Gas Rate Calculation (Or Pressure at Known Rate) : Write in Green Cells Only

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Gas Rate Calculation ( Or pressure at known rate)

Write in Green Cells Only

Pipe length, mile 9
Pipe Length, meter 14,484
Pipe length, ft. 47,520
Pipe internal diameter, in. 7.8
Elevation, ft. 0
Upstream pressure, P1, psig 1370
Downstream pressure, P2, psig 1360
Temperature, 0F. 100
Gas specific gravity, (air=1) 0.7
E = (pipeline efficiency factor) 0.95
Gas viscosity, lbm/ft-s. 0.000008
Friction factor (f) 0.01
Transmission factor F =2/(f0.5) 20
Average pressure, psia 1365.0
Average ompressibility factor, z a 0.796
Gas flow rate, MMscfd (General Eqn.) 34,581,787
Gas flow rate, MMscfd (Weymouth) 25,882,972
Gas flow rate, MMscfd (Panhandle B) 36,861,777
Gas flow rate, MMscfd (IGT) 31,740,254
Average 32,266,697

Prepared by: Yasser Kassem Book site (here)

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‫تحميل مجاني ألول كتاب بالعربية عن معالجة البترول والغاز وهو ترجمة للكتاب اإلنجليزي‬
‫ممكن تفتح الملف وتحفظه بعد ذلك‪ ,‬ومن الممكن أن تختار من يمين الماوس وهو على الرابط (احفظ الملف أو الهدف ك‪ ) ...‬وتقوم بتنزيله مباشرة على الالب توب‬
‫‪.‬أو الكمبيوتر‬

Barg 94.5

Barg 93.8
R 560

Used in Wemouth, Panhandle-B, IGT

Used in IGT equation

Used in General eq. (from friction factor sheet)

Calculated from friction factor, used in General eq.

Q = 38.77 F (T0/P0) d2.5 [(P12 – es P22) /( G Tf Le Za)]0.5

Qg = 433.5 E (Tb/Pb) d2.667 [(P12 – esP22) / Z Tf Le G ]0.5
Qg = 737 (Tb/Pb)1.02 E d2.53 [( P12 – esP22 ) / G0.961 Zavg Tf Le ]0.51
Qg = 136.9 (Tb/Pb) E d2.667 [( P12 – esP22 ) / G0.8 Tf Le u0.2 ]0.555

site (here)

‫تحميل مجاني ألول كتاب بالعربية عن‬

‫ ومن ا‬,‫ممكن تفتح الملف وتحفظه بعد ذلك‬

IGT 31740254 igt last fact

T0/P0 35.3741497 p12 1917394

s= 0 p22 1889800
es 1 p22-p12 27594
p22-esp12 27594
Le #DIV/0! gtlez 501.2062
Le 9 p22-esp12/gtlez 55.05519 ^0.5

gen 34,581,787 34581787

Wemouth 25882971.559595
Panh B 36861777

d2.5 169.9169
d2.667 239.4508
d2.53 180.7171

Panh B last 508.2269

7.419918 7.668777
Friction factor Calculation (3 methods)

Gas flow rate, MMscfd 200

Gas gravity, air=1 0.6
viscosity, lb/ft-s 0.000008
Internal diameter, d, in 19
Pipe rouphness, ε, in. 0.0007
Bending Index. From table (for AGA equation only), Df 0.96
Reynold Number (Re) 10,657,895
Friction factor, f (Colebrook-White) 0.0104
Transmission factor, F (Colebrook-White) 19.64
Friction factor, f (New-Colebrook-White) 0.0104
Transmission factor, F (New-Colebrook-White) 19.60
Friction factor, f (AGA Eqn.) 0.0100
Transmission factor, F (AGA Eqn.) 20.01

Prepared by: Yasser Kassem Book

Discussion board ‫المنتدى‬

Free parts of fundamentals of oil and gas processing book

‫غاز وهو ترجمة للكتاب اإلنجليزي‬
‫ ) وتقوم بتنزيله مباشرة على الالب توب أو الكمبيوتر‬...‫من الممكن أن تختار من يمين الماوس وهو على الرابط (احفظ الملف أو الهدف ك‬
first suggestion, f 0.098
second, f 0.0101201689816753
third,f 0.0103693137703268
fourth, f 0.0103650899822425
Last f 0.0103651603757994

first suggestion, f 0.098

second, f 0.0101357096757835
third,f 0.0104127540544625
fourth, f 0.0104080815087736
Last f 0.0104081593877026
Ft (right) 1
Ft (left) 27.5106857063914
Ft (left)2 21.7526800449722
Ft (left)3 22.160634618555
Ft (left)4 22.1283569335395
Ft (left)5 22.1308890341778

ε/3.7d 9.95732574679943E-06

ε/3.7d 9.95732574679943E-06

f, friction factor (fully turblent) 20.01

Ft for sooth turbulent zone "Last" 22.13
F, Trasmission factor (smooth turbulent) 20.65
friction factor, f 0.009

Selected transmission factor 20.01

Selected friction factor 0.010
‫)‪Book site (here‬‬

‫تحميل مجاني ألول كتاب بالعربية عن معالجة البترول والغاز وهو ترجمة للكتاب اإلنجليزي‬
‫‪.‬ممكن تفتح الملف وتحفظه بعد ذلك‪ ,‬ومن الممكن أن تختار من يمين الما‬
2.51/(Ref0.5) 7.52296874E-07
2.34103773E-06 1.07096226205E-05 -9.940452 98.81258
2.31274253E-06 1.229836347463E-05 -9.820305 96.4384
2.3132137E-06 1.22700682762E-05 -9.822306 96.4777
1.227053945105E-05 -9.822273 96.47704

2.51/(Ref0.5) 8.46708633E-07 1.080403437955E-05 -9.932828 98.66107

2.6348333E-06 1.259215904605E-05 -9.7998 96.03607
2.60298711E-06 1.256031285658E-05 -9.801999 96.07919
2.60351742E-06 1.256084316293E-05 -9.801962 96.07847

4log10 (3.7d /ε)

Ft = 4log10 (10685214/Ft) - 0.6
F = 4Df log10 (Re/1.4125 Ft)

Pipe Material
Commercial steel/welded steel 0.0018

Q = 77.54 (T0/P0) d2.5 [(P12 – P22) /(G Tf Lm Za f)]0.5 Eq. 2.20 Geneeral gas eqn.
Q = 38.77 F (T0/P0) d2.5 [(P12 – es P22) /( G Tf Le Za)]0.5 Eq. 2.21 Geneeral gas eqn.

F = 2/(f)0.5
Le = L (es -1) /s Eq. 2.22

s = 0.0375 G (ΔH / Tf Za) Eq. 2.23

J = (es -1) /s Eq. 2.24
Le = j1L1 s1 + j2L2es2 + j3L3e s3 + … Eq. 2.25
ff = fm / 4 or ff = f / 4 Eq. 2.26
f = 64/Re Laminar flow Eq. 2.27

1/(f)0.5 = -2log10 [(ε/3.7d) + (2.51/ Re f 0.5)] for Re > 4000 Eq. 2.29 Colebrook-White Equation
= -2log10 (2.51/ Re f ) for turbulent flow in smooth pipes
Eq. 2.30
= -2log10 (ε/3.7d) for turbulent flow in fully rough pipes Eq. 2.31
Geneeral gas eqn.
Geneeral gas eqn.

Colebrook-White Equation

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