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Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A.

Ministerio de Educación Pública Programa de Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A.

División de Control de Calidad y Prueba de Inglés Ujarrás
Macroevaluación del Sistema Educativo Convocatoria 02-2004
Departamento de Pruebas Nacionales Total de puntos: 55
Convenio MEP-ICER

Selection 55 ítemes
Look at the family tree.

Bill’s Family





Bill Inés

In the picture we see Bill with his parents, brothers, a sister and his uncle. Bill says:
"my_______________ are Miguel and Betty. Bob is a cap driver, he is 28, he is
my_____________. My father is Rubén, he doesn´t have ______________. He has a
2 3
beautiful _________________, she is my mother. Inés, my sister, is Miguel and Betty´s
_______________________. My mother Alice is my grandparents' _________________.
5 6
David and Andrés are my_____________________. I love my family.”

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete each sentence, according to the

previous information.

A) granddaughter
B) grandchildren
C) grandparents
D) grandson

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 2


A) brother – in- law

B) nephew
C) brother
D) uncle


A) daughters
B) brothers
C) sisters
D) sons


A) wife
B) aunt
C) sister
D) cousin


A) granddaughter
B) sister -in –law
C) grandchildren
D) grandson


A) daughter- in-law
B) mother-in-law
C) sister-in- law
D) daughter


A) uncles
B) cousins
C) brothers
D) nephews

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 3

Read the text.

Spring is very nice. Everything is fresh and green with new leaves on the
8 9 10
The weather changes a lot. Sometimes it is cool in the morning and at noon it
is warm.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from the previous

8) The word Spring in the text means a _____________________.

A) fast movement
B) season of the year
C) cool water from the mountain
D) place where water comes naturally

9) The word fresh in the information is a (n) _______________________.

A) adjective
B) preposition
C) conjunction
D) abbreviation

10) The meaning of the word leaves in the paragraph is ___________________________.

A) parts of plants or trees

B) mornings or noons
C) weather or spring
D) trees or changes

11) The word changes in the text means to _____________________________.

A) have trees
B) give leaves
C) get everything
D) become different or transform

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 4

Read the text.

I'm Peter. I enjoy life more now. I like to get up late. I just go to work
some hours in the morning and I can't enjoy my job. I come home at 12
noon everyday.
I enjoy to go to the movies on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons.
I like to go to a different place far from my house once a month. I always
enjoy to visit my friends. My weekends are really exciting. I spend my
time writing or listening to music. I also like to dance at home. Why don't
I clean my house or wash my car? I guess I just got lazy. I like to read
and my favorite hobby is to buy books.

Lazy: a person who doesn't like to work.

Adapted from New Interchange

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from the previous

12) Peter doesn't like to ___________________________.

A) get up early
B) go home at 12
C) be far from home
D) go to the movies on working days

13) Peter comes home ____________________.

A) at noon
B) at night
C) before 12 o'clock
D) some hours in the morning

14) Peter doesn't like to ____________________.

A) read books
B) do housework
C) listen to music
D) dance at home

15) Peter ____________________ visits his friends.

A) never
B) rarely
C) always
D) sometimes

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 5

16) Peter likes to go to the movies ____________________.

A) now
B) just on Mondays
C) every afternoons
D) three times a week

17) Peter spends some of his free time ____________________.

A) cleaning his house

B) listening to music
C) washing his car
D) visiting friends

18) Peter enjoys to ____________________.

A) dance at home
B) guess names of books
C) work many hours all day
D) play music on Wednesdays

19) One hobby Peter has is to ____________________.

A) come home at noon

B) get up early
C) do his work
D) buy books

20) One leisure activity Peter loves to do once a month is ____________________.

A) writing books
B) travelling nearby
C) going to far places
D) cleaning the house

21) Peter __________________________.

A) is always busy
B) thinks he is lazy
C) likes his job very much
D) dislikes to read and write

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 6

Read the following information

Mauren, 18, a professional young model is in pasarela now. She is thin with long
straight hair. Her eyes are big and black.
Sandry, 30, is a middle aged secretary. She has brown, curly, short hair. Her eyes
are brown and small. Her nose is wide and short.
Paul, 53 is a dressmaker. He's bald and wears a hat for protection of the sun. His
wife Alice works with him.
Peter, 20, a young soccer player is blond with long straight hair and blue eyes. He
is a tall boy.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete each sentence, according to the

previous information

22) The person who wears a hat is ______________.

A) Paul
B) Peter
C) Sandry
D) Mauren

23) Peter _________________________________.

A) is fifty-three years old

B) has a wide and short nose
C) has long hair and blue eyes
D) is a professional young model

24) Sandry´s hair is _________________.

A) curly and long

B) blond and long
C) curly and short
D) long and straight

25) Mauren ____________________________.

A) is the youngest person

B) has brown curly hair
C) has small blue eyes
D) is the oldest model

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 7

Read the text.

The Carter Kids

In this fabulous new pop group from Chicago, Illinois, there are two
brothers and a sister. Max is fifteen years old and he plays the drums. Girls
like him because he has green eyes and long black hair.
Wendy, 14 years old, plays the guitar. She's great! She has long blond
hair and brown eyes. David is twelve years old. H e has brown eyes and
blond hair. He is very handsome as his brother. He's the singer.
Enjoy their concert on March 17 in school.

Adapted from Best Friends

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, according to the

previous information.

26) David is ________________________.

A) older than Max and Wendy

B) the youngest in the group
C) as young as Wendy
D) as old as Max

27) Girls like Max because he ________________________.

A) plays the guitar

B) is a good singer
C) is the youngest of the three
D) has beautiful eyes and long hair

28) Wendy ________________________.

A) sings very well

B) is great playing the guitar
C) has green eyes and dark hair
D) is two years younger than Max

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 8

Read the text.

For some tourists who want to visit some places near San José, the
capital of Costa Rica, there is a cheap and comfortable way to tour. For
¢110. "La Periférica" bus takes you in a 90 minutes trip through the urban
and suburban places around the city. It’s not expensive. This bus leaves
very early in the morning every 20 minutes.
One can take this bus in front of the University of Costa Rica. To go to
Zapote or San Fransico, take the bus across the street from Monpik’s front
door. To Guadalupe, you just walk to the other side. The bus stop is around
the corner and across the street. This bus is more than a mean of
transportation. It’s an easy way of travelling in a short period of time
visiting San José.

Choose the appropriate alternative to answer the questions, from the previous text.

29) How often does "La Periférica" leave?

Each ________________ minutes.

A) ten
B) ninety
C) eleven
D) twenty

30) How is "La Periférica"?

A) nice and expensive.

B) expensive and comfortable.
C) uncomfortable and cheaper.
D) comfortable and inexpensive.

32) What's "La Periférica"? It's ______________________________.

A) just a tourist bus

B) the most expensive bus in Guadalupe
C) a bus stop across the street from Monpik
D) a bus that goes through the urban and suburban areas

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 9

Read the text.


Peter and Grace are in a hotel. They plan an activity. They want to go
out for a walk. They want to go to Central Park. That place is not near the
hotel. First, they take a bus and then they take a taxi to get to that park.
There, they begin to walk. Then they arrive at a baseball field and say
“Hello” to some boys who are playing. A special park service rents boats to
sail in the lake. Peter and Grace decide to travel by boat for few a minutes.
After the boat travel, Peter wants to continue the walking to Time Square,
but Grace is tired and thirsty. They decide to go to drink something to a
cafeteria. Then, they take a taxi to come back to their hotel again.

Adapted From “Basic English”, 1999

Choose the appropriate alternative to answer the questions, according to the

information above.

33) Where are Peter and Grace? In ________________________.

A) the baseball field

B) Time Square
C) Central Park
D) a hotel

34) What do Peter and Grace plan? To ________________________________.

A) go to Central Park
B) take a walk near the hotel
C) rent boats in Time Square
D) play at the baseball field with some boys

35) What do Peter and Grace do just before they get to the hotel again? They

A) take a taxi
B) travel in a boat
C) walk in Central Park
D) drink something in a coffee shop

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 10

Read the dialogue.

Situation: A person on the street wants to go to the Public Library. This

person doesn’t know where it is.

A: Excuse me. Where’s the Public Library?

B: It’s easy. The Public Library is near….
________________ straight ahead for a block.

________________ left on the corner.

________________ north for 2 blocks. The Public Library is there.
A: Thank you.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from the previous


A) turn
B) stop
C) walk
D) cross


A) turn
B) stop
C) move
D) direct


A) go
B) drive
C) direct
D) change

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 11

Read the text.

Police Officers

Everybody is grateful because there are police officers. They are men and
women who help to keep everyone safe in a city or town.
The police in an area works as a team and help people in necessity. They
go through special training so that they will know how to solve problems as
quickly as possible.
Police officers use special radios so that they can talk to other officers.
When they see someone in trouble they can call more officers to come and
Being a police officer is a rewarding job. The police officers know people
look for them in order to find safety and guidance.

Taken from McGraw Hill

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from the previous

39) Police officers receive a training to _____________________________.

A) be very glad
B) call more officers
C) keep everyone in a town
D) know how to solve problems of people in necessity

40) Police officers use "radios" to _____________________________.

A) get help
B) call women
C) call men in trouble
D) get special training

41) People are happy because officers help them to be _________________.

A) in necessity
B) in a team
C) in trouble
D) safe

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 12

42) The police in an area ______________________________.

A) works as a group
B) offers special radios
C) comes to know everyone
D) gives rewards to city people

43) According to the text, police officers can call _________________ to get help if a
person has problems.

A) everybody
B) more officers
C) trouble people
D) women teams

44) This job of "Police Officer" ________________________________.

A) isn't a risky job

B) is for men and women
C) isn't to solve problems of people
D) is to keep everyone in the city with a special training

45) Police officers work _________________________.

A) in towns and cities

B) in town teams
C) only in towns
D) only in cities

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 13

Read the texts.

Spanish-English Tourist Spanish-German Want to go anywhere

Guide Available Only Translator anytime?
Call Jorge
Letters, documents, forms French-Italian
Bus service Translator
222-1110 For information call Good prices
259-1030 382-4020
Office hours French/Italian spoken

Select the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from the previous

46) If you need information about a Spanish German translator call __________________.

A) 222-1110
B) 382-4020
C) 222-1011
D) 259-1030

47) If you have English tourists and want to travel on weekends ask for information to a
___________________ guide.

A) French-Italian
B) French-German
C) Spanish-English
D) Spanish-German

48) When you want to go anywhere, anytime call Jorge to get information about

A) good prices
B) Spanish-German forms
C) Spanish-German tourists
D) the guide available only weekends

División de Control de Calidad

Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 14

Read the ads.

"Maridos de Alquiler"

Do you have any problems at home? Problems with locks, closet doors,
pipes, wires in bad condition? Need painting, have leaking roofs? We
have good painters, plumbers, carpenters, electricians, locksmiths,
painters delivers, gardeners, etc.
Call us, we do the job for you. 293-92-11 San Antonio de Belén Good
prices! English Spoken.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, according to the

previous text.

49) When you have to ____________________ something, you call "Maridos de Alquiler".

A) fix
B) cut
C) bake
D) deliver

50) "Maridos de Alquiler" has ____________________. They can fix the pipes in your

A) plumbers
B) carpenters
C) electricians
D) delivery people

51) If you need to change or repair closet doors, "Maridos de Alquiler" also has

A) painters
B) plumbers
C) gardeners
D) carpenters

52) "Maridos de Alquiler" has ___________________, too. They can change the wires.

A) painters
B) plumbers
C) gardeners
D) electricians

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Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 15

Read the information. Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the


53) Is this a large ball? Yes, it is.

The word "large" is a (n) ____________________ in this question.

A) noun

B) adverb

C) adjective

D) preposition

55) An elephant never talks.

The word "never" is a ___________________ adverb.

A) time

B) place

C) manner

D) frequency

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Ujarrás / Tercer Ciclo de la E.G.B.A. 16


Programa: III Ciclo Convocatoria: 02–2004

Asignatura: Inglés Ujarrás Total de ítemes: 55


1. C 21. B 41. D
2. D 22. A 42. A
3. C 23. C 43. B
4. A 24. C 44. B
5. A 25. A 45. A
6. A 26. B 46. B
7. C 27. D 47. C
8. B 28. B 48. A
9. A 29. D 49. A
10. A 30. D 50. A
11. D 31. C 51. D
12. A 32. D 52. D
13. A 33. D 53. C
14. B 34. A 54. B
15. C 35. D 55. D
16. D 36. C
17. B 37. A
18. A 38. A
19. D 39. D
20. C 40. A

División de Control de Calidad

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