Liu 等。 - 2018 - Sparse Signal Processing for Grant-Free Massive Co

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Signal Processing and the Internet of Things

Liang Liu, Erik G. Larsson, Wei Yu, Petar Popovski,

Čedomir Stefanović, and Elisabeth de Carvalho

Sparse Signal Processing for Grant-Free

Massive Connectivity
A future paradigm for random access protocols in the Internet of Things

he next wave of wireless technologies will proliferate in
connecting sensors, machines, and robots for myriad new
applications, thereby creating the fabric for the Internet of
Things (IoT). A generic scenario for IoT connectivity involves
a massive number of machine-type connections, but in a typi-
cal application, only a small (unknown) subset of devices are
active at any given instant; therefore, one of the key challenges
of providing massive IoT connectivity is to detect the active
devices first and then decode their data with low latency. This
article advocates the usage of grant-free, rather than grant-
based random access schemes to overcome the challenge of
massive IoT access. Several key signal processing techniques
that promote the performance of the grant-free strategies are
outlined, with a primary focus on advanced compressed sens-
ing techniques and their applications for the efficient detection
of active devices. We argue that massive multiple-input, mul-
tiple-output (MIMO) is especially well suited for massive IoT
connectivity because the device detection error can be driven
to zero asymptotically in the limit as the number of antennas
at the base station (BS) goes to infinity by using the multiple-
measurement vector (MMV) compressed sensing techniques.
This article also provides a perspective on several related im­­
portant techniques for massive access, such as embedding
short messages onto the device-activity detection process and
Internet OF Things—
the coded random access.
circuits—image licensed by ingram publishing

Wireless technology achievements in the past few decades are
providing people with unprecedented connectivity, and there is
growing interest in providing ubiquitous connectivity for ma-
chines and objects, many of which do not require interactions
with humans [1]. This is being driven by the rapid advance-
ment of the IoT, which will significantly impact the way we
live our lives, the way we conduct business, deliver education,
health care, and governmental services [2]. Typical IoT appli-
cations, as shown in Figure 1, include
1) smart health care in which the wearable devices transmit
continuous streams of accurate data to the cloud for better
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MSP.2018.2844952
Date of publication: 28 August 2018 care decisions

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Temperature Speed

Heart Rate Location

Smart Health Care Smart Home

Smart Manufacturing Smart Transportation

FIGURE 1. The applications of the IoT.

2) smart homes that enable home automation with the aid of Grant-based random access schemes
intelligent appliances, such as the smart speaker even when The common user access approach in cellular systems is to per-
the occupants are away from the home form grant-based random access using the dedicated random-
3) smart manufacturing that supports streamlined business access control channel so that the uncoordinated devices can
operations and optimized productivity in factories via contend for physical-layer resource blocks for data transmission
automatically collecting and analyzing data from the sen- [3], as illustrated in Figure 3. In the first stage, each active device
sors for making better-informed decisions to the actuators picks a random preamble, sometimes referred to as a pilot se-
(e.g., robotics) quence, from a predefined set of orthogonal preamble sequences
4) smart transportation in which the connected vehicles make to notify the BS that the user has become active. In the second
transportation itself more efficient and help us get from stage, the BS sends a response corresponding to each activated
place to place more quickly. preamble as a grant for transmitting in the next step. In the third
Targeting the emergence of the IoT, the fifth-generation cel- stage, each device that has received a response to its preamble
lular technologies road map has already identified massive transmission sends a connection request to demand resources
machine-type communications (mMTC) as one of the three for subsequent data transmission. In case a preamble has been
main use cases, along with enhanced mobile broadband and selected by a single device, the connection request of the device
ultrareliable, low-latency communications. is granted by the BS, which in turn sends a contention-resolution
The fundamental challenge of mMTC for the IoT is to message informing the device of the resources reserved for the
enable data transmission from a massive number of devices in pending data transmission. However, if two or more devices have
an efficient and timely manner. However, the key characteristic selected the same preamble in the first stage, their connection
of IoT traffic is that the device-activity patterns are typically requests collide. When the BS detects a collision, it does not re-
sporadic so that, at any given time, only a small and random ply with a contention-resolution message; rather, the affected de-
fraction of all devices are active (Figure 2). The sporadic traf- vices restart the random access procedure after a timer expires.
fic pattern may be because devices are often designed to sleep In the above procedure, the messages sent by the active devices
most of the time to conserve energy and are only activated in the first and third phases correspond to metadata since they
when triggered by external events, as is typically the case in belong to control information for establishing the connection
a sensor network. In these scenarios, the active users must be without containing any data information.
dynamically identified along with the reception of their data, This access mechanism is an example of the classic ALOHA,
which is a challenging task. which imposes a limit on the number of active devices that can

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Active Device
Inactive Device

FIGURE 2. A typical IoT network with a massive number of devices, e.g., drones, smart watches, etc. Arising from the sporadic IoT data traffic, only a
subset of devices in the network are active at each time slot.

Device BS 100

1) Random Preamble 90
with Access to Networks
Number of Devices

2) Random Access Response

3) Connection Request 60

4) Contention Resolution

FIGURE 3. A grant-based random access procedure. Due to the lack of 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000
coordination, collisions occur when two or more devices select the same Length of Preamble: L
pilot, prompting the need for new access attempts in this case.
Grant-Based Random
Access with Contention Resolution
Grant-Based Random
obtain the grant to access the network. Recently, extensive efforts Access Without Contention Resolution
have been devoted to different variations of the random access
schemes with advanced contention-resolution strategies [4], [5].
FIGURE 4. Grant-based random access with orthogonal pilots and captures.
However, due to the large number of collisions in the massive How many users can access the network?
IoT scenarios, still many users cannot access the network even if
some of the colliding connection requests could be resolved, as
shown in Example 1. the scenario in which the contention resolution is not per-
formed and the scenario in which (if) there is a collision, the
Example 1 BS can always grant access to one of the colliding devices
Consider a cellular network consisting of one BS and 2,000 (this could happen because of the capture effect in random
users. Let L denote the length (and thus the number) of the access networks). Under this setup, the average numbers of
orthogonal preambles available for the devices from which devices that are granted permission to access the network for
to choose. Assume that in each time slot 100 of these 2,000 both the cases with and without contention resolution, versus
devices are active, with each active device picking one of the the different values of L are plotted in Figure 4. The plot is
L orthogonal pilots at random. The coherence bandwidth and obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. To guarantee a 90%
the coherence time of the wireless channel are 1 MHz and success rate, at a minimum L = 470 and L = 930 out of
1 ms, respectively; therefore in each coherence block, 1,000 1,000 symbols are needed, respectively, as pilots for the cases
symbols can be transmitted. Moreover, we assume that both with and without contention resolution.

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A question arising from this example is how to accommo-
date more devices with low-latency requirements in the future
massive IoT connectivity systems. One promising solution is Metadata Data
the grant-free random access scheme based on the advanced
compressed sensing techniques.
Device Activity
Detection and Channel
Grant-free random access schemes Training
Under the grant-free random access scheme, each active de-
vice directly transmits its metadata and data to the BS without FIGURE 5. A grant-free transmission strategy. Metadata contains preamble
waiting for any permission, as shown in Figure 5. In contrast for device-activity detection and channel estimation, and data is directly
to the grant-based random access scheme in which pilot se- transmitted after metadata without waiting for the grant from BS.
quences are randomly selected at each time slot, each device
under the grant-free random access scheme is preassigned
with a unique pilot sequence used for all of the time slots. Device-activity detection as a compressed
This pilot sequence also serves as the ID for this user and is sensing problem
reminiscent of the role that the code-division multiple-access As discussed in the previous section, it is the sporadic IoT traf-
(CDMA) sequence plays in facilitating the extraction of a user fic and device-activity detection that impose the greatest chal-
data under interference from other users. At each time slot, the lenge to the design of the grant-free device access protocol. In-
BS first detects the active devices by detecting which pilot se- terestingly, it is also the sporadic IoT traffic itself that provides
quences are used. Next, the BS estimates their channels based a promising opportunity for tackling this challenge. As only a
on the received metadata and then decodes the data with the small subset of users is active at each time slot, user activity
estimated channels [6], [7]. detection amounts to a sparse signal-recovery problem.
The very fact that both metadata and data in the grant- Suppose there are N  users in the system, which are denot-
free access are sent in a single step offers the possibility to ed by the set N = {1, f, N}. Furthermore, assume that the
decrease the access latency compared to the grant-based BS is equipped with one antenna, and the channel from user
access. However, device-activity detection is now more chal- n to the BS is denoted by h n . In each coherent time slot,
lenging because it is not possible to assign orthogonal pilot define the user activity indicator function as
sequences to all of the devices; this is due to the massive
an = '
number of devices in the network as well as the limited chan- 1, if user n is active,
6n ! N. (1)
nel coherence time. The difference with the classic CDMA 0, otherwise,
systems is that the activation dynamics cover a much larger
population, placing this problem in the realm of sparse sig- Assume that each device n decides in each coherence block
nal processing. whether to access the channel with probability e n in an indepen-
This article aims to pave the way for a theoretical inves- dent manner. Then, a n can be modeled as a Bernoulli random
tigation on how the sparse signal processing technologies can variable so that Pr (a n = 1) = e n, Pr (a n = 0) = 1 - e n, 6n. As
enable accurate and efficient active device detection under the a result, on average, K = R nN= 1 e n devices are active in each
grant-free access scheme. We first point out that the device- time slot. The sparse activity level, e n, depends on the spe-
activity detection can be cast into a compressed sensing prob- cific applications. The model is sufficiently general so that it
lem. Next, a random pilot sequence design is introduced, and can capture a variety of applications, e.g., a sensor fusion net-
the use of an approximate message passing (AMP) algorithm work in which the sampling rates at different sensors may even
[8] is proposed for detecting the active devices. We also de­­ be different.
monstrate that massive MIMO [9], [10], which has already Suppose that each device n is assigned with one pilot se­­
exhibited outstanding performance for enhancing the spec- quence a n ! C L # 1 with a n = 1, where L denotes the length
trum efficiency in human-type communications, provides of device pilot sequence. We also assume that the active users
an opportunity to leverage the so-called MMV compressed are synchronized within the cyclic prefix so that the block-fad-
sensing technique [11], [12] to achieve asymptotically perfect ing assumption yields a legitimate model for the channel. This
device-activity detection accuracy in the massive IoT MTC. is justified by having the BS send a beacon that invites uplink
Another important fact about mMTC is that it relies primarily transmissions from the active devices. The received signal at
on short-packet transmissions. We elaborate on a new method the BS for device-activity detection is then
to embed a small number of information bits in the short pack-
ets that can be decoded in the device-activity detection pro- y= p / an hn an + z = p Ax + z, (2)
cess. This is enabled by letting each active device randomly n!N
select one pilot from a predefined set and letting the BS detect
which pilot is used by each active device using AMP. Finally, where y = [y 1, f, y L] T ! C L # 1 is the received signals over L
this article discusses the related technique of coded ALOHA symbols, p is the total transmit energy of the pilot for each ac-
[13] for device-activity detection. tive device, z ! C L # 1 ~CN (0, v 2 I) is the i­ndependent ­additive

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white Gaussian noise (AWGN) at the BS, A = [a 1, f, a N ] This particular choice of user pilot sequence is convenient
is the collection of pilot sequences of all the devices, and for use with the AMP algorithm for two reasons: first, the con-
x = [x 1, f, x N ] T , with x n = a n h n denoting the effective chan- vergence of the AMP algorithm for device-activity detection
nel of device n. The goal for the BS is to detect the active is guaranteed if A is generated in this way [8]; second, with a
devices and detect their channels by recovering x based on the Gaussian-sensing matrix, the state evolution of the AMP algo-
noisy observation y. rithm is well established [16] based on which detection per-
Restricted by the limited coherence time in a practical formance, e.g., missed-detection probability (probability that
massive IoT connectivity scenario, the length of device pilot an active device is not detected) and false-alarm probability
sequence is much smaller than the number of devices, i.e., (probability that an inactive device is declared to be active) can
L % N. Hence, (2) describes an underdetermined linear sys- be analytically characterized in the asymptotic limit.
tem with more unknown variables than equations. However,
since x is sparse with many zero entries based on (1), such Algorithm design and performance analysis
a reconstruction problem is a sparse optimization problem
that can be possibly solved via nonlinear compressed sens- General form of an AMP algorithm
ing techniques. The AMP algorithm aims to provide an estimate xt ( y) based
There are two main theoretical questions in compressed on y that minimizes the mean-squared error (MSE)
sensing: First, how can the sensing matrix A be designed to
capture nearly all of the information about x with a minimal MSE = E x, y xt (y) - x 2 . (4)
cost L? Second, given a sensing matrix A, how can X be
recovered from the noisy observation y even if L < N ? In Based on an approximation of the message passing algo-
fact, these two questions are coupled: a good design of the rithm and starting with x 0 = 0 and r 0 = y, the AMP algorithm
sensing matrix A leads to an easier algorithm for recovering proceeds at each iteration as [8] and [17]:
the sparse signal x . For the massive IoT connectivity setting,
this indicates that the device pilot sequences should be care- x tn+ 1 = h t, n ((r t) H a n + x tn), (5)
fully designed to enable efficient activity detection schemes N t H t
hlt, n ((r ) a n + x n)
at the BS side. r t + 1 = y - Ax t + 1 + N r t / , (6)
Although a number of desirable properties for a good L n=1 N
sensing matrix are known, e.g., restricted isometry property,
optimizing the sensing matrix design remains a challenging where t = 0, 1, f is the index of the iteration, x t = [x t1, f, x tN ] T
problem. This article focuses on simple ways to construct the is the estimate of x at iteration t, r t = [r 1t , f, r tL] T ! C L # 1
sensing matrix A that are easy to implement for practical pilot denotes the corresponding residual, h t, n ($): C $ C is the
design. We consider how each entry of A is independent and so-called denoiser, and hlt, n ($) is the first-order derivative of
identically distributed (i.i.d.) and randomly generated based h t, n ($). The basic intuition is that since the solution should
on Gaussian distribution and review the AMP algorithm [8] minimize y - Ax , the algorithm makes progress in (5)
to recover x [6], [14]. We also review other sensing matrix A by moving in the direction of the gradient of y - Ax t , i.e.,
t H
choices and the corresponding compressed sensing algorithms, (r ) a n, n = 1, f, N, and then promotes sparsity by applying
e.g., the sparse graph-based algorithm with a sparse A [15], and an appropriately designed denoiser h t, n ($). The residual is then
their applications in device activity detection, e.g., coded slot- updated in (6) and is corrected with an Onsager term involv-
ted ALOHA [13]. ing hlt, n ($).

AMP-based device-activity detection State evolution

In the seminal work in [8], AMP is an efficient iterative- An important analytical result from the AMP algorithm is
thresholding method designed for large-scale compressed the so-called state evolution in the asymptotic regime when
sensing problems, which makes it appealing for massive IoT L, K, N " 3, while their ratios converge to some fixed posi-
connectivity scenarios. An attractive feature of the AMP tive values N/L " ~ and K/N " e with ~, e ! (0, 3) . In sys-
framework is that it allows an analytical performance charac- tems for massive IoT connectivity, these assumptions indicate
terization via state evolution [16]. Next, we describe how the that the length of the pilot sequence is in the same order as
AMP algorithm works for device-activity detection in mas- the number of active users or total users. After the tth itera-
sive IoT connectivity. tion of the AMP algorithm, define a set of random variables
Xt tn \s as
Device pilot sequence designs
In this section we assume that the entries of user pilots are Xt tn = X n + x t Vn, 6n, (7)
generated from i.i.d. complex Gaussian distributions with zero
mean and variance 1/L, i.e., where the random variables X n\s capture of the distributions of
x n\s, Vn follows the normal distribution, i.e., Vn ! CN (0, 1),
a n, l ~CN (0, 1/L), 6n, l. (3) and is independent of X n as well as V j, 6j ! n, and x t is the

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state variable, which changes from iteration to iteration as mod-
eled by a simple scalar-iterative function 0.3

+ ~E 8 h t, n (X n + x t Vn) - X n B . (8)
2 v 2
x t +1 = 0.2

Here, the expectation is over the random variables X n\s 0.1

and Vn\s over all of n. Under the aforementioned asymptotic

regime, [16] shows that applying the denoiser to (r t) H a n + x tn 0
in (5) is statistically equivalent to applying the denoiser to Xt tn,
as shown in (7). –0.1
The statistical model of AMP as given in (7) and (8) can be
utilized to design the denoiser functions h t, n ($)\s in (5) and to
quantify the performance of the AMP algorithm.
–0.3 –0.2 –0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Minimax framework for denoiser designs xtn

The flexibility in the AMP algorithm design lies in the denois-
er h t, n ($) in (5). In the AMP literature, the prior distribution MMSE Denoiser: tt = 0.01
of x is generally assumed to be unknown. In this case, the MMSE Denoiser: tt = 0.03
Soft-Thresholding Denoiser: θtn = 0.01
denoiser h t, n ($) is designed under the minimax framework to
Soft-Thresholding Denoiser: θtn = 0.03
optimize the AMP algorithm performance for the worst-case
or least-favorable distribution of x [18]. Such a design leads to
a soft-thresholding denoiser for promoting sparsity even for x FIGURE 6. An MMSE denoiser versus a soft-thresholding denoiser in the
with the worst-case distribution [8]: AMP algorithm.

h t, n (xt n) = e xt n - o I ` xt n 2 i n j, (9)
t t
t t i n xt n t t

xt tn and has a complicated form. Similar to the soft-thresholding
denoiser case, with the MMSE denoiser (10), we can detect the
where the distribution of xt tn is captured by Xt tn, and i tn 2 0 is user activity based on whether the magnitude of (r t) H a n + x tn
the threshold for device n for the tth iteration of the AMP al- is larger than or smaller than a carefully designed threshold i tn .
gorithm, which can be optimized based on the state evolution A comparison between the soft-thresholding and MMSE
(8) to minimize the MSE as given in (4). With this denoiser, denoisers with a Bernoulli–Gaussian distributed x is given
after the tth iteration of the AMP algorithm as shown in (5) and in Figure 6. The MMSE denoiser is also a thresholding-based
(6), device n is declared to be active if (r t) H a n + x tn 2 i tn, and denoiser, but softer around the regime near the threshold.
declared to be inactive otherwise. Note that AMP with soft- Moreover, the threshold for the MMSE denoiser is obtained by
thresholding implicitly solves the least absolute shrinkage and calculating (10) to minimize the MSE (4), while the design of
selection operator (LASSO) problem [18], i.e., the sparse signal- the threshold for the soft-thresholding denoiser follows a mini-
recovery problem as an , 1-penalized least squares optimization. max framework, which is not optimal given the distribution of
x in general.
Bayesian framework for denoiser design
On the other hand, if the distribution of x is known in (2), Analytical performance characterization
we can design the minimum MSE (MMSE) denoiser via the The state evolution also allows an analytical performance char-
Bayesian approach to minimize the MSE for the estimation of acterization of the AMP algorithm. For example, with both the
x as given in (4) [18]. Considering the equivalent signal model soft-thresholding and MMSE denoisers, a missed-detection
(7), the MMSE denoiser is given as the following condi- event happens if one user is active but (r t) H a n + x tn 1 i tn,
tional expectation: while a false-alarm event happens if one user is inactive but
(r t) H a n + x tn 2 i tn . Since xt tn defined in (7) captures the sta-
h t, n (xt n) = E 8X n X
t n = xt nB,
t t t
6t, n, (10) tistical distribution of (r t) H a n + x tn, the probabilities of missed
detections and false alarms for device n after the tth iteration
where the expectation is over X n and Xt tn . of the AMP algorithm thus can be expressed as
For example, if we assume a Rayleigh fading channel such
that h n ~CN (0, b n), where b n denotes the path-loss and shad- P tMD
, n = Pr (xt tn 1 i tn | a n = 1), (11)
owing component of user n and is assumed to be known by the P t, n = Pr (xt tn 2 i tn | a n = 0), (12)
BS, then the effective channel x n = a n h n follows a Bernoulli–
Gaussian distribution. Under this particular distribution of x, respectively.
an analytical expression of the previously mentioned MMSE Given the distribution of x and denoiser h t, n ($), we can
denoiser can be found in [14], which is generally nonlinear track the values of x t \s over all of the iterations based on the

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forms the soft-thresholding denoiser-based AMP algorithm
0.4 in terms of device-activity detection.
Activity Detection Error Probability

From single-measurement vector to MMV:
0.3 Massive MIMO for massive IoT connectivity
0.25 As compared to most other applications of compressed sens-
ing such as imaging, a unique and essential opportunity pro-
0.2 vided by the wireless massive IoT connectivity system design
0.15 lies in the potential for utilizing the MMV technique for com-
pressed sensing [11], thanks to the multiantenna technologies
used today in cellular networks. The previous section deals
0.05 with the application of compressed sensing technique for user
activity detection when the BS is equipped with one antenna.
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 With regard to compressed sensing, the case with one mea-
Pilot Sequence Length: L surement vector is referred to as a single-measurement vec-
P FA = P MD: MMSE Denoiser
tor (SMV) problem. As a revolutionary technology, massive
P FA = P MD: Soft-Thresholding Denoiser
MIMO has recently emerged for dealing with the future data
deluge for human-type communications. In this section, we
show that massive MIMO is also a natural solution for accom-
FIGURE 7. The probabilities of missed detections and false alarms versus modating a huge number of IoT devices for future MTC. From
pilot sequence length L.
the compressed sensing perspective, device-activity detection
in massive MIMO systems corresponds to the MMV prob-
state evolution (8), then calculate the probabilities of missed lem, which generalizes the sparse signal-recovery problem to
detections and false alarms based on (11) and (12). the case with a group of measurement vectors for a group of
signal vectors that are assumed to be jointly sparse and share
Example 2 a common support. It is of both theoretical and practical im-
Here we provide a numerical example to show the probabil- portance to investigate the role of massive MIMO on massive
ities of missed detections and false alarms achieved by the IoT connectivity.
AMP algorithm under the same setup that is used in Example Suppose that the BS is equipped with M antennas. In this
1. The N = 2, 000 devices are assumed to be randomly located case, the channel from user n to the BS is h n ! C M # 1. Then,
in a cell with a radius of 1,000 m, while each device accesses the signal model given in (2) is generalized to
the channel with an identical probability e n = 0.05, 6n , i.e.,
e = 0.05 and K = 100 of the N = 2, 000 devices are active Y = p AX + Z, (13)
at any given time. The transmit power of each user for sending
its pilot is t pilot = 23 dBm. The power spectral density of the where Y ! C L # M is the matrix of received signals across M
AWGN at the BS is assumed to be −169 dBm/Hz. Moreover, antennas over L symbols, X = [x 1, f, x N ] T with x n = a n h n
we define the system-level missed-detection and false-alarm denoting the effective channel of user n, and Z = [z 1, f, z M]
probabilities as P MD = R nN= 1 P nMD /N and P FA = R nN= 1 P nFA /N, with z m ~ CN (0, v 2 I), 6m is the independent AWGN at
where P nMD and P nFA denote the missed-detection and false- the BS.
alarm probabilities of device n achieved by AMP after its As compared to the SMV signal model (2), the main differ-
convergence. Hence, eNP MD and (1 - e) NP FA are the av- ence lies in the fact that X in (13) is a row-sparse matrix, i.e., if
erage numbers of missed-detection and false-alarm events one entry of one particular row of A is zero, the other entries of
at each time slot in a system with N devices. In addition, that row must be also zero. This information can be utilized to
under both the soft-thresholding and MMSE-based AMP al- improve the user-detection accuracy. A comparison between the
gorithms, the thresholds i tn\s are carefully selected so that SMV model (2) and MMV model (13) is illustrated in Figure 8.
P MD = P FA. Next, we discuss how to generalize the AMP-based algorithm
Figure 7 shows the device-activity detection accuracy shown in the “AMP-Based Device Activity Detection” section
achieved by the AMP algorithm with the soft-thresholding so that it can be used in the massive MIMO scenario. We also
denoiser and the MMSE denoiser. With the MMSE denois- quantify the algorithm’s significant improvement in device
er, 90% active devices can be detected with the AMP algo- activity detection accuracy over the single-antenna BS case.
rithm when the length of pilot sequence satisfies L > 220.
Recall that in Example 1 of the random access scheme, such Algorithm design
a performance can be achieved only when the pilot sequence With massive MIMO at the BS, the user’s pilot sequence as-
length is longer than 470 even if contention resolution is signment still follows (3), which is the same as the case with
performed. Moreover, with a careful design of the MMSE one antenna at the BS. However, the AMP algorithm is modi-
denoiser, the MMSE denoiser-based AMP algorithm outper- fied as [12]

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x tn+1 = h t, n ((R t) H a n + x tn), (14)
N t H t
hlt, n ((R ) a n + x n)
R t +1 = Y - AX t +1 + N R t / . (15) L = +
L n =1 N

As compared to (5) and (6), the dimensions of the signals
are now x tn ! C M # 1 and R t ! C L # M; moreover, the denoiser
is a mapping in higher dimension, i.e., h t, n ($) : C M # 1 " C M # 1 . (a)
The state evolution of the AMP algorithm still holds for
MMV in the asymptotic regime that L, K, N " 3 with fixed
ratios N/L " ~ and K/N " e. Specifically, define [12] L = +

Xt tn = X n + / t Vn, (16)

where the random vector X n captures the distribution of
x n, Vn ! CN (0, I ) is the independent Gaussian noise, and R t FIGURE 8. (a) An SMV-compressed sensing problem and (b) an MMV-
can be tracked over iterations as compressed sensing problem. Group sparsity provides additional
­information about X because if one entry is zero, the other entries on the
same row should be also zero.
/ t + 1 = vp I + ~E
 # ;c h t, n c X n + / 2 Vn m - X nm ch t, n c X n + / 2 Vn m - X n m E .
1 1
t t
Activity Detection Error Probability

(17) 10–2

Here, the expectation is over X n\s and Vn\s over all of n. 10–3
Then, in (14), applying the denoiser to (R t) H a n + x tn is statisti-
cally equivalent to applying the denoiser to 10–4

xt tn = x n + / t v n, (18)
P FA(M ) = P MD(M ): M = 16
10–6 P FA(M ) = P MD(M ): M = 32
where the distributions of xt tn and v n are captured by Xt tn P FA(M ) = P MD(M ): M = 64
and Vn. 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120
Based on the above state evolution (18), denoisers of the Pilot Sequence Length: L
MMV-based AMP algorithm can be designed based on dif-
ferent criteria as for the SMV case. For example, the soft- FIGURE 9. The probabilities of missed detections and false alarms versus
thresholding denoiser is pilot sequence length L with massive MIMO.

t n) = e xt n - o I ` xt n 2 i tn j, (19)
t t
t t in x
tn t AMP algorithm, denoted by P tMD FA
, n (M) and P t, n (M) (reducing
h t, n (x 2
xt tn to (11) and (12) when M = 1), are characterized in [6]. Interest-
ingly, perfect device-activity detection is achieved in the as-
Furthermore, assuming Bernoulli–Gaussian distributed x n\s, ymptotic regime of M " 3 if the thresholds for device detec-
the MMSE denoiser tion, i.e., i tn\s, are properly selected (c.f. [6, Th. 4]):

t n) = E 8X n Xt n = xt nB (20)
h t, n (x
t t
lim P tMD FA
, n (M) = lim P t, n (M) = 0, 6t, n. (21)
M"3 M"3

is characterized in [6]. With both the soft-thresholding and This important result implies that in a massive MIMO system,
MMSE denoisers, after the tth iteration of the AMP algorithm, in which M can be larger than 100, the AMP-based grant-free
user n can be declared to be active if (R t) H a n + x tn 2 2 i tn , access scheme is able to detect device activity with extremely
and declared to be inactive otherwise, where i tn is the carefully high accuracy in the massive IoT connectivity systems.
designed threshold for device detection.
Example 3
Asymptotically perfect device-activity detection Here we provide a numerical example to show the power of mas-
Fix the number of antennas at the BS, M, the missed-detection sive MIMO for massive IoT connectivity under the same setup
and false-alarm probabilities from the MMSE denoiser-based that is used in Examples 1 and 2. Figure 9 shows the probabilities

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of missed detections and false alarms (which are made equal by matters, capacity is an irrelevant metric. In fact, for extreme-
adjusting the detection threshold) versus pilot sequence length ly short blocks even finite-block-length information theory
L, with M = 16 , 32, and 64 antennas at the BS. Here, simi- becomes inapplicable because the corresponding bounds and
lar to Example 2, we define the system-level missed-detection approximations are too loose to be of practical value.
and false-alarm probabilities as P MD (M ) = R nN= 1 P nMD (M ) /N As an aside, it is noteworthy that most academic work tends
and P FA (M ) = R nN= 1 P nFA (M ) /N, where P nMD (M) and P nFA (M) to deal with the transmission of long coded blocks, with Shan-
denote the missed-detection and false-alarm probabilities of non capacity as the primary performance metric. Conversely,
device n achieved by AMP after its convergence. As compared much of the effort invested in standardization and system
to Figure 7, it is observed that even with M = 16 antennas at design is concerned with the transmission of short data blocks
the BS, both the missed-detection and false-alarm probabili- on the control plane, for which Shannon capacity is mostly an
ties can be driven down to 10 -3 when the pilot sequence is illegitimate performance measurement. An explanation for
L = 120, several orders of magnitude lower than the SMV this situation might be that digital transmission on the control
case with the same L. plane is too hard to model and tackle with rigorous informa-
This article mainly focuses on the device-activity detection tion theory: there is no Shannon theory available for its anal-
performance under the grant-free access scheme. However, as ysis; whereas, in contrast, established recipes are available
shown in Figure 5, besides device-activity detection, channel for capacity analysis of long-block transmission. A contrib-
estimation is performed as well via the metadata; moreover, uting reason might also be that many academic researchers
data also should be decoded. Fortunately, the state evolution simply are unaware of the importance and the magnitude of
of the AMP algorithm enables us to characterize the channel the problem.
estimation performance analytically, thus making it possible to There are practical solutions for transmitting a single bit of
quantify the user achievable rate with the effect of device-activ- control information. For example, [21] considers the joint trans-
ity detection taken into consideration [7]. Readers interested in mission of linearly coded payload data and a single “additional
information-theoretical studies on the capacity of the massive bit.” The transmitter uses the additional bit through a one-to-
IoT connectivity systems with randomly active devices (also one mapping to select one of two possible codebooks for the
known as a many-access channel) can refer to [19] and [20]. encoding of the payload. The receiver uses a fast algorithm to
These references provide a justification for our proposed strategy detect the codebook that was used so that the additional bit can
to first detect the user activity via preambles then decode the user be detected before attempting to decode the payload data.
messages, i.e., the grant-free access scheme shown in Figure 5.
Algorithm design
AMP-based device-activity detection with In the context of grant-free random access with nonorthogo-
embedded information nal pilots, the main focus of our discussion, a small number,
In the “From Single-Measurement Vector to MMV: massive say J, of bits b 1, f, b J may be encoded as follows [22], [23]:
MIMO for Massive IoT Connectivity” section, the AMP algo- Each terminal is assigned a priori 2 J distinct, typically nonor-
rithm was introduced for device-activity detection. In this sec- thogonal, pilots. Upon transmission, the terminal uses the bits
tion, we show how a modified version of AMP may be used for {b i} to select one of these 2 J pilots; specifically, it selects pilot
noncoherent detection of information bits embedded in the pilot number 1 + b 1 + 2b 2 + 4b 3 + g + 2 J -1 b J , which, depending
transmission. As previously discussed, the two-phase grant-free on the bits {b i}, ranges from 1 to 2 J . The BS detects activity
access scheme shown in Figure 5 works very well for most of the using the AMP algorithm; now, however, activity means the
cases when the user messages are of moderate and large size [7], combination of the event that a particular terminal is active,
[19], [20]. However, the strategy discussed in this section can be an and that a particular string of J bits is being communicated.
effective alternative in the special case when very short messages One may think of the resulting communication scheme as non-
(one or several bits) are transmitted. coherent transmission.
The analytical model for device-activity detection with
Motivation embedded information in a massive MIMO system is given by:
In many applications, the amount of data to be transmitted per
block may comprise only a small number of information bits, Y = Ar Xr + Z, (22)
or even a single bit. This situation is particularly common in
control signaling, where the message may contain acknowledg- where Ar = [a 1, 1, f, a 1, 2 J, f, a N, 1, f, a N, 2 J] ! C L # 2 N denotes
ment (ACK/NACK) bits in a retransmission protocol, or simply the collection of all the 2 J N pilots that can be used by the
a concise request for a particular kind of response from the BS. devices, and Xr = [xr 1, 1, f, xr 1, 2 J, f, xr N, 1, f, xr N, 2 J] T ! C 2 N # M
The transmission of extremely short packages is a challeng- denotes the collection of all the 2 N effective channels of
ing problem from two perspectives. First, fundamentally the the devices. Specifically, the effective channel is modeled as
protection of very short packets against transmission errors is xr n, i = a n, i h n, n = 1, f, N and i = 1, f, 2 J , where
very expensive. For a single bit, repetition coding is the only

a n, i = '
possible strategy and for short blocks, block codes with low- 1, if user n is active and its ith pilot is used,
coding gains must be used. Second, as only error probability 0, otherwise.

96 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine | September 2018 |

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As compared to (13) for sole device-activity detection, the that the larger the likelihood ratio m n, 1 is relative to m n, 2, the
dimensions of sensing matrix Ar and effective channels Xr are more likely it is that a n, 1 = 1 or b = 0; the closer the weight
enlarged by a factor of 2 J to embed J bits information. for xr n, 1 is to unity, the closer the weight for xr n, 2 is to zero.
The AMP for device-activity detection in (14) and (15), in Accordingly, the effect of the denoiser on xr n, 1 is similar to the
principle, could be directly applied to this problem as it stands. effect of the soft-thresholding (19) as used in the original AMP
However, it is suboptimal because the BS knows a priori that algorithm solely for device-activity detection, whereas on xr n, 2
among the 2 J pilots assigned to each terminal, only one can be it is instead pushed down toward zero. A similar interpretation
active at a time, i.e., if a n, i = 1, then a n, j = 0, 6j ! i . holds for the opposite case when m n, 1 1 m n, 2 .
Here we discuss the modified AMP algorithm for joint Importantly, while the modified denoiser outlined here
detection of user activity and embedded information bits, as yields good results in numerical experiments, it is not optimal
proposed in [22]. For conciseness of the exposition we focus in any known sense. Research opportunities are available to
on the case of a single embedded bit b (for which we omit the find improved denoisers that can make a better utilization of
index), i.e., J = 1; then each user is assigned one of two unique, the constraint that at most one of xr n, 1 and xr n, 2 can be non-
but generally nonorthogonal pilot sequences. The modification zero. An extension of the modified AMP denoiser to the case
of the AMP should introduce the constraint that of the two pos- of multiple embedded bits is available [23].
sible pilots, at most, one may be transmitted at at a time; the A final remark is that the embedding of one or several
possible options are that either none of these pilots are sent information bit(s), of course, incurs the expense of storing
(device silent), the first one is sent (device active and commu- more pilot sequences at the device and at the BS. Also, for a
nicates “0”), or the second one is sent (device active and com- given coherence block length, more resources must be dedi-
municates “1”). The overarching idea is to modify the AMP cated to pilot transmission to maintain the same error prob-
denoiser function h t, n (·) to take this constraint into account. ability performance. Yet, the case of transmitting very short
In more detail, and similar to (16), let xt n, 1 = xr n, 1 + R 2 v n messages, the embedding scheme has been efficient compared
and xt n, 2 = xr n, 2 + R 2 v n be the two vectors associated with the to conventional schemes consisting of pilot-based channel esti-
two possible pilots (for information bit “0” and “1,” respec- mation (using the sparsity/AMP-based techniques proposed in
tively) for device n; we omit the iteration index t of the AMP this article) followed by coherent detection [23].
algorithm here for brevity. The statistical characterization of
xt n, 1 and xt n, 2 is Other compressed sensing techniques
CN (0, b n I + /), if a n, i = 1,
for device-activity detection
xt n, i ~ ' i = 1, 2. (24) Aside from AMP, researchers with diverse backgrounds have
CN (0, /), if a n, i = 0,
developed many other powerful algorithms to reconstruct
Based on these characterizations, we construct the follow- sparse signals from low-dimensional linear measurements, as
ing likelihood ratios: given in (2) and (13). These compressed sensing algorithms can
also be leveraged in our proposed massive IoT connectivity set-
p ( xt n, i a n, i = 1)
m n, i = ting for device-activity detection, e.g., coded slotted ALOHA.
p ( xt n, i a n, i = 0)
 One powerful algorithm of low complexity is the sparse
exp ^- xt nH, i ((b n I + /) -1 - / -1) xt n, i h. (25)
= graph-based compressed sensing algorithm [15] in which the
bn I + /
sensing matrix A is designed by sparsifying each row of the
We now rework the denoiser so that in each time update measurement matrix with zero patterns guided by sparse graph
the constraint is considered that, at most, one of the vec- codes. The reason for such a sparse sensing matrix design is
tors xr n, 1 and xr n, 2 can be nonzero. Suppose that device n is to disperse the signal into single tons that only contain one
detected to be active. In principle, a comparison of m n, 1 and nonzero element in x and peel them off from multitons that
m n, 2 to a threshold would yield a hypothesis test, that could contain two or more nonzero elements in x so that they can
be used to discriminate between the two possibilities a n, 1 = 1 become single tons.
and a n, 2 = 1 or equivalently b = 0 and b = 1; one of xr n, 1 Figure 10 gives a simple example to briefly illustrate how
and xr n, 2 could then be set to zero based on the outcome of this algorithm works to recover x in the ideal case without
this test. In this process, making a soft decision as given in noise in (2), in which the dimensions of x and y are N = 7
(19), is instead preferable to avoid making premature incorrect and L = 3, respectively, and x 1, x 3, x 6 are nonzero entries in
decisions on the embedded bits, which may propagate to sub- x. Moreover, the sensing matrix is
sequent iterations. Experimentation in [22] demonstrates that
a good heuristic is to use a soft decision obtained by tak- 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
ing the original soft-thresholding denoiser function given A = >1 0 1 0 1 0 0H . (26)
in (19) and multiplying the denoisers for xr n, 1 and xr n, 2 by 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
c (m n, 1 / (m n, 1 + m n, 2)) and c (m n, 2 / (m n, 1 + m n, 2)), respectively,
where c (x) = 1/ (e -c (x -0.5) + 1) is a modified sigmoid function Due to the sparsity in both A and x, in the received sig-
with its inflection point at x = 0.5, where c is a parameter to nal y = [y 1, y 2, y 3] T , y 1, y 2, and y 3 only contain information
control the sharpness of the sigmoid function. The theory is about x 1, x 1 + x 3 and x 3 + x 5, respectively. Thus, x 1 can be

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setting, in terms of the complexity of pilot sequence design,
the pilot sequence length required to achieve reasonable device
y 1 = x1 x1
detection accuracy, the corresponding missed-detection and
= false-alarm probabilities performance, and channel estimation
y2 = x1 + x3
x3 performance, and so on.
y3 = x3 + x6
A key feature of the future IoT network is the massive num-
x6 ber of devices, e.g., sensors, actuators, and so on, with spo-
radic data traffic. Facilitating the data transmission from so
many IoT devices with extremely low latency poses plenty of
new research challenges to the signal processing community.
FIGURE 10. An example of the philosophy of the sparse graph-based
compressed sensing algorithm [15]. The value x is a three-sparse signal To embrace the upcoming era of IoT, this article advocates a
in which the zero entries are white, while the nonzero entries, i.e., x 1, x 3, grant-free access scheme that mitigates the delay arising from
and x 6, are green, blue, and yellow, respectively. Moreover, the sensing the contention resolution in the current random access scheme
matrix A is sparse, the zero entries are white, the nonzero entries are red, and outlines a compressed sensing-based approach for device-
and x 1 is detected from y 1 . Then, x 1 is subtracted from y 2 so that x 3 is
activity detection to enable the grant-free access scheme to
detected. Similarly, x 6 is detected after x 3 is removed from y 3 .
work. Most notably, the massive MIMO technology, originally
proposed for improving the spectrum efficiency of human-
detected from the single-ton y 1. Next, x 1 is removed from y 2 type communications, can boost the device-activity detection
and y 3, which become single tons so that x 3 and x 6 can be accuracy remarkably for massive IoT connectivity as well, with
decoded. Note that the effect of the channels is not taken into the aid of the MMV-based AMP algorithm. We have also dis-
consideration in this example. cussed the potential of decoding some short messages along
Density evolution, a powerful tool in modern coding theo- with the device-activity detection process.
ry, tracks the average density of remaining edges that are not
decoded after a fixed number of peeling iterations. The con- Authors
vergence of the graph-based compressed sensing algorithm is Liang Liu ( received his B.Eng.
guaranteed by showing the convergence of the density evolu- degree from Tianjin University, China, in 2010, and his Ph.D.
tion toward zero. degree from the National University of Singapore in 2014,
The above “successive interference cancellation” procedure where he is currently a research fellow in the Department of
is the principle of coded slotted ALOHA, a powerful multiuser Electrical and Computer Engineering. He was previously a
access scheme in which the active devices transmit replicas of postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, Canada. He
their packets in randomly chosen slots that contain both meta- was the recipient of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
data (i.e., pilot sequences) and data. A successful detection of Young Author Best Paper Award in 2017, as well as the Best
a packet replica in some slot enables removal of the related Paper Award from IEEE International Conference on Wireless
replicas from the slots in which they occur. This, in turn, low- Communications and Signal Processing 2011. His research
ers the number of colliding packets in the affected slots and interests include energy harvesting, convex optimization, and
boosts their detection probability, instigating new rounds of machine-type communications in fifth generation.
successive interference cancellation, and so on. If a single user Erik G. Larsson ( received his
packet can be detected in a slot, then the entries in x denote M.Sc. degree from Linköping University and Ph.D. degree
packets of active users, and entries in the sparse sensing matrix from Uppsala University, both in Sweden. Currently, he is a
A denote the choice of the slots where the packets are repeat- professor at Linköping University. He coauthored Fun­
ed. On the other hand, the possibility to decode multiple user damentals of Massive MIMO in 2016 and Space–Time Block
packets in a slot is also discussed in [13] and [24] to improve Coding for Wireless Communications in 2003. He is a mem-
the detection performance. ber of the IEEE Signal Processing Society Awards Board and
Aside from AMP and the sparse-graph based algorithm, the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine editorial board. He
many powerful compressed sensing algorithms exist, includ- received the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine Best Column
ing LASSO [25], orthogonal matching pursuit [26], and so on. Award in 2012 and 2014, the IEEE Communications Society
Furthermore, the group sparsity in the MMV model (13) can Stephen O. Rice Prize in Communications Theory in 2015,
also be utilized in LASSO [27] wherein the , 1 /, 2 penalty, i.e., the IEEE Communications Society Leonard G. Abraham Prize
the sum of , 2 norm penalty, is used to promote the desired in 2017, and the IEEE Communications Society Best Tutorial
sparsity pattern. The potential to apply these advanced com- Paper Award in 2018. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.
pressed sensing techniques for user activity detection has been Wei Yu ( received his B.A.Sc.
discussed in [28]–[30]. It would be of great significance to degree in computer engineering and mathematics from the
investigate which compressed sensing algorithm is best suited University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1997 and his M.S. and Ph.D.
for device-activity detection in the massive IoT connectivity degrees in electrical engineering from Stanford University,

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