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Journal of Sports Sciences

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The role of a short post-lunch nap in improving

cognitive, motor, and sprint performance in
participants with partial sleep deprivation
a a a a
J. Waterhouse , G. Atkinson , B. Edwards & T. Reilly
Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University,
Liverpool, UK
Published online: 04 Oct 2007.

To cite this article: J. Waterhouse , G. Atkinson , B. Edwards & T. Reilly (2007) The role of a short post-lunch nap in
improving cognitive, motor, and sprint performance in participants with partial sleep deprivation, Journal of Sports Sciences,
25:14, 1557-1566, DOI: 10.1080/02640410701244983

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640410701244983


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Journal of Sports Sciences, December 2007; 25(14): 1557 – 1566

The role of a short post-lunch nap in improving cognitive, motor,

and sprint performance in participants with partial sleep deprivation


Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, UK

(Accepted 26 January 2007)

The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a post-lunch nap on subjective alertness and performance following
Downloaded by [Princeton University] at 09:44 02 August 2013

partial sleep loss. Ten healthy males (mean age 23.3 years, s ¼ 3.4) either napped or sat quietly from 13:00 to 13:30 h after a
night of shortened sleep (sleep 23:00 – 03:00 h only). Thirty minutes after the afternoon nap or control (no-nap) condition,
alertness, short-term memory, intra-aural temperature, heart rate, choice reaction time, grip strength, and times for 2-m and
20-m sprints were recorded. The afternoon nap lowered heart rate and intra-aural temperature. Alertness, sleepiness, short-
term memory, and accuracy at the 8-choice reaction time test were improved by napping (P 5 0.05), but mean reaction
times and grip strength were not affected (P 4 0.05). Sprint times were improved. Mean time for the 2-m sprints fell from
1.060 s (sx ¼ 0.018) to 1.019 s (sx ¼ 0.019) (P ¼ 0.031 paired t-test); mean time for the 20-m sprints fell from 3.971 s
(sx ¼ 0.054) to 3.878 s (sx ¼ 0.047) (P ¼ 0.013). These results indicate that a post-lunch nap improves alertness and aspects
of mental and physical performance following partial sleep loss, and have implications for athletes with restricted sleep during
training or before competition.

Keywords: Sleep loss, athletic performance, fatigue, daytime sleep

separate effects due to circadian phase, time since

waking, and sleep history (Åkerstedt & Folkard,
Sleep loss affects mood and performance at a variety 1995; Krauchi, Cajochen, & Wirz-Justice, 2005;
of mental tasks. In general, there is a fall in mood and Neri, 2004; Spencer, 1987; Waterhouse et al.,
performance after as little as 2 – 3 h sleep loss, 2001), and these provide a rationale for giving advice
although the size of the decrement depends on the on ways to combat the negative effects due to
type of mental task. Decrements are more marked disturbed sleep, a period of extended wakefulness,
when repetitive and boring tasks are involved. [For or an abnormal phasing of circadian rhythms.
some recent reviews, see Dinges (1995), Folkard With regard to physical performance, there is less
(1990), Rosekind, Flower, Gregory, & Jung (2005), information about the effects of limited sleep loss
Van Dongen & Dinges (2005), and Waterhouse, (Leger Metlaine, & Choudat, 2005; Smith & Reilly,
Minors, Åkerstedt, Reilly, & Atkinson (2001).] Short 2005) and of any effects that naps might have. Such
sleeps (naps) ameliorate these decrements in perfor- information would be valuable when there is a
mance and negative effects on mood (Van Dongen & requirement for physical activity in individuals who
Dinges, 2005), although, unless the nap is short and are suffering from some degree of sleep loss, as
devoid of slow-wave sleep, mental performance and during night work or after time-zone transitions
mood are temporarily worsened until the individual (Reilly, Edwards, Waterhouse, & Atkinson, 2005;
has woken up fully. This transient effect is known as Reilly, Atkinson, & Waterhouse, 1997). There is also
‘‘sleep inertia’’, and its effects wear off within the first a potential relevance to sportspersons, since even
hour after waking up (Brooks & Lack, 2005; Naitoh, small decrements in physical performance might
1981; Stampi Mullington, Rivers, Campos, & separate a winning team or individual from another
Broughton, 1990). whose performance is only slightly below peak
Several mathematical simulations of mental per- values, and a degree of sleep loss is often present in
formance have appeared, generally incorporating them (Leger et al., 2005) and possibly contributes to

Correspondence: J. Waterhouse, Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Henry Cotton Campus, 15 – 21
Webster Street, Liverpool L3 2ET, UK. E-mail: waterhouseathome@hotmail.com
ISSN 0264-0414 print/ISSN 1466-447X online Ó 2007 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/02640410701244983
1558 J. Waterhouse et al.

‘‘underperformance syndrome’’. Sleep loss might (Brooks & Lack, 2005; Folkard, 1990; Reilly et al.,
arise from the residual effects of disturbed circadian 1997).
rhythms following a time-zone transition, but it The present study was undertaken to address
might also arise when the event is taking place in directly some of these issues. We assessed the
the home time zone; sleep might be more disturbed effectiveness of a lunchtime nap in ameliorating
than normal due to having to sleep in unfamiliar effects on a sporting task caused by a limited amount
surroundings, to apprehension the night before an of loss of sleep during the previous night in
important competition, or to noise from sports fans, participants otherwise living regular and conven-
for example. In addition, travel to a meeting might tional sleep – wake schedules.
involve getting up early in the morning. Partial sleep
loss is also likely to be quite common in some
domestic circumstances – when there is a newborn Methods
child, for example – when the disturbance might last
several weeks and might affect performance during
routine training schedules the following day. Ten males (mean age 23.3 years, s ¼ 3.4) participated
Some research (for reviews, see Reilly et al., 2005; in the study. From questioning the participants, it
Smith & Reilly, 2005) has investigated physical was established that none experienced any sleep
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performance after a time-zone transition and re- complaints, and all were in good health and slept at
ported transient decrements in performance. How- conventional hours (approximately 23:00 – 07:00 h;
ever, this circumstance does not make it possible to see below). All participants were right hand domi-
distinguish between the effects of abnormally phased nant. None of them had an understanding of the
circadian rhythms (due to the time-zone transition) possible effects of sleep loss and naps.
and sleep loss per se. Meney and colleagues (Meney,
Waterhouse, Atkinson, Reilly, & Davenne, 1998)
studied the effects of one night’s sleep loss in
individuals continuing to live in the same time zone, The experimental procedures were in accord with
so removing effects due to performing physical university guidelines and passed by the human ethics
activity at a changed circadian phase. They measured committee of the institution. The procedures were
core temperature, mood, and several measures of explained in full to all participants and any questions
physical performance (handgrip, leg strength, back about the protocol were answered. They were
strength, and self-chosen intensity of exercise). required to sign consent forms in the presence of
Changes to physical performance measures were independent witnesses. Participants were informed
generally non-significant, even though mood was that they could withdraw from the experiment at any
negatively affected. By contrast, more extended time, although none did so.
periods of sleep loss, as in an exhibition soccer
marathon, for example, resulted in a fall on
successive days in the percentage of time the
individuals were actively engaged in playing soccer Before the main experimental sessions, all partici-
(Reilly & Walsh, 1981). The exact relevance of these pants attended two habituation sessions, one week
studies to the effect of only limited sleep loss on apart, in the experimental laboratory. Participants
sporting performance is unclear; the former study answered all the questionnaires, practised all the
measured aspects of physical performance that are tests, and had all the measuring equipment attached
only surrogates for sporting performance itself, and (for details, see below). During one of the habitua-
the latter, while measuring a sporting task, involved tion sessions, participants were shown the quiet
excessive sleep loss. Moreover, neither study inves- room and bed in which they would have an
tigated the effects of a nap on any deterioration in opportunity to take their nap.
performance that might be present. For the main experiment, a crossover experimental
Of relevance to athletes would be an investigation protocol was used, with participants being tested on
into the effects of a nap on athletic performance in two separate occasions at least one week apart. Both
the presence of smaller amounts of sleep loss as arms of the study were undertaken after a night of
might commonly occur (see above) during training partial sleep loss. To achieve this, participants were
schedules or before competition. In practice, the instructed to sleep 4 h less than normal. This
timing of a nap is often determined by the required the participants to retire the night before a
individual’s work schedule; a nap around lunchtime test session at their normal time (between 22:30 and
is not only often easier to incorporate into a daily 23:30 h for the group as a whole) and to rise 4 h
schedule but also it is at a time when there is a earlier than normal (between 02:30 and 03:30 h for
transient fall in alertness and increased ability to nap the group as a whole). After this early rising,
Naps and sprinting 1559

participants were free to choose their activities. In Short-term memory test. The test used for short-term
practice, after switching on the light, all watched memory was a digit span test (Troy et al., 2000). It
television or listened to music. had two components: digits-forwards and digits-
Participants were asked to refrain from any backwards. With the digits-forwards component, the
vigorous physical activity in the 24 h prior to each participant was read a series of random numbers,
of the experimental sessions, during which time starting with a sequence of five digits, and asked to
alcoholic or caffeine-containing beverages were repeat it to the experimenter in the same order in
prohibited. No food or drink was allowed in the which it had been presented. If the participant was
4 h beforehand. successful, the number of digits was raised by one,
Participants arrived at the experimental laboratory and the test continued; whenever the participant was
at 12:30 h, when they were informed (before the first unsuccessful, the test continued but with a new
session) as to whether it was the nap or no-nap sequence that was the same length as the previous
condition. Participants were randomly assigned to one. In total, 10 sequences were given, the length of
either the ‘‘nap’’ or ‘‘no-nap’’ condition for the first the last sequence that had been repeated successfully
experimental session. Participants in the nap condi- being taken as the score for that test.
tion entered a room that was conducive to sleep The digits-backwards component was performed
(comfortably warm, dimly lit, and quiet) at about in the same way, except that the first sequence was 4
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12:45 h, and got into bed. After being allowed a few digits in length and the participant was required to
minutes to become accustomed to their surround- repeat it to the experimenter in the reverse order.
ings and to become comfortable, they were allowed Rules for increasing the length of the sequence were
30 min to nap (13:00 – 13:30 h). This length of time the same as with the digits-forwards component.
for a nap was chosen as it would often be possible for Again, 10 tests were given and the length of the last
it to be incorporated into a daily routine. After this sequence that had been successfully repeated was the
time, participants were woken, if they were asleep, score for the test.
and allowed 30 min to overcome any sleep inertia
that might have existed. In the no-nap condition, the Visual choice reaction time test. The version used
same period (12:45 – 14:00 h) was spent awake, the investigated prepared reaction times when the
participants reading quietly. One of the authors number of choices was one, two, four, and eight
ensured that this protocol was adhered to by all (Hick, 1952). It was run on a desktop PC. A warning
participants. square was presented in the bottom centre of the
At 14:00 h, all participants recorded on analogue screen, followed shortly by a stimulus key, ‘‘þ’’,
scales (see below) their sleepiness and alertness, again at the bottom of the screen. The required
together with (if in the nap condition) the quality of response was to press the keyboard key under the
their nap; they then started the tests. These consisted ‘‘þ’’ sign as soon as possible. With the one-choice
of four components, performed in the following test, the stimulus was always at the same position, the
order: centre of the screen, and the test amounted to a
measurement of simple reaction time. With the two-
. short-term memory test; choice test, the stimulus could appear at one of two
. visual choice reaction time test; symmetrically placed positions along the bottom of
. handgrip strength; the screen. With the four- and eight-choice tests also,
. sprint running times over 2 and 20 m. the possible positions were placed symmetrically
along the bottom of the screen.
The test consisted of four trials, using one, two,
Performance measurements
four, and eight choices, respectively. There were
Subjective sleepiness, alertness, and sleep quality. Mea- eight stimuli in each trial. For each trial, both the
surements of these variables were made using visual mean response time (measured to 0.001 s) and
analogue scales based on the Stanford Sleepiness the number of wrong key presses were recorded.
Scale (Hoddes Zarcone, Smythe, Phillips, & Dement, The test took less than 10 min to complete.
1973). ‘‘Sleepiness’’ was measured on a scale of 1 – 7,
where 1 indicated ‘‘high activeness’’ and 7 an equally Handgrip strength. Grip strength for both the left
‘‘high tiredness’’. Alertness was measured on a scale (non-dominant) and right (dominant) hands was
of 0 – 10, where 0 indicated ‘‘extreme drowsiness’’ recorded using a dynamometer (T.K.K. 5101,
and 10 ‘‘extreme alertness’’. Subjective ratings of Japan). The participant gripped the dynamometer
sleep quality during the nap were made using a scale in a raised position above his head and then
of 0 – 10, where 0 indicated ‘‘no sleep’’, 5 indicated lowered the dynamometer until it had reached waist
‘‘some sleep with some interruptions’’, and 10 height. Grip strength was recorded from left and
indicated ‘‘uninterrupted, deep sleep throughout’’. right hands alternately. Three values from each
1560 J. Waterhouse et al.

hand were recorded, each of these being used in the

Statistical analyses
Statistical analyses were performed with the Statistics
Sprint running times. Three sprints were performed, Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) (version 11).
with a 1-min rest between sprints. Sprint perfor- More details of the hypothesis tests are given at the
mance times were recorded from 2-m and 20-m appropriate points in the ‘‘Results’’ section.
points, using a set of standard battery timing Corrections for violations of sphericity (Green-
lights (PGS Timing System MK II; SICK Optic house-Geisser) and multiple comparisons of differ-
Electronic, Germany). The participants were placed ences within a factor (Bonferroni) were used as
behind the starting line and used a standard starting appropriate (Atkinson, 2001, 2002). In the text and
position with blocks. The sprint was initiated by an tables, exact P-values are given. Statistical signifi-
audio signal that came from behind the participant, cance was set at P 5 0.05. Values where
so mimicking race conditions (Buckolz & Vigars, 0.10 4 P 4 0.05 have been reported as marginally
1987). The times taken to cover 2 m and 20 m were significant and other values, where P 4 0.10, have
recorded for each of the three sprints, and the three been reported as ‘‘not significant’’ (Zar, 1999, p. 83).
sprints were analysed separately. The accuracy of the Values for P of ‘‘0.000’’ given by the statistics
timing mechanism was 0.001 s. package have been recorded as ‘‘50.0005’’.
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Other measurements
Heart rate was recorded four times (Polar Electro
Heart rate and temperature
heart rate monitor, Favor, Finland): before (13:00 h)
and after (13:30 h) the times allocated to the nap (or Figure 1 (top) shows the mean heart rate at the
to quiet reading in the no-nap condition), and before different stages of the experiment. The fall produced
(14:00 h) and after (about 14:30 h) the battery of by the nap condition (but not the no-nap condition) is
performance tests. Core body temperature was clear, as are the rises produced by the tests in both
estimated from the external auditory meatus, intra- conditions. We separated the data into those obtained
aural temperature (Genius 3000 A infrared thermo- before/after the nap and those before/after the tests, so
meter: Sherwood, Davis, & Gosport, Hampshire, as to focus on the effects of the nap and the tests,
UK) at the same times. respectively. A two-factor analysis of variance

Figure 1. (Top) Heart rate in the nap and no-nap conditions. (Bottom) Aural temperature in the nap and no-nap conditions. Values are
means and standard deviations. pre-nap/post-nap ¼ before and after the time allocated to the nap; pre-tests/post-tests ¼ before and after the
test sessions.
Naps and sprinting 1561

(ANOVA), with repeated measures, was performed to components). There were significant positive effects
test the main effect of nap and time and the interaction of the naps on both memory tests, and a tendency for
between these two factors (dependent variable ¼ heart the scores in the forward case to be higher than those
rate; fixed factors ¼ nap/no-nap condition and pre-/ in the backward case. Effects due to the nap did not
post-nap or pre-/post-test session). The results of these correlate significantly with increases in alertness or
analyses are shown in Table I. The significant interac- falls in sleepiness with either the digits-forwards or
tion between the nap/no-nap condition and pre-/post- digits-backwards components (P 4 0.2 in all cases).
nap indicates that the nap condition alone produced a Effects due to the nap did not correlate significantly
fall in heart rate. There was also a significant rise in with subjective sleep quality in the forwards case
both conditions following the test sessions. (P 4 0.7); however, there was a significant negative
Aural temperatures at the different stages of the correlation between the subjective sleep quality and
experiment are shown in Figure 1 (bottom) and the the improvement after a nap in the digits-backwards
associated statistics in Table I. Again, the significant case (Pearson’s r ¼ 70.88, P ¼ 0.001).
interaction effect indicates that the nap condition
alone produced a fall in aural temperature. Also,
Mean reaction times and reaction time errors
there was a significant rise in aural temperature
following the test sessions. Figure 3 (top) and Table II show the results for the
Downloaded by [Princeton University] at 09:44 02 August 2013

mean reaction times (the ANOVA was performed in

the same way as for the memory tests, above). There
Subjective alertness, sleepiness, and sleep quality
was a highly significant effect of number of options
The mean values of these three variables in the nap on reaction time, but there was no significant
and no-nap conditions are shown in Figure 2 (top). difference between the nap and no-nap conditions.
The nap condition was associated with a significantly There was a significant positive correlation (Pear-
increased alertness (t-tests: t9 ¼ 5.77, P 5 0.0005) son’s r ¼ þ0.71, P ¼ 0.021) between the increase in
and decreased sleepiness (t9 ¼ 6.74, P 5 0.0005). alertness and the decrease in reaction time for the
Nine of the 10 participants estimated that they one-choice case; otherwise, there were no significant
obtained at least some sleep during the time allo- correlations between the effects of naps on changed
cated to a nap. Sleep quality was subjectively given a reaction times and changes in alertness, sleepiness or
mean score of 4.20 (sx ¼ 0.79), which is just below a subjective sleep quality.
score of 5, ‘‘some sleep with some interruptions’’. The numbers of errors in the reaction time tests
There were no significant correlations (Pearson are shown in Figure 3 (bottom) and the associated
correlation coefficient, r) between subjective sleep statistics in Table II. Again, the number of choices
quality and the rise in alertness or fall in sleepiness had a significant effect on the number of errors.
(P 4 0.10 in both cases). There was some evidence for an effect of the naps
insofar as the interaction between nap/no-nap and
number of choices reached P ¼ 0.085 (see Table II).
Results from the test sessions A specific comparison between errors in the nap and
no-nap condition when there were eight choices
Visual short-term memory test
confirmed the presence of a marginally significant
The results of the short-term memory tests are shown difference (t-test: t9 ¼ 2.06, P ¼ 0.070), as there were
in Figure 2 (bottom) and the associated statistics in fewer errors in the nap condition. None of the
Table II (two-way ANOVA with repeated meas- differences in errors between the nap and no-nap
ures: dependent variable ¼ score; fixed factors ¼ conditions correlated with changes in alertness or
nap/no-nap and digits-forwards/digits-backwards sleepiness, or with subjective sleep quality.

Table I. Results of repeated-measures ANOVA for heart rate and aural temperature.


Nap/no nap Occasion of measurement Interaction

Variable F d.f. P F d.f. P F d.f. P

Heart rate (pre-/post-nap) 10.5 1, 9 0.01 22.8 1, 9 0.001 54.9 1, 9 50.0005

Heart rate (pre-/post-test session) 8.0 1, 9 0.02 11.0 1, 9 0.009 0.4 1, 9 0.53
Temperature (pre-/post-nap) 0.8 1, 9 0.41 0.3 1, 9 0.86 8.8 1, 9 0.016
Temperature (pre-/post-test session) 0.2 1, 9 0.66 7.5 1, 9 0.023 0.1 1, 9 0.93

Note: Significant results are shown in bold font.

1562 J. Waterhouse et al.
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Figure 2. (Top) Subjective assessments of sleepiness and alertness in the nap and no-nap conditions, and of sleep quality. (Bottom) Scores
for the short-term memory tests in the nap and no-nap conditions. Values are means and standard deviations. Forwards ¼ digits-forwards
component; Backwards ¼ digits-backwards component. For more details, see text.

Table II. Results of repeated-measures ANOVA for short-term memory, mean reaction times, reaction time errors, and mean times for the
2-m and 20-m sprints.

Factor 1 (see column to the

left) Factor 2 Nap/no nap Interaction

Variable Factor 1 F d.f. P F d.f. P F d.f. P

Short-term memory Forwards/backwards 4.2 1.0, 9.0 0.07 9.5 1.0, 9.0 0.013 1.4 1.0, 9.0 0.27
Reaction times – means 1, 2, 4, 8 choices 93.1 1.4, 12.3 50.0005 0.1 1.0, 9.0 0.75 0.3 1.7, 15.1 0.68
Reaction times – errors 1, 2, 4, 8 choices 18.0 1.3, 11.7 0.001 2.5 1.0, 9.0 0.15 3.0 1.7, 15.5 0.085
2-m sprints – means Sprints 1 – 3 2.9 1.6, 14.7 0.094 6.8 1.0, 9.0 0.029 1.4 1.4, 12.9 0.28
20-m sprints – means Sprints 1 – 3 4.4 1.6, 14.3 0.04 9.7 1.0, 9.0 0.013 0.5 1.3, 11.6 0.55

Note: Significant results shown in bold font; 0.10 4 P 4 0.05 shown in italic font.

between the main factors. Differences in grip strength

Grip strength
between the nap and no-nap conditions did not
Three-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used correlate significantly with changes in alertness and
(dependent variable ¼ grip strength; fixed variables ¼ sleepiness, or with subjective sleep quality.
left/right hand, nap/no-nap, test number 1 – 3). The
results (Table III) indicate no significant effect of the
Sprint performance
nap but a significant effect of hand (right stronger than
left) and a weak effect of test number (test 1 giving the Figure 4 shows the results for the 2-m and 20-m
highest values). There were no significant interactions sprints. The associated statistics are shown in
Naps and sprinting 1563
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Figure 3. (Top) Reaction times for the one-, two-, four-, and eight-choice reaction time tests (1-op, 2-op, 4-op, and 8-op respectively) in the
nap and no-nap conditions. (Bottom) Numbers of errors for the one-, two-, four-, and eight-choice reaction time tests in the nap and no-nap
conditions. Values are means and standard deviations. #P ¼ 0.70 (paired t-test).

Table III. Results of repeated-measures ANOVA for handgrip there was a significant effect of nap. The mean
time for the 2-m sprints fell from 1.060 s
F d.f. P (sx ¼ 0.018) to 1.019 s (sx ¼ 0.019) (P ¼ 0.031
paired t-test). The mean times for the 20-m sprints
Main factors fell from 3.971 s (sx ¼ 0.054) to 3.878 s
Left/right hand 7.5 1.0, 9.0 0.023 (sx ¼ 0.047) (P ¼ 0.013). There was also a weak
Nap/no nap 0.1 1.0, 9.0 0.80
Test number 1 – 3 3.5 1.7, 15.4 0.063
effect of sprint number, with the best times
recorded during the first sprint; however, there
Hand 6 Nap 0.1 1.0, 9.0 0.93 were no significant differences (P 4 0.05) when the
Hand 6 Test number 1.7 1.6, 14.7 0.23 mean times for sprints 1, 2, and 3 were indivi-
Nap 6 Test number 0.4 1.7, 15.5 0.65 dually compared.
Hand 6 Nap 6 Test number 1.4 1.2, 10.9 0.28 The mean improvements in sprint performance at
Note: Significant results shown in bold font; 0.10 4 P 4 0.05
2 m and 20 m correlated significantly with each other
shown in italic font. (r ¼ þ0.69, P ¼ 0.029), but these improvements did
not correlate significantly with rise in alertness (2 m:
r ¼ þ0.46, P ¼ 0.18; 20 m: r ¼ þ0.36, P ¼ 0.31), fall
in sleepiness (2 m: r ¼ þ0.58, P ¼ 0.08; 20 m:
Table II (two-way ANOVAs with repeated mea- r ¼ þ0.39, P ¼ 0.26) or subjective sleep quality (2 m:
sures; dependent variables ¼ times for 2 m/20 m; r ¼ þ0.31, P ¼ 0.38; 20 m: r ¼ 70.17, P ¼ 0.64).
fixed factors ¼ nap/no-nap condition, sprint num- The results from the study are summarized
ber 1 – 3). For both the 2-m and 20-m distances, in Table IV.
1564 J. Waterhouse et al.
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Figure 4. Times taken to cover 2 m (top) and 20 m (bottom) during the three sprints (t1 – t3) in the nap and no-nap conditions. Values are
means and standard deviations.

Table IV. Summary of main significant results.

Difference [Nap – no nap] condition correlated

with subjective

Variable Effect of nap Alertness Sleepiness Sleep quality Other

Subjective alertness " X } Alertness and sleepiness

Subjective sleepiness # X } negatively correlated
Short-term memory " X X Xa
Reaction times – mean X X X X 1-choice 5 2 5 4 5 8-choices
Reaction times – errors Xc X X X 1-choice 5 2 5 4 5 8-choices
Handgrip strength X X X X Left 5 Right. Test 1 4 Tests 2/3
2-m sprint time # X X X } Effects of nap on 2-m and 20-m
20-m sprint time # X X X } times are positively correlated

Note: ", rise; #, fall; X, not significant. Blank indicates not tested.
Improvement of digits-backwards score correlated negatively with sleep quality.
Improvement with nap in one-choice case correlated positively with increase in alertness.
Evidence for decrease in errors in nap condition with the eight-choice case.

heart rate and aural temperature (Figure 1 and

Table 1), as well as a fall in sleepiness and rise
The opportunity for a 30-min nap rather than sitting in alertness (Figure 2, top). These changes would
reading for the same period of time produced falls in be anticipated (Reilly et al., 1997). The lack of
Naps and sprinting 1565

correlations between the subjective assessments of naps. As a result, their ability to predict the effects of
sleep quality and changes in alertness and sleepiness these factors on complex mental performance in field
(Table IV) suggests either that the subjective assess- conditions can be limited (see, for example, Dinges,
ments were not internally consistent or that the value 1995; Folkard, 1990; Van Dongen and Dinges,
to alertness and sleepiness of the nap time was more 2005; Waterhouse et al., 2001). The current results
in the relaxation than the quality of sleep that it illustrate some of these differences between markers
provided. of mental performance. On the one hand, naps
Whatever the reason, it is clear that naps produced improved alertness and decreased sleepiness, both
an improvement in performance at the sprints the digit-forwards and digit-backwards components
after sleep loss the previous night (Figure 4 and of short-term memory improved in the nap condition
Tables II, IV). This improvement approached 0.1 s (Figure 2 and Table II), and there was some
in the 20-m tests. We did not investigate whether this evidence that naps decreased the error rate with the
improvement is retained in races longer than 20 m; eight-choice reaction time test (Figure 3, bottom,
however, if this were the case, or if it were to be and Tables II, IV). On the other hand, mean reaction
altered proportionally over a distance of 100 m, it times with the one-, two-, four-, and eight-choice
would have a considerable influence on the indivi- versions of the reaction time tests (Figure 3, top, and
dual’s position in a competitive race. Any such Table II) were unchanged between the nap and no-
Downloaded by [Princeton University] at 09:44 02 August 2013

improvement has a much wider application, nap conditions. It is also possible that the test of
however – it would also change the individual’s visual reaction time used in this study was insuffi-
satisfaction in training sessions, for example, and so cient in duration to detect the effects of sleep loss.
be valuable on a daily basis. Even though subjective alertness and sleepiness,
The improvement in sprint performance following short-term memory, and sprint times all improved in
a nap was not matched by changes to grip strength the nap condition, there was no evidence of a close
(Tables III, IV). Also, even though grip strength and association between the variables. Changes in short-
sprint times both showed small differences when the term memory and sprint times produced by the naps
sequence of the three tests was considered, the rarely correlated significantly with the changes in
directions of change were opposite to one another. subjective alertness and sleepiness or subjective sleep
For the sprints, performance tended to increase on quality (Table IV). Any link between these variables
successive occasions (Figure 4 and Table II); for grip must be indirect, therefore, and its nature remains
strength, it tended to decline (Table III). The decline obscure.
in grip strength is consonant with the concept of The nap was taken around lunchtime, since this is
muscle fatigue, whereas the changes in sprint times one of the times when individuals, particularly those
cannot be explained by this factor but suggest some with some degree of sleep deprivation, show a
degree of ‘‘warm-up’’ instead. transient fall in alertness and can initiate sleep more
That is, measuring grip strength (often used as a readily (Brooks & Lack, 2005; Reilly et al., 1997),
surrogate for sports performance) was not a sub- and when it can be incorporated into a daily routine.
stitute for measuring actual performance (sprint In the current study, 30 min was allowed after the
times) in this study. Whether other aspects of nap and before the test sessions began, and this
physical performance (e.g. aerobic power, isometric would have enabled any effects of sleep inertia that
and isotonic muscle actions, and spine flexibility) might have been present to have dissipated (Brooks
would reflect the changes observed in the sprints is & Lack, 2005; Naitoh, 1981; Stampi et al., 1990).
unclear. The observation that many aspects of The changes produced by the nap were generally
physical performance have circadian rhythms that improvements, and this argues against their having
are synchronous with one another and sports been due to sleep inertia. Nevertheless, the observa-
performance might reflect no more than the fact tion that the amount of improvement in the digit-
that the sleep – wake cycle affects all these rhythms backwards component of the short-term memory test
(Reilly et al., 1997; Waterhouse et al., 2005). In other correlated negatively with subjective sleep quality
words, how closely aspects of physical performance (Table IV) fits with the view that residual effects of
act as markers for sports performance is something sleep inertia were present in this case. (The short-
that requires further investigation. term memory test was performed first in the test
This difficulty in assessing sports performance sessions, see ‘‘Methods’’.) However, the absence of a
from measures of physical performance is found also negative effect of subjective sleep quality on perfor-
when ‘‘mental performance’’ is considered. Many mance change in the digit-forwards component,
tasks of mental performance show lower values in the which was performed before the digit-backwards
early morning and late evening than in the middle of component, undermines this explanation and so the
the waking day – but their detailed profiles vary, they reason for the result is unclear.
show different susceptibilities to effects of time awake There were several limitations to the present study
and sleep loss, and different recovery rates following that require further work to be performed. This work
1566 J. Waterhouse et al.

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