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Inglés / Edad 1

Ministerio de Educación Pública Programa de Educación Diversificada a Distancia

División de Control de Calidad y Prueba Inglés 2
Macroevaluación del Sistema Educativo Total de puntos: 60
Departamento de Pruebas Nacionales Convocatoria: 02-2004
Convenio MEP – ICER


Read the recipe. Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences,
from it.

1) One of the ingredients which is not solid in

Serve with vanilla ice cream. Serves 8.
and cut into squares.
(Add the chopped nuts). Pour into greased square pan and bake at 350º for 30 minutes. Cool
Combine butter, eggs, and vanilla, and add that mixture to dry ingredients. Mix well.
Combine the dry ingredients. Mix well.

How to prepare

1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

1 teaspoon vanilla
2 eggs
1/2 cup melted butter or margarine
A pinch of salt
2 tablespoons cocoa powder.
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup flour

Ingredients: this recipe is ________________.

A) flour
B) sugar
C) vanilla
D) cocoa powder

2) The first step to prepare brownies is to


A) put together the dry ingredients

B) separate the eggs and butter
C) have two cups of sugar
D) buy some cups of flour

3) When you prepare brownies you need


A) a dozen eggs
B) three cups of flour
C) two cups of chopped nuts
D) one small spoon of vanilla

4) Salt is used _____________________ in

brownies recipe.

A) in big quantities
B) in very little quantity
C) as the main ingredient
D) before you combine the dry ingredients

5) Cocoa powder and flour are ___________


A) dry
B) liquid
C) optional
D) greased

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 2

Read the dialogue.

Situation: Tom is from the United States. He is talking to Ana, her Costa Rican friend.

Tom: What do you usually have for breakfast?

Ana: Sometimes, I eat “gallo pinto” with eggs. Sometimes, I have tortillas with
sour cream, or I eat bread and butter with cheese. I seldom eat cereal. I
always drink coffee, too. What about you?

Tom: Well, here in Costa Rica, I eat “gallo pinto”, eggs, and tortillas. I drink coffee,
too. But at home, I usually have cereal, pancakes or fried bacon with eggs. I
drink orange juice or milk.

Ana: Really? Is it true that people in your country don’t eat much for lunch?

Tom: Yes. We usually eat a sandwich, a hamburger, a piece of pizza or a salad.

Lunch is a light meal for us almost every day. But here, I love “casados” with
meat and “picadillo”.

Ana: Great! I’m glad you like our food.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, according to the

dialogue above.

6) Tom and Ana are ______________.

A) having a light meal

B) eating dinner at home
C) talking about food customs
D) discussing about their countries

7) Costa Ricans’ breakfast is ________________________.

A) the same as a “casado”

B) usually cereal or pancakes
C) usually heavier than the U.S’s
D) as light as the one in Tom’s country

8) Tom enjoys to eat ______________________ the most.

A) casados
B) picadillos
C) gallo pinto
D) homemade tortillas

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 3

9) U.S. people ________________________.

A) eat a light lunch

B) have a heavy breakfast
C) prefer a sandwich in the morning
D) eat tortillas with sour cream for dinner

10) In the dialogue, Tom says he ________________________ for breakfast.

A) rarely eats eggs

B) never drinks coffee here
C) drinks a different thing at home
D) always prefers to eat pancakes

11) The word “casados” refers to a ________________________.

A) type of breakfast
B) light meal for dinner
C) heavy dish including picadillo
D) dish of “gallo pinto” with eggs

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 4

Read the article.

“Electronic Signature”
Program Unveiled

Science and Technology Minister showed the final version of the government’s
“Electronic Signature” program last week, which will eventually allow users to
authenticate legal documents and commercial transactions with “computerized
Electronic signatures are unique computerized codes made up of hundreds of
thousands of numbers used, instead of printed signatures, to validate legal
documents, money transfers and purchases.
Last year, a special commission was appointed to study the system about
“Electronic Signature” and draft a bill for Congress. The bill is now under study and
awaiting vote.
The system would be especially beneficial to the Judicial System because rural
lawyers will be able to present signed documents without having to travel to San
Fifteen government institutions are already backing the proposal, the minister
“Electronic signatures are an extremely safe way to validate documents. The
signature codes are practically impossible to forge”, he explained.

To forge: to make an imitation

Tico Times – Fabián Borges

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, using the previous

12) Electronic signatures are used to _______________________________.

A) send letters
B) send e–mails
C) make hundreds of thousands of numbers
D) authenticate legal documents and money transfers

13) This technology will bring particular advantages to the _________________________.

A) Judicial system of Costa Rica

B) public and private entities abroad
C) Technology Minister of Costa Rica
D) fifteen government institutions of the country

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 5

14) This Electronic Signature is ___________________________.

A) very hard to forge

B) absolutely insecure
C) completely commercial
D) impossible to authenticate

15) The “Electronic Signature” ___________________________.

A) allows anyone to access the information

B) permits the money transference manually
C) is a new program proposed by the government
D) codifies all the legal information related to government

16) The bill about “Electronic Signature” is ___________________________.

A) a law right now

B) waiting to be approved
C) being used by rural lawyers
D) being drafted by the Minister of Science and technology

17) The lawyers in the countryside benefit from this bill because they ________________.

A) don't sign any documents more

B) don't need to validate legal documents
C) won't have to come to the capital to sign
D) won't use computerized codes any more

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 6

Read the dialogue. Choose the appropriate alternative to answer the questions,
according to the dialogue.

18) What are John and Kathy talking about?

Situation: John and
Kathy are schoolmates. A) Types of keyboards.
They are talking. B) The news of the future.
C) The computer of the future.
D) The new uses of keyboards.
Kathy:Have you heard about the new
computer it is coming out? It will be
able to recognize any voice
command, so you won’t ever need to 19) Which is one characteristic of the new
use the keyboard. computer? It includes ______________.
John:Yeah, and soon everyone will
use computers that fit into the palm A) a special keyboard
of one’s hand. B) voice recognition command
Kathy:Within 20 years, all our news C) a keyboard that fits on the palm of the
and information will be coming hand
through computers. D) a small instrument that compresses the
John:By then, magazines and information
newspapers have disappeared and
the delivery person too.
Kathy:Wow! Computers are going to
take over our lives one of these days. 20) How big will the future computers be?
John:Yeah! Isn’t it great!
Adapted from New Interchange A) Bigger than the keyboard.
B) Smaller than a baby’s hand.
C) As big as the today’s computer.
D) As small as the palm of one’s hand.

21) How might people be informed in twenty


A) By man’s hands.
B) By delivery people.
C) Through computers.
D) Through the newspapers.

22) What does John think about the computer control of human lives? It is ___________.

A) awful
B) terrible
C) dreadful
D) fantastic

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 7

Read the text.

Choose the appropriate alternative to

answer the questions, from the previous

23) Why are the campesinos happy with the

Boyeros Day? Because it

A) brings them many changes

B) is just a Costa Rican holiday
C) helps them to forget their past
D) is a recall of the campesino’s way of life
National Boyeros Day is more than a
celebration of campesinos’ traditions
around the country; it is a 24) What does the celebration mean for the
recognition of their living way. campesinos? It’s ___________________.
“Living the traditions is how we
maintain them. For 20 years we A) a family festival
have had this national day to B) the campesino’s parades
emphasize our values and our C) Costa Rican parades of oxcarts
culture, and to be sure the country D) a way to keep the country's traditions
does not forget its past.”
The two day festival, opening on
Saturday, March 9, means parades 25) When does the event take place?
of brightly colored oxcarts, fireworks, _______________________.
dancing and good food to the 20 000
tourists, who come to San Antonio A) One Saturday each month
de Escazú every year. It’s a B) On Friday
commemoration of cultural roots, C) In March
early economic development and D) In May
rich family traditions.

Adapted from Tico Times 26) Which activities do people carry on during
the celebration?

A) Opening band festivals.

B) Parades of rich families.
C) A show of colorful oxcarts full of free
food for everybody.
D) Parades of colorful painted oxcarts
representing the cultural roots.

27) What is a title for the text?

A) Culture and Value.

B) National Boyeros Day.
C) San Antonio de Escazú.
D) Commemoration of all cultural roots.

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 8

Read the text.

Edson Arantes, known as Pelé, was born in 1940 in Brazil. He was an outstanding
soccer player, but as a boy he didn’t have formal training in this sport. He learned to
play soccer with his friends on the beaches of Rio de Janeiro. His first match for the
Brazilian national soccer team was in 1955, and by 1958 he was a world–famous
soccer player. From 1958 to 1968, he scored 1200 goals for the Santos Club in Brazil
and the Brazilian national team. He played for Brazil in four World Cup competitions,
and Brazil won three of these.
Everybody loved to watch Pelé. He was an excellent athlete, a wonderful team
member and a funny person too. He retired from Brazilian soccer in 1974, and the next
year he went to the United States to play for the New York Cosmos. He helped to
make the Cosmos team a very good one. He retired as a soccer player in 1977. He
now lives in Brazil where he works as soccer coach.

(From Tico Times)

Choose the appropriate alternative that completes each statement, according to the
reading above.

28) Edson ______________________________.

A) founded the Santos Club in Brazil

B) was well-trained since his childhood
C) played with the Cosmos team since 1958
D) was a distinguished athlete in the last century

29) Edson Arantes __________________________.

A) was Pelé’s best friend

B) participated in three World Cup matches
C) was the trainer of the Brazilian national team
D) scored one thousand two hundred goals in ten years

30) Pelé ___________________________.

A) played professional soccer in his country during nineteen years

B) didn’t continue in the soccer world after nineteen seventy-four
C) didn’t score any goal after nineteen sixty-three
D) won all the World Cup matches with his team

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 9

31) After Pelé’s retirement as a soccer player from Brazil, he ______________________.

A) decided to stay in the United States

B) became a soccer coach in New York
C) helped the Cosmos to be a good team
D) played soccer with his friends on the beaches

32) Pelé retired as a soccer player when he was ___________________ years old.

A) forty
B) forty-one
C) thirty-four
D) thirty-seven

33) Edson Arantes had the first match for the Brazilian national soccer team when he was
around _________________.

A) seventeen
B) eighteen
C) twenty
D) fifteen

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 10

Read the text.

The Sound of Music

Do you like popular music from latin America, The United States, or Asia?
Many musicians from around the world mix their country’s music with popular

Caetano Veloso after thirty years, is still one of Brazil’s most important
musicians. He mixes rock with the music of the Bahia region. Bahia is a state of
Brazil that is strongly influenced by African culture. Caetano Veloso is an excellent
songwriter and poet. He says of this music, “I make my songs like a painter paints
his canvas.”

Bonnie Raitt is an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Her music blends
rock with country and the blues. The blues is a kind of folk music that is often sad.
It is usually about love and the problems of life. Bonnie Raitt’s strong, rough voice
is perfect for singing country and the blues.

Cui Jian (pronounced “tsay jyan”) is a very important musician and singer in the
growth of rock music in China. Western styles, like jazz and rap, clearly influence
his music. However, his music is very Chinese in its instruments and sounds. Cui
Jian says his music expresses the feelings of Chinese young people.

Blend = mix together

canvas= the material that artist uses to paint pictures
rough= not smooth, gentle or delicate

Based on the reading, choose the appropriate alternative to answer the questions.

34) What do these three musicians have in common? They _____________________.

A) all sing only rock music.

B) combine rhythms such as jazz, rap and country.
C) blend popular rhythms with their country’s music.
D) all sing to express the way they feel about youngsters.

35) Why is Bonnie Raitt’s voice good for country and blues music? Because

A) she’s a very sad songwriter.

B) she has a strong and rough voice.
C) her voice reflects feelings and strong emotions.
D) those rhythms are part of the folcklore of America.

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 11

36) What does Cui Jian want to express through his music? The

A) representation of Chinese youth feelings.

B) development of rock music in China.
C) Chinese instruments and sounds.
D) influence of Western styles.

37) What is the word “blues” related to, in the text? A ______________________.

A) type of paint
B) variety of folk music
C) country rhythm for a strong voice
D) mixture of rock and African rhythm

38) What is the similarity among the three musicians?

A) All of them sing love songs.

B) Their songs are country music.
C) The three use Chinese instruments.
D) Their music mixes different rhythms.

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 12

Read the information.

Do you know how to get inexpensive airline and train tickets?

On a recent flight, Laura was talking happily with the woman in the next seat –until
the conversation turned to fares. The woman, who bought her ticket two months in
advance, paid $109. Laura paid the full fare of $457. She decided that next time
she would find out how to travel for less.

Here are some ways to travel for less:

Cheap airline tickets. To fly for less money, you can buy non-refundable plane
tickets two or three months before your trip. The cheapest way to fly is as a courier.
In return for delivering a package for a courier company, you get a plane ticket that
costs as little as one-quarter of the regular fare – or even less if the company needs
someone at the last minute. Recently, a courier flew round trip from Los Angeles to
Tokyo for $100; a regular ticket costs around $1,800.

Train passes. If you’re going to do a lot of traveling by train, a train pass will save
you money. Buying a single pass gives you unlimited travel for a period of time.
Train passes can be especially useful in India, which has the world’s largest rail
system; in Japan where trains are fast and convenient; and in Europe where trains go
to over 30,000 cities.

Adapted from New Interchange 2

Based on the information above, choose the appropriate alternative to complete the

39) The main idea of the reading is to let people know about _______________________.

A) places they can visit when traveling

B) ways to get cheaper tickets
C) the high price of tickets
D) how to travel to Tokyo

40) A way of getting plane tickets at a lower cost is by ___________________________.

A) paying $1,800 to the airline

B) buying the ticket at the last minute
C) traveling from Los Angeles to Tokyo
D) buying a ticket you can not return, some months before

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 13

41) When traveling by train, you can save money _________________________.

A) buying a train pass

B) going to many different cities
C) visiting different places in India
D) traveling on the largest rail system

42) Laura learned she can _________________________.

A) fly everywhere buying the tickets in the courier company

B) buy some plane tickets for a cheaper price
C) pay more money to travel in a better seat
D) find out about full fare tickets next time

43) The least expensive flight tickets are _________________________.

A) those used in round trips

B) those used in regular flights
C) the ones bought in Los Angeles and Tokyo
D) the ones acquired by couriers at the last moment

44) The text says that ______________________________.

A) a single train pass can be used many times within a fixed period.
B) in India, the rail system is not well-developed.
C) traveling by train is a new system in Europe.
D) the less develop rail system is in Japan.

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 14

Read the text. Select the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from
the text.

45) Sea turtles are/is ______________________.

Sea turtles are ancient animals
that have a protective shell and
A) 150 million years old
live in the ocean. Sea turtles
B) a group of endangered species
have existed for 125 million
C) new species of animals in the world
years, but now they are listed as
D) species which has eight protective shells
threatened or endangered.
Each spring, thousands of these
creatures leave the ocean to lay
46) Sea turtles lay their eggs ___________.
their eggs. Year after year, they
instinctively return to the beach
A) without their protective shell
where they themselves were
B) after spring season at any beach
*hatched. They dig a hole in the
C) at their home beach once in a year
sand and *release up to 150
D) in a very small nest with some birds around
eggs at a time. Most of the eggs
will never hatch, because they
will be eaten by predator birds,
47) Most of the turtle’s eggs are ______________.
crabs, or insects. Nowadays the
turtle’s worst enemy is man. A) difficult to find inside the turtle’s nest
*Poachers take their eggs, and B) eaten by predator birds and men
kill the adults for their shells. C) protected by poachers
*to release: to liberate. D) never eaten by men
*to hatch: to come out of an
*poachers: a person who 48) To lay eggs, sea turtles _________________.
catches birds, animals, etc, on
somebody else’s property A) make a hole in the sand
without permission. B) should wait for more than a month
C) look for a special place near crabs and
Adapted from Atlas insects
D) do it in any of the many nests which
appear in the ocean

49) The number of eggs sea turtles release at a time is ___________________________.

A) a maximum of one hundred fifty

B) always less than a dozen
C) almost three millions
D) just five

50) The sea turtle is ______________________.

A) one thousand meters long

B) a magical giant from the beaches
C) an animal that hatches just two eggs each year
D) one of the most ancient species man should protect

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 15

Read the text. Choose the appropriate alternative to complete the sentences, from
the text below.

51) After World War II, there was a (n)

The years following World ______________________.
War ll seemed to promise
peace and more equality A) aparent period of calm
among people. For example, B) proposal to create a peaceful institution
the United Nations was C) promise of complete equality forever
founded in 1945 to help among people
countries resolve disputes D) decision to guarantee the union of the
peacefully. This promise was world countries
soon broken, by the Cold
War, tension between the
United States and the Soviet 52) Tension between the United States and the
Union. These two Union Soviet was named the _____________.
superpowers engaged in an
arms race spending huge A) Cold War
sums of money on weapons. B) arms race
The other nations of the C) peaceful dispute
world were divided into two D) superpower engagement
“sides”, and the world was
frozen in a perpetual state of
hostility. 53) The United States and the Soviet Union
When the communist ______________________.
governments collapsed in the
Soviet Union and Eastern A) founded the United Nations
Europe, between 1989 and B) supported two superpowers
1991, the Cold War ended C) split their territories in two sides
and the political climate D) spent a large amount of money in weapons
The end of Cold War tension
opened new channels of 54) The Cold War finished _______________.
communication between
nations. A) in the Western Europe in 1989
B) with the fall of communist governments
Adapted from Channel C) with the appearance of the communist
D) when the world froze in a hostility perpetual

55) After the Cold War, the globe _____________.

A) collapsed under destruction

B) faced a terrible political climate
C) prepared more destructive weapons
D) opened new ways of communication

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 16

Read the text.

Choose the appropriate alternative to complete

the sentences, according to the previous text.
Traditionally in Costa Rica, the
most popular means of 56) Before the 18th century, _________________.
transportation were walking,
horse, boat, and oxcart. Then in A) many of the roads were paved
the late 19th century railways B) man built the railway to help himself
were built to facilitate the export C) the means of transportation were very slow
of the main agricultural crops, D) there were many ports near the
coffee and bananas. Before the communities
development of railways,
transportation was very slow; it
could take weeks for oxcarts to 57) After the development of railways,
travel from the Central Plateau to _________________________.
the ports. Also since there were
no paved roads, it was very A) boats traveled faster to the ports
uncomfortable. B) the use of oxcarts was increased
Now transportation in modern C) man could export banana and coffee easily
Costa Rica is easier, faster and D) men took two weeks to travel to the Central
more comfortable. A network of Plateau
expressways paved and unpaved
roads means that buses, cars
and trucks reach almost every 58) The transportation system in Costa Rica
community in the country. ____________________.
People can travel to the towns
and cities to work, study and buy A) has only paved road now
things not available in their local B) gets to most of the communities
easily. International airlines take C) is as uncomfortable and slow as before
Ticos abroad and bring many D) are formed by walking, horse, boat and
tourists, particularly destinations ship, nowadays
within Costa Rica.
However, modern transportation
has its disadvantages. The 59) The text says that ____________________.
sharp increase in road traffic
means that roads, particularly in A) Costa Rica has a well-developed
and around San Jose are often transportation system
blocked by traffic jams; pollution B) there is no way for people to travel to the
is reaching dangerous, and many nearest town
people are injured or die in road C) international airlines are not for foreigners
accidents. D) Tico airlines reach every community

60) One negative consequence of modern

transportation is the ____________________.

A) easy and fast transportation everywhere

B) traffic jam in the main roads
C) decrease of road accidents
D) availability of more roads

División Control de Calidad

Inglés / Edad 17


Programa: EDAD 2 Convocatoria: 02 – 2004

Asignatura: Inglés Total de ítemes: 60


1. C 21. C 41. A
2. A 22. D 42. B
3. D 23. D 43. D
4. B 24. D 44. A
5. A 25. C 45. B
6. C 26. D 46. C
7. C 27. B 47. B
8. A 28. D 48. A
9. A 29. D 49. A
10. C 30. A 50. D
11. C 31. C 51. A
12. D 32. D 52. A
13. A 33. D 53. D
14. A 34. C 54. B
15. C 35. B 55. D
16. B 36. A 56. C
17. C 37. B 57. C
18. C 38. D 58. B
19. B 39. B 59. A
20. D 40. D 60. B

División Control de Calidad

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