Ielts Writing Task 01 Full

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PACKERS TELTS WRITING fit CHO CAG DANG B ee eee O1 Dang Bar Graph 02 Dang Line Graph 03 Dang Pie Chart 04 Dang Table 05 Dang Map 06 Dang Diagram cling lac. ES pe mAu Bar Graph (Biéu dé c6t) [A mot trong nhdng dang bai thu’ng gap nhét trong TASK 1, {a biu dé miéu t& cdc két qua diéu tra, xu huéng bién dong va sé ligu xoay quanh ce chi dé nhu lao déng, giéo dy chi dua ra mét biéu dé, tuy nhién cing c6 nhigu tru’ng hgp dé bai dua ra hal biéu dé théng tin, giao théng,... Thong thudng, dé bai sé 1u dé dang Bar Graph thudng dua ra céc s6 liu diéu tra hoe xu huéng bién dong lién quan t6i mot ché dé nhét dinh. a The graph below shows the employment rate of each ———e Chiidé gender in four different countries in 2002. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Bigu dé duéi day cho théy ty Ié viée lam theo gidi tinh tai bén quéc gia khéc nhau vao néim 2002. Tém tat théng tin bang each Iva chon va bdo cdo nhiing dic diém chinh cing cdc so sanh lién quan. Write at least 150 words. Employment rates of 4 countries (2002) 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 1% South Africa Chile Finland Norway 62 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Mate Oremate —|—e Yeu cau 8 bal |__9siéu a6 cat CHIEN LUGC LAM BAI BUGC1 Viét dan bai + Bu tién, ban c&n ndm duge chi dé va cdc déi tugng xudt hign trong biéu dé, sau dé phan tich cdc 6 ligu va thay d6i déi vdi cdc tryc x, y cling nhu déi vai ting déi tugng. Ban hay kiém tra xem truc x cho biét cdc yéu t6 gi, vi dy nhu méc thai gian, quéc gia, danh mye san phdm, va xe dinh xem truc y dua ra loai tY 16, 86 ligu nao. + Ban ghi lai that ngan gon chii dé, cdc dc trung téng quat cia toan bd biéu dé va dac diém chi tiét cila tiing déi tugng xudt hign trong biéu dé. Dac trung téng quat la nhiing dae diém ndi bat c6 thé thay dugc ngay khi nhin vao biéu d6, dic diém chi tiét a cdc 86 liéu, xu hudng bién 6i cia tiing déi tuong. Vidy Nam duge chi 48 The graph below shows the employment rate of each gender in~}—° “Tj ie viéc tam four different countries in 2002. theo gidi tinh tai Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the én qué gia trong main features, and make comparisons where relevant. nim 2002" igu d6 duéi day cho thy by (6 viee lam theo gii tinh tai bén quéc gia khée rnhau vao néim 2002. Hay va chon va bdo céo nhing dc diém chinh cng ede so sénh ign quan dé tém tt ngi dung ¢6 trong biéu dé. Employment rates of 4 countries (2002) Male Femate Xe dinh ee 461 tugng (nam, nd), tye x (bén quée gia), te ¥ (9 16 vigc fam) ‘ONILIUM SLTAI SYSNOWH ~ 20 ONHO OY MHD HOLT ] Dan bai Goh la cbt a: Chi.d6 employment rates of each gender in 4 countries, 2002 — || _ ifelém theo itn E TY Ié vigc lam & 4 qué gia trong nm 2002 theo gid tinh a betel aliety Dic trung “™> Win 4 countries Ty i vigc im nam tan han nl. & ee ting quar C24 aU6e aia quat gdm: 3 t8t od ~ Fin, & Nor: m + w Ty Ié gn bang nhau 6 Phan Lan va Na Uy cae quéc gia, ty 1e ~ S.A.: more diff Chénh lech Ién hon 6 Nam Phi vigc lam cia nam git Bu oao fn eda a ~ Chis largest gap Chénh lech lan nhat 8 Cle al a, oy och en Bac diém -m: Nor. > Chil. & Fin. > S.A. S| ha cdot Wnty gia chitiét Nam & Na Uy cao nhétt, theo sau la Chile va Phén Lan, thap nhat eile | : i Nias eh Migu 18 de aim ei tet cba tng quse gi Fin, > S.A. > CI ane ig) Nd Na Uy cao nhat, sau dé la Phan Lan va Nam Phi, thép nhat t& Chile chung eta 36 ligu va | + Chil % of m NU chi bing ¥ nam 8 Chie J] ttgian ey nd, | | TASK 1 01 Dang Bar Graph 63 BUGC2 iét bai bdo cdo hoan chinh dya trén dan bai + Dya vao dan bai da viét 6 buéc trén, ban hay hinh thanh y tuéng vé cdu tric cla bai bao co. Bai bao céo thudng chia lam BA doan, méi doan tuong ting véi mot trong cdc ndi dung. Chi dé, dac trung téng quat cia biéu dé, dac diém chi tiét ctia cac déi tugng. + Hoan thanh bai viét dya trén dan bai a lap. St! dung cdc céch dién dat co ban. Cu tao va cach dién dat co ban cita bai bao cdo cha dé The bar graph shows + chil a8 Dac trung téng quat Overall, it is clear that + dac trung téng quat Dac diém chi tiét Looking at the graph more closely, one can see that + dic diém chi tiét Vi dy doan giéi thigu chi aé Mé dau bai bao cdo bang cach néu chi dé “TY 16 viée kam theo gil tinh tai bén quéc gia trong n&im 2002”. (Dan bai thiéu cha dé Boan g ‘employment rates of each The bar graph shows [the employment rates of gender in 4 countries, 2002 men and women in South Africa, Chile, Finland, and \ Norway in 2002.] Vi dy doan dac trung téng quat | Ghi lai d&c diém chung ciia bigu dé 6 cd 4 quéc gia, ty 16 viéc lam d nam gidi déu cao hon & nd gidi; so véi ty 18 tuong adi déng déu tai Phan Lan va Na Uy thi Nam Phi va Chile lai cho thay chénh léch kha dn gida hai gidi tinh. \ (Dan bai Doan dc trung téng quat Wverall, it 1s clear that [ie proportion of men in the 4 workforce was higher than that of women in, all four FFin. @Norim=w | || ees potiggable was that iit miries.) Also noticeable was that [ie employment -$.A.: more diff Rees figures for the two sexes in Finland and Norway were a relatively close, while there was more of a difference in | South Africa and Chile. In the latter case, the gap between the percentages of men and women was the largest.] Vi dy doan aac diém chi tiét Miéu t& dae diém chi tiét oda tiing d6i tugng xudt hign trong biéu dé gém thdi gian, 86 ligu cy thé cia tiing quéc gia. 4 64 HACKERS IELTS WRITING | (B] Dan bai ‘oan aac diém chi tiét § (im: Nor. > Chi. & Fin. > S.A. }-|—toeking at the graph more closely, one can see _ that [nearly 80 percent of Norwegian men were in “Ww: Nor. > Fin. > S.A. & Ohi a ese work, which makes them the group with the highest scm fate of employment for the period. The proportions of eMalgyed Chilean and Finnish men were close behind at roughly 70 percent. However, the percentage of South Afriaamen in work was low compared to the others since only-talf of them held jobs.] As was the case with men, [Norway had the highest employment rate for women, at above 70 percent. Finland was second with around 65 percent of women in work. The rates for South Africa and Chile were lower; only about one-third of women worked in both countries. Moreover, Chile's female employment rate was only half of what its male rate was.] It t { } Bl vit méu: Xem dp én ai kim t.355 Otis Oi khi dé bai o6 thé dua ra cling lic nhiéu dang biéu dé khac nhau. Trong trudng hop nay, ban hay viét dan bai riéng cho tiing biéu dé réi chia ndi dung ciia méi biéu dé thanh mot i doan dé tao sy can déi cho bai bao cdo. Dudi day la cau tao va ndi dung cia dan bai ma cc ban cé thé ap dung khong chi déi véi dé bai dua ra hai bigu dé ma cdn vi cdc loai bang biéu/so dé/quy trinh, ' Dan bai Cu tao bai béo cdo Biéu dé 1 Sony Ce hii dé cia bigu d6 1 va2 ‘Bi trung tng quat ie diém chi tiét Boan 2 SNILIUMN SLT2T SUBXOVH ~ 30 ONG 949 HO WL : Bigu 462 Bic trung téng quat va chi tiét cia bidu dé 1 : Cha aé Doan 3 Bc tring t6ng quat ac trung t8ng quat va chi tiét oda bidu a6 2 ‘Bae diém chi dt Cac cach dién dat co ban c6 thé 4p dung déi véi dang dé hai loai bang biéu : ee The first graph shows + chil dé 1, and the second one ee indicates + chi dé 2 According to the first graph, it is clear that + dac trung Bac wat va chi tét cba bibu a6 rang tng quit vit chit ci big d61 00 Guat va chi it cd bidu 06 1 In the second graph, it is apparent that + dac trung téng 8: i tidt cia bidu dé ee ‘quat va chi tiét cla bigu dé 2 i TASK 1 01 Dang Bar Graph 65 | | jy—0__ HACKERS PRACTICE | Hay phan tich va viét dan bai cho biéu dé dudi day. 0 l The chart below shows the number of Internet users in three different countries and the world average between 1998 and 2013. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Number of Internet users, 1998-2013 | | | = | | 100 80 = hd Greece g 60 © Denmark % 50 Canada aa £ World average = 30 a =| H 20}—faI | | to} | fe ; ka We EE | 19082009 | | ! | | ) pan bai Chiids of Internet users in Gre., Den., Can. & WA, 1998-2013 ~Den. & Gan. > others Bac trung 7 | téng qua ~Gte- fewer, close to WA, but gradually 1 -Den:: Bac aiém chi tiét — -WA: | i 66 HACKERS IELTS WRITING HACKERS IELTS WRITING 0 2 The first chart below shows the number of British visitors to the US and American visitors to the UK from 2011 to 2015. The second chart shows the amount spent by those visitors in that period. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Number of UK tourists toUS and Amount spent by UK tourists to US i US tourists to UK, 2011-2015 and US tourists to UK, 2011-2015 4000 7000 S500 Ei ‘6000 2000 Hf ae 5000 | 5 g | : E po ‘ g 250011 | my 4000 as te 2 3 2000 jf | Hal He £ A_- Eo 2 : = 1500}, HH 3 PAE & = Lf > 2000 He 1 re : 1000 HA HT Bn 2 500 LHI HI tooo Hy =| o LEE ° | 7 : 2011 2012 2018 2014 2015 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 = AUK tourists 5‘us tourists [UK tourists] US tourists 8 : Dan bai s f Chi dé of UK trs. > US w/ # of US trs. > UK & their spending patterns, : 2011-2015 trung 1. British > US > American + UK . *6ng quat -UK tourism — US: -US tourism — UK: Dac diém 2. UK trs. in US > US ts, in UK chi tt “UK te. -US tra.’ $: ‘Bai vigt mu: Xem dap an di kém 1.356 ‘TASK 101 Dang Bar Graph 67 Pio enieoe omc Bién cau van thich hgp vao ché tréng 48 hoan thanh bal bao cdo dya vao dan bai dudi day. 0 3 ‘The chart below shows the number of Internet users in three different countries and the world average between 1998 and 2013. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Number of Internet users, 1998-2013 80 80 70 60 50 400 -]_- || | @ Greece i [ Denmark | © Canada [B World average in thousands 20 20 10 1998 2013 &] pan bai # of Internet users in Gre., Den., Can. & WA, 1998-2013 $6 nguti si dung internet tai Hy Lap, Ban Mach, Canada va binh quan toan thé gidi ir ndm 1998 toi nam 2013 Den. & Can. > others Ban Mach va Canada cao han cae nude cdn lal -Gre.: fewer, close to WA, but gradually T Hy Lap thdp nhat va xép x vai binh quan thé gidi nhung ¢6 xu huéng tang dan -Den.: roughly 4x, 2nd (1998) ~> surpass Can. (2003) ‘Dan Mach tng gan 4 lan, néim 1998 ding thi 2, nam 2003 ust qua Canada =Can.: 1 slow (2003-), but 3x (1998-2013) ‘Canada tng chém tis nam 2003 nhung tu nim 1998 t6i 2003 da tang gap 3 !én -Gre.: + about 20,000 every 5 yrs. Hy Lap mI 5 ndm tang 20,000 ngudi -WA: 1, but gap btw. 3 countries t at the end Binh quan toan thé aii c6 xu huéng téing nhung ¢6 chénh léch Ién vai cdc quéc gia d cudi ky diéu tra 68 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Gidi thigu cha dé ® Bigu dé c6t cho thay 86 nguéi sit dung internet tai Hy Lep, Ban Mach, Canada va binh quan toan thé gidi theo nam tif nam 1998. am 2013. Dic trung téng quat | ®@ In contrast, Greece had fewer users, which was close to the world average, but both gradually increased just as the other countries did. Mot cach téng quét, c6 thé thay 16 rérig s6 ngudi sit dung internet tai Canada va Ban Mach cao hdn dc nudc khac trong suét 15 nam. Ngudc lai, 86 ngui sit dung internet tai Hy Lap thép hon, xép xl voi binh quan cila thé git tuy nhién cing o6 xu huéng tang dn ' ging nhu céc quée gia cdn lal Dac diém chi tiét @. ‘ In 1998, it had the second highest number of Internet users, but it had surpassed Canada by 2003. While growth after 2003 for Canada was slow, ‘the nation’s overall number of users ultimately expanded by more than threefold from 1998 to 2013. ©. ‘ONILIMM S472] SUBXOVH - 30 SHBG YO AH WITT . Although the world average climbed as well, moving from about 3,000 users to 35,000 : users, the gap between it and the three countries included in the chart had widened at the end of the period in question. Cy thé han, ta c6 thé thay sé ngudi si dyng internet tai Ban Mach da tang gdp 4 lan trong vang 15 nam, ti 23,000 ngudi Ién 95,000 ngudi. Nam 1998, ugng nguBl sit dung internet cia quéc gia nay diing thd hai nhung da vugt len Canada vao nim 2003. S6 nngudi sit dung internet tal Canada tuy ting cham sau nim 2003 nhung xu thé chung la ‘ng nhanh, nhigu han gép ba lén tis ndm 1998 dén 2013. Ben canh d6, 56 ngudt sit dung internet tai Hy Lap tang thém 20,000 ngudi mdi 5 nam. Mac dis binh quan s6 ngudi sit ‘dung internet trén thé giéi da tng tis khong 3,000 ngudi 1én dén 35,000 ngwet nhung & cudi ky digu tra vn 66 sy chénh Ich Ién vé s6 nguél si! dung tal ba quéc gia trén. *Danh hal phit cub a8 sodt ial bal vit dya vio Tdu cht ty chinh sda bal vt (1-381) “Sau kh lam xong ba, tht nh gid va cdl thign bal vigt dya vao Tiéu chi ty cham diém (1.344) ‘Bp dn mu va gil thich: Xem dap én di Kem (1.957) TASK 101 Dang Bar Graph 69 04 The first chart below shows the number of British visitors to the US and American visitors to the UK from 2011 to 2015. The second chart shows the amount spent by those visitors in that period. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Number of UK tourists toUS and = Amount spent by UK tourists to US tourists to UK, 2011-2015 US and US tourists to UK, 2011-2015 4000 7000 3500 con g 8 so00 =e 000 See £000 = 1500 8 1000 3 2000 500 4000 b ol ° 7 2011 2012 2018 2011 2012 2018 2014 2015 UK tourists [J US tourists UK tourists [1] US tourists (E] pan bai # of UK trs, — US w/# of US trs, —- UK & their spending patterns, 2011-2015 Lugng du khach Arih dén Mj va lugng du khdch MY d&n Anh ty nam 2011 toi néim 2016 va hanh vi chi tiéu cba du khach 1. British — US > American ~ UK Lugng du khéch Anh dén MJ nhiéu hon tuong ddu khéch My dén Anh - UK tourism — US: | (2011-2019), then 1 (2014-2015) Du khéch Anh dén My gidm tir 2011 dén 2013 sau dé tang tw 2014 dén 2015 - US tourism — UK: remain (2011-2012), but | (2013) Du khich Mj dn Anh duy ti trong hai nlm 2011 va 20%2 nhung gid trong nim 2013, 2 T to highest point (2018) Nam 2015 tang dén dinh diém 2. UK ts. in US > US trs. In UK Du khdch Anh tai My chi tiéu nhigu hon du khach Mya anh = UK trs. $: slow T ~2013, then T last yr. |Lugng chi iéu ofa du khéch Anh ting cham tu 2011 1612018 va tang vo nm 2015 - US trs.’$: consistent, then 1 (2014, 2015) ‘Luong chi tiéu cia du khéch Mj hu nhu Kéng bién dong nhung tang trong ném 2014 va 2015 70 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Gidi thigu cha dé The first bar graph shows @ , and the second one indicates @, : Bigu d6 e6t ddu tién cho thdy lugng du kitéch Anh dén MY va du khéch MY d&n Anh tis nm 2011 . + Dya trén dan bai va hinh dung vé cdu tgo bai bao odo, hay két hgp vdi cée cach dién dat ed ban dé hoan thanh bai viét. Cu tao bai bdo cdo va cde cach dién dat co ban Chi a8 The line graph shows + chii dé ‘Dac trung téng quat ‘Overall, it is clear that + dac trung téng quat Bac diém chi tiét Looking at the graph more closely, one can see that + dic diém chi tiét Vi dy vé doan gidi thigu chi dé M@ dau bai béo cdo bang viée néu r6 chi dé dude cho ‘Ty Ié sir dyng nang lugng dau mé tai 4 quéc gia tit nim 1966 t6i nam 2008" chu dé [El Dan bai Doan gidi thié usage % of olin IL, Swe. aly, The line graph shows {the percentage of oll Turk, 1966-2008 used in Iceland, Sweden, Italy, and Turkey from 1966 to 2006 as a proportion of each country's total energy consumption] Vi dy vé doan dae trung téng quat Dua ra cdc dac trung téng quat c6 thé thay ngay Khi nhin vao biéu dé vé ty Ie sit dung nang lugng déu mé cia 4 quéc gia tiv nam 1966 dén n&m 2006: ty Ié sit dung dau mé cia Thd NHI Ky tang trong khi @ Italia hau nhu khéng thay déi, déi véi Thuy Bién va Iceland thi (Dan bai Doan dic trung tong quat “Turk, T, Waly relatively ‘Overall, it is clear that [Turkey's proportion consistent, Swe. & IL of oil use surged over the 40-year period. Meanwhile, the share of oll usage in Italy remained relatively consistent, but Sweden and Iceland’s percentage plunged] 76 HACKERS IELTS WRITING ———————————— 1 Vi du vé doan dc diém chi tiét Miéu ta dac diém chi tiét cia viée sit dung nang lugng dau mé tal tuing quéc gia bao gém s6 ligu va méc théi gian duge cho trong biéu ad. idan bai r Turk: least, 2/3 of italy (1986) — same as italy by the end Italy: high btw. 80-80% ~Swe, & iL: steep | (1866-1986) ‘Swe.: continue to 1 gradu., 35% (2008) IL:smail 1 (1986-1996), { signif. (2008) Gries Doan dac diém chi tiét Looking atthe graph more closely, one can see that [Turkey had the lowest proportion of oil use in 1966. At this time, the nation relied on oil for around 60 percent of its energy needs, which was only two-thirds of the proportion italy used. However, by the end of the period in question, Turkey's share was the same as Italy's at 90 percent. ltaly's proportion was consistently high jaintaining a share of, between 80 to 90 Percent throughout the period.] In contrast, [Sweden and Iceland saw steep percentage declines during the first half of the period, with each dropping approximately 40 percent. The share of oil use in Sweden continued to gradually decrease, reaching 35 percent by 2006. Iceland experienced a small percentage rise from 1986 to 1996 before dropping significantly to around 20 percent in 2006, the lowest share of oil use among the four countries] Xom bai mu dip dn ai kérm tr:360 Khi cé nhiéu déi tudng trong cling mét biéu dé, ban c6 thé gép cdc hang myc cé cing ac diém (cling tang hod cing gidm,..) lai voi nhau dé phan tich va bao cdo. TASK 1 02 Dang Line Graph 77 SONILIUM S171 SUAHOVH™ 20 SHO 9D Phan tich biéu dé sau va hoan thanh dan bai bén dudi. 0 l The graph below shows the population of Chile by age group between 1975 and 2035. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Chile’s population by age group, 1975-2035 80% |-—- 70% 0% —————_ — ous = 15-64 years 50% | ____—__—_—— 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 | Dan bai Chi'dé Chile's demographic info. of 3 age groups, 1975~2035 Dictrung - 15-64: consistently largest tong quat _oidest: 1 slowly & expected to T -under 15: | & projected to continue Dacdigm ~ 15-64: chi tist -oldest: — - youngest: 78 HACKERS IELTS WRITING 4 | HACKERS IELTS WRITING ———_—— The graphs below show the number of public transit passengers from 1989 to 2009 and bus and tram passenger numbers between 2000 and 2008 in Melbourne. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Public transit passengers, 1989-2009 Bus and tram passengers, 2000-2008 600 250 on 200 150 = 300 é a = 100 100 -—_—_—_____———_ 50 ° o 1989 1984 1999 2004 2009 2000 2002 2004 2008 2008 — Passengers — Bus passengers ---~ Tram passengers & pan bai Cha dé ridership # for public transit, 1989~2009 & pass. data for buses & trams, 2000~2008 in Melbourne Bac trung significantly tT téng quat Bic aiém bus & tram pass. 1, bus larger chi tiét . Xem bai méu tong dép dn di kim tr.361 TASK 102 Dang Line Graph 79 ONLLISM SLTAI SUBxIVH" 30 ONO YD. ign cau van thich hp vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh bai bdo cdo dua vao dan bai dudi day. 03 The graph below shows the population of Chile by age group between 1975 and 2035. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Chile’s population by age group, 1975-2035 80% 70% core —=£E= or 50% == 15-64 years 40% | $$$ --- 6 years and over 30% 20% 410% |>—-________.--aaeesso7o" 0% 1975 1985 1995 2005 2015 2025 2035 1 pan bai Chile's demographic info. of 3 age groups, 1975-2035 ‘Théng tin théng ké nhan khdu hoc vé 3 nhém tudi tai Chile tiv nam 1975 dén nam 2035 ~15-64: consistently largest Nhém tu 1 dén 64 tuéiluon dong nat -oldest: 1 slowly & expected to 1 Nhém tudi gia nhét tang dan va c6 xu huéng tang thém -under 15: | & projected to continue Nhom tuéi dual 15 gidm va dy kién tiép tue giém -15-64: 1 (1975-2015), predicted to | Nhém tuéi ti 15 dén 64 tudi tang ti nam 1975 dén nm 2015 va dy kién sau dé sé gid -oldest: 1, 3x of 1975 expected (2035) Nhém tuéi gid nhat tang va dy kin dén nam 2036 sé tang gdp 9 lén con 86 nm 1975 ~youngest: consistently | Nhém tuditré nhat ién tue glam 80 HACKERS HELTS WAITING el i Gidi thigu chi dé ® Biéu d6 duéng cho théy théng tin nhan khdu hoc ti nim 1975 dén nm 2035 chia theo cde ‘nhém tudi ti 0-14 tudi, 15-64 tudi va trén 65 tudi. Bac trung téng quat @ his also evident that the oldest group has been growing slowly and is expected to get even bigger. Meanwhile, | the proportion of people under 15 has been plummeting and is projected to continue to do so. Nhin chung, c6 thé thay r6 ring ty le dn s6 thudc nhém tudi ti 15-64 ludn chiém phan ding hat di @ hign tai hay tucng Iai. Nhém tudi gia nhat tang dn va dy kién sB cdn tang them rida. Mat khdo, t) 18 dan 85 duéi 15 tuéi gli manh va duge dy dodn sé tiép tye nhu vay trong tuong lal. Dac diém chi tiét ® , gradually reaching nearly 70 Percent. It is predicted that it will start getting smaller between 2015 and 2035. t In contrast, the oldest group, made up of people 65 years and over, is the only group projected to continue expanding. Despite being much smaller than the other groups, it is expected to triple from its share of § percent in 1975 to 15 & percent by 2035. @_ . It went from just under 40 percent : to nearly half of that amount between 1975 and 2015 and is expected to remain in decline all the way through to 2035. Quan sét kj hn nGa, nhém tudi dong nhét trong suét céc nam ti 1975 dén 2016 1a ning gut ti 15 dén 64 tuéi, ting dén va gén dat mic 70%. Nhém tuéi nay dy kin s8 gidm tir nam 2015 dén nam 2035. Nau lal, nhém tuéi duy nhdt duge dy dodn IA sé lién tue tang chinh 1& nhém dan s6 gia nh, trén 65 tuéi, Mac da ty 18 dan s6 thuge nhém tudi nay ft nhdt trong s6 3 nhém tuéi nhung dy kién 56 tang Ion dén 18%, te l& gp 3 ld tt nm 1975 aén nam 2035. Dan sé thude nhém tudi tré nhat lién tye gi&m. Tu nim 1975 dén nam 2016, tf 18 ca nhém tuéi nay tu mic xp x1 40% da gidm gn mot nila va dén nim 2035 sé tiép tye nig tng nap 8 ba wears dng tp ep ng ede ae boas engi Sf ben degree Bee imathisinn phat tke 76% ce 6 ty tr 8 an sano Hedioteo _| thong qua gu. Se @] Dan ba 7 itech oy 9 san Chidé student enroll. by degree in Can., 198082000 wien ‘ding ky va0 mot “TH 18 sinn vien dang i vao mot tung dai hoc tat ting dt he @ Canada See ee eee cea * the he dbo ao vor hat Canada theo hé dio tao, hai nm 1980 va2000 theo doen on Dictrung -B.D.: most studying, both yrs. 4 . ee eee Gn ioe oe tung téng quét inh vien hé cit nhdn nhigu nhét 8 c& hal bigu a6 tut Gh arbi 0b ala tne ener: but M.D maasve 1 oy a ven Cac hg dio tao khic cing ting nhung he thee st _} fheaomndt Sng ding i vio bah oto con tng nhigu nt Dacdiém pp, chi tiét Iai déu tang nhung he the sting nhidu nit. | but most 1% H@ olf nhan gim nhung vét i rnhan giam nhung vn chim nbigu nhat reared -M.D.: nearly 4x 1 chi 86t bién dng cia 18 thac siting gén 4 lén fing he dio t20 cing Vader Call, ake tol glan vi xu =D.DJA.D.: I only by 3%, 5% thuang cu thé. He tin sf va cao ding ch tang lan tugt 9%, 5% = TASK 1 03 Deng Pie Chart 87 9 AO ENN SNILIUM SII SUBNOVH ~ 38 SNH 94 BUGC 2 Viét bao cdo hoan chinh dua trén dan bai + Dya vao dan bai da viét 6 buéc trén, ban hay hinh thanh y tuéng vé cdu tric cla bai bao cao. Bai bao céo thudng gém 3 doan tuang ting véi cdc ndi dung: Chit dé, dac trung téng quat ciia biéu 46, dac diém chi tiét ciia ting déi tugng. + Dya vao dan bai, hay van dung cac cach dién dat co ban dé viét thanh bai bao cdo hoan chinh. Cau tao bai bao cdo va nhiing cach dién dat cd ban cha a8 Dae trung téng quat Dac diém chi tiét The pie charts show + chi dé ‘Overall, it is clear that + dc trung téng quat Looking at the pie charts more closely, one can see that + dac diém chi tiét Vi du vé doan gidi thiéu chi dé Ma dau bai bao cdo bang cach gidi thigu chil dé “TY é sinh vién dang ky vao mét trudng dai hoc 6 Canada theo hé dao tao trong nam 1980 va nim 2000" ] Dan bai (student enroll. by degree in Gan., 1980 & 2000 Boan giéi thiéu chi 4é |_The-pie charts show [[He proportion of students pursuing specific types of degrees at a Canadian university in 1980 and 2000.) Vi du vé doan dac trung téng quat Miéu t& dac trung téng quat quan sat dude trong hai bigu dé dude dua ra trong bai, trong c& hai n&m thi sé lugng sinh vién hé cit nhan la nhiéu nhét, sinh vién dang ky cdc hé dao tao én lai déu tang nhung hé thac si ting nhiéu nhat. (§)Dan bai (BDz mast studying. bath yrs) (the others: T, but M.D. massive 1 88 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Doan dic trung téng quat |_-Sueratt iis clear that Tost students were studying for a bachelor’s degree in 1980 and 2000.] Also ident is that [the percentage of students enrolled in the other three degree programs increased during the 20-year period. Notably, the portion of students seeking a master's degree saw a massive gain.} Vi du vé doan dae diém chi tiét Mi (@] Dan bai (MOrneary Ti? (D.DIAD: T only by 9%, 5% td cde dic diém chi tiét bao gém tat oA cdc dae diém theo tung hang muc xuat hién trong biéu dé nhu: méc théi gian, sd ligu cla hé cif nhan, hé thac si, hé tin sf va hé cao dang. Doan dac diém chi tiét (555 Teme T=} Leaking at the pie charts more closely, one can see that [he proportion of bachelor’s degree students, which accounted for more than three-quarters of total in 1980, dropped sharply to 42 percent in 2908, Even though the share of bachelor’s degree decreased, it stil remained the category ighest percentage of student enrollment] In contrast, [the proportion of master’s degree students, representing nine percent in 1980, nearly quadrupled by 2000] [Meanwhile, the share of students pursuing doctoral and associate degrees went up by only three and five percent respectively, ranking fourth and third by the year 2000, Xem bal mu tong dip én aikém .985 TASK1 03 Dang Pie Chart a9 SNILEAM SXTAI SUBxOVH ~20 ONG 99 QO Un _——© HACKERS PRACTICE Phan tich cdc biéu dé sau va hoan thanh dan bai bén dudi. The three pie charts below show the percentage of US music album sales by genre in 2008, 2009, and 2010. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. i Album sales by genre (2008, 2009, 2010) - V7 | om | i >» “> a «CC alter. & R&B combined (2010) Nhee rock chiém wu thé, nm 2010 lugng ban rain hon hai thé log alternative va RAB cong lat «alter, R&B: each 1/5 of the market Nhgc alternative va R&B méi loa chim 1/5 thi phan, country: 5% 1, close to 20% (2010) Nhac déng que tang 5% va dén nam 2010 gén dat 20% - jazz: least popular, 9% all 9 yrs. Nhac jazz la thé oat phd bién nha, chiém 3% sudt 3 nam 92 HACKERS IELTS WRITING | | | | | Gidi thigu chi aé @ for the years 2008, 2008, and 2010. Bigu dé tron thé hign lugng album ban ra theo ting thé loal &m nhac tai MY trong 3 nam 2008, 2008 va 2010. Dac trung téng quat ®@ though there were some slight shifts over time. Whereas rock was the most popular genre, followed by alternative and R&B, country and jazz were the least popular. 'Nhin chung, 06 thé théy 5 ring mac di lugng album ban ra cia ting thé loai am nhac c6 it nhiéu bign déng theo théi gian nhung sy chénh lech qua 3 nm la khéng dang ké. Thé foal phd bién nihdt la nhac rock va theo sau dé la alternative clung v6i R&B, thé loa it duge yéu thich nat fa nhac déng qué va nhgc jazz. Bc diém chi tiét @ In the year 2010, rock music sales marginally exceeded the sales of alternative and R&B music combined. In addition, alternative and R&B each represented about a fifth of the market for all three years. © Finally, jazz was the least popular genre, capturing only three percent of total sales during all three periods. Cu thé han, ta thay rng lugng album nhac rock bén ra qua céc nim déu chiém khodng 40%, ang dau trong t&t 8 céc ding nhac. Nam 2010, lugng album nhae rock bén ra Ién hon mot chit so vat téng $6 album nhac alternative va nhac R&B e6ng Iai. Bén canh dé, lugng album ban ra cia nhac alternative va nhac R&B mai lai chiém kho’ng 1/6 thi phén trong c& 3 nam. Mat kha, lugng album duge ban ra cla nhac déng qué tng 5% trong vong 3 nim, dén nam 2010 gan dat méc 20%. Cusi cing, jazz 14 ding nhac it duge yéu thich nhat khi lugng album bban ra qua cde nim déu chi chiém 9% so véi téng lugng album ban ra cla tat c& cdc thé loa. “Dinh hai phit cu6i a sodt li ba viét dya vao Téu ch tychinh sta bai vgt(.991) “Sau ki tim xong bi, thi dn gid va cl thi bal vt cya vio Tidu chi ty chim diém (4.384) ‘Bp én mau va gai thich: Xem ép dn ginh km (1.967) TASK 1 03 Dang Pie Chart 93 ‘SNILIM S731 SUYOVH ~ 20 SHUO ovo AND we 0 4 The charts below show information about land use in four countries. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Land use by purpose ‘Arableland 19% ‘Arableland pasture land~| (~Arableland ‘Non-agricultural land 96% Non agricultural land “Hi Gy ky yy 93% New Zealand Norway (pan bai land use by purpose, 4 countries Dt phan theo myc dich sit dung cla b6n quéc gia = most land non-agric. Ba sé la dt phi ndng nghigp - expt. N.Z., pasture < arable Ngoal tri! New Zealand, céc nude khéc déu cé dién tich dét chan tha ft hon dét teéng trot + nonagric.: Can. & Nor. - massive portion Bat phi ndng nghiép: chiém ty trong Ion tai Canada va Na Uy : Port. = quite high Tuong 6i cao & B6 Bao Nha NZ. - even split btw. non-agric. & pasture 3 New Zealand gan bing 4918 dign tich at chan tha - pasture: Port,, Can., Nor - less than 10% Bat chan tha: chiém chua d6n 10% & 86 Bao Nha, Canada va Na Uy + arable: aprt from Port, < 6% Bat tr6ng trot: tri B6 Bao Nha ra, cc nude Khée im bling hod it hdn 5%. 94 HACKERS FELTS WRITING ju chi dé The pie charts show @) Bidu dé tran dua ra cdo théng tin v8 hign trang si dung dat tal céc quéc gia B6 B20 Nha, ‘New Zealand, Canada va Na Uy. Dac trung téng quat f Overall, it is clear that ©, Also, @. [Nhin mot céch khai quat, ¢6 thé théy r6 rng phan lan dt dai tal cdc qué gla nay la dat phi rnéng nghigp. Bén canh d6, ngoai New Zealand ra thi cde qué gia cn lai déu 6 ty 16 dién tich dét chain tha thép hon dign tich dat canh tac. Bac diém chi tiét Looking at the pie charts more closely, one can see that © Atjust under 60 percent, Portugal's share of non-agricultural land is also quite high. Incontrast, ©) the latter of which makes up 48 percent of land in the country. Meanwhile, ©), @ that are equal to or less than five percent. ONLLIUM SITAI SURNOVH 30 OHH Cu thé hon, ta c6 thé thay dign tich dat phi ndng nghigp chiém ty trong én hon 90% tai Canada va Na Uy. Theo ngay sau d6 la B6 Bao Nha véi tH 16 dat phi ndng nghigp tuang doi ln, khoding 60%. Nguge la, ty 18 dat phi ndng nghigp & New Zealand chiém 48%, gn bang 118 dign ich thao nguyen & qué gia nay. Mat khdc, ba qué gla B6 Bao Nha, Canada va Na Uy déu 66 than 10% ign tich thao nguyén, trong dé tj Ié nay & Canada va Na Uy fan luet fa 2% va. 1%. Ngoai Bé Bo Nha v6i 34% din tich dat canh tée, céc qué gia cén Iai du danh ithan hoc bang 5% dign tich dét cho muc dich nay. ‘Daan hal phit cust sod fl bi vit da vio Tiéu ch ty chioh sta bai vit (1-331) "Sau ki lam xorg bi, thi nh gl va ci thign ba vigt da vo Tidu eh ty chim aim (U.948) ‘Bp én mau va idl thich: Xem dap dn dinh km (1.268) e TASK 1 03Dang Pie Chart 95 Doc ky dé bai dudi day dé viét dan bai, sau d6 dua vao dan bai dé viét bai bao cdo hoan chinh. 01 The pie charts show the reasons people in Great Britain had for visiting art museums in the years 1990 and 2000. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Purpose for visiting art museums, 1990 and 2000 ‘Tolearn and gain knowledge 7 Toattend a special exhibit ‘To spend time with fiends and family 2 Tofil their travel schedules To buy art Others 1990 (E] Dan bai reasons ppl. had for visiting art museums, 1990 & 2000 -to learn: es emost cetegonea to fill their travel schedules: -to learn: almost half -to attend special exhibit & to spend time: -to fill their travel schedules: -to buy art: -others: 96 HACKERS IELTS WRITING ESEESURIIE Gidi thigu chi dé Dac trung téng quat Bac diém chi tiét SHUI SUTBI SUBNOVH 40 HUM 949 Qu HN *Dianh hl phit cui sod li bai vt dya vao Tdu chty chin sla bai vdt (1.931) *Sau kh lm xong bai thi, thi nh giv ci thign ba vidt diya vio Tu ci ty chm aidm (u.984) ‘Bp an méu va gi hich: Xem dip &n ai kém (369) TASK 1 03DangPie Chart 97 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Table (bang) la mét trong nhiing dang dé thuding gp nhét trong TASK 1, dé bai bao : gém cae bang miéu t& xu huéng hoae sé liéu diéu tra xoay quanh cac chi dé nhu kinh t8, kinh doanh, lao déng,... Théng thudng, mét dé bai sé chi dua ra mt bang, tuy nhién d6i khi cing cé thé xuat hién hai bang trong cling mét cau hdi. Bang thutng sé i dude két hgp vi cac loai tai ligu truc quan nhu: biéu dé cét, biéu dé dudng va biéu dé tron, tuy nhién cling c6 trugng hgp dé ra két hgp bang véi hai dang dé cdn lai. EB sé mau é bai dang Table sé gém mot cau héi véi bang sé ligu diéu tra hoc xu huéng bién dong theo thdi gian cia ching theo mét chi dé nhét dinh. The table below gives information about the amount of beef exported it five different countries in 2012, 2014 and 2016. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main_| yeu céu features, and make comparisons where relevant. a bal ||» chi a8 Bang dui day dua ra cac thong tin vé lugng thit bo xudt khéu eda nm qude gia trong cdc nam 2012, 2014 va 2016. Hay lua chon va bdo céo nhdng dc diém chinh, dua ra céc so sénh lién quan <8 t6m t&t cdc théng tn od trong bang. | Quantities of beef exported in 5 countries (2012, 2014, 2016) Write at least 150 words. | | a wae | ats vpn | 24 [088 | 1.08 | ‘Switzerland 23 17 22 Bang iraan Slane eos seer LT Norway [84 % fr trmeay | Aare [sean] aa 98 HACKERS IELTS WRITING SE i CHIEN LUGC LAM BAI BUdC1 Viet dany + Pau tién, hay xac dinh chi dé cia cau hdi. Tiép theo, ban nén phan tich biéu dé bang ech xdc dinh cac yéu t6 nhu: méc thdi gian, qudc gia, nganh céng nghiép,.. dude dua ra d cét doc va hang ngang cia bang ciing véi cdc don vi chi sé ligu nhu: con 86, ty Ie (%), gid tién ($),.. + Sau dé, hay ghi that don gin ndi dung chi dé, dc trung téng quat cia toan bang va dc diém chi tiét cia tiing hang muc. Dc trung téng quat cla bang la nhiing daic diém néi bat c6 thé thay ngay khi nhin vao bang, dac diém chi tiét ca tiimg hang muc bao gém cae sé liéu, xu hung bién déi,.. chi tiét. Tiép theo, hay sp xép cdc y thanh dan bai b&ing cach quan sat cét ngang va cét doc cla bang réi chon ra cdc ndi dung phi: hgp dé dua vao bai bao cdo. vidu The table below gives information about the amount of beet Xéo dian chi 8 exported in five different countries in 2072, 2014 and 2016. —|—e “vena tt bo walt Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the ia tong adm 2012, main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 2ouva 2016" Bang duél day dua ra céc théng tin vé luong thit bd xudt kndu cila nam ‘qué gia trong céc nm 2012, 2014 va 2016. Hay lua chon va béo cdo cde dc diém chinh dua ra céc co sénh lién quan <8 téng k8t céc thong tn ¢6 trong bang. Quantities of beef exported in § countries (2012, 2014, 2016) {intonnes) [2012 2014 | _2016 -y hang ngang Japan al os 1,005 ae dinh cdc yéu td wen Switzeianal| 23 7 2 ing naan mde cotdge : jar), e6t dee (5 que sao |" braxt_||_125485 | 130307 | 737.650 Say don fe ang Noniay 34 BI 7 ‘trong bang (tén) Uruguay || 44372 | 39032 | a2a10 ) Dan bai Geitatend a -Litgng Chidé beef exports in 5 countries (2012, 2014, 2016) oe aaa Lugng thit bo xudt khdu tai 5 qué gia (nim 2012, 2014 va 2016) 4 pate : 2ovevazore Bictrung - Brazil > 4 countries combined Brazil én hon 4 quée gia —)|| —ywisu ta ogc tung téng téng quét —khdc cong lai ® quit cia toan biéu a6: ~ Japan: highest growth rate Nhat Ban cé ty I gia tang. = lugng thit bd xudt Khdu cola Brazil trong sust 3 cao nhat ae in ay ea hen ra fe diém a azil: =| cudtnndv ota 4 qudcga chi tiét Brazil: 1 Brazil ting Ikhée céng Iai, Nhat Bn ~ Japan: 1 Sx (2012-2016) Nhat Ban tang gap 5 lan (tir gia tang nhanh nhét 2012 dén 2016) ~ Urug.: 2nd largest Uruguay 06 lugng xudt khdu cao thi hal Era tinaines ~ Nor. & Switz.: lowest Na Uy va Thuy ST cé Iugng xuat dgng eda ting quée gia kendu tndp nh Nor.: over 2x 1 (2014), then | (2016) Na Uy tng gp 2 ln vao nam 2014 réi gidm vao nam 2016 ‘TASK 1 04 Dang Table 99 5 2 2 g ‘ONILIUM SLTAL SUSXIVH” 20 SHUO 3t 4 Chi 4é Bac trung téng quat Dae diém chi tiét n&im 2012, 2014 va 2016". pan Cau tao bai + Dya vao dan bai da viét & buéc trén, hay hinh thanh y tudng vé c4u tric ctia bai bao cdo. Bai bdo cdo thuding cé 3 doan tudng ting véi cdc ndi dung gém: Chi dé, dac trung téng quat clia toan bang, dac diém cy thé cilia tung hang muc. + Dya vao dan bai va y tuéng vé cu tric da xac dinh, hay van dung cdc céch dién dat co bn dé hoan thanh bai béo cdo. | | | BUGC 2 Viét bai bdo cdo hoan chinh dya trén dan bai i bao cdo va cdc cach dién dat co ban The table shows + chi dé Overall, it is clear that + dic trung tng quat Looking at the table more closely, one can see that + dic idm chi tit Vi du vé doan gidi thiéu cha dé Mé dau bai béo cdo bang cach néu chi dé: “Lugng thit bd xuat khdu ca 5 quéc gia trong ‘beat exports in 5 countries, (2012, 2014, 2016) formation about the amount of beef that was exported from five countries in the years 2012, 2014, and 2016.) (Dan bai Vi du doan dac trung téng quat Néu ra dac trung téng quat cla bang: lugng thit bo xudt khau cia Brazil cao hon 4 nude khdc céng lai, déng théi Nhat Ban la quéc gia cé ty Ié tang trudng cao nhat. Doan dac trung téng quat |_—overall, it is clear that [Brazil exported more beef ((Brazil> 4 counties combined} than Japan, Switzerland, Norway, and Uruguay jined.] itis also noticeable that [Japan had the highest growth rate during this period.] 100 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Vi du vé doan aac diém chi tiét Miéu ta cde dac diém cy thé theo tiing quéc gia trong bang cing vdi médc théi gian va sé ligu cy thé. : ) Dan bai Doan dac diém chi tiét Looking at the table more closely, one can see | that [ile amount of beef Brazil exported rose from 125,465 to 137,650 tonnes between 2012 and 2016. During the same period, a dramatic -Brazit: t upward trend was seen in Japan, where beef -Japan: 1 Sx (2012-2016) exports increased to almost five times what they ‘eer 7h 2012] [The second largest beef exporter was Uruguay, which consistently exported -Nor. & Switz.: lowest around 40,000 tonnes every year] In contrast, Nor.: over 2x 1 (2014), then | [Norway and Switzerland had the lowest export (2016) volume, with both nations shipping out under 100 tonnes in all three years. Interestingly, Norway did experience a surge in 2014, when its beef exports more than doubled, but this figure sharply dropped by the year 2016.] ap An va giai thich: Xem dap an di km tr.370 Gres . Trong truding hgp dé bai dua ra cling luc nhiéu dang tai liéu tryc quan khac nhau, ban van . c6 thé viét dan y cho tiing bang biéu gidng nhu khi dé bai dua ra nhiéu bang biéu cing loai. Lite nay, ban chi edn chia néi dung phan tich mdi bang bidu vao mét doan dé tao su can déi cho bai bao céo. é mau Dang hSahgp Table vi Bar Graph ___ Dang Ma gp Table va Line Graph Dang in hp Table vi Pie Chant Caen henselae US Percentage ol popaon Pacenage af GOP by senor seaor rns) svg an soa (Oa) asa eae] wr Taras a asa en aru | ‘eran [ea Popup si Lee Les | fecal ee fe eaanie [see sagen [ae |e] oe [re Employment on agrcuture in Canada Number of international students ftom 3 counties (2005 & 2015) International tourim receipts(2013) eas TASK 1 04Dang Table 101 ONILIAM SATE SUSNOVH 30 SUNG YO AHO HT Phan tich tai ligu truc quan dudi day réi hoan thanh dan bai. 01 The table below gives information about management positions held by women in a European country in 2006. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. The proportion of management roles held by women in four industries (2006) Finance | Manufacturing T Hospitality Managers | 16.39% 9.00% 16.04% 33.14% Executives | 4.58% 1.98% 12.82% 19.9% CEOs 1.98% 1.21% 6.58% 20.6% pan pai Chi'dé info. about management positions held by women in 4 ind, 2006 geting -hospi téng quat ity: largest manufacturing: lowest ge aiém - hospitality: chitiét manufacturing: = finance & IT: finance: IT: 102 HACKERS IELTS WRITING 02 aE HACKERS IELTS WRITING The table below gives information about the economic value of international students in the US in 2005, 2010 and 2015. The bar graph shows changes in the number of international students from three countries in two of those years. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Economic value of international students in the US Write at least 150 words. ‘Number of international students from 3 countries (2005 & 2015) chi tiét 2008: 2018: {i bitons) #400 Year 2005 10.1 ag r = : $2 200 a 2005 Year 2010 | $15.6 $3 200 r 2015 Year2015 | $35.8 BE 100 alt 2 ole E China India South Korea &) Dan bai Chi'dé econ. value of int! students in US (2008, 2010, 2015) & # of int! students from 3 countries (2005, 2015) Bie trung téng quat pic aiém 2015 > 2008 in all countries ‘Bap dn va gil thich: Xem dp An di kBm 1.371 ‘TASK 1 04 Dang Table 103 a9 mn ONLLIUM SLTAT SH3NIVH™ 20 SuiG 949 ign cau thich hgp vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh bai bao cdo dya vao dan bai duéi day. 03 The table below gives information about management positions held by women in a European country in 2006. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. The proportion of management roles held by women in four industries (2006) Finance | Manufacturing Tv Hospitality Managers 16.39% 9.00% 16.04% 33.14% Executives 458% 1.98% 12.82% 19.9% CEOs 1.98% 1.21% 6.58% 20.6% ) van bai info. about management positions held by women in 4 ind., 2006 Thang tin vé 49 16 n@ gid gid vi ti quan If trong 4 nganh nim 2006 - hospitality: largest Chiém tj 16 cao nhat trong nganh khéch san manufacturing: lowest Chiém tj lé thdp nhat trong nganh san xuét - hospitality: managers - 1/3, executives & CEOs - each 1/5, ‘Trong nganh khach san: cp quan ly chiém 1/3, glam déc diéu hanh va CEO du chiém 1/5 - manufacturing: fewest managers, executives & CEOs Trong nganh san xudt: c6 ft quan IV, glém d6c diéu hanh va CEO nhat - finance & IT: managers = approx. 16% Trong nganh tai chinh va cong nghé thong tin: c&p quan ly du chiém xép x1 16% finance: executives & CEOs both | ring nganh tai chinh: giém déc diéu hanh va CEO déu giém (/2 executives = CEOs riéng nganh cong nghé théng tin: 86 giém 6c diéu hanh g&p 01 CEO 104 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Gidi thigu cha dé ® four industries in a European country during 2006 as a percentage of the total for each type of position. Bang cho théy t7 @ nd giéi gid vi tr quan ly trong 4 nganh nghé tal mét quéc gia chau Au vao nam 2016. Bac trung téng quat @® Nhin chung, o6 thé thay ring trong 4 nganh, ty 16 nd gidi ndim cae vi tr edp cao chiém nhiéu nhét ‘Snganh khach san va thép nhét é nganh san xudt. , with women representing almost one-third of those in this position. This industry also had the highest proportion of female executives and CEOs, with these categories each accounting for about one-fifth of the total. ® {In both finance and IT, approximately 16 percent of managers were women, but in finance, women made up less than five percent of executives and less than two percent of CEOs. In IT, meanwhile, 12.82 percent of executives and 6.58 percent of CEOs were female. Cu thé hon, ¢6 thé thay mot pha ba s6 lugng vi tri quan Ij trong nganh Khach san la do ni gi ‘dam nhigm. TY 1 gi&m dc diéu hanh va CEO trong nganh nay cfing cao hdn so véi cdc nganh ‘edn lal, ml vl tf chiém 4/5 trong téng 86. Nguoc lal, t 16 nd gid thap nhat& tat c& cde cp quan |y trong nganh san xuét, trong 46 nt quan Wy chiém 9%, gidm dc diéu hah nd chiém 1,8% va ‘nd CEO chiém 1,21%. Trong hal finh ve tai chinh va céng nghé théng tin déu o6 khoding 16% ‘quai ly ta ng, tuy nhién finh vue tai chinh chl 66 gén 5% gidm déc diéu hanh 18 nit va gan 29% 1 CEO. Trong kei d6, di vol inh vue cong nghg thong tin, 66 12,82% gidm dc diéu hanh fa 1nd va 6,58% n@ CEO. *Danh hat pit cu6i a sodt li bai vigt diva vao Tau ch ty chioh sit bal vit (t.891) "Sau kh tam xong ba, thi dn gis va ci thi bai viet va vo Tieu ch ty chim aidm (4.44) Bap an mu va gl thich: Xem dp dn kém (972) TASK 1 04 Dang Table 105 pa SLUM STAI S¥BxOWH” 30 ONO SY AHO ENT 04 The table below gives information about the economic value of international students in the US in 2005, 2010 and 2015. The bar | graph shows changes in the number of international students from three countries in two of those years. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Economic value of international Number of international students students in the US from 3 countries (2005 & 2015) Gabillions) 24a Year 2005 Sioa 2 s00| 1] _. Year 2010 S166 33 200 a cans Year 2015 $35.8 $= 100 2 0 S China India South Korea dan bai & # of int'l students from 3 countries (2005, 2015) ‘Béng gép vé mat kinh té cita cdc du hoc sinh nude ngodi tai MY (nm 2005, 2010 va 2015) va s6 lugng du hoe sinh ti que gia (ndim 2005 va 2018) 4.1 Tang len = 2015 = 8x 2005, Tang gdp 9 én ti ném 2005 dén n&m 2015 2.2015 > 2005 in all countries Lugng du hge sinh dén tl c& 3 quéc gia déu tang tit nam 2005 dén nam 2015 ~ 2005: less than 100,000, slightly more from India Nam 2005 6 ft hon 100,000 hoc sinh, hoc sinh An 86 nhigu hon 2 nuée con lai mot chit = 2015: Chinese & Indian 1 Nm 2015: s6 du hoc sinh Trung Quée va An 9 tang len China % 3x South Korea Trung Quée gép 3 lan Han Quéc | / j econ. value of intl students in US (2005, 2010, 2015) 106 HACKERS HELTS WRITING The table shows ©, é Gidi thigu chi aé t » and the bar graph indicates @ | Bang cho thy nhiing déng gép vé mat kinh 16 ca cdc du hoe sinh nude ngodl tai MY trong 3 nam 2005, 2010 va 2016, trong khi dé biéu 46 c6t cho biét sy thay d6i trong s6 lugng cae du hoe sinh nay ti nim 2005 d6n nam 2016. Bic trung khdi quat va chi tiét cla bang 1 Dac trung khdi quat i According to the table, it is clear that @ Dac diém chi tiét The amount jumped from 10,1 billion dollars in 2005 to 15,6 billion dollars in 2010. Then, rate of growth rose even more considerably during the last five years of the period, climbing by more than 20 billion dollars. © | Theo nhding théng tin dua ra trong bang, c6 thé thdy r6 ring nhng déng gép vé mat kinh té cla t cde du hoc sinh nuéc ngoai tai My da ting lén dang ké. Nam 2005, téng gid tri déng gép ca du hoe sinh la 10,1 tf USD va con 6 da nay tang lén t6i 15,6 ty USD vao nim 2010. Sau 46, ty Ig tang trung tham chi cdn cao hon nhigu trong § nam cudi va wugt mde 20 t} USD. Gia tr vé mat kinh t8 ma cdc du he sinh nude ngoai tai MY déng gép vao nm 2015 cao gp 3,5 lan gid tri nam 2008. ‘ayo qu WT Dae trung khdi quat va chi tiét cua biéu dé cot 2 Bic trung khai quat : In the bar graph, it is apparent that © Bac diém chi tiét In 2005, the number of students from each of the three countries was less than 100,000, although there were slightly more from India than the other two. ©. ONILIYM SLT] SURHOVH~ 30 SHO There were approximately 230.000 Indian students and almost 350.000 Chinese students in the US that year, © (Quéc déu ting trong vong ti nm 2005 dén nim 2016. Trong nm 2016, lugng du hge sinh dén ‘tic ba quéc gla déu it hon 100.000 ngudi va Iugng hoe sinh dén ti! An 89 cao hon mot chit so ‘v6i hai qude gia con lal. Tuy nhién dén nam 2015, lvong du hoc sinh dén ty An 86 va Trung Quéc déu da tng dét bign. Trong nam nay, c6 khodng 230.000 du hoc sinh An Bd va 350.000 du hoc sinh Trung Quée tal MY, con s6 nay cao gp ba lén s6 du he sinh dén tis Han Quée. “Dah hal ht cus a sodt aba vt ya vo Tibu city ena sab vt (991) Sau kh lim xong 68th, thi inh gl va ci thign bai vit da vo Tew chi ty chim dim (4.344) | : t i t | Trong biéu 46 cbt, ¢6 thé thay duge ring $6 Ivgng du hoe sinh dén tit Trung Quée, An Bd va Han £ £ I ‘Bép én mu va gid thich: Xem tip dap n di kém (1.973) ‘TASK 1 04 Dang Table 107 01 Doc kf dé bai duéi day dé viét dan bai, sau dé dya vao dan bai dé viét bai bao cdo hoan chinh. The table below gives information about government expenditure in five sectors relating to domestic policy in Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom in 2009. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Government spending by sector (2009) Germany Italy UK Public services 6.6% 8.6% 4.6% Economic affairs 4.5% 44% Environmental 0.9% 1.0% protection Health 71% 75% 7.8% Education 4.3% 4.6% 6.4% (8) van bai government expenditure in 5 sectors of dom. policy in 3 countries, 2009 -most: All 3 nations - health wleests -Germany & Italy: -UK: ee 108 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Gidi thigu cha dé Dac trung téng quat Dac diém chi tiét *Dianh ha phit cu a6 soa il bal vit ya vao Tidu ch ty chinh sta bai vt (231) “Sau khilam xong bal thi nh gia va ci thign al vit dya vao Ti chi ty chim aldm (4-948). ‘Bp dn mu va gil thc: Xem dip én di Kem (1374) ‘TASK 1 04 Dang Table 109 SONILIUM S431 S¥aXOVH” 20 SNUG aYO NNO Ka i HACKERS IELTS WRITING Map (ban dé) I dang dé hiém khi xuat hién trong TASK 1. Dé bai thung dua ra ban dé cila mét khu vyc hod so dé mat cét cla mét khdng gian nhat dinh. Yéu céu ciia dé bai thuding Ia viét bai bao cdo dé so sénh hai ban dé hoc hai so dé mat cét. bE MAU 'é bai dang Map thuéng dua ra ban dé hoac so dé mat cat cla mot khu vuc hay khéng gian nhat dinh. The two maps below show changes to the town of ———oChidé Somerville over a 10-year period. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the | main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Hai ban d6 dudi day cho thdy nhing thay di cia th trén Somerville trong vong 10 nm. Hay Iya chon va bdo cdo nhing dac diém chinh, dua ra nhing so sénh sn quan dé tém tat cc thong tin o6 trong ban a. Yeu céu abba Write at least 150 words. 10 years ago Bangs carpark? | & 110 HACKERS HELTS WRITING: CHIEN LUGC LAM BAI BUGC1 Viét dan bai + Dau tién, ban hay c6 gang nam bat chi dé duge dua ra, sau dé xdc dinh céc déi tudng xudt nhu séng hd, tda nha, con du’ng ign trén ban dé hay so dé mat ct cling vai vi tri ceding nhu nhGng bién déi ciia chting. Hay tim nhing chi tiét méi, nhGng thay déi vé vi tri, nhiing chi tiét dugc gid? nguyén,..6 ban dé tht hai so véi ban d6 this nha. = Hay ghi lai that don gidn chi dé, dac trung téng quat va dac diém chi tiét cia ban dé hay sd dé mat ct. Dac trung téng quat la cdc yéu t6 néi bat 6 thé thay ngay khi nhin vao ban dé, dic diém chi tiét la sy bién déi cila cae yéu 16 xuat hién trén ban dé. Vidu a 10-year period. features, and make comparisons where relevant. 6m luge céc théng tin 06 trong ban dé. 10 years ago Chidé Somerville, 10 yrs. ago & now Thi trén Somerville Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main Hai ban d6 audi day cho thy nhng thay déi cia thi trén Somervie trong vong 10 nim. Hy {ya chon va béo céa nhitng dac diém chinh, dua ra nhing so sénh lién quan dé Nm age hi 8 The two maps below show changes to the town of Somerville over—|—o “mvdnSomonilo 10nam tue va higntar Xe dioh oe. 46) tugag xudthign trong ban a6 gém 66 song, bal dau xe, con dutng,- Trong ban a6 thy hha ed cc yéu 16 chua xust ign trong ban dé thd ahs shu khéch san, nf hag, {quan ca ph, higu sac, cla 1iém, sin golf, ei tn b, Gh tl 6 ba “Ty rn a 10 nim trude va hién tai = Bie trung - hotels & retal establishments near the river a téng quét Cac khach san va cla hang dich vu duge xay thém canh con séng - 10 yrs. ago: mostly vacant ~ now: many new businesses, Somervie 10 nm ride vahlgn tar ua ra ndag ae aig ‘609 quit cia hal bia (46:10 nim tide 1a mgt iw we tng tel, tuy 10 nim truée la khu vye gn nhu tréng tai nhung hign tal xuat hign nhiéu hoat déng kinh doanh khéc nhau ic diém - car park 1 — restaurants & café chi tet Bal dau xe s6 1 dugc thay bang nha hang va quanca phé | - hotel: line the river Cac khéch san chay doe ba s6ng = shops & bookstore: added Xudt hign them cdc ott hang va higu sch hién Nan tl xt ign hid Toa ea 5 at © nat va obng tian tne Whe nha itu t cde oe atm chi {6tgm ahong bay acd ~ road: parallel to the river ~ lead to car park ‘alld trude kia chay doc bé song, hign tal r8 vo bal dau xe = golf course: added next to car park San golf duge xay bén ccanh ball dau xe 4 huge i qu ta so sah boa 651 va bin o8 2 TASK1 05Dang Map 111 ‘ONLLPUM SLTAT SUNOVH - 20 OMEN of BUGC 2 Viét bai bao cdo hoan chinh dya trén dan bai © Dya vao dan bai da viét & bude trén, hay hinh thanh y tu@ng vé céu tric ctia bai béo cao. Bai bao co thuding gém 3 doan tuong ting véi cde ndi dung gém: Chi dé, déc trung téng quat cia ban dé, dac diém chi tiét cia timg d6i tugng. © Dua vao dan bai va y tudng vé cdu tric da xac dinh, hay van dung cdc cach dién dat cd ban dé hoan thanh bai béo cdo. Cu tao bai béo cdo va cac cach dién dat co ban cha dé The mapsidiagrams show + chi d8 Dac trung téng quat Overall, it is clear that + dc trung téng quat Looking at the maps/diagrams more closely, one can see Dac trung téng quat that + dc diém chi tiét Vidu doan higu chil dé M@ dau bai bao cdo bang cach néu ra chi dé “Thi tran Somerville 10 nam trudc va bay gid”. (2) Dan bai Doan gidi thigu chu dé | —_——____, ' The maps show [ie differences in the town of Somerville over a 10-year period.] Vi du vé doan dic trung téng quat Néu ra dc trung téng quat cila ban dé: Xuét hign ode khéch san va cifa hang dich vu gan bd s6ng, phan dat tréng truée kia d& duge thay béing nhiéu loai hinh kinh doanh, dich vy khée nhau. (E] Dan bai Boan dic trung téng quat ~ hotels & retail establishments Werall, it is clear that [hotels and new retail built near the river establishments have been built near the river.) [70 yrs. ago: mostly vacant [With only two car parks and a main road, the land now: many new businesses was mosily vacant ten years ago, but now the town offers many new businesses] 192 HACKERS HELTS WRITING Vi dy vé doan dac diém chi tiét Miéu té cdc thay déi véi tiing d6i tugng dya trén qua trinh so sanh hai ban 6. (2) Dan bai Doan dac diém chi tiét C car park 1 — restaurants & café Looking at the maps more closely, one can hotel line the river | “see thattte_most noticeable alteration to (hops &bootatoresadied | the Ta [ie removal of car park 1 and = the f festaurants and a café in its (road: parallel to the river — lead to car] : park place.] Furthermore, thetels now line the river a along the new footpath, {Séme shops and a car park bookstore have been also added near this F the years, completely transforming substantial change was [the rerouting of the roat~which used to be parallel to the river. It is now cufved and leads to the remaining car park.] Finally, (@ large golf course was constructed in the unused land next to the car park] ‘Bép 4n va gidl thich: Xem dap An di kém 375 pinerdeneetv mre TASK 1 05 Dang Map 113 , {\-—©_ HACKERS PRACTICE Phan tich tai ligu try¢ quan dudi day va hoan thanh dan bai. 01 The two diagrams below show the layouts of two offices, one to accommodate a maximum of eight people and the other to fit a maximum of ten people. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Room A (maximum 8 people) Room B (maximum 10 people) | bookshelves EEE | entrance c h entrance desk table ddsk L, | table q de a (Ga) fe ool oo t bookshelves | BG | (2) pan bai | chaaé layouts of 2 offices, for max 8 ppl. or 10 ppl. | Bgctrmg _- desks: separated, A © pushed together, B téng quat - office furniture & equipments: several differences Bacdiém —- desks: - bookshelves: -coffee: ; 114 HACKERS FELTS WRITING | HACKERS IELTS WRITING The diagrams below show the Marlton Gallery before and after it was renovated. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Marlton Gallery Teor garden media = coffee shop | 2F Itt acta front desk edbiion [TF Before [EEE sore bee u education centre ee room —_|3F special exhibition lift] coffeeshop | 2F gift | £] coat | front Wy shop || room | desk | G7 yy After (XEEEEEE sme Dan bai chi a6 layout of Marlton Gallery before & after renovation byotring —- gallery size T tng quét ae diém —_- roof garden ~ 3F w/ education centre, media room & lift chi tét extended Bap &n va gil thich: Xem dap an di kém 376 TASK 1 05 Dang Map 115 Bidn cau thich hgp vao ché tréng dé hoan thanh bai bao cdo dya vao dan bai dudi day. 03 The two diagrams below show the layouts of two offices, one to accommodate a maximum of eight people and the other to fita maximum of ten people. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Room A (maximum 8 people) Room B (maximum 10 people) bookshelves | entrance entrance fom fel ei lest table L table bookshelves b a mm m (8) Dan bai layouts of 2 offices, for max 8 ppl. or 10 ppl. So dé b6 tri ndi that hai van phdng, silo chia tu 8 d6n 10 nguai | - desks: separated, A # pushed together, B ban duge tach riéng & so 46 A nhung duge gan lién dso dé B - office furniture & equipments: several differences ‘gi thét va trang thiét bi ela hal van phing c6 mét s6 diém khéc nhau = desks: A-elther side _phong A gém hal day ban é hai phia khéc nhau :B-facing each other phong B gém hai day ban déidign nhau - bookshelves: A- right of the entr. gla sich dugc dat & bén phai cita pong A :B--left of the entr. gid sdich duge dat phia tri cla phong B - coffee: A - against the wall across from the bookshelves may pha ca ph duge dt d6i dign gia sach, ngay canh tutng & phong A = next to the entr. may pha c& phé duge d&t canh cifa vao phong B 116 HACKERS IELTS WRITING | | Gigi thigu chi dé ® ‘The first room is for up to eight people and the second room for ten people. Hai so 66 cho théy céch b6 tri ni thét eda hai van phong. Van phong thd nhét c6 sic chia Ian ‘nhat la 8 ngudi va van phéng thd hai ¢é se chua tdi dala 10 ngudt. Dac trung téng quat @ ‘There are also several other differences in terms of the layout of office furniture and equipment. NNhin t8ng quét, c6 thé théy van phing A gém hal day ban tach bigt va-van phing B gém hai day ban gan lién véi nhau. Béng thai, cfing c6 nhiéu diém khde biét trong cdch bai tf trang thiét bi ‘Ging nhw n6i that gida hal van phong. Bac diém chi tiét @ ‘39 qu A Unlike Room A, Room B has ten desks that face each other on the left side of the room, and the table is on the right side of the room. Whereas the bookshelves in Room A are to the right of the entrance, they are to the left of the entrance ; in Room B. In Room A, the coffee machine is against the wall across from the bookshelves, yet in Room Bi ight next to the entrance. Gy thé han, ¢6 thé théy phong A ¢6 hal day ban, mbi day gém bGn ban lam vige duge b6 tr téch bigt é hai phia cia phéng va ngain gida hai day ban l& m@t ban l6n. Khéc vél phong A, phong B cd 10 ban lam vigc ké sét voi nhau thanh hai day, mdi day nm ban va mot ban Ién nm 8 phia ben phai cia cin phong. Trong khi gid sdch cia phong A nam & phia bén pha cita ra vao thi gia sch i cca phing B Iai nim phia bén trai. Trong phing A, may pha ca phé dugc dat sat vai bu tuding i {461 dign gl sach cén trong phéng B, thiét bi nay duge dat ngay canh cila ra vao. SONLLIUM SHAT SUSOVH ~ 20 SHO : Dank hai phitcusi a sodt ib vgtdya vo Tiéu ch ty chinh a ba vidt (931) “Sau khi lam xong bal th dh gid vac hign bal vit dy vio Téu ch ty chim didm (344) ‘8p dn mu va gl thich: Xem dap &n din kém (377) r i - TASK1 05DangMap 117 £ i 0 4 The diagrams below show the Marlton Gallery before and after it was renovated. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Marlton Gallery roof garden media room |, | coteston |2# i giftshop | front desk ee i ‘education centre media |. special exhibition lift] coffee shop |2F gift [2] coat | front shop _| 8 | room | dese i" After IEE aaa () van bai layout of Marlton Gallery before & after renovation sd dé bao tang my thuat, Marlton trudc va sau khi tu sita - gallery size 1 quy m6 bao tang tng - 2floors w/ § rooms & roof garden ~> 3 floors w/7 rooms & parking lot tira nha hal téng o6 néim phng v6 vutin trén san thuigng bién thanh téa nha 3 tang véi 7 phong va mot bai dau xe | - root garden — 3F w/ education centre, media room & lift extended thay vubn trén sn thugng bang téng 3 véi trung tm gido duc, phong truyén thong va thang may duge néi dai lén tang 3 = 2F: media room — special exhibition room phdng truyén théng & tang 2 chuyén thanh phéng trién lam dae biét - 1F: special exhibition — parking lot beneath cotfee shop phing trién lam dae bigt 6 t&ng 1 trd thanh bal dau xe phia duéi quan c& phe + stairs near gift shop xay thém cu thang gén ca hang qua tang front desk split 1/2 — new coat room phéng Khu wie 16 tan téch dei, mot nla bin thanh phong git dé 118 HACKERS IELTS WRITING thigu chi dé ‘The diagrams show © 0 46 cho thay eu tnic cia béo tang my thugt Mariton trude va sau khi duge tu sita, Dic trung téng quat 1 Overall, it is clear that the remodeling work markedly increased the size of the gallery. @ Nhin mt each bao quai, c6 thé thay r&ing qua trinh thi cng 48 mé rong dng ké quy mé cia bao tang. Tu mét ta nha hai téng véiS phong va 1 vutin trén sn thuong, bao tang d thanh mot tba nha 3 t€ng vet 7 phong va 1 bal dau xe. ‘Bac diém chi tiét Looking at the diagrams more closely, one can see that @ i ‘Anew education centre was built on this floor, and ®, - In addition, © - Furthermore, the special exhibition room was moved to the second floor and almost doubled in size, occupying what was once the media room. On the first floor, © half to Moreover, stairs were built near the gift shop, and the front desk was spli make room for a new coat room. Gy thé han, wun tren san thugng da duge do bd va thay vao dé la téng 3 ola tda nha. Tai téng mdi xy nay 6 mot trung t&m gido dye va mét phong truyén thong. Thém vao dé, thang may ‘cing duge néi dai én t6i tng 3. Khéng chi vay, phong trién lam dac biét 4 duge chuyén lén ting 2.v6i dign tich réng gp d6i va thé ché cia phing truyén théng cG. Tal tng 1, bai dau xe duge xy ngay bén dui quén c& phé, khong gian nay tnudc day vén I& cia phing trign lam dic bie. Ngoai ra, nguéi ta xay thém mét cu thang é bén canh clla hang qua tng va phing I8 tan dugc chia lam d6i, mét nde te thanh phong gif dé moi. SNLLIUM SITAI SUBNOYH ~ 20 Ou Oyo MS BOT "Dan hal pit cus sodt li bal vét eva vio Tiéu ch ty chloh sta ba vit (1.231) Sau kh lam xong bal thi nh gl vied thign al vit dya vao Tu chi ty chm diém (1244) i Bap an mau va gi th: Xam dp dn dh kom (377) TASK1 05DangMap 119 Doc ky dé bai dudi day dé viét dan bai, sau dé dya vao dan bai dé viét bai bao cdo hoan chinh. 01 The two maps below show the developments along Olive Drive before and after the construction of new facilities between 1980 and 2010. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. 1980 2010 Batata om ‘i (-¥ Fret ermace | ate || Pesan oot} e] Faxes] Dan bai changes around Olive Dr., 1980 & 2010 = several changes on both sides housing units: =school: 120 HACKERS IELTS WRITING IACKERSHIELTS WRITINC Gidi thigu chi a8 - i i Ey : Bic trung téng quat : £ Bac diém chi tiét 5 a. Fs Z = Z z "Danh hai pit cu6i dé sodt Ii ba vigt diva vo Tiéu ety chloh sta bai vit 331) “Sau ki im xong bi thi dinh gia va i thign bil vi6tdya vao Tiéu chi ty chém etm (v-348) ‘Bip dn mu va gil thch: Xem dap dn inh kbm (4.978) TASK1 05 Dang Map 121 HACKERS IELTS WRITING i 4 Diagram (luge 46, sé dé qué trinh) la mét trong nhing dang dé hiém khi xuat hign & TASK 1, thuding bao gém nhing so dé vé qué trinh san xuat/ché tao dé vat, vong di cia d6ng vat, ché tao hn hgp,.. Théng thudng, dé bai sé chi dua ra mét so dé, | ‘tuy nhién cling c6 mét sé trudng hgp dé bai dua ra hai so dé va yéu cau tht sinh viét bai bao cdo so sénh hai so dé a6. 3 dé mAu ‘Dé bai dang Diagram thuding dua ra cdc so dé miéu t& cac giai doan, qué trinh lién quan tdi mot chii dé nhét dinh. The diagrams below show the stages in the production of ————e cniaé yoghurt, ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the __» Ys" main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Che ‘80 dé dul dy miéu té quy tinh sén xudt sda chu. Hay lua chon va béo edo nhiing dc trung chinh, dua ra nhing so sénh lién quan dé tém luge céc théng tn o6 trong s0 a6. i | Write at least 150 words. © ® | | na 1 hygiene stainless | ! steel vessel = ® tures ZA "ABBE sob auy tin 6666 sticthe mixture pasteurization’ @ "homogenization @ fermentation’ @ packaging | heat to 85°C ‘coolto42°C stopat7C | 122 HACKERS IELTS WRITING | { i i | E i CHIEN LUGC LAM BAI BUGC1 Viét dan bai © Truc tién, ban hay xac dinh chi dé va cdc qué trinh, giai doan xuét hién trong so dé. Néu [a so dé vé qua trinh sn xudt hod ché tao dé vat, hay vong déi cla déng vat, ban hay luu ¥ téi ni dung cac giai doan cé trong so dé. Néu la sd dé vé qué trinh ché tao hén hgp, ban hay luu y cdc yéu t6 nhu loai nguyén ligu, Iugng nguyén ligu sit dung, © Tiép theo, ban hay ghi lai that don gian cdc dac trung téng quat va dic diém chi tiét cia titng giai doan trong so dé. Bac trung téng quat la cde dién bién chinh tit giai doan dau dén giai doan cuéi cia so dé, dc diém chi tiét cla tiing giai doan bao gém céc ndi dung cy thé nhu lugng nguyén liéu, t7 16,.. Vidu The diagrams below show the stages in the production |» “i= “ pasteurization - heat to 85°C =@: homogenization - cool the: mixture to 42°C -@; fermentation - add cultures then stir, until 7°C -@: package - place in individual packages Doan dac diém chi tiét Looking at the diagram more closely, one Gan see that [th8 process begins when the ingredients, which consist of stabilizers, dry milk, sugar, and milk, are mixed together in a hygienic stainless steel vessel. At this point, is mixture is heated to 85°C, starting the pasteurization process] [Then, it is cooled (g 42°C. This is the homogenization phase.] [Atter this phase is completed, cultures are added to the blend to begin the fermentation. The mixture is then stirred before the temperature is reduced to 7°C, and the fermentation process ends.] In the final step, Tite finished yogurt product is packaged into individual containers to be sold.] Bi vidt mu: Xom dp in dinh komm 1.879 TASK 1 06 Dang Diagram 125 = a i a © HACKERS PRACTICE Phan tich igu tryc quan dudi day va hoan thanh dan bai. 0 l The diagram below shows the life cycle of an insect called the cicada. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. ono ae tunnel near tree roots @ cicada eggs Zz — cicada inside of tree branches 9 ——" aryears | moultald skin pan bai Chi dé ic trung téng quat Bic aiém chi tiét Life cycle of the cicada, 8 stages: revolve around trees over many years -@: eggs - -@: nymph - -@: moult - 126 HACKERS IELTS WRITING HACKERS JELTS WRITING The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the pulp- making process and how pulp is used to produce paper. ‘Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. ; Write at least 150 words. Pulp production Paper production { | soft wood “Y chemicals spread pulp e.. a fine screen svedete 2 | role iron 3 paper 2 - = veel ® = g a (dan bai 2 chi dé ‘stages & equipment in pulp-making process & pulp — paper ‘$0 dé 1: Bac trung téng quaét basic ingredients combined & heated — pulp ‘Dac diém chi tiét 7 Je trung téng quét pulp ~> pap Dac diém chi tiét - 8046 2: -stage process ap n va gi thin: Xem aap én din kim i380 | TASK 1 06 Dang Diagram 127 Dya vao dan bai duéi day, hay dién cdc cau thich hgp vao ché tréng dé hoan thién bai bao cao. 0 3 The diagram below shows the life cycle of an insect called the cicada. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. O cicada eggs | a wrote tunnel near tree roots i a pavyears — | moultoldskin Life cycle of the cicada Vong dai clla con ve sau (3) pan bai | 3 stages: revolve around trees over many years 8 gial doan: s6ng xung quanh cay c6i qua nhigu nm | - @: eggs - inside tree branches giai doan 1: tring né ra va séng & trén canh cay - @: nymph - hatch 2-7 mon. later live underground near tree roots & tunneling for 2-17 yrs. giai doan 2: trdng nd thanh nhéng sau 2-7 thang, nhéng sng dudi long dat gén 18 cay va xay mét mang luéi duéng ham trong vong 2-17 nam - @: moult - shed skin from 20 to 150 min. — fully grown Giai doan 3; I6t xdc trong vong tu 20 dén 150 phat dé tré thanh con ve sdu oan chinh 128 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Gidi thigu chi dé ® | ‘So d6 cho thdy vong di cla con ve sdu. ! Dac trung tong quat ® These stages revolve around trees and occur over many years. 'Nhin chung, vang di cia con ve sdu chia lm 3 gial dogn 16 rang. Cae giai doen trong cube det ve sdu din ra theo chu kj trong vong nigu nam xung quanh cay. Bac diém chi tiét @ ae ———E ‘Two to seven months later, the eggs hatch into ‘nymphs.’ ® By the time the nymphs are about to reach maturity, they go back up to the tree branches where they shed their old skin. This process is called ‘moult,’ and it takes from 20 to 150 minutes to complete. They are now fully grown cicadas and are ready to lay eggs, at which point the cycle starts anew. Cu thé hon, vong df cia ve su bat déu khi tring ve dugc d8 trong enh cay. Sau tt 2 dén 7 thang, tring nay né thanh odn tring. Trong vong tir2.dén 17 nm sau dé, nhing con cén tring nay sng dudi long dat gén r& cay noi ching xay dng mot mang lu6i duéing ham. Bén that éiém én tring trading than, né leo Ten cay va trdt bd ldp v8 cd. Giai doan nay dude goi la “I6t xc" va thudng din ra trong véng tt 20 dén 150 phd. Sau khi It xéc Va trdthanh ve su hoan chinh, né 58 bat ddu 48 trong va tir day tring ve s@ tip tuc bat du vong d&i méi cia minh, SHUM SUT SIBNOWH- 30 SNE YO AO WET “Danh hal phitcu6i dé codt tai ba vigtdya vo Tdu eh ty chfoh ea bai vigt (391) “Sau kh tam xong ba, thi nh gid va ci thin bai vt cya vao Teu ch ty chim diém (u.944) ‘Bap dn mu va gli thich: Xem ddp dn inh kom (t-281) ssnesieinnbonneereomen TASK1 06 Dang Diagram 129 04 The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the pulp-making process and how pulp is used to produce paper. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words. Pulp production Paper production spread pulp vemicals = fine Screen dying otf rollup iron up paper. ' = (2) Dan bai ‘stages & equipment in pulp-making process & pulp —~ paper Qua trinh va trang thigt bi ché tao bat gidy, quy tinh ché tao gidy ti bot gidy basic ingredients combined & heated ~> pulp Trdn va dun néng cae nguyén ligu co ban dé tao thanh bat gidy - soft woods, water, chemicals in digester machine -> heat 6 g mém, nudc va cdc chat héa hoc vao may nghién bét gidy r6i dun néng pulp ~ paper: 4- stage process C6 bén giai doan dé bot giy trd thanh gidy - screen: spread pulp Trai bot gidy lan mot mat phang min = drying rollers: remove all moisture Bua qua céc con lan sdy nham logit bd hai 2m trong bét gidy iron: make it smooth La phang gidy — reel: paper rolled up Cusn gidy vao guéng 130 HACKERS IELTS WRITING i | Gidi thigu cha dé The first diagram shows @_ and the second diagram indicates @, $80 46 du tién cho thay trang thst bi duge st dung va qué tinh ché to b6t gldy, so a6 thi hal miu t8 quy trinh ché tao gidy ti bét gidy. Dac trung téng quat va dac diém chi tiét ting giai doan cla so d6 14 According to the first diagram, it is clear that @ . The process begins @, . Following this, the machine expels the final product, which is pulp. “Theo sd dé déu tian, 6 thé thay rng a8 ché tao ra bot gidy, ngudl ta tegn ba nguyen ligu co ban ‘véi nhau, lam néng va ché bign 48 tao ra bét gidy. Qua tinh ché tgo bat dau bang vige tron 20% 95 mm, 40% nldc va 40% cdc chat héa hoc rdi dua hén hgp vao may nghién bot giy, sau d6 dun néng. May nghién bét gidy s8 cho ra bét gidy thanh phdm. Dac trung téng quat va dac diém chi tiét ting giai doan cia so dé 2 In the second diagram, apparent that © . The first step is to spread the pulp across a fine screen. Atter this, © : It then goes through an iron, which makes it smooth. In the final step of this process, ®, ya vao sd 6 thit hai, o6 thé thdy ring bét gidy cAn tri qua 4 giai dogn aé trd thanh gidy. bude dau tién, b6t gidy duge trai déu tren mat phang min. Sau 46, dé loai bd hoan toan hai nude trong hén h¢p, bét gidy duge dua qua h@ théng cae con lan sy khs. Tiép theo, b6t sidy duge dua qua may ta a8 lam phiing bé mat. 6 bude cudi cing, 18 giéy ho&n thign duge cus ln guéng lé. "Dann hat phat cust a soat li bal viét diva vao Tiéu cht chlnh sta ba viet (891) tam xong bai, thi nh gi va cdi thign 68 vigt dua va Tiéu chi ty chém aiém (344) ‘Bap dn mu va gil thich: Xem dap &n inh kém (1-381) “saukt TASK 1 06 Dang Diagram 131 aya quo wn ff NILUM SITE SHENOVH- 30: NEO Doc ky dé bai duéi day dé viét dan bai, sau dé dya vao dan bai dé viét bai bdo cdo hoan chinh. 0 l The diagram below shows the process of plastic bottle production. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. iq Write at least 150 words. Plastic bottle production process ‘melt mould needle | = = preform | @||> im extruder machine g inject with pressurized air tq 7 F > | plastic bottle (2) Dan bai the process of plastic bottle production 6 stages: extruder M.: mould: finished product: 132 HACKERS IELTS WRITING Giéi thigu cha dé Dac trung téng quat Dac diém chi tiét *Dant hal pit cudi a sost lib vigtdya vito Tidu ety chinh sila bai vig (.981) “Sau Khim xong bal tht nh gid va Si thign bal viét va vao Tu eh ty ei oidm (4-244) ‘Bap an mu va gl thich: Xem dép dn din kbm (382) TASK 1 06 Dang Diagram 133 ‘UUM STL SHBNOVH- 30 ONO OHO AU wt

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