Utility Protection

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Working Near Utilities Safety

Aim: Managing the risk of working near overhead, above-ground or underground utilities (electricity, gas,
water, sewerage and telecommunications

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Steps to avoid utility incident.

1) Obtain utilities drawings/layout and important guidelines from relevant authorities.

2) Survey work to be done and utilities to be clearly marked and identified.
3) Suitable barrier and signage to be put in place.
4) Coordinate with the authorities, if utilities/ cables are not found or there is some
deviations/discrepancies with the design/drawings.
5) Approved Method Statement and Risk Assessment to be in place and briefed to all the workforce
prior to commencing the work.
6) Safe system of work (permit system) to be strictly followed.
7) Guidelines from the relevant authorities and statutory requirements to be strictly followed and
implemented as applicable.
Note:- In case of any doubt please CALL concern Authority immediately and /or JV stakeholder team.

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Lesson leant from utility incidents.

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Lesson leant from utility incidents.

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Identifying Utilities

The presence of above-ground, overhead and underground utilities near roads and footways is widespread,
and it should be assumed that these services will be present at worksites unless proven otherwise.
Work should be designed and planned to avoid utilities wherever possible, or to manage the risk associated
with them.

At the planning stage, identify the presence of all underground, above-ground or overhead utilities or services,
including redundant or disused services at the intended site using:
• Dial Before You Dig
• Site surveys (including of underground cable or utility locations)
• Checks with all utility providers.

The location, clearance distance, alignments and other relevant information relating to identified services must
be shown on utilities drawings for the work before work begins on the site.

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Assets we may encounter from:

2) Transco
5) ADM
6) Etisalat
7) Du
8) Dolphin
9) Military cables
10) Irrigation networks
11) Etc.…..

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Compliance Requirements

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ADDC Requirements

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Prior Commencing Work Activity

Work activity to be commenced

only after complying with below
• NOC & Permits
• Competent Person approved by authorities
• Approved MS/RA
• Readiness Review With Jacobs
• Safety inducted personnel
• Adequate welfare arrangements (Including
Firefighting & first aid arrangements)
• Inspected Plant & Equipment
• Colour Coding Requirements
• Mandatory Personal Protective Equipment
• STARRT Briefing - Daily

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Working Near Underground Services

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Working Near Underground Services (Utility Marking)

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Safe Digging Practices

Where an excavation is carried out near cables, the work must be conducted in a way that prevents damage to
the pipes or cables.
➢ Manual tools must be used near a pipe or cable:
▪ Spades and shovels with non-conductive handles should be used rather than other tools
▪ Star pickets and hand tools, particularly picks, should not be driven forcefully into the ground. They should
be eased in with gentle pressure
▪ Picks, pins or forks should be used with great care and only when it is necessary to free lumps of stone or to
break up hard layers of ground
▪ Picks should not be used in soft clay or other soft soils near underground services.

➢ Digging must be done alongside the service rather than above it

➢ Continued observation of service-locaters must be made to pinpoint the services as the digging proceeds
➢ Any indication of the presence of services must be noted (eg marker tapes, marker tiles)
➢ Final exposure of the service, if required, must be done: − Carefully by removing the spoil
▪ Using manual methods
▪ Digging in a horizontal, rather than a vertical, direction.

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Working Near Overhead lines

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Working Near Overhead lines

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Working near OHL

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Working Near OHL

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Upon Work Completion

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Emergency Plan

First aid All strikes

➢ Do not move a casualty unless they are in direct danger. ➢ Do not attempt repairs.
➢ Take care not to touch exposed cables or tools and equipment which ➢ Inform utility supplier/service owner as soon as possible.
could be live. ➢ Report all damage, even if leaks or loss of power are not evident.
➢ Any electrical burn or electric shock injury must be given medical ➢ Inform service users.
attention however minor it may seem. ➢ Inform owners of adjacent services if there is a risk of gas or water
➢ Call an ambulance if necessary. ingress or contamination.
➢ Keep members of the public away and post warning signs.
Gas strikes
➢ Call emergency number 999. Electric cable strikes
➢ Evacuate workers and others to a safe distance. ➢ Avoid all contact.
➢ Warn local residents and businesses. ➢ Do not try to disentangle cables from excavator buckets.
➢ No smoking or naked flames. ➢ Do not attempt to leave the excavator involved unless assured that
➢ Keep vehicles and members of the public away from the area. the cable is no longer live.
➢ Warn service users if a service connection has been disturbed as this ➢ Evacuate workers and others to a safe distance.
may result in a leak within the building. ➢ Keep vehicles and members of the public away from the area.
➢ Co-operate with and assist gas supply company, police and fire ➢ Contact service owner and emergency services as appropriate.
authority. ➢ Co-operate with and assist cable owner and emergency services

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Any Question?

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