know I will.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentence, according to the


29) Tom and Mary are talking about ________________.

A) Tom’s trip
B) a plane ticket
C) a modern city
D) Internet information

30) Tom is planning to ________________.

A) drive to Liberia
B) take a week vacation
C) go to the beach with Mary
D) look for information in internet

31) Tom says that ________________________________.

A) Mary will rent a car.

B) in the Papagayo Gulf there are nice people.
C) there is easy access to beaches from Liberia.
D) it is very expensive to buy a plane ticket in Liberia.

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 10

Read the text.

A big restaurant needs people that do different things, because

customers like good service when they go there for lunch or dinner.
Some of the restaurant employees start working early in the morning.
The restaurant manager opens the place at seven. The cleaning
personnel come at that time, too. They have to clean tables, floors,
change tablecloths, wash dishes, etc. The maintenance personnel check
that appliances are working well. At nine o’clock, cooks and their
helpers arrive. They have to prepare part of the food that is going to be
served in the restaurant. These helpers cut vegetables for salads,
marinate meat, make desserts, etc. under the supervision of the cooks.
At eleven, waiters and waitresses get to the restaurant. They wear
uniforms. They set the tables. The manager supervises everything
before the restaurant opens to the public. At noon, everything has to be
ready for the customers.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentence, according to the text.

32) Customers want ________________ in a restaurant.

A) good service
B) lunch supervision
C) helpers in uniforms
D) the cleaning personnel

33) The manager ____________________.

A) helps the cooks

B) cleans the place
C) changes the tablecloths
D) opens the restaurant early

34) The cleaning workers ________________.

A) wash and clean everything

B) arrive earlier than the manager
C) have to check all the appliances
D) cut vegetables and make desserts

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 11

35) The maintenance employees ________________

A) wash floors
B) make salads
C) change tablecloths
D) check or fix appliances

36) Cooks and their helpers ________________.

A) set tables
B) clean tables
C) wash floors
D) prepare food

37) The waiters and the waitresses _______________________.

A) open the place to the public

B) supervise the maintenance personnel
C) are the last ones to arrive at the restaurant
D) arrive at the same time as the cook helpers

38) In a big restaurant, ________________________.

A) all the workers arrive at the same time

B) the work begins some hours before it opens
C) the customers start working early in the morning
D) the waiters and waitresses help the cook to prepare food

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 12

Read the text and choose the option that best completes the sentence.

Nora and Cora are identical twins. Nora spends most of her free time
playing softball, soccer, and tennis. Cora spends most of her free time,
painting and drawing. Both Nora and Cora take piano lessons. But Nora
and Cora have different feelings about playing the piano. Cora is bored by
her piano lessons. Nora is very friendly. She talks to everybody. Cora
usually prefers to be at home. They are busy all week. They rarely have
time to go to the movies.
Nora likes to wear jeans and t-shirts. Today she is wearing brown
shorts and a blue t-shirt along with white tennis shoes and socks. Cora’s
clothing is casual but she loves pastel colors. Today she is wearing a pink
skirt made of rayon and a pink and white blouse.
Both Nora and Cora love the same food. They love to eat pizza.

Twin: two born at the same birth.

Adapted from Mc Graw Hill

39) Nora loves to __________________.

A) play sports
B) paint
C) draw
D) read

40) Nora likes to ________________________.

A) play all kind of instruments

B) practice outdoor sports
C) read books
D) draw Cora

41) Both Nora and Cora ________________________.

A) enjoy piano lessons

B) prefer to stay at home
C) always have free time
D) like to wear casual clothes

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 13

42) The girls mentioned in the text ______________________________.

A) have the same feelings about piano

B) practice very bored activities
C) practice the same activities
D) have different preferences

43) They rarely go to the movie because they ________________.

A) don’t like it
B) think it’s bored
C) don’t have free time
D) love going to school

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 14

Read the text.

Natasha Popova, the famous ballerina from Russia, was dancing in

Spain. This week she is dancing with the San Francisco Ballet in San
Francisco. She is planning to dance in the United States in Chicago,
Kansas, Miami, North Virginia, Atlanta, New York and Orlando, this
spring. Popova enjoys dancing; she prefers to travel in the U.S.
because she has many fans there. The fans give flowers to her after
every performance because they like her. They think she is very nice
and graceful. Her last performance in San Francisco is Sunday at two
o’clock. Everybody wants to see her. There are many people buying
the tickets at the ballet Ticket Office. It is open from noon to 8:00 p.m.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from the text.

44) Miss. Popova ________________

A) is from Spain
B) lives in the United States
C) performs in Russia this week
D) plans to dance in some U.S. cities

45) Natasha_______________.

A) enjoys her work

B) dislikes spring to dance
C) prefers to travel in Russia
D) plans to change her profession

46) The word fans, in the text, means Natasha’s _______________

A) performances
B) ballet groups
C) followers
D) relatives

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 15

47) Miss. Popova’s fans________________

A) give her some tickets

B) dislike her very much
C) carry flowers for her
D) perform for her

48) People are ___________________.

A) buying tickets after noon

B) visiting many cities with her
C) going to the performance in the morning
D) attending to the last performance in the country

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 16

Read the selection and choose the appropriate alternative to complete the

Mark’s Family

My best friend’s name is Mark. He is from Boston. His grandparents live

there, but Mark’s family moves to Los Angeles. Mark lives in a big
apartment with his mother, father, and two sisters: Martha and Jane. Mark
is the oldest and Jane is the youngest. Mark likes to eat pizza and hot dogs
and his sisters like hamburgers.
Mark is a good student. He likes math best of all. In his free time, Mark
plays tennis and watches TV. Martha and Jane like to watch TV, too. All the
family goes to Boston on vacation because they like to visit their big farm.

49) Mark lives in __________________.

A) Boston
B) a big farm
C) Los Angeles
D) his grandpa’s house

50) Mark’s family _________________ on vacation.

A) visits their best friend

B) watches TV
C) goes to their farm
D) stays in Boston

51) Martha is ________________________.

A) older than Jane

B) older than Mark
C) younger than Jane
D) the youngest of all

52) _________________ like(s) math very much.

A) Jane and Martha

B) Mark’s parents
C) Mark’s friend
D) Mark

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Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 17

53) Mark’s sisters like to eat ______________________.

A) hot dogs
B) hamburgers
C) pizza and hot dogs
D) hamburgers and pizza

54) Mark’s father has ____________________.

A) two sons and a daughter

B) three daughters
C) three children
D) two sisters

55) According to the reading, _____________________.

A) Mark’s family has five members

B) Martha and her family live in farm
C) Jane’s grandparents live with them
D) Martha, Jane and Mark play tennis on their free time

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 18


Programa: III Ciclo Convocatoria: 01–2004

Asignatura: Inglés Ujarrás Total de ítemes: 55


1. B 21. B 41. D
2. A 22. D 42. D
3. B 23. C 43. C
4. C 24. A 44. D
5. B 25. D 45. A
6. C 26. A 46. C
7. C 27. A 47. C
8. C 28. D 48. A
9. A 29. A 49. C
10. B 30. B 50. C
11. B 31. C 51. A
12. D 32. A 52. D
13. B 33. D 53. B
14. B 34. A 54. C
15. C 35. D 55. A
16. D 36. D
17. C 37. C
18. D 38. B
19. B 39. A
20. B 40. B

División de Control de Calidad

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